verseno · 2 years
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turbobyakuren · 2 years
You: Miqote Urianger.
Me: Urinyanger.
Kal is now Urinyanger
It's all so clear now... Oh my god... It was there from the beginning....
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radnewworld · 2 years
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Fox-Crab speaks truth.
Suggestions! To the other department:
Your dumbasses have fucked up: “Unfortunately, I have to report that TASK wasn’t completed in a satisfactory manner. Please correct it at your earliest convenience. If you need to realign expectations, please email or call me.”
Your shit is late and the boss is breathing down my neck about it!: “Just following up on TASK. We had expected it to be completed on DATE but haven’t heard from you. Are there unforeseen complications? Please let me know when to expect TASK.”
I hate everything about you and your error causes me pain: “going forward, I would prefer if you...”
I emailed that to you last week, you miserable sack fo stupid: forward them the email again and add, “Here is the requested email. If you didn’t receive it, please contact IT for support.”
Bonus time! To the boss when...
The other department didn’t do their fucking job: “unfortunately, DEPARTMENT didn’t complete TASK, which is preventing me from doing whatever.”
The other department is lying their stupid asses off about us: “There seems to have been a breakdown in communication between us and DEPARTMENT regarding TASK’S scope/timetable/whatever.”
The other department fucked up enormously: “I am unsure of what procedures DEPARTMENT is utilizing for TASK or if there was a miscommunication, but their results aren’t meeting expectations for PROJECT.”
The other department isn’t answering their fucking phone!: “I have had some difficulties reaching DEPARTMENT and we have a time-sensitive matter.”
And for a truly advanced study...
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fox-poke-fanatic · 1 year
I am a master of Foxmancy. I control all the foxes by giving them treats and pats and hugs and kisses.
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livelyshrine · 9 months
Something I’ve noticed about Aya in recent works is that she seems a bit more willing to admit some level of fault, but still has a lot of pride in herself and the Tengu as a whole, despite her misgivings about Tengu society.
She runs a tabloid rag, but you get the feeling she sorta believes her own bullshit and that her insane perceptions of things are the truth
I think a lot of her recent change and willingness to be a bit more objective ultimately has Hecatia to thank. Bending the truth for scandals is one thing, finding out you’re possibly being used by the Lunarians (who don’t have particularly altruistic plans for Gensokyo) is another. I think that’s one thing that really shook her, more than she may even be aware of.
She’s more willing to try to hold others accountable for their actions, and finding that she has no hope of exposing the corruption in Tengu society clearly frustrates her in Lotus Eaters. But she also goes into extreme serious mode when the Tengu are falsely blamed for problems they didn’t cause.
She seems like she’s starting to become more the sort to want to make sure the true culprits for any problem face the consequences, even if it means selling out her own kind.
But finding out that the highest ranking crow Tengu has absolutely no plans to let their own dirt be exposed seems to have ALSO shaken her up.
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I made another post about Aya’s world view on my personal (Foxmancer) awhile back. Some of my takes on her character have changed a little since then, of course. Birds are fluid as should be your opinions on them.
The heart of the matter is that: A goth woman who dresses her Greek subordinate in the American flag to piss off her girlfriend’s enemies verbally slaughtered Aya Shameimaru on such a fundamental level that it seems to have had a profound effect on her approaches to journalism. She still is a sensationalist (look at how she reported on the Buddhists) but she’s not one to act as if the tengu’s shit doesn’t stink.
It’s wild how much character growth she’s had from LoLK onward if you really look for it.
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twinfoxtails · 2 years
is that fucker kyle/crabmancer/foxmancer still in this community?
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boobiemom · 4 years
So! Random question time: I’ve seen both opinions, do you like or hate Final Wars? I think it’s kinda silly but a lot of fun.
There is absolutely nothing about Final Wars that I dislike, honestly. It has literally everything the Gojira franchise has to offer all jam-packed into a single movie, combined with goofy and fun Toku Sentai entertainment, with lots of classic monsters.
If there is anything I’d “complain” about, it’s that I wish King Shisa was a more liked monster and got more love overall. I want him to come back properly. Also there’s a cut sequence from Final Wars involving Hedorah, which I wish they kept in.
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eski-creature · 4 years
I’m gonna ask a few Arknights boys and I want your opinions on them, to see how our taste correlates: Hung, Sesa, Broca, and the ultimate Husbando Emperor
Emperor best man in the whole game. Who can say no to an immortal penguin who has his own multimedia empire and is part of a mob? 
From favorites to least based on personal tastes: Broca - Sesa - Hung
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ryo-maybe · 4 years
I’ve been reading a comic series called “Monstress” on and off that’s pretty cool. Or at least I dig the artstyle. I’m not super far in, but I’d say it’s worth looking into when you have free time to dabble in it.
Ooh yeah, I remember picking it up years ago after someone else recommended it! The artstyle’s very nice indeed, though I think I wasn’t particularly taken by the writing, hence why I ended up dropping it.
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verseno · 2 years
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The fact it has like.... 8 different archetypes present is kinda wild even if some make a brief appearance.
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turbobyakuren · 2 years
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@foxmancer he collapsed during his introduction cutscene NOT because he was tired from the voyage BUT because he was preparing himself from back hurty from carrying the story that was going to come
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radnewworld · 3 years
@foxmancer is the worst sort of degenerate.
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boobiemom · 4 years
Whenever I tell someone that I really like Godzilla and they pull the “but it’s just a guy in a suit” I’m just “Yes, of course, as opposed to the naturally occurring wild giant angry reptiles they could have hired for the part.
It’s like they forget that practical effects are a thing, especially in the movies that take were made in the 50s through the 80s.
Also! Guy in a suit doesn’t stop it from being fun.
Not only that but practical effects honestly make it so much more fun because of how much literal life is brought to the character.
Hell, Monsterverse Goji and Ghidorah were all mocapped, as was Shin purely because it’d be wrong to NOT do that. People who shit talk on “just a guy in a suit” do not understand how much actual effort goes into that tbh. 
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eski-creature · 4 years
Courier Lover Solidarity
Amen to that. 
Still use him as one of my Vanguards to this day. 
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ryo-maybe · 4 years
foxmancer ha risposto alla tua foto: Ever since I set Waver in my Supports I’ve been...
Which category does Cat fall into?
Both. She’s not my brand of funny and her last ascension somehow manages to look out of place in a Type-Moon work of all things
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verseno · 4 years
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