#fr tho this fight had me bawling
roaldseth · 1 year
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Octopath 2 OTP : Osvald × his Golem Wife
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chococats · 5 months
muv luv alternative reflect
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start date: 2/12/24
end date: 4/14/24
~~~ spoilers 👻 ~~~
first thought on the story: before i even started i was so ready like i told everyone n their mamas abt how i was going to start this epic 😐. i was expecting A LOT bc not only is it regarded so highly by vn fans but also bc it left me with a slew of questions from the first game.. likee what was the relation of kasumi and sumika? was takeru going to fr survive this n if he DID is he going to go back to his original world? WHAT made him shift into this fucket up world in the first place? WHAT exactly are the BETA and why are they doing thissss😭😭 AND! IS takeru destined to suffer forever? Why?!
But now that ive finished it all.. wtf 😭 its honestly genius. a narrative that uses its medium and genre in the fullest sense!!! despite some of its outdatedness + my frustration with the protag the STORY TELLING is what kept me going. from the themes to the characters to the world building it was all so well done 😭 and its done in a way where it is satisfying to follow especially if you like to puzzle n piece things together. what interested me the most tho was the world building!! AND HOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE.. the game took all of the cliches and mechanics it represented as a dating sim n flipped them all in its favor to tell a crazy epic cohesive multi dimensional scifi tale.. WTF.
as a novel and a game it did its job beautifully.. AND even tho SOME arcs PISSED ME OFF n SOME scenes left me scowling at what i was dealing with (bc My god,! You will deal with the shit!) i kept coming back with genuine intrigue humm
my first initial thought once i was done was 'that was a LOT' bc My goodness what a fckin rollercoaster.. ONE that seemed to only plummet DOWN. As for my second thought..? 'at least we overcame.' and u know what. So true. To this i say Congratulations âge. I was unfamiliar with ur game.
prediction of the end: i honestly did not know what to expect for the end i just wanted my questions answered LOL! but when i got there it left me feeling both hollow and full.. it was heartbreaking..! BUT also cathartic?! cuz i cried like a bitch. bc. My gosh 😭😭😭😭😭😭 its some serious whiplash stored in those last 2ish hours in the game. it was worth seeing all of it tie together tho bc in the end it left u with a glimmer of hope for the future.. even though it is so so dim, its still there.. which was the kind of ending i need during these times
PLUS they played this song at the end like why would u do that. shit had me bawling fr. we used to be so happy hearing this. now it is a bit bittersweet and nostalgic.. like a memory
what scared you most: the capabilities of the BETA most definitely r u kidding me. every single battle seemed more n more hopeless 😭 every step that was taken to help humanity had high stakes. there was no way anything was going to be done without irreparable damage n loss. it constantly felt like a losing battle watching humanity try to survive and still have the heart to fight. but what TRULY disturbed me was sumikas relationship with the BETA and how they decided to tackle it. THAT shit had me pause the game for a hot min bcuz seriously? HONESTLY? it was overkill. beating a dead horse😭 they did not have to show me all of that N whats worse is that they HAD to drag it out. LIKE WE GET IT. WE GOT IT BEFORE IT WAS EVEN FULLY REVEALED WITH CONTEXT CLUES.. U did not have to dedicate a whole 30/45 mins revisiting her trauma in such detail 😭😭😭 so unnecessary my god.
even though the BETA are (by far) one of the most terrifying enemies that ive encountered in a story i want to know more about them.. the ending of alternative mightve answered most of my questions but it also left me having more bc its interesting on how the BETA operate. but there is also like an infinite amount of them i dont even know how anyon could keep up with that.. truly humanity has it BAD.
favorite character(s): meiya = sumika > kasumi = yuuko > ayamine >>>> the rest of the queens in the valkyrie squad (including marimo. excluding kashiwagi) >> tsukoyomi > takeru >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kashiwagi.
i straight up i do not like kashiwagi LMFAOOO like i do not like her yall..
anyone else not listed i just didnt gaf..
meiya and kasumi rlly shined in alternative for me tho <3
of course so did sumika but thats bcuz i was always biased towards her LOL. however she didnt leave a huge impression on me in this story when it came to the romance between her n takeru which is crazy bc in extra i was full #teamsumika. cuz takeru n sumika been living side by side since childhood n now this random girl (meiya) shows up n she doesnt even explain her relation to takeru but she declared that shes going to marry him like fr who are u?! BUT! even tho i was team sumika, in the end (when truths were fully revealed), my feelings were a bit swayed towards meiyas favor!
its interesting bc in alternative it was like meiya n sumika switched places bc i was more partial to wanting meiya to be with takeru for the majority of the story (!) which is so funny considering how ride n die i was for sumika at the very beginning.. of course id rather have takeru have no baes at all bcuz his character is just so inconceivably dense at times (#TakeruOUT) but i felt that their relationship had more sustenance.. i believe its because meiya and sumika flipped roles where sumika is now the random 'newcomer' instead of meiya. n also bc i spent more time with meiya in unlimited.. BUT just like how i was with meiya in extra, in alternative when truths were once again revealed at the end my feelings were swayed towards sumikas favor LMFAOO
its just tht they are both so well written and humane and so so sweet and deserving. i really love them both therefore i have decided that there is no more #TEAMSUMIKA or #TEAMMEIYA anymore. ive ended the civil war. they are both equally beautiful and i want them to be best friends forever!
AS for the protagonist. Takeru. my god man 😭 talk about change. he STILL was so ridiculous at times but even then he STILL managed to mature. proof that anythings possible. I guess. And after spending over like 60 smthing hours with him n experiencing his crazy ass situation i have been able to witness and appreciate his growth ... U know what takeru. U alright............................... I guess
favorite quote: I dont even know if i have a favorite quote there was so much covered and so many great quotes in this.. if i HAD to pick tho its probably this awesome reminder:
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instead of memorizing quotes im thinking of moments.. like when kasumi and sumika speak about their connection.. or when captain isumi gave takeru that pep talk before operation 21st.. OR WHEN sumika told takeru that in every universe she loves him and him saying that he feels likewise.. kyaa.. and u KNOW they MEANT THAT SHIT THRU AND THRU! its beautiful. im still praying for her tho.
rating for the whole book: despite all that it put me through this story left me a lot of food for thought. some moments moved me in ways so honest that it left me speechless while also giving me questions in its wake.. it took me a while to finish bc it had me stop n think about life and CHOICE multiple times in the realest sense omfg. it had me think of the serious unruliness of life n how do we navigate it when the universe decides to do whatverr the fuck it wants to do.. how much of our fate can we really control... AND when all seems hopeless how do we manage to find the will to continue on.. !? it all varies from person to person but ist deep shit. Very inspiring.. AND bc of how satisfying n thought provoking it was im giving it a 5/5. OKAYY
i def plan on revisiting the trilogy in the future and see if my first thoughts still ring true.. i also will be on the look out for details and hints when i comb thru it all again. but this first read was worth it and now that i finished i kinda feel empty LMFAO. i wish for more people to read it n talk about it so i can get on my soapbox n pick it apart. 🤦‍♂️
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HCs of Bruno's gang falling in love with a fem teammate who saved their life, please! (Welcome to the community ❤❤❤❤)
As always, than ya for the warm welcome, dear! Now let us continue.
-This gorgeous fallen angel brought him back from the fuckin brink you can bet yer ass he’s gonna do everything in his gotdamn power to repay her and then some.
- Like, are you in trouble during battle? Zip zip bitch now you’ve been teleported to a nearby hiding place to recover. Are you extensively injured after a fight? Swoop swoop he’s carrying you to the ER.
- Don’t even try to protest against it he’ll just quietly sush you then give ya a lil smoochy-smooch and then take you to cuddle or somethin.
- “Wtf why’d you do that I had it under control.” “Abba you were shot five times.” 
- Starts really showing concern for her well being during missions tho. He WILL NOT let her do inspections of suspicious activity. (“Hmm what’s going on with this pressure valve? Lemme take a closer look.” “NO YOU GET YOUR ASS RIGHT BACK HERE BY ME. Have Giorno do it.”)
- If she says something about it he’ll be all like “What? The hell you talking about? I’m not protective I just don’t wanna clean up the mess if you die. butiloveyoupleasedon’tdoanythingstupidok.”
- “Oh dear Lord above thank you for creating this gorgeous being that has saved my life I’d do fucking anything for her.”
- Not only does he become incredibly protective, but he also practically starts to wait on her hand and foot. (“Oh I’m getting kinda thirsty I think I’ll grab some water fr-” And he immediately just like fuckin makes a mad dash for the kitchen. “Tap or filter, principessa? Would you like ice or a dash of lemon? OH SHIT WAIT WE DON’T HAVE LEMONS! DON’T WORRY, I’LL GO OUT AND GRAB SOME, CARO!”)
- Protest? He’ll either just ignore it or just - put a finger on her lips and be like “I’d fucking die for you amore.” With a smile on his lips.
- “Oh my god. OHGMY G o D YO Ur’e a fUCkInG SAI N T? WhaT d  iiiiD  I dO     tO DeseRVE YOU?”
- Starts hanging around her A LOT more. Very close. Very attached. Like, attached at the hip kinda close. Always happy to see her and practically starts bawling if she goes on a mission without her, with the typical leg grabbing. She has to drag him for like a good thirty feet or so before he lets go. (”Y-you better come back a-alive or-or! Or no kisses for a week!” “Narancia I can’t kiss you at all if I’m dead.” “Don’t remind meeeeeeee!!!”)
- He’ll basically insist on paying whenever you go out. Even sometimes suggests going to the more expensive places. (“Hey you wanna go out and get some gelato with me?” “Oh yeah sure! Which place!” “That one downtown with the cool designs on the windows!” “...Doesn’t that place charge like, 10,000 lire for a single scoop?” “Yeah but don’t worry I’m paying!”)
- “Why do I feel so weird about this? We’re in the mafia, we save each others’ lives all the time...”
- Doesn’t change so much in outward behavior as his thoughts. He imagines what kissing her would be like, thinks about them watching the stars from the roof, that kinda stuff. But he will subconsciously become more affectionate. More subtle touches here and there, hugs last longer, etc.
- It takes him a while to tell her how he’s feeling, and when he does, he flounders about it BIG TIME. But he’s hella sweet about it and gets flowers and all that.
- “That was... so sweet of her... to do that for me... but why did she do it?”
- He observes her more. Watches and analyzes each of her actions. Provides through this he can pinpoint how she’s feeling and act accordingly to make her as happy as he possibly can. Makes lots of animal friends for her.
- A very affectionate boy. Huggles, smooches, hand holding are all to be expected both in private and public. He becomes very VERY protective of her. And will do whatever possible to enact justice if someone hurts her.
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riskeith · 4 years
the second part is where we meet diluc and venti!! i love them both so much and i’m so sad that we can’t unlock them through the story and can only get them by gacha.. :/ i’m seriously considering spending money on the game because ahh... rly want them. plus their fighting styles are awesome. have you spent money on the game?
and yeah you’re right. most of rpg games are like this. you just have to play it in your own way because they’re HUGE. there’s always something to do and to achieve even when you don’t play the main story. but WOW you’re so far!! good luck on your grinding. nothing hurts more than having to defeat a monster but they murder your entire team in like... a second haha. 😖 it’s seriously scary. also literally same !!!!!! some weapons or artifacts are just pretty you just want them in the game sjsjfjjfjdk same goes for team members.
YEAH. tbh i wish we had more gifs just to see them move around but hey. i’m not complaining at all. man us talking about it is really making me wanna reread it. don’t you feel so too? it’s been a while now 🥺
omgggg awww... you sound so good at it. is there any reason why you quit? (sorry if it’s personal you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to) but yes ballet is incredible it takes so much power and gracefulness to dance it. and it’s so beautiful too!! easily my favorite dancing style tbh.
yes soocer but as a european i’m not supposed to say the s-word shsjdj. i mean i was a bit! it was mostly for fun with my friends. soocer is rly big here so literally everybody plays when they’re younger during recess and stuff. i think i’m rly bad at it now that i’m older though haha.
ooo? i’m the opposite. i’m a very early riser (usually wake up around 7-8 even on breaks) but these past days my brother has been wanting to hang out with me to watch movies so i’ve been staying up late and it’s so rough. i just love mornings and the crispness of the morning air haha. also same, i just get much more done during mornings/noon time. reading fics at night is like... the best though so i slip sometimes too. there’s something so magical about it. yk when you find the perfect one and you just read and read and suddenly it’s like 2 am and you’re just sitting there like Wow.
you better get some rest cluna!! 😡 xx
hey hey!!
ooooh i see! and ikr :(( i wish we could get them for free too but they’re 5 star characters so hfdksjf omg no be careful.. don’t fall into the gacha hole!! and no, i haven’t spent any money on the game! my philosophy is that i never spend any real money on games and make in-game purchases fkshkfjsd. (also in case you didn’t know, you can’t currently obtain venti from gacha! he was a limited time chara and his banner has finished, but he may (idk) come back in the future sometime~)
thank!! ngl i’m lowkey lazy/hate combat so grinding isn’t even fun to me fkjshfs i just wanna progress doing as little things as possible lmaooooooo. and YEAHHHH whenever that happens i’m just [esc] > [go to statue of the seven] > [heal] > [close game] i can try again another day fhsdkjfs. yessss i used to have the characters’ weapons match their colour aesthetic but i had to change them around to maximise their stats and i was so sad :( nothing matches anymore :( fsdhfjsd
yes!! i used to reread a couple of chapters every few months but i don’t think i’ve actually done that at all this year omgggg. i do wanna do a proper read with my physical book some time tho! experience it in my hands 😩
no it’s fine to ask! i quit to concentrate more on school FHDSKFJS i was entering my final years of high school which means subjects and exams that’ll contribute to my uni entry score so yeah i stopped pretty much all extra curriculars so i could focus on study. ballet is SO beautiful! the dancers look so effortless and like they’re floating but the amount of muscle strength they need... admirable af
s-word FDSKJFHSKDJ. oooh nice! wow recess.. i haven’t heard that word since last year fdskhfkjs those were the good ol’ days 😭😭 back in primary school there was always a group on the oval playing soccer too! but i never joined ahah
omg that is insane.. how do you even?? do that??? wow. aw that’s cute tho! what kinda movies have you been watching? do you struggle to stay up during them and do that head nod blinking falling asleep thing XD the crisp morning air.. that’s probably too cold for me fdhsfkjs but probably very healing too! is the air is sweden very nice?  
and yep!! or when you’re so immersed in the fic and you’re just bawling into your pillow but from an outsider’s POV it’s just you in the dark with your phone shining brightly hfskd. some fics are better than published books are there fr!! and it’s so amazing we get it for free 🥺
MAKE ME 🤪 jk i will try!! xoxo can’t wait to hear back from uuuuu 
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