hes-a-rat-whisperer · 5 months
Alistair´s earfins pinned back at the question and it´s implications.
he looked away for a bit, thoroughly thinking over his answer.
"well clearly I would marry Ceb, there is no question." he said, his cheeks getting pink. "I only recently learned of this human concept called ´marriage´..Ceb being the one who told me about it..it is quite silly really, as are most of their peculiar rituals! however..if Ceb were to express the desire to hold a festive ritual in honor of our bond..I definitely wouldn´t decline.."
he crossed his arms as he considered the other two options.
"well, between a guy I have just met in imprisonment and a guy who provided me with shelter during my time with legs.." he took a few more seconds to think, before flashing a big smile that showed his many rows of sharp fangs. "I would kill felonious." he said. "that one remaining eye of his would be a wonderful throphy and a delightful snack for my Cebby, I am sure.." he suddenly growled as he finished that thought. "but I can´t. Ceb, for whatever reason, thinks highly of that guy. so highly that his demise would undoubtedly cause him great turmoil.." he sighed. "and..well, I suppose he isn´t that bad..just..infuriating..change that option from kill to hurt and I could give a more clear answer"
the last option seemed to have made the boxfish rather uncomfortable, as he hugged himself and swished his boxy tailfin absent mindedly.
"look. the only one I would ever even consider for this kind of act is Ceb. that is a fact." he looked away, already clearly angered by this conversation. "however, if you would change this option from this very intimate act, into a simple..lets say..kiss? then I suppose I could very well have worse options."
before leaving, the mer added with a bright red face
then swam off in a sudden hurry.
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trollhuntersstuff · 2 years
I know it’s early but if y’all wanna send me some Sinday asks I’d be more than happy to answer!!
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hey Früll! what do you think about that gorgeous boxfish? >w>
“He’s definitely adorable!” The large mershark chuckled shyly.
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You are not my hero
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Good!mar since Früll is alive, do you know his mate and kid?
"The Impure knows to keep his head down unless he requests an audience. As for the child..."
Here, the crunch of Gunmar's footsteps in the snow will pause, and he'll glance back over his shoulder at the lock-jawed whelp laying with arms and legs flat behind them, teeth set around the hem of his cloak.
There's a trail in the snow from where he's dragged her this far.
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omalahsocs · 4 years
Früll smirks as he sneaks up behind his gargoyle mate, a cup of coffee in his hand.
"Mornin' babe~." The mountain troll changeling purrs into Kaleb's right ear before ducking his head down a bit to press a quick peck on his cheek. Früll nuzzles his bearded cheek against Kaleb's for a moment before pulling back.
"Sleep well?"
“Well I don’t really remember much of my sleeping. Gargoyles don’t often dream like humans or trolls or changelings do.” Kaleb shrugged a shoulder as he reached for the coffee and took a small sip before passing it back. “But it was restful, if that’s what you mean?”
He reached out gingerly and ran his fingers through Frull’s beard, smirking at the fact that it was getting thicker and longer. “We need to grab you some of that cream to put in your beard, make sure it stays nice and luxurious.”
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kidarthemerciless · 3 years
Yuki would like snacks. so she's gonna stare at kidar with her best impersonation of a starving puppy that was kicked a few times. None can ignore her sad face.
Kidar side eyes Yuki from the break in report filed against the teenage, fleshbag, pimple factory that calls himself the Trollhunter. He's unfazed.
"Yuki sweetheart, you know you're trying to pull one over on a living manipulation. Points for trying, but If you're going to use puppy eyes, use them on someone weak willed. Like my Früll." The cop still reaches into his emergency snack drawer and tosses out a couple twinkies to the little one with a tiny half smirk.
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Früll sneaks behind and lifts Ascuas into a tight hug. "ASCUAS!!!! MY OLD FRIEND! IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU!" He laughs happily before setting her down.
She turns around and smacks him upside the head. "Don't do that!" She then smiles at him. "I miss you too!"
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pawnshopsouls · 4 years
👄 + Kidar and Früll? ;3
‘👄 + character name’ and my muse will say if they find them attractive. || Accepting!
Salem looked up from the flower bed and gave a chuckle.
“Well, Früll is a big, strong guy ‘n’ how he treats Ceb is... well it’s enviable. As for Kidar, I haven’t seen much of him so I can’t really give an opinion on him. Maybe once I get teh know him ‘n’ Früll better I can give a better answer!”
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 7 months
Alistair thoughts on giant man named Früll? He looks like he could snap you in half
"oh please." Alistair said simply, chuckling at that notion. "I have taken down men his size before. believe me, I could handle myself in a fight against him."
he glanced over to the man in question, currently busy happily chatting and laughing with his partners Guinness and Matilda.
a sight that put a small smile on the british vampire´s face.
"but even so, I have no intent to harm him and vice versa. as long as he doesn´t bother me, what reason do I have to raise my knife against him? especially since..he´s yet another person who´s disappearance would greatly affect Ceb.."
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 6 months
a handy dandy shipname list for the babes UwO
PoisonFlower (Ceb/Alistair)
BloodWater (siren!Ceb/Vamp!Alistair)
BloodPetals (Ceb/Vamp!Alistair)
SeaSongs (mer!Ceb/mer!Alistair)
MintChocolate (Ceb/Gosgo)
LuckyClover (Ceb/Guinness)
SeaClovers (Cornelius/Ceb/Cornelia)
ButchersBlade (Felonious/Alistair)
LuckyStrike (Felonious/Guinness)
SweetMeats (Felonious/Gosgo)
BloodyScissors (Alistair/Matilda)
StarStruck (Kidar/Alistair)
CrimsonDevotees (Felonious/Alistair/Ceb)
RedTides (Ceb/Alistair/Früll)
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trollhuntersstuff · 7 months
Früll: *a bean, will give you the shirt off his back, number one supportive husband and wingman. A true bestie*
Also Früll: *will break you in half over a f*cking desk if you say anything bad about his kid*
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trollhuntersstuff · 3 years
What if Früll really was a traitor? What if he actually survived, fooling everyone and faking his death by switching places with another troll he'd bewitched into looking like himself? 
He managed to barely escape his fate with the help of Ewah, a fellow spy. It killed him to leave behind his mate and daughter, Früll had the full intention to come back for them both only to find that Ceban was gone and he'd taken Kovi with him. 
After centuries of searching, he was elated to find his beloved and his baby girl, as well as a son, Früll expected a reunion. Cebby was understanding, intelligent, he would WHY his mate had rebelled against the cruel tyrant of a king. He would know that Früll had never stopped looking for them, that he NEVER abandoned his family during those long agonizing centuries.
But now they WOULD be a family!
… Right?
Ceb only saw a troll. A troll who lied. A troll who's name he suffered for. The person who's supposed death very nearly broke him, and made him want ro curl up and wither away. He turned his back on his tribe for this Traitor. Ceb became a deserter, he put his children's lives at stake, his own life. He went through pain, the anguish, the suffering, the Abuse….
For a traitor…
That was the last straw for Ceb, something inside of him broke. In that instant, there was no more love for Früll. Only the blackest, darkest, of hatred. On that day, Ceb swore he would rip the traitor's heart from his chest and Eat It. 
Früll fled, like the cowardly traitor he was, after Ceb attacked him. While Ceb went to the one troll he would aid him and his children;
Gunmar The Black.
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For people who've been asking what Früll's like to work with him/his personality.
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trollhuntersstuff · 3 years
"Do You…  Know what you did when you left us…?" The question echoes in the near empty room as Früll looks down, away from the searing golden eyes of the smaller changeling in front of him. He can still feel Ceb's eyes staring, boring into him.
"You Killed Me." He flinches at those words, a dull ache fills his core, his hands clench at his sides when he looks up to once more meet Ceb's eyes. He flinches again to find his beloved glaring at him.
"I meant to come back." Früll insists softly, taking a step forward.
"To What exactly?" Ceb takes a step back with a sneer on his freckled face.
"To ashes? To the child You left behind? A mate You left to suffer? The ones You betrayed?" The brunette tilts his head, crossing his arms, his expression now deadpan.
"Really Früll." 
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trollhuntersstuff · 4 years
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Coming back from the dead for thousands of years as a changeling only to discover your wifey's moved on and, hey, you're happy for him, he deserves the world, but at the same time it's the most painful thing you've ever had to witness in your entire existence.
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