#francisco gomez
eziosofia · 7 days
Shout out to leading men in Netflix shows from the early 20th century in nicely tailored suits who live only to simp for the love of their lives, gotta be one of my favourite genders!
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bonobochick · 1 year
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Finally started The Cable Girls via Netflix. 🍿 💻
Enjoying it so far! Lots of drama plus the acting & writing is good.
(Still watching S1, so no spoilers please 🙏🏽)
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bedpolls · 22 days
Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas.
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Please reblog for a larger sample size.
Portrait of Quevedo (c. 1618) by Francisco Pacheco.
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Through the Years → Felipe VI of Spain (2,001/∞) 1 February 2017 | In this handout photo provided by Casa de S.M. el Rey de Espana, King Felipe of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain receive President of Germany, Joachim Gauck, and his partner Daniela Schadt at the Zarzuela Palace in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Francisco Gomez/Casa de S.M. el Rey de Espana via Getty Images)
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murdrballad · 1 year
yon gonzalez te amo
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justineportraits · 5 months
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Francisco Ribera Gomez Ambiente de Tentacion 1978
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dance-world · 1 year
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Jaime Francisco Diaz Gomez
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guy60660 · 7 months
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Francisco Gomez de Villaboa | LensCulture
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taminodaily · 1 year
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tamino photographed by francisco gomez de villaboa for schön, 2018
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bearfoottruck · 7 months
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drzito · 5 months
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Los cuerpos de Francisco Gomez de Villaboa.
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The men above were the most important thing to be in sports, and in life: Winners.
Top: Pitcher Lefty Gomez was 6-0 in World Series games.
Bottom: Seen here in his college days, when he reached the NBA, Bill Russell was in 10 Game 7's, and his team, the Boston Celtics, won all 10.
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robpegoraro · 1 year
Weekly output: IFA's Repair Café, Candela's electric hydrofoil, connected-car privacy, Verizon mobile "NaaS," Senate vote fills out FCC
I know it was literally yesterday when I was writing about flying out of Dulles in a few hours. But having just driven back from Boston earlier tonight with a small cargo of heirloom furniture and decor, tomorrow evening I will once again off to IAD. As I did last September, I’m flying to Copenhagen to speak at the TechBBQ startup conference there. But this time I’m not heading home after that…
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ifreakingloveroyals · 4 months
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1 June 2018 | King Felipe VI of Spain receives the President of the Congress of Deputies, Ana Pastor, to communicate the result of the motion of censure against Mariano Rajoy, recently approved by the parliamnet, which will entail the appointment of Socialist Pedro Sanchez as the new Prime Minister of Spain, at the Zarzuela Palace in Madrid, Spain. (c) Francisco Gomez-Pool/Getty Images
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estesicoro · 2 years
The Wounded Mason / El Albañil Herido
Close your eyes. Lie down on a cloud. Any shape is good if the scaffolding engenders scaffolds and the sun is an ambulance sky that oppresses the pupils.
Today your body was the harvest, and even a freshly plastered wall suddenly became an urgent sheet for the life that fades. See? The air flies toward Sunday without foundations or memory of your house, and the indifferent city welcomes your tiredness like one more rotten fruit of its memory.
Sleep, sleep while you fall towards the ground of this sky that is the earth when it feeds on the flower that lights up. In the distance, in a place in the South that is born every night when you return, the edges of the vine leaves already wither with love. And a woman crumbles slowly, like clay, at the center of a house.
Francisco Gómez-Porro (b. 1958)
Cierra los ojos. Recuéstate en una nube. Cualquier forma es buena si los andamios engendran cadalsos y el sol es un cielo de ambulancia que oprime las pupilas.
Hoy tu cuerpo fue la siega, y hasta una pared recién enlucida se convirtió de pronto en una sábana urgente para la vida que se apaga. ¿Ves? El aire vuela hacia el Domingo sin cimientos ni memoria de tu casa, y la ciudad indiferente acoge tu cansancio como un fruto podrido más de su memoria.
Duerme, duerme mientras caes hacia el suelo de este cielo que es la tierra cuando se alimenta de la flor que enciende. A lo lejos, en un lugar del Sur que nace cada noche cuando vuelves, ya se marchitan de amor los bordes de la pámpana. Y una mujer se desmorona lentamente, como arcilla, en el centro de una casa.
Francisco Gómez-Porro (n. 1958)
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