#frankie's not on here cos they're 15 days old.  not long enough 2 have lore
ghoullest · 2 years
backstory for my muses since dossiers are taking my ass a WHILE.  a lot of this is mostly - compliant with g1 lore, but there’s some divergencies.
draculaura — the daughter of camilla, a human resident of romania — her father, gaius, was a roman soldier who was killed in battle before draculaura’s birth.  gaius was the descendent of one of dracula’s servants, and so dracula took camilla in.  draculaura was born not long after, and named to honor the monster who’d saved both their lives.
dracula fell in love with camilla not long after, and the two were to be married.  however, dracula left the castle for a few weeks — in his absence, a plague swept through the town, and the townspeople blamed camilla for cursing them.  when dracula returned, camilla was dead — either to the townspeople or plague, he never tells draculaura — and draculaura, still a very young child, was very sick.  dracula turned her.
the loss of his love drove him to cruelty, and he became more like the stories.  the humans hate and fear monsters, but draculaura couldn’t watch her father terrorize them, after a few hundred years (  and some close calls with humans herself  ) fled, eventually settling at monster high.  
draculaura is technically ‘in hiding’ from him, though he knows where she is.  he disapproves of her refusal to drink from living creatures, her running from home, and her pacifistic nature.  they write very rarely, and it’s always tense.  a few times he’s tried to take her back by force, but she’s always bested him.  once clawd and clawdeen helped.
it’s hard.  she loves him.  there were many wonderful happy times, living with him, both before and after camilla died.  she knows she owes him a great ebt.  and yet...
cleo — cleo was born in egypt to the pharaoh ramses de nile. but when cleo was roughly 16 - 17, there was a coup.  an adviser led ramses and his daughters to underground quarters prepared to house them if they came under attack; the plan was for them to be wrapped in magic cloth that would sustain them until the guards dealt with the danger.  the queen was lost in the chaos, and what remained of the family was put to sleep, expecting to be woken soon.  they didn’t realize that the advisor, most the servants, and even cleo’s own uncle had all turned against them.  the advisor was meant to kill them as they slept; whether it was a mercy that he did not is not something cleo knows.
they woke after 1000 years in the tomb they’d hidden in, unaware of how much time had passed, trapped in pitch blackness — as years passed, all of them went slightly mad.  nefera especially mourned the loss of her future and her mother, and spent most of her time speaking with a flower she’d been given shortly before the coup.  the family realized that as long as they were wrapped in the magical bandages, they would not age, die or starve.
hundreds of years later, an earthquake damaged the tomb and allowed some light in, though none of the family could escape through the narrow hole.  nefera’s flower bloomed into a human being — er, well, a monster being — and, being very small, escaped to find help.  she never did.  an uncountable number of years later — though cleo expects it was likely several hundred, if not over a thousand — the family escaped on their own.
cleo can’t remember if her father was always cruel to her, or if that came with the time in the tomb.  but he’s cruel now; he often berates her and emotionally abuses her, and encourages nefera to do the same.  despite her arrogant attitude, cleo has a very fragile sense of self due to the abuse she suffers at home.
operetta — operetta is a monster born in france, though she’s done most of her growing up in new gorleans on her parent’s housebout.  she’s got a comparatively positive relationship with her surviving parent, her father; though things seem strained, both because he wishes they would be slightly more formal as he is, and because —
“operetta!  your face —” “don’t, it’s —” “who did this to you?” “it hurts...”
they won’t tell him who gave them those scars, and while he doesn’t resent her, his worry is palpable and the secrets force distance.  all he knows is that the scars are far too innate to be an accident.  for a time, he suspected operetta’s friend, fynn, and forbid them from being near one another — even tried to kill him.  she convinced him that they weren’t to blame, after some time, saving their life.
despite the scars on their face and the way their mask sometimes seems to hide them, operetta is a confident monster, tough, fearless, and a bit of a diva, though notably less super - feminine than many of the monsters that surround them.  
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