#frankly I'm shocked I haven't seen fan art of anything like this yet for them
greentrickster · 1 year
Listen, if it’s been established that two men are in the ultimate ‘It’s Complicated’ relationship, and also that one of these men washes his clothes naked in a river at nighttime, what am I supposed to do? Just not include an intensely homoerotic scene where he’s doing this under a full moon and the other guy sees him and is struck by what a beautiful picture he makes like this in a fanfic I’m writing about them? That’s not how fandom works.
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eightdoctor · 1 year
6 & 25 for violence ask game >:)
hueheuheueheue (<- nefarious and evil chuckle)
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
anyone who knew me 4 years ago would be shocked and surprised by me saying this but frankly. docrose shippers. and yes i know i am poking and prodding at the sleeping beast here so for a disclaimer: it's fine. it's a fine ship. it's not really my thing anymore but everyone has their own opinions etc etc this is all in good fun. but i have a reason. and this is it:
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this is the state of the relationships in the eighth doctor tag on ao3. Do You Notice Something? like idk idk im wondering if i can get some content without her perhaps? like nothing against rose or anything she's great but i simply. would like to read about someone else, when i am in the eighth doctor tag. i do not go into the eighth doctor tag looking for rose tyler you see, as rose tyler did not, until recently (i didnt read empire of the wolf cuz the art sucks so maybe he didnt even meet her. who knows) exist in any eighth doctor content. i feel like im going insane. out of all these relationships that are listed (10) a whopping 40% of them are docrose. it's so crazyt to me. like the eighth doctor has soooo much content and less than 1% of it (maybe even 0!!!) features rose. and yet. she is evverywhereeeeeeee. and some of the authors who do eight/rose HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN THE MOVIE OR ENGAGED IN ANY EIGHT CONTENT WHATSOEVER. I'VE SEEN IT. I'VE READ THESE. THE AUTHORS HAVE ADMITTED IT. wahtever
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
you know when people get angry about plotholes or contradicting canons or whatever. i'm sicck of it. if you want something with a solid immutable canon maybe watch something that doesn't heavily involve time travel and also wasnt written over 60 years by multiple different writers with differing opinions. like to me doctor who canon is everything and nothing at all. it's a grocey store where you get to pick and choose what to put in your cart. like idk. maybe go read unnatural history and cry about it guy
ask me something from this so that i may choose violence
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