greentrickster · 1 year
Listen, if it’s been established that two men are in the ultimate ‘It’s Complicated’ relationship, and also that one of these men washes his clothes naked in a river at nighttime, what am I supposed to do? Just not include an intensely homoerotic scene where he’s doing this under a full moon and the other guy sees him and is struck by what a beautiful picture he makes like this in a fanfic I’m writing about them? That’s not how fandom works.
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greentrickster · 1 year
Ever write almost seven hundred words of world-building you really like, only to realize that it’s getting the story entirely off-track and keeping any of it in just won’t work? (deep sigh)
Maybe I’ll be able to add some of it elsewhere, or just put some of it in an author’s note at the end of a relevant chapter...
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greentrickster · 1 year
Snacks for you!
I- I've been blessed! Blessed with snacks! So many tasty snacks! And all things I genuinely like to eat! So many lovely snacks!
(Green Trickster gained +20 to writing power, +20 to joy, +10 to whimsy (maxed))
Thanks for the ask (and the snacks)! <3
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greentrickster · 1 year
In a strange, horrific slap in the face of all that's good and the structural integrity of the universe itself-! ...I'm posting a chapter early in the morning instead of mid-afternoon. Pretty sure the majority of my readers for this fic are ahead of me time-wise anyway, soooo...
Anyway, Hinaichi's here now! Surely nothing will go wrong and no one will be embarrassed or have their naked skin inadvertently revealed to the night sky or anything of the like!
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greentrickster · 1 year
OKAY, so, got the first five chapters of Kantapup written, the next three planned, three in the later/end middle roughed out, the last four mostly written/roughed out, and a handful of ideas for other scenes planned. This AU has been going for six days. It’s over 14k words so far. It’s been interwoven with my previous TVDINT fics. This is the power of trained but uninhibited ADHD.
TL;DR: I have decided to solve the current canon Kannagi angst by playing my ‘Clergy’ card in conjunction with my Nagiri card for the synergy bonus, then activating a spell card to turn Kantarou into a Pomeranian. Finally, I flip my Man-Eater Bug card and use its effect to destroy the ‘Mysterious Creepy Kid’ card, then place the trap card Trap Hole in case my opponent plays ‘Returning Sire.’ I don’t even know if I’ll complete this fic or not but, by god, I’m leaving that nonsense to Bonnoki to sort out, I just need the guys to be safe and happy and reunited and have friends.
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greentrickster · 1 year
...all my TVDINT fics are consolidating into a single, unified setting, and, given what the first one is (some slightly humourous slightly soft M-rated RonaDora fun), what the next four are (Clergy/Bob character studies and interactions), and what the current one I’m writing is (which is me accepting that the only way to fix things after chapter 316 is to turn Kantarou into a Pomeranian, trust me, I’m a professional), it does feel just the tiniest bit absolutely buck-wild.
But I guess that’s the TVDINT setting for you. (shrugs)
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greentrickster · 1 year
What's In A Name?
Kantapup chapter 4 is up!
And this time it'll definitely be all clear communication, smooth sailing, and Kantarou being absolutely besotted with the perfect, kind young man who is Tsujita-san (who has never done a single thing wrong in his life, ever)!
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greentrickster · 1 year
Hiatus announcement, the English-speaking fandom seems to be hibernating for the most part at the moment, which is fair (it's been a few months since any new content), so I think I'm gonna join them as well. (crawls into a coffin and freezes into a solid block of ice)
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greentrickster · 1 year
Chapter 3 - Check Out These Buns!
If I had a nickel for every time the wifi at home has gone down for the day before I can update Kantapup I'd have two nickels. Which isn't much, but it's weird that it happened twice (and annoying that it happened two weeks in a row).
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greentrickster · 1 year
Another night in Shin-Yokohama, another antic, which is how, in his on-going quest to reunite with Tsujita-san after that night helping out Tsujita-san's manga-ka friend, Kantarou has somehow found himself in the form of a small fluffy dog. Not ideal, but perhaps a blessing in disguise, because this might just be his chance to finally find his absolute best friend in the entire world and patch things up between them! And absolutely no secrets or inconvenient truths or delusions will come to light while he's doing this, at all! Definitely.
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greentrickster · 1 year
Oh hey, Nagiri's arrived in the fic! Time to begin a tale of perfect communication and Kantarou understanding exactly what's going on at all times, same as always, hooray!
...okay maybe only the Nagiri bit's true, but hey, Nagiri's here, hooray!
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