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neutrallyobsessed · 11 months
i really like your narumayo and kayworth content but i wanted to know your opinion on a cool m/f ship that i think you'd like... FRANSEB (aka yumimei in japanese version), it's basically seb x franziska ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ
(dear anon im glad you specified about it being m/f lel, u know how tumblr is xdd)
Why yes, I enjoy yumimei very much~~! It ends up ranking second 'cause Justine is right there and Blackquill seems more like Fran, but it is a really sweet ship that deserves more attention
Something that irks me tho, is that most ppl ship it because they could bond over ""their abusive fathers"" but like- i dont subscribe to that headcanons... like at alllllll lmao, and lest forget that Blaise has met little Franziska so the possibilities of them acquantied from very young is totally possible
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A cute little crush can arise from Seb when she helps him out and from Fran being moved by his silliness x3
And then seeing how he grew up to such handsome young man OwO
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And i also did this one on the beach for le fanservice (or franseb-vice if u will :v) and yeah, the cishet version def needs even MORE attention lolol
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Anyways, sorry for any delay! But if yo ass inspires art, then I'll take my sweet time ;p
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revui · 2 years
look at my ship boy
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7clubs · 2 years
Would LOVE to hear about the Franseb baby
ill be real she's a work in progress. and she's literally just a baby in my head i don't think about her as an older kid w/ a personality yet. i just went "ok she MUST have the light bluish hair color + seb's fluffy texture so her hair is basically a cloud."
doesn't have a name yet though I'm leaning towards Lyra from the constellation bc I like celestial names and it doubles as an instrument.
i think fran found out about having her during a long-ish trip back to germany lmao (bc by then I feel she'd have moved home base to Cali w/ Seb and Miles both working there) but still returned to Europe regularly. got a check-up right away of course but only told Miles and had him pick her up for her early flight home. and then surprised seb at the office. ^_^
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neutrallyobsessed · 9 months
Outside of Justine, who do you think would be an ideal partner for Sebastian?
ya know how bitches who ship hgsb ignore that that friend group has 3 girls?? well that
Robin could be my fav, i think they have a similar and complementary energy +she does want to be a prosecutor (unlike kay who is unclear)
Followed by Juniper, probably Justine gives her classes and Sebas meets her there and develops a lil crush uwu~~
And of course Myriam, mostly because they sound really fun... Hugh might be forklift certified but i hc Myr to have a huge as crane, courtesy of her grandad Pete Scuttlebutt (teehee tugs reference :3)
cishet!franseb also vibes as you may know, and i guess Athena? hmm
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7clubs · 2 years
i have never thought of franseb before but i've got to say you definitely have my attention now! do elaborate
TL;DR: You have two similarly aged youth with so much room to grow, who have a lot in common in terms of family trauma and are mirrors but are simultaneously very different personality-wise, which is SUPER SUPER fun. Similar base appeal here as Fran/maya: silly and serious. Opposites attract, except they're also the same.
Franziska's view of Seb quickly grew from disrespect to seeing them as a mirror of her and perhaps an equal. There is so much opportunity for that to develop into a deep friendship during the 7 year gap, and for them to do a lot of healing together as two who would relate to each other a lot but crucially have different perspectives.
Sebastian is imperfection, is becoming stronger from making mistakes and learning from them. Franziska is perfection, and becoming stronger in realizing it isn't everything.
(Gender stuff and more details under the cut whee)
First of all to get this out of the way. I think most of this part of the fandom agrees that Fran is a huge lesbian and I've hc'd her such pretty much as long as I known I've been into women (2013?) I think this is a big reason why people don't even consider sebfran within the blip of possibility.
It just so happened that a few years ago, before I ever once thought about the parallels between the two of them, before i even had a single thought about them being friends, I started HC'ing seb as a non-binary trans girl. Seb is a magnet for trans HCs, because literally any story about defying your parent's expectations is really really fucking good for that and also they're incredibly Gender.
But I think most people go with transmasc (where they're already presenting as such in canon) which is really understandable and still an epic hc, but I've always found it really compelling for her to realize she's trans after the events of AAI2. Blooming beyond the shadow of her father.
Basically I accidentally put myself into a position where I (big lesbian) could become really, really invested in these two once the dominos fell and I connected the dots. And I did, once I really got into AA again last year, since these two have always been really high up in my favs list and AAI2 is my absolute favorite game. I realized how much they had in common.
(Obviously you don't have to hc Fran as a lesbian and Seb as transfem and you can still ship these two. It's just that I'm a big lesbian and I like weird women in love, so snooty mean girl x ALSO snooty silly girl is a really. really good combination and boosts this ship up for me, especially once you make them sapphics in cool law suits. soooo gnc so true <33)
I THINK if you like Fran/Maya then you're gonna understand a lot of what I like in YumiMei already: they have a lot in common in terms of twisted family histories and expectations, but their actual personalities are VERY different. Which is a really awesome tried and tested recipe for a REALLY GOOD dynamic.
There's a really solid foundation at the end of AAI2 for these two to become amazing friends. Franziska outright makes a comparison to her experiences with MVK with Sebastian's experience with Blaise. She was very impatient and rude to them at first, yes, but quickly realized that they're mirrors.
At the end of AAI2, Franziska establishes the respect she has for Seb by returning care of Roland's trial to them and watching them on. Same with the credits: she knows they'll be tested, just like her.
They're not necessarily at the same stage of their law career, yeah, Seb is a rookie and Franziska is a freak who has been doing this since 13. But I feel that they stand as equals. (That said, yeah, I'm not super comfortable with them getting together until late 7yg and beyond, when Seb's already an established professional and Also, you know, Knows She's A Girl Now.)
Both of them are grieving the fallen images of their fathers. Both of them have felt that there was a time when they had no one else on their side, with Sebastian being disowned and Franziska dealing with both her father's death and her brother's disappearance. Both of them, for a time, struggled wondering whether they should keep doing the work they do. Throwing away the whip, running from the prosecutor's path.
Veering more into headcanon territory; since they're both closely tied to Edgeworth, it's very easy for them to keep in touch after AAI2/during the 7yg. Franziska puts up a facade of being mean and aloof, but she's an inherently caring person and I think she'd look out for Seb. I think from there they could start talking.
I feel like Franziska is a very guarded and emotionally constipated person and she struggles a lot opening up to someone who's known her her whole life, like Edgeworth. (in general, the vk siblings are just Very Bad at being open with eachother.) I think it's important to remember at this point, despite her accomplishments, that she's barely an adult and I think it helps a lot to have someone close to her age as a new friend and peer without all that baggage.
Sebastian on the other hand is someone who just... has their heart on their sleeve. an Open book. emotional and gutsy if they have to be. And in that final logic chess you can see that they understand the importance of listening to someone.
Anyway yeah. they become rant buddies. they talk about their messed up fathers with each other and the complicated relationship they have with the work they've both devoted their lives to and they just get it and are a shoulder to lean on. they develop a rich, deep friendship over the 7yg and teach each other what they know. and this is important to me: yes, Franziska teaches Seb some of the tools of the trade, how to be a better prosecutor, just as a courtesy bc they're friends. but Sebastian also teaches her a lot in turn, about life. About picking yourself up after all your mistakes. I like genuinely think because of more connections and openness, Seb winds up with a bit more emotional maturity. Franziska doesn't need to be perfect in front of them. So they both can be their truer selves.
And that's the main thing really. I think they just become the best of friends. Before romance, before anything else. Seven years of contemplative nights at the office and mutual support. From there, love is just like breathing.
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