#today however i am feeling more light so maybe i can start to orginize myself
neutrallyobsessed · 11 months
i really like your narumayo and kayworth content but i wanted to know your opinion on a cool m/f ship that i think you'd like... FRANSEB (aka yumimei in japanese version), it's basically seb x franziska ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ
(dear anon im glad you specified about it being m/f lel, u know how tumblr is xdd)
Why yes, I enjoy yumimei very much~~! It ends up ranking second 'cause Justine is right there and Blackquill seems more like Fran, but it is a really sweet ship that deserves more attention
Something that irks me tho, is that most ppl ship it because they could bond over ""their abusive fathers"" but like- i dont subscribe to that headcanons... like at alllllll lmao, and lest forget that Blaise has met little Franziska so the possibilities of them acquantied from very young is totally possible
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A cute little crush can arise from Seb when she helps him out and from Fran being moved by his silliness x3
And then seeing how he grew up to such handsome young man OwO
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And i also did this one on the beach for le fanservice (or franseb-vice if u will :v) and yeah, the cishet version def needs even MORE attention lolol
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Anyways, sorry for any delay! But if yo ass inspires art, then I'll take my sweet time ;p
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sowerrr · 10 months
The ‘cocooning’: A new clothing brand’s orgin story.
TW: depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation.
Hello! Hope you are having a great day. If you’re new, my name is Kennedy Harris, and I own the latest fashion brand: SOWER. In today’s article, I will discuss how the ‘cocooning’ was my most significant catalyst for starting SOWER. I will strive to answer questions like “What does SOWER mean?” “Did you even like fashion before the ‘cocooning’?” “What is the ‘cocooning,’ and why does it even matter to the brand’s creation?” So buckle up, get your tissues ready, and put on your blue light glasses, because this is gonna be an emotional one. Enjoy!
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So now you might be asking: what was so crucial about sixth grade? Well, sixth grade was the first time that school did not come easy to me. I had just finished the best school year of my life (and that opinion still stands as I write to you in the 12th grade), and immediately once I entered middle school, I felt a very negative shift within myself. So many new changes were happening; I was going through some of the most pivotal changes that puberty had to offer, I was being separated from my peers, and, most notably, doing the schoolwork that my teachers gave me was actually hard.
These things led to a steady decline in my grades, and I couldn’t have been more distraught. Admittedly, I’m a bit competitive, so I wanted my grades to be high, and it felt like I was letting myself down. But, what really put the nail in the coffin for me was thinking that I was letting my family down, letting my mom down. And I couldn’t deal with that.
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Anyway, before I knew it, my room was a mess, my sleeping patterns were ridiculous, I was exhausted all the time, and I cried every day after school. I knew that what was happening to me and around me wasn’t normal in the slightest. On top of that, I was also realizing that I didn’t trust anyone to know about this information. I thought that if I told my family how I was feeling, I would be burdening them, and I wouldn’t tell my “friends” because they were all gifted kids and seemed to be able to handle everything.
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As I said before, I try to find ways to fix my problems, especially when I am in a bind and feel like I have no one else to turn to. So the first thing I figured was, “I need to earn money so I can get a therapist. And maybe, just maybe, I can go back to being my old self”. That goal wasn’t strong enough to rid me of my suicidal thoughts, however, and I continued my downward spiral. My grades were getting worse, my relationships were getting worse, my mom was expressing more and more disappointment in me, and I was getting closer and closer to the point of not being able to take it.
But one day, a particularly bad progress report graced my mother’s home screen. I had been lying to her about my grades. I mean, she still knew I was doing poorly, but she didn’t know that I was doing this poorly. And I thought to myself, “This is it; she’s going to give me a spanking.” I had never gotten a spanking before because of my good behavior and grades, and to think that my mother was finally going to give me one, really made me feel like I was a no-good, lowlife scum who was better off gone. I had finally driven the woman who meant most to me to the point of hitting me, of punishing me.
But she didn’t.
She gave me mercy. She believed in me and my ability to pull myself back up. And at that moment, when she told me that, I figured that I could do this, I could live for her. I can live, I should live, because someone actually believes in me. Once that was over, I started to hone in on finding a true purpose for myself instead of just living for my mother. I didn’t find it, however, until about the 7th grade.
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I was still depressed during the seventh grade, so I couldn’t work on it in full force, but bit by bit, I started building a brand around the lemon drawing. I made descriptions for the first collections, I drew up a few sketches, and I could even vividly picture in my head how I wanted everything to go. I chose SOWER because it’s ‘power’ with an ‘s,’ and I thought it would be too on the nose to call the brand ‘sour.’ When the pandemic hit, I started taking SOWER more seriously by drawing up more mockups and establishing characters. Things were really starting to come together. However, the first year or so of me putting more force behind it didn’t bear any fruit. But I hope that this third year is really the charm!
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Welp, that is all from me today! Hope you have a great rest of your day. Sorry, I didn’t get to talk about my new brand mascot today; I promise you that I’ll have all that information in my next article. Stay tuned!
Remember to be kind to yourself and accept yourself for everything you are and may be. Kennedy, signing off!
SUBSCRIBE TO THE EMAIL LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Lasting Embers part26: Feeling
She’s doing it, she’s actually doing it. After years of just resigning herself to the background like the other fan girls he had, Yujin is finally making a move on Lie Tenzen. Her best friend since diapers and crush ever since she was about ten. The moment came for her to finally come up for air and she unfortunately broke off the lip lock. Surprisingly he never retreated from it; he actually leaned into it? Or at least that’s what it seemed like to the girl who’s face was now starting to turn red like her Aunt’s cape. The realization of what she just did slowly sinking in as he stares blankly into her eyes as she covers her mouth in disbelief.
Tenzen:Did you....*red* did you just- *mouth covered*
Yujin:I am so sorry for that! Things were getting emotional, I’m a mess right now, it just seemed appropriate and I-
Tenzen:It’s fine, totally fine hehe. I just wasn’t expecting it at all. Yujin, do you-
Yujin:LET’S NOT OKAY!? I.....I have a lot of things flying through my head right now okay? So uhh, rain check?
Tenzen:*Smiles* Sure thing, rain check it is Jin.
Yujin:Please start talking, I don’t care about what.
Tenzen:R..Right! So uh, feel any better in the slightest?
Yujin:Honestly.....hard to tell. *looks at hands* I definitely don’t feel as anxious but that’s as far as it goes I think. *frowns* I’m still so upset about everything.
Tenzen:Well that’s different.
Yujin:What is?
Tenzen:Admitting your feelings openly. You did it with no real struggle; I count that as progress.
Yujin:Oh, didn’t even notice......I guess you’re right.....
Tenzen:*frowns* You don’t sound too excited or happy about that.
Yujin:Tenzen, do you hate anyone? Like genuinely hate them?
Tenzen:Hmmm *leans back* nah, I don’t think I do. Hasn’t happened yet I suppose.
Yujin:What about the guy who hurt you and your mom.
Tenzen:Oh, that guy....well that’s a weird one. I definitely had no fuzzy feelings for him what’s so ever but I think I was too busy taking in everything that was happening. I was doing a lot of acting and reacting to really notice how o was feeling.
Yujin:Oh.....that doesn’t help much.
Tenzen:Thinking about your mom?
Yujin:*tenses up* It’s just....anytime I think about her something inside me wants to scream. The thought of looking at works me up until I see nothing but red like a child!
Yujin:But.....there’s something else too. When I look at her it feels like....like my heart aches. I want to drop to me knees and surrender to it; stop fighting entirely. What the hell does that even mean?
Tenzen:I don’t know in the slightest. However, I do know I’ve never seen you in hate someone before and I doubt with all your feelings towards her that hate is the right word. Maybe there isn’t a word in the first place.
Yujin:*flops onto her back* Well that certainly doesn’t make things easier.
Tenzen:*stands up* Maybe sparring would help. You always think better while you’re moving anyways.
Yujin:Even if I was in the right mindset and my sword was fixed, I’d still say no. In all these years I’ve never once beaten you and adding to the lose streaks won’t help my mood.
Tenzen:I’ve never fought you with your semblance before. Could be the edge you need? *smiles*
Yujin:Last time I checked you didn’t use yours either to keep things fair. Sorry man, don’t feel like sweating.
Tenzen:If you say so. Anyways, I know I haven’t stayed long but I think I start heading back. We’re on borrowed time after all....
Yujin:Yeah.....*sits up* Tenzen? It uh...means a lot that you took time to help me. *red* So thank you and all that jazz. I’d be lost without you.
Tenzen:Nah, eventually you would’ve worked it out yourself. If you didn’t pass out from lack of food first that is.
Yujin:Hey I-
Tenzen:*kisses her forehead* Take care okay?
Yujin:*blushing* Sure thing....
And just like lightning, he was gone in an instant. That always seems to be his style; appear when no one expects it and leave just as fast. Literally more often than not, yet he also when to slow down and soak in everything around him; never leaving someone behind. Truly he has both Ren and Nora’s blood flowing through his veins. Now Yujin sits alone with nothing but her thoughts swarming and a scroll in her hand with Yang’s number in it.
Yujin:.........*puts it down* (Not today, not right now....) I wonder, what are you to me?
[Tai’s house, Day 4]
For the pass few days it’s been fuller than usual. Tai and Raven have actually been absent as of late to spend their week alone. Currently Ruby and Yang have occupied their old home with Jaune coming over constantly. Even more boxes and papers have surfaced with old memories that could help Yang give any sort of comfort to her daughter. Things were coming along pretty nicely; they might actually be done already if their wasn’t the want to satisfy other needs while they had the chance.
Yang:*waking up in Jaune’s hoodie* (hmmm must’ve passed out again.) *looks right*
Ruby:*toppless and asleep under the sheets*
Yang:*smiles* (You went from denying every aspect of sharing to actively joining us in bed several times. Hehe I wonder how dad would feel? Maybe it’s a family thing?)
The older sister carefully slips out of the bed and heads downstairs to find her husband. Sure enough he’s on the computer helping them get things done.
Yang:*drapes over him* Good evening handsome. Working hard I see.
Jaune:Just finishing up files Ruby was transferring over; she still asleep?
Yang:Out like a light. You did a number on her this time around. *kisses his ear* I’m almost jealous hehehe.
Jaune:Maybe I planned all of this? What if I wanted you to wake up first so we can spend time together alone?
Yang:Ooooo knowing you I can’t say that isn’t possible. Well we’re alone, so what’s the next step of this plan.
Jaune:Like you don’t already know. *smiling*
Both of them start laughing and kissing for a moment; enjoying the company of one another.
Yang:Alright that’s enough sexy time for now. I have things to write. *walking to the table*
Jaune:You day that but came down here with no pants.
Yang:So you can watch me walk to the table. That was my master plan.
Jaune:*Smiles*.......I’m going to miss you.
Yang:......believe me, the feeling is mutual. *starts writing* You I’ve been thinking....
Jaune:About what?
Yang:How I wouldn’t be wrong of you if you did find someone else.
Jaune:.......Did Yujin say something?
Yang:Nothing I didn’t already know. Only a truly good man would wait for as long as you did with no guarantee of anything good. For all you know I could’ve been dead.
Jaune:Yeah but I had faith. I know how tough you are and I knew I’d see you again.
Yang:But that’s the thing Jaune, you didn’t. *grips pencil* I could’ve kept you waiting for the rest of your life and that gets to me. Faith is a wonderful thing to have but I don’t want you relying on it. So promise me this time around you’ll-
Jaune:I am not going to see or even attempt to see anyone while you’re away.
Yang:Please be fair here. I couldn’t live with myself if you ended up-
Unknowingly to Jaune, his daughter is more like him than he knows. Instead of letting Yang finish her thought he pulls her into a more loving kiss. It catches her off guard but she melts into it quickly. After many years apart it’s still amazing how such simple contact never stops being so comforting.
Yang:*blushing* I love you. Hurting you is the last thing I ever want to do. *leans on him* Yet I feel like it’s the only thing I’ve been doing to you recently.
Jaune:*rubs her head* There’s not a day I went by I didn’t feel your love. I’m always going to feel your love, even till the bitter end. So if you’re really worried about me there’s only one to solve it.
Yang:*staring at him longingly*.....
Jaune:*grins* Fight your way back to me and never stop. You’ve come back home before so a second time should be no problem. *holds her face.* I will greet you with open arms just like before.
Yang:*tearing up* Please kiss me again?
Jaune:I’ll take that as you’ll do it? *kisses her*
Yang:Yes, heavens yes. Sigh, second time should be easier right? I’m a pro at this.
Ruby:*on the stairs* We’re both pros, and this will definitely be easier.
Jaune and Yang:....How long have you been there?
Ruby:Long enough to know you both have kissed at least five times in like eight minutes.
Jaune:So what you’re saying is this was actually all your plan?
Ruby:Something like that. Speaking of plans, besides trying to figure out how to transfer everything onto that stupid lap top I’ve been running scenarios with Adam about the mission. Or at least I was until he texted me that he was ordered to not think about work for the entire week.
Yang:.......When did you get his number?
Ruby:I’ve had his number for years. Like around Yujin’s birth. Actually, I think it might of been the day she was born.
Yang:You told me you were busy helping Blake set up her orginization when I was in labor!
Ruby:Yeah.....and Adam was there. Why is that surprising?
Yang:Because I’m just now realizing that man has been all up and through my family tree. Next time I see him all three of us are having a chat. *huffs*
Ruby:Oh don’t be such a-
The ringing of Jaune’s scroll cut her off. In that moment he remembered something extremely important that sort of slipped through his mind while he was juggling all these different problems. Reluctantly he answered the phone.
Jaune:Hey Yu-
Yujin:IT HAS BEEN TWENTY SEVEN HOURS SINCE YOU HAVE LEFT!!!!! What happened to “I won’t be gone too long!?”
Jaune:Yeah I’m sorry. I meant to call you and tell you that I was going to stay the night, my bad. There were things I needed to do.
Yujin:Did these things have red and blonde hair?
Ruby:HA!!!! *covers her mouth*
Yujin:Am I on speaker phone!?
Jaune:No you’re just loud. Also, for your information I’m actually doing work young lady.
Yujin:Uh huh.....
Jaune:*chuckles* You sound like you have more energy than yesterday, I’m glad. Are you eating again?
Yujin:Sigh....yes dad I’m eating. I got fresh air too.
Jaune:That’s a relief; did seeing Tenzen help any?
Yujin:.......*red* Yes
Jaune:*suspicious* He didn’t go in your room did he?
Yujin:Even if he did I had twenty seven hours to dispose of any evidence of what you’re implying.
Yujin:No we stayed outside I promise.
Jaune:That’s a relief. *looks at Yang*
Jaune:Hey, do you have a message for anybody while I have you here?
Jaune:Anything, literally anything at all.
Yang:It’s fine, don’t force anything babe. If she wants to speak to me then-
Yujin:*on speaker* I’m sorry I hit you.
Yujin:.........*call ended*
Ruby:Well, that’s something at least. Bare minimum but it’s something.
Yang:I’ll take it.
Yujin:*on her porch*.....(that was harder than I thought, a lot harder.) *looks at her hands*
A brief exchange was enough to make them clam up and a bit shaky. It almost felt like she wasn’t breathing for a second either has her chest had a burn in it now. Thankfully her stomach seemed to feel fine for the most part; just a bit awkward like there’s a knot in it. Being like this was slowly driving her up a wall though in the worst way possible; she felt so vulnerable and frustrated with herself.
Yujin:(Get a grip already Yujin. Stop acting like you just seen a pack of beowolves charging in front of you. It was just a phone call; a really hard phone call.) *takes a breath* Why was it though? If it’s not hate then what is it!!? What is going on with me.
Against her wishes she could feel her eyes watering a little. Crying got old the first time yet it was beginning to happen more often; each was easier then the last. The old Yujin would wipe them furiously but lately letting them flow freely was something she’d preferred. Plenty of people have told her before that crying was healthy but that didn’t make her feel better about it. To her it felt like a loss of progress and strength. Yang might not be someone she hates but she was definitely hating this situation. Now more than ever she just needed something to distract her and luckily the answer was few feet away, still broken on the ground.
Yujin:*picks up her weapon* I’ve neglected you haven’t I? Sorry about that, I should know better than anyone not to do that. Fixing you seems impossible but maybe I could melt you down and make something better, stronger even?
Yujin:*closes her eyes* I’m actually talking to a broken sword. Rock bottom never felt so deep. Oh well, just because I’m broken doesn’t me you have to be. Let’s put my skill to the test....
[Menagerie, Oasis]
Jael:Hey have you seen dad? We are supposed to go look any other spot to create an Oasis.
Sienna:Last time I saw him he was outside I think. *filing her nails* He seemed busy with something.
Jael:Was he know.....*floats to the roof*
Adam:*texting* “Listen Ruby that plan is really dangerous but I think with a little-” *scroll flies out his hand*.......
Jael:*Reading it* Seriously...?
Adam:It was really bothering me okay?
Jael:You just can’t help yourself can you? I thought we were clear that this was supposed to be a work free environment for seven days?
Adam:Sorry, relaxing was never something I was good at.
Jael:*frowns* I know from experience. I just thought this time you’d last longer than four days.
Adam:....Can you float this way please?
Disappointed or not, she floats towards him and sits in front of him with her legs crossed. He quickly sat behind her and started messing with her ridiculously long hair. It always felt nice when he did her hair. No matter what style he decides it always looked perfect, so she didn’t even bother to put in a request.
Jael:Three more days then you’re out of here. Makes me wish the days were longer.
Adam:Try not to count down the time. Things seem to happen quicker that way.
Jael:That means you’ll be gone faster.
Adam:It also means I’ll be back before you know it.
Adam:Admit it, that was good.
Jael:It was, that’s why I’m groaning.
Adam:When are you going to cut all this? It’s at your hips
Jael:*red* If it’s shorter then these sessions we have would be too.
Adam:.....*hugs her from behind* Everything you do really is for me isn’t it?
Jael:Not everything, just most things. Is that weird?
Adam:No, just don’t get caught up in it okay? Thinking “how would Adam see/handle this” is definitely not gonna work most times. Thinking like your mom though, can’t go wrong with that. I’m living proof.
Jael:Tell that to the rest of Remnant.
Adam: I’ll leave that in your capable hands. Unless there’s another dream that you want more.
Jael:No, everything is the same. Leave changing world views to me. People need to have more of an open mind.
Adam:Speaking of having an open mind.
Jael:Please don’t make this about something to do with Yu- your other disciple. *tensing up* The week is supposed to shut her out too.
Adam:(Won’t even day her name now.) Let me say at least one thing. Trust me, it’s something that you should keep in mind.
Adam:I have no doubt one day you’ll eventually meet. When that happens I want you to at least make an effort to keep things civil. How can you change people’s minds if you yourself can’t keep an open one.
As much as she loved her dad, it was frustrating when he was right. He was always right! Once again all she can do is acknowledge that and keep it in mind.
Jael:Make an effort, I can....at least attempt that for the sake of my dream.
Adam:I’m not telling you to be her best friend or anything but who knows? *turns her around* Maybe after you meet her something as crazy as that could happen.
Best friends? It was true Jael was desperately craving to be around people her age that might actually like her but having Yujin as a friend seemed far fetched; and he put the word “best” in front of it. Jael knew full well that right now hate was too small of a word to express her feelings but she also knew that wasn’t exactly good. Hate is what got the name Taurus in such a sorry state to begin with.
Jael:Peer, I will treat her no less than a peer if we meet. That’s all I can promise.
Adam:Seems fair, I finished your hair by the way. Now you have braid to make moving easier. Kept the bang you had too. *pushes it away from her left eye*
Jael:Do I look as cool as you?
Adam:As cool as me? Pfft you’re the cool one. I mean your last name is even Frost.
Jael:Ugh, dad jokes don’t have to be apart of the experience.
Adam:Too bad, you asked for The whole package.
The two laugh and remain on the roof; enjoying the evening sky. More importantly, enjoying each other’s company.
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