#i do want to dedicate a month to het attorney one of these days
neutrallyobsessed · 11 months
i really like your narumayo and kayworth content but i wanted to know your opinion on a cool m/f ship that i think you'd like... FRANSEB (aka yumimei in japanese version), it's basically seb x franziska ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ
(dear anon im glad you specified about it being m/f lel, u know how tumblr is xdd)
Why yes, I enjoy yumimei very much~~! It ends up ranking second 'cause Justine is right there and Blackquill seems more like Fran, but it is a really sweet ship that deserves more attention
Something that irks me tho, is that most ppl ship it because they could bond over ""their abusive fathers"" but like- i dont subscribe to that headcanons... like at alllllll lmao, and lest forget that Blaise has met little Franziska so the possibilities of them acquantied from very young is totally possible
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A cute little crush can arise from Seb when she helps him out and from Fran being moved by his silliness x3
And then seeing how he grew up to such handsome young man OwO
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And i also did this one on the beach for le fanservice (or franseb-vice if u will :v) and yeah, the cishet version def needs even MORE attention lolol
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Anyways, sorry for any delay! But if yo ass inspires art, then I'll take my sweet time ;p
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