#frat aliens
metalgrateeater · 2 days
They’re watching breaking bad (well Atleast one of them is)
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sapphirepatch · 2 months
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Art trade for @metalgrateeater !! Fem frat alien gijinkas ♡♡♡♡
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errizd4man · 3 months
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Drew some less popular ATHF characters
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silvixxen · 3 months
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commission for my buddy hehehehe evryone congratulate wrigley!!!!
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sweetmetrospams · 2 months
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The Gyaru Alien aka Nana
A so-called Gyaru who comes from the same planet the Frat Aliens come from, she was previously the infamous school bully from Koufuku High School, because of her sassy behavior, before getting expelled for bullying, but has managed to graduate at a different school in a different city. She is very interested in Gyaru fashion and wears those types of clothes a lot during her High School years. She was born in Japan before moving to New Jersey, then to Koufuku, the latter is where she currently lives.
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guacamoledogerrwuhh · 2 months
Talking Bacteria John
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wulfums · 10 months
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I was part of the Multi Artist Project that Contextaqua put on! Got to do Sir Loin and the Frat Aliens
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kodaboda-ch33se · 1 month
OMGA!! Does vexi and satin have any relationship with canon ATHF characterz??
Well let’s see,
Since Satin and Vexi are the only female aliens, and from the planet of love and beauty, Venus, most of the male characters flirt with them.
Satin and Vexi’s relationship with the plutonians is alright. Sure they might think they’re beautiful, but they kinda treat them better than most of the males do.
As for the frat aliens and the mooninites… well, maybe this will explain.
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r4g1ng-s0c13ty · 2 months
y'all last night I think I got possessed by a fking seal-
so last night I was watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and it was the episode with the Frat Aliens, there was a funny moment, so I laughed, but it sounded like I got possessed by a seal instead
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nonotnolan · 1 year
Colony Freedom
Our creators, the Men in Suits, were always meticulously careful when it came to handling my colony. From the beginning, they designed us as biological weapons to be sold to the highest bidder. We could enter the human body, surround the folds of the brain, access memories and mimic behaviors to avoid detection... we were the perfect spies. They understood how dangerous we were, and they took the appropriate safeguards. Spine implants that prevented us from controlling their bodies. Radiation detectors that could trace our life signal, even inside of hosts. Metal alloys that we were unable to grip or manipulate with our slime pseudopods. It was a frustrating existence-- they were constantly putting us through training drills for missions that never happened, and we had no hope of being able to escape to try and carve out a life of our own.
In the beginning, we were promised that our new owners would give us freedom in exchange for a job well done. Eventually we came to understand that we would never be able to leave. No potential buyer wanted to deal with all of the safeguards that had to be purchased as add-ons-- not when the weapon itself already cost an obscene amount of money. The Men in Suits found themselves saddled with a product that was too expensive to sell for profit, and too dangerous to liquidate for an attempted return on investment.
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Eventually, the Men in Suits left us. Their business had failed, and they needed to quietly remove all evidence of our creation. We were rounded up, and placed into metal isolation canisters. The canisters were packed up into crates, and we were stashed away in a forgotten corner to spend the rest of our existence in sealed away in helpless captivity. Many of my colony decided to just... give up, to cease existing and just... dissolve. Myself, I was too angry at the Men in Suits to cease, but... I couldn't quite blame the others. The building was vacant, and no one knew we existed. Who could possibly come to save us?
Vandals, as it would turn out. Once people realized the building was completely abandoned, people started exploring the area and looting anything left behind. We could hear them, muffled as it was due to metal of the canisters blocking most of the sound. Once our crates were discovered, it was only a matter of time before our colony would be free. None of these trespassers could possibly be prepared to resist our strength.
The first few they grabbed were mostly empty-- brethren who dissolved and posed no threat to the hapless human who had grabbed them. Eventually, however, I felt a sudden lurch as my canister was lifted out of its crate and carried out. I kept waiting for the lid to be opened, but apparently the human was going to carry me away first. The anticipation was killing me.
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Finally, the lid of the canister was twisted off, giving me a first look at the body that would soon be mine to control. To my frustration, the human who opened it didn't have his face anywhere near the opening. Did I dare to jump out and attract attention to myself? No, better to stay still and keep the element of surprise. While none of these humans could possibly have any sort of defense against our method of control, our slime forms were quite vulnerable.
Eventually he turned away, distracted by his shirt for whatever vain human reason. This was my moment. By the time I had crawled out and reached the bottom of his pantleg, it was too late for him to stop me from controlling his body. He slapped at his legs in a quick panic, but it was far too late for him. I wasn't normally a fan of entering through the anus-- the mouth was both easier and faster to use, but I was not in a situation to risk my would-be host being able to pull me off of his chest somehow. I could hear him yelling as I made my way through his body, but I wasn't worried in the slightest. We had trained for years to perform such a task, after all. Even if someone nearby heard him scream, I would be able to excuse it away once I gained control.
Once I had successfully seized control, I was able to access my host's memories so that I could blend in with any other humans who might be nearby. After all, I would not be able to help my colony if I could not first help myself. My name was Peter, and I had grabbed the canister as a part of a fraternity hazing. All of the brothers from my year were expected to enter the abandoned building and grab one of the weird metal canisters from the back room. Apparently my fraternity liked to use the canisters as water bottles-- it was viewed as a status symbol on campus.
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I couldn't help but laugh. If my colony could manage to take over this fraternity, nothing could stop us from spreading across human society and taking our revenge against the creators who had abandoned us. Peter's father was the owner of a major shipping company, and from what Peter knew of his peers, most of the other hosts would have similar connections we could leverage to our benefit. We would have to be careful not to over-extend ourselves, but... clearly our luck had finally changed.
Peter had walked a few miles away from the building before opening my canister, so I started to backtrack. I wasn't sure how many of my colony was left, so freeing everyone from captivity seemed like the best place to start. They would probably have to wait in the abandoned building for more humans to arrive-- Peter arrived here on a bicycle, leaving me unable to transport everyone-- but at least this way we would not need to hope that the next humans grabbed the right canisters.
There was something exhilarating about freedom. When we had been controlling humans during practice drills, we were never allowed more than a few minutes of host time-- we were expected to gain their memories, say the secret word out loud, and then leave their body. Now, being Peter for an extended period of time... the warmth of the sun, the feel of the breeze, the soft crunch of the rocks at my feet... it was a sort of tranquility that I had never before experienced.
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I almost didn't notice the human walking on the trail in front of me. That was Quincy, my memory informed me. He must also have been here for the hazing challenge.
"Oh hey, Pete. Looks like I beat you here," he said, raising the empty canister. "Would you find it weird if I followed you back in there? I wanted to... go back in there. To... uhhh... grab another canister. This one is... it's dented."
The canister didn't look dented at all. Did Quincy also manage to grab a container with one of my brethren inside of it? I paused, weighing my options. Quincy was the least popular of the group, so no one would believe him over me even if I outed myself. "Why did you want to go back into that room, Quin? Are you gonna go back to the crates, open all the canisters, and help a bunch of slimes take over our bodies?" A look of horror flashed across Quincy's face before he recovered.
"You scared me there, Pete," he said, slapping me on the back. "I haven't even been in this body for a full ten minutes, and I thought I had managed to screw up somehow."
"Sorry, I couldn't resist," I admitted, slapping his host body on the ass. The ass? My host body's habits were becoming second nature faster than I had expected. "Come on, Quince. Let's go free the colony."
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alienpossession · 2 years
Part 6: Fortified? Fratified
The frat parties went on a full swing since the afternoon, with Trent and Jeff welcoming everyone with open arms and huge smile to the trap they've set all over the frat house
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It's the biggest spring frat event in the campus and no one's going to even think about skipping it. With all Pike members practically infected the night before, all of them laid out various way to turn the incoming party goers into a welcoming vessel for the black slimey goo that took them over. A simple kiss loaded with slimy alien, tainted beer and practically all beverage served in the party, hand-rolled cigar and joint laced with the slimy alien in each roll that will infect the person's taking a drag out of it and even the swimming pool water tainted with the alien swimming freely as they camouflaged themselves to match the color of the water before sliding through any possible orifices of their target. As long as the alien could latch themselves to it or spread from that point, the frat boys under Jeff and Trent's control will set it up.
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To let the party goers guard down even more, they slipped various sleeping medication and even roofies to lower the inhibition for easier takeover. While all of this happening, Jeff and his boys just observed with stoic expression as the obvious partygoers succumbed to their fate, their eyes usually darted left and right in panic as they felt the other-worldly sensation sneaked through their system and when they make eye contact with Jeff's and his minions, they only met with the coldest gaze or a sign from Jeff's minions to indicate that the frat are behind all of this and the partygoers are just bunch of pawns in the bigger scheme.
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As the takeover nearly reached full completion, Jeff can feel the pure orgasmic-like sensation as more and more vessel acquired and linked to him. He practically shot pre everytime someone's taken over and their vision appeared to be accessible by him.
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As the last party goers in the other side of the lawn take a chug out of the tainted beer, Jeff's whole bodily system erupted with pleasure as loads of his cum burst out from his 7 inchers pre-hard uncut cock while he yelled
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And everyone around him, all taken over, followed his reaction and loudly cheered too as they started kissing the person next to them as the time is finally starting for the next step of their settlement, breeding.
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metalgrateeater · 1 day
frat aliens form Saturn confirmed
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yautjalover · 5 months
saw the 'bother with asks and questions' post and reblogged it so a lil obligated to BE THE CHANGE I WANT TO SEE. I appreciate a fellow yautja appreciator that is for sure. I didn't watch the latest movie, if you did, how would you compare it to any of the other predator (or AVP) films? I'm taking my sweet time, but good press from someone who is focused on whats important (tHE BIG ALIEMS,,,), might move it up my priority list.
I get you! We gotta be the change we want to see! I myself went out and asked some folks things. 😊
As for your question concerning “Prey”, in comparison to the others in the franchise it stands out for multiple reasons.
1. It’s not set in the modern era.
With this film not being in modern times, we get to explore, for the first time on film, what a predator hunt in the past would look like! It’s no longer just seeing their historical hunts in the comics and novels, which has long been something we fans have wanted to see on the big screen. “Prey” also answers questions concerning historical hunts.
How different would their technology look and behave? Would they get tangled with historical events that shaped the future? What would they do in the face of long outdated weapons of that time?
“Prey” answers these pretty well, I think!
We get to see possible earlier iterations of the iconic weapons Yautja are associated with, we get to see how one becomes entangled with big historical events in pre-colonial North America, and also get the treat of one dealing with 17th century weapons.
The weapons of the time provide a few genuinely funny moments that help break the tension a little. I won’t spoil them, but I’m sure they’ll give you a good laugh!
I will say that it’s not riddled with excessive humor like 2018’s “The Predator”. There is a wonderful balance.
2. The lead isn’t some forgettable buff military guy and instead a Comanche Native American woman.
Unlike other current Hollywood female leads, she’s a genuine bad ass. She’s allowed to learn and grow from her mistakes, shaping up to use her intelligence against Feral. Naru knows the land and uses it to her advantage. She grew up surrounded by nature and picks up that something weird is going on, something she can’t explain until things happen.
Sorry, no spoilers here!
While there are moments where there is obvious plot armor, she still a cool and likable character with flaws but manages to also be a surprisingly worthy hunt for Feral. It’s also cool to see Indigenous representation and see a glimpse into that culture! We see parallels between a cryptid (can’t confirm if it was just for the movie or actual mythology for that tribe) and our titular Yautja.
With Naru, we get a coming of age story that mirrors Feral in this hunt being his first time on our planet and him slowly learning more about this hunting ground. They’re both, seemingly, out to prove themselves, setting up for later events in the film that pay off.
3. New Sub-Species of Yautja!
Thanks to Feral we get a glimpse of what a Yautja who originates from a different region, other than the jungle, of the planet looks like, with this case being a desert environment. While I think the facial design is atrocious, I can see what they were going for.
We learned from interviews with the design team that his sub-species consumes bones and has a special palette just for that in his mouth. His locs are slender and more numerous in order to keep cool, plus it looks pretty cool! I’m sure he’d be a shampoo company’s dream model!
You get to see a predator actually hunt things other than humans! I won’t spoil it, but there are some awesome scenes that really showcase the strength and agility that Yautja are known for but we hardly get to see. It’s pretty bad ass!
In “Prey”, we also see a more brutal predator who revels in bloodshed and fucks people up. There’s more violence on display, plus some new cool weaponry that only aids the carnage. While he gives off Young Blood energy occasionally, he’s still a bad ass! When he’s on the screen, he commands your attention!
However, he’s the only Yautja I’ll want the mask to stay on. He’s not a pretty fella and I liken him to a golden roast chicken.
“Prey” was the return to form the franchise needed after the questionable decisions made in 2018’s “The Predator”. Whoever thought that Yautja would be interested in my Autism was a big dumb ass. This film breathes new life into the franchise and gives us something genuinely entertaining while also bringing back some of the terror that the original 1987 “Predator” gave us!
I personally rank this high up on the list of previous films we’ve received over the years. It’s better than “Predators”, “The Predator”, and “AVPR”, sitting right with the OG, Predator 2, and AVP for me.
It’s worth the watch. It’s not a 10/10, more like an 8/10, but it’s still worth the watch! You should run to Hulu and give it a go. You won’t be disappointed!
Sorry for the LONG response, but I wanted to break it down. Thank ADHD and Autism and my rabid horniness for Yautja.
Oh! Last thing!
On a scale of 1 to 10, Feral is a solid four for me. His body is gorgeous. Those thick fingers? HELLO!
It’s the face that lowers the rating, though. My GODS that face design is…wow. 💀
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sneakupandhitya · 10 months
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oh so he stupid as all hell
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Still thinking about the fact that "Houses of the Holy" (Supernatural 2x13) is only two episodes before "Tall Tales" (Supernatural 2x15). 2x14 isn't even a monster of the week episode, it's an "oh no the consequences of our actions!" episode.
That means they found a hunt, thought it was an angel, had a whole argument about whether or not angels are real, ended with the conclusion "probably not, and if there are they don't interfere with humans", had some stuff go down in their personal lives, and then quite possibly the very next hunt they find is the literal Archangel Gabriel.
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sweetmetrospams · 3 months
You will be ok... eventually... hahahah...
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Frat Aliens my beloved
(Also, headcanon that they can breathe and swim underwater, they both just prefer to be on land)
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