#fratelli tutti
apenitentialprayer · 5 months
The dignity of others is to be respected in all circumstances, not because that dignity is something we have invented or imagined, but because human beings possess an intrinsic worth superior to that of material objects and contingent situations. This requires that they be treated differently. That every human being possesses an inalienable dignity is truth that corresponds to human nature apart from all cultural change. For this reason, human beings have the same inviolable dignity in every age of history and no one can consider himself or herself authorized by particular situations to deny conviction or to act against it. […] As believers, we are convinced that human nature, as the source of ethical principles, was created by God, and it is ultimately He who gives those principles their solid foundation.
Pope Francis (Fratelli tutti, §213, 214)
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Super short lesson on what an encyclical is: a special letter from the pope that is meant to be addressed to a wide range of people, on a big social issue of the day. The modern concept of papal encyclicals was kicked off by Leo XIII's Rerum novarum, on work and human labor, in which he decried poor working conditions and defended unions and good wages. Papal encyclicals are foundational to what is known as Catholic social teaching or Catholic social thought, the social justice tradition of the Church.
Rerum novarum
Mater et magistra
Pacem in terris
Populorum progressio
Humanae vitae
Evangelium vitae
Fides et ratio
Deus caritas est
Caritas in veritate
Laudato si'
Fratelli tutti
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anticattocomunismo · 3 months
A Trieste la CEI "scomunica" la Dottrina sociale della Chiesa
Con la chiusura ieri delle settimane sociali dei cattolici, la Chiesa italiana ha abbandonato la Dottrina sociale: relatori targati PD, Mattarella e Zuppi all’unisono, il Vangelo puntella la Costituzione, la salvezza non viene da Cristo ma dalla partecipazione. A Trieste si è deciso di farsi dire dal mondo in cosa consista il bene comune. Continue reading A Trieste la CEI “scomunica” la Dottrina…
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copela4692 · 4 months
Fratelli Tutti - Dialogue and Friendship in Society
In order to mark the 30th anniversary of the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation, Pope Francis requested that CAPP members and friends read, study, and promote his encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship. In response to this request, CAPP-Canada organized a series of monthly Fratelli Tutti Study Sessions, running from September 2023 to April 16, led by Dr.…
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ultimaedizione · 2 years
L'indecifrabile dopo .... Una recensione de L'orologio della guerra
L’ultimo libro di Antonio Cantaro “L’orologio della guerra” è un libro a suo modo autobiografico perché nel rievocare gli eventi internazionali,  le dichiarazioni ufficiali, le coalizioni costituite in difesa di  Kiev, gli appelli dei movimenti pacifisti, dà una lettura appassionata, allo stesso tempo, oltre che dello scontro ideologico, storico e di potere in atto tra l’Occidente e il resto del…
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locustheologicus · 2 years
Fratelli Tutti: Responding to the Globalization of Indifference by promoting a Culture of Encounter
The most recent social encyclical is a challenge to the global society that has emerged in recent years. This global society allows us to maintain a certain indifference to social evils for profit driven motives. In 2020, when the encyclical first came out, I added some resources that went ahead and summarized this main points of this social teaching. I also included a focus on what this new teaching has to say about economic justice (one of my favorite social issues). In the video above Fr. Casey from the “Catholicism in Focus” series is yet another good resource for learning about the specific social teachings found in this document. 
When the encyclical came out Pope Francis addressed the global challenges of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Since then, however, we have experienced ongoing economic instability in many nations that have exacerbated migration trends from the global south to the north. These economic instabilities exist in the northern hemisphere with recession, increased debt and mass inflation. We add to this the further development of social conflicts and war that are also part of our current reality.  
Indifference allows us to ignore these global social challenges to focus on our own situation. We somehow think that the global reality does not impact us, or, we believe that we can close off the borders and keep ourselves protected from the effects of globalization (while somehow ignoring the fact that our entire economy is completely dependent on the global economy). Pope Francis calls on us to challenge the globalization of Indifference. The solution he proposes to us Catholics is to develop a “culture of encounter”.  
To speak of a “culture of encounter” means that we, as a people, should be passionate about meeting others, seeking points of contact, building bridges, planning a project that includes everyone. FT #216
This proposed Catholic culture looks at emphasizing the principle of solidarity as a way of combatting the hyper-individualistic ideal that has captivated our political culture. Here in the United States we see how certain policies are proposed that are based on this value. These policies are often highlighting the politics of fear and division that will allow us to maintain these indifferences. Such policies include building a wall and furthering securing our borders while ignoring the social issues that cause migration. These same policies are also in play when we consider ignoring global conflicts like the war in the Ukraine or either limiting or ending international aid for nations suffering from natural disasters simply because it is not our concern. The principle of solidarity and fraternity are called upon to challenge these policies.    
Solidarity finds concrete expression in service, which can take a variety of forms in an effort to care for others. And service in great part means “caring for vulnerability, for the vulnerable members of our families, our society, our people”. In offering such service, individuals learn to “set aside their own wishes and desires, their pursuit of power, before the concrete gaze of those who are most vulnerable… Service always looks to their faces, touches their flesh, senses their closeness and even, in some cases, ‘suffers’ that closeness and tries to help them. Service is never ideological, for we do not serve ideas, we serve people”. FT#115
The principle of solidarity is expressed through our ability to serve others. Pope Francis suggest that we should be more intentional, now more than ever, in engaging one another in charity and justice. In calling on the legacy of the St. Francis of Assisi Fratelli Tutti also calls on the Church to engage in this by setting the example of entering into a spirit of solidarity with other religions to address this problem. I will comment on this further in an upcoming blog post.
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This encyclical is two years old, but the issues of the world seem to have only gotten worst. We need to take the heart the call to embrace the principles of solidarity and service to one another and to be open to the issues facing our global society because they either impact or will be impacting us. As Fr. Casey mentions above this is something that must be done at an individual and collective level. We must engage in charity ourselves while supporting a politics that embraces the principle of solidarity to these social issues. The culture of encounter is to be developed through politics, dialogue, and renewed encounters. But Pope Francis wants religions to also be on the forefront of this movement. Here is my follow-up post on that specific topic.    
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markulyseas · 2 years
Dr. (Father) Ivo Coelho is a Catholic priest belonging to the Salesian Society of Don Bosco. He was born in Mumbai in 1958 and did his early schooling in Mumbai and Lonavla. He studied under the Indologist Richard De Smet at Jnana Deepa, Pune, and later specialized in the hermeneutical thought of the Canadian philosopher, theologian and economist Bernard Lonergan, earning a PhD in philosophy at the Gregorian University, Rome.
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I love it when we are finally in Italy for the race and there are people everywhere supporting ferrari and making it look like a concert
like people making songs about their drivers "oh leclerc portaci il mondiale" this feels very personal it's bigger than the sport
That's just tifosi and their commitment to the game, and to the FERRARI
it's a godamn emotion
the Italians never fail
I just hope both CHARLES and CARLOS have a splendid weekend
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lattebiscotti · 10 months
i am trying to imagine how wildly different my life would’ve been if my grandparents had degrees. even more if my great grandparents had degrees and it’s so far out of my reality that i legit cannot imagine it
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b0ringasfuck · 10 months
"Non tutti gli uomini" sta al patriarcato come "ha fatto anche cose buone" sta al fascismo.
Tutte cose che riguardano il potere e a cui bisogna essere fortemente ostili.
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apenitentialprayer · 1 year
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The choice now is transparent. It is between a unity that allows for discussions, which seeks solidarity across difference on the one hand, and a unity that bulldozes all dissent into uniformity on the other ... One universalist but localized, the other negating the diversity[.]
Shiv Visvanathan, Foreword to the English translation of U.R. Ananthamurthy's Hindutva or Hind Swaraj
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gaysessuale · 2 years
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facciamo di CHI? Facciamo COSA??
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anticattocomunismo · 10 months
La sussidiarietà distorta della “Fratelli tutti”
L’enciclica Fratelli tutti capovolge il senso del principio di sussidiarietà: per papa Francesco sarebbero infatti le società naturali e i corpi intermedi ad essere sussidiari dello Stato e non viceversa, come invece si dice nella versione corretta della sussidiarietà. Continue reading Untitled
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copela4692 · 6 months
Fratelli Tutti - Dialogue and Friendship in Society
Our Mission CAPP-Canada is a national chapter of the Fondazione Centesimus Annus – Pro Pontifice, a Vatican-based lay-run foundation established by Pope John Paul II in 1993, with the primary mission of promoting a deeper knowledge and application of Catholic Social Doctrine among lay Catholics.  In other words, CAPP-Canada seeks to help lay Catholic leaders in Canada form their conscience in…
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Il Bambino è Atalantino!
So to all the other teams trying to take our baby from us:
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onoranzetriolo · 4 months
è mancata Annunziata Palamara ved. Nicola Farina
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