#fred arnell
jknerd · 1 year
Multiverse Character: Ichabod Crane
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Full Name: Ichabod Crane Nicknames: Mr. Crane, Ickie, Widows’ Heartbreaker Gender: Male Age: 30s Occupation(s): School teacher, Music teacher/tutor, dance tutor, demon/ghost hunter (occasionally) Family: Katrina van Tassel (lover->wife), Baltus van Tassel (father-in-law) Likes: Teaching his students, reading, diverse cuisine, singing, dancing, composing songs, Katrina van Tassel Dislikes: Harmful Bad luck/supernatural beings, his students in distress Character Ichabod Crane is a new teacher from New York, teaching students in music and dancing. Tall—reaching to 190 cm—and lean, he is known for natural talent in teaching, singing and dancing. According to teachers and student parents, he has strange magic to change boring choir concert into enthusiastic and lively gospel performances, making students listen to him, and is always swarmed with his admirers. During weekends, he would help the single mothers by spending time with their children and singing for their babies, hence earning positive reputation. Female students would occasionally flirt with him, because he was unlike any “jocks” or “inferior wannabes” for they are fallen by his mature demeanor. Children likes to hear a lot of ghost stories, urban legends, and cautionary tales from him. Currently, he is married to Katrina van-Tassel. According to the story of him and his wife, Ichabod was once Katrina’s music teacher during her teenage years and she had enormous romantic feelings for him, dumping the jock student Brom Bones for him and would blush whenever Ichabod compliments her. Additionally, it was Katrina who asked him out when they met again after her graduation from university as her father approved of him. In Hey Arnelle AU: In episode “Hots for Teacher”, Ichabod Crane has become a substitute teacher for music/drama in behalf of Mr. Simmons and Arnelle—in her Freshman Year—has developed a huge crush on him. She would write his names on her music notebook and gets embarrassed when her friends teased her of her crush on Mr. Crane. Though, Helgo doesn’t show distaste towards the teacher as the said man appreciates his artistic talent. Eventually, it is revealed that Ichabod is married to a wealthy Dutch beauty Katrina van Tassel. Katrina bonded with Helgo as she confessed she loved her husband ever since she was his high school student. In Fairly OddParents AU: Mr. Crane was introduced as Mr. Bickles’ best friend during their school years and has willingly accepted the offer to help Dimmsdale school in drama production. Admiring him, Timmy made a wish that Mr. Crane becomes a permanent teacher in Dimmsdale. When her wish was granted, she struggled to find a right timing to impress him as he was usually surrounded by his admirers—female students & teachers, even the single mothers! Jealous Tristan, Vernon, and other boys—angry that Ichabod has stolen Timmy’s attentions—formed their organization to get rid of him. Alarmed, Timmy sabotaged them while successfully canceled her wish. When she admitted she likes him, Mr. Crane kindly thanked her for enjoying his class and she blushed as he kissed her hand in polite manner, provoking the boys’ jealousy. In Courage the Cowardly AU: Ichabod Crane was introduced as Uncle Fred’s schoolmate. He was in Middle of Nowhere to teach teenage choirs a song for Halloween and encountered Courage who found his missing musical notes. Recently, there has been incidents where people were disappeared without a trace except pieces of pumpkins left behind. Learning the legendary horseman was targeting Ichabod Crane, Courage decided to make a trap for the Headless Horseman, only to reveal it was Brom Bones who was jealous of Ichabod’s marriage to Katrina. Seeing his fair, Uncle Fred proceeded to trim all of Brom’s hair. In Grimm Adventures of Billie & Manny AU: Mr. Ichabod Crane has become a music teacher in Endsville and has gained huge popularity as most attractive teacher, much to Mindwell’s dismay. Brom Bones was portrayed as PE teacher who has known Ichabod Crane and was bitter about him married to Katrina. When the Headless Horsemen led the army of pumpkin-headed/headless zombies, Ichabod displayed a surprising combating skills, defending Endsville against them as his enemy the Headless Horsemen yelled “WHAT THE FUCK?! HE’S AN EMO! HE’S A TWINK!! KILL HIM!!”, but all his army were permanently dead. Grima was impressed as her boss was thinking of recruiting Ichabod Crane as new reaper if he passes away. In Camp Lakebottom AU: Ichabod Crane has a cameo appearance as camp choirs critic with connections to recording company. When Jorah and Sully’s choir team performed, he wasn’t impressed with it due to their lack of musical talent. However, when Mackenzie, Sakurako and Gregory’s team performed, he was satisfied with their passion and talent, thus, announcing the Camp Lakebottom as winning team of Camp Choirs competition. In Gravity Falls AU: According to this universe, Ichabod Crane was actually named after his ancestor who served in US Army during War of 1812 along with Pines Twins’ ancestor. Dipporah has developed a crush on him when he was teaching teenage choirs of Gravity Falls for the Pioneer Day, but was devastated to know he is married. In Danni Phantom AU: Ichabod Crane work as music teacher in Casper High, gaining popularity as attractive individual. Danni considered him as second attractive adult next to Vlad Masters. Noticing her singing voice, Ichabod offered her a solo part for the choir. However, as the Fright Knight continuously disrupt the students’ rehearsals fighting Danni, new masked ghost hunter in motorbike showed up. Danni was surprised it was none other than Ichabod Crane, archenemy of Fright Knight who would nearly gets successful in exorcise the ghostly knight. In As Told By Gin AU: Ichabod Crane work as music teacher in Lucky High. He became Carly’s crush when he overlooked her harmless yet practical jokes while complimenting her drumming skills. Also, he teaches Curtis, Mir and Miki with their chorus/vocal lesson after school. Though, Curtis pouts in jealousy when Gin blushed by Mr. Crane’s compliments. In Spongebell AU: During working hours, Octavia fell in love with Ichabod Crane who helped her up when she nearly hurt herself falling on a floor. She becomes more attracted to him as both share love for music as they become friends. While Larry was heartbroken by this, William was insanely jealous and attempted to sabotage the music teacher, believing Octavia will stop liking him once he “no longer able to sing”. However, William was brutally beaten up by Katrina, Ichabod’s wife. While heartbroken of this discovery, Octavia remained friends with Ichabod. It is further revealed that Ichabod loves the burgers, he become Mrs. Krab’s favorite customer. In An, Ann & Anny AU: As substitute teacher of Peach Creek High, Ichabod Crane has become a most popular teacher as An, Ann and Anny admire him, developing a crush much to Rolf, Kevin, the Kanker Cousins’ dismay. An attempts to impress him by carrying his heavy books, Ann tries by getting perfect grade in his class, while Anny does by trying to look physically attractive. However, they were disappointed once they realized he is married to a beautiful woman Katrina Van Tassel. In Disney Retelling AU - Legend of Sleepy Hollow: Setting in modern times, it takes place when he was hired as teacher in Sleepy Hollow High. Beloved by students of Elementary to High school years, he become a popular queen bee Katrina’s crush, much to Brom Bones’ jealousy. Then, it is revealed that Ichabod Crane is a believer of superstitions and legends. The episodes most likely shows Brom Bones attempt to sabotage or humiliate Ichabod Crane in order to taint the teacher’s popularity and have Katrina for himself, but always ended up have his plan foiled by every circumstances. In Spy X Family AU: In the universe of Spy X Family AU, Ichabod Crane is a music, performing arts teacher in Eden College. Formerly, he was a tutor of Eden college mothers’ choir and for Demetrius’ opera lesson. When he worked in Eden college, he formed a quick bond with children of Cecile Hall as he has good friendship with Henry Henderson who often compliments “VERY ELEGANT” at his antics. When Damian had a fight with other students to take a solo part in order to impress Anya, Mr. Crane gave him good advices to reconcile with them. When Anya struggled to learn how to dance, he held her up and dances much to her joy and Damian’s jealousy. Later, he was invited to have dinner with Forger’s family, but it was Loid and WISE’s plan to gather information of Desmond family from him. However, Ichabod Crane expressed suspicion as he asked Loid why he keeps asking about Damian and his family instead of his own child’s academic/social/health. Catching his suspicion, Anya told him about her first day meeting Damian and lied that she talked a lot about him to her father. Eventually, Ichabod let go of his suspicion. In human!Beastars AU: In Cherryton Academy, Ichabod Crane is portrayed as music teacher, supervising musical clubs, dancing clubs, and other artistic extra curriculum. When the Drama club is preparing for musical performances, they would ask for his help with soundtracks and songs. Two of Legoshi's roommates Miguno and Durham has Mr. Crane as their homeroom teacher. Legoshi couldn't help but seems similarities and differences between him and Louis; while both are attractive and popular individuals, Louis is more of a man with firm authoritative charisma while Mr. Crane is a soft-spoken and polite gentleman.
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otoge · 1 month
Crazy Circus Series Purchase Tokuten CD "Alec's Circus Troupe: A Special Show Just For One Night"
Alec (cv Kakihara Tetsuya) x Akatsuki Kei (cv Sakurai Takahiro) x Akatsuki Key (cv Kimura Ryohei) x Nikaidou Gaku (cv Midorikawa Hikaru) x Sena (cv Saitou Souma) x Fred Arnell (cv Hanae Natsuki)
Listen to the track here.
[00:00] Fred: Welcome. The Alec's Circus Troupe invites you to the world of dreams. I am the manager of said circus, Fred Arnell. The fact you're at this special show means you've gone to all the shows before - thank you. How were all 6 shows? Did you enjoy them? My, my, you still aren't satisfied? You're rather greedy. Then, let's throw ourselves into a bit of a stranger genre. Go home with your desires satisfied with this show. The special show for just one night starts now!
[01:19] Key: Huh? Mew has a fever and is stuck in bed?
Fred: That's right. So, Key, don't go willy-nilly into her tent.
Key: Noo...
Sena: We can't?
Fred: You too, Sena?
Sena: I'm just worried. But if you say not to, Fred, I won't go. Is her fever high?
Fred: Yes. I called a doctor for treatment and she drank medicine, though, so I think she'll get better eventually. It seems she's still faint from the high fever.
Alec: It's that bad? Wasn't she just fine yesterday?
Fred: Yes, she was just fine yesterday. But she must have been spent after work. Apparently, she fell sick this morning.
Gaku: She was running around a lot as an assistant. She must have been exhausted. I feel bad now.
Sena: You shouldn't feel bad as if it were just you, Gaku. I also relied a lot on her.
Kei: There's no sense in feeling bad now. So, Fred, are you the one planning on taking care of her while she's sick?
Fred: Yes. I came to tell everyone since she's sleeping now, but I'll be heading back right after.
Kei: Huh.
Fred: You look like you have something to say, Kei.
Kei: About her care--
Sena: Um, Fred! I'll be the one that cares for her!
Fred: That's unusually forward of you, Sena.
Sena: You have your own things to do as manager, so I can take over. ... Is that all right?
Alec: It's not.
Sena: Why are you answering in place of Fred?
Alec: If we leave it to you, she'll get worse. That girl is mine. I'll be the one to take care of her.
Sena: T-That's...
Key: Since when is she yours? I don't think she'd want to be cared for by someone so arrogant!
Alec: Say that again.
Key: It's that attitude of yours. She'd calm down being treated by someone like me, so I'll do it.
Kei: I think I'll go along with Key.
Key: If it's Kei, all right. Let's care for her together.
Alec: Stop acting all chummy all the time, you guys. It's irritating.
Gaku: You don't need two people to care for one person.
Alec: Tell them how it is, Gaku!
Gaku: I'll do it.
Alec: What?
Gaku: If Sena isn't reliable enough, then I'm the youngest one. I'll do it.
Alec: You too?
Key: You say you're youngest while having that daunting aura.
Fred: It seems that everyone here wants to care for her. Though--
Alec: No matter what anyone says, I'll be the one who cares for her.
Key: It's me and Kei.
Sena: N-No, it's me.
Gaku: No, I'll do it.
Fred: My, my. Everyone seems to not want to give it up.
Kei: We won't be able to decide this way. There's no point in talking, either. How about we decide who cares for her with a match?
Key: Nice, Kei!
Sena: A match?
Alec: It's not a bad idea, but there's no need for a match. I'm the one who's caring for her.
Key: Well, well, you don't think you'll win, Alec?
Alec: I didn't say that!
Key: Then we can decide with a match. You just need to win.
Alec: I get that.
Key: Then it's decided.
Alec: Fine. I'll wreck you all.
Kei: Alec's a bit simple.
Fred: Yes, he's textbook simple.
Key: If we're in a match, it'll be unfair if me and Kei team up, so I'll go against Kei. The winner gets to care for Mew. Okay?
Kei: All right.
Gaku: So what kind of match is it, Kei?
Kei: Let's see. How about a card game?
Alec: Denied.
Kei: I haven't said what game it is yet.
Alec: Still denied.
Fred: You're too at an advantage in card games, Kei. Regardless of it's poker or old maid, you know where and what the cards are, almost as if it's a superpower.
Sena: U-Um...
Key: Let's go with the typical rock-paper-scissors.
Gaku: Kei can see through your move almost like a superpower in that, too.
Fred: Hmm. With Kei around, it's hard to have a fair game.
Key: Huh, are you joining in too, Manager?
Fred: No, I don't plan on joining. I'll just be watching. Don't worry about me.
Key: Really?
Gaku: A game that Kei's not got the upper hand at, huh...
Sena: Um, then we should...
Alec: You. Is there any game that you'll always lose?
Kei: Even if there was one, who would be stupid enough to expose that?
Alec: Who's the stupid one?!
Sena: Um, then...
Alec: Can you think of anything, Gaku?
Gaku: Arm wrestling.
Alec: You've got way too much of an upper hand with that! I don't want to arm wrestle who can pick up a [not sure] with one hand!
Gaku: Come on.
Key: He's raring to go.
Kei: Regardless of what anyone says, he really wants to care for her.
Sena: U-Um...
Alec: Ugh! We can't have a match if we can't even decide the game!
Sena: Uuu...
Fred: Sena, it seems you have something to say.
Sena: Yes!
Gaku: Is that right? Then share the idea.
Sena: I will. About the method of deciding--
Alec: Denied.
Sena: Huh?!
Alec: You're gonna say something annoying. I don't even want to hear it.
Sena: B-But...
Gaku: Alec.
Alec: What.
Gaku: Just hear him out.
Sena: Gaku!
Alec: Fine. I'll hear you out.
Sena: Thank you. If we can't talk it out or decide with a match, why don't we decide by who's first? Then it would be me, who raised my hand first.
Alec: Denied!
Kei: Rejected!
Key: That won't fly.
Fred: I'm surprised you would try to share that idea.
Gaku: We're all in agreement.
Sena: Uuu...
Alec: Geez. It wasn't even worth hearing. Just straight up pointless. Talking it out, deciding with a match - all pointless. In the end, it has to be me.
Key: What are you doing, giving up and deciding all on your own?
Sena: You can't do that.
Gaku: We're back to square one.
Fred: Hm. By the way, the thought crossed my mind - are there any of you that have experience actually caring for the sick?
Key: Huh?
Gaku: That's...
Sena: Ah...
Key: Of course! I've cared for Kei.
Kei: And I've cared for Key.
Fred: But you haven't had any experience with women.
Key: Well, you're right there.
Kei: Same here...
Fred: I thought as much. Then I doubt any of you would be able to care for her properly. It's different caring for a man - she may not be comfortable if you don't think carefully about your actions. Either way, she needs proper rest, so I can't allow the lot of you - who are rowdily trying to decide who cares for her - near her. Give up.
Alec: Shut up.
Fred: What?
Alec: I'm saying that it doesn't matter if you have experience caring for the sick or not. I can't stand that I can't look after her while she's sick. There's nothing that I can't do. Caring for her, or whatever it is, I'll do it perfect.
Key: I'm the same! I want to be by her side while she's sick. And what you do doesn't change just because it's a girl. I just need to go off of my feelings of wanting to nurse her to health.
Kei: We had her as an assistant. I know what she doesn't like, and I don't plan on making her uncomfortable. I can even understand what she wants without her saying anything.
Sena: I also want to help her! She's always helping me, so I want to help back. I'll put in my all so she can rely on me.
Gaku: I may not have experience, but I have something that makes up for it - my feelings for her. I'm not good at handling my strength, but I can be gentle for her. I can do anything with her by my side. So it's not a problem.
Fred: I see. I understand what you all are saying. Then shall we all care for her?
Alec: Huh?
Fred: That's the only way everyone can be happy in this situation.
Key: It does mean I get to care for Mew...
Gaku: I just hope it doesn't bother her.
Sena: I-I'm fine with that.
Kei: Then it's decided? Then... I'll go right on ahead!
Alec: You ass!
Key: That's not fair, Kei!
Sena: Wait! ... Ow. I've got to hurry and chase after them.
Fred: Hehe. Just kidding. Everyone's in such a hurry even though it's pointless.
Sena: Pointless?
Fred: Who said I would hand away the role of caring for her?
Sena: Huh? You said that we would all care for her.
Fred: I did. I said that would be the only way everyone would be happy. But I didn't say we would do that.
Sena: Was that it...?
Fred: As if I'd let someone else care for her... Try, if you can.
Sena: You're scary, Fred.
[12:48] Key: Hey, Alec. Why's Gart here? Now we can't even get close, let alone care for her!
Alec: I don't know! I didn't let him out of the cage today.
Kei: A lion got out of its cage all on its own and came to her tent? This is stupid.
Gaku: It's clear that it thinks that we're an enemy.
Alec: There's no way. It's just you guys. Gart would never see me as an enemy. Right, Gart?
Key: Scary! It definitely thinks you're an enemy too, Alec!
Kei: You're a failure of an owner.
Alec: As if! And, hey, I'm not his owner, but his friend.
Kei: And your friend is this threatening to you?
Alec: T-That's... Gart is trying to protect her because she's weak right now.
Gaku: That means he isn't willing to let any of us come near.
Alec: Exactly.
Gaku: Should I force him back in his cage?
Kei: With your strength it'll be a proper match, but stop - I don't want to see blood.
Alec: You don't need to do that. If I convince him, he'll at least let me in. Come on, Gart, move away from her bed. I've come to care for her. I'm not an enemy.
Key: He went in with full confidence.
Kei: It's not going to work.
Kei, Key: See.
Gaku: No, he hasn't given up on fighting.
Key: Huh?
Alec: Gart, you roared at me twice. There are things I can't let slide, even if it's you. I'm the one who's caring for her! I won't leave it to you!
Key: They're wrestling now!
Alec: Get away from her bed right now!
Gaku: Alec!
Alec: What are you-- Don't lick me! Don't push your mane on me! It's ticklish!
Key: They're just playing around.
Gaku: I thought he'd get eaten, but I was wrong.
Kei: But it's clearly Gart's win here.
Key: So that means Gart's the only one who's caring for her?
Kei: That's it.
Gaku: Gart's will is steel. It's frustrating, but we didn't win against it. That's all there is to it.
Key: At least we got to see how she's doing from here. The medicine's working - she's fast asleep. Get well soon, Mew. Though it's frustrating as heck that I can't care for you.
[16:04] Alec: Hey, stop!
Sena: This is a strange scene. Why is Gart in her tent?
Fred: It seems that Gart noticed her health and worried about her, wandering in his cage. So I brought him here. Who would have thought that he wouldn't have allowed anyone to come near?
Sena: Was it really a surprise to you?
Fred: Who knows.
Sena: You definitely did it on purpose.
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risukadarlin · 2 years
[crazy circus] vol 6: fred - track one
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[00:08] Ladies and gentlemen.
Good afternoon.
I’m from the Alec Circus Troupe.
Tonight, our group will be performing here tonight!
I came here to greet you all alongside our wonderful pierrot.
Now, please watch his hands!
There are no traps or tricks in his hand.
He will produce a number of balloons from them for you!
Let’s go.
Thank you very much.
This is just a brief preview of the show we have prepared tonight.
We’ll excite you in ways you’ve never experienced before.
We have prepared a number of dreamlike shows for you all.
Please visit us, at least once!
I’ll give these balloons to you, for being so kind as to listen to me.
Oh my!
You’re all so lively.
Please take one.
You too.
Please take one.
For you too.
Good afternoon, miss.
Are you on the way home from school?
Here, take a balloon.
I’m sorry.
If possible, could you try to make do with just one?
Ah, I see.
Take two.
Please give them to those children.
It looks like they’re very happy with them. 
That’s all thanks to you.
Ah, wait a moment.
I have something for you.
For the lovely young lady who took balloons for the children who were too shy to do it themselves.
Here’s a ticket to tonight’s show.
Please come to see it.
I’ll be waiting for you.
[03:13] Now, shall we begin?
Showtime; just for you and I.
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lecameleontv · 6 years
La série TV Desperate Housewives (2004-2012) avec l’acteur James Denton interprétant lr personnage masculin Mike.
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Les acteurs de la série Le Caméléon. à la distribution de la série : - James Denton   - Marisa Petroro (Ep. 5.10) - Andrea Parker (Saison 8) ...
Compte Twitter - Page Facebook - 
Créateur : Marc Cherry, avec qui l’acteur James Denton retravaillera dans la série Devious Maids.
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Nb de saison : 8 Statut : terminée en 2012 1ère épisode U.S. : 04 octobre 2004 sur ABC
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Réalisation : Fred Gerber ( Ep. 1.06, 1.08 et 1.10) qui avait déjà réalisé l’Ep. 1.02 de la série Agence Matrix
Production : Larry Shaw, qui avait déjà réalisé l’Ep. 1.06 (2003) de la série Agence Matrix ...
Département artistique :  Nathan Chew (Ep. 1.03, 3.18 et 5.18) déjà croisé en tant qu’acteur dans l’Ep. 1.01 de la série Agence Matrix
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Distribution principale : - Teri Hatcher, qui montera ponctuellement sur scène l’accompagner au micro pour les concerts caritatifs des Band From TV, et qu’il retrouvera dans les TVfilms Coup de Foudre Avant Noël (2021), Christmas on Cherry Lane (2023) ainsi que dans un épisode de la saison 2 de la série TV Fantasy Island (2023) ! - Doug Savant, qu’il retrouvera  dans l’Ep. 4.24 de la série NCIS Nouvelle Orléans (2018); - Kim Delaney, que l’acteur avait déjà rencontrée dans Philly - Shawn Pyfrom, que l’actrice avait déjà croisé dans l’Ep. 8.04 de la série Les Experts : Miami   - David Fabrizio, vu dans l’Ep. 1.03  dans Le Caméléon.
Il est également resté en contact avec l’acteur Kyle MacLachlan, qui possède un commerce de vin à Seattle, et chez qui il achète régulièrement des bouteilles pendant les vacances.
Distribution secondaire :  - Jay Harrington (Saison 2) vu dans l’Ep. 3.03 de la série  Le Caméléon; - Tony Plana (Ep. 7.21 à 7.23, 8.01 et réalisation du 8.06) vu dans l’Ep. 1.08 de la série  Le Caméléon;
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Ils n’ont eu aucune scène en commun mais avec Andrea Parker sa partenaire de la série Le Caméléon, ils se sont quand même croisés sur le plateau de tournage.
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Le 22 septembre 2004 sur la même chaîne était également lancée la série culte LOST avec un certain Jon Gries au générique...
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Photos promo 1 - 2 - de Mike. Sa relation avec Susan : photos. Photos de tournage. Saison 8 : captures des Ep. 8.08 - 8.09
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Revoir les épisodes sur M6. Disponible sur Disney+ Star  
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Twitter officiel.
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Participations exceptionnelles - Saison 1 :  - Lorna Scott, déjà croisée dans Primary Colors et recroisée dans Un Intrus dans ma Maison; - Gregg Daniel (Ep. 1.06 et 1.09) déjà croisé dans l’Ep. 1.01 de la série Agence Matrix - Marlee Matlin (Ep. 1.17), recroisée dans Un Intrus dans ma Maison; - Arnell Powell, recroisé dans Un Intrus dans ma Maison; -  Hira Ambrosino (Ep. 1.18), que l’acteur avait déjà croisé dans l’Ep. 1.05 de la série Agence Matrix - Kevin E. West, vu dans l’Ep. 1.08 de la série  Le Caméléon ; - Steve Tom (Ep. 1.23) déjà croisé dans l’Ep. 1.04 de la série Agence Matrix 
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Participations exceptionnelles - Saison 2 :  - Mark Arnold (Ep. 2.05 et 2.06) déjà croisé dans l’Ep. 1.06 de la série Agence Matrix ; - M.C. Gainey (Ep. 2.20), vu dans l’Ep. 2.14 de la série  Le Caméléon ;   ...
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Participations exceptionnelles - Saison 3 :
- Anthony Azizi (’Ep. 3.04 et 3.05) déjà croisé dans la série Agence Matrix - Ian Paul Cassidy (Ep. 3.08) déjà croisé dans l’Ep. 1.02 de la série Agence Matrix et vu dans l’Ep. 4.06 de la série Le Caméléon. - Thomas Crawford (Ep. 3.18) vu dans l’Ep. 2.04 de la série  Le Caméléon.
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Participations exceptionnelles - Saison 4 :
- Julia Campbell (Ep.4.01) déjà croisée dans l’Ep. 3.04 de la série Le Caméléon. - Melora Walter (Ep. 4.08 et 4.09) déjà croisée dans la série Agence Matrix - Kortney Manns, (équipe technique dans les Ep. 4.09, 5.08 et 6.01) déjà croisé en tant qu’acteur dans l’Ep. 1.02 de la série Agence Matrix - Lee Lourdes (Ep. 4.09), que l’acteur avait déjà croisé dans l’Ep. 1.06 de la série Agence Matrix ;
La saison 4 ne comporte que 17 épisode au lieu des 24 prévus à cause de la grève des scénaristes qui a concerné toute l’industrie hollywoodienne. Les intrigues de cette saison ont également dû être modifiées pour tenir dans ce nombre raccourci d’épisodes.
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Participations exceptionnelles - Saison 5 :
- Matthew Jones (Ep. 5.10) déjà croisé dans l’Ep. 1.03 de la série Agence Matrix   - Marina Palmier (Ep. 5.23) déjà croisée dans l’Ep. 1.04 de la série Agence Matrix  
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Participations exceptionnelles - Saison 6 :
- James McDonnell (6.01), vu dans l’Ep. 4.03 de de la série Le Caméléon (V.O. : The Pretender). - Dennis Cokrum (6.05), vu dans l’Ep. 1.02 de de la série Le Caméléon (V.O. : The Pretender). - Paul Ganus (Ep. 6.18) déjà croisé dans l’Ep. 1.02 de la série Agence Matrix 
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Participations exceptionnelles - Saison 7 :
- Derek Webster (Ep. 7.11, 7.13 et 8.16) déjà croisé dans l’Ep. 1.03 de la série Agence Matrix   
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Participations exceptionnelles - Saison 8 :
- Leslie Jordan (8.08 et 8.09), vu dans l’Ep. 1.17 de la série Le Caméléon, et qui croisera dans le film Undead or Alive (2017); - Roselyn Sanchez (Ep. 8.23) qu’il recroisera dans l’Ep. de la série Devious Maids .
Grace à cette série, l’acteur a remporté des prix collectifs, et continuent d’être associé à ce rôle/son duo avec Teri Hatcher dans ses interview pour Danse Avec les Stars ! 
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Presse :  -  26 mars 2021 : The Morning Show ...
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Actualité 2020 de la série :  Stars in the House
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Du même créateur :  Devious Maids.
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Son goût pour l’art musical, que son personnage se découvre dans la saison..., est visible, outre pour Band From TV, dans : - Perfect Harmony (2022) - Ma Seule Famille - Grace Unplugged   - Good Witch   
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photos : imdb, tvshowscouples, desperatehousewives.fan, dh-central.sosugary.com sources : imdb et ouest-france.fr
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Alias Lyle dans Le Caméléon. Alias John Kilmer dans Agence Matrix. Alias Peter Hudson dans Devious Maids . Alias le Dr Sam dans Un Soupçon de Magie.
alias Linda Farrell dans Urgences. alias Caitlin ‘Kate’ Pike dans JAG alias Mlle Parker dans Le Caméléon alias Lydia Weston dans Less Than Perfect. alias Sarah Souders dans Red Band Society alias Jessica Di Laurentis dans Pretty Little Liars.
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meninthesky · 3 years
Out of my Head
The tracks which inspired the making of Out of my Head by Men in the Sky co-produced by Michael Johnson (Tankfield studios). Words by Gary Roberts.
The iconic 5 note motif which communicated the imminent arrival of the UFO’s inspired the lead melody in the chorus.
The unique foreboding sitar at the beginning of the song brought about the idea of the two chord vocal harmony.
This was the source for the percussive synth which permeates the track.
The soaring guitar riff inspired the lead guitar in the chorus which plays along with the ‘Close Encounters’ melody.
This has a fantastic pop production and sensibility with simple but sublime guitar strums. This brought about the idea for the guitars in the interlude before the guitar solo.
The classical string flourishes in this New Order track have been inspired by Das Rheingold by Wagner judging by the inclusion of this classical piece in their live show Nomc15. The influence is even more apparent on ‘All day long’ from the same album ‘Brotherhood’. These arpeggiator strings are used to compliment the vocal in Out of my Head for the chorus.
The 2 note synth bass which punctuates the break before the outro section in ‘Wouldn’t it be good’ is utilised to good effect in the chorus in Out of my Head.
Mutt Lange is the genius producer on this track who also influenced the making of ‘Hope for us Yet’ from his work with The Cars. This time around it’s his subtle addition of keyboard pads to create texture in the chorus.
The influence of Peter Hook’s evocative bassline on the outro to this song can be heard on ‘Out of my head’. According to his biography ‘Substance’ he’s not a keen fan of the album ‘Republic’ however this track together with ‘Regret’ stand out as new order classics.
Listen to ‘Out of my Head’ on Spotify including Michael Johnson mix.
Out of my Head (Radio edit) by Men in the Sky [OFFICIAL VIDEO] https://youtu.be/vN0s-Bvgf2w
Follow Men in the Sky
Spotify https://tinyurl.com/3fjjnzhj
Website https://www.men-in-the-sky.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/meninthesky
Twitter https://twitter.com/SkyMen_offic
Co-Produced by Michael Johnson of Tankfield Studios (credits include Joy Division, New Order, Soft Cell and Erasure)
Gavin Thomas (vocals)
Fred Arnell (guitar)
Gary Roberts (programming)
Michael Everett (video producer)
Beverly Jones (Art and design)
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46snowfox · 6 years
Sagas completas
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Vol 1: Ash Ookami Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 2: Nike Ookami Cv: Yoshimasa Hosoya
Vol 3: Heat Ookami Cv: Nobuhiko Okamoto
Vol 4: Sonata Ookami Cv: KENN
Vol 5: Koiki Ookami Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 6: Lukia Ookami Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Tokyo Cemetery
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Vol 1: Beruno Karigai Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 2 Neimu Seno Cv Kenji Nojima
Vol 3: Taichi Mizuhara Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 4: Sariko Midou Cv: Kazuya Nakai
Vol 5: Gunji Tategami Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibana
Vol 6: Aoi Saejima Cv Takashi Kondō
Thanatos Night
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Vol 1: Izaya Cv: Wataru Hatano
Vol 2: Nia Cv: Toshiki Masuda
Vol 3: Oliver Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 4: Seth Cv: Ryōta Ōsaka
Vol 5: Liam Cv: Yuto Suzuki
Vol 6: Dulan Cv: Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Thanatos Night Re:Vival
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Vol 1: Izaya Cv: Wataru Hatano
Vol 2: Nia Cv: Toshiki Masuda
Vol 3: Oliver Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 4: Seth Cv: Ryōta Ōsaka
Vol 5: Liam Cv: Yuto Suzuki
Vol 6: Dulan Cv: Toshiyuki Toyonaga
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Vol 1: Alec Cv: Tetsuya Kakihara
Vol 2: Kei Akatsuki Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 3: Kii Akatsuki Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 4: Gaku Nikaidou Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 5: Sena Cv: Sōma Saitō
Vol 6: Fred Arnell Cv: Natsuki Hanae
Luciole no Hime
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Vol 1: Sorona Redfore Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Neuro Paptesma Cv: Toshiki Masuda
Vol 3: Gauche Cv: Atsushi Tamaru
Vol 4: Droite Cv: Daisuke Kishio
Vol 5: Robin Torchia Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 6: Dr. Thriller Cv: Ryōta Ōsaka
Shuukyoku no Dolls
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Vol 1: Noah Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 2: Richard Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 3: Dietrich Cv: Daisuke Namikawa
Vol 4: Rolf Cv: Kenji Nojima
Vol 5: Darius Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 6: Fei Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Grimm-gai no Ouji-sama
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Vol 1: Red Hood Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Cinderella Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 3: Hamelin Cv: Maeno Tomoaki
Vol 4: Sleepy Cv: Yuto Uemura
Vol 5: Hansel Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 6: Gretel Cv: Kazuyuki Okitsu
Midnight Jiang Shis
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Vol 1: Mei-Mei Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 2: Rin-Rin Cv: Takahashi Naozumi
Vol 3: Rei-Rei Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibana
Vol 4: Honoka Cv: Hiro Shimono
Vol 5: Riei Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 6: Iroha Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Midnight Jiang Shis Tenchou Yuugi
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Vol 1: Shu-Shu Cv: Toshiki Masuda
Vol 2: Rei-Rei Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibana
Vol 3: Iroha Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 4: Rin-Rin Cv: Takahashi Naozumi
Vol 5: Honoka Cv: Hiro Shimono
Vol 6: Riei Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 7: Chu-Chu Cv: Sōma Saitō
Oz to Himitsu no Ai
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Vol 1: Haruto Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 2: Chikage Cv:  Takashi Kondō
Vol 3: Keisa Cv: Hiro Shimono
Vol 4: Shian Cv Takahashi Naozumi
Vol 5: Tenma Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 6: Ail Cv: Mamoru Miyano
Vol 7: La última puerta Cv (todo el elenco)
Yuugen Romantica
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Vol 1: Hifumi Cv: KENN
Vol 2: Zakuro Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 3: Iriya Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibanna
Vol 4: Arahagi Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 5: Toneri Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 6: Hanawo Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Yuugen Romantica Uchouten
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Vol 1: Hifumi Cv: KENN
Vol 2: Utashiro Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 3: Zakuro Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 4: Iriya Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibana
Vol 5: Merry Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 6: Arahagi Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 7: Toneri Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 8: Hanawo Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa 
Yuugen Romantica Hatenkou
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Vol 1: Hifumi Cv: KENN
Vol 2: Utashiro Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 3: Zakuro Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 4: Iriya Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibana
Vol 5: Merry Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 6: Arahagi Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 7: Toneri Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 8: Hanawo Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Yuugen Romantica Shinkocchou
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Vol 1: Hifumi & Utashiro Cv: KENN & Ryohei Kimura
Vol 2: Arahagi & Toneri Cv: Yuuki Kaji & Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 3: Zakuro & Iriya Cv: Takahiro Sakurai & Shinnosuke Tachibana
Vol 4: Hanawo & Merry Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa & Kousuke Toriumi
Yuugen Romantica Mantenka
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Vol 1: Hifumi Cv: KENN
Vol 2: Merry Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 3: Utashiro Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 4: Toneri Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 5: Iriya Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibana
Vol 6: Arahagi Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 7: Zakuro Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 8: Hanawo Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Yuugen Romantica Saikoucho
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Vol 1: Hifumi Cv: KENN
Vol 2: Merry Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 3: Utashiro Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 4: Toneri Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 5: Iriya Cv: Tachibana Shinnosuke
Vol 6: Arahagi Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 7: Zakuro Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 8: Hanawo Cv: Hikaru Miorikawa
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Vol 1: Noel Serikawa Cv: Takuya Eguchi
Vol 2: Yuki Serikawa Cv: Yūki Ono
Vol 3: Aran Yagami Cv: Daisuke Namiwawa
Vol 4: Keito Yushina Cv: Wataru Hatano
Vol 5: Yujin Nadeno Cv: Hiro Shimono
Vol 6: Calmera Cv: Yoshimasa Hosoya
Koi suru Sariel
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Vol 1: Shimon Izanami Cv: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Vol 2: Rui Minowa Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 3: Dan Mashiba Cv: Nobuhiko Okamoto
Yotogi HoliC
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Vol 1: Mikazuki Cv: Tomoaki Maeno
Vol 2: Akatsuki Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 3: Izayoi: Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 4: Arata Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibana
Vol 5: Mitsuru Cv: Natsuki Hanae
Vol 6: Yumihari Cv: Hiro Shimono
Honey Liar!?
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Vol 1: Takia Kokuyou Cv: Daisuke Namikawa
Vol 2: Yuzuku Kohaku Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 3: Keiichi Takame Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 4: Seiji Aikata Cv: Tomoaki Maeno
Vol 5: Haruya Hari Cv: Hiro Shimono
Vol 6: Saku Hinaga Cv: KENN
Lip on my Prince
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Vol 1: Seiya Kitano Cv: Daisuke Namikawa
Vol 2: Mahoro Sawaguchi Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 3: Asahi Nagumo Cv: Junichi Suwabe
Vol 4: Haru Yanase Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 5: Norio Ban Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 6: Tomoe Naruse Cv: Daisuke Kishio
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Vol 1: Asahi Nagumi Cv: Junichi Suwabe
Vol 2 Shouta Saotome Cv: Hiro Shimono
Vol 3 Seiya Kitano Cv: Daisuke Namikawa
Vol 4 Norio Ban Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 5 Tomoe Naruse Cv: Daisuke Kishio
Vol 6 Mahoro Sawaguchi Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 7 Haru Yanase Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 8 Tsubaki Shiina Cv: Yoshino Hiroyuki
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Vol 1: Enju Usui Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 2: Tamaki Satomi Cv: Nobuhiko Okamoto
Vol 3: Ranran Kurumiya Cv: Shōta Aoi
Vol 4: Sora Ebihara Cv Yuuki Kaji
Vol 5: Masato Fujiie Cv: Jun’ichi Suwabe
Vol 6: Satou Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
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Vol 1: Lizzy Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 2: Valerie Cv: Toshiki Masuda
Vol 3: Kuu Cv: Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Vol 4: Kirumi Cv: Hiro Shimono
Vol 5: Ness Cv: Kaito Ishikawa
Vol 6: Aaron Cv: Yūki Ono
Dance with Devils -Twin-Lead-
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Vol 1: Rem Kaginuki & Lindo Tachibana Cv: Sōma Saitō & Wataru Hatano
Vol 2: Urie Sogami & Mage Nanashiro Cv: Takashi Kondō & Subaru Kimura
Vol 3: Shiki Natsumezaka & Roen Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa & Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Diabolik Lovers More Blood
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Vol 1: Ayato Sakamaki Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Kou Mukami Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 3: Ruki Mukami Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 4: Azusa Mukami Cv: Daisuke Kishio
Vol 5: Yuma Mukami Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 6: Kanato Sakamaki Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 7: Laito Sakamaki Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 8: Subaru Sakamaki Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 9: Shu Sakamaki Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 10: Reiji Sakamaki Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi
Diabolik Lovers Bloody Bouquet
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Vol 1: Ayato Sakamaki Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Ruki Mukami Cv: Takahiro Sakurai 
Vol 3: Carla Tsukinami Cv: Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vol 4: Shuu Sakamaki Cv  Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 5: Kou Mukami Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 6: Reiji Sakamaki Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi
Vol 7: Shin Tsukinami Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 8: Yuma Mukami Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 9: Kanato Sakamaki Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 10: Laito Sakamaki Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 11: Azusa Mukami Cv: Daisuke Kishio
Vol 12: Subaru Sakamaki Cv: Takashi Kondō
Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene
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Vol 1: Ayato Sakamaki Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Kino Cv: Tomoaki Maeno
Vol 3: Kou Mukami Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 4: Shin Tsukinami Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 5: Laito Sakamaki Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 6: Subaru Sakamaki Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 7: Reiji Sakamaki Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi
Vol 8: Azusa Mukami Cv: Daisuke Kishio
Vol 9: Kanato Sakamaki Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 10: Yuma Mukami Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 11: Carla Tsukinami Cv: Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vol 12: Ruki Mukami Cv: Takahiro Sakurai 
Vol 13: Shu Sakamaki Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Diabolik Lovers Zero
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Vol 1: Ayato Sakamaki Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Kou Mukami Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 3: Subaru Sakamaki Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 4: Shin Tsukinami Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 5: Kanato Sakamaki Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 6: Yuma Mukami Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 7: Kino Cv: Tomoaki Maeno
Vol 8: Reiji Sakamaki Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi
Vol 9: Carla Tsukinami Cv: Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vol 10: Shu Sakamaki Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 11: Laito Sakamaki Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 12: Azusa Mukami Cv: Daisuke Kishio
Vol 13: Ruki Mukami Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Diabolik Lovers More, More Blood
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Vol 1: Ayato Sakamaki Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Kou Mukami Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 3: Shu Sakamaki Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 4: Shin Tsukinami Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 5: Yuma Mukami Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 6: Reiji Sakamaki Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi
Vol 7: Subaru Sakamaki Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 8: Carla Tsukinami Cv: Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vol 9: Kanato Sakamaki Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 10: Azusa Mukami Cv Daisuke Kishio
Vol 11: Laito Sakamaki Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 12: Ruki Mukami Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 13: Kino Cv: Tomoaki Maeno
Diabolik Lovers Daylight
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Vol 1: Ayato Sakamaki Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Shu Sakamaki Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 3: Reiji Sakamaki Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi
Vol 4: Subaru Sakamaki Cv: Takashi Kondō
Vol 5: Kanato Sakamaki Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 6: Laito Sakamaki Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 7:  Ruki Mukami Cv: Sakurai Takahiro
Vol 8: Kou Mukami Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 9: Yuma Mukami Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 10: Azusa Mukami Cv: Daisuke Kishio
Vol 11: Carla Tsukinami Cv: Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vol 12: Shin Tsukinami Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 13: Kino Cv: Tomoaki Maeno
Diabolik Lovers Eternal Blood
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Vol 1: Ruki Mukami Cv: Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 2: Yuma Mukami Cv: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 3: Kou Mukami Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Vol 4: Azusa Mukami Cv: Daisuke Kishio
Diabolik Lovers Born to Die
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Vol 1: Carla Tsukinami Cv: Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vol 2: Shin Tsukinami Cv: Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 3: Kino Cv: Tomoaki Maeno
Diabolik Lovers VERSUSⅢ
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Vol 1: Ayato vs Carla Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa & Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vol 2: Laito vs Shin Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa & Showtaro Morikubo
Vol 3: Subaru vs Kou Cv: Takashi Kondō & Ryohei Kimura
Vol 4: Reiji vs Ruki Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi & Takahiro Sakurai 
Vol 5: Shu vs Yuma Cv: Kousuke Toriumi & Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Vol 6: Kanato vs Azusa Cv: Yuuki Kaji & Daisuke Kishio
Diabolik Lovers VERSUS IV
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Vol 1: Ayato vs Shin vs Kino Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa, Showtaro Morikubo & Tomoaki Maeno
Vol 2: Shu vs Ruki Cv: Kousuke Toriumi & Takahiro Sakurai
Vol 3: Subaru vs Carla Cv: Takashi Kondō & Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vol 4: Reiji vs Azusa Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi & Daisuke Kishio
Vol 5: Kanato vs Kou Cv: Yuuki Kaji & Ryohei Kimura
Vol 6: Laito vs Yuma Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa & Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Mini Drama
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Vol 1: Ayato Sakamaki Cv: Hikaru Midorikawa
Vol 2: Kanato Sakamaki Cv: Yuuki Kaji
Vol 3: Laito Sakamaki Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Vol 4: Shuu Sakamaki Cv: Kousuke Toriumi
Vol 5: Reiji Sakamaki Cv: Katsuyuki Konishi
Vol 6: Subaru Sakamaki Cv:  Takashi Kondō
790 notes · View notes
celtics534 · 5 years
Natural Chapter 17
And we have reached the end! Thank you guys so much for being so amazing during this story! I had way too much fun writing it! @thedistantdusk, @gryffindormischief, and Arnel were amazing throughout the entirety of this fic and I appreciate everything they have done for me! 
Also read on: FF.net or AO3
Harry flexed his fingers the minute Ginny released his hand. They had been in the private hospital room for over three hours and there was still another centimeter of dilation to go. The last contraction had nearly made Ginny break his hand.
 “You’re doing so well, Ginny.” Padma beamed, as she looked up at Ginny from her position at the end of the bed. “I think we’ll be ready to push in the next hour.”
 “Thank, Merlin,” Ginny groaned as she fell back into the pillow.
 Molly came over and wiped her daughter's brow with a wet flannel. “You're doing great, dear.”
 “I don't know how you did this six times.” Ginny reached a hand out to Harry, who took the offering. “I know I should feel sorry about your hand, but this is all your fault.”
 “I'm more than happy to take the blame.” Harry leaned over and kissed her soaked forehead. “Do need anything?”
 “Other than your spawn out of my body? No, nothing --” Ginny cut herself off with a grunt as another wave nauseating pain plowed through her body. She squeezed Harry's hand in a vice-like grip, making him wince.
 “And we're at ten centimeters!” Padma called. She waved her wand and a Moses basket appeared from thin air. “You ready to meet your baby?”
It was then that it all became real to Harry. He was about to become a father. Sure, he had thought about it over the course of the last seven months. But daydreaming about something and being presented with it before your very eyes were two very different things.
 He looked over at Ginny. Her hair was matted and her face flushed, but Merlin she was so beautiful. Words became lost to Harry. He nodded at Padma, who was smiling at him.
 When Ginny nodded her agreement too, her breath steadying, and Harry wrapped an arm around his wife's shoulders as he kissed her temple.
 When she looked up at him, Harry could see her own excitement through the pain.
 “Alright, Ginny, on the next contraction I need you to push. Can you do that?” Padma’s calm voice seemed to bolster Ginny’s confidence.
 Again, Ginny nodded.
 “Okay, then, here we go.”
 “How long does it take to have a baby?” Sirius asked, his body slumped in the chair as a moody teenager might after being told they couldn’t go to a party.
 Both families had assembled at St Mungo's. George had sent patronuses out to everyone he could think of. Harry, his mother, Harry’s mother, all his brothers, the staff at Weasley Wizard Wheezes. Yeah, the last one didn’t make sense, but he had been in a panic, alright?
 George had been sitting in the same chair since Harry had arrived. Harry had rushed past him, straight into the room his wife had been checked into. Next to arrive had been Harry’s parents (which included Sirius), then George’s parents came into the reception room not a minute later. That had been five hours ago. Since then, more people had arrived, including both the Harpies and Puddlemere teams, but they had been told to leave as to not overcrowd the relatives room or the new parents.
 Lily scoffed at Sirius. “I was in labor with Harry for twenty hours, Sirius. It can take a while.”
 Sirius straightened. “I remember that. That seemed so much quicker.”
 James laughed. “That’s because you and Remus decided to show up pissed off your arses and slept for most of the birthing process.”
 “We had been honoring the future marauder!”
 “Not to mention,” Remus spoke from his corner seat. “You forgot to message us until Lily had already been in labor for fourteen hours. We would have been sober if you’d called us sooner.”
 Sirius beamed at his friend. “That’s right! Moony’s got a point. You didn’t send us that patronus until well after midnight. We’d already been in the pub since eight and we had to give cheers to the impending Potter, didn’t we?”
 Lily quirked a brow at the defensive men. “Wait, if James sent you the message at midnight, why didn’t you show up until two in the morning?”
 “Yeah.” James frowned, looking between his two oldest friends. “I never thought about that…”
 Remus’ face darkened with a deep flush that spread down his neck. “Well… you see. Sirius may have shouted something along the lines of, ‘we’re having a baby!’. So everyone wanted to buy us drinks.”
 “And we may or may not have let them think we received a message telling us our adoption application went through.” Sirius shrugged. “To be fair, we’d make an adorable couple, wouldn’t we Remus?”
 If possible, Remus’ blush became more prominent. Everyone in the room was silent until Arthur snorted with laughter. Fred, George, and James followed closely behind. Soon the entire reception room was full of laughter. Everyone was too distracted to notice a disheveled but happy Harry walk into the room with a small bundle encased in his arms.
 “I must have missed the punchline.” Harry’s voice made all heads swivel in his direction in sync, like demon dolls in a muggle horror film.
 James stood from his chair as Lily’s hands came up to cover her mouth at the sight of her son with a baby in arms. “Oh, Harry!”
 “I’d like you all to meet my daughter, Euphemia Potter. But you can call her Mia.”
 Right as Lily started moving in closer to see her granddaughter, Molly walked out of Ginny’s room with another baby, this one wrapped in a blue blanket.
 “Oh and this is my son, Lancelot Potter.” Harry nodded his head towards Molly. “But we’re calling him Lance.”
 “Twins?” James’ jaw dropped, his hand grasping for a chair to hold him up. “Why didn’t you tell us you were having twins?”
 Harry kissed his daughter on the top of her little red head as he passed her to Lily. “We didn’t know. Apparently, Lance is quite a prankster already.” He took Lance from Molly and rubbed his son’s back, whose hair was jet black just like his own. “He thought it would be funny for Mummy and Daddy to think they were only having one baby, so he hid behind his sister.”
 Sirius laughed. “A future hide and seek champ.”
 “He and his sister are gonna be a handful,” Molly mused as she moved over to her husband, who had just been passed Mia.
 “Don’t I know it.” Harry let out a small laugh as James cradled his grandson for the first time.
 “How’s Ginny?” Lily asked, placing a kiss on Harry’s cheek.
 “Incredible.” Harry beamed. “She did so well.”
 “How did she take the news about a second baby?” James pressed a kiss to Lance’s nose before handing him off to Fred.
 “Let’s just say I learned some new curse words.”
 Sirius let out a bark of a laugh. “That’s my girl.”
 “That’s my woman.” Harry’s smile filled his face. “It’s…” He took in a deep breath, his eyes following Mia as she cooed up at Bill. “I still can’t believe we had twins.”
 Lily pulled her son into a tight hug. “Your father and I will head out and get some more supplies for when you and Ginny return home. Another cot, swing, a lot more nappies.”
 Harry pressed a kiss to Lily’s cheek. “That would be amazing, Mum. I hadn’t even thought about our home stock.”
 “You’ve had more pressing matters. Speaking of.” Lily released him and gave him a little push towards Ginny’s room. “Go check on your wife.”
 “I’ll bring the little ones back, dear.” Molly smiled at her son-in-law. “You go spend some time with Ginny.”
 Harry hesitated, looking between his children (who were being held by Bill and Sirius) before nodding. When he entered the private hospital room, Ginny was still laying on the bed, freshly showered (Molly having helped her before bringing out Lance), her eyes closed. When she heard Harry’s footsteps, she opened her bleary eyes.
 “Hey. How did everyone take our little surprise?” Ginny voice sounded raw, so Harry grabbed a cup of water from the bedside table and helped her sit up so she could take a drink.
 He waited until she had finished before answering softly, “I’d say they were just as shocked as we were. I thought my dad might pass out.” Ginny let out a little chuckle. Harry leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Do you need anything, love?”
 Ginny shook her head, sliding to one side of the bed. “No, I’m fine, but I wouldn’t mind if you joined me.”
 Harry toed off his shoes before lying beside his wife. They rested in comfortable silence, Harry’s arms draped over Ginny’s hip, their hands intertwined.
 That was how Molly and Lily found them, each grandparent holding a grandbaby. The new parents had fallen asleep in the lull.
 “Oh dear.” Molly smiled at the sight of her daughter. “I still can’t believe my baby has babies of her own now.”
 “I know what you mean.” Lily pressed a kiss to the top of Lance’s head. “It feels like just yesterday that Harry was telling me girls had cooties and he would never get married.”
 “Ginny always claimed boys ruined everything, so the minute she moved out, she would never talk to another boy again.”
 Lily laughed quietly. “How old was she?”
 “Oh, must have been six, maybe seven. Ron had just knocked out her front tooth so I could see how she concluded all boys, as she put it, stunk.”
 They settled the twins in their respective cots, with no fuss. Deciding to let the tired young couple sleep, Molly set a charm around the bed and put the babies in cots so she and Lily could talk.  
 “Bastille came back,”’ Lily told her. “I saw him as we left the reception room. I’m sure that means the rest of the team isn’t far behind.”
 “I’m sure Harry will be glad to see his friends,” Molly mused as she pulled out a ball of wool she’d been working with from her bottomless bag.
 “I’m guessing the Harpies won’t be far behind. You know.” Lily nodded her head at her son and daughter-in-law. “They’re gonna ask who won.”
 Molly sighed, her eyes rolling, but a small smile quirked at the corner of her lips. “I’d expect nothing less of my daughter. We’ll leave it to teams to inform them.” She reached into her bag and pulled out a skein of green wool. “I got this in case the baby got Harry’s eyes. I think little Lance will be the spitting image of his daddy.”
 Lily smiled and accepted the offered wool and hook and started crafting a jumper for her grandson. “And Mia looks just like Ginny. She already has her wide eyes and fiery hair.”
 The two women fell into silence, ever watchful over the brood of Weasley and Potter children.
 Harry kissed the top of his four-month-old daughter’s head. Little Mia was currently bouncing on his chest while Lance rested on his back, as Harry watched his Puddlemere team fly drills. The muggle chest carrier was perfect for when he and the twins were watching practices.
 “What do you think, Mia?” Harry looked into his daughter's soulful brown eyes. “Do you think Coleman’s cutting it?”
 Mia blew a bubble out of her nose, a wide grin on her chubby cheeks.
 Harry laughed and kissed her once again.
 “Harry?” Devlin spoke from behind him. Harry turned to smile at his captain. His captain. He was still amazed by the fact that he was the coach of Puddlemere United Quidditch Club. It was like a dream. Mix that with his fun-but-chaotic home life and Harry was on cloud nine.
 “Yeah, Leo?”
 “I have some new plays I want the beaters to work on. Wanna take a look?”
 Harry looked over his shoulder and smiled at his cooing son, before leading the way towards his office. “Do you have a diorama? You know I’m a sucker for a good presentation.”     
 “Ginny, do you know where Lance’s stuffed snitch is?” Harry yelled from the floor of the twins’ nursery. He couldn’t for the life of him find where his son had lost the toy Harry’s father had bought. When does a seven-month-old find the time to hide a toy?
 “Check by the nook in the sitting room,” Ginny said, Mia perched on her hip as she stopped in the nursery doorway.
 Harry rolled onto his back to look at his amused wife. “I did check there. And before you ask, I checked under the sofa too.”
 Ginny snorted. “It seems we’ve been through this a few times if you know all my questions. Is there no mystery left between us?”
 “I still don’t know how I got you to marry me, that’s still a mystery.”
 Ginny rolled her eyes affectionately as she walked out into the sitting room. Harry smiled as he followed her. Ginny had placed Mia in the swing that was identical to the one her brother was using. Lance had drifted off within a few minutes of being placed in the rocker. Harry had been looking for the stuffed snitch since that moment because he knew his son would want to snuggle with it once he woke up, doing his best impression of a fog horn until his demands were met.
 Harry admired his children for a moment. Even months later he was still amazed by them. Mia with her red hair that matched her mother perfectly. And Lance sucking his little thumb as he slept. Nothing was more precious to him: His children and his wife.
 “Found it.” Ginny kept her voice low when she spoke across the room. “I think our son will be going to Hogwarts, dear.”
 Harry watched Ginny summon the toy from the top of the bookcase. “He must have made it fly up there.” Ginny walked to her still snoozing son and placed the snitch next to him. “Come on, let's go have a cup of tea.”
 Ginny led the way into the kitchen and placed the already full kettle onto the burner. Harry started pulling mugs from the cupboard. “I can’t believe they’re both already showing signs of magic.”
 “I know! I asked Mum if it was common for a baby to show powers this early on, and she told me that Fred and George were changing each other’s hair at around nine months.” Ginny moved in close to her husband and wound her arms around his waist. She rested her head on his chest, enjoying the silence that had become a rare commodity in their house over the last seven months.
 Harry pressed a kiss to the crown of her head before breaking the quiet. “What time do you have practice today?”
 “Noon.” Her voice was muffled by his chest.
 “Okay, I need to go in and fill out some forms for the new seeker training Devlin came up with. It shouldn’t take more than an hour.”
 The kettle began whistling strains of what would rapidly become a screech, signaling its readiness. Ginny pulled away from Harry’s chest reluctantly in order to serve them tea, hopefully before the twins woke from the sound. “So how about after you drink your tea you head out and sign the papers. You’ll be back by...” She looked at the clock ticking on the wall. “Eleven o’clock, the latest?”
 Harry nodded as he took both mugs of freshly poured tea and carried them to the little kitchen table. They sat across from each other, their normal spots, before Harry handed her one of the mugs.
 Some people couldn’t stand silence. It made them feel awkward, like there had to be some sort of conversation, no matter if the topic was interesting for both parties. Ginny loved the fact that neither she nor Harry was like that. They had always appreciated each other’s company whether words were spoken or not.
 It was odd to think about how natural everything felt with Harry, even after many years of being together. Yes, you can learn the quirks of someone and learn to adjust, but if you haven’t found the right person, it may never feel legitimate. With Harry, it had always been like this. Harry: her best friend, lover, and everything in between.  
 “What?” Harry quirked a brow at her.
 “You were giving me with that look.” Harry’s lip curled upwards in a lopsided grin. The grin that she found way too sexy. “What were you thinking about?”
 Ginny refused to blush;she would not give him the satisfaction. “Bananas.”
 Harry’s grin fell into a grimace of confusion. “Bananas?”
 “Yeah.” Ginny drained the rest of her tea in a large gulp while getting out of her chair. On her way to the sink, she paused by Harry, her lips moving close to his ear. “I was thinking about the versatility of a banana in the hands of a well-trained chef."
 Harry cleared his throat nervously."Ah, very…culinary."
 Ginny ran her nose down his stubbled chin as her free hand moved down to his thigh. "It just so happens you're in the presence of a culinary artist with such a specialty in mind.” She smiled when Harry audibly gulped. “I think bananas will be involved in dessert tonight.”
“Can we skip dinner?” Harry’s sultry tone made Ginny want to skip lunch and dinner.
 She tilted her neck so their lips connected for the briefest of moments, then stood straight. “Nope, you’re just gonna have to wait.”
 Before Ginny could even fully place her mug into the sink, Harry had her wrapped in his arms. Her back pulled tightly to his chest. His mouth trailing down her neck.“You know, bananas can go really well with breakfast.”
 Ginny snorted, but placed her mug carefully down in the metal basin before turning to face her husband. “And even when you have to finish quick, bananas are still extremely satisfying.”    
 “The twins have another twenty minutes left on their swing cycle...”
 “I’m due for some potassium. Care to lead the way, darling?”
 Harry lifted her up into the air, making Ginny wrap her legs around his waist to steady herself. “It would be my pleasure.”
 “Actually, I think it will be both of ours.”
 Harry closed his eyes, listening to Lance’s breathing even out. He had lifted the finicky baby out of his crib to comfort him. It had taken the better part of an hour, but eventually Harry had laid down on the sofa with Lance on his chest where he had cried for a few more minutes before settling his face into his father’s neck.
 Harry heard the muffled crash of a camera lens closing. He opened his eyes to see his wife, still in her practice uniform, holding a camera. She smiled unapologetically at him. “I couldn’t resist.”
 “It’s fine.” Harry kept his voice low, palm warm and broad across Lance’s slowly rising and falling back. “How was practice?”
 Ginny knelt by the edge of the sofa and kissed Lance’s head before giving Harry a chaste kiss to the lips. “Good. Coach Guro thought we did such a good job she let us leave fifteen minutes late, instead of the usual thirty.”
 “Impressive.” Harry shifted slightly to test his son’s consciousness. Lance didn’t even notice the shuffle. “Alright, I think he’s ready to go back to bed.”
 “I’ll take him.” Ginny smoothly scooped Lance into her arms, not even disturbing the tyke. Harry waited a few minutes after Ginny left the room before sitting up. He stretched his stiff arms over his head while letting out a large yawn.
 “Now isn’t that a lovely sight?” Harry twisted slightly, letting his arms fall. He quirked an eyebrow at his wife who watched him from the doorjamb. She moved into the room, stopping right in front of Harry. “Have I ever told you how much I love your stomach?”
 Harry thought back over the years... the way her hands gravitated towards the hair that spread down his navel. “I’m pretty good at reading between the lines, love.”
 Ginny smirked. “Another thing you’re natural at, huh?”
 “Another?” Harry moved his hands to rest on her hips while she straddled his lap.
 “Oh yeah.” Ginny nuzzled her nose across his unshaven jaw (between feeding the twins and shaving, Harry had made a choice, alright). “There are many things you’re very good at.”
 “Name one.”
 Ginny trailed her lips across his skin, setting each spot where her lips touched on fire. “Comforting our children for starters. Your seeker skills are next to none. And..” Her tantalizing lips hovered over his, “Don’t even get me started on your finesse last night.”
 Harry smiled at the mere thought of the previous night. “Well, I can’t argue that.”
 “Good.” Ginny connected her smile with his. “You should know by now I’m always right.” She stood, her hand stretching out for him to take. “How about we give last night a run for its money, huh?”
 Harry let his wife lead him to their room, unable to stop thinking about how perfect his life was. He never thought he would live a life like this, with two incredible children, a flawless wife, a job he loved. Everything had turned out better than he’d ever imagined. So pure and natural. He’d never trade it for anything.   
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erineyesore-blog · 6 years
The best, weirdest interpretations of songs by other artists-- it's the RAAB covers episode. I've included the original artist in parentheses, along with my usual practice of identifying the year the track came out.
Ginny Arnell- Dumb Head (1963) 
Deborah and the Puerto Ricans- Respect (1981- Aretha Franklin) Denial- California Dreaming (1983- The Mamas and the Papas) Neonbabies- Jumpin’ Jack (1981- Rolling Stones) Mystery Girls- These Boots Are Made For Walkin' (1983- Lee Hazelwood) 25 Cents- The Witch (1982- The Sonics) Data 3- Heart Full of Soul (1984- Yard Birds) Lydia Lunch- Spooky (1980- Mike Shapiro) The Modernettes- Femme Fatale (1984 Velvet Underground) A.C. Marias- Vicious (1989- Lou Reed) Bakersfield Boogie Boys- I Get Around (1980- Beach Boys) Jeri Rossi- It's a Man's Man's Man's World (1983- James Brown) Annabel Lamb- Riders on the Storm (1983- The Doors) Judy Nylon- Jailhouse Rock (1983 Elvis) The Yeastie Girlz- Orgasm Addict (1988- Buzzcocks) Sin 34- Uncontrollable Urge (1983- Devo) Anomy- TVC 15 (1981- David Bowie) Blondie- Hanging on the Telephone (1978- The Nerves) Sonoko- Chéri, Chéri (1987- Suicide) Ronnie and the Rhythm Girls- I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend (1981- Ramones) Debbie Neon- Psycho Killer (1979- Talking Heads) The Flying Lizards- Great Balls of Fire (1984- Jerry Lee Lewis) Jeanette Und Das Land Z- Poupée De Cire, Poupée De Son (1981- France Gall) Lizzy Mercier Descloux- Mission Impossible (1979- Lalo Schifrin) Baby Buddha- Stand By Your Man (1981- Tammy Wynette) Nervous Gender- Monsters (1981- Cher) Salon Music- See Emily Play (1982- Pink Floyd) Digette- Fred From Jupiter (1984- Die Doraus + Die Marinas) Thick Pigeon- Jingle Bell Rock (1981- Bobby Helms) Dombrowsky- Hor Ma (1982- Trio) Timbirche- Telefono (1982- Sheena Easton) X- Soul Kitchen (1980- The Doors) Mo-Dettes- Paint It Black (1980- Rolling Stones)
Photo: Sonoko
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silentsanctummanga · 3 years
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Ganito kasi yun, ito kasing si Arnel Pineda ay hindi nakapagpakita ng sapat na sus....tagen coins. Kaya nga hindi na sila binisita nila Susy at Geno, kaya nga walang Season 2. #YunYunE #PatayNaSiTitoDolphy Ang lakas pa man din ng loob mong pagtawanan yung gawa sa tissue paper na costume ng anime. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeLhFaWGlSI E, yun nga yung gusto ng mga tao e!!! Hindi rin kasi nila ginamit yung napakasikat na kanta ni Fred Panopio (e patok pa naman yun para sa mga truck drivers na masasabi nating key demo ng Cowboy Bebop), kaya nga na-alienate lalo yung mga pinoy fans! Wala na! Nasa huli lagi ang pagsisisi! Kumanta ka na lang uli sa Journey. #CowboyBebop #SeeYouSpaceCowboy #TANK #Mansplained #CancelCulture #Cancer #Netflix #HypeTrain #FanTheory #WhateverHappensHappens #Misinformation #FakeNews #AngKawawangCowboy #YosiBreak https://www.instagram.com/silentsanctummanga/p/CXZIfkUhhq8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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March 11, 2020: Obituaries
Carol Martin, 75
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Carol Yates Martin, age 75, of Purlear, passed away Monday, March 9, 2020 at her home. Carol was born April 6, 1944 in Wilkes County to Theo Thad and Fannie McNeil Yates. She was a member of Boiling Springs Baptist Church, where she played the organ. She also enjoyed playing the piano. She taught school in Seattle Washington, in Oregon, at Boomer Ferguson Elementary and for many years at Millers Creek Elementary. Carol loved her family. Mrs. Martin enjoyed her African grey parrot, Jaro; her cat, Roscoe; and dog, Laddie. Mrs. Martin was an avid reader and doing crosswords. She was loved by so many and will be greatly missed. Mrs. Martin was preceded in death by her parents.
Surviving are her husband of 52 years, Fred Martin, Jr. of the home; son, Christopher Lynn Martin and spouse Susan of Purlear; and granddaughter, Ava Grace Martin of Purlear.
Funeral service will be held 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at Boiling Springs Baptist Church with Pastor Joey Moore officiating. Burial will follow in the Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends at Boiling Springs Baptist Church from 12:00 until 1:00 on Wednesday, prior to the service. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Boiling Springs Baptist Church, 1390 Boiling Springs Road, Purlear, NC 28665. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Robert "Bob" Reid, 84
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Robert "Bob" Lee Reid, age 84, passed away on Sunday, March 8, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
Funeral services will be held on 2:00 PM Thursday, March 12, at Pilgrim Baptist Church in Wilkesboro with Pastor Derek Kilby officiating. Burial with Military Honors and Masonic Rites will be in the church cemetery.   The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 PM Wednesday evening at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home in North Wilkesboro.
He was born November 14, 1935 in Iredell County to Pearl Beshears and William Marsh Beshears. He graduated from Central High School in Iredell County and then moved to Michigan in 1955 to work for General Motors.  He served in the U.S. Army from 1958-1960.
He met and married the love of his life, Lynn Ann Jurek, in 1970.  He retired from Cadillac after a 35-year career.  Bob was an avid golfer, playing (and winning) in the Cadillac golf league for many years. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge in Detroit and the Blue Ridge Shrine Club in Wilkesboro. He loved spending time with his family and friends and never met a stranger. Helping others gave him great joy. He was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) in 2019, yet continued on with his same enthusiasm for life.
He was preceded in death by his parents, two sisters;Fern and Grace, and a brother, Denny.
He is survived by his wife, Lynn of the home, his son; Greg Reid (Andrea) of Boxford, MA, their daughter; Cheryl Easterwood (Rich), of Mesa, AZ, and their son; Robert Reid (Sherry), of Wilkesboro; two grandsons; Landon and Dylan Easterwood, of Mesa, AZ., one brother; Marshall Reid, one sister; Shelby Coppola (Eddy), an uncle; Ray Hartley (Betty) Beshears, and several nieces, nephews, cousins, and many friends.
The family requests no food or flowers.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Blue Ridge Shrine Club, P.O.  Box 442, North Wilkesboro, NC, 28659.
Jimmy Brown, 57
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Jimmy Ray Brown, age 57, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston Salem. Jimmy was born October 24, 1962 in Wilkes County to James Vernon and Sarah Louise Knight Brown. He was of the Baptist Faith. He enjoyed taking care of stray animals and watching drag racing. Mr. Brown was preceded in death by his father; and brother, Jeffery Brown.
     Surviving are his mother, Sarah Brown of North Wilkesboro; sisters, June Young and Debbie Perry both of North Wilkesboro; special uncle, James Thomas "Red" Knight of North Wilkesboro; uncles, Marvin Knight of North Wilkesboro, Johnnie Knight of Winston Salem, Tony Brown and Carvin Brown both of North Wilkesboro, Roland Brown of Arkansas; aunts, Jean Wyatt, Betty Walker and Linda Royal all of North Wilkesboro, Joyce Hill of South Carolina; best friends, Danny Hayes and Mark Shumate.
     Memorial service will be held at a later date. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
  Grady Smith, age 71
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Grady Lee Smith, age 71, of Moravian Falls, passed away March 6, 2020 at his home. He was born February 24, 1949 in Wilkes County to Atwell Ray and Mary Annie Hester Smith. Mr. Smith was a member of Rocky Creek Baptist Church in Moravian Falls. He was preceded in death by his parents; his son, Joseph Lee Smith; and brothers, Bill and Bob Smith.
Surviving are his wife, Talethia Houston Smith; daughters, Angela Vance and spouse James Michael of Cadet, Missouri, Revonda Adams and spouse Leland, Lisa Eller and spouse Jeremy all of Moravian Falls, Jolaine Wilson and spouse Greg of Statesville; sister, Hazel Foster and spouse John of Moravian Falls; ten grandchildren, Christopher Vance, Samantha Vance, Nicholas Watson, Zachary Watson, Tiffanie Adams, Duncan Eller, Brittany Rutherford, Hunter Eller, Jonathan Wilson, Katherine Wilson; and four great grandchildren, Kloe Watson, Tyler Watson, Emma Watson, Remington Rutherford.
Funeral service was March 10,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Ronnie Allen and Rev. Michael Dyess officiated. Burial   followed in Millersville Baptist Church Cemetery in Taylorsville.  Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.     Pallbearers were Nicholas Watson, Duncan Eller, Hunter Eller, Jonathan Wilson, Greg Wilson and Jeremy Eller.
  Dorothy Stroud, 90
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Mrs. Dorothy Elizabeth Smithey Stroud, age 90 of Wilkesboro, died Saturday, March 7, 2020 at her home.
Private family graveside services will be held.
Mrs. Stroud was born December 25, 1929 in Wilkes County to the late William and Rosie Gentle Smithey. She was a member of Oakwoods Baptist Church.  
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband, Royal Edward Stroud; one sister, Sybil Treadway; and three brothers, Jim Smithey, Pete Smithey, and Charlie Smithey.
She is survived by one daughter, Nancy Denny and husband, Jack, of Ronda; six sons, Robert Cardwell and wife, Brenda, of Wilkesboro, Wayne Cardwell and wife, Betty, of Wilkesboro, Tony Cardwell of Rutherfordton, Ricky Stroud and Sandra Johnson of Wilkesboro, George Stroud and wife, Ellen, of Wilkesboro, Ronnie Stroud of Blanch; twelve grandchildren; fifteen great-grandchildren; five great-great-grandchildren; two sisters, Betty Jean Queen of Wilkesboro and Marian Cleary of China Grove; and two brothers, Wade Smithey and wife, Opal, of North Wilkesboro, and Calvin Smithey and wife, Vera, of Wilkesboro.  
The family would like to extend a special thank you to Wake Forest Care at Home Hospice for their care and kindness.
The family requests no food or flowers.  Memorials may be made to Oakwoods Baptist Church Senior Meals, 2385 Brushy  Mountain Road, Wilkesboro NC 28697 or Wake Forest Care at Home Hospice, 126  Executive Drive Suite 110, Wilkesboro NC 28697.
 Carrie West, 79
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Mrs. Carrie Harris West, age 79, of Wilkesboro passed away Friday March 6, 2020 at her home surrounded by her loving family.
Funeral services were March 10,   at 2pm at Davis Memorial Baptist Church with Pastor Hadley Triplett, Rev. David Winebarger, and Rev. Brandon Lowe officiating.  Burial   followed in the church cemetery.
Carrie was born September 25, 1940 in Wilkes to Emit and Olee Harris. Carrie retired from Kmart. She was an avid baker, seamstress, and reader. She loved to cook and bake for the family. Carrie was a lifetime member of Davis Memorial Baptist Church, where she served the Lord faithfully.
She was preceded in death by her parents and also her husband Arnell West. Carrie is survived by two daughters Debra Kilby (Bruce) of Hendersonville, NC and Wanda Love (Dwight) of Wilkesboro; four sons Terry West (Elaine) of Wilkesboro, Gary West (Kathy) of Laurel Springs, Brent West (Trish) of Wilkesboro, and Eric West (Loretta) of Millers Creek; Fifteen grandchildren; twenty two great-grandchildren; two sisters Shirley Griffin and Irene Minton both of Wilkesboro; and two brothers Lloyd Harris of Wilkesboro and Travis Harris of Ferguson.
   Diane Adams, 65    
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Diane White Adams, age 65, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at Forsyth Medical Center. She was born March 18, 1954 in Yadkin County to Max and Beaulah Nichols White. Diane attended Sulphur Springs Baptist Church in Hiddenite. She enjoyed working in her yard. She loved spending time with her grandchildren, greagrandchildren and her dog "Spud." Diane was preceded in death by her parents; and brothers, David White and Mark White.
She is survived by her husband, Jerry Adams of North Wilkesboro; daughter, Renee Peal and spouse Jeff of Taylorsville; son, Joseph Royall and spouse Daloma Jarratt of North Wilkesboro; step-mother, Sue White of Roxsboro; sister, Pamela Dimmette of North Wilkesboro; brother, Stevie White of Roxsboro; grandchildren, Savannah Wilson and spouse Ryan, Baylee Peal, Elijah Peal all of Taylorsville; and great grandchildren, Ivy Wilson and Grant Wilson both of Taylorsville.
Memorial service will be held 11:00 a.m. Saturday, March 14, 2020 at Sulphur Springs Baptist Church with Rev. Mitch King officiating. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Sulphur Springs Baptist Church Youth Program, 116  Patterson Road, Hiddenite, NC 28636. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Zenith Walker, 97
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Mrs. Zenith Inez Canter Walker, age 97 of North Wilkesboro passed away Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at her home.
Funeral services were Sunday  at Reins- Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Paul Siceloff and Rev. Bryan Danner officiating.
Mrs. Walker was born June 6, 1922 in Wilkes County to Thomas J. and Zollie Yates Canter. She was a homemaker and a member of Northside Baptist Church. Recently she enjoyed attending services at the Chapel in Wilkes Towers.
She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, Gilbert Taylor Walker, a daughter, Mrs. Linda Walker Sturdivant, and a son, Jerry Taylor Walker; four sisters, Mary Linda Burton, Flora Lee Souther, Annie Chamberlain, Irene Dotson, and seven brothers, Jake Canter, Ralph Canter, Fred Canter, George Canter, Henry Canter, Burton Canter, Roby Canter, and two son in laws, J.D. Childress and Jack Vannoy.
Mrs. Walker is survived by two daughters, Ruth Walker Childress of North Wilkesboro, Doris Walker Vannoy of Wilmington, seven grandchildren, Andrea Childress Johnson, Joseph Childress, Lisa S. Nathan, LeAnne Sturdivant, Bill Sturdivant, Justin Vannoy, and Jason Vannoy. Eleven great grandchildren, Ty Johnson, Dylan Johnson, Jada Childress, Jenna Childress, Jaxson Childress, Leslie Sturdivant, Taylor Sturdivant, Lara Jarvis Klibansky, Ashley Jarvis, Kamalaya Vannoy, and Everly Vannoy, and seven great, great grandchildren Micah Johnson, Payson Johnson, Parker Mathis, Brayden Byrd, Elizabeth Gray, Ellie Klibansky, Roan Klibansky, and  a brother, Jack Canter of Irving, TX.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Mountain Valley Hospice & Palliative Care 401 Technology Lane, Suite 200 Mt. Airy, NC 27030 or Bibleway Baptist Church, P.O. Box 185, Wilkesboro, NC 28697
 Kenneth Triplett, 75
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Kenneth Albert Triplett, age 75, of Wilkesboro, passed away Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at Accordius Health of Wilkesboro. Kenneth was born December 13, 1944 in Wilkes County to Wilmer Lovejoy "Bud" and Hallie Bowman Triplett. Kenneth loved playing softball and golf when he was able throughout his life and also enjoyed coaching softball. He was preceded in death by his parents; and great grandson, Luke Combs.
Surviving are his children, Denise Triplett of Hickory, Dawn Giplin and spouse Red of West Virginia, Kenneth Triplett and spouse Ashleigh of Lenoir, Anita Trapp and spouse Randy of North Wilkesboro; brothers, Loyd Triplett and spouse Fannie of Boomer, Gary Triplett of North Wilkesboro; sisters, Linda Price of Wilkesboro, Sara Lewis of North Wilkesboro; eleven grandchildren; sixteen great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.
Memorial service will be held from 4:00 until 5 p.m. Sunday, March 15, 2020 at Zion Hill Baptist Church in Boomer with Rev. Derek Kilby officiating. The family has requested no flowers. Memorials may be made to Wake Forest Baptist Health & Hospice, 126 Executive Drive, Suite 110, Wilkesboro, NC 28697. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Walter Lovette, 86
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Mr. Walter "Sonny" Lovette, age 86 of Millers Creek passed away Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at his son's home in Biloxi, MS.
Graveside services were March 9,   at Charity Community Church in Millers Creek with Pastor Steve Laws officiating.      
Mr. Lovette was born November 18, 1933 to Eugene and Blanche Blackburn Lovette.  He retired from poultry farming and then went into the rental property business.
In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by a brother; Billy Eugene Lovette.
He is survived by his wife; Peggy Bumgarner Lovette, a son; Bobby Walter Lovette and wife Vickie, two daughters; Tammy Lovette Gragg and husband Kevin, Susan Caroline Lovette, four grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.  
Rouie  Bentley, 93
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Mrs. Rouie Mae Tedder Bentley, age 93 of Moravian Falls passed away Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
Funeral services were March 6,  at Walnut Grove Baptist Church in Moravian Falls with  Rev. Sherrill Wellborn, Rev. Tom Moore, Rev. Darrel Poole and Preacher Chuck Combs officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.    
Mrs. Bentley was born August 21, 1926 in Wilkes County to Rellie Jefferson and Pearl Luvenia Treadway Tedder.  She was a member of Walnut Grove Baptist Church. She loved her family, they were the most important part of her life.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Charlie Edward Bentley, one grandchild, two sisters and four brothers.
She is survived by one daughter; Linda Hawkins and husband Bill of Millers Creek, one son; Robert Bentley of Mulberry, three grandchildren, ten great grandchildren and three great great grandchildren.  
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Walnut Grove Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, 6165 NC Hwy 16S, Moravian Falls, NC 28654.
  Charlie Willis, 64
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Mr. Charlie Willis, 64, of Roaring River, passed away on Monday, March 2, 2020 at W.G. Bill Hefner VA Medical Center.
Charlie was born on May 2, 1955 in Durham County to Joseph Willis and Emma Blackburn Willis.
Charlie is preceded in death by his parents.
Charlie is survived by his wife, Nellie Jean Spears Willis, daughters, Esther "Jane" Santos of Mt. Airy, Jessica Weatherman of North Wilkesboro, Misty Minton of Hays, Jennifer Love of Wilkesboro, Larenda Darby of Atlanta Georgia; sons, Justin Willis of Myrtle Beach, Jason Willis of Millers Creek; sisters, Laura Peeler of Gold Hill, Dena Morris of Richfield,Barbara Powers of Salisbury, Paula Almond of South Port, Sherry Hodge of Raleigh; brothers, Robert Willis of China Grove, Troy Willis of Missouri and many grandchildren and great grandchildren.    
No services will be held.  
In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be given in Charlie's name to The ALS Association PO Box 37022 Boone, IA 50037.
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Willis Family.
  Parks Kilby, 66
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Mr. Parks Gary Kilby, age 66 of Moravian Falls passed away Monday, March 2, 2020 at his home.
Funeral services were March 7,  at Goshen Baptist church with Rev. Tim Pruitt officiating.  
Mr. Kilby was born September 29, 1953 in Wilkes County to Parks Junior and Pauline Walsh Kilby.                      
He was preceded in death by his mother, his first wife; Carol Lynn Kilby, and a daughter; Pamela Carol Kilby and brother-in-law; Jim Lambert.
He is survived by his wife; Helen Smith Kilby of the home; his father; Parks Junior Kilby, one son; Wayne Kilby and wife April of Roaring River, step-son; William Davis of Fayetteville, two step-daughters; May Davis and Linda Kay Speight and husband Chris all of Fayetteville, sixteen grandchildren; Jaymie Marley, Dalton Kilby, Cheyanne Roark, Taylor Lambert, Daven Kilby, Avril Kilby, Katlin Bennet, Alex Bennet, Tori Burhop, Brittany Burhop, William Davis, Jessie Speight, Zachary Speight, Sebation Davis, Preston Davis and Tony Davis, two sisters; Gail Lambert of Millers Creek, Rita Billings and husband Mike of Roaring River and two brothers; Robert Kilby of Goshen and Randy Kilby and wife Sandy of Millers Creek.
Flowers will be accepted.
Jacob Isenhour, 59
Jacob Terry Isenhour, age 59, of Wilkesboro, passed away Sunday, March 1, 2020 at his home. He was born June 12, 1960 in Wilkes County to Jake Junior and Carrie Naomi Calloway Isenhour. Mr. Isenhour enjoyed motorcycling and joking with people He was previously employed with Tyson Foods in maintenance. He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Aaron Joseph Isenhour, James Horton; and sister, Barbara Jean Redman and Dawn Chamberlin.
He is survived by his wife, Elicenda Rodriguez Isenhour of the home; sons, Jacob T. Isenhour, Jr. of North Wilkesboro, Eli Andres Isenhour of the home; son Omar Rodriguez Alvarez of Greenville, South Carolina, daughters, Kayla Isenhour Martin and spouse William of North Wilkesboro, Heydi Lizbeth Isenhour of the home; brothers, Johnny Horton of Charlotte, Ricky Morrison of Wilkesboro, Joseph Horton of Wilkesboro; sisters, Melvia Isenhour, North Wilkesboro, Marilyn Morrero of Brown's Mill, New Jersey, Dare Lynn Isenhour of West Jefferson, Betty Parks, Maria Harris of Wilkesboro, Carolyn Horton, Tammy Farmer of Columbus, Ohio; many others not listed by name; six grandchildren, Elsia Martin, Talia Martin, Elias Martin, Jacobian Isenhour, Aiden Alvarez, Esther Alvarez; many nieces and nephews.
Funeral service was March 8,   at Miller Funeral Chapel.  Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Dustin Walters, 32
Dustin Paul Walters, age 32, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, February 27, 2020. He was born January 5, 1988 in Wilkes County to Daniel Keith Walters, Sr. and Amy Vandervort Walters. Dustin was preceded in death by his parents; and grandmother, Judith Elaine Vandervort. Dustin loved fishing, listening to music, loved animals and nature whether hiking, camping or taking the dogs for a walk.
Nothing is going to stop the pain this senseless tragedy has caused. However, to know Dustin Paul Walters meant you were blessed and your life would never be the same. Ask almost anyone and the answer is Dustin was the most selfless, loving, loyal, honest, caring and beautiful soul anyone had met. No one can quite believe or understand "Why Him"? Dustin might not have seen the amazing legacy he was leaving behind but he definitely left a light to guide us through the dark. The family and friends he left behind in the world is definitely better off having had him in it, no matter how short it seemed.
Dustin judged no one, cared strongly, loved deeply and always gave it his all no matter who or what it was, even if he was, occasionally late. Dustin and his wife of almost 13 years were madly, deeply devoted to each other, and anyone who knew one knew the other. The other would feel the connection and knew they were lucky to have that so young. Dustin had lots of love to give and tried to share it as much as possible. Dustin and Megan used to tell each other that "They've had a heck of a Run." Hopefully this shocking and heart breaking loss will help you remember the bad, better, good and great times that we all had with this kind hearted, passionate and dedicated man who has pushed all of us to be a better person in some shape or form. Dustin fancied himself a "Junk" man from birth but that just meant he could see the value in anyone or anything.
Dustin and his family wish for you to cherish every second and always try. Dustin always managed to show love, respect and decency; even in times most wouldn't. Make sure to keep Dustin's legacy with you and alive honoring his life in your own special way. Instead of flowers the family and Dustin hopes you would do an unexpected and unsolicited act of kindness in his name.
Surviving are his wife, Megan Jean' Marie Aghabalian Dula Walters; brothers, Daniel Keith Walters, Jr. and spouse Lenia of Charlotte, Charlie Gladwell of Roaring River; grandparents, Hughes and Gretchen Vandervort of Hays; nephews, Ronald Walters, Nathan Walters, Damien Gladwell; nieces, Olivia Walters and Alena Carswell; step-mother, Kristi Walters of Roaring River; mother and father-in-law, Karen and Kenny Shumate of North Wilkesboro; grandparents -in-law, Reid and Steva Shumate of North Wilkesboro; grandfather-in-law, James "Cliff" Dula of Morganton; father-in-law, Ricky Dula of Morganton; sister-in-law, Juliet Bowling of Morganton; brother-in-law, Nicky Jon Dula of Morganton; dogs: Baxter, Willie and Sassy; cats: Boo Kitty and Peanut; hermit crabs: Biggie Smalls and Hermie; best friend, Delmer Stanley III of Jonesville; aunt, Janice Vandervort of Delray Beach, Florida; Uncles, John Vandervort of Wilkesboro, George Phillips of Daytona Beach, Florida, Gary Aghabalian of Palm Springs; many other cousins and family members.
Memorial service was March 7,   at Miller Funeral Chapel with the family and friends providing the eulogy.   In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Humane Society of Wilkes, PO Box 306, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
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phgq · 5 years
PH bags wushu overall title in 30th SEA Games
#PHnews: PH bags wushu overall title in 30th SEA Games
MANILA – Agatha Chrystenzen Wong on Tuesday bagged her second gold medal as the Philippines emerged overall champion at the wushu competition in the ongoing 30th Southeast Asian Games.
The 21-year-old Wong garnered a score of 9.650 points to beat Vietnamese Thi Minh Huyen Tran who settled for silver medal in the women’s wushu taolu taijijian event at the World Trade Center in Pasay City.
Last Sunday, Wong came out with a spectacular performance to retain her gold medal in taolu taijiquan event.
“I’m really grateful to have the opportunity to compete in the Southeast Asian Games and I’m really proud to represent the Philippines,” said Wong who has now a total of three SEA Games gold medals.
“I’m really surprised that I garnered two golds. I am really, really honored,” she added.
Fired up by Wong’s double-gold victory, the Filipino campaigners won five of the seven finals in sanda events to the delight of big hometown crowd.
Jessie Aligaga ruled the men’s 48-kilogram sanda finals after beating Ade Permana of Indonesia, 2-0, while Francisco Solis defeated another Indonesian Yusuf Widiyanto, 2-0, for the gold match in 56kg class.
Arnel Mandal also smothered Laksamana Pandu Pratama also of Indonesia in the 52kg finals.
In the 65kg finals, Cemente Tabugara Jr. edged Kittisak Suksanguan of Thailand, 2-1, for the gold while Divine Wally blanked Thin Chinh Nguyen of Vietnam in the women’s 48kg sanda finals.
Fred Gideon Padua, however, bowed to Truong Giang Bui of Vietnam and settled for the silver medal in the 60kg category.
The Philippines won a total of seven golds, two silvers and one bronze while Vietnam came in second place with three golds, one silver and seven bronzes followed by Indonesia with two golds, five silvers and two bronzes.
Singapore has one gold and a silver while Thailand brought home one silver and two bronzes. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "PH bags wushu overall title in 30th SEA Games." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1087838 (accessed December 04, 2019 at 05:02AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "PH bags wushu overall title in 30th SEA Games." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1087838 (archived).
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risukadarlin · 2 years
[crazy circus] vol. 6: fred arnell - english translation masterpost
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i know this wasnt requested but i need something to do when i dont have much time or energy after work! i hope you dont mind :’) i’ll get back to requests when i have a day off.
i do not own fred or the rights to the cd!
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Parole board votes to release O.J. Simpson from prison in Oct
New Post has been published on https://othersportsnews.com/parole-board-votes-to-release-o-j-simpson-from-prison-in-oct/
Parole board votes to release O.J. Simpson from prison in Oct
LOVELOCK, Nev. — O.J. Simpson was granted parole Thursday right after additional than 8 a long time in prison for a Las Vegas resort heist, effectively producing his scenario in a nationally televised listening to that mirrored America’s enduring fascination with the previous soccer star.
With the ruling, the 70-yr-old Simpson, who was convicted in 2008 of an armed robbery involving two sports memorabilia sellers in a Las Vegas resort home, could be out of prison as early as Oct. one right after serving the minimum 9 a long time of a 33-yr sentence.
When the closing vote to grant parole was examine right after parole commissioners deliberated just about 30 minutes, Simpson decreased his head and then elevated it up with a massive smile.
O.J. Simpson’s legal professional, Malcolm LaVergne, and previous prison guard Jeffrey Felix traded barbs right after the listening to Thursday. Through a recess in the listening to, Simpson, LaVergne and an additional guy ended up caught speaking, presumably about Felix.
Here is our calculation of how a great deal revenue Simpson has earned through his 8-moreover a long time in prison — most likely additional than $600,000 — which depends on the age in which Simpson elected to commence drawing from his NFL pension.
one Associated
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” an emotional Simpson stated while his sister, Shirley Baker, wept and hugged Arnelle Simpson, his daughter.
Then, as he was led down a corridor, the previous athlete elevated his palms about his head in a victory gesture and stated, “Oh, God, oh!”
All four parole commissioners cited his absence of a prior conviction, the very low threat he could possibly commit an additional crime, his neighborhood assist and his release plans, which contain relocating to Florida.
Simpson appeared prior to the parole board listening to by way of movie conferencing from Lovelock Correctional Middle.
“I have expended 9 a long time producing no excuses about nearly anything. I am sorry that items turned out the way they did,” Simpson stated in his closing remarks through the listening to. “I experienced no intent to commit a crime. … I have finished my time. I would just like to get back again to my loved ones and buddies — believe that it or not, I do have some true buddies — and I attempted to be handy to everyone.”
The listening to was chaired by Connie Bisbee, with Tony Corda, Adam Endel and Susan Jackson also in attendance by way of movie conferencing from Nevada Board of Parole Commissioners headquarters in Carson City, Nevada. They voted four- to grant his early release.
Simpson’s sentence experienced been scheduled to finish Sept. 29, 2022.
Had a unanimous vote not been achieved, Parole commissioners Ed Gray and Michael Keeler, who ended up monitoring proceedings from Las Vegas, would have weighed in.
Below conditions of the parole, Simpson is permitted to drink alcohol, but not to excess. If exams demonstrate he has a blood alcohol content of .08 or higher, that will be regarded excess.
Simpson, showing up as inmate No. 1027820, was accompanied by lawyer Malcolm LaVergne, prison caseworker Marc La Fleur, close close friend Tom Scotto, Baker and Arnelle Simpson.
The very same four commissioners seeing from Carson City granted him parole through his final general public visual appearance in 2013 on some of his twelve costs, leaving him with four a long time to serve prior to reaching his minimum expression.
Prior to the listening to concluded, one of the two memorabilia sellers Simpson robbed, Bruce Fromong, stated the previous soccer fantastic never ever pointed a gun at him through the confrontation, including that it was one of Simpson’s accomplices. Fromong stated Simpson deserved to be launched so he can be with his youngsters.
“He is a great guy. He created a error,” Fromong stated, including the two remain buddies.
O.J. Simpson has been granted early release by a parole board and will depart Lovelock Correctional Middle in Oct right after serving 9 a long time — the minimum time for his 2008 armed robbery conviction. Jason Bean/The Reno Gazette-Journal by way of AP
Simpson was questioned by Endel through the listening to how he would be better off in the neighborhood alternatively than in prison.
“Well, you know, I do have four little ones,” Simpson stated. “I have skipped a good deal of time with people little ones — like 36 birthdays with my youngsters … My name has generally been that I am open up to the general public, I am open up to everyone. Suitable now, I am at a issue in my daily life where I can shell out as a great deal time with my youngsters and my buddies.
“… Where ever I have been there is been a crowd. That is not new to me. … I am pretty simply approachable. I have dealt with it all my daily life, and I don’t foresee any dilemma dealing with the general public now, at all.”
Arnelle Simpson choked back again tears as she spoke in defense of her father.
“He is like my most effective close friend and my rock,” she stated. “And as a loved ones, we recognize that he is not the ideal guy, but he is the guy and the father that speaks to his over-all character, which is to be good no make any difference what.”
“… On behalf of my loved ones, his buddies, we just want him to arrive home.”
Early in the listening to, Bisbee mistakenly examine that Simpson just lately turned 90 a long time old prior to correcting herself, and Simpson seized the opportunity to make a joke.
“Feels like it while,” he stated as laughter crammed the home, supporting to crack the stress prior to Simpson was questioned to recount his details about what transpired through the 2007 armed robbery.
He was convicted of enlisting some men he barely knew, together with two who experienced guns, to retrieve from two sports collectibles sellers some products that Simpson stated ended up stolen from him a 10 years before.
As he did four a long time back, Simpson explained to the parole board he retained a guarantee to stay out of problems through his time in prison.
“I am no risk to pull a gun on any person,” Simpson explained to the board. “I have never ever been accused of it in my daily life. I have never ever finished it in my daily life.”
He later on explained to the board that he accomplished an “Choice to Violence” class while incarcerated and thinks it must be necessary for all inmates.
“I am pretty a great deal a man who’s generally gotten together with everyone,” he stated. “… I have mainly expended a conflict-absolutely free daily life.”
Simpson has earned sentencing credits and time off for great behavior, slicing his 33-yr greatest sentence by additional than 50 percent. He has requested to live in Florida if he ended up to be launched.
“I could simply stay in Nevada, but I don’t assume you men want me below,” Simpson joked.
Answered Bisbee with a smile: “No comment, sir.”
Capt. Shawn Arruti of the Nevada Division of Parole and Probation stated he has achieved out to counterparts in Florida prior to the listening to to see if they would agree to supervise him, including that Florida parole officials have up to forty five days to look into but the acceptance fee is superior when there is loved ones in the place.
The Florida Office of Corrections stated in a assertion that as prolonged as Simpson “fulfills all requirements, Florida ought to acknowledge the transfer.”
The 2008 conviction was a new very low for Simpson, whose celeb spanned sports, flicks, tv and marketing prior to his slide from grace through his hugely publicized murder demo in 1995.
An electrifying jogging back again dubbed “The Juice,” Simpson gained the Heisman Trophy as the nation’s most effective school soccer participant in 1968 and went on to come to be one of the NFL’s all-time greats.
The handsome and charismatic athlete was also a Monday Night Soccer commentator, sprinted by means of airports in Hertz rental-vehicle commercials and constructed a Hollywood career with roles in the “Bare Gun” comedies and other flicks.
All of that came crashing down with his arrest — for which he was identified not guilty — in the 1994 killings of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her close friend Ronald Goldman.
His demo, a gavel-to-gavel live-Tv set feeling, transfixed viewers with its testimony about the bloody glove that did not match and stirred furious debate about racist law enforcement, celeb justice and cameras in the courtroom.
In 1997, he was identified liable in civil courtroom for the fatalities and ordered to pay $33.5 million to survivors together with his youngsters and the Goldman loved ones.
Goldman’s loved ones thinks Simpson obtained absent with murder in Los Angeles, and numerous men and women felt the rigid sentence handed down in Las Vegas was not just about the robbery.
Ron Goldman’s father and sister, Fred and Kim, ended up not aspect of Simpson’s parole listening to. A spokesman on Wednesday stated the loved ones was apprehensive about how, if Simpson ended up to be launched, it “will change their life yet again.”
The Associated Push contributed to this report.
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opedguy · 7 years
O.J. Simpson Granted Parole from Nevada Prison
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), July 20, 2017.--Granted parole today starting Oct. 1 from a Nevada prison, 70-year-old O.J. Simpson rambled before the four-member parole board, talking about what he learned from his nine years at the Lovelock Correctional Facility.  While expected to grant parole after nearly nine years in prison, the parole board asked Simpson what he learned most in prison.  Simpson said he learned most from “alternative to violence” training, something that helped him resolve disputes among other inmates, especially when thing heated up in the softball league.  Simpson was asked to recount what happened at the Las Vegas hotel room in 2007 where he was charged and convicted of 13 counts of armed robbery and hostage taking, trying to reclaim memorabilia from some former friends who stole and tried to sell O.J.’s personal items, including family photographs with his mother and celebrity friends.
           Labeled a model prisoner over the last nine years, Simpson had no problems recounting the 2007 incident in which he regretted taking part in an effort to get back what he called “stolen property.”  ”I would never, ever pull and weapon said O.J., insisting that he was a nice guy, never seeking violent confrontation.  “I was always a good guy, but could have been a better Christian, and my commitment to change is to be a better Christian,” said Simpson, recalling how he organized Baptist services at Lovelock.  Taking the “alternative to violence” course in prison was the most important learning during the last nine years.  “The most important course anybody in this prison can take because it teaches you how to deal with conflict through conversation,” said O.J., telling the Parole Board with a straight face that it was never his character engage in violent confrontations on the streets or in his family.
           No one on the parole board asked O.J. about his well-documented arrests for domestic abuse against his deceased ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson.  Simpson was charged in 1994 with stabbing to death his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman.  “I had some problems with fidelity in my life, but I’ve always been a guy that pretty much got along with everybody,” said O.J., totally ignoring his multiple arrests for beating up Nicole.  Nevada’s parole board didn’t want to get into O.J. well-documented past but the hearing showed a man utterly clueless about his past behavior.  “I was always a good guy . . .” O.J. told the Board, knowing his history of domestic abuse.  When evaluating an inmate’s parole, the Board had to weigh the likelihood of prisoners repeating past violent acts.  Learning and awareness are key for parole board members deciding to grant parole.
            When you consider O.J. showed no awareness let alone remorse for committing past acts of domestic abuse, you’d think that would give the Board pause, turning O.J. loose Oct. 1.  Advocating for his parole, Simpson’s daughter from his first marriage Arnelle called her father her “best friend and rock,” asking the Board to return O.J. back to his family.  “No one really knows how much we have been through, this ordeal in the last nine years,” said Arnelle, telling the Board “he didn’t make the right decision” when it came to the Las Vegas robbery.  “We just want him to come home,” said Arnelle.  “This has been truly hard . . . I know that he is remorseful,” yet O.J. never expressed regret to the Goldman family, after losing a 2006 wrongful death suit and $33 million judgment for the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.  Goldman’s family has agonized over Ron’s death since 1994.
            While not part of Parole Board hearing, Ron Goldman’s father Fred and sister Kim expressed feelings to the media before the hearing.  “Ron never gets to spend his life doing what he wanted to do,” said Fred.  “I think his whole history of violence, ignoring the law, no respect for the law, no remorse for virtually anything he’s ever done is an indication of who he is as a person,” said Fred, disagreeing with the Parole Board who granted O.J. parole.  Nothing from the 1995 O.J. Trial was admissible in any Nevada proceeding on charges related to his 2007 hotel robbery.  If the Parole Board recognized O.J.’s complete denial over his past history of domestic abuse, they wouldn’t have granted parole.  Sticking to only O.J. record at Lovelock and relevant testimony, O.J.’s past life wasn’t deemed inadmissible.  Fred and Kim will be forced to endue the indignity of O.J.’s Oct. 1 release.
             Telling O.J. he’ll be subject to strict parole conditions, the Board unanimously approved his release, not knowing or believing the man who single-handedly started reality TV will be back in the media spotlight Oct. 1, if not before. Whether admitted to or not, Simpson could never live, as he wished, a quiet life after his parole.  Parole Board admitted that they’ve never seen a bigger media presence at the televised hearing.  Expecting things to come, the tabloid media expects to have a field day following O.J. around after his release Oct. 1.  O.J.’s friend Tom Scotto hoped O.J would want “to keep a low profile, to be with his kids, be with his family, play golf,” something so unrealistic, so imaginary, so misguided it won’t happen.  Starved for attention—and cash—after nine years behind bars, expect O.J. to milk the media for everything he can get when he walks out the door Oct. 1.
About the Author              
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.  
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erineyesore-blog · 6 years
Band Un Eine Bombe, all German, Part III  6.20.2018
--------------------------------------------------------- Ginny Arnell- Dumb Head (1983) German Shoe Commercial Ideal- Blaue Augen (1981) Bluttat- Flying Into Heaven’s Door (1985) Carambolage- Fußgängerzone (1980) Pervers- Freude am Tanz (1984) Trümmerfrauen- Arbeit (c. 1981) FSK- Ab Nach Indien (1982) Ma Gita- Jones (1983) Dagowops- Weltregierung (1981) Frau G Pazourek- Mach Mich Froh (1982) Kleenex Aktiv- Hilfe (1985) Die Mimmi’s- Mc Donald (1984) A5- Kalte Erotik (1981) Christiane F- Wunderbar (1982) Östro 430- Das Quitschende Bett (1981) Gina X Performance- No G.D.M. (1978) Insisters - Glücksspirale (1981) Mania D- Track 4 (1980) Die Hausfrauen- Suburban Incest (Harry’s Song) (1981) Stop- Ich Will Keine Schokolade (1980) Frau Siebenrock Combo- A La Discotheque (1981) Keine Ahnung- Im Himmel (1983) Nina Hagen- My Way (1980) Die Shadocks- Alltagstrott (1983) Fröhliche Eiszeit- Don’t Change the Position (c. 1980) Bitch Band No. 1- Mein Schmerz (1981) Fred Banana Combo- The Captain (1981) Die Dominas- Die Wespendomina (1981) Salinos- Der Gewaltige Hulk (1981) Nico- Das Lied vom Einsamen Mädchen (1985) 
Photo: Nina Hagen
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46snowfox · 6 years
No sé que decir...
Y en vista de eso solo diré que son las 3:55 AM al momento de publicarlo y que espero que comenten el final de esta saga en el blog.
Gracias por acompañarme con esta saga y espero que la hayan disfrutado tanto como yo lo hice al traducirla.
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