#fred jones is a good person god damn it
spacephrasing · 1 year
I know it’s bc he’s my comfort character, but I’m genuinely pissed off about fred in the new series. if you watch any version of the show, fred is a sweetheart who loves his friends and always wants to help people. even when he’s the mayor’s son and very well off in mystery incorporated, he’s such a dork and a genuinely nice person. yes, he’s a little un-self aware and ofc a himbo at times but he’s never been mean spirited and I’m sick of people writing him to be
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leuces · 3 years
Riverdale S5E2 Liveblog
- why is everything is so damn dark
- oh my god it’s bret
- did he just call jughead “slughead”??  is it because of the time when jughead knocked him out with just one punch
- BRET IS DEAD?!?!  this can’t be true...he was like one of the best villains, and the riverdale writers just decided to kill him off??  please let it be just a false alarm and he actually broke out of prison or something
- wait didn’t bret mention something before about needing to get into solitary confinement??  did one of his fellow inmates murder him?
- cheryl’s really yelling at the teacher for not getting her a special red outfit for graduation
- “fix this, or PERISH” askdfkfkgkfdkl
- why is veronica acting so nice?  archie literally cheated on her!!
- oh there’s a toni/cheryl scene
- wait what is cheryl’s “blossom business”??
- okay now betty and jughead are talking to dr. curdle jr
- oh god bret is actually dead
- they gauged out bret’s eyes???  jesus christ
- damn hiram really just came out of nowhere
- hiram’s yelling at archie for cheating on his daughter, and archie’s like “you want a rematch??”
- did hiram really just insult FRED?!?!  how dare he, fred is literally the only good adult in the entire series...like he’s a saint compared to hiram
- okay i just noticed how sweaty archie is.  do they just like. make kj apa pour water on himself before scenes where he’s sweaty?  or do they just make him exercise and then film right afterwards?
- hiram really just spit on the floor
- veronica really just told hermosa “now if you excuse me, i have to go take out the trash, and you’re lucky it doesn’t include you” afdfghdkkdfkfdk
- good god the guy’s really going to shoot veronica point blank
- i’m literally waiting for like any of the riverdale guys (the buff ones, not jughead) to just show up out of nowhere and run and bodyslam the guy holding the gun.  you know they would do it
- oh my god hermosa just shot the bad guys this is even better
- oh cheryl and nana rose are having a zoom meeting with the other blossoms
- “speak up i can’t hear you” akdkjfkfkkdf
- OH MY GOD cheryl’s giving land to the uktena (or she’s trying to)
- “why, you hatemonger?”
- god i hate cheryl’s relatives
- “your father is a fool” you’re right hermione, hiram really is a fool
- yes hermosa and veronica plotting together
- “sounds like you two are plotting a hostile takeover...i am so in”
- david’s dead too apparently
- wait...there was a hit-run case for fred...?  when was this a thing exactly?
- “we’re shutting you down, daddy” okay miss veronica i see you
- “you need to retire” and “papi, your reign is done” hiram getting bullied by his daughters we love to see it
- did hiram really just say that being a mobster is curing his disease
- thank you veronica for telling him that he’s an idiot
- “all i need to do business is my fists and a gun” sir aren’t you dying of a disease (i know he’s getting better, but still)??
- yes jughead got accepted to the university of iowa!!  (though i’m still salty that he had to give up going to yale for betty, even though she cheated on him and lied about it)
- i love how fp is just like “hot damn my boy is going to college” as if his other son - his actual firstborn son - hasn’t already gone to college and doesn’t have a successful career
- wait are falice just like. together while bughead is a couple??  are they just like platonically raising their children together??  what is their relationship status currently??
- wait i don’t like the look on jellybean’s face...what has she done???
- okay cheryl’s talking to her mother now
- the “blossom board”?  that’s what they’re called?
- “make yourself scarce.  go away.  but don’t go at night...you need an alibi” is penelope really telling her teenage daughter to kill her relatives?  or am i just misunderstanding this?
- aww choni is having their own special weekend
- archie is writing a letter for the hit-run case
- now he’s having flashbacks
- i am so sad right now...i just feel so bad
- donna???  she’s back???  yes!!
- wait she’s asking for betty’s help, just like how bret did...
- if donna dies, i will literally lose it
- betty don’t let donna die!!  i mean i understand why, but i know that donna is probably going to die soon
- oh my god joan is actually dead
- donna’s probably dead too
- hermosa and veronica are having a scene together
- now archie’s confronting the hit-and-run guy
- now there’s another tape???
- this is the scariest one, by far
- jesus christ how are they not scared that a murderer is in the house??
- wait i was thinking that jellybean was the killer, but then i realized it was her in the bed
- “your astrological sign may be a scorpion daddy, but you’re like a dog” damn veronica
- hermosa sent the guys to beat up hiram???
- wait nana rose killed the other blossoms???
- jesus christ how many people are going to die this episode??  like there’s been like nine deaths and i’m only halfway through the episode
- (if they kill donna, i SWEAR)
- oh apparently penelope killed the other blossoms
- “consider it an early graduation present, cheryl” jesus christ.  some moms give their kids cars or parties, but penelope murders their family members for her daughter
- CHARLES IS THE AUTEUR oh my god i’m calling it
- it all makes sense.  like, the person needs connections into the prison to kill bret, which charles has because of chic.
- “true love knows no boundaries” charles out here trying to be shakespeare or jane austen or something
- oh my god...black hood and charles parallels!!  they both only killed people who they thought deserved it (for Hal, it’s more complicated than that, but you know)
- wait, but like by charles’s definition, chic should also die
- oh god why do i have the feeling that charles is going to turn out to not be the auteur
- i was right
- oh hiram is finally going to retire
- damn hermione’s going to become a real housewife of new york
- oh god mary’s watching the tape with the black hood and fred
- archie why are you destroying the tv oh my god
- this episode is such a freaking rollercoaster of emotions good god
- she probably isn’t, but you know
- fred’s brother is back, for some reason??
- jellybean is the auteur!!  i called it before, and i’m correct apparently!!!
- oh my god, it’s like, everyone in the cooper-jones family (or whatever the hell it is at this point) is a serial killer or a criminal
- okay, jellybean being the auteur makes no sense at all.  “she wanted him to stay” by recording him and scaring him??  jesus christ, jellybean has worse plans than her family members
- (deeply sighs) not the darkness thing again
- oh my god archie and his uncle (i think his name is frank??) are going to fred’s grave, and archie forgives the hit-and-run guy.
- this episode was such a freaking rollercoaster of emotions.  i don’t even know what to say.
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despiteinspite · 4 years
On Shop Windows and Being
         “I include the personal here to connect the social forces on a specific, particular family’s being in the wake to those of all Black people in the wake; to mourn and to illustrate the ways our individual lives are always swept up in the wake produced and determined, though not absolutely, by the afterlives of slavery.” (Sharpe 2016, 5)
       In one of my classes, my peer, Joi, shared her experience as a black ballerina. Their practice space was in a closed-down shoe store. The floors were replaced. Big mirrors and balance bars were installed against the walls, and across from the door lined tall shop windows. On the first day of class, at ten years old, Joi and the rest of the dancers sat cross-legged as their instructor introduced themselves. After sharing their names, their instructor told them, "Now as black girls - as black ballerinas, there aren't too many of us. Remember, they can see you." Joi explained to us the importance and the pain of this message. In her practice space, in her learning space, she did not feel free to make a single mistake. Because if she did, she'd not only be disappointment to her own reflection in the practice mirror, but reflect failure to those behind the glass.
       What does it mean to be black, to be girl and constantly balancing, expanding, stretching, and splitting yourself into perfection? What can that mean for this body? Claude M. Steele makes Brent Staples' experience whistling Vivaldi the title of his first book in his decades-long career. Steele's work is to examine stereotype and how it affects all of us in a way that prevents us from living without burden or stress. In understanding identity and stereotype's threat to identity formulation, Steele shares Staples' experience as an example of not only the cognition a person experiencing stereotype threat may have, but tactics to cope. For Staples, he deflects fear against him and within him by whistling classical music. In this way, Staples reads as safe to passersby on his walk. As Steele writes, "This caused him to be seen differently, as an educated, refined person, not as a violence-prone African American youth." (Steele 2010, 7) And as I read this in class, I immediately think of another boy marked by youth and dark skin. Emmett Till, 14 years old, was deemed unsafe - in fact, deemed lethal target - due to whistling.
And whether or not Till did whistle does not matter, for many reasons. What matters is that it was reason enough.
For Till, whistling was justification for torture. For Staples, whistling was the only safety net he could think of. It strikes me how truly precarious being black is. There is no singular trick that can be universalized to promise our survival. Be it whistling, walking home, driving with your kids, being President, being President's daughters. There is no safety in this black skin.
       When I think back to what my past career plans were and how they and my current experiences have shaped my future goals, I think it was always rooted in attempted escape. For the ability to slip into an imaginary that hugged me, a world that embraced me. For a long time, I coveted for a reality that loved me. I decided to use this space to explore each previous career plan that I translated to an iteration of Me. Be it writer, President or policymaker- I chose these titles because I could feel it projecting a Me the world could love.  I yearn(ed) so much for a world that would just love Me.
       Vocabulary was never my strong suit. It still isn't. And, when we were made to take those spelling tests in elementary school, I drilled myself as much as possible. Before test day, I'd eat alphabet soup for good favor from the Letter Gods; Give me that S on my paper. Even then I knew after all the preparation, I was never going to find myself using the words. Humongous? Big would be fine enough. Be damned synonyms. Be damned precision. I knew enough words to say what was on my mind without needing to do all that studying. But, I wasn't gonna be caught slipping on something everyone else was excelling in.
       In fact, that's how I knocked out my two front teeth. My siblings were losing their teeth left and right, purchasing freeze pops after the Toothfairy's fair bargain. So, I grabbed one of my wood blocks, and knocked any loose tooth I could find. Twisted them until my gums gave out and gave up. And now here I am, teeth at a slant and still craving those sweets.
       This vocabulary test offered extra credit, something I knew someone in my state - bloody gums, sticky fingers, alphabet soup brain - would need. We were told to make a short story, 10 sentences max, using at least 5 of the vocabulary words. So I made Ten, a young girl aged 9 with too much time on her hands, trying to whack her teeth out. Only thing I remember is that she rode a humongous hot air balloon, tied a brick around her teeth and chucked it into the air. The tooth went with it. Poor Ten. She was a Junie B. Jones copy to be sure, but she got me my S. My teacher pulled me aside and told me I was a great writer. A writer. Suddenly, it felt fitting to call myself: Stephanie, the writer. The one day published author. I had a definition of Me that felt so much cooler, so suave compared to my peers. I was going to be a writer.
       I wrote all through middle school. Finished the Saga of Ten, started writing collaboratively with my best friend through Google Docs. What a joy it was to share this fun with someone. We'd swap our names and faces with the leading starlight of our time (regretably and instructively for two girls of color, it was Bella of Twilight), switch the heartthrobs to our Middle School Day Dreams and giggle and shy away and praise and write and write. I really had so much fun then.
       I was lonely for much of my time in High school. I knew no one. I knew nothing. It felt like everyone knew which clubs to join, which teachers to meet with, knew what it meant to have a counselor AND an adviser. One for high school troubles and the other for career services. I was 14. But, they were too. And yet, they knew.
       I was still Stephanie, the writer though. I did well in my Presentation classes and got along really well with my 9th grade Lit Teacher. She was so sweet to me. I think she knew I was a fish out of water. To find someone who loved writing like I did, like my best friend who rushed along at a different high school that felt like it was in a different time zone, to find someone like that again was a joy. It seemed like no one else connected to All Quiet on the Western Front or the Edgar Allen Poe like we did. I was still cool, suave writer Stephanie in the face of the unknown.
       Then, we read Huckleberry Finn. Then, everyone was attentive. Everyone wanted to read along.
       Then I heard my classmates say Nigger more times than I could care to count. I remember shooting up. Looking and being reminded that this wasn't Middle School anymore. These faces didn't look like mine. Hair didn't look like mine. Speech wasn't like mine even if they tried to copy. I was black girl in a white room, admiring a white teacher who let these white kids say Nigger. I didn't finish reading Huckleberry Finn. I stopped writing.
       I wanted to cry, but what will the people think watching me? What will I think of Me, crouching, hiding near squeaky-clean glass? How is it possible to be stare at and unseen? I think that's why I was so angry after reading Recitatif. I fell for it too. Just like they did. Saw something unseeable, assigned roles to hair smell, to motherhood, to two girls with lapsing memory. Had I really not learned from my own pain?
       I think that Lit class was the first moment that I realized I was behind shop windows too.  Before, I thought I was a fellow admirer, struck by the fabrics spinning amongst themselves, silks sliding down cheeks, cotton snuggling up to noses. I'm always watching in awe as a They walk freely, playing in such pretty dress-up. I wanted to be out there. I wanted to feel silk. I wanted cotton to be comfort, not a reminder.
       In 11th grade, I enrolled in AP US History. I scored well enough on Social Studies SOLs and when that happens, the counselor or adviser (one of em) trains you to take 4 or 5 APs at a time. So, alongside AP Psych, AP Environmental Science, my Monday and Wednesday would feature US History. My professor was very honest about expectations, even getting us to start classes over the summer to cover all the material due to be on the exam. We started with the Reagan Era and it didn't take long for me to realize Republicans were not for me. Then we talked about Clinton's crime bill and I wasn't too sure about Democrats either. This was two years into Obama's second term and I knew support for him in my house was fading too. As simplistic as this sounds, I really thought: if the republicans didn't care about black people, and the democrats didn't seem to care either, who did? Mixing resentment, pride and a loud mouth didn't make for the most principled Stephanie, but it did allow me to vocalize my frustrations. With Reaganomics, with capitalism, with prisons, with black boy death. Be it my teacher knowing many of the sentiments shared here or simply my being black, he asked me to read the Black Panthers' Ten Point Program. And my, oh my, did I find home there.
       These were policy makers. These were the people who had the guts to demand, the power to make some changes. Fred Hampton, Stokely Carmichael, Angela Davis and their inspirations in Fanon, DuBois - I found inspiration in them too. I was going to be whatever they were. Policy makers for their community. I was going to learn from them.
       From there, I became incredibly elitist. But, I could also answer to the beauty of my blackness. Like many children decades before me, Black would be a political title - one of love and resistance, love in resistance. This elitism carried me into my first year of university. I glowered at anyone who admired the works of Jefferson in my Political Theory class (as if I had not done the same), I scuffed at Alexis de Tocqueville and every other white dude we were made to read. But, I wasn't acting in an antiracist framework. I was still resentful. I was still behind the glass. Now I was just shouted silently at the silk dresses and cotton scarves. But I still wanted to feel them.
       Really, it wasn't until Beloved that I could begin a journey of understanding this embroiled joy of black womanhood. I realized how much I fought against my own happiness in the pursuit of a Me that I constantly tormented. As if this precariousness wasn't torment enough.  Through Morrison, I was able to learn more about Angela Davis and the struggles her black womanhood had in the face of black men in her community. So many of my political thought leaders too were tormentors, liars, abusers. The men were wounded and bleeding, resented our zealous in the berries they picked. They said it was for us. We gave it to the community. They shame us for it. We bake our own pies, we feed our neighborhood and our neighborhood's resentment, our own deafening shame silences our collective ear, binds our collective feet. Once again, I tricked Me. You loved another abuser. Daydreamed of standing next to another tormentor. Admired another liar. How foolish to give your heart away again. Today, I begin to despair a bit when I think of my previous trajectory - so constantly struck by idol worship and never a Me that I had made for myself.  But with Beloved - Oh my, to be so tenderly reminded that this body is mine. Just as it speaks to body(s) like mine, past and future. This heartbeat I feel expresses MY Joy, my sorrows, all mine. What a wonder it is to learn Me. She's waited so long to speak to me. I am so honored to hear her.
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whatistylerwatching · 4 years
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Hello all my fellow people out there in cyberspace. My name is Tyler and you’re watching what I’m watching. Today we review my most recently finished season or series. Which in this instance is Amazon Prime’s Upload. Since this is my first review let me lay the groundwork for my reviews. We have 4 criteria on a show to get a grade and see if it gets a recommendation.
1.) Story
2.) Characters
3.) Visual Design
4.) Overall Enjoyment
Each criteria is worth 25 possible points
25 - Perfect
20 - Great
15 - Good
10 - Okay
5 - Not Good
0 - Bad
So let’s dive deep into Lakeview
1.) The Story
“In 2033, humans are able to "upload" themselves into a virtual afterlife of their choosing. When computer programmer Nathan dies prematurely, he is uploaded to the very expensive Lake View, but soon finds himself under the thumb of his possessive, still-living girlfriend Ingrid. As Nathan adjusts to the pros and cons of digital heaven, he bonds with Nora, his living customer service rep, or "Angel". Nora struggles with the pressures of her job, her dying father who does not want to be uploaded, and her growing feelings for Nathan while slowly coming to believe that Nathan was murdered.” Quoting Wikipedia. So I think this premise is actually very interesting. Think about how much media focuses on how technology improves the life of the living and doesn’t focus on really a digital afterlife. However if I can be nit-picky, there are some story details that are dropped and picked up as the series progresses. I’m not gonna spoil anything until we get to overall enjoyment, but just know the story is, overall okay at worst. Score: 20
2.) The Characters
Our main protagonist is played by Robbie Amell who is better known as Fred Jones from the made for tv live action Scooby Doo movies, The DUFF and as the mail carrier in True Jackson VP, wait excuse me
*Hold on*
Well I’ll be damned it is him. Back on track I do think he did a decent job as Nathan, I just wish he got to do more in all honesty so that Nathan actually had more of a character
Our other protagonist is Nora Antony, played by Andy Allo, who you may know from Pitch Perfect 3 and Chicago Fire. Andy played this character amazingly and I thoroughly enjoyed the character of Nora and think she was the best character overall by far. Good on you Allo, I hope to see you in more shows and movies.
We also have Ingrid Kannerman, Nathan’s girlfriend played by Allegra Edwards, who did great I think playing Ingrid. She plays a prissy bitch who is deeper than she lets on and I know we’ll see more of her in the future but here she does great
Zainab Johnson as Aleesha is tied for my favorite character in the whole show. She’s that one person you always want in your corner and is such a bubbly personality and I love her.
Finally for the main cast we have Kevin Bigley as Luke. All I can really say is, meh. He’s the comic relief character who I think could have been handled so much better. No shade onto the actor, we’ll get to why in a moment.
However shout out to Elizabeth Bowen for being my other favorite character, Fran Booth, the detective cousin, shame she wasn’t around more.
Score: 15
#3.) Visual Design
Honestly I cannot praise the teams enough for the visual design. Everything from the scenery to the backdrops, lighting and it was handled very well. In the virtual world there is so much brightness and in the real world shots there’s a sense of grit and despair that contrast well to the show’s story. Score: 25
#4.) Overall Enjoyment
So did I enjoy Upload? Well, maybe. You see my problem with the series is one thing. Number one is the script. You see when you look up this show online, it calls it a Sci-Fi Comedy, problem is that it’s not a comedy. While comedy is a necessary ingredient to keep a story this heavy from dragging the audience down, it wasn’t handled the best. Luke was a generic character with some quirks but nothing that made me laugh. That’s the thing is that I was more entranced with the romance between Nathan’s Murder and Nathan and Nora’s relationship than anything else. However I feel like neither one gets fulfilled to any real extent in the end. For the first half the whole murder story is played as a joke until halfway through, same with the romance. Also what is with all the damn sex scenes. I know this show is rated TV-MA, but Jesus. And that’s all in the first half, so there’s this tonal whiplash between episode 4 and 5 that is weird to me. I don’t blame any of the actors for any of this, I feel with a more consistent script it could have been better. I mean the concept is stupendous, how do you make that the most different part. Although as a sci-fi romance show, it actually has some appealing traits. It shows the pros and cons of a world corrupted by greed, App Store physics and micro transactions brought to a real life setting. It really is a good cautionary tale on technology and greed and that I can get behind whole heartedly. I just don’t understand the failed attempts at humor, maybe it’s just a me thing I don’t know. Also that finale was unsatisfactory in more ways than I can describe through text. Score: 15
Overall Score: 75/100 - Good
Recommendation: Watch It If You Want
TV System Rank: TV-MA (17+)
Services: Amazon Prime Exclusive
Release Day: May 1 2020
So I do recommend Upload to those who want to watch it. While I don’t think it was a pinnacle of a series that most hold it to be, I can say that I don’t regret watching Upload. Lucky me this show’s getting a Season 2, and thank god because if it got cancelled after one season (a la AJ and the Queen style), then Oh boy there’d be a different tone to this whole thing. That ending was not satisfying, just putting that out there now.
If you have watched Upload, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments. Feel free to leave me some recommendations what to watch next and I’ll take them into account. Until next time, thank you for reading
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madelainesvixens · 5 years
Title: Blood Mary
Ship: Alice (Cooper) Smith + FP Jones (Falice)
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''Don't do it,'' begged Hermione, trying to hid her skeptical fright.
Alice rolled her eyes. ''Don't be such pussies. It's just a legend.''
''A girl died in Greendale last night from invoking...her. It's not just some legend, Alice. It's very real,'' Sierra pointed out, glancing at Hermione for support.
An old legend had made the buzz at school, frightening students of Riverdale High: the legend of Bloody Mary. Although there was a lot of version of this legend in folklore, they all were revolving around a similar ritual. The first step was to stand in front of a mirror and call her name three times. Once the name pronounced, said Mary was set to happen in the mirror, covered in blood.
But, the best was yet to come.
Following the ritual, it was recounted that the woman in the mirror - Bloody Mary - would scratch the eyes out of whoever had invoked her, causing them to bleed out and die.
Naturally, Alice didn't believe this stupid legend. It was just some invented stories to creep people out - and it seemed to be working.
The blonde Serpent had been hiding in a bathroom stall during lunch break, smoking a cigarette when she heard Hermione and Sierra talking about Bloody Mary's legend.
''In that case, let's try it,'' Alice decided, just to spook the two girls out.
''Alice, are you serious? Please don't-''
Ignoring girls's pleas, a grin spread on the blonde's lips as she stared into the mirror, pronouncing the name of the one -who-shall-not-be-named. ''Bloody Mary.''
Sierra sucked in a sharp breath as Alice said the woman's name.
Bringing her hand over her own mouth, Hermione gasped, shocked. ''The curse is going to fall on you and you're going to...die.''
A part of Alice was surprised that Hermione got trapped into believing this absurd legend. She came from a very religious family and figured she'd know better than this. What would her parents think if they knew that their daughter believed in such nonsense.
Sierra, on the other hand, was not surprising. She was known to believe all sorts of gossips.
''Die?'' Alice huffed out an humored laugh, glancing at the raven haired girl with the plaid skirt through the mirror's reflection. ''Don't be so dramatic, Hermione.''
''I'm not. I'm being serious!'' she insisted.
''Bloody Mary,'' Alice said for the second time, just as the lights flickered in the bathroom.
Sierra gulped, suddenly feeling nauseous. She glanced at Hermione who was looking just as frightened as her. ''Come on, Alice. This isn't funny...''
Just one more time and the invocation will be through. Just one more time and Bloody Mary will appear in the mirror and-
''Bloody Mary.''
A vacant silence filled the bathroom. Hermione and Sierra went completely still, holding their breath as Alice stared expectantly in the mirror.
''I don't understand what you're so afraid of. This is just some stupid legend, see?'' Alice nodded at the mirror, seeing only their reflection. ''No one appeared in the mirror and my eyes aren't busted out.''
Later that day, everyone had gathered at the Andrews's for a couple drinks before the big Halloween party at Marty's.
''No way! I didn't think you'd go through,'' Fred said just as Alice and FP entered the basement, dressed as Bonnie and Clyde, America's famous criminal couple who were known for bank robberies together during the 30s.
Although their costumes were a drastic contrast to their usual style, it was perfectly fitting for their personality and couple aesthetic as they were each other's ride of die.
FP exchanged a shoulder hug with Fred, snickering at his attempt at Danny Zuko. He might've got the hair down, but those tight pants were a laugh.
''You clean up well in a suit, Pendleton,'' Hermione pointed out from her spot on the couch, taking a sip of her mixed drink.
Instead of thanking her, FP retorted a question. ''And, you're dressed as..?''
''Rizzo, of course. You didn't recognize the jacket?'' She smoothed down her pencil skirt, glancing at him in a flirty way, as if he wasn't already taken. Classic Hermione Gomez.
FP rolled his eyes. Right. The bright Pink Ladies jacket and neck scarf were massive hints at Grease's Rizzo. She even had pulled her hair into a sort of updo, giving the illusion of a short hairstyle.
Stepping in, Alice broke the interaction and gave FP a beer. ''Here.''
He thanked her with a kiss and led her to the armchair, sitting down first and making enough room for Alice who followed and laid her legs over FP's lap, keeping a close hand on her thigh.
''Who's going to come tonight? Else than the Bulldogs?'' Hermione asked, plucking a stray thread from her skirt.
Before anyone could answer, Alice spoke up.
''That Gladys bitch better not show her face tonight or I'll-'' she warned with gritted teeth, taking a sip from her beer.
''How can you talk about people like that?'' Fred interrupted, shaking his head.
''She gave me a shiner at the last party, in case you don't remember.''
''And you think hitting her back is gonna solve things?''
The blonde nodded. ''Revenge is a bitch and, too bad for her,  Alice Smith has good memory.''
Behind her, FP grinned and kissed her exposed neck. ''That's my girl.''
Fred shook his head in discouragement. ''God, you two are really made for each other...'' he concluded, glancing between her and his best friend.
The basement door opened, followed by a clicking of heels resonating as Sierra made her way down in her Scary Spice costume.
Hermione stood, going to greet her friend. ''Wow, girl, you nailed it!'' she commented, looking her up and down, smiling at Sierra's camo pants and matching bra top.
''It's cold out though... The jacket ruins the look.'' She motioned to the colorblock parka on her arm. ''When do we show up at Marty's?'' Sierra asked to the group, taking the wooden chair while Hermione went to sit back down beside Fred.
They weren't dating, but it was clear that the raven haired girl was falling for the baseball player - especially with their semi-matching costume. It was as if they were subtly telling other people to back off, they're already taken. If Fred had dressed up as Kenickie, it would've been perfect.
Standing up, Alice went to use the bathroom, leaving the quatuor to themselves.
Taking advantage of the blonde's absence, Sierra decided to open her mouth and blab to the boys about her. ''Boys. Do you know what Alice did today at lunch?''
Fred gave her a curious look while FP seemed half interested. Whatever Miss. Gossips was going to tell them, there wasn't much that could surprise of shock him.
''We were in the school's bathroom and...'' Sierra glanced at Hermione, biting her bottom lip anxiously. ''She summoned Bloody Mary.''
''What? You mean, like the legend going on at school?''
Sierra nodded.
''Didn't someone die in Greendale from doing this?'' Fred asked.
''And, did you see her in the mirror?'' FP asked, cocky smile on his lips.
Sierra straightened up before responding. ''No, but I heard that you don't always see her right away. Once you summon her, she can appear at any time.''
''That's just some old superstitions, right, FP?'' Fred asked his best friend, suddenly skeptical.
FP shrugged. ''I don't know, man. I'm not into this stuff...''
The lights in Fred's basement flickered, followed by a piercing scream echoing from the bathroom, causing Sierra and Hermione to scream too.
''Alice?'' FP called out, raising an eyebrow. ''Everything okay?''
Another scream.
This time, they all scrambled up from their seats and rushed to the bathroom.
''Help! She's gonna get me,'' Alice screamed from the bathroom.
FP juggled the door, trying to open it and failing. ''Alice? Alice, open the door,'' he demanded, his voice frantic and panicked.
''Do something!'' Hermione begged FP and Fred. ''You must have a toothpick or something to pick the lock. S-she's gonna kill her-''
Alice's terrified scream cut off Hermione's sentence, followed by a vacant silence.
Nodding, Fred went to find something to pick the lock, leaving the girls with FP by the door. No one had ever been locked out of the basement bathroom so Fred - nor his dad - never had to pick the lock. Fred's could barely think properly as he searched, his mind crowded by the adrenaline in his veins from the possibility of his friend being dead behind this very door.
''Alice?'' Sierra called, her voice shaky.
Hermione's eyes filled with water behind her glasses, realizing what might've happened to Alice. ''I-is she-''
Just then, the bathroom door opened and Alice came out, a huge grin on her face. She gave FP a high-five, confusing everyone.
''You idiots really thought it was true? That Bloody Mary had attacked me in the bathroom?'' Alice laughed mischievously, shaking her head.
Sierra narrowed her eyes at Alice. ''Have you lost your mind? You can't do stuff like that!''
A sigh of relief wash through Fred, realizing that it was a prank. A very bad prank, if you ask him.
''This is called revenge, Sierra. Next time you see a used condom the girls's bathroom, don't blindly accuse me.'' Alice turned to Hermione. ''I know it was you who spread the rumor, Hermione. You're no better.''
Hermione gaped, giving Alice a scandalized look. ''So, it was all a prank?''
Later, when Alice and FP made it back to Alice's trailer - slightly inebriated -, the two were still amused by they little prank. They'll admit, maybe it had gone a bit too far - they didn't mean to implicate or scare Fred, but he was there -, but it was a damn good prank.
''You should've seen their faces,'' FP told her with a grin, shaking his head and tossing his bowtie, hating that damn thing. It was so uncomfortable, how can people wear that? ''Hermione really thought Bloody Mary had killed you.''
Alice threw her head back, laughing as she untucked her yellow sweater, slipping it over her head, removing the last bit of her costume. ''I should've covered myself in syrup and let them think Bloody Mary had killed me.''
Cert, syrup could've given a more gruesome turn to the prank, but it would've made a huge mess - and Fred would've probably fainted from the 'blood'. He had already been caught in the middle of this prank by admission, there was no need to scar him with an image of a 'lifeless' Alice covered in blood on his bathroom floor.
''Poor Fred would've had an aneurysm. He was so panicked, frantically searching for something to open the door and..save you.'' He sighed, thinking back. ''Man, I feel bad for him.''
Alice came behind him as he finished undressing, kissing his shoulder blade as she snaked her arms around his middle, pressing herself against his back. ''He'll survive.''
Rolling his eyes, FP turned around in his girlfriend's hold. ''I know...''
''It was Sierra and Hermione's fault in the first place,'' the blonde justified. ''If they hadn't spread that nasty rumor about me, I wouldn't have had to scare them with this prank and Fred wouldn't have been put through this.'' She pressed her forehead to FP's, about to kiss him. ''Now they know not to mess with me and spread nasty rumors.''
FP's hands slid on the sides of her body, fingertips brushing against the lace of her underwear, causing goosebumps to form on her skin at his touch. Was this what Danny was talking about when he said Sandy's presence was electrifying?
A crackling noise filled the silence of the trailer, some branch scraping against the window as Alice closed the gap between their mouth, sliding her tongue past his parted lips.
A gasp left FP's lips, Alice's slender hands slipping to the front of his boxer and breaking the kiss. She smiled wickedly, plump lips brushing over his as she spoke. ''Even if it was ours.''
''They don't have to know that,'' FP said with a smug grin, grabbing the blonde by the back of her thighs and bringing her over to the bed, taking advantage of Alice's parents being out of town.
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Serpents Stick Together
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There was a knock on your trailer. "Coming," You shout. You stand up cradling your sleeping son before laying him down on the couch. You pulled the blanket over him. You felt your pocket making sure your switchblade was in your leather serpent jacket scared of who would be at your door this late knowing Fangs was out with Jughead and Sweetpea. You opened the door breathing a sigh of relief when it was just the sheriff out of uniform dressed in his serpent attire. "Hey princess heard you were back in town sorry I didn't come sooner but I have been busy," He explained apologetically. The way the older man said princess had you weak at the knees. "Well, you are here now that's all that matters," You reply with a small smile. "Want to have a cig with me doll," He asked? "God you are killing me with these pet names," You thought in your head. "Sure," You answered stepping out cracking your door. He wrapped an arm lightly around your shoulder and led you down the steps of your trailer. He pulled out his pack from his blue jeans while you admired the father of two from your place against the outer wall of your home. He handed one to you before pulling his lighter out of the pocket in his leather jacket. You put your cigarette in your mouth and he lit it for you. You took in a deep breath filling the swirl of nicotine and chemicals in your lungs before releasing. "Thanks," You mumbled. "No problem princess," He replied. "No sheriff outfit I am disappointed I heard from a certain red-headed blossom you look quite DILFY in it I feel gypped," You joked before bringing lip between your teeth. "So how much did you miss me," He teased. "Um damn want the truth or," You joked with a wide smile. He let out a deep chuckle. "Fine I missed you a little bit," You answer. "Fangs told me what happened I am sorry kid," He apologizes seriously looking into your eyes. "His hits were nothing compared to mine," You replied with a smirk. "That's my girl," Fp complemented softly. When he called you his girl your mind started spinning oh how you wished that would come true. "You know it you might be able to pull the girl from the south side but you can't pull the south side out of the girl," You agree. "How is Marco," FP asked knowing how much trouble young boys were. "A monster I swear we have been back in Riverdale for a little over a week and fangs and sweet pea are corrupting him more and more every day," You say with the shake of your head taking another drag from the cigarette in your hand. Fp was staring at you with a smile on his face. "What do I have something on my face or something," You asked? "No, I just I missed you kid," The older man explained. "AWW getting sappy on me old man," You joked dropping our cig and stomping it before picking it up and setting it in the ashtray. Your feet carried you towards the father of two and you wrapped your arms around him. He hugged you back placing his chin on your head. "I am glad I'm back to FP I missed you," You express a rare moment of vulnerability. "I missed you too Y/N (Your name)," He replies back. You both stood like that until Bruises by Lewis Capaldi began to blare from your leather serpent jacket you were wearing. You pulled away pulling at your phone and scrunching your brows in confusion. "Sorry, it's the hospital I have to take it," You mumbled before answering the phone. You mumbled a few things in response to the hospital before hanging up and trying to hold back your tears. "Hey what is the matter princess," FP asked? "They're raising the cost of her care again she needs high doses of her meds and more care so they need even more money," You say letting a tear fall from your eyes. "Your mom," Forsyth clarified. "Yeah I don't know how we're gonna do it were struggling as it is i am working at pop's barely covers bills as it is Fangs already moved out into tent city Marco and I can't live in a tent I can't expect Fangs to help he already has enough on his plate with the school and being a serpent and helping me babysit and the last time I allowed him to help while I lived with Luca I found out he was selling drugs right before I moved back I have no idea what I am going to do FP she needs the treatment," You breakdown. Your tears crushed Fp so he pulled you into this. "Hey listen to me In unity there strength your a serpent fangs is a serpent okay serpents stick together your mom and you guys have the serpents there your family we are going to help with whatever we can I promise," Fp whispered in to your Y/H/L (Your hair length )Y/H/S (Your Hair Style) Y/H/C (Your Hair Color) hair. "Thank god your here Fp what would I do without you," You sniffle when you pull back wipeing your eyes. "Proably die," He teases. You looked up into his eyes and he looked down into yours. You found your self lossed in the pools of his brown eyes. "I I should go back inside it's it's late yeah it is late I should go but thanks for stopping by seeing you soon," You stuttered before running back into your shoulder and closing the door. Your mind was spinning all you could think about was him and the way he made you feel even when you were younger. The way him looking at you could speed your heart from a standstill. The way his voice sounded calling you all the pet names made your knees weak and push your thighs together as dirty thoughts clouded your brain. The way his lips were like magnets calling towards yours. Or how you felt safe and at home in his arms or around him. you couldn't do anything about it though that was Jug's dad and the sheriff and there was the twenty-eight year age gap or the fact that he had two kids and was still married with his daughter and wife moving back to town and you had a kid and just got out of a shitty relationship ugh but it didn't make you want the older jones any less.
You heard the bell ring above the door to the entrance. "Welcome to pop's chock'lit shoppe I'll be with you in one moment," You greeted with a wide smile and cheery voice as you continued to write the order for the older man sitting at the counter. "That will be out in one moment," You tell the old man. "Thank you," He thanks as you posted his order with the others. You walked over to the table seeing Jughead Jones, Archie Andrews, Fred Andrews, and Forsythe Pendleton Jones Jr. You made sure you looked okay in the napkin dispenser and rolled over. "Welcome boys looking good Mr. Andrews have you been working out," You asked playfully your eyes sparkling. Your smile made FP's heart start racing. Your eyes called to his. Your compliment to his best friend and unofficial sponsor made a ball of rage and jealousy build in his gut. "What is it with you girls hitting on my dad first Cheryl called him a DILF now you are calling him hot I'm gonna vomit," Archie interjects. You let out a small laugh. Your laugh was music to Fp's ears. "Aww are you jealous cause Y/N/N (Your Nickname) isn't flirting with you Andrews," Teased Jughead. "Maybe," Archie played back with a playful glare. "Nice uniform FP it fits you," You says looking him up and down in his uniform pulling your lip between your teeth. "Thanks princess I can say the same for you," FP flirted back making sure he saw his eyes cast down and then up again. "Thanks now what can I get you four," You asked? "Can we get four burgers and four orders of fries," The young redhead pipes up. "A strawberry milkshakes," The serpent king added. "And two coffees," Fred adds. You wrote down there order quickly. "Alright those will be out in a moment need anything else," You asked looking up and directly at the former leader of the serpents. "A rootbeer float," Archie blurts quickly. "Alrighty Arch anyone else," You asked? "Nope doll I think that is all," Fp replies from beside his best friend. You wrote down Archie's drink before looking back up. "Alright, then I will have these out in just a few moments," You reply rollerskating away.
My eyes never left her as she made her way back over to the counter and began making our drinks. "Dad Betty is pregnant," Jughead tells me. "Oh cool son oh wait what," I snap out of my daze and pay attention to my son. "I said Betty was pregnant but she isn't I was just proving to them you were eyeing Y/N," Jug stated in a matter of fact tone. "Shut it," I snap. "Do you got a thing for Y/N Fogarty Mr.Jones," Archie asked with a bemused expression. "Quiet both of you," I state. Fred started laughing from beside me. "I am going to arrest all of you," I snap. All three of them laughed. "Wouldn't be the first time I was arrested," Archie jokes. Fred gives him a too soon look. "Ok maybe I like her okay but its not like I am going to go after her I am well aware of how wrong it is she is young enough to be my kid," I replied. "Are you okay Are you sick do I need to call an ambulance you have some sense," My unofficial sponsor teases. "What is wrong with it," Jug asks. "What do you mean," I questioned my face morphing in confusion. "Well she is legal she is twenty one not underage so the age thing honestly as long as you two don't care why does it matter," Archie explains. "If it is mom and Jellybean yeah you and mom should officially divorce but mom left you-you can move on even if mom came home you can move on," Jug granted permission. "Shut it she is coming back," I pause the conversation.
Back to your P.o.v (Third person)
Fp eyes followed you as you made there drinks before snapping to Jug and getting in what looked to be both a joking and serious conversation. You finished their drinks before bringing it over. "Alright here we go A strawberry milkshake for Jug A rootbeer float for Arch Two coffees for MR. Andrews and Mr. Jones here is the creamer and sugar and milk so you can make it how you like," You pass out the drinks before setting the items on the table and instructed the forty nine-year-olds. "Your food will be out in just a moment pop is finishing it up," You dismiss yourself.
Fp p.o.v
I took a sip of my black coffee while Fred made his. "It isn't that easy," I told the boys. "Why not," Archie asked? "It can be," My son tells me. "There is a lot of reasons where I should stay away from her in anyways past platonic," I tell the redhead and raven-haired teens across from me. "Okay name them," Jug adds. "other than the two we already dismissed," The younger Andrews interjects. "Fred a little help," I asked? "Well tell um Sheriff why is Y/N too complicated," Fred agrees with our sons. "For starters, she just got out of a bad relationship she doesn't need an old man swooping in to cause her more hell," I say taking another sip of my scalding black coffee. "Y/n has been ready to leave him for years Fangs told me she just was staying for Marco she even told Toni, Cheryl, and Betty that she was looking to move on," Jughead shuts down the excuse. I sigh and rubbed my temple turning my eyes towards her. She was leaning over the counter talking to an old man who was eating soup. His smile was huge and she was smiling and wide and laughing. My heart swelled just looking at her. I watched as Pop Tate rung the bell after setting four plates with fires and hamburgers on it. She dismissed herself from the guy and rolled over to the metal window. I turned back to them and sighed rubbing my head then taking another sip of my coffee. "Fred what do you say," I asked the construction company owner? The father looked at me and answered, "Honestly FP against my better judgment go for it the town of Riverdale is insane so what is little more different to add to Bizarrodale." Before I could answer I heard her angelic voice interrupt us.
Back to your P.o.v (Third person)
"Alright for my favorite customers, I got four orders of burgers and fries," You speak up setting a plate in front of each. "Now what were you boys talking about pretty girls," You tease with a taunting smile. "Just some girl Mr. Jones is in to," Archie answers shoving a fry in his mouth. "Well she is one lucky girl and I hope she knows it," You say with a fake smile trying to hide your disappointment and sadness. "Hey Y/N/N are you coming to the party tonight," Jug spoke up. Your eyes wandered over to FP who was looking at you. You looked down and pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. "Probably not Jug I couldn't find a babysitter this late considering fangs will definitely be at the party so I am sorry juggy I can't," You apologize. "Bring him," Fp blurts. "I couldn't," You reply. "He can hang with Jellybean and other kids that are there," Jug coaxes. "Fine I will go," You accept. "Now is there anything else you boys need," You asked softly. "No that will be all Y/N," Fred replies. "Alright well I am right at the counter call if you need anything," You dismiss leaving. You stood at the counter eyes occasionally drifting to FP. Your heart sunk to your stomach as you felt a mix of disappointment hurt and sadness set in your gut. Of course, FP liked someone else you just hoped she understood how lucky she was and that she treated him right as well as made him happy.
Fp p.o.v
"Alright next excuse dad," Jughead asked taking a bite from his burger. I couldn't help but laugh at his antics. 'I am sheriff I don't have time for a relationship," I answered nonchalantly throwing a fry in my mouth. "Bullshit," Fred interjects. "What," I asked? "that is the worst excuse ever," Archie tells taking a drink of his rootbeer float. "Next," The raven-haired boy asked? "She has a kid a young kid and I haven't been a good father to you and JB she isn't gonna want to allow me to ruin that kid too," I answer. "Dad yeah you have made a mistake and used to be a bad dad but you have improved quite a lot and we're not saying get married to her and adopt her son we are saying tell her your feelings and see where things go," Jughead reassures. I take a bite of my burger as Fred speaks up, "Yeah man up grow some balls stop acting like a nerd in high school about to ask out the prom queen and go make that girl yours she is obviously into you," Fred ordered. "Fine I will talk to her tonight," I agreed with a grumble.
Your p.o.v (Hours later)
You arrived at the party alongside your younger brother and his best friend who ran off with your son. You were standing against a tree looking around when a voice startled you, "Looking for someone princess?" "Yeah you," You answer turning around to see him dressed in his serpent jacket. "I feel honored the prettiest girl here was looking for me," FP flirted. You rolled your eyes in fake annoyance. "Want a drink doll," The former king asked? "Obviously," You answer. "Then let us go, babe," He orders throwing his arm across the leather that was on your shoulders. You cuddled into his side as you swerved through the rowdy crowd of tent city. He grabbed a red solo cup and filled it up from the keg before passing the disposable cup to you and pouring himself one. "Thanks," You thank taking a sip and cringing at the taste. "That bad," He asked? "I am just not typically a beer kinda girl I am more into the hard stuff," You answer. He nods his head as he drowns his beer then grabs a water out of the cooler. "Wanna go sit by the fire old man," You asks? "Sure whatever you want," He answers wrapping his arm around you again. There was only one seat left at the fire and you were going to suggest something else when the sheriff sat down and pulled you down on to his lap. Your arm wrapped around behind his neck as he left his around your back. "So FP this girl that has caught your eye do I know her," You asked looking at him? "Yeah well I hope you do," He answers. "Oooh, who is it," You asked pretending to be excited. "Is it Alice Cooper I heard from Betty you guys had a thing in high school and she was around a lot this year," You suggest. "No lets just say she lived here then moved away and now she is back," Forsythe Pendleton Jones Jr. hinted. "Is it Gladys are you still in love with Mrs. Jones," You ask? "No," He shuts down immediately. "Then who is it I am dieing here FP you have to let me know who has caught the eye of the biggest DILF in Riverdale," You asked honestly not sure if you wanted to know or not. He looked up at you and smiled before looking into your Y/E/S (Your Eye Shape) Y/E/C (Your eye color) eyes. You got lost in the deep oceans of chocolate brown and before you knew it you were both leaning in foreheads touching. "You," He whispered before taking your face in his rough calloused hands and kissing you with his chapped lips. You kissed back igniting a fiery passionate kiss. "Y/N I understand there is a lot stacked up against us but I really do care for you dearly I am honestly in love with you-you make me feel like I am in high school again not even that because I used to be so confident and at ease when it came to girls and then there was you I couldn't bring myself to grow a pair and tell you but I love you I am in love with you and if you give me a chance I would like to prove to you me and you could work," FP rants. You grip his face kissing him again. "Yes god FP yes of course wait this is you asking me to be your girlfriend right," You agree before clarifying. "Yeah princess it is," FP accepted. "Then yes nothing would make me happier," You agree. "Good," He mumbled before griping your face softly and kissing you slowly and deeply. "EWW MY EYES," Sweetpea screamed. "Shut it sweets," You growl. "My sister has got her self a old man here that Marco mommy has an old man," Fangs says shaking his head in disbelief. "I know you said in unity there is strength and like serpents stick together but I wanna kill them," You say with a fake pout. "If they don't run along and go play I am going to let you," Jughead speaks up from beside betty who was tucked in his arm before adding, "Way to go dad." "Thanks, son if it wasn't for you, arch, and Fred I probably wouldn't have done anything," Fp admits as you cuddled against him. "In unity there is strength," The serpent yelled. "Serpents stick together," You agree.
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
8.08, Hunteri Heroici.
Thanks, Dabb, for taking one of the funniest episodes of s8 and using it to hide a rip-my-heart-out subplot.
DEAN: How you feeling, Cas? CASTIEL: I'm fine. DEAN: Well, I just – I – I know that when... I got puked out of Purgatory, it took me a few weeks to... find my sea legs. CASTIEL: I'm fine. DEAN: Don't get me wrong. I'm – I’m happy you're back. I'm – I’m freaking thrilled. It's just this whole mysterious-resurrection thing – it always has one mother of a downside. CASTIEL: [closes the journal] So, what do you want me to do? DEAN: Maybe take a trip upstairs. CASTIEL: To Heaven? DEAN: Yeah, poke around, see if the God squad can't tell us how you got out. CASTIEL: No. DEAN: Look, man, I – I hate those flying-ass monkeys just as much as you do, but – CASTIEL: [forcefully] Dean! I said no! After a pause, DEAN closes the laptop, walks over and sits on the edge of the other bed, facing CASTIEL. DEAN: Talk to me. CASTIEL: Dean, I... When I was... bad... and I had all those things – the... the leviathans... writhing inside me... I caused a lot of suffering on earth, but I devastated Heaven. I vaporized thousands of my own kind, and I – I – I can't go back. DEAN: 'Cause if you do, the angels will kill you. CASTIEL: Because if I see what Heaven's become – what I – [sighs] what I made of it... I'm afraid I might kill myself. SAM enters the room.
OWWWWWW. And also, Sam, you really need to work on your timing. This was two episodes in a row, dude...
But granted, he’s having a really hard time, too, which we mostly see through his personal flashbacks, lampshaded by this comment from an orderly at the nursing home about a catatonic-appearing patient:
ORDERLY: It's creepy, right? A lot of these people – they just tune out and live in their own heads. It's like maybe the real world is too much for them, and they just run and hide, you know? SAM: Hmm.
Because that’s basically what Sam’s flashbacks were-- the fact his entire relationship with Amelia was literally about running and hiding from reality. What shook that up for him was meeting her father, a military man, and feeling a bit like a judged outsider to a family dinner eerily reminiscent of the sort of thing Dean typically reminisces over. Amelia seems to have a very similar sort of childhood nostalgia for the sort of thing Dean would be happy to recreate from his own childhood. In Amelia’s case, it’s spaghetti with hot dogs. Tell me that doesn’t sound like a Dean meal. And Amelia’s dad directly reminds Sam of Dean by the way they open their beer bottles... Except for Sam, this is “Dean Lite” because hey, no monsters here!
I mean, think back to how they first met: Sam would’ve walked out after bringing the dog he hit into Amelia’s clinic, but she basically forced him to take responsibility for what he did. And rather than telling her he couldn’t be responsible for a dog, just travelling through, etc., he LET her force that responsibility on himself. And just... >.>
Dean and Cas share this exchange:
CASTIEL: Do you think Mr. Jones knows what's happening? DEAN: I don't know. Seems to me like the dude's living in a dream world.
And Sam flashes back to Amelia’s again, where he’s again accused of just running away from his problems, and literally using Amelia to do that.  But also... 
STAN: I'll dry. Is that your car outside – the Impala? SAM: Yeah, it was my dad's. STAN: Guy had good taste... for a jarhead.
Sam can’t even acknowledge the car was DEAN’S. Like he can’t even address the actual issue here. Sam’s not upset over losing his dad, you know? He’s not actively avoiding his dad’s memory...
Cas brings himself and Sam into Fred Jones’ internal cartoon world (where he’s run away from reality, literally). While Dean deals with the “reality” outside of the man using Fred for his own gain. There’s so much using in s8, so much manipulation. Cas is being used by Heaven and doesn’t have any idea consciously, just like poor Fred here:
CASTIEL: This is happening, Mr. Jones. They're using you. FRED: As what – some kind of a damn psychic CopperTop? You plug me in, and the whole world goes wacky? It doesn't work that way. SAM: How would you know? No offense, but it seems to me like you've been spending more time in here than you have... out there. FRED: You want to know what's the worst thing that can happen to a guy that's got a mind like I got? Losing it.
But this is the advice Sam gives him, which Cas painfully takes to heart, not really understanding just how deep under control by Heaven he already is. GAH:
SAM: ...take control. FRED: It's too hard! SAM: Look, it can be nice living in a dream world. It can be great. I know that. And you can hide, and you can pretend... [the background is now brightly colored rectangles] ...all the crap out there doesn't exist, but you can't do it forever because... eventually, whatever it is you're running from – it'll find you. [CASTIEL appears to be taking SAM’s words to heart.] It'll come along, and it'll punch you in the gut. And then... then you got to wake up, because if you don't, then trying to keep that dream alive will destroy you! It'll destroy everything!
Because to Sam, this is just his realization that he’d been doing exactly that-- avoiding his own problems which will always, always catch up with him. Which is exactly what Dean realized during his painful year at Lisa’s. Sadly for Sam, the narrative isn’t quite done flogging him yet... that’ll happen a couple episodes down the road yet... but heck... He’s getting closer.
SAM: You – you what, Cas? W-why can't you come with us? CASTIEL: I, um... I want to stay with Mr. Jones. Someone should watch over him for a few days just to be safe. DEAN: Okay, and then what? CASTIEL: Then I'm not sure. But I know I can't run anymore.
And AAARRGH. I mean, he doesn’t even know WHY he knows he can’t go back to Heaven now, or how Heaven is using him to “make amends.” But if it hadn’t been for what Sam said, he would’ve chosen to stay with Sam and Dean. Instead, he’s adrift even more now.
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holden-woods · 5 years
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okay so, hi !!  10 million later, and i finally have this bad boi up. for those of you who don’t know my name is maaria ( or mars. ) i am 23, i live in nyc, i can touch my tongue to my nose & i respect any bich that can bring me a good meme. holden ( the magnet ) is literally the worst person i know and i’m so sorry abt him lmao. learn more fax him below. 
holden is the product of an extramarital affair, his father was a new york city corporate lawyer ( largely based on jordan belfort aka leo dicaprio in wolf of wall street so pls be sympathetic towards his daddy issues lmao ) & his mother’s father owned one of the corporations he was retained for. they met at a cinco de mayo party, drunk off of margaritas. his entire existence was destined to be a travesty. 
prior to him, his father had a daughter from first marriage, gianna ( 28 yrs old ) who vehemently pretends that holden is not related to him. he has two younger twin sisters margot and bridgette. ( both 13, both terrible. )
his parents clash heads a lot as holden’s father is quite frankly always toeing the line when it comes to matters of legality regarding his finances, stock trades, and client list so the fbi has fluttered in and out of their lives for years, trying to gather evidence against him. 
regardless of the bullshit, holden’s always lived quite cushy living with a bougie gated community of mansions, summering in exotic places, and receiving a range rover the second he was able to drive, however given holden’s father’s unsavory background the rest of ashmont society has a low opinion of holden’s family. 
his mother fusses over him to no end, still treats him like he’s six, calls him twice a day even tho he lives in the same damn town as these people, and still calls her mommy lmao. he literally has a tattoo in her honor. yah boy would throw hands for his mom. 
he’s also fairly close to his younger sisters, his football jersey is their birthday year. ( 06 )
okay so summarize holden holistically, i will be providing two videos: this one + this one. now you know who holden is a person lmao. 
ya boy turns up to every single party ever, invited or not. will 100% get drunk and dance in your kitchen to brittney spears. *britney vc* he’s not that innocent. 
on the football team, and is dfjklfd very competitive. it’s sad boi hrs for holden any time the boys lose a game. catch him listening to celine dion and dramatically looking out a window for days after. 
met bill nye once and cried abt on instagram live.
if he hasn’t quoted a vine all day, please know that like avril lavigne, the real holden has died and been replaced with a clone. 
v v v friendly, and tries to make everyone and anyone he meets feel comfortable and appreciated no matter who they are, what crowd they’re from as long as they are respectful. gets super defensive when people are being bullying someone, and always calls them out. 
the kinda dude who sits with the lonely kid if they let him fsdjlsfj. 
will kick your ass, but will also cry if you put him on a roller coaster. 
HE’S A PRE-MED STUDENT LMAO, I KNOW I CAN’T BELIEVE IT EITHER... but at his core, hold is v much someone who lives to help other people. he’s incredibly stupid at a surface level bc he has big fuck boi energy, however he’s immensely gifted in mathematics and science and does try hard to keep his grades up between getting crunk at your next event. 
was named after holden caulfield and has never read catcher as a lifelong protest to his name being an accidental dick joke. 
volunteers at the hospital every other weekend, tho he wants to specialize in pediatrics, he loves spending time with the seniors. learns magic tricks to dazzle them 
a huge fucking flirt. god this man is engaged to be marry ( holla cassidy turner ) but fdjslkfs... will flirt without even realizing he’s flirting. 
also he was big slut back in the day so there’s big chance he might have slept with your muse ): this is what happens when your name is a dick joke. the dick life chooses you, you don’t choose it. 
more aggressive than he should be... gets wound up and defensive over his friends, his girl, what he believes to be morally correct. is known to immediately start brawls without hesitation over the listed matters. 
is fueled by rice krispy treats, skittles, burgers, cheese sticks, pizza, gatorade and probably like nothing else lmao. 
has a v douchey 2019 range rover, and drives like a 84 yr old grandfather in it bc he’s afraid of fender benders. it’s name is lightning mcqueen, after the fucking movie cars even tho they look NOTHING alike. 
holistically a nice guy, kind of a slut, prob needs an outlet for his anger. 
based off of.
jared ( booksmart ), fred jones, aladdin, james potter, richie tozier, sodapop curtis, michael kelso, joey tribbiani, gob ( arrested development )
pinterest .
( X )
i’ll have a connection’s page and a pretty theme up later tonight fdljdfs.
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nastyaphrodite · 5 years
The Lion King (2019)
• I'm already emotional and it hasn't even started. • I'm five years old again. • I'm already ugly crying. • Planning a trip to Africa ASAP. • Spot on intro; the attention to the original detail. Amazing. • CIRCLE OF LIIIIIIFEEEE. • MUFASA! • Rafiki!! My heart. • Queen Sarabi. *heart eyes* • Baby Simba!!!! • Still crying. • Simba's displaying. Super emotional. I can't-- • I want ten Simbas. • The sunlight on him .... poetic cinema. • THE TITLE SCENE. CHILLS. LITERAL CHILLS. • Currently speechless. • The effects are so good? Like, wow. • Here comes Scar, ready to ruin the perfect moment. • "Life's not fair ...." woah okay. • Oh, the new speech lines are good. • Zazu ... still prissy. • Hm, I don't know about Scar's voice. (he's still good though!) • Why didn't they get Jeremy Irons back? • James Earl Jones returns, praise be. • Bringing him back was the best choice they made. • "Tremendous respect for the Queen." THE SHADE. He so wants Sarabi. I need that new backstory Disney! • "Don't turn your back on me!" "IS THAT A CHALLENGE!" More chills. (better in the animation though). • "Again?" what do you mean?!?! what do you mean again?!?! Backstory! • "Simba will be your king." Mufasa foreshadowing majestically. • I do love Zazu. • Just magical. The emphasis on the stars. Beautiful. • Little Simba is adorable. • "Dad, dad, dad," cutest baby ever. • Majesty in the Sun. • "Everything the light touches." *tearing up again.* • James. Earl. Jones. • The effects are ... wow. • "At 4 a.m. there's nothing to tweet about!" Zazu making commentary on our social media use. Right on you funky little bird. • Simba and Mufasa are precious. • Sarabi leading the charge! We love a capable Queen. • Ay cositas! (about Simba) • Scar's SASS. • Oh crap. • He's so manipulative. • Scar remains the best villain. • Little Nala! u.u • "ZaZu?!?!" • "I could just molt." • Was Zazu that sassy in the original? • The Lions have ... some expressions. • "We are never getting married." Who's gonna tell them? • IJCWTBK was cute. • Nala's sassy too. Were they all this sassy? I live. • Is it weird that I still want to check out the Elephant Graveyard? • Nala has some sense. • Oh crap. • Uuu, they upgraded Shenzi. Main mama. • Oh she bad. • Who did her voice?! (it's Florence Kasumba. I want her voice cast in everything now.) • Oh mamaaaa. This is bad. • The power! The majesty. James Earl Jones kills it. • I need the hyena v. Lions backstory. How far back does the feud extend. What is the deal between Mufasa and Shenzi. Disney don't introduce new story lines if you can't expand on them! • The little paw in the big paw scene. • Crying again. • Their father and son time. • Sobbing. • "Look at the stars ..." • I am besotted. • "personal space!" • "I guess we'll eat you." Oh man that foreshadowing. • The new Be Prepared is lackluster? Is it his voice or something? • Jeremy Irons just can't be beat man, sorry. • Okay the chanting changed the game. • Dictator vibes coming on STRONG. • Me currently: :O • Oh you preciously naive baby. • His little roar. • Oh. • Oh no. • Not prepared for this. • Nooooooope. • ANXIETY. • Okay they do need more expressions. • Mufasa .... baby .... • no. • No. • Yes. • Oh I'm not going to hold back the tears that much longer. • Emotions are a whirlwind. • I'm not prepared. Nope. • THAT SCENE. • I'm openly weeping. • My shoulders feel so heavy. • I could murder that lion with my bare hands. • No wonder your original name means Garbage you crusty looking lion. • Oh my baby Simba. • "Kill him." *shook* • Are they actually going to lie to Shenzi? Lol • "It is with a heavy heart." *insert Khloe Kardashian's "LIIIIIIIIIAAAAAARRR" scream here* • Get my baby lion out of that desert! • Okay but Billy Eichner was a good choice for Timon. • Timon and Pumbaa are life. • "We're going to name him Fred." • "Hakuna Matata" • I'm back from the grief. • Baby Pumbaa! Oh my heeeart. • "It's an emotional story." (it's about him passing gas) • "I was always there for you and I resent that." TIMON I-- • How much does a trip to Africa actually cost?!?! • The bugs look disgusting, thank God. • SImba growing up! • I'm crying again. • The MOON. • I like Donald Glover's voice, I really do. • My heart feels full again. • "Oh now he's riffing!" • All that snide Timon and Pumbaa commentary, I love. • Oh girl, are the lionesses plotting? • BEYONCÉ?!?!?! • Sarabi conspiring? • Beyoncé's voice is fine for this role. Y'all just hating. • Sarabi's walk is still that girl. • "You chose Mufasa over me." Anyone would sis. • He really did want Sarabi but now he needs her. • Don't do it girl. • "I will never be your Queen." Yesssssss • Scar's absolutely brilliant, too bad I hate him. • Tension, anxiety ... but come through Nala. • Beyoncé's voice is so soothing. • Zazu is so brave in this movie and I love it. • Simba out here living his best life. • "You do you Simba." • Their cuddling is precious. I need hours of this. • Awh they hurt my baby's feelings. • Oh gross, but I guess. It's accurate? • Is Rafiki really going too ... ok. • "Simba is alive" Chills. Tears. Joy. • "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" will be stuck in my head for days. • DAMN GIRL. • Oh baby! • Their meeting! My heart! • "HAHAHAHA. What fun." The delivery on that, yes Billy! • Oh Bey ate that delivery on "king." • CYFTLT. Magical arrangement. Bey's voice is just perfect. • The scenery is so beautiful. • They redid this scene so wonderfully. • Simba check yourself before you wreck yourself. • "Who are you?" • "I held the son of Mufasa!" .... oh, I didn't want to cry again but ... • THE SCENE. • "All I was most proud of was having you as my child." • "Remember ...." am I still crying? • Yes baby, yes! Go back! • "Let's go home." My heart, my heart. • Beyoncé saying, "Danger, ha! I laugh in the face of danger!" gave me LIFE. • Why are they not more excited to have Simba back? • THIS IS MY FRIEND PUMBAA, HE'S AMAZING, AND HE DROVE ME HERE. • "Live bait." • The looking back and forth killed me lol • "Why is everyone looking at me?" • I wish they'd done the hoola but the new distraction song was genius. • Rafiki is ready hunny. • Leave Sarabi alone you piece of Garbage. • I'm so glad they went with the Sarabi/Scar storyline instead of the even creepier Nala/Scar storyline. Thank you writers. • Give him a piece of your mind Sarabi! • Simba returns. • Oh this effing liiiiiaaaar. • This Scar is more manipulative than the animated one. I love it? • "This looks familiar." Freaking DEVIL. • "I. killed. Mufasa." when I say I'm livid. • Hans Zimmer's scores remain unbeatable. The emotion. The intensity. The perfection. • "Chubby?" • "I will not be made ashamed of who I am!" • Kill her Nala. KILL HER. • Rafiki came in swinging hunny. • Oh you know she dead. • LION POWER COUPLE.   • Scar really gon' run like a lil ..... • He asks for mercy. The nerve. • "I'm not like you ... Run, run away Scar and never return." • The battle. • Me: :OOOOO • I thought he burned. • She ain't dead after all. (?) • But you know HE dead. • He's going to take his place .... my heart. • More crying. • KING. • MY HEART. • BEAUTY. • PERFECTION. • KIARA! • (or is is Kopa? the non-canonical Disney makes it weird.) My final thoughts: The movie, when compared to the original, does run a bit lackluster. There is something ... off ... with the voices. Something about the inflections or was it the lack of expressions on the lions. Oh god, they could have been animated better on that. 5/10 (for the expressions) But the scenery, the realism. So beautiful. 8/10 The voices, like I said, are off. But when you close your eyes, they sound good. Beyoncé was good, and no one can say otherwise. She did not bring Texas into her voice y'all, but her lilt and inflections are so distinctive it was distracting in some parts. 6/10 (for the overall voice cast)
Timon and Pumbaa remain the best. 10/10
James Earl Jones as Mufasa still sounds Majestic af. A lil tired, but hey, there could be no other. 10/10
I really wish they’d kept some of Scar’s lines like “it’s to die for,” and the infamous “SARABI!” but I guess his lines were okay. 9/10
Some additions I remember from the top of my head. Sarabi being more involved in the kingdom. 10/10 I do wish they'd given her a bigger role though. Showing how the alliance between the hyenas and Scar came to be. 10/10 I liked the mystery of the animation, but this was good in showing just how volatile the alliance really was. Showing how Nala manages to escape. 10/10 We needed this. Zazu being more brave and not being captured by Scar. 10/10 Shenzi's storyline and her beef with Nala. 10/10. Implying that Simba grew up with more friends than just Timon and Pumbaa. 10/10 In short, the additions did not detract from the story, and were actually good. 
Overall score for the movie as a whole: 8/10
I’m sorry, it just can’t beat the original (which is a 15/10) The original was the pinnacle of Disney’s Renaissance era and this remake, while good and visually stunning, was just not the experience I wanted it to be. Maybe I compared it too much to the original. Will I still rewatch it? Yes. Am I ready to lead a hellish crusade against lion poachers? Hell yes. 
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Organization Members Book Preferences
Suggested by: Anon.  I’m such a bibliophile so I kind of went all out on this one.  Hope you enjoy!
All or most of these books can be found on Thriftbooks.com for about $4.00 or less, *hint, hint.* It’s also a good place to look for college textbooks, too, if anyone needs that.
Favorite Fiction Book: 1984 by George Orwell
Favorite Non-Fiction Book: The Art of War by Sun Tzu
Favorite Book Quote: “Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not.  Make it your own strength.  Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.” - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire
Favorite Genre: Biographical Novels, Dystopian novels, Plays, Historical Fiction, Satires
Favorite Fiction Book: The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
Favorite Non-Fiction Book: Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War by Paul Scharre
Favorite Book Quote: “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” - William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Favorite Genre: Thrillers and Mysteries
Favorite Fiction Book: The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien
Favorite Non-Fiction Book: Bob Ross: The Joy of Painting by Bob Ross
Favorite Book Quote: “In this world of numbness and information overload, the ability to feel, my boy, is a rare gift indeed.” - Patrick Ness, The Ask and the Answer
Favorite Genre: Mysteries and Westerns
Favorite Fiction Book: The Odyssey by Homer
Favorite Non-Fiction Book: In Pursuit of the Unknown: 17 Equations that Changed the World by Ian Stewart
Favorite Book Quote: “I want to know what passion is.  I want to feel something strongly.” - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
Favorite Genre: Anything to do with science and pseudoscience
Favorite Fiction Book: A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin
Favorite Non-Fiction Book: Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg by Irin Carmon
Favorite Book Quote: “The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.” - William Shakespeare, As You Like It
Favorite Genre: Poetry and Haiku, and Westerns
Favorite Fiction Book: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Favorite Non-Fiction Book: The Inventions, Researches, and Writings of Nikola Tesla by Nikola Tesla
Favorite Book Quote: “The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.” - Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
Favorite Genre: Will read a little bit of everything.  It really depends on what he’s in the mood for.
Favorite Fiction Book: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Favorite Non-Fiction Book: What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions by Randall Munroe
Favorite Book Quote: “Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest of stars.” - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
Favorite Genre: Self-Help Books, Biographical Novels
Favorite Fiction Book: Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Favorite Non-Fiction Book: The Dark Side of Genius: The Life of Alfred Hitchcock by Donald Spoto
Favorite Book Quote: “To die will be an awfully big adventure.” - J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
Favorite Genre: Action and Adventure, Fantasy, Comedy
Favorite Fiction Book: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Favorite Non-Fiction Book: How Music Works: The Science and Psychology of Beautiful Sounds, from Beethoven to the Beatles and Beyond by John Powell
Favorite Book Quote: “Not all those who wander are lost.” - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the RIng
Favorite Genre: Comedy, Action and Adventure, Mystery
Favorite Fiction Book: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Favorite Non-Fiction Book: The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
Favorite Book Quote: “Be not afraid of greatness.  Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” - William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
Favorite Genre: Classic British Lit, Plays and Poetry - things like Shakespeare and Poe - and Historical Fiction
Favorite Fiction Book: The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Favorite Non-Fiction Book: The Healing Herbs: The Ultimate Guide to the Curative Power of Nature’s Medicines by Michael Castleman
Favorite Book Quote: “Maybe ever’body in the whole damn world is scared of each other.” - John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men
Favorite Genre: Likes anything that has to do with gardening.  Likes Romance and bodice rippers
Favorite Fiction Book: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
Favorite Non-Fiction Book: We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie or How to Be a Complete Bitch by Pamela Stephenson
Favorite Book Quote: “It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.” - Andre Gide, Autumn Leaves
Favorite Genre: Anything that focuses on powerful women, usually action or mystery.
Favorite Fiction Book: Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White
Favorite Non-Fiction Book: The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers by Maxwell King
Favorite Book Quote: “It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for; I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill.” - Emilie Autumn, The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls
Favorite Genre: Fantasy and Adventure
Favorite Fiction Book: Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
Favorite Non-Fiction Book: The Girl’s Guide to Being a Boss (Without Being a Bitch): Valuable Lessons, Smart Suggestions, and True Stories for Succeeding as the Chick-in-Charge by Caitlin Friedman
Favorite Book Quote: “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.” - C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves
Favorite Genre: Fantasy and Young Adult Fiction
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cupofsorrows · 5 years
Howard Lovecraft 5: Yes, This Is The Last One
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Alright chums, let’s do this, home stretch!
- Alright everybody, welcome back to Eldritch Wipeout!
- We’ve had a pretty uneventful day so far, but that might turn around with our next contestant! Standing three feet tall and hailing from Rhode Island, let’s give it up for Howard “Hard R” Lovecraft! *air horns*
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- He’s gonna need to keep a level head for this, Tim.
- That’s for sure, Jack. Always keep your wits about you!
- That is, if you haven’t already lost your mind from revelations no man should bear!
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- Looks like he’s already running into some trouble with the first trial- And they’re past it already!
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- But let’s see how well they do in the second trial!
- We pulled out all the stops on this one...
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...and by “all the stops”, I mean ‘ripped the hell off of Indiana Jones’!
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Don’t forget Howard...in the Aklo alphabet, ‘Jehovah’ begins with an ‘I’!
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- Pretty straightforward, Bob, just gotta find the right tiles to step on --
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- Ooh! Do you think he realizes that the words “my father” in that inscription DON’T refer to his father?
- I’m sure he does, John. If the inscription had meant that, it would have said “your father”!
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- Appears he does NOT understand this, Rick.
- You know kids these days, Bill, they just don’t got the grammar too good.
- Wait, looks like he’s got another idea...could it be?
- I think it is!
- Looks like he’s spelling out ‘Azathoth’ which IS the correct answer!
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- Terrible animation as always, of course.
- No argument there, Dick.
- Just the worst.
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- Anyway, it’s on to the third and final trial! This one’s gonna require a lot of creative thinking...
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- Looks like he’s planning on reflecting the light from his glowy blue friend, definitely an unconventional solution!
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- I’m not sure that’s how physics works, Fred...
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- Well, it’s working, Don!
- Well, fuck me in the ass with a Honda, Paul, so it is!
- Just goes to show you can’t trust physics in a place like this.
- No you can’t, Ron.
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- I think our boy Howard might just be home free - OH! LOOK at that! A mob of Deep Ones!
- Copy-pasted, by the looks of it!
- Earl, this might be a pickle they’re in now.
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waaait a minute...Deep Ones don’t blink!
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- Actually, Mark, it seems like they’re cool! They’re just letting him walk out of there.
- Come to think of it, Ted, I think those might just be some set technicians. They’ve been waiting to start disassembling the course, I think.
- Well then, that’s our cue! We have a winner, ladies gents and assorted entities! Thanks for tuning in!
whew, doing those voices was murder on my throat. Now back to the hostage situation:
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Nothing much to say here, badguy seemingly wins, activates the ritual, yadda yadda.
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oola ooh couchez avec moi, c’est soi?
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You can’t really tell from the screencap, but at the crucial moment the book stops working because...
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...yeah. I’m not sure ‘deus ex machina’ is the right term for a situation involving actual elder gods, but it sure is a convenient development that in no way hinged on the protagonist’s actions, isn’t it? (also wow. They...just did not bother to give that book any texture here, did they?) Anyhoo, the evil plan fails, miserably,
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(I think this was Pepsi’s slogan back in the ‘90s.)
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Abdul has finally Outlived His Usefulness™, although he manages a few more lines after being set on fire so I wonder whether that dorky outfit was actually flame retardant.
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And there’s Dagon, just standing there awkwardly because this is his place and he actually has people coming over tomorrow so if you all would please hurry up?
The goodguys actually left before Nyarlahotep had even begun soliloquizing back there, and now they’re back safe and sound (except for Ma Lovecraft who is still dying).
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Oh, look who it is! Yeah, they’re safe, no thanks to you. Hope you had a nice cup of tea while everyone else was almost dying.
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He binds the three journals together into The Necronomicon, which is the only thing that can save Howard’s mother (apparently that requires a higher level of magic than awakening freaking Cthulhu).
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Speaking of Mark Hamill, that new Dark Crystal show has been pretty good so far (he’s one of the skeksis in that). Anyways sorry I called you useless, Doc.
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lol that bitch is FADED!
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*ding* Turkey’s done!
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Howard reads from the book to save her. BUT WILL HE BE IN TIME?
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My God, she looks like she’s made of vinyl! SHE’S BACK TO NORMAL, EVERYBODY!
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There it is, the ONE GOOD BIT in this whole sordid affair. And I’ve capped and posted it, so now you can safely not watch the movie without missing anything.
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So Spot (...is he Cthulhu for real now? I don’t think so but...) Must Go Back To His Home Planet Now, His People Need Him. By the way, I am increasingly sure that this is supposed to be R’lyeh:
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(sorry, Ruh-LAY)
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So the baddies didn’t kill these guys. Ah, too bad, I guess.
Howard shares some meaningful last words with Armitage:
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- And they return (via portal) to their home. Yes, their quiet, peaceful home, with its cozy beds and its tranquil garden and their little cat, Ni-
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...why, who could THAT be?
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I will say this about the animation: it stayed shitty right up to the end.
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So...not Nick Fury, then.
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Right now, I feel, the joke is very specifically on me.
Roll credits, including this bit here about how this was actually adapted from a graphic novel:
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Notice that director/producer/voice of Spot/father or husband of half the cast Sean O’Reilly is there, but notice how many other people there are who seem to have had little or nothing to do with this movie. Wonder what that’s about?
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If it’s one of those guys that did this credit art - orders of magnitude better than the animation for most of the actual film - it’s nothing short of a travesty that not only were they not involved with the main project but also that we get to see their stuff now just to taunt us with what might have been.
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I mean, LOOK at all that! Damn!
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“Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental”, says the movie with the child version of a famous horror author as the main character. SURE, WHY NOT.
WELP THAT’S ALL SHE WROTE - well, all she wrote, maybe, but I still have a bit more to add. So yeah, this was on the whole pretty dismal. Not quite as bad as it could have been, I’ll grant, but it missed most of its major cues. I DID like some things - Doug Bradley played a decent Nyarlahotep, the stuff with Azathoth was neat, and Winfield Lovecraft’s character was actually kind of engaging - even funny - at times. AT TIMES. And I will say that, perversely, Abdul Alhazred’s lackluster character design actually kind of stood out - I don’t think you’ll find very many other depictions of him where he’s Just Some Guy (who happens to be a powerful sorcerer). If nothing else, they pretty diligently avoided racializing him (not even a turban!) - yeah, it’s still true that the one evil human is also the only one with any nonwhite identifiers whatsoever (really just the name, in this case) but considering the source material if that’s the most problematic it gets then we got off SUPER easy.
Bad news is, basically everything else about this blows. The animation only hurts if you have eyes, but even the blind can hold O’Reilly accountable for the decision to cast all his kids. Then there’s the fact that the movie tries to bait us with big names, even though two of the top-billed stars (Plummer and Perlman) have probably less than a minute’s worth of lines between them (and ‘lines’ is a bit charitable in Perlman’s case [no disrespect to Ron, you’ll always be my Hellboy]). Seriously, did you even remember Dr. West until I brought him up just now? Wait, no, don’t actually try to recallAAUGH
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And now the Nyquil’s kickin’ in so I’m gonna have to bow out - but fortunately I’ve said pretty much everything I could think of to say anyway. Perhaps one day, when the stars are right, I might recap the other movies, including Howard’s Mother Eats A Whole Chicken. The future is full of mysteries!
...OK, bye.
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floggingink · 6 years
bitch I bet you thought I’d forgotten about Riverdale, “Chapter Thirty-Seven: Fortune and Men’s Eyes”
I absolutely agree with Archie’s wild careening off the side of the road of justice to plead guilty to a crime he “may as well have” committed. I couldn’t believe Archie was so preposterously on the money about himself: “I didn’t kill anyone, but I could have.” GOOD, ARCHIE. I love Juvie Archie. better than Fascist Archie!!!!
I didn’t google “prison powder” to see if that shit’s soap or for lice or what but y’all’ll fill me in on that won’t you
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“Leopold and Loeb” is just the level of allusory on-brand naming hubris I demand
“Captain Golightly” doesn’t seem to be a reference to anything other than a brutal dichotomy between whimsy and a dictatorial prison state
you know they hit us up with that Pop’s lighting not even at Pop’s! I never met a window I didn’t want to have bathe me in God’s light!
Sixth period is Intro to Film: the cross stitch quote on the warden’s wall, which I assume dude’s wife made for him because he and she adhere to traditional gender roles, is of course from Sonnet 29, referenced in the title to a play and 70’s movie very much about sexual slavery in prison (Archie has not seen it)
Day One at Juvie Coif: very good, uplifted, touchable but held fast
they really did the line-up of the Hot Dads of Riverdale right there: Tom seems to be eating pancakes and bacon, and FP is wearing a scarf like a headband but like a necklace
Fred’s flannel is an interesting mix of colors like, for a flannel, and Veronica appears to be wearing subtle yellow eyeshadow to go with her waitress dress
when were we going to hear about the three perjuring thugs? who corroborated Archie’s false confession???? cold
“Shadow County” is the third county in “Riverdale State”
The Blossom spawn: Dr. Patel seems to be the Cooper family GP with specialities in both obstetrics and neurology; Betty is still wearing her hospital bracelet
I never noticed the teensy blackboard under Alice’s kitchen cabinets; the Coopers are truly peak bourgeois chic
Polly’s itty bitty lace headband is good and the Farm has done wonders for her and Alice’s accessory game
Betty’s body language at “Uh...because I saw you and mom throw the twins on a fucking fire” is very funny (Betty has not told a joke yet)
Dilton Doiley is a canonically great dancer: RIP!!!!!!
I want to get out of the way that for some reason Jughead looks really good throughout this episode. I can’t explain why, maybe it’s because he’s finally wearing plaid again, but he looks good. if you thought he looked good in the first place, he’s back
is Betty wearing her Carrie: the Musical outfit?
last week I misheard Dilton and thought he said “Cardinal King,” and I was like, What? and then it got even better
Places Bughead are Fucking: the Blue & Gold office
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Archie > Dawson: God bless Archie but he does try to be personable with Mad Dog right away, unleashing one of his legendary “bros.” how old were you when you realized you couldn’t do a pull-up? I’ve never done a pull-up in my goddamn life and certainly not to a vinyl of a piano sonata
Mad Dog (I just wrote “God,” because I guess he’s that beautiful) has approximately 100 cigarettes, which he certainly does not smoke, so he is hoarding them for some grand purpose?
when Mad Dog turned around I swear I saw muscles I didn’t know the human body possessed. I’m talking fresh-out-of-the-science-tube Steve Rogers
Fwoopy hair is the best hair: Mad Dog’s impeccably maintained fade
The 2001 Josie and the Pussycats movie was a masterpiece: Josie has the right attitude about LBJ and Vietnam, except I think JFK got us into Vietnam, but then the Gulf of Tonkin was LBJ. I don’t want to google the Vietnam War. look, McNamara is a war criminal
Cheryl’s sheaths: I wish I had the energy to coordinate my bras with the rest of my aesthetic like Josie, in a leopard print, and Cheryl, in red lace. I will say I have recently discovered unlined bras and they have changed me for the better
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do you think Archie + varsity football + theater extracurriculars = Cheryl + student body president + 4.0 GPA + theater extracurriculars?
Serpent with the General-style opthalmic frames and low-rise Chucks intrigues me
Joaquin does Archie so bad!!!!!!! even after he got the fucking tattoo, damn!
Sexy, aesthetic Southside: Joaquin’s eyes are so crystal clear that I don’t think they have a color of their own. he’s wearing the optional grey shirt, so they look grey; if he wore the optional navy shirt (I can’t yet tell a difference in status) they would look blue
oh god, what is that Ghoulie doing at the fucking fence? is he slicing his fingertips for fun? what the fuck, the Ghoulies are so fucking bizarre
Archie calls Joaquin “bro” which means he is fucking serious
we all need to take a moment to ourselves to truly absorb the skull of Dr. Curdle’s son, who is also a corrupt coroner (his name tag says “Dr. Curdle Jr”). of the three most alien skulls so far, this is the most take-abacking (I HAVE seen every episode and my calculations are sound)
he’s really gonna let Dilton (RIP!!!!!) have his arm hang down off the table like that, in this, his final repose? cold
the almost ironic intonation of “signs….of stress….” as he pulls the sheet down is amazingly 50’s horror movie
“Runic, I’d say.”
mmmmmmmmmm Fresh-Aid! I listened to the Jonestown tape in an episode of Last Podcast and was well disturbed!!!!!
you tell me why Jughead is using the camera he used in the pilot instead of like, his phone camera: because Jughead?
because Jughead
Places Bughead are Fucking: coroner’s Office
I want one of these L & L shirts. I would prefer the navy version with the little sleeves
excuse me but one of these Ghoulies has an absolute 2008 sidebang
I’m writing a scene where it’s gay.: “DON’T TOUCH HIS FACE”
Veronica’s flower sweater
Betty’s 70’s-collared Piet Mondrian shirt is super cute, although a white-backed women’s shirt with that thin Forever 21 fabric always fucks you if you have to wear a bra
the actress who plays Evelyn Evernever is named Zoé de Grand Maison and honestly I don’t know who has the better name
if homecoming is in September or October, the schedule should be roughly 1) Archie gets out of juvie, followed by 2) Kevin loses his virginity with Moose
Gay.: Kevin’s kiss is VERY good and quite bold! for a hallway, and Moose’s twangy hair is nice
at my high school, everyone just said “rot-see” for ROTC, so surely these hip kids wouldn’t go around saying R-R-O-T-C like that, UNREALISTIC, RIVERDALE
the extremely tall gothy Vixen is even taller than the extremely tall Ghoulie and I would like to take her to homecoming
Summer + Blair = Veronica: “You’re acting like trash, and I don’t want to get a citation.”
what the hell does student body president even do? to the extent I can even recall our student body president, whose name I believe was Lauren, I think she read the afternoon announcements
Ben WAS the kid Kevin ordered that hot dog from during the James Dean closing night! (I’m not double-checking)
Ben WAS the kid Miss Grundy was ~grooming~ when she got merked!
Ben’s mom is such a boring white mom lady that she’s wearing a denim button-down with but a single flower appliqué
Officer Henderson WAS the cop who found the “HL” briefcase at the dead Serpent’s hotel room!
I looked into what starting a chapter of the Innocence Project entails for a “couple of minutes.” I assume Veronica is going to go with option one: nonprofit organization, “independently incorporated” with “its own governing board” and fundraising, as I would doubt Riverdale has a local law school or much of a public defender’s office, you know what I’m saying?
What damn high school in America: Veronica is wearing some high-waisted black slacks and quite the polka dot top, which may in fact simply be a bustier. I imagine Principal Weatherbee has battled so many times over the years with Cheryl, who is constantly toeing the line of what a 16-year-old can legally wear, that he has since given up entirely
Jughead crawling over the back of the couch and dangling the totem baby is such a throwback to Jughead crawling over the back of the diner booth and eating the whipped cream cherry that now they are simply teasing me with the grandeur of times gone by, like an Andy Williams Christmas song thrown up on 101.9 KINK
Ethel has on some sort of wicked pin but it’s not in focus!
Betty’s top is very cute, structured
everyone has their own “Yeah, I guess” face at “Dilton Doiley [RIP!!!!!!!] has a secret bunker in the woods?”
Jughead cooly threatens Ethel with quote-unquote telling the police; this of course calls back to Jughead threatening Dilton (RIP!!!!!) in the third episode with Sheriff Keller, but let me ask you this: if Betty & Jughead DID take Ethel to the sheriff, would Sheriff Minetta give a flying fuck? doesn’t he answer directly to Hiram on all things Jughead at this point? could Betty and Jughead POSSIBLY still imagine the cops will heed anything they bring them?
Sheriff Minetta: Jughead Jones now seems to be under the impression that a band of Riverdale High juniors are in an underground RPG cult that has led to a double-suicide
Hiram: Thank God
something about Jughead’s teensy Yes’m head nod is just enough like a chivalrous bow that I have thus taken the time to note how cute it is
Day Two Juvie Coif: visibly succumbing to stress, but with dignity; starting to feather
I don’t know anything about sneakers but I like Mad Dog’s hightops
the cinematography in Archie’s cell is great. I especially like the panning around Archie when he’s not even moving, just listening to Mad Dog talking about, “The moment you set foot in here,” etc.
Mädchen Amick, MÄDCHEN AMICK: FP AND ALICE BOOOOOIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!! missing is the implied scene where Alice called FP to “get over here” so they can “talk to our kids” “together”
50 Shades of Betty: Betty tries hard to communicate with only her left eyebrow, fails
am I imagining a callback to Alice assuming Jughead was the one who railroaded Betty into looking at Jason Blossom? Alice’s stance on Jughead is too exhausting to track
Alice is certainly wearing a sheer floral peasant blouse she would NOT have worn the previous two seasons, SUSPICIOUS
Places Bughead are Not Fucking: Betty’s room
Gay?!: Archie’s incredulous delight at Reggie having helped picked out his RHS-themed sneakers; the Bulldogs are all about that #threestripelife
Veronica was rich: “FRESH KICKS”
Moose is apparently a “straight beast,” if you will
one of these Serpents is holding two playing cards, just chilling and holding two playing cards. I hope his prison name is like SNAKE EYES or THE JOKER
that Ghoulie dude is so striking and elongated, I swear to God he looks like John Travolta in Grease. that undercut, the well-oiled curls on top? can he be Josie’s fall fling?
God bless jingle-jangle: can you DROP OUT of fourth grade? doesn’t the state come for you, what the fuck?
I unironically love Archie’s plan. I fucking love it
I’m looking for other good haircuts in the background. one dude has a solid Wakanda-era Bucky Barnes and there’re slicked up curls aplenty. this juvie is like a candy box
you know this bitch loves a rack focus, especially onto prison wardens
Please protect Betty: “It’s chamomile, Betty. Calm down.”
FREAKISHLY good micromoment of Alice just like wiping away an eyelash or something
aloud, with witnesses, I said “This is like when they first held hands, am I right?” and then Betty said the “kind of reminds me of when we first started dating,” just to prove to you I HAVE seen every episode
Betty calmly checking in with Jughead re: Satan’s Reindeer
he’s most certainly Ethel on stilts (I’m very bad at predicting), but I love the Gargoyle King. he’s just the right mix of she-puts-you-in-the-corner and herky-jerky T-Rex, plus she put paint on him or whatever, in case somebody put a flashlight beam on him? Ethel fucking Muggs or whoever
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love the sexy noir diner lighting and I will die loving it
Jughead eats: a toothpick
Day Three Juvie Coif: back at it, flush with victory; firm and wavy
Cheryl’s a chaos angel from hell: I do wish Cheryl were not so permanently a good guy. I wish she wanted to be Student Body President, all of a sudden, so badly that she was trying to keep Archie in juvie so he could never reclaim his throne, like if she were Scar
Kevin’s magenta polo has a subtle wave print
I hope the RROTC is somehow rotting from the inside, like the Adventure Scouts or Aquaholics
The female gaze: Archie’s cranking out push-ups and Mad Dog is doing tricep dips to warm up, for the game and “other business,” respectively. sometimes I like to do tricep dips too, usually for forty-five seconds while I’m waiting for the microwave to reheat my Kraft Thick N’ Creamy
Archie’s “What the hell are you to him?” is maybe his most astute query into something not being right that doesn’t include his remarkable quickness on the uptake of Jughead at the end of season one (I HAVE seen every episode)
These students are legally children: what the fuck did Mad Dog do that he’s been sentenced to like 25 years in prison? he’s a minor for God’s sake. get on this, Veronica
Places Bughead are Fucking: the fucking woods
catch me hightailing it the fuck out of there when Betty and Jughead do anything that even remotely resembles opening a circular hatch to ANYTHING out in a fucking forest clearing and peering down inside. BYE BITCHES YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN!!!!!
someone in the writer’s room at even only one point said the phrase “like in True Detective” while unspooling this yarn
Fifth period is AP English: I have to take Jughead’s word for it that there’re any bunkers in any Philip K. Dick novel
I am STILL salty that the Swords & Serpents thing IS NOT THE SAME THING as THIS RPG and that it was wholly abandoned. I can’t believe we’re not doing Jughead being sucked into the RPG cult and Betty have to haul him out SIMULTANEOUSLY with her mother being sucked into the postpartum cult and having to haul HER out
“He’s also featured prominently on this copper coin.”
y’all can just buy cyanide like that, in that glass growler? it has a “reliable prescription” sticker on it, WTF?
“Drink from the correct cup and ascend to the kingdom” is definitely ripped from one of the tracks on that Avenged Sevenfold album I bought at Borders freshman year
I fucking knew that Adventure Scout was gonna be under that fucking cot but it still scared the crap out of me because The Haunting of Hill House exhausted my reserves
I’m going to come out and say that I’ve never cared for Charmed and I’m not watching the reboot. however I am exceedingly ready for Sabrina
“Princess Etheline”
guys, I found the “Jailhouse Rock” dance charming, especially the implication that the boys started the game up again in the middle to like, show off for the girls. am I getting soft in my old age?
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Josie’s VERY bright blue eyeshadow
Cheryl’s hair: Cheryl had to have been influenced by the trend started pre-2012 in So You Think You Can Dance wherein dancers with very long hair just leave it down
Hiram…..Archie’s in jail. what else do you want? like, he’s IN JUVIE
am I out of my fucking mind or is Hiram wearing a pin that is PSYCHOTICALLY close to being the Hydra hydra?
Archie overtaking the first few guards with those slow-mo crosses until they finally beat him down by their sheer numbers was basically a scene from Spartacus: War of the Damned
Betty’s bug print is cute while being, subconsciously, slightly unsettling; this is true for Betty as a whole
Ethel’s mustard yellow cotton cardigan has some sort of flower print on its back? COOL
I would like to extend a hearty “fuck off with that for fucking me” to whoever blocked out seizing-Ethel whipping her arm up like that with her jacked hand JUST LIKE IN HEREDITARY. FUCK OFF!, and I mean it
“Damn good coffee”: Evelyn has just the sort of niche superpower I wish I could have: to fuck with other people’s social interactions from a casual remove
Jughead is remarkably polite with 911, much calmer than with the desk nurse after Fangs got shot (I HAVE seen every episode)
(Hereditary was much better than Hill House)
Best costume bit: Monica Posh is hot
Every triangle has three corners, every triangle has three sides: Kevin wants that dick SO BADLY that he has JOINED THE ARMY (or whatever)
how did Pop’s lighting manage to glide all the way over to L&L?
Day Four Juvie Coif: slept on but still truckin’
Archie can only be fucking imagining what is about to happen to him (Archie has definitely seen Fight Club, and Jughead had to explain how it was satire)
Certified pedigree: LEGENDARY SQUAD OF PARENTS!!!!!! Hermione’s getting the band back together à la It
Penelope Blossom has gone full Victorian goth in that floor-length lace Chicago black widow number
“At the mere mention of ‘blue lips,’” Jughead wrote, “a shiver frissoned around the room.”
you can tell Alice is in a hippie cult because not only is she wearing crystals but she has stopped wearing eye makeup (I could never be in this sort of cult because if I don’t smear kohl all over them I look like I have tiny eyes; I am sensitive about this)
I’ve seen Brick like thirty times: the reveal of Ben in the window, bathed in the blue glow of Pop’s diner, was like, ~chills~
“You’ll fly too” is of course also It, which, FUCK OFF
NEXT WEEK: I could be very fucking wrong about this but FP has a tattoo on his left pec that may very well be of a jellybean
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wiccanarchived · 5 years
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BASICS . full name .  sally  elizabeth  mcknight pronunciation  .  sa  -  lee  ,  ih  -  liz  -  uh  -  beth  ,  mik  -  night nickname  .  thorn  ,  honey  (  father  )  ,  rosebud  (  mother  )  ,  sal  (  other  family  ,  occasionally  band mates  ) height  .  5'8" age  .  23 zodiac  .  sagittarius spoken  languages  .  english  ,  spanish  ,  french  (  self  taught  because  they're  some  of  the  most  commonly  used  languages  in  the  world  &  made  touring  easier  )  ,  novice  knowledge  of  welsh  . 
PHYSICAL  CHARACTERISTICS  . hair  color  . black  with  red  highlights  ,  lower  back  length  .  it's  naturally  wavy  &  tousled  but  usually  straightened eyes  . smokey  turquoise skin  tone  . white  ,  almost  quite  literally  aside  from  her  slight  pink  undertones  . doesn't  tan  in  any  way  shape  or  form  ,  only  burns body  type  .  classic  hourglass  .  full  bust  ,  slender  waist  ,  wide  hips accent  . none  in  particular  ,  perhaps  a  slight  bostonian  one  when  in  boston  as  it  rubs  off  from  the  locals  .  her  voice  is  more  often  than  not  stays  in  its  consistent  breathy  ,  warm  ,  &  sultry  tone  . dominant  hand  . right   posture  .  straight  &  reading  confidence  often  ,  though  when  nervous  can  slope  her  shoulders  &  fiddle  with  fingers   scars  . none  (  verse  dependent  ) tattoos  . thorns  &  roses  across  lower  back  ,  triple  goddess  symbol  on  inner  right  wrist  ,  horned  god  symbol  on  inner  left  wrist  (  additional  tattoos  verse  dependent  ) most  noticeable  feature  . her  mysterious  ,  bedroom  eyes  &  sweet  ,  dimpled  smile
CHILDHOOD  . place  of  birth  .  salem  ,  massachusetts hometown  . oakhaven birth  weight  . 5  pound  ,  5  ounces birth  height  . 8  inches  ,  3  cm manner  of  birth  .  born  at  william  griggs  hospital  on  december  1st  at  3am first  words  . "  no  !  "  (  because  it's  what  she  mostly  heard  followed  by  ' --  sally  ,  don't  play  with  that  !  '  ) siblings  . one  older  brother  ,  levi  mcknight parents  .  father  ,  arthur  mcknight  &  mother  ,  emily  mcknight parental  involvement  .  thorn's  parents  were  &  are  incredibly  involved  in  their  daughter's  life  .  not  to  an  unhealthy  measure  by  any  means  but  they're  supportive  endlessly  &  are  immeasurably  proud  of  their  daughter  .  thorn's  incredibly  protective  of  her  parents  ,  even  to  the  point  where  she  still  holds  a  mild  grudge  on  the  mayor  for  trying  to  pin  the  whole  witch's  ghost  scheme  on  her  father  .  there's  a  definite  softness  that  come  out  of  her  from  her  parents  ,  addressing  both  as  '  mommy  &  daddy  '  ,  her  mom  packing  lunches  for  her  when  she's  in  town  ,  helping  at  her  father's  pharmacy  &  mother's  vet  clinic  .  there's  a  very  clear  ,  very  loving  bond  among  them  
ADULT  LIFE  . occupation  . musician  (  lead  singer  /  guitarist  of  the  hex  girls  )  ,  entrepreneur  (  owner  eco-friendly  cosmetics  ,  skin  ,  &  hair  care  line  ,  '  midnight  forest  '  )  ,  editorial  &  runway  alternative  model  for  freak  beauty  modeling  agency  ,  student  at  salem  state  university current  residence  .  salem  ,  massachusetts  (  oakhaven  ) close  friends  .  kimberly  "  luna  "  moss  ,  muffy  "  dusk  "  st  .  james  ,  fred  jones  ,  daphne  blake  ,  velma  dinkley  ,  norville  "  shaggy  "  rogers  ,  scooby  -  doo relationship  status  . single  (  verse  dependent  ) financial  status  . millionaire  .  has  the  potential  to  be  wealthier  but  is  quite  generous  when  giving  to  charity  . driver's  license  . yes  ,  for  both  basic  automobile  &  commercial  (  personal  car  &  the  hex  bus  ) criminal  record  .  (  oh  boy  ... )  trespassing  ,  illegal  protest  ,  disturbing  the  peace  ,  resisting  arrest  ,  assaulting  a  police  officer  ,  &  arson  .  all  done  during  her  late  teens  -  freshman  year  at  uni  .  all  charges  aside  from  arson  were  done  out  of  protest  against  animal  testing  ,  fashion  industry  use  of  threatened  &  endangered  animals  ,  &  destruction  of  natural  resources  .  arson  was  accidental  . vices  .  ben  ravencroft's  past  works  before  his  mysterious  disappearance  ,  very  mild  jinxes  more  played  off  as  pranks  on  people  that  annoy  her  
SEX  &  ROMANCE  . sexual  orientation  .  bisexual romantic  orientation  .  biromantic preferred  emotional  role  .  switch preferred  sexual  role  .  switch   libido  .  very  healthy  .  she's  a  stressed  woman  &  it's  a  good  way  to  work  it  all  out  with  or  without  a  partner  .  although  it  can  be  swayed  come  the  time  of  year  ,  come  the  spring  /  summer  months  the  sun  is  at  its  all  time  high  ,  her  ruling  goddess  ,  the  mother  ,  is  at  her  sexual  peak  &  so  is  thorn  .  the  autumn  &  winter  months  tend  to  slow  her  down  though  since  she's  not  nearly  as  powerful  but  if  given  the  right  partner  with  enough  stamina  to  tap  into  she's  more  than  fine  .   turn  ons  .  adventurous  ,  intelligent  ,  romantic  ,  sense  of  humor  ,  a  take  -  charge  attitude  (  or  at  the  very  least  having  the  guts  to  stand  up  to  her  &  put  her  in  check  )  ,  soulful  eyes  ,  probably  the  ability  to  kick  her  ass  ,  any  kind  of  musical  talent turn  offs  .  uncommunicative  ,  selfish  ,  distant  ,  dishonesty  ,  close  -  minded  ,  a  quick  sense  of  over  familiarity  (  ex.  calling  her  ' sally  '  FAR  too  soon  ,  the  assumption  anyone  knows  her  only  based  on  media  depiction  ) love  language  .  when  in  a  serious  enough  relationship  she's  openly  physically  affectionate  to  the  point  where  she  actually  won't  realize  she's  even  doing  it  .  reaching  out  to  hold  hand  /  arm  ,  playing  with  fingers  ,  with  hair  .  she's  not  particularly  shy  about  leaving  her  mark  behind  by  means  of  her  lipstick  along  lips  ,  cheeks  ,  forehead  if  the  time  feels  right  .  more  subtle  means  conveying  her  affection  usually  come  by  batting  lashes  &  /  or  a  soft  ,  dreamy  sort  of  look  in  her  eye  . relationship  tendencies  . she's  ...  had  it  rough  .  for  starters  she  never  had  a  real  love  interest  until  she  went  to  college  as  as  a  child  /  teenager  she  never  felt  comfortable  in  her  own  self  /  skin  enough  to  even  bother  .  &  at  the  time  no  one  was  exactly  beating  her  door  down  to  ask  her  out  as  she  was  deemed  '  the  weird  girl  who  talks  to  trees  .  '  come  college  when  she  fully  filled  out  things  went  fast  &  she  was  became  so  occupied  with  the  band  that  she  needed  someone  who  would  understand  she's  extremely  serious  about  where  she  wants  to  go  with  her  life  &  hadn't  managed  to  find  that  person  .  so  it  was  a  string  of  people  who  just  didn't  care  too  much  about  what  she  did  &  were  distant  but  able  to  catch  her  long  enough  to  fill  the  void  .  she  WANTS  someone  to  care  but  allows  her  her  freedoms  ,  trusts  &  respects  her
MISCELLANEOUS  . character's  theme  song  . i'm  a  hex  girl  (  obv  )  ,  witchy  woman -  eagles hobbies  to  pass  the  time  . reading  ,  exercising  (  yoga  ,  dance  ,  hiking  )  ,  journaling  ,  gardening  ,  listening  to  music left  or  right  brained  .  right  brain  with  left  brain  influences  .  right  obviously  leads  with  her  career  as  a  musician  having  to  be  creative  &  imaginative  ,  however  left  takes  influence  when  it  comes  to  her  professional  side  &  logical  thinking  to  solve  problems  in  a  manner  that  would  get  the  job  done  .  feeling  takes  much  influence  in  her  magick  ,  being  an  empath  &  having  deeply  rooted  emotions  ,  but  on  the  other  side  a  love  of  science  (  namely  biology  &  the  make   -  up  of  plants  ,  animals  ,  &  medicine  )  lean  left  brain  heavy  . fears  .  ghosts  ,  being  trapped  ,  inadequacy self  confidence  level  .  it's  HEAVILY  dependent  on  what  area  of  her  life  we're  talking  about  .  if  we're  speaking  music  ,  it's  a  solid  10  /  10  .  she  KNOWS  her  &  the  girls  are  damn  good  &  won't  be  told  otherwise  .  on  a  personal  level  it's  quite  poor  .  she  has  trust  issues  &  doesn't  doubt  that  aside  from  people  that've  been  there  for  a  long  time  ,  people  will  take  the  opportunity  to  do  her  dirty  .  while  she's  getting  better  on  the  magick  front  of  things  she  still  has  a  lot  to  work  through  because  aside  from  her  work  ,  her  confidence  does  need  a  lot  of  repair  ,  which  is  probably  why  she's  a  bit  of  a  workaholic  .  only  thing  she  feels  fully  comfortable  with   vulnerabilities  . her  family  (  the  girls  included  )  ,  her  large  heart  ,  insecurities  ,  &  stubbornness 
TAGGED  BY  :  @lxdrlappen TAGGING  :  @yunhuntress @baddeleyite @bloomshops @sclskinn  &  you   ♥
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ziggory · 5 years
Riverdale Liveblogs 3x07 - 3x13
Instead of making you all suffer through six separate liveblogs as I was catching up, have them all in on post!
3x07, “The Man in Black”
Remember when Jughead was the biggest woobie ever with a bunch of sad shit happening to him. Fun times. Honestly, Jughead’s just really taking advantage of finally being on the roadtrip he was denied
Justice for Jingle Jangle. Why did we need a new drug? Or I’d be fine with it complementing the other but NOooOooOOOO. It’s trying to shove JJ out of the spotlight!
Elvis’ granddaughter could’ve just drugged the eggs but instead she chose to nearly give Archie a concussion. Hiram might chop her head off if his Archiekins gets permanent brain damage
Let Archie kill a man!! Jughead got to skin someone who was fucking up his life. Why can’t he let Archie take his shot!? I can’t hear you about consequences
Your business is failing because trading away the final piece of the Soutshide to open a vanity project in the form of a dry speakeasy was not a great idea. Also, gamers can give you business. I’ve seen it!
The show can make Veronica say all these supposedly empowering lines, but I’m never going to forget that she supported a for-profit prison
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This voiceover was completely unnecessary. Honestly, it’s sort of a slap in the face to Lili’s acting as if they didn’t think she could convey certain things without some hand holding
I’ve seen movies. They make you swallow that shit on the spot
So many negative thoughts being awkwardly confirmed
Honestly, this is what happens when you keep exploiting the place for abuses to help your investigations but never fucking shut it down
3x08, “Outbreak”
Does Moose need drugs to get it up? He said Midge liked to get wild, but methinks he liked it of his own volition as well. And just what I wanted. Shadowy makeouts while high on drug laced childhood candy
Kevin needs to find out who put a curse on his dick. ANOTHER hookup interrupted by bodies in danger
I don’t know why a group of high school boys acting like typical jackass high school boys with loud laughing is cause for thinking they’re all high.
“good people like Archie” 
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Gladys being a Jarchie shipper is pure. I will not stand for this no homoing
Wait, Cheryl did actually get to be Student Body President? I thought they were just going to let that circle the drain and disappear
THE PRISON WAS A FUCKING COVER?!?!? So all of S2 was just…oh my fucking god, I’m going to do drown myself
“good looking shortsatck” Love it. Goddamn, I love Gladys
Do they know that the way they write Hiram and Veronica feels like it’s been dipped in ten layers of incest? He talks to her like she’s the mistress he wants to bed
The affection the Jones women have for Archie is cute
The Gargoyle King being a hallucination is the most disappointing thing
TABLETOP RPGS ARE NOT FUCKING BORN OF MADNESS. Ugh, my inner geek is angry with rage
Oh, now you care about the kids in conversion therapy
So I guess they didn’t go to Toledo for Christmas??
Lili should get a raise for this Griffin Queen shit
I’m more emotional than I would usually be over these Fred scenes given Luke Perry’s recent condition
I missed alcoholic Hermione. And lmao this Watchmen realness
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I love Silent!Kevin getting nothing to say in that office! Just fucking great
we need to know more about this fucking Governor. Racist piece of shit who gets upset about vandalized statues of genocidal war criminals, AND he’s under Hiram’s thumb.
3x09, “No Exit”
Will someone get bit by a monkey? I can only hope
Oh fuck off with the Star Wars reference. IT DOESN’T FIT
Stealing from the rich to give to the rich. How very one percenter. And Toni, all your friends are living in tents by the river
While the implication of Jughead sleeping over is nice, what the fuck was the point of last episode’s cliffhanger. This timeline makes no sense
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They’re so fucking low budget that they couldn’t even show the bear, LMAO
I forgot what Fangs sounded like. Didn’t FP retire? ARE THERE EVEN ANY ADULTS LEFT IN THIS FUCKING JOKE OF A GANG. But Damn, Fangs is good at crying. So pretty
Aww, I actually missed the hammy ass warden
Every time Joaquin’s name is mentioned, another dagger in my heart
The fact that the sisters have been fake nuns this whole time is just…what the fuck. AND THE FUCKING SOCIAL WORKER KNEW AND JUST LET THEM KEEP OPERATING!?!? LET THIS WHOLE FUCKING TOWN FALL INTO A HELLMOUTH
Remember when Jughead was outraged about the Serpents being paid security at the Pickens festival thing? Time is a flat circle
“SAVED”!??! REALLY NANA ROSE!?! IS THAT WHAT YOU CALL THE CHILD GROOMING YOU DID!? And uh, Fred and Sierra should know about that sordid piece of Penelope’s past
Damn, Veggie is hot as fuck
You know who else could’ve gone undercover for the Serpents to infiltrate the Gargoyle gang?!????? I HATE YOU FOREVER, RAS. ANOTHER AU FOR THE DRAWER
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3x10, “The Stranger”
LMAO that they tried to make us think Archie died
Being attacked by a bear in Canada means not having to suffer through crippling debt because of the hospital bill for the rest of your life
Sidenote, but I really thought the painting of Veronica would have a bug or something. The fact that she just kept the painting instead of burning it says something
Oh so the core four are THOSE type of friends
Betty’s money >> those kids
Claudius just doesn’t want to do actual work
They let a kid pass the first grade when he couldn’t read? So the educational system has always been rather shit
Hey there, Silent!Kevin! Just sitting silently with your slowly developing biceps
Does Reggie know what PTSD is
I spy with my little eyes Kevin in the corner putting his PE clothes away! Once again robbed of a shirtless scene
FUCKING TALL BOY!?!? Lol, this is really good for my drawer fic actually. Keep sounding like a spiteful man! It’s semi feeding me
Wow, they really crammed in two Varchie sex scenes
Hiram deserved this and every agonizing second of pain he felt
Raw milk, huh? Yeah, that’s all you need to bait Kevin into this cult
Bye Claudius, no one will miss you
I want Hermione/FP to fuck
Jughead throwing a party to make things better is the biggest twist this series has ever done
Archie the alcoholic, eh. If this lasts more than one episode, that’d sure be something
3x11, “The Red Dahlia”
This is the noir episode, isn’t it. I’m…really bad with noir so an episode from THIS team is going to be…very trying
Awww, FP mentioning Joaquin is an extra pang. I wanted to know more about their relationship
I’d love to see the notes on this draft when Jughead tries submitting it to a publisher. Unless he goes the self pub route
Who even runs the newspaper now?
Betty, you’re like the last person to talk about black and white morality
Archie sounds like the protagonist of Office Space at the end when he finds his calling in construction
I still need Jughead and Veronica arguing about classic cinema
I wonder where Penelope learned those crocodile tears, Nana. Like I never need a scene of her criticizing her ADOPTED DAUGHTER again
Cheryl is pretty forgiving of the uncle who sort of helped with her institutionalization
Have these boys never watched an episode of Breaking Bad? Put that body in a barrel
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So has Veronica had a change of heart about Daddykins? I’m so confused
SMITHERS!?!? YOu’RE STILL ALIVE!? Protect this man
Remember when Betty was a camgirl for ten seconds and watched all of her fake brother’s porn videos
Josie’s voice is pure butter, and the show needs to stop pretending that we want to hear anyone else sing
Why doesn’t Toni have a job at Veronica’s dry speakeasy? She used to be an actual bartender!
“Kevin’s dad boxes at the gym” being a line from Josie is the most beautiful line in this episode
Well at least they explained the seizures.
What is even the point of Minetta having faked his death just to be Hermione’s kept man
Well, damn, I really didn’t see this FP reveal coming. I wish he was the sheriff Hermione was fucking. And given all the things Jughead used to say and aim at Keller, it’s interesting to see him have to deal with his dad being somewhat in Hermione’s pocket
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Lmao at this Bad Boys line. I see you, synergy
Honestly, how dare Archie shoot the person who was going to kill Hiram. I guess that’s one way to bury the Archie/Hiram grudge
Hermione’s trigger finger is life goals
3x12, “Bizarrodale”
So first off, fuck that title and everything it implies.
Second, this is the episode where I’m supposed to finally get fed, eh? FINGERS CROSSED
I forgot what Kevin sounded like after not talking for four episodes
Veronica watches Netflix confirmed, and yet I guess she just scrolls past Orange is the New Black every time it’s recommended to her
Why are Kevoose makeouts always in shadow? Is it to disguise the fact that when they makeout it’s with their lips sealed shut
The actor who plays Major Mason followed me back on my burner instagram
Awww, Sweet Pea is a relationship guy with a gooey little heart!
Sierra pegs Tom confirmed. Love these two kinky fuckers
The way Tom says “Gargoyle King” goes straight to my nether regions
So does Britta have a kink for people outing others against their will? I swear this is a plot point in Ship It too
I feel like these issues are something they should’ve talked about way more. Making Moose’s coming out be an ultimatum is pretty gross
How DARE they not let us hear Josie sing?!??! Ohhhh, if we’d heard Josie sing then we would sent death threats to the fake Juilliard board. I never want to hear Josie’s teary little voice again because it hurts my feelings
Lmao, this is the second time a parent has been judgmental of how the Lodges involve Veronica in their business
Remember that time Moose and Cheryl made out? I’m forever traumatized by that
Hiram and Hermione strolling in like a fucked up Gomez and Morticia
I’m sure that Dilton would approve of his friend from another lifetime using his secret bunker to pop his cherry. But only Moose. Yes, I ship comics Dilton/Moose
Oh, HeeEYEEEEEEE, IT’S LIKE A BUNCH OF MY FIC DREAMS COME TO LIFE. Wow, I finally got pandered to. Kevin being in dagner is like…the basis of the majority of my drawer fics
I’M FUCKING PSYCHIC X2!!!! Well huh, this puts that earlier diner scene in a new light
Yesss, please keep calling him Tommy and talking about how Kevin looks like your old friend with that sad, wistful tone. Please feed my fic bunnies
Christ, Ashleigh has such a fucking amazing voice. I can actually bear KJ’s singing
I never want to see Kevin cry again. Fucking Maramaduke
Gladys can step on me, and I’d apologize
I don’t think that bacon is fully cooked
So Veronica just decided to not move back out because the path of least resistance?? And she’s back in her Daddy’s clutches because....he got shot???
The Serpent with the awesome dreads is still there! Can he be an actual character with a name? He deserves it
Between last episode and this one, I am being fucking BLESSED with Daddy Keller content. 
VERONICA IS a FUCKING REPUBLICAN CONFIRMED. I guess we all know who scrolled right past 13th on Netflix! 
They’re really trying to sweep up their awkward plot mistakes from last season, eh
I need a flashback of young Alice in this ugly fucking wedding dress
This is some Rocky and Mickey shit. Hopefully Keller doesn’t have a heart attack while confronting Mr. T
San Junipero water, huh. 
Why is Archosie so perfect
Ehhhh, the last time they talked was eight episodes ago. Will this scene be about how Kevin’s recovering post-Moose?? Of course not. My hopes for investigative Kevin are once again yanked away. Though of course remember that time she got him to catfish a murderer without telling him that Chic had killed someone?? Fun times
“cute gay farmies”
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Veronica is the opposite intimidating ESPECIALLY in the face of Gladys who we all know has actually fucked up a bitch
The monstrous Freeform ate Malachai, eh. Ghoulie jackets are still the best jackets
I’ve never watched Apocalypse Now so this scene is wasted on me
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Keller looks like he gives good hugs
How the fuck did Jason learn about The Farm?
This is Polly’s revenge for being sent to the Sisters
It’s awkward how Choni just sort of disappeared from the episode
Damn, Archosie has everything going on
Hermione, you should’ve just killed Hiram when you had the chance
Gladys doling out gang advice is just everything I wanted from her
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Updated December 25, 2018
A collection of my yearly Holiday Fic Countdown recs, listed alphabetically by fandom & author and linked to the original recs (so you can click through if you want to read my lengthy notes). Recs below the cut, and happy holidays!
Brooklyn Nine-Nine as cuddly as a cactus, hardlygolden, 1k, General audiences "'There is an elf. On my shelf,' Captain Holt pronounces. It’s entirely possible he sounds more aggrieved than usual - Jake can never tell." Original rec.
Cabin Pressure Christmas in Helsinki, Lucyemers, 2.3k, General audiences “Ms. Knapp-Schappey?” “Yes?” “I’ve been sent to fetch you”, she responds, all smiles. “Don’t be ridiculous! Do you know what time it is?” She continues, ignoring her protests,“To Christmas in Helsinki.” Original rec.
Check, Please! Winner Bakes It All, akaparalian, 3k, Teen and up, Bitty/Jack "There are some truly, uniquely incredible smells coming from the Haus kitchen; in fact, more even than that, there are baking smells coming from the Haus kitchen. This, in and of itself, is far from unusual three semesters into one Eric Bittle's tenure as the unofficial bakemeister of Samwell Hockey. In fact, on such a lovely Sunday afternoon in early December, it might even be expected. Really, there's no cause for alarm. Except for the fact that Bitty's not here." Original rec.
From Me To You, IBoatedHere, 4.1k, General audiences, Jack/Bitty "Jack finds the book by accident. Knitting For The Absolute Beginner." Original rec.
Love And All The Other Intangibles, IBoatedHere, 4.8k, General audiences, Jack/Bitty "Eric Bittle's fraught and opaque relationship with Christmas." Original rec.
Only gift that I need, by Signe_chan, 2.7k, Teen and up, Ransom/Holster "Ransom had kind of been expecting something in the mail, but when he got home, his post box was empty. It was weird. It was the first night of Hanukkah and Holster normally loved Hanukkah." Original rec.
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency Blood Is Thicker Than Water (But You Know What's Even Thicker? Cookie Dough. Tastes Better, Too.), DontOffendTheBees, 3k, Teen and up, Dirk/Todd "'Dirk… you know how to make cookies, right?' The detective glanced between Todd and the ingredients, brow furrowing. 'Actually, I was rather hoping you did…' Todd sighed. He was gonna need another beer. 'Let’s Google it.' In which Dirk and Todd ill-advisedly try to bake cheer-up cookies for Farah at 3am, and maybe confront some feelings in the process." Original rec. 
To Give Meaning, electricteatime, 2k, Teen and up, Dirk/Todd In which sometimes the meaning behind the gift is the most important thing of all, and sometimes Todd gets it all right (for a change.)"  Original rec.
all roads lead home, GabbyD, 3k, Gen "It’s the little things about Christmas that truly make it all feel like family. Or, how each character and group learns to cope with the events of the first season as they experience Christmas together for the first time." Original rec.
Baby, it's cold outside, HolisticPanda, 2k, Teen and up, Bart & Ken "Bart doesn't like the snow." Original rec.
Unimaginable (or, Six Different Flavors of Holiday-Themed Lip Balm), juniper_and_lamplight, 1.9k, M, Farah/Tina “She’s not the sort of person Farah would’ve expected to fall for, if she’d expected to fall for anyone, and just looking at her fills Farah's chest with a wild, buoyant tenderness, like her heart might actually be expanding. It’s the opposite of a panic attack, though it leaves her with the same dry mouth and racing pulse.” Am I reccing my own Christmas fic? YOU BET I AM.
If The Fates Allow, by lavellington, 6.9k, Teen and up, Dirk/Todd "Dirk was familiar with Christmas in theory but not practice. Todd and Farah were happy to go along for the ride." Original rec.
A Very Dirk Gently Christmas, thats_entirely_too_much_tuna, 20.5k, Teen and up, Dirk/Todd "'I’m going to teach you to love Christmas again, Todd,' Dirk informed him. 'I’ve decided.'" Original rec.
Mittens, yeaka, 1k, Teen and up, Panto/Silas "Silas attends the winter festival." Original rec.
Doctor Who & Torchwood The Education of Ianto Jones, Verasteine, 3k, Mature, Jack/Ianto  "Ianto Jones had grown up with a world view of straight couples. Now he knows different." Original rec.
Unsinkable, versaphile, 4k, Tenth Doctor/Jack "Post-Voyage of the Damned. The Doctor has nowhere to go, and ends up in Cardiff." Original rec.
Firefly Consecration, by fox1013, 3k, General audiences "We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty." Original rec.
Gilmore Girls Suggestions (And Mallomars), Mosca, 3.3k, Teen and up, Rory/Paris "Identity, chocolate, mother-daughter relations, and the importance of voting: scenes from the first 90 days." Original rec.
Good Omens How Crowley Saved Christmas, such_heights, 1k, General audiences, Crowley & Aziraphale "It was 1842, and Aziraphale really didn’t want to do it." Original rec.
Harry Potter God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, blamebrampton, 8k, General audiences, Harry/Draco   "Draco hasn't been seeking refuge in religion, just in London's most famous church. The fact that it's on the daily route of Britain's most famous Auror is total coincidence, he's really there for the music." Original rec.
Bitter Honey, Green Night, Faith Wood, 14k, Explicit, Harry/Draco "An inn, an Auror, a criminal, a mystery." Original rec.
As Souls from Bodies Steal, femmequixotic, 40k, Explicit, Harry/Draco “Hope may be found in the oddest of places, even in the bleakness of winter.” Original rec. 
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, firethesound, 12k, Mature, Harry/Draco "Sometimes Harry can't help but wonder why such strange shit always happens to him." Original rec.
All Our New Years, Frayach, 2k, Mature, Harry/Draco "It takes too many New Year's Eves without each other but eventually they get it right."  Original rec.
The Price We Pay for Wings, Frayach, read by raitala, 13k, 80min, Mature, Harry/Draco “Scorpius Draconis Eltanin Malfoy read the first book in the Alford Ocamy series over Christmas hols when he was eleven. Well, he didn’t so much “read” it as he devoured it.” Original rec.
Here’s the Pencil, Make It Work, ignatiustrout, 49k, Mature, Harry/Draco  "Harry thinks ‘Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?’ is a much simpler question than, ‘Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?'" Original rec.
An Act of Rebellion: Eight Nights of Hope, katmarajade, 1k, General audiences "During the Carrows' reign of terror, Anthony decides to bring his House together in a surprising way." Original rec.
Nine Regrettably Short Stories About Sirius Black and Things That Happened On or Around Christmas, librae, 3k, unrated, Remus/Sirius "The problem was, of course, that it was Christmastime. The problem, of course, being that Sirius had stolen them away in the night - or the daytime, if you wanted to be technical - all so they could have the inaugural Christmas feast in his flat, which was blaring white and freezing." Original rec.
Winter Like a Balm, Lomonaaeren, 2k, Teen and up, Ginny/Luna "The first winter after Fred's death, Ginny escapes into the Forbidden Forest with Luna and her��unicorns." Original rec.
Let Nothing You Dismay, montparnasse, 19k, Mature, Remus/Sirius "There are a few things Sirius really didn't count on for Christmas of 1979. The extreme sexual confusion is one of them; Remus Lupin is approximately seventy-eight of the rest." Original rec.
Elucidation Practice, montparnasse, 21.3k, Mature, Remus/Sirius "Christmas, 1978. Remus, wrestling with the mighty problems of gift-giving on a budget, contemplates life, love, London in winter, and falling off the edge of the world with Sirius Black." Original rec. 
Christmas 1980, nightswatch, 4.9k, Teen and up, Remus/Sirius "Remus comes home from an Order mission on Christmas Eve. He's not so sure if Sirius actually wants to see him." Original rec.
Vector, by rageprufrock, 13k, Mature, Remus/Sirius "Mathematics: A quantity, such as velocity, completely specified by a magnitude and a direction. / 3. A force or influence." Original rec.
Six Christmases, thistle_verse, 4.8k, Mature, Harry/Draco "Care is a magic shaped by relation; it alters and winds its way through all spaces. It is always on the move, always changing its shape, and sometimes— it turned into love. Harry felt, finally, like all his various perspectives on Draco Malfoy over the years had clicked into place, simultaneous and one. He felt certain he could love this man through every view, from any side of before or after." Original rec.
Christmas at The Dog and Duck, writcraft, 9k, Explicit, Harry/Draco "Because life has a habit of conspiring against him, Harry finds himself on a weekend away with Malfoy. The fact he can’t forget that one, searing kiss is definitely going to be a problem." Original rec.
History Boys Driving Home For Christmas, surprisinglyOK,  6.4k, Teen and up, Scripps/Posner "This is just super fluffy romantic/family Christmas fun, in which David spends Christmas with the Scripps', and Don finally comes out to his parents." Original rec.
Marvel Maqqaba, Domenika Marzione, 1.8k, Gen "Chanukah in the SSR." Original rec.
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Last night you told me: tomorrow, lbmisscharlie, 2k, Explicit, Phryne/Mac/Jack "'Come on, darling,' she says, feeling daring. This is the edge of something, something that has been building since the first time Phryne stomped into the City South Police Station. Perhaps since Mac linked arms with her on the docks of the port, gleeful to be reunited with her friend after many years absence. Things will be different tomorrow." Original rec.
Sherlock (BBC) People Are Basically Fond, apliddell, read by lockedinjohnlock, 5.1k, 36 min., General audiences, John/Sherlock "John and Sherlock throw another Christmas party, with a little surprise for their guests." Original rec. from tender stem hath sprung, astudyinrose, 6.1k, Explicit, Sherlock/John "A few days before Christmas, a sprig of mistletoe appears in 221B." Original rec.
Snowlight, axemeaboutaxinomancy, 1k, Explicit, Sherlock/John "A snowy interlude, with daemons by the window and humans on the sofa." Original rec.
In the Bleak Midwinter (A Canticle for Advent), CaitlinFairchild, 3k, Mature, Sherlock/John "In the autumn of 2014, Mary Watson shot Sherlock Holmes. This is what happened after." Original rec.
A Winter Walk, cathedral_carver, 3k, Teen and up, Sherlock/John "Time is the longest distance between two places." Original rec.
Lab Book, copperbadge, 5k, Explicit, Sherlock/John "'The likelihood of finding a cab on Christmas Eve is fast approaching nil.' 'So was the likelihood of you kissing me in the middle of the pavement, and yet.'" Original rec.
On the Table (Eventually John Watson's Favorite Christmas Story), emmgrant01, art by numberthescars, 18k, Explicit, Sherlock/John "Set after The Reichenbach Fall. Someone's leaving John strange little gifts in the weeks before Christmas. But who could it be? (A bit of fluff, a touch of angst, a dash of smut, some holiday cheer – enjoy!)" Original rec.
The December War, igrockspock,4k, Teen, John/Sherlock "Sherlock's never been good at Christmas." Original rec.
Winters Delights, Kate_Lear, 21k, Explicit, Sherlock/John "Sherlock takes John home for Christmas to meet the extended Holmes family." Original rec. 
Resolution, by lifeonmars, 2k, Teen and up, Sherlock/John "'Maybe one resolution isn't a bad idea.' New Year’s-related unashamed fluff with a bit of case geekery on the side." Original rec.
Points, lifeonmars, read by Lockedinjohnlock, 54k, 7 hrs, Explicit, Sherlock/John "'The little things are infinitely the most important.' -- A Case of Identity, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. What if His Last Vow never happened? This fic picks up a few months after John and Mary's wedding, in an alternate universe where Magnussen doesn't exist, but Mary is still pregnant. Life continues -- just in a different direction. And slowly, Sherlock and John find their way to each other." Original rec.
Christmas Eve, 1939, lotherington, 2k, Explicit, Sherlock/John "They were in bed together, the Tiffany lamp alight in the corner, casting a gentle light across the room. The multicoloured pieces of glass that formed its shade glowed prettily in the dim and provided a welcome contrast from the pouring rain and darkness outside, concealed though it was by the blackout curtain. WWII AU. December, 1939. Sherlock and John share a lazy Christmas Eve at Baker Street in the midst of the 'Phoney War'." Original rec.
See Love Shine, Mazarin221b, 2k, Mature, Sherlock/John “The weight of time is pulling heavily on John’s heart of late. Short days and seemingly endless nights lend themselves to spending too much time pondering his future. Their future. John leans forward to press a kiss to Sherlock’s forehead. When Sherlock’s eyes blink open and he smiles sleepily, a half-formed idea that had been niggling at the back of John’s mind sharpens into a certainty.” Original rec. 
Goodness Gives Extras, mydwynter, 39k, Explicit, Sherlock/John "Christmas time. Tis the season to settle down with a drink, some food and a present or two, and to enjoy the quiet relaxation of the holiday. Instead, there's a case that drags them all over, missing presents,disappointed kids, angry parents, and a freak snowfall. On top of that John has to deal with Sherlock, who is being even more of a prat than usual. He really shouldn't have expected anything different." Original rec.
Entanglement, orphan_account, 3k, General audiences, Sherlock/John "On Christmas Eve, snow covers London, John visits Harry, and Sherlock and Mrs. Hudson untangle some knots." Original rec.
Ghost Stories, SwissMiss, 22k, Mature, Sherlock/John "Sherlock's parents think he and John are a couple. They might be onto something." Original rec.
First Night Out, verity-burns, read by the author, 3k, 22min, Mature, Sherlock/John "As John recovers from the effects of a brutal kidnapping, he and Sherlock attend the Yarders' Christmas Party. There are... developments on the dance floor..." Original rec.
Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle) Also when 'tis cold and drear, garonne, 26k, Teen and up, Holmes/Watson "In the first months of their acquaintance, Holmes and Watson study each other from a distance, watching and wondering... Contains lunatic aristocratic poets, Christmas dinner, plenty of fog and snow, and other such stuff."  Original rec.
In the Shadow of the Past, garonne, read by hardboiledbaby, 6k, 45min, Mature, Holmes/Watson "Holmes would rather have avoided returning with Watson to the Alps, even years after the events at Reichenbach--from which he's not sure Watson has ever really recovered." Original rec.
The Holly and the Ivy series, MirithGriffin, 20k, Teen through Explicit, Holmes/Watson "Translator’s note: In 2010, a strange manuscript was discovered in a private country house long used as a hotel in Surrey. While working on plans for renovations, contractors discovered a dilapidated strongbox in the attic. The box contained, among other things, twenty yellowing sheets of paper covered from top to bottom in dancing stick figures. Upon further examination, the stick figures were revealed to be a form of code. Here is what the manuscript said." Original rec.
Splendid Night, Katie Forsythe, read by Heuristic Device, 14k, 90 min, Teen and up, Holmes/Watson A Christmas fic, set during and around The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton, in which Watson gets ahold of the wrong end of the deductive stick and reacts in a histrionic and yet recognizably Watsonian fashion. Original rec.
Dwell Together Still, mistyzeo, 2k, Explicit, Holmes/Watson "Holmes and Watson celebrate the end of an important year." Original rec.
Glad With Our Carols, oldshrewsburyian, 1.6k, Gen, Holmes/Watson "Holmes loves music, Watson loves Holmes, and the author indulges her feelings about liturgical history and medieval music." Original rec.
Since First I Saw Your Face: First Christmas, Stavia_Scott_Grayson, 6k (this chapter), Mature, Holmes/Watson "During the Great Hiatus, Holmes, studying in Tibet, reflects on his first meeting with Dr John Watson." Original rec.
Waltzing & Wassailing, wordybirdy, 2k, Gen, Holmes/Watson "Should Holmes & Watson accept Mycroft's invitation to his New Year's Eve celebrations? What reservations could Holmes possibly have?" Original rec.
Star Wars Some Like It Hoth, fennecfawkes, 2k, Mature, Finn/Poe "Greetings from Hoth, where the climate isn't the kindest, but the company can't be beat." Original rec.
Supernatural Gone Away is the Bluebird, clockworkrobots, 1k, unrated, Dean/Castiel "'Well, perhaps I’ve been down here, with them, for too long,' Castiel admits to his sister as he drives. 'There’s seemingly nothing but chaos. But not all bad comes from it. Art. Hope. Love. Dreams.' 'But those are human things,' Hannah says, with unmasked confusion. She is not judging, just trying to understand. Castiel almost wants to smile. It's like looking in a mirror to the past. 'Yes.'" Original rec.
The Cold of Flesh and Stone, entangled_now, 9k, Explicit, Dean/Castiel "Maybe I'm sick of spending Christmas elbow deep inside something's intestines, or standing in a grave somewhere in the freezing cold waiting for bones to burn." Original rec.
Collateral Damage, komodobits, 7k, Explicit, Dean/Castiel "Castiel takes offense at being called awkward, and goes out of his way to prove Dean wrong." Original rec.
Softer and More Beautiful, by misslucyjane, 8k, Explicit, Dean/Castiel "Christmas is a human celebration, and Castiel is with a couple of humans." Original rec.
All the Neighbors Might Think, murron, 4k, Explicit, Dean/Castiel "It’s not like Dean needs company on Christmas Eve." Original rec.
One Cold Night, xylodemon, 16k, Explicit, Dean/Castiel "'Dean, are you all right?' 'Yeah. I'm just --' Dean shivers again. His teeth clack together. 'Jesus Christ, it's cold.'" Original rec.
The West Wing The DoD, by E.E. Beck, 2k, Teen and up "Sam had a plan. Sam had a secret plan. Takes place in the month following Noel." Original rec.
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writtenwordsoffic · 7 years
The Treacherous Feline - A Riverdale Story
@idle-lanes@sgarrett49 @murderyoursoul@moonlight53@redhairedoddity
Anonymous said:I know you’re busy, feel free to wait until you’re done with your other requests to do this. Basically a stray cat terrorizes riverdale. It claws at feet, steals food, leaves dead rodents lying around, breaks in and out of houses ninja style, it becomes the stuff of legend. By the time it traumatizes a very allergic Cheryl there’s pretty much a bounty on it’s head. Bonus points if there’s that one person the cat actually likes. Double bonus points if it’s Fred Andrews. It can be whoever tho :) Thanks for the request!
This was fun to write. I appreciate it.
“That’s it!”, Jughead screamed.
It was rare for Jughead Jones to raise his voice, but after a rather red and blistered Cheryl had appeared to the rest of his group of friends that night - there was a bounty out.
It had all started a few days before, at Pop’s. Jughead was once again writing while a half eaten burger sat on a plate to his left side. He looked out the window to see a cat. A rather disgruntled alley cat. It had stripes of a dark gray all over and with its paw, was moving around a dead rat. It seemed to enjoy its venture in killing the rat. Jughead returned back to the words on his screen as he heard another “ding” from someone coming in. The guest however, didn’t notice that they didn’t come in alone.
The cat, as rather inventive as they were, had managed to enter the diner - the rat in tow in her mouth.
Several moments later - Jughead heard a scream from Pop himself and then shouting. “My God! Get out of here! You tyrant!”. Jughead quickly got up and raced to the kitchen in the back. He opened the swinging door just in time for the alley cat to run out. Jughead looked down slightly watching the cat move in a blur.
Jughead approached Pop, attempting to calm the old man down. However, that seemed to be a mute action as Pop was wrestling with parts of the deep fryer.
“That little devil!”.
Jughead watched as Pop turned off the fryer and began to get a trash can behind him.
“He dropped a dead rat in here! I swear that little THING has been the bane of my existence all week!”.
Jughead resisted a slight laugh or the joke he had in his mind about the situation. “I’m sure it isn’t that bad Pop…”
Pop stopped in his tracks, staring down Jughead. “That alley cat hasn’t left me alone since Monday!”. Pop took a breath, calming his voice down. “I just felt bad for it, ya know? Tried giving her some food a few nights ago…but of course, instead of the cat taking the milk and such, it came up to me and attacked my arm! See?!?”. Pop turned the inside of his right arm around, and in front of Jughead, was multiple teeth and nail marks from the rather rambunctious animal.
“Since then, it waits for me to leave at night. Tries to either chase me to my car or starts screeching until I leave the parking lot. Hopefully I scared her away enough this time…”. Pop put his focus back on the fryer as well as he removal of the bloody dead rat. “I swear…if I see that cat again…”, Pop now began mumbling. Something he would only rarely do if he didn’t like a customer.
“Its alright Pop. I’m sure you scared him off…”.
“Oh I’m quite sure it’s a female. The damned thing acts like a woman scorned or something…..”. Pop’s breath was still a bit huffed.
“Do you need any help?”. Jughead tried to appeal to Pop as the friend he usually saw him as.
Lol once again took a large breath while sighing towards the deep fryer. “No Jug, just go sit down”.
Jughead had taken to walking that day in Riverdale. It had been nice out that he wanted to enjoy the somber air without his motorcycle. That was, until he heard his girlfriend slightly screaming.
He raced to where he thought he heard her until he found her sitting on the ground. She was slightly covering her face. Feeling around all over.
“Betty! What happened? Did you fall?”. Jughead stretched his hand forward to her, picking her up from the ground as he could hear a slight sniffle from a cry from earlier.
Betty wiped a tear while patting off some blood. “No…it was this wretched cat. I thought it was lost…”, she cleaned up some blood again with her sleeve until Jughead stopped her. Jughead pulled his plaid sleeve forward, as he gently pressured off the blood off of her forehead and part of her cheek.
“That cat’s a menace”. Jughead gave Betty a sweet smile and a kiss to her cheek in hopes to cheer her up. Betty gently rolled her eyes in jest.
“I’m not 5 Juggie….I don’t need a kiss to feel better”. Betty’s tears were gone but her anger towards a wicked cat was still thriving. “I swear that cat is more treacherous than Mr. Blossom was…”.
“It was at Pops earlier. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the man angry before. Which way did it go?”. Jughead peered up around the neighborhood to see if it could be spotted.
“I slightly kicked it….”, Betty seemed a little embarrassed as hurting an animal in anyway was quite out of her character. “Just to get it off of me though. I think it went towards my street…”.
“Come on…”. The detecting duo looked around for a good hour around the neighborhood. Talking about what happened at Pop’s to missing each other at school. They had finally given up when they went to Archie’s. Although it had been weeks, Archie was still quite in a funk of his dad healing, but Mr. Andrews was finally up and about.
The feline licked it’s paws once again that day. Never had the cat had such decadent cream and milk before. If she had known better, she would go to the bigger houses on the other side of town more often. Most of her adventures that day included people that seemed happy and content with their lives. Not so much the anger and screams she heard inside the large house belonging to the Blossoms. She had crept around the house quite carefully. Looking for whatever she could get her paws on (quite literally).
Something about the small striped cat seemed to fit in the Blossom house. Maybe it was the presence of other women who had a temper similar to her. She found comfort in the kitchen while leftover food had seemed to be sitting there still prepared, including a cream based soup that was quite delicious. It wasn’t until she heard a sneeze did she get uncomfortable again. It was hard for her to find comfort in humans.
“How did you get in here?”, Cheryl asked while again ending with a sneeze. “Ugh, I have cats. Come on shew”. Cheryl swayed her hands I front of the cats view on the counter, however the cat remained her stance. Her tail wrapped around the front of her paws, part of her was curious by the quick hatred by the girl in front of her. Her eyes were inquisitve and while Cheryl got closer, the cat remained her stance.
Cheryl got close and began to reach for the cat to get her off the counter - fighting to hold another sneeze in. As she got closer, the cat readied her back feet, that was when she made a leap.
“That’s it!”, Jughead screamed. “We’re going to find this terror…”.
“Come on Jug…it’s just a cat”. Archie sat there on his couch wondering what was so evil about a cat. Although he had never had such troubles with an animal.
“That’s harassing this town!”.
Betty sat there helping Cheryl with a glass of water to take some allergy medication after finding some ointment for her scratches. “I’ve never seen a cat have such a devilsh trait before. I mean this cat hates everyone…”
It was then that the group of teenagers heard the door unlock. Mr. Andrews home from his new daily walk. However he had something in his hands. “Hey guys. I just met the sweetest thing, I think she’s a stray”. Mr. Andrews closed the door and turned revealing the striped cat in his hands. Mr. Andrews stroked the back of the cat while it purred naturally into his hands. The teenagers in front of him were shocked to see such a sight from the terror that had caused chaos across the town. The cat hopped down from Fred’s arms and began to investigate its new home.
Jughead sat there, holding his tongue. It was the first time in weeks that Mr. Andrews had been excited about something. He kept back his anger while reluctantly looking to Betty. Betty had a sight of somberness on her face.
Mr. Andrews headed to the kitchen, unware of Cheryl’s red blistered face or of Betty’s injuries.
Cheryl, Betty and Jughead seemed to have all the same idea at once and got up - heading for the door. Archie got up trying to follow behind until Jughead grabbed the door to close behind him. “Good luck”, and a slight smirk came out of Jughead’s mouth until he closed the door quickly.
Archie gave a sigh. Surely a cat couldn’t be that terrible. He made his way to his room and pushed the door open wide. There sat the striped feline cleaning her paws on Archie’s bed. Archie tried to approach his bed but the second he moved a step, the cat screeched at him. Archie stood back and the cat gave him a deep stare. Claiming her space there on the mattress.
“Well shit”.
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