#fred weaskey imagine
lovelycassy · 2 years
People I will write for
Harry Potter
Harry Potter (romantic and platonic)
Ron Weasley (romantic and platonic)
Hermione Granger (platonic)
Luna Lovegood (platonic)
George Weasley (romantic and platonic)
Fred Weasley (romantic and platonic)
Neville Longbottom (romantic and platonic)
Ginny Weasley (platonic)
Draco Malfoy (romantic and platonic)
Pansy Parkinson (platonic)
Theodore nott (romantic and platonic)
Lorenzo Berkshire (romantic and platonic)
Just in case, no I am not homophobic. The reason I don't write romantic for female characters is because I am a straight person and I have no experience with writing anything lesbian.
But if someone requests it, feel free to ask I will try my best :)
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
Sadness: Ron Weasley
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Warning: Cursing, Angst, mentions of sadness and abuse. (fluff at the end)
Parings: Ron Weasley x fem!Gryffindor reader
 Summary: Y/n has neem feeling down and sad lately, and no matter how hard her boyfriend Ron tries to cheer her up she won’t budge. What happens when Ron takes a liking into someone who does want to to talk to him? Someone like Lavender.
Ron didn’t know what went wrong. Hell, neither did you. All he knew was that the smiles and bits of giggles that used to come out of  your mouth were gone.
  It all started with your parents. You came from a fine family of pure blooded Ravenclaw’s and they weren’t vey happy whenever you were sorted into Gryffindor. You were never good in any of the subjects which did not sit right with your parents. Now that your O.W.L.S were coming up there were no hopes of them giving you a break. Foul letters were sent in everyday from your parents on how ‘’stupid’’ and ‘’useless’’ you were. You tried to hide your issues from your friends as much as you could. But one person you never wanted to find out about your problems was your loving boyfriend Ron.
You didn’t know why you wouldn’t just confine in Ron. You knew he would never judge you or thing you were week, But that didn’t stop you from avoiding him every chance you got. 
   It made Ron feel sad and insecure whenever he tried whenever he would wave and smile at you in the hallways and you would just act like you didn’t see him. One day he caught you off guard studying in the library. Something he’s noticed you have been doing a lot lately.
  ‘’ Hello love’’ You heard a masculine voice whisper into your ear as they lazily drooped both of their arm’s over your shoulders and rested them there. You quickly identified the voice as Ron’s. You muttered something inaudible under your breath as a reply as you stuck your nose deeper into the transfiguration book you were reading, Though you were to busy secretly studying Ron’s behavior then actually moving. 
    Ron roared a mad sigh and viciously slung his arms from around you. With that you finally turned around to make eye contact with him. A few Hufflepuff's at the table next to you were now watching the scene unfold in front of you. ‘’That’s it’’ Ron huffed loudly. ‘’I’m tired of you avoiding me Y/n.’’ ‘’I don’t know what the hell’s been going on with you lately but I miss my old girlfriend.’’ ‘’The one who could talk to me and the one who wouldn’t turn the other direction every time she saw me.’’ 
  Your mouth hung slightly agape. You could feel a ping of guilt in the back of your throat. ‘’I- I’m sorry Ron it’s just that I’m going through some things right now. you stuttered out pitifully. ‘’Yeah sure’’ he said in a sarcastic like way witch brought confusion and hurt to hit you. ‘’If you just wanted to break up with me you could have just said it.’’ and with that he stormed out of the library. You could feel tears feel up your eyes furiously as they kept sliding down your at a very quick pace. You could feel the remainder of the student in the library staring at you. you stand the dumbstruck for a while before quickly gathering your things and storming out as well, Madam prince giving you a sad smile on the way out.
 You opened up the curtains of your four poster bed and cried yourself to sleep until morning.
     The next day despite your thoughts of not wanting to go to class the next day you still did fearful that your parents may find out. Your eyes were red and puffy but you didn’t have the motivation nor energy to try and fix yourself up. You didn’t bother to go to the great hall at risk of seeing Ron at breakfast despite your growling stomach. Your first class was potions with Snape. You gloomily headed down to the dungeons.
   You usually sat next to Ron during potions. You didn’t know what was going to happen but you couldn’t help but feel slightly happy that you guys sat next to each other. Maybe you two could make up. Oh, how you wanted nothing more for him to hug you and kiss you and tell you that everything was going to be ok.
  Your hopes were definitely crushed. Whenever you walked in you were met with the sight of Lavender Brown sitting in your seat sitting obnoxiously close to your boyfriend. she was loudly giggling at something he had said. But the worse part was, he was laughing just as much. He didn’t even notice that you came into the classroom. He didn’t notice the sad and disappointed expression on your face as you made your way to the only seat left in the classroom next to Parvati Patill where Lavender usually sat. You didn’t dare look at her. You could only look at the back of you laughing boyfriends head and the girl you would usually be in’s position.
   It fell like hours until Snape walked into the classroom and it fell silent. You were never so fond of his presence until now. He announced that today the whole class would be studying and taking notes on the Amortenia potion ‘’Shit’’ you thought. ‘’today of all days’’
    A murmur of excitement went around the classroom. You were silent. Hermionie had answered what it was per usual. And now it was time for people to take notes and smell it.
    student after student of volunteers went up until it was Lavender’s turn to finally be picked. A rush of fear went through you. What if she smelt Ron? what if Ron would smell her? she strode up to the front of the class and nervously took  a whiff. It took her a while to finally announce what she smelt .’’I smell of quidditch supplies.... spearmint toothpaste- and with that your heart dropped. You wasted no time to run out of the classroom with tears streaming down your face. you could hear someone yelling after you and following you out of the classroom. but you just continued to run all the way up to Gryffindor tower and into the girl’s dormitory's. you miserably slid down the door and sat down on the floor sobbing uncontrollably and loudly.
   Your sobs quieted down. less than two minutes later you heard a faint knock on the door.
     Ron could hear your cries and it broke his heart.
 You stood up and turned to face the door. ‘’Go away Ron’’ you said in almost a whisper.
 ‘’ I’m so sorry love’’ ‘’I never meant what I said in the library yesterday I didn’t meant any of it.’’ ‘’I just love you so much and I don’t want you to avoid me.’’ he said voice cracking. You could tell he was now crying as well. ‘’I know something's been up and I just want you to trust me enough to tell me’’ he said softly his cries now getting louder. ‘’And I know I’m a idiot for using Lavender to try and make you jealous.’’  ‘’ I didn’t know we were doing amyotonia's’’ ‘’I’m such a idiot but please forgive me Y/n’’  ‘’please’’ he said sniffing. 
  You flung the door open and flung your arms around him pulling him into a embrace him pulling your waist very close to yo and burying his head into the crook of your neck. ‘’ I’m sorry Y/n’’  ‘’ So, Sorry’’ he repeated mumbling into your neck. He pulled away only to repeatedly place kisses all over your face. ‘’S’all right Ron’’ I should have told you why I haven’t been myself’’ you say taking his hand in yours. 
  He looks at you waiting for you to elaborate. ‘’It’s my parents’’.  ‘’You know there not the greatest and they’ve been sending me some really nasty letters about grades and O.W.L.S’’ ‘’I just didn’t want to put all of my problems on you’’ I know you have a lot on your plate right now with quidditch and helping Harry’’ 
  He pulled your waist back into him and frowned. ‘’I will always have time to listen to you y/n’’  ‘’and don’t listen to those nasty hags your smart just the way you are. 
    He put a long passionate kiss to your lips.
  ‘’ I love you love’’
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hoofle--poof-blog · 6 years
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can we........just
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weasley-kings · 7 years
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This scene confused the shit out of me as a kid, because I was under the impression that Hermione fixed Harry’s vision?? For years I was like Harry why tf are you still wearing glasses like Hermione fixed your eye sight day 1?? Like 'ocular’ is eyes and ‘reparo’ is repair so I thought she fixed his eyes and that’s why he took off his glasses for a moment you don’t even know how confused this scene made me
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