#fred weasley x gnreader
gaianyx · 10 months
Hii! How do you think Fred would react when he finds out Y/N had left a lipstick stain on his face (she kissed his cheek in the morning) and he had been walking around all day with it without noticing it?
Hope it makes sense, have a lovely day xx
Marked By You
by Jane F. Nyx
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A/N: Heyy, thanks for your request!! I loved the idea and did my best to deliver it. I haven't been active those last few months because i was going trough a bad writers block ;-; But now I'm back again with new stories already in the oven ;)
Feedbacks and tips will be wel recieved :)) Proof read.
Pairing: Fred Weasley X Reader
W/C: 1.K
Hope you all enjoy it!!
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"Bye, honey," was the last thing that I heard after she kissed me on the cheek and headed to her last lesson of the day.
Her smell... Intoxicating.
I followed her with my eyes until she turned left, out of the Great Hall. Her hair swayed when she walked away. She was stunning. This girl had me on a hook and she definitely knew it.
"You have a little drool over here," George said pointing to the corner of his own mouth, laughing.
"Yeah, yeah," I shoved his shoulder slightly, and George started laughing even harder. "Just saying that this girl has you on the tip of her finger. You, my dearest brother, are in l o v e," he made a heart with his hands. Wanting to drop the subject I tried to stay silent, but still said under my breath "Yeah, maybe I am,".
Me and Y/N had been best friends for a long long time, our parents knowing each other having most to do with it. But our friendship turned out to be much more, I confessed, she confessed and here we were.  Almost five months later, now officially together but still keeping it private. And still, none of us had had the guts to say those three magical words, that mean more than what they show. 
Maybe soon…
Me and George got up after a little chat with the group, they were laughing a little more than normal giggling like girls, but I guessed it had something to do with George's comment and I let it be.
Heading to our class I had a feeling I was being watched, and while paying more attention I began to hear the whispering. I was almost a hundred procent sure it was because of me.
Not trying to brag, but I was kind of used to it. Before me and Y/N were something I was a girls man, if you know what I mean. After one particular summer and a huge glow-up, they suddenly had eyes for me, and don’t get me wrong but I wasn't going to let that opportunity slip.
Even tho I and Y/N were now official, we were private. Most not knowing we were together, but we never denied it when asked. 
This could explain the whispering, but still. Am I so irresistible? Nah, hahaha. I tried to ignore it and continued my journey to Professor McGonagall's class.
But the whispering and stars did not stop even when I entered the classroom, instead, it became clear that it was about me, I just had no clue why. It was only when Professor McGonagall entered the classroom that it stopped. As usual.
She scanned the room, looking for any imperfections or unusualities. Her eyes roomed the class from the very back until they stopped, where I was sitting. She walked to us, me, George and Lee and stopped right in front of our desk, looking directly at me. I am not going to lie, she was a very intimidating person and this time I had no clue as to what I had done wrong. I tried my best to think about what I had done wrong this time, I really did, but still, nothing had crossed my mind. 
Then she spoke, “As much as I think that this colour suits you very well Mr Weasley, it is not appropriate to have this marked on your cheek,” she stayed serious, hands crossed behind her back. ‘My cheek?’ I thought, what could possibly be marked on my cheek, “Could you please walk to the toilet and wash your face, after that, you are welcome back in my classroom hopefully without the whispering. You are apparently a popular person Mr Weasley,” she walked back to her place behind her own desk. Eyes following me as I left I did as she told and walked myself to the closest toilet curious as to what she was talking about. 
As soon as I walked in I saw it, it was crystal clear, I had been marked by you, your signature lipstick was now the main attraction on my white cheek. I wished I could have framed your kiss, girl, you made me soft and I loved it. 
I loved you, shit!
Those three words again, they stayed in my head as I washed my face, as I walked back to class and in class, I was working on automatic, malfunctioning, all because of you.
It was only when the bell rang that I finally awoke from my trance. Transfiguration had been my last period of the day so I headed to our spot, knowing it was also your last period of the day.
Shit! There I was again thinking about the words, the kiss, you… You, you looked stunning, unaware I had already spotted you. 
I walked to you and touched your shoulder, a beautiful smile appeared on your face when you realised it was me. God, I was so danm lucky.
Maybe now…
“I love you,” shit, I said it, did you even hear it? Your smile brightened, yep,  you definitely heard it. “What took you so long?” and you kissed me, you kissed me at our spot, the place we had finally confessed our feelings, the place I had finally said it, I said I loved you. 
This was everything I had wished for, you were everything I had wished for.
Our lips let go of each other, now able to breathe again after this amazing kiss we had shared, our foreheads now touching as we tried to even our breath, “You know? I didn’t hear you say it…”  I looked into her eyes through my lashes, she toke some distance and rested her hands on my neck, “Frederick Gideon Weasley, I love you!”.
“Finally!” exclaimed a happy Lee who turned to George that was next to him (not as happy), “George, you owe me ten galleons!” 
-“Seriously Fred, why couldn’t you have waited one day?!” George crossed his arms and headed to his dorm as Y/N and I laughed.
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Requests: Open  
A/N: Thank you very much for reading this post, it means a lot!
If you enjoyed this post pls don’t forget to like and reblog <3333
See you on the next post,
xoxo Jane
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gaianyx · 1 year
Shower Thoughts
By Jane F. Nyx
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x GnReader
Summary: Fred and the reader share a relaxing shower after an exhausting day
W/C: 460 words
A/N: Proof read. Feedbacks and tips will be wel recieved :))
Happy reading everyone!!
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Hot water streamed down my body as I stepped under the showerhead. My hair getting wet and my body relaxing.
Fred followed suit. Two idiots in love, how romantic could that be?
It had become a habit for the both of us. 
This small gesture, nothing sexual, just a hot shower shared with your partner. 
I was facing the wall when he stepped in, in a way that I couldn't see what his next moves were going to be. Suddenly his cold strong hands wrapped themselves around my waist and a smile automatically appeared on my face. His chin resting on the curve of my neck, it was the small things that counted.
We had had a stressful day, I had worked the whole day having to do a lot of paperwork (what I hated) and Fred didn't even get the chance to have a lunch break. The shop had been full the whole day, none stop.
We both needed this, just a hot shower, together. 
I was still standing under the showerhead when he turned around so I was now facing his beautiful brown eyes and those pretty freckles of his. Fred gave me a small peck on the tip of my nose before he said, "You're going to cook if you stay there any longer," he then moved me to the side.
"You are only saying this because you want to stand there yourself," I watched as his ginger hair became a darker brown because of the water, the drops of water tracing his handsome features.
"You are so cute when you get angry," Fred said and I realised I had been staring. I quickly looked somewhere else, but I guess I was too late. We were officially together for almost two years and I still got flustered when he caught me staring.
"Don't," his thumb and index finger guiding my face towards his own "You look so beautiful when you are daydreaming," his hand now resting on my cheek. 
I leaned into his soft touch and closed my eyes, enjoying this cute moment "Why so romantic all of the sudden?" I asked.
"What? Do you want me to be mean?" he crossed his arms and pouted his lips, looking like an annoyed toddler in fact, "I can be mean," and laugh scaped.
I was laughing so hard I started to cry, splashing water everywhere, "Am I funny to you missy?" Fred raised his eyebrows with his arms still crossed.
"Very," I said and my laughter started to calm down. He leaned in, his hands on their way to my hips. 
Fred's hands had finally found a place to rest when he said "Great!" his voice low getting so close I could feel his breath. 
And we kissed.
"That's how I like it!" He then turned the water out and we continued our 'chitchat' somewhere else.
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Requests: Open  
A/N: Thank you very much for reading this post, it means a lot!
If you enjoyed this post pls don’t forget to like and reblog <3333
See you on the next post,
xoxo Jane
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