#freddie u sap
wizzycore · 2 months
ok. this is my OFFICIAL wallaru copepost. i am a hater and this is going to be me hating specifically on the storyline of wallaru. if u dont liek that dont read XDXDXD -- MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD (also, this is a long as fuck post. so im putting it under a read below
Anyway .
ok so. my biggest gripe with this world is that plain and simple it just disappointed me. here are a good couple of reasons why:
1) events that didn't make sense... or perhaps absence of
ok, i'm starting out relatively weak in my reasoning and going toward stronger rationale as we go along. bear with me here. one of the most irksome things i found was events that didn't make sense, or the failure to create events that would follow up with previously established stakes.
let's recall where we're at by the end of novus:
dasein has forsaken everything, having seen the settlers on novus as the broad strokes of the entire universe - no more everything for him. meanwhile, the novus governors have sworn vengeance upon yourself as well as dasein.
(cont below)
but throughout wallaru we get very little peeps of either problem-- dasein is off fighting his own battles stuck in sap in the dreaming, and sure, the governors send some like... spiders.... to fight you, but it's never a substantial threat -- and they never really continue to escalate.... they just fade into the background until directly the end. (hell, dasein fades out too as the kroaker becomes a bigger threat.)
it feels like what should be our biggest priority going into wallaru is the continuation of the novus plot - be it through dasein or through the governors. but we're left basically floundering on that point until the Very Last Area(s) -- when there was plenty of space throughout the world to weave in information about what's going on there. they TRIED to weave in dasein information - but ultimately were so cryptic with it that it had no payoff and indicated basically nothing to us.
1.5) massive pov problems
I realized this is a continuation of my last point - so I'm putting it as a .5. When I say pov problems, I more mean "subject of focus" - wallaru had a bit many subjects of focus this time around for my taste, and certainly didn't pay appropriate attention to any of them.
dasein (existential struggle), the governors (colonial/power struggle), the 3(or 4) main wallaru groups (townies,drovers,kids,+dingos), sandiago(?), & the old one (past colonial/power struggle), joan&cane, judge veg, freddie kroaker, sybil, on and on and on.
you get my point, right? way too many hands in the same few bowls - all competing for attention, screen-time, characterization, and importance.
usually i've seen the golden rule for good characterization in wiz worlds as using characters at gateways. let's take novus for example.
copyqat/fuzhi - established as a strong character in her own right, (though is also a continuing character), who provides a gateway into catmandu npcs. you are compelled to learn more about catmandu through her (&later moo bu) strong foundations of interest - she becomes a companion, along with moo bu.
moo bu - also established as a strong character provides a gateway into the stone of heaven & the first leg villain, tung-ak. you want to learn more about the villain because he is the key to moo bu's character arc closure - not necessarily even because he's excessively interesting in his own right.
and tung ak passes the torch to dasein-as-novus! who becomes the grounding gateway for much of the rest of the world. it is compelling to investigate novus because he is it - and it is him - and he is such a strong (and priorly fantastically established) companion and plot device that he makes even the least tolerable of jokes semi-tolerable. and there are a lot of stakes to ending his suffering / opening his psyche back up to continue to talk to him. the moments with dasein in the gallery were a perfect example of weaving a fragmented dasein CORRECTLY into a world.
briefly we have that lil nonbinary dog person to carry us through the dog area even! & entwine them into dasein-as-novus motivation interests!
novus had a GREAT flow of attention and supplied a lot of motivation for a player to continue (thru emotional attachments to npcs and dasein) as well as a very sensical reason perhaps a wizard oc might continue as well.
wallaru however, much like karamelle, failed to supply a consistently meaningful companion baton toss while also introducing way too many one off characters w/o a meaningful connection to main npcs or companions .... leading to a very convoluted and confusing plot experience.
our primary&first companion, sandiago, theoretically has the motivating factor of a mystery - who is he, why is he /was he in wallaru, etc..... but because his involvement with the old one is introduced too late in the world, there's no clear connection to existing themes within his character - and therefore, very little drive to learn his mystery in comparison to other characters. he acts as an opinion device and a concealer of information, which is merely frustrating when he isn't a well established companion.
then: for a little while it's that acting gator guy? who is funny i guess, but not a grounding or continual companion - he's a one-off joke character we drag about for a while.
same with all the judges - they're mostly samey people.
essentially for the bulk of the middle of wallaru's plot, we're stuck playing sidekick to various wallaru npcs we don't already know in order to be immersed in their world (a very tourist-y perspective even once the overt tourism wears off).....wasting time that could be spent learning about sandiago (or god forbid, dasein&the governors.)
the intermittent time spent with dasein in the dreaming is great, don't get me wrong, the irks-as-emotions is a great explanation device and actually led to some of the least annoying exposition in the world -- but he's not much of a companion this world.... because other than "vaguely stuck in the dreaming" - we don't know where he is, how to get him, or WHAT HE'S GOING THROUGH. HOW HE CHANGES FROM THE END OF NOVUS TO WHEN WE MEET HIM FORMALLY AT THE END OF WALLARU IS ENTIRELY UNCLEAR (because it's told largely from sybil's perspective, who is just as cryptic as sandiago if not worse).
i consider joan locke & judge veg some of the stronger companions of the world, w/ judge veg having GREAT prior establishment and characterization and joan locke being a decent theme character. but they can't save what's already a train wreck - judge veg can only weakly 'introduce' freddie kroaker - mostly because we already know full well who he is.
what we needed from this world was the same tight plot we recieved from lemuria&novus - characters who scaffold the world and themes, rather than flounder and drown within them.
and we also needed tighter focus in general - to the same themes novus&lemuria were about (power, colonialism, *old one manipulation*, etc) and to a few concrete, reliable and lovable companions/minor antagonists. (if it were me, i'd go santiago -> judge veg/morb -> any novus character with dasein information weaved more strongly throughout... and leave sybil&the old one to fill out between santiago, dasein&morb. but alas).
2) events that didn't provide any meaningful payoff or further the story in any way
here's a running list:
-dasein's suffering in the dreaming (we don't see an arc from him, just senseless suffering & constant prodding from sybil to produce a realization we don't see)
-the huntsmen spiders (empty threat / annoyance, no real information about novus gleaned and especially not about the governors plan for novus)
-the entire fake walkabout tourist area (enforces the surface themes of wallarus tourist problem, but could've been resolved a little faster and gotten more done in the meantime)
-honestly? most of anything the furryosa crowd was involved in. maybe i'm just a dedicated hater but i feel like their agitation could be completely removed from the plot and it wouldn't have affected much, especially if the dingo family took the stage as the main third force as oppressed colonizer ?
-sadly some of the old one historical information. it felt... too spotty, inconsistent, or too late delivery of information to matter. which sucks and is the exact same way i felt abt karamelle's t.o.o information
3) MASSIVE amounts of exposition in inappropriate places
all dasein sequences pretty much struggled with massive exposition problems. exposition is great in wiz, it can feel earned, but because most of the world was spent in ignorance and suspense (so to speak), the massive worddump about the dreaming and dream water and the reverie and the dreamer and dasein..... feel unearned and almost annoying.... and that's coming from somebody who eats up lore with a spoon.
sandiago also did a fuck ton of it - which is fine, that's what he does, but he did it in big short bursts rather than slowly throughout. which did suck.
constant constant constant exposition about wallaru's political landscape and an npc's place in it. really really obnoxious after a certain point especially when the writers overtly showed pro-tourist/settler bias while arguing an ambiguously pro-indigenous point.
a resolution that didn't feel earned
see above: im still absolutely stunned.... the exposition and then a sudden truce..... felt so weird.
4) story felt secondary to gameplay/visuals (which is fine, BUT...)
but in an arc like arc 4, where story&visuals feed into each other very well, and where visuals were at times sacrificed (at least in effort put in - work smarter not harder) in order to serve story development -- seeing the opposite in wallaru was unnerving. it was gorgeous, yes. absolutely. i was fascinated by the architecture, the landscapes, the character models, the lighting&colors, the spells. it was all fantastic. but it felt like a distraction from a confusing plot... or rather an excuse for a confusing plot. not to mention, wallaru itself seemed a subject of focus (see above bulletpoint) throughout, but not in a thematically interesting way - wallaru is inert, subject to the whims of magic and politics, all while sitting very pretty and consumable for the viewer... and it is a non-diegetic as well as diegetic consumption. it's a rather odd turn from novus, in which we are carefully informed that the world matters too, yknow. (even if it isnt directly sentient.) in novus, when we stare at beautiful architecture, it was beautiful and served a very good thematic or characterizing purpose -- in wallaru, it seemed more an exercise of pushing the boundaries of scenic and character art. (which - again - is fine. i like it. but with a weak plot it just makes me sad.) -- not to mention, story seemed molded around cool battles and cutscenes rather than the other way around at certain times, especially toward the end battles. the only time this really felt excusable to me was during the lead-up quest to malus, mostly because there was a self-awareness involved that i did respect a bit.
very annoying characters, too many throwaways
furryosa, freddy kroaker, many random judges my beloathed. 0 meaningful characterization despite taking up so much goddamn screentime. fuck off forever
5) long running puns and jokes that sucked
again, furryosa&freddy kroaker - the nightmare on elm street joke was fun until it got dragged through the entire plot and also got misused to be pretend creepy. that's not what these damn jokes should do. same with mad max - it ACTIVELY inhibited furryosa's character from going anywhere to be a mad max archetype.
straight up continual racism toward indigenous ppl (in australia and elsewhere?). (known going in - somehow worse than imagined.)
i could make an entire whole post about this. the terms dreaming and walkabout being thrown around either as wizard101 lore terms (sitting on the same infamous shelf as 'cabal' i reckon, for being both technically important but very embarrassing and racist) or as a basically meaningless word for 'journey' dressed up to sound more """drover-y""".
the feeling that this story got drafted much like a spell circle that you run out of space for at the end.
all the exposition, realization, and heavy hitters got saved for the end, and happened so fast my head spun. they were all regarded with the same importance when some really did not have the same importance. (joan locke's reproduction of harmful power structures was not nearly as important as why the old one was even mentioned in relation to wallaru in the first place.....)
TLDR: come on, man. novus had some big shoes to fill, but wallaru was an offbrand novus shoved through the lens of curious tourists just begging for some 'nuance' . could've used a couple more cuts, tighten-ups, killing of darlings, ceasing of jokes, etc.
but malus was cool as fuck and well executed, and so i guess the team put their whole pussy into that and said oh well, theres a hot prime minister in wallaru and also dasein is there.
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frcderick · 8 years
5 // freddie & eivui!!
things you didn’t say at all ( @eivuii )
freddie was sure that everyone who knew about his crush ( which, admittedly, wasn’t all that many people as far as he knew ) was sick of him at this point, pining after a tiny alien girl who was far out of his league, but he couldn’t help it. he couldn’t say anything to her about it because, and he hated to admit it, he was too much of a chicken.
he knew that she’d given him a valentine, but surely, that could have been a friendly thing, right? she was the type of person to give valentine’s to friends, he was certain of it. and once she’d found out he was the one who’d sent that anonymous valentine, she hadn’t asked him why he’d given her one. did that mean she didn’t want to know? did she already know the answer and she just didn’t know how to let him down gently?
that was why he refused to say anything, at least anything direct. he wouldn’t say how sweet she was, or that her hair was silky smooth and his fingers were able to just run through it without a problem. he wouldn’t say that his mood was lifted just by her entering a room, or that her laugh made him feel as light as cotton candy.
he just had to convince himself that things were fine the way they were, that they could stay like this for as long as necessary. maybe even forever.
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luvrgirl555 · 5 years
no, we're not dating
sure, it might not quite be midnight here, but it's midnight in Winnipeg so here goes nothing.
prepare yourself I'm going to sound like a SAP because syd makes me EMOTIONAL
happy birthday to my girl, my love, my life & my support!
sure, we only met because of Tumblr & because I once gave u a shitty ship but was it DESTINY?
I've never met someone that I clicked with more. I've never met someone who seemed to understand my every word and feeling. someone who loved me unconditionally. forever. and always.
I will support you endlessly my love! you have forever changed my life in the best would it could be changed. you are my everything & I'd give anything for you.
thank u for being my best friend through it all 💞💞 I've never loved anyone more
this is pretty gay sorry
happy birthday
do u know how much Freddie loves u
do u know how much the stars support u
do u know that the skies are always watching over u
and that we'd never let anything hurt u
do u know how the clouds move for u
and how the rain falls to the beating of ur heart
do u know how the oceans wave for u
do u know how the rivers flow
& how the trees grow
do u know how the plants root deeply inside u
do u know much the earth loves u
do u know how much ur needed
do u know how much i love u?
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Left 4 dead ponyville day 23
Blood: *runs looking for the others stopping* u ok damnit wake up!!!!!!! anypony!!!!!!
*One infected starts running for blood*
Blood: I can out run her *flies up a little* missed ^^
Cherry: blood.....
Blood: cherry?
Cherry: run!!!!! *jumps off bloods back*
Blood: uh?
Tank: *is behind blood drooling on blood*
Blood: plz let this be tank drool........and not sap *looks up* tank......
Tank: *throws blood into cherry*
Cherry: and that's where fillies come from..... *passes out*
Blood: *eyes rolling* ow...
Tanks: *roars*
Blood: *shakes head grabbing cherry running*
Ariel: *carrying creme* safe house help us!!
Scarlet: guys more?
Fransic: *opens door* hurry!!!!
Ariel: *throws creme*
Francis: *catches creme* ariel wat u doing now?!
Ariel: finding the other *runs back*
Francis: *closes door* here
Midnight: *takes creme*
Love bug: *is better now*
Sweet heart: come on I hear belle *runs*
Pinkie: *runs*
Party: sissy!!!!! *runs*
Johnny: I guess were gonna die here......
Freddy: *fading fast*
Belle: *cries still getting attcked*
Pinkie: hik *throws party*
Party: *side kick hunter killing it gets belle up throwing her*
Belle: ahhh *jumps on jockey snapping it's neck* party now!!! *helps up freddy*
Party: leaps on the smoker tongue snapping it*
Smoker: *limps away coughing*
Party: *helps Johnny up* u ok there ur not dead ^^
Johnny: almost hah....
Freddy: hahah we made it
Pinkie: *patches freddy up*
Sweet heart: *patches Johnny up*
Johnny: let's move
*johnny, sweet heart, party, pinkie, freddy, belle met up with ariel*
Ariel: come on this is the biggest group
*they all ran for the safe house*
Nightmare comet: yahoo *gets ran over by blood* ow......
Ellis: there's blood yo!!!!
Blood: *signal to move*
Ellis: hurry
*coach, ellis, nightmare, draws, bill and nick ran for blood and nightmare comet*
Cherry:*wakes up* this is a big group?
Nightmare: we'll make it ^^
*they all made to the safe house*
Rochelle: wat the hell happened?
Blood: a tank that's wat
To be continued
Tags for ariel @thelittlemermaidfan1989 love bug @lovebug2523 nightmare comet @ask-nightmare-and-others nightmare, scarlet @your-winged-nightmare draws @ella-draws-lewds sweet heart @robin-the-special-bean johnny @johnny549
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spooky-pooka · 8 years
How would your characters react to getting this beauty on christmas eve?:"whats poppin in that peppermint 🍬🔴⚪️ pussy 🐱💦 u little snowhoe ❄️👅👀🎄 DICKCEMBER🎄 is here 🚨🍆🍒 and the only way to stay warm is to ride daddy's christmAss tree 🎄🍑✔️ all month long until his SAP comes out 🍻👅💦💯 but dont forget ❌❌ to lick off any syrup 👅🍯 from daddy's HARD candy cane 🍭😩 if u want to get RAWED 🚼🍆😩😏 under the mistleHOE 🌿 then send this to 2⃣5⃣ of your thickest elves 💁🙋🍒 "
Elliot: *Quietly deletes the message with a concerned look*
Griffin: “Yikes.”
Laylah: “What the hell”
Penelope: *Deletes the message without a second thought*
Reid: “lol Shiloh look at what this person sent me I don’t even know who they are”
Chester: *Blocks the number entirely*
Joel: Texts back, “How about no.”
Shiloh: Texts back, “How do you even know my number?? Who are you????”
Holly: “O-Oh….” 
Anala: *Ignores it*
Nadia: Doesn’t have a phone so lol
Harley: Texts back, “what are you, gay?”
Theo: *Laughs and shows it to Harley*
Dominic: Texts back, “please never message me again”
Freddy: *Laughs and forwards it to people*
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mhluyten · 7 years
XIII. De routine
Hoewel ik steeds meer wil vertellen, vind ik steeds minder tijd om te schrijven. Mijn dagen zijn behoorlijk druk. Want, jawel, ik heb weer extra werk opgenomen.
Mijn ochtenden beginnen altijd in de homeless shelter. Rond iets na acht begroet ik de mannen die voor de blauwe deuren staan aan te schuiven. Het zijn elke ochtend dezelfde mannen. ‘Hellauw Misteir!’ roept Salazar. Wanneer ik de keuken binnenkom, geef ik Eva een kus op de wang en zeg ik: ‘wat is het voor vandaag?’ Dan laat zij me weten wat er allemaal moet gebeuren en ik delegeer naar de andere vrijwilligers. De meeste vrijwilligers komen hier twee tot vier keer; ik ben de enige die er op consequente basis komt. Het Spaans lukt ook steeds beter – of toch goed genoeg om in de keuken te staan – en intussen heb ik de routine behoorlijk in de vingers. 
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Terwijl Eva de koffie maakt, zetten wij alle tafels en stoelen klaar. Daarna schenken we 70 kopjes in en helpen we met koken: groenten, vlees en fruit snijden en sap maken. Soms mag ik ook de salade maken of de hoofdschotel bijkruiden.
Salazar komt altijd even met mij praten. Hij heeft zijn leven lang met handelsschepen de wereld rond getrokken. Acht jaar lang heeft hij als kok op de Italiaanse zee gezeten en mogelijk kent hij Antwerpen beter dan ik. Hij vertelt me altijd verhalen over zijn tijd op zee en hij grapt dat hij in zijn vorig leven een piraat was. En nu reist hij elke ochtend vijfenveertig minuten voor zijn enige warme maaltijd van de dag. Maar dat doet hem er niet toe. Het is een grappenmaker en een levensgenieter.
Af en toe vind ik tijd om een deel van de mis te volgen. De mooiste mis is die van dinsdag, met de Italiaanse priester Marco. Ik hou van de liederen die ze zingen; ‘Mijn ziel roept u heer. Ik weet dat u er bent. Ik weet dat u er bent. Ik weet dat u er bent.’ – als een mantra, op een ontroerend fragiele melodie. Tussen de liederen door vertelt Marco verhalen en delen de daklozen met veel humor hun eigen ervaringen.
Tijdens het opdienen vind ik soms wat tijd om met de mannen te praten. Dan vertellen ze me verhalen over vrienden uit Italië die hier vroeger elke dag kwamen en een paar maanden geleden zijn vermoord, of over hun vaders, die goede mensen waren.
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Er was een jonge man die ik sinds een week niet meer zie. Hij viel op omdat hij altijd nerveus wiebelde en omdat hij er de enige jongere was – de meeste twintigers geven ze enkel eten aan de deur omdat die vaak messen mee naar binnen brengen en beginnen te vechten. Toen ik de zuster vroeg waar de jongeman was, zei ze dat hij verdwenen was. Hij stond altijd op straat in deze buurt, op zoek naar iemand om te overvallen. Hij had ook altijd een mes bij zich. De zuster had gehoord dat hij onlangs iemand had beroofd en in de daad had neergestoken. Daarna is hij verdwenen. Ze vreest dat iemand revanche heeft genomen.
Gloria vertelde me dat de straat waar de shelter zich bevindt, de meest gevaarlijke straat is van Santa Fe – de gevaarlijkste buurt van de stad. Dat komt doordat hier veel jongeren zitten, veel drugs en veel georganiseerde misdaad. Gloria vertelde me dat er in Santa Fe een grote bende zit, bestaand uit een aantal families. Enkelen van hen staan op wacht in de straten, op zoek naar doelwitten om te beroven. Toeristen zijn de meest interessante doelwitten, en ze weten dat buitenlandse vrijwilligers in de shelter werken. Wanneer ze iemand zien, waarschuwen ze hun kompanen. Die zetten de straten in de buurt af, om het doelwit te omsingelen. Waar je ook heen gaat, je zal overvallen worden. Meestal volgen ze het doelwit, zodat ze hem in één straat kunnen omsingelen. In dat geval komt er ook geweld aan te passen. Ze schrikken er ook niet voor terug om politie aan te vallen, of zelfs te vermoorden als het moet. Enkel de zusters van de orde van Moeder Teresa zijn veilig, omdat de zusters voor de buurt zorgen en eten geven. Daarom mogen we nooit verder dan de deuropening van de shelter. En daarom blijft een zuster bij ons tot we in de taxi zijn gestapt.
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Nu ik de routine in de daklozenprojecten te pakken heb, voel ik meer mentale ruimte. Ik voel ook dat het tijd is voor iets nieuws, om mijn horizont te verbreden. Daarom heb ik besloten om vaker naar San Jorge te gaan, het tehuis waar jongeren wonen die uit hun gezin zijn weggehaald. Al komt dat besluit er vooral vanwege de communie.
Na vorig weekend, hielden dit weekend de kinderen van het huis San Juan hun communie. De kinderen van San Juan zijn jonger, tussen tien en veertien. Ik ben weer samen met Judy naar de kerk getrokken. Monica was blij dat we er waren. De ceremonie werd vervolgd door een groot feest en ook de jongens van San Jorge waren er.
Het was fijn die jongens weer te zien; ik heb met hun gebabbeld, véél foto’s zitten nemen, en gedanst. Ze lachen als ik dans. Omdat ik me niet schaam. En omdat alle Colombianen beter dansen dan ik.
En toen ik samen met Judy en onze ‘peetzoon’ Frederith (ik spelde zijn naam eerder verkeerd als Frederic) op de foto ging, vroeg ik me plots af waarom ik niet vaker naar de jongens ging. Het excuus dat ik geen les wil geven, is te zwak. En intussen heb ik toch al een band met hen. Judy vroeg me na de communie ook of ik niet meer wou komen: ‘Freddie loves you and the boys keep asking about you. Just come over.’ Ik heb besloten er vanaf nu elke dag langs te gaan.
Bijgevolg zijn mijn dagen tot in de nok gevuld. ’s Ochtends ga ik naar de shelter en ’s namiddags zit ik bij de jongens van San Jorge. Op dinsdag en donderdag ga ik ’s avonds naar Dormitorio Hermana Sorledys en op zaterdagnacht zoek ik de daklozen op met Pocalana. Tussendoor bereid ik de bezoekjes aan San Jorge en Dormitorio Sorledys voor en de tijd die me nog rest ga ik op wandeltochten met andere vrijwilligers, zoeken we boekenmarktjes op in La Candelaria, gaan we naar de markt in Usaquen, op café in Chapinero of dansen in Zona Rosa. Het is een rollercoaster.
Maar ik hou ervan, die drukte. En ik hou er van steeds meer een wezenlijke rol binnen deze groep op te nemen. Ik voel hoe de vrijwilligerscoördinatoren steeds meer op mij en Judy steunen, hoe onze stem meer gewicht krijgt en hoe ze erg veel vertrouwen in ons hebben. Ik voel dat vertrouwen wanneer ik Cristina informeer over het wangedrag van Cesar en ik voel datzelfde vertrouwen wanneer ik met Gloria praat over het project in Dormitorio Sor Ledys. Ik voel me geen toerist meer die een kijkje komt nemen. Ik voel de honger niet meer naar veel vrije tijd om de toerist uit te hangen. Ik voel me deel van een ploeg en ik wil werken.
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ryanreporting · 2 years
Apple Picking DuBois Farms Hudson Valley NY Highland Ulster County New York USA October 9th 2022
Apple Picking DuBois Farms Pick Your Own in Highland Ulster County New York USA Autumn October 9th 2022
3 miles from the Walkway over the Hudson Bridge Poughkeepsie Dutchess County Hudson Valley New York
Dubois Farms U-Pick
209 Perkinsville Road
Highland, NY 12528
No car needed for NYC visitors #MetroNorth #trains #🚉 leave from #GrandCentralStation #E42nd St daily
$38.50 for a round trip train ticket (Oct 2022 rate)
Train ride is 2 hours from NYC #🏙
No hotel needed return home the same day
There is autumn fun to be had!!!
Farm Events
October 9, 10, & 11: ANNUAL HARVEST FESTIVAL: Share your long weekend with us as we pick a vast array of apples, concord grapes, and, of course, tons of pumpkins in time for Halloween and fall decorating! Apple varieties include SnapDragon, Cortland, Golden Delicious, Jona Gold, Wine Sap, Ida Red, Pink Lady, Empire, Wine Crisp, Mutsu, Ashmead’s Kernel, Cox’s Orange Pippin, and the highly sought after Ruby Frost! BUY TWO FULL 1/2 BUSHEL BAGS OF APPLES, GET A 1/2 GALLON OF APPLE CIDER FOR FREE! Live music with acoustic duo, “She’s My Ex” on Oct. 9! Live music with Rudy’s Backbeat on Oct. 10! Live music with the Oxford Station duo, singing classic rock favorites on Oct. 11!
October 16 & 17: GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL: It’s the perfect time to decorate for fall and Halloween! Enjoy a crisp, cool day at the farm picking from a plethora of pumpkins and lots of apples! Apple varieties include SnapDragon, Cortland, Golden Delicious, Jona Gold, Wine Sap, Ida Red, Pink Lady, Empire, Wine Crisp, Mutsu, Ashmead’s Kernel, Cox’s Orange Pippin, and the highly sought after Ruby Frost! BUY TWO FULL 1/2 BUSHEL BAGS OF APPLES, GET A 1/2 GALLON OF APPLE CIDER FOR FREE! Live music with singer/songwriter/guitarist, James Patrick on Oct. 17!
Live music with singer/songwriter/guitarist, James Patrick on Oct. 17!
October 23 & 24: FALL FUN FESTIVAL: The weather is crisp and cool, perfect for apple and pumpkin picking and hot apple cider and apple cider donuts! Don’t miss out on Fall Fun at DuBois Farms this weekend! Apple varieties include SnapDragon, Cortland, Golden Delicious, Ida Red, Pink Lady, Empire, Wine Crisp, Mutsu, Ashmead’s Kernel, Cox’s Orange Pippin, and the highly sought after Ruby Frost! BUY TWO FULL 1/2 BUSHEL BAGS OF APPLES, GET A 1/2 GALLON OF APPLE CIDER FOR FREE! Enjoy a tractor-pulled wagon ride, a visit with the animals, and play-time in Tiny Town, and a walk through the corn maze! Live music with singer/songwriter/guitarist, Freddy Joe Stelling on Oct. 23! Live music with singer/songwriter/guitarist, Joe Camuglia of the Average American Dreamers on Oct. 24!
October 30 & 31: Join us for our Halloween Fun Festival for lots of pumpkin picking! Children in costume get a prize! Come and enjoy picking many varieties of apples from the trees, including Mutsu, Wine Crisp, Ida Red, Empire, Cortland, Fuji, Pink Lady, Gold Rush, Golden Delicious, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Ruby Frost, and Ashmead’s Kernel! BUY TWO FULL 1/2 BUSHEL BAGS OF APPLES, GET A 1/2 GALLON OF APPLE CIDER FOR FREE! Live music with singer/songwriter/guitarist, Freddy Joe Stelling on Oct. 30! Live music with singer/songwriter/guitarist, Joe Camuglia of the Average American Dreamers on Oct. 31!
We also have apples, acorn, butternut and turban squash, and lots of mums for your fall pickings. Take home a yummy pie or some of our award winning apple cider donuts along with some fresh apple cider.
We make some of the best apple cider donuts in the Hudson Valley, freshly made all day and served to you warm! We were voted to have the Best Apple Cider Donuts in the Hudson Valley by Hudson Valley Parent Magazine
I LOVE NY Fall Foliage Report
Week 4 of 11
October 5 - October 11 2022
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max smartphone
Celebrations of the autumn season
Happy Halloween - Blessed Samhain Festival - Día de los Muertos - Day of the Dead - All Souls Day - All Saints Day - Hallowmas - Thinning of the Veil Between the Worlds - Blessed Mabon - Autumnal Equinox - Autumn Fall Foliage - Peak Fall Leaf Colors - Trick-or-treating - Apple Picking - Fresh Apple Cider - Apple Cider doughnuts - Hot apple pie - Pumpkin Spice Latte coffee - Pumpkin Picking - Roasted Pumpkin seeds - Pumpkin Pie - Pumpkin Ice Cream - Corn Maze - Corn stalks - roasted corn - candy corn - Hay Rides - tractor rides - farm visits - Harvest Celebration - Pumpkin Spice brown sugar nutmeg cinnamon - Jack-o'-lantern
#AutumnWeekend #🍁#HudsonValley #HVNY #FallFoliage #🍂 #Poughkeepsie #DutchessCounty #NewYork #ScenicAfternoon crossing the #WalkwayOverTheHudson #bridge with free time in #WalkwayOverTheHudsonStateHistoricPark and #FrannyReeseStatePark #Walktoberfest Essential #FarmersMarket #DuBoisFarms #ApplePicking #🍎 #apple #apple #PumpkinPicking #pumpkin #pumpkins #🎃 #Corn #CornMaze #FarmStand with fresh #AppleCider and #doughnuts #UlsterCounty #HighlandNY #NYLovesFall
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