#fredrick Chilton x you
voxmortuus · 1 year
hello!! I'm the one who asked Hannibal x fem!reader where she is married to Frederick Chilton. Don't worry, and I'm sorry I didn't specify very well. My bad.
What I wanted to get to was something like this: Hannibal has one of her dinners with Frederick, where he also finds out that he has a wife and tells him to bring her to dinner. Is where he meets Y/N who is kind, caring and just amazing, yet very different from frederick, then he finds out she works at a hospital and starts stalking her until he kidnaps her? She also has a little crush on him more like she finds him attractive, but still she loves her husband.
it's a bit dark but i've started reading dark romance and i liked it lol
it can contain smut, fluff, angst or whatever you want. Thank you and im sorry again.
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►PAIRING: Hannibal X F!Reader Brief appearance in beginning from Fredrick. ►UNIVERSE: Hannibal ►WORDS: 1.6k ►SUMMARY/PROMPT: See Above. ►TRIGGER WARNINGS: Abducted reader | Dub-Con | Forced Intercourse | Vaginal Penetration | Internal Ejaculation | Restraint of Reader | Impure thoughts of another while with husband | I may be missing some, but you get a general idea, so please proceed with caution if there is anything in there that is overly triggering please let me know politely and I will make sure it is added to the list. ►NOTE: Hannibal and Hannibal Character requests are closed. All other requests are open. Sorry if this isn't what you expected, or had envisioned yourself, I apologize. But I hope you enjoyed my vision. I also apologize that this was in my drafts for a while. I hope this finds you well Nonnie. ►IMAGE & DIVIDER CREDIT: @nyxvuxoa ►IN STORY DIVIDER CREDIT: @firefly-graphics ►My Master Masterlist | Hannibal Masterlist
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Sitting in Hannibal's dining room, you look over your husband sitting across from you. You smile softly as he speaks. Always a talker that one. Full of himself, but you just let him talk. Watching him a moment, you look over at Hannibal and observe him a moment. Tilting your head, watching the way his lips move as he spoke, the way his face held slight expressions, and the way he ate his dinner. It was as if watching the finest masterpiece in motion.
You shake your head from your thoughts a moment and look down at your dinner and you smile, taking a bite from it you draw in a small breath.
"Fredrick, you never told me about your wife." Hannibal points out with a small smile looking over you a moment.
"I could of sworn I have." He pointed out.
"I think I would have remembered such a conversation, and there was none regarding this lovely creature." He complimented.
You blush. "Fred is just very much involved in his work. Sometimes he hardly remembers we work in the same place." you chuckle.
"How can I forget about that love? After all you bring me my lunch when it's that time." He chuckled.
The thoughts about Fredrick's brain matter being cooked for Hannibal's next meal crossed his mind while on your mind thoughts of Hannibal's breath across your skin crossed yours. The way he would delicately undress you, or featherlight kisses against your flesh. You lick your lips and look down at your plate as you adjust in your chair.
Picking at your plate, your mind preoccupied with the idea of Hannibal in ways that aren't suitable. You're married, and your husband is sitting right across from you. You press your legs together as your mind shows you what it would be like with Hannibal in the privacy of his bedroom... or even yours.
Fredrick kept going on about the most little things. He just wouldn't stop, but you didn't mind, where he spoke, you didn't need to. He spoke enough for both of you. You knew how people felt about Fredrick, but you stood by his side. Doting, caring, kind, and always willing to go the extra mile when needed.
You were his opposite, and everyone noticed this. Hannibal noticed it. He kept watch of you, even from a distance. Learning that you work in the same place as your husband and knowing that he really doesn't pay attention to things, thoughts started to brew, especially when he picked up on the wetness between your legs, maybe a part of him knew that wasn't for your husband.
Hannibal was a predator, a predator with a god complex. He knew exactly what he wanted, how he was going to get it, and just what moment he was going to get it, and honey, he was looking right at you. He didn't care much for your husband, honestly, his liver would make a good pate... for the neighborhood stray cats. But you, you he wanted to savor.
It seemed like he was walking in a fog as you sat there, the more he got to know about you, the more he realized you drove a hunger in him no one else was going to be able to satisfy. During this time the three of you had concluded your dinner, and he was a man on a new mission. Your idiot husband would be none the wiser in realizing you're gone, seems he hardly pays attention as it is, and maybe you could use something different in your life... something... unpredictably exciting.
Over the next few weeks, Hannibal watched you, paid attention to you, found your likes your dislikes, learned your schedule. Hannibal had decided to take it upon himself to make sure that you were going to be the one to show him around this place, but you weren't going to be returning to your post. Not today, not tomorrow, and if he had it his way, not at all.
What Hannibal lacked in realizing was your fondness of him as well, but you love your husband dearly, and while the mental fantasies may be nice, you would never act on them. You desire only your husband in that light, so your thoughts were just that, little fantasies that would never be acted out. Not in a way you want them to at least.
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It all happened so fast. You were showing him around the facility, the next thing you knew you were waking up tied to a bed with silk rope and the harder you pulled, the tighter your restraints got. Mentally you started to panic, and you started to jerk your arms and legs but you couldn't figure out how to get out of this.
"Where am I?" you call out. But no answer. The lack of answer sends you into a deeper panic. You stayed really quiet and listened. Then you heard a door close. "HELLO?! HEY! WHERE AM I?" You call out again. But instead of a response, you're greeted with the face of Hannibal. "Dr. Lecter. Why am I here? What have you done? Fredrick is going to be worried sick. Let me go. Please let me go." While begging you realize this is one of many unsavory fantasies you've had about Hannibal, maybe in a different light, but along the same idea.
"Don't be foolish, he hardly notices you past his own nose. He won't realize you're gone until he's so lost in his own hunger that he's calling for you to make his dinner." He stated.
"That's not true Hannibal. Please, please let me go. I'll give you whatever you want, just let me go." You state.
He looks at you, his eyes hungry but for something different, something no one else has been able to satisfy. "I know your thoughts at dinner, they weren't for your husband, that dewy scent. If anyone says a woman doesn't have a scent, they're blind. You were thinking of me, much like you are now." he pointed out.
You shake your head. "Hannibal, we can't do this. I love my husband, he's been good to me. Please. Please let me go." you plead again.
He shakes his head. "No, not today, maybe not tomorrow, we're going to live out our own fantasies." he tells you.
"Hannibal. No, no I'm a married woman, I can't." you state watching him get closer to you.
Hannibal's hand running up your leg, under your dress, you realize that he's taken it upon himself to remove your panties and your breathing gets heavier. You close your eyes and look away. This can't be happening. Tensing as he reaches your dewy bud, he runs his fingers over it delicately and watches you tense and take in a deeper breath before you shake your head.
Stripping down you look him over, biting your lip you close your eyes and shake your head. In your mind you've told him no, but a very confused no. The kind of no he only hears as yes. The kind of no that states, you're confused, and you want him to fulfill your fantasies.
Pulling at your arms to try and get free wasn't working, and in a matter of blinking he was shoving himself between your legs and you let out a scream. While confused yes, you mentally admitted to yourself that he filled you far better than Fedrick, but this was wrong, and you wanted him to stop.
"Please, please..." you kept saying.
"Shh, shh... I know this is what you want." he tells you.
With each thrust came a grunt from him, a whimper from you. Your body responded to him, very well, you were wet, drippy, and you soaked his cock, but you were mentally blank, you did know how to respond to what your body was responding to. You weren't wanting of this.
Tears fell from your eyes, your hands gripped at the rope, your body his to use, and use it he did. Thrusting and gripping and grunting and groaning, you felt good to him, and he wanted more.
Suddenly you found your hips moving, and while you wanted this mentally, you knew you couldn't give in, he gripped at you, and moved your hips even more. You felt yourself close, but you needed to hold off. But you couldn't. With a slacked jaw, and a deep gasp of air you let out a scream as he hit that right spot. Your whole body shook.
"That's it... come on." He beckoned for your finish, and like that, a raw pure explosion of euphoria filled you, and you lay limp. Your mind went quiet as he gave his last few final thrusts, as he buried himself deep within you and coated your velvet like walls with thick ribbons of his own release.
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In your mind, this was going to come to an end, but it wasn't. He used you day in and day out, maybe you'd grow to love Hannibal, realize he was right, your husband didn't notice, and he didn't care. Right now, in this moment what mattered, was you were being taken care of. You were being fed, bathed, hydrated. You were a prisoner yes, but was it really all that bad? Was Hannibal really that bad? Or were you going to find that moment to break free and run back to the man that forgets you work at the same hospital? Regardless of what happens, you were going to make the most of it. May as well start now right?
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Free Man Part 1- Will Graham x OC
Will Graham x Maya Moreno
Description: Will is finally found innocent and is released from Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally insane straight into his wife’s arms.
Word Count: 2k
Maya pulled into the guest parking lot of the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, barely being able to contain her excitement. Her husband, Will, was finally being released after being falsely accused as the Chesapeake Ripper. She got the call from Jack a week ago, stating that Will was proven innocent of the murders, but they’d need a week to get all the paperwork in order. She agreed to be there at exactly 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday to pick him up and take him home.
The entire week leading up to his release, she was a jittery mess. She wasn’t jittery out of nervousness, quite the opposite actually. She knew that he was innocent and told everyone as such, now she was excited that everyone else could see it. To combat her excited state, she spent the entire week deep cleaning the house and getting the dogs groomed so they could all look their best. Heck, even she had gotten a haircut and some highlights so she could look good for him (despite knowing that he wouldn’t care how she looked).
As she sat in her parking spot, she couldn’t help but feel nervous. This would be the first time she’d see him again since he was found guilty. It wasn’t her doing though, she wanted to visit him more than anything in the world. But Will didn’t want her to. He knew what it would be like in that hospital, and he didn’t want his wife, the happiest and brightest person he’s ever known and loved, exposed to something so dark. The absolute last thing he wanted was for her happy personality to be sullied because of him. So, although it hurt him, he absolutely refused to let her visit him and even went as far to put her on the no-visit list just in case. He didn’t need it though as Maya chose to respect his wishes and settle for just sending him letters.
When 10:00 a.m. finally rolled around, Maya practically jumped out of her car. She grabbed the bag of civilian clothes for her husband then began walking to the front door when she heard her name being called from behind her. Turning around, she was met with Jack jogging towards her. A bright smile graced her face and she stopped, waiting for him to catch up to her. Once he did, he pulled her into a hug.
“How are you feeling?” Jack asked, barely containing a grin as they pulled away. Maya didn’t even attempt to hide her excitement.
“I’m happy. I can’t wait to see him again,” she responded enthusiastically. The man in front of her chuckled as he began heading towards the door, the girl following.
“I’m sure he feels the same. Every time I visited him, he asked about you. I’m pretty sure you’re the only thing that kept him going during his sentence.” Maya couldn’t help but blush at his words and her smile widened enough for her cheeks to hurt.
“That makes me feel better. I couldn’t be there for him physically, at least I could have been there mentally,” she said as Jack opened the door for her. She walked inside with him following her.
“That wasn’t your fault though,” he pointed out, which made her smile kindly.
“I know, but still.” They went through a bag check then walked side by side to the front office, where a man was standing, seemingly waiting for them.
“Fred,” Jack greeted with a jovial smile. “Good to see you again.” The man grinned widely and shook the agent’s hand when offered.
“You as well, especially under such happy circumstances,” he responded as their hands dropped. Jack nodded then gestured to the woman beside him.
“This is Will Graham’s wife, Maya,” he stated. The man, Fredrick, smiled at her.
“Hello, I’m Fredrick Chilton, the general administrator,” he introduced himself, holding out his hand.
“I’m Maya, but I guess you know that already,” the two shared a laugh as she shook his hand. “Wonderful to meet you.”
“Likewise,” he responded before looking at a nearby guard. “Get prisoner 2348 and bring him here,” he instructed, which made Maya’s heart soar.
“Wait, please give these to him,” she stopped the guard before he walked out. “It’s just some clothes.” The guard checked the bag then looked at Fredrick for approval, who nodded. Once he was out the door, Maya faced the administrator.
“Will didn’t want me to see him in his...hospital uniform,” she explained. Both Jack and Fredrick noticed that she avoided saying prison, but thankfully said nothing.
“That’s understandable,” Jack brushed off from beside her. Fredrick nodded in agreement then leaned back against the desk. They waited patiently for only a few minutes before the door opened once again. Maya whipped around and smiled brightly at the sight of her husband walking in with the guard behind him. Will’s eyes landed on her immediately and a small smile graced his tired face. The guard led him to stand in front of Fredrick, who stood straight up and smiled politely.
“William David Graham, on behalf of the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, the Baltimore P.D. and the city of Baltimore, I can only offer you my sincerest apologies for the time you were forced to spend here. It is my pleasure to state for the records that you are officially free from custody. You’re free to go after you, your wife and S.S.A. Jack Crawford sign a few papers. Do you understand these terms?” Will nodded, stating that he did. Fredrick nodded and grabbed the proper paperwork from the top of his desk. It took only five minutes before Will was officially a free man and he, Jack and Maya walked out of the hospital. They stopped in front of the building and Maya faced Jack.
“Thank you for being here to sign for his favor,” she spoke gratefully.
“Hey, it’s no problem. I had no doubt that he was innocent, and now he’s finally free,” Jack responded with a smile. “You guys go home, it’s been a very exciting day.” He offered Maya a hug and then a handshake before bidding them farewell and walking to his car. Maya waved at him as he drove past them towards the exit then faced her husband.
She nearly gasped out loud when he suddenly threw his arms around her in the tightest hug she had ever gotten. It nearly knocked her off her feet if Will hadn’t been there to keep her steady. After the shock wore off she found herself hugging him back with the same amount of pressure, burying her face into his neck. He smelled different, though she supposed that came with staying in a new environment for months at a time. He also now had a stubble that scratched against her temple, but she couldn’t care less. She missed his hugs, she missed this, she missed him. It felt like hours before they let go, but it probably hadn’t been more than five minutes. Her hands went up to cup his face while his hands stayed in their place around her middle, and their foreheads pressed together gently.
“Let’s go home,” she whispered, staring into his eyes. She always said that they reminded her of a cloudless sky over a meadow filled with flowers, but they were different now. They were tired, more watery and hardened with experience. They now reminded her of a sea just after a storm. Clouds were still present from the storm, but they did nothing to mask the water’s beauty in the slightest.
Will nodded silently and allowed her to lead him to her car. He grinned upon realizing she still had the same car, a dark sage green Volvo 122. He couldn’t even remember how many times she told him that the car was special to her when he suggested getting a new car. It was her father’s, and it ran good either way so there was no reason to sell it. Maya climbed into the driver’s seat then stared at him patiently, waiting for him to get in as well. He did after a minute, and she waited for him to buckle before driving off.
“The dogs have missed you,” Maya broke the silence as she drove. “Wilson especially, he’s always waiting by the front door for his walk.” Will couldn’t help but smile just a bit at the thought.
“Really?” He asked hopefully, which made his wife grin as well.
“Yep. I gotta say, I have no idea how you managed to live with so many dogs before I began living with you,” she half-joked. “I was just barely keeping up with all of them.” Her heart practically burst open when that got a chuckle out of him.
“It’s an acquired taste,” he responded, leaning his head against the window. Maya nodded, sparing a glance at her husband before facing the road again.
“Believe me, it’s a taste I definitely acquired.” They continued to talk idly on the way home. Once they pulled into the driveway, Maya turned off the car but neither of them got out. Instead, Maya watched him stare up at their house in thought. Slowly but surely, she reached a hand over and rested it on his, which sat on his lap. He waited a moment before facing her.
“Whenever you’re ready,” she informed him softly. He nodded, and glanced at the house once more before taking a deep breath.
“I’m ready.” With one final nod, Maya got out of the car and began walking to the door, Will following her a second after. He grinned when he heard multiple dogs barking from inside as she unlocked the front door. She used her feet to keep the dogs from getting out as she opened the door, and the couple walked inside. While she closed the door, Will crouched down to greet the dogs, who practically tackled him onto the ground. He laughed joyfully and moved his face away as the dogs climbed on him and began licking his face.
“Alright, alright, I missed you guys too,” he laughed out. Maya smiled warmly at him as she hung her jacket up. She almost felt awkward around him. It had been months since they’d even seen each other, let alone slept in the same house or even the same bed. Things were different now, she had no idea what to expect from him or what his boundaries were now. She left him to pet the dogs while she walked to the kitchen, pulling out everything to make dinner. As she began prepping, she heard Will let the dogs out into the backyard shortly before walking into her line of sight. She shot him a small smile.
“I’m making fish for dinner,” she stated. He nodded and walked over to her.
“Anything I can help with?” For a moment, Maya considered saying no because she didn’t. But it didn’t take her long to realize that he just wanted to be near her, and she wanted to be near him as well. So, she nodded.
“How about you chop the veggies? I’ll start on the fish,” she suggested, setting the knife she was holding down. Will nodded and walked over to the sink to wash his hands while she heated up the stove. As she set the fish in the skillet, she heard her husband beginning to chop behind her. They worked in tandem for a while before Maya announced that dinner was ready.
Dinner passed by in a blur. They barely talked between eating, but that was because Will was eating as if it was his last meal on Earth. She couldn’t blame him though, she could only assume how bland and bad the food at BSHCI was. They finished in almost no time at all and Maya offered to do the dishes, leaving him sitting at the table in thought. As she washed off their plates she felt arms wrap around her, which made her smile. Will’s chin rested on her shoulder, a sign that he wanted a hug. So that’s what she did. As she turned and wrapped her arms around his neck, she couldn’t stop her smile from widening. Maybe things weren’t as different as she originally thought.
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Green Green Dress
Pairing: Fredrick Chilton x reader
Summary: Y/n worked for the FBI. She often came in to discuss a profile with Dr. Chilton. They had grown close. Fredrick was invited to a dinner party at Hannibal Lecter's home. Due to the invitation He was required to bring a date and he asked Y/n. He arrived at the Her home and is blown away.
Warning: None, unless you count Hannibal
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Y/n walked down the hall of the Baltimore Hospital for the Criminally insane. She was sent to get a 'formal statement' from Will Graham since he kept insisting he didn't do it. The sound of her heels rang though the hall will could hear her coming. Will was currently in a 'session' with Dr. Chilton. Y/n pushed the door open and saw Will in a cage the way it was shaped reminded her of a caged bird. She waved at him then looked at Dr. Chilton. He was writing something down on his clip board not noticing Y/n came in yet. She walked behind him signaling Will to be quiet.
"Doctor your favorite crazy persons here," She said in her most nurse like voice.
"Hello Y/n, it's good to see you again." he said looking up from his clipboard as she walked around him to stand between him and Will.
Now Y/n had always like Fredrick, from the moment they met they got along. Y/n found herself trying to get excuses to come see Fredrick. She had come to question a few inmates once and wanted to make sure she was dressed nice in case she saw him. A couple time during the month she brought him lunch. She would never admit it to anyone but she thought she was falling in love with him. Today she knew she would run into him so she wore a his favorite color shirt that one of her friends helped her pick along with her favorite jeans and her black heels.
"So how's my favorite psychopath collector?"
"Well a certain patient isn't cooperating."
"Yes I know I'm here to take a statement about Hannibal from him," She said and got her recorder out, "Hannibal has assured me he has done nothing."
"That reminds me. I've been invited to one of his dinner parties and I'm supposed to bring a date so I was wondering if you'd like to join me?" He asked standing up and Will rolled his eyes.
"I'm pretty sure he asked that the only way he could without saying 'will you be my date' cause god forbid he ask that." Will said his voice heavy with sarcasm on the last part. Y/n shot him a glare.
"Well either way I'd be happy to join you Fredrick." Y/n said
"I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow." Fredrick said before he left the room. Y/n watched him go and when she was sure he was out of earshot she smiled.
"Finally, now maybe you two will be able to focus on the fact that Hannibal is a murderer." Y/n signed and recorded Will's statement.
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
It was the day of the dinner party and Y/n was excited. She had got off early so she could do her make up and had went out and bough a dress special for the occasion. The dress was a satin green floor-length along with her black heels. She turned on the music and started signing with it as she got in the shower.
She change into the dress and spun around in front of the mirror. She smiled and ran down stairs and danced around her living room while singing or screaming the lyrics along with the radio. While Y/n was messing around Fredrick was approaching her door and could hear her through the door. "so let this drout come to an end and may this desert flower again I'm so glad you found me stick around me!" Fredrick laughed softly at hearing her. He knocked on the door and heard her scramble to shut the music off. When she opened the door he was speechless, "Hi Fredrick sorry about that and anything you heard." she said moving so he could come in. He walked in and looked her up and down
"Y/n, you look...beautiful," He managed to get the words out finally.
"Thanks. Just let me get my shoes and we can go." she said disappearing down the hall. Fredrick looked at the pictures on her shelf. When she came back Fredrick found himself to still be speechless, "Fredrick are you feeling okay?" She set the back od her hand against his forehead.
"Y-yes. Sorry I just. I didn't know you could look more beautiful than you usually do."
"Thank you, Fredrick," she smiled and grabbed a small purse, "You look handsome but we should go before Hannibal considers us rude." She pulled him out of the house and got in his car. They arrived at Hannibal's party and Alana pulled Y/n aside. Hannibal looked between Fredrick and Y/n.
"I think you should steal your girl back before these business men see her."
"She's not my girl."
"Yet." Hannibal said and went to greet other guests. Fredrick went to Y/n. When people started dancing to the classical music Y/n grabbed Fredricks hand and pulled him to dance with her.
"I didn't you expect to be a dancer." He said and Y/n smiled.
"I'm able to dance more than this my father taught me to waltz and my aunt taught me to a faster for of the Waltz I forget what it's called."
"Shall we show off then?" He asked and she nodded. The next song came on. Fredrick and Y/n waltzed around the room. When the night ended Fredrick walked her to the door and she kissed his cheek before saying goodnight and going inside.
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gemstone-roses · 3 years
Hannibal x female reader
summary: hannibal fucks you in front of a mirror
Warnings: nsfw, smut, 18+, soft dom, praise,mirror sex, choking, daddy kink, unprotected sex.
um, this is filthy, enjoy😌.
Note: I am so sorry this took me so long, anyway this was my last request in my inbox so feel free to send in more!
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you stare at your reflection as hannibal slowly unzips your dress.
It had been a long night, fredrick Chilton had attended tonight's dinner party and he talked your ear off.
You could feel hannibals breath on your neck as his hands rid you of your dress and he sighed happily
"your so beautiful" he whispered, placing a kiss to your ear and you moaned in response.
"You want me to help you relax darling"?
"Yes" you breathed
"Yes what"
"Yes daddy" you said and his hands moved under your chin, he tilted it and moved his head so he could kiss you.
"Good girl"
Hannibal ran his hand down your body, stopping at your boobs, you watched in the mirror as his fingers circled your nipples, it was so, arousing.
"You like watching me do that hm?"
"use your words darling" he reminded you
"Yes I do"
His hands trailed to your thighs and without warning he pushed a finger in, causing you to moan in suprise and then pleasure.
"your so wet for me already"
you whimpered
Hannibal removed his finger and began circling your clit
"Hannibal" you moaned
He stopped
"what was that" his Husky voice vibrated in your ear
"daddy" you moaned
"mm that's better, be a good girl for me y/n, and spread your legs"
Hannibal took a step back as he watched you step wide, he took this chance to take off his clothes and he sat down on the floor.
He could see your confused face in the mirror.
"stay facing the mirror and come here" his hand pumped his cock a few times as you bent down.
You sighed in delight as he lined his cock up and he held your hips to guide you down.
the stretch of his cock in your pussy felt so good, he stopped when he was all the way in and placed his hands on your thighs.
"look at how well my cock fills you up y/n"
hannibals filthy words made your pussy clench around him
"please move" you whispered
Hannibal thrust his hips up, slowly, your legs over his and his hands keeping them spread wide for him.
"Oh daddy" you cried, closing your eyes
"No no darling, eyes on the mirror, good, there you go" he said before thrusting in and out rhythmically.
You watched in the mirror as his cock pushed in and out of your pussy, you could see your juices dripping already.
"your taking my cock so well darling, look at yourself, your doing so well y/n"
"daddy it feels so good" you whined
"yeah? you like watching me fuck you?" his pace picked up as you practically were bouncing on his cock.
You could feel your orgasm building as hannibal thrust into you, each time he hit the spot that made you see stars
"hanni-daddy, I'm gonna-
"You going to cum for me darling? Open your eyes, look at the mirror, I want you to look at yourself when you fall over the edge my love" his gravelly voice turned you on even more
Hannibal could feel you were close, he reached one hand forward and wrapped it around your neck, squeezing slightly, he watches your face contort in pleasure as he applied pressure to your neck
"Come on y/n, cum all over my cock, that's it, good, good girl, mmhm" he encouraged as your orgasm crashed over you and you clenched around his cock.
Hannibal came at the same time, moaning in his low voice as his fingers pushed into your thighs.
"that was-amazing" you panted, collapsing to the floor
"it was darling, you did so well my love, come on, let's get you cleaned up" he planted a gentle kiss to your lips before helping you to the shower.
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
Storiesofsvufallbingo Masterlist
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This will be the masterlist for everyone and all the creations made for Fall Bingo! I will be updating it everyday.
Without You (Rita x reader)
Bridges (Rita)
Sunshine on a Rainy Day (Addison Montgomery)
Pumpkins (Casey Novak)
Pumpkin Spice (SSS verse)
A New Leaf (Rita)
Autumn (Sonya Paxton)
Pumpkin Spice Latte’s (Barba x reader)
Here Without You (Barba)
Trick or Treat **(Barba)
Tag (Barba)
Family Portrait (Rolivia)
Twice (Sonya Paxton)
Too Sweet (Rita Calhoun)
We’re Gonna Be Just Fine (Olivia)
Do Not Disturb** (Connelly x reader)
Cardigan (Casey)
The Sweater (Calvak)
Trick or Treat (Alex)
Quickly (Casey)
Rained In(Donnelly)
A Silver Lining (Novelly)
Fireless Place (Rita)
Friday Night Frights (wovak)
Pumpkin Baby (amaro)
Two Girl’s (Barba)
Super Heroes (Barba x reader x Nick)
You’ll Be Sorry (Barba)
I Miss You (Amaro)
Not Done (Barba)
Remember (Diaz)
Wind & Fire (Amaro)
Thankful (Amaro x reader x Barba)
That Time of Year
Cold Hands (Amaro)
Pumpkin Spice Latte’s (Jackson Neil)
Rainy Day (Fredrick Chilton)
Cold Hands (Jackson Neil)
Cabin in the Woods (Jackson Neill)
When You Are Young They Assume You Know Nothing (Chilton)
Thanksgiving (Chilton)
I’m Only One Call Away (Chilton)
Reignite (Barba)
Twice (Jackson)
Graveyard (Vampire!Chilton)
A Cat Called Dickface (Bryan Kneef)
Thrust Fall
Do Not Disturb (Nevada Ramirez)
Guilt (rita x reader. Alex x reader)
Weekend in Georgeton Ch 4 (rita calhoun)
A Final Goodbye (Alex)
One Call Away (Calex)
Let’s Start Again (penemily)
Graveyard Nights (Melinda Warner)
The Boo Crew (Rolivia x daughter!reader)
Fall Wedding Night (Rolivia)
Reignite Me (Prentiss)
I’m a Little Screamish (Rolivia)
Friends Don’t Look at Friends That Way (Rolivia)
Sugar & Spice (Amaro)
Weekend Getaway** (Casey Novak)
In Another Time Pt 9 (Bryan Kneef)
The Auction Pt 3 (Kneef)
When She Smiles (Wanda Maximoff)
Falling For You (WandaNat x reader)
Keeps Me Warm (Yelena mcu)
The Time Has Come (Kara Danvers)
Ruin the Friendship (Carol Danvers)
Cabin in the Woods (Lena Luthor)
Lost & Found (WandaNat x reader)
One Call Away (kara danvers)
Walking Back Home (Zarpatta)
Zapatterson HC’s
A Sweet Experiment (Zapatterson)
A Long Night (Shepherd/Grey sisters- GA)
Mean Rain (Addison Montgomery)
Remarkable Things (Calex)
Behave Pt 1 (Calvak)
Behave Pt 2 (Calvak)
My Love, My Life (Olivia & Serena Benson)
PSL Hell (Cabenson & Abbie x Serena)
Cabin Life (Carisi)
Trick or Treat (Carisi)
Not Done (Barba)
Sugar High (Amaro)
Twice (Carisi)
One Call Away (Carisi)
Mittens (Carisi)
Pitter Patter (Victoria Helstrom)
Cosy Mornings (Helstrom)
Keep Me Warm (Helstrom)
What They Chose to Be (Burzek)
Good Soldiers Ch 1 (Barba x Carisi c Chilton)
Good Soldiers Ch 2 (Barba x Carisi x Chilton x reader)
I Could Ruin You (Barhoun x Carisi x reader)
Your Happiness or Mine? (Barba/Chilton/Reader)
Slowly, Softly, Sweetly (Carisi)
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lilcomfyfics · 3 years
Fredrick Chilton x male reader
Warnings: hospital setting, mentions of abel gideon, unprofessional nurse making assumptions, loopy chilton
Summary: A long time friend of Dr. Chilton's gets a call after his run in with Abel Gideon. Is this the push they both needed?
Dr. L/N was at his home when he received a phone call. Checking the caller ID, he instantly knew something was amiss. It was one of Fredrick's acquaintances who he had been briefly introduced to a couple months prior. With his anxiety already flaring up, he answers the phone only to be told the news that his long-time friend had been gutted by one of his former patients. The caller told him when and where he would be allowed to see him. Everything felt too quiet after the call ended. The nagging space was filled with pacing, the tapping of feet, pacing some more, attempting to read, and finally a sigh. How could he stay calm and patient in this situation? Really, he's doing everything he can to avoid thinking about how bad he's got it for Fredrick. The thought of losing him hurt him so much. Far more than any friend should feel. It downright broke his heart. Even calling him just his friend left a horrible taste in his mouth. There had always been this unspoken thing between them and this made that bag carefully holding all these feelings snap from the tension. They have been playing this game for long enough, the doctor decides as he grabs his keys to go see his long-time crush at the first opportunity.
There he was lying broken in his hospital bed. Looking far from the Dr. Chilton everyone knew and well, he wasn't known for being very likeable. Despite that fact, there were a few cards littered in his hospital room. More importantly, a very anxious man waiting was for him to regain consciousness. As soon as he had exited his house, the memories came flooding back. All those almost-kisses and lingering glances made his heart ache. On the way to the hospital, his mind drifted to the first time they met. Both in med school at the time, Fredrick thought y/n didn't notice his staring but he definitely did. He thought it was adorable and if he hadn't already been in a relationship he would have broken the ice first. Might have even asked him on a date on the spot. When they finally did speak, his girlfriend had arrived to interrupt the conversation which made Fredrick deflate right then and there. Neither had made any move in all these years and it was extremely frustrating on both ends. They'd get together for dinner sometimes and sometimes even end up cuddling on Chilton's couch. More than once they had been locked in a tension-filled moment and almost kissed each other but Fredrick always pulled away. He was always doing that, pushing him away when there was any chance he could be rejected. It was too much for his lonely heart to bear. This was his only friend after all. What if things got awkward? He would rather suffer crushing on him for eternity than lose his friendship. It's safe to say that y/n was gonna have to make the first move and after a scare like that? He can't wait another second.
Finally, green eyes blinked open with a groan. Everything that happened came rushing back to him. All of his emotions overwhelmed him and caused him to panic. As Fredrick is fighting a panic attack, his heart monitor picked up loudly. A nurse came in and checked on him. After being brought out of his panicked state, he finally noticed the other person in the room. His long-time crush was curled up in an uncomfortable chair and had slept through the commotion. Dr. Chilton's heart skipped a beat and the nurse followed his gaze. She wore a satisfied expression as if her suspicions had been confirmed. He shot her a glare, which she ignored, before informing him that his 'boyfriend' had been here the whole time.
"It's no wonder he slept through that, he's been waiting a long time. He's definitely going to kick himself when he realizes he wasn't awake for this." She jokes but Fredrick can't take his eyes off him.
The nurse left quietly after double-checking everything. Chilton relaxed a bit more and stared up at the plain ceiling. He really didn't want his friend to see him like this. His thoughts about being weak and pathetic came flooding in like an all too familiar tide. He clenched his jaw and dared to look at the sleeping man again. All the frustration washed away when he saw that the man had repositioned himself in his sleep. Fredrick could see his face much clearer now. The clear indications of exhaustion caught him by surprise. He pushed away even more thoughts that were just remnants of his upbringing and allowed himself to feel loved. Even if just for a moment, he allowed himself to feel cared about.
He remembered how entranced he was when he first met the man. They were in a lecture at university and the man had sat a row or two ahead. Dr. Chilton silently thanked whatever god was out there that he didn't notice him staring for weeks before gathering up the nerve to approach him. Bitterly, he's reminded that when he finally did get up the courage, his crush's girlfriend had appeared to steal him away. He shook those memories away, feeling better after reminding himself that he was the one who had his attention in the end. He was the one who would end up cuddling with him on his couch some nights. He was the one who got to see his handsome features up close. Even if he backed out of kissing him every time out of fear, his friend didn't seem to judge him. Truthfully they hadn't really talked about any of this and it made Fredrick unbelievably nervous. He felt like either way he was a burden. If there was something real between them then he's been holding it up with his anxieties. If it's all just imagined, he's made his best and only friend extremely uncomfortable. He sighed and winced at his injuries. How could he ever love him now anyway? He will undoubtedly have a very noticeable scar after this. Still, he recalled when he had no one else to celebrate with when he got the job as head of the BSHCI and he called this cutie. He sounded genuinely happy for him and immediately came over to celebrate. He'll never forget how amazing that day was.
Slowly uncurling himself and sighing, the man opens his eyes. Fredrick is staring at him like he's an expensive painting on the wall which causes him to blush. He's never looked at him like that so openly before. It caught him off guard. Maybe this really is the right time, the man thought hopefully.
"You're awake." the man remarked with a grin. "It's so like you to wake up the one time I was asleep." he teases.
Fredrick scoffed but stayed silent trying to cover up how much the action irritated his injury. This prompts the man to gently put his hand over Fredrick's and ask if he's alright. His heart monitor speeds up and as if on queue the nurse walks in. Seeing them holding hands, she's now completely certain her unprofessional assumptions were correct. Fredrick instinctively pushes the man away out of embarrassment. Sadly, he's far too used to it at this point to complain.
"Good to see you both awake for once." She joked, nodding toward the newly awoken man. "Now you can stop all that pacing, right? Your boyfriend is gonna be fine."
The remark made Fredrick simultaneously overjoyed and annoyed. He got butterflies but how dare this nurse be so unprofessional! She can't just make assumptions like that! Yet they both waited for the other to object and neither spoke up.
Only after the nurse left were they able to meet each other's eyes. Both unsure but hopeful as they tried to read the other's face. The man broke the silence but neither would break the stare.
"There's something I need to tell you." Fredrick tried everything to smother the concoction of emotions he felt at hearing that. "When I got the call and heard about everything, it broke my heart to think I almost lost you. I'm sorry if this changes things between us but I can't pretend anymore. I love you, Freddy."
Happy tears threatened to run down the broken man's cheeks as he tried to comprehend what he was hearing. Was he dreaming? It had to be the pain medicine, right? If that wasn't, the way his own confession slipped out effortlessly definitely was. He even admitted to having feelings for him before they ever spoke.
"Oh, was that what all the staring was about?" the man snickered causing the injured man to jolt more than he should have.
"YOU KNEW?!" Chilton exclaims in horror.
He just laughs lightly in response which causes Chilton to huff with his own little smile. They fall into a comfortable silence. Both hopeful with a weight lifted off their shoulders. They had questions and concerns about their future together but those could wait for now. With his hand holding Fredrick's, all his worries melted away. They would get through this, together.
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
The Number of the Beast Is 666...
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, murder, guns, pregnancy, burning, canniablism
Author’s Note: Second to last episode. I’m in my feels. I love this show so much. I hope you guys enjoy!
I used some direct quotes from the script so some things may seem familiar 
Official Episode Summary: The FBI enlists the help of Dr. Fredrick Chilton in hope of drawing Francis Dolarhyde into an ambush; Will's empathy for Dolarhyde impacts his psyche.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
Tag List (is always open!) : @llperfectsymmetryll​ @ericacactus​ @vlightning95​ @sweetgoodangel​
(not my gif) 
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Will sat across from Bedelia. She had her legs crossed, her stance closed. She would likely not open up to him here, not in this space. It felt too much like a therapy session for his taste. You were healing quickly but you weren’t able to make it to this mock session. Instead, Bedelia was curious to know how Will was taking this.
“I look at my wife and I see her dead. I see Mrs. Leads and Mrs. Jacobi lying where Y/N should be,” he said, his voice bitter. Bedelia nodded slowly.
“Do you see yourself killing her?” she questioned. Will rose his chin up at the accusation. 
“No. I see myself killing the rest of them,” his voice lost some confidence as he spoke that but he quickly regained it, “but not her.”
“It’s hard to predict when brittle materials will break. Hannibal gave you three years to build a family and a life, confidence he’d find a way to take them from you,” Bedelia stated. 
“So you know?” he asked. She shrugged.
“I guessed.” Bedelia thought about you as a mother. It seemed like such a foregin way to describe you but not exactly wrong. “Hannibal wants to take her from you because he couldn’t have her.” 
Will raised an eyebrow.
“Alternatively,” he suggested, “I don’t think Hannibal knew that it was going to be Y/N.” 
“But he wants her. Aggression can be effective means of maintaining order in a relationship. Which relationship that is is debatable.” Will adjusted his seating. 
“What’s he going to take from you?” he asked.
“Is it important to you that he take something from me?” she questioned.
“Hannibal has agency in the world.”
“Hannibal has no intention of seeing me dead by any other hand than his own, and only then if he can eat me. He’s in no position to eat me now,” she said smoothly. He nodded in agreement. 
“If you play, you pay.” 
“You’ve paid dearly. As has your wife. That knowledge will lie in the skin forever.” She thought about that for a moment. “It excites him to see you marked in this particular way.” 
“Why do you think?” 
Will studied her, amused and almost annoyed by her psychiatric games. He played this enough with Hannibal.
“Bluebeard’s wife. Secrets you’re not to know, yet sworn to keep,” he said. Bedelia raised her chin and shook her head, ever so slightly.
“I was not Bluebeard’s wife, I was your wife’s stand in.” She paused. “But if I was, I would’ve preferred to be the last.” 
Will considered this. He thought about you. He was away from you and that seemed nearly illegal. You and him had always been together. But then he thought of Hannibal. He thought of you and Hannibal. He thought of the three of you. His mind slowed for a moment. 
“Is Hannibal…in love..with me?” he asked. Bedelia smiled.
“Could he daily feel a stab of hunger for you and find nourishment in the very sight of you? Yes. But you are not just you. You come with Y/N Graham as well.” She reminisced on the days before Florence for a minute. Seemed like ages ago. “When Hannibal would hear the two of you bunched together like that he got irked, like his mind could only comprehend his want for one of you at a time. And then, as time went on, I think he realized that you came together. He could have both of you. The Grahams.” Will took this at face value. In a way, it was something he had always known. “But does she ache for him? Do you?” Will did not answer. He just stared. Bedelia went on. “Once you catch the Red Dragon, you can take your wife and your dogs home again. But will you go?” 
Hannibal stood across from Jack. They hated the presence of each other but stiffled it, for presence purposes. 
“Will’s thoughts are no more bound by fear or kindness than Milton’s were by physics. He is both free and damned to imagine anything.” 
“Now that he’s imagined the worst,” Jack stated. Hannibal nodded. 
“Like ducklings, we imprint on those ideas that grab our attention,” he explained.
“What’s got your attention? God, the Devil and the Great Red Dragon? I couldn’t believe you messed up with him Hannibal.” Hannibal ignored the last comment. That was an anger used to simmer for another time.
“Lest we forget the Lamb.”
“Will is the Lamb of God?” Jack asked. Hannibal thought about this for a moment. 
“Hide us from the wrath of the Lamb,” Hannibal settled on.
“Who’s ‘us’?” Jack asked. Hannibal smiled.
“You, me, his wife and the Great Red Dragon.” 
You walked with Alana down to Hannibal’s cage. Your shoulder ached and pained you but you ignored it as best you could. She looked at you steadily as you approached the door. 
“Have you spoken to Will?” she asked. You looked over to her.
“He doesn’t even know I’m out of the hospital. Which will hopefully not cause any panic,” you muttered offhandedly. You glanced over at her and she saw an ounce of fear in your eyes. 
“You know, when I found out I was pregnant it wasn’t exactly a shock. But I was scared. I knew the world my child was being brought into. But he’s okay now. It’ll all make sense, I swear it,” she promised. You gave her a sensitive smile and nodded softly. 
“You brought a Verger baby. I’m bringing a Graham baby who will hear conflicted stories of the great Hannibal the Cannibal. I worry that I will bring the baby here to see him, if he’s still here. And they will be raised with him in the back of their minds, always wondering what exactly went on between their parents and a serial murderer,” you whispered carefully. As you finished you turned to the door and opened it before she could say anything more. 
She let you walk through the doors alone. 
Hannibal was standing at the glass. It was like he knew you were coming but the look on his face betrayed him. He was surprised to see you. And even a bit relieved, you could tell. You walked up to just a few feet away from the glass and stopped.
“Your shoulder-”
“It’s okay,” you promised. You glanced down at the floor and noticed that all of his things were gone, including his desk and chair. Reminded of the days when Will was in prison, you tentatively sat down on the ground. 
  Hannibal watched you and stayed still for a moment. Then he sat down in front of you on the ground. You smiled gently at the gesture.
“Will told you?” 
“Yes.” You looked into his eyes. You stared into them, deep into them.
“I have a feeling that you will not be here to meet them,” you stated. “I don’t know why. I just feel like something is bound to go wrong. We will catch the Dragon and then we will go home and nothing will be the same.” Hannibal watched your emotions rise and fall. Your face that he yearned to touch. He almost reached his hand up to the glass.
“What will you name them?”
“I haven’t gotten that far yet. But Will is never going to allow Hannibal, if that’s what you want,” you said laughing. 
“Pity,” he said and even he was laughing a bit. “I did not tell him to hurt you.” You nodded.
“I know.” You leaned forward. “What are you going to do about it then?” 
Hannibal smiled.
As you walked out of the room Alana gestured to you. Apparently Jack and Will were already in the building. 
You walked into the room with Alana and Will stood up.
“I was worri-”
“You never would have let me come if I told you. How’s Bedelia?” He shook his head and grabbed you by the waist, kissing you on the forehead. It conveyed his worry. He turned back to Jack.
“Eight people dead in a month. We can’t play a long game. I say we go for it. You know I know it’s the best way to bait him,” Jack said. He didn’t even glance twice at you. 
“You know Jack, if you had wanted me dead you didn’t have to go through all these lengths to make an attempt. Bringing Will, talking to Hannibal, calling the Dragon. It was all so extensive,” you sneered. Jack gave you a look.
“We don’t have time for this.” You slammed your hands on his Alana’s desk that he was standing behind. 
“It could have been me Jack. You would’ve had to go to my funeral and sit in the front row next to my grieving husband and wonder, ‘huh could I have done something to change this outcome’. And your mind will say no and so my husband would have sat there, thinking it was his fault, for the rest of his life!” you screamed. Jack was still. He had seen you like this once before. When he arrested Will. Alana watched from where she was standing by the window, a proud look on her face.
Will was more or less scared.
“And what do you do now? What do you do now?!” you asked. “Oh yes. The only logical solution. Send Will into the fire and bait the Dragon.” 
“Will suggested i-” he started but you gave him an ice cold look.
“I don’t care.” 
“We’ve fooled ourselves once into believing we were in control of what was happening. Are we still under that delusion?” Alana asked. You turned to her and Will did as well and as he did so he staggered. He had seen something in his head. 
“The Dragon has a certain abstract curiosity about me Y/N. All psychopaths are narcissists, they love to read about themselves. We should use Freddie.” You turned to him and he saw again whatever he had seen on Alana’s face. He grabbed your arm out of instinct. 
“I’m not letting you put yourself in harm's way.”
“We’re already in harm's way. Both of us.” 
“She would need to interview you,” you said. “Take your picture.”
“We’re in it now. Can’t go home as long as he’s loose. I really bad mouth the Red Dragon in Tattlecrime and then give him a shot at me.” You turned to Jack Crawford.
“If I had to choose, it would be you giving the interview. You risking your life. You.” 
You sat on a desk. Will stood just in front of you, his leg touching your knee. You had your fingers wrapped around the underneath of the desk as you looked over at Freddie Lounds where she sat. Chilton was in front of her, Alana and Jack elsewhere in the room. 
“There’s a strong bonding of aggressive and sexual drives that occurs in sadists at an early age,” Chilton said. 
“He's a vicious, perverted, sexual failure. An animal,” Will stated. You stared at Will and noticed that it had caught Chilton off too. You smiled a bit at the corners of your mouth. 
“The savage acts aimed primarily at the women, and performed in the presence of family, are clearly strikes at a maternal figure.” 
“The Tooth Fairy’s the product of an incestuous home.” Freddie scribbled this down aggressively, eating it all up.
“This is the child of a nightmare.” Those words hung in the air for a moment. Freddie pressed the stop button on her recording. 
“We need a key shot taken in your ‘Washington hideaway’,” Jack said. 
“Can I flip off the camera?” you asked.
“You’re not going to be in the picture,” Will chastised. You shrugged.
“I’d love something like you in a bathrobe, at the desk, poring over an artist’s conception of the Fairy,” Freddie said, holding up an artist concept drawing of Francis. You raised an eyebrow. 
“I’ll stand by the window.”
“I don’t know, the bathrobe seemed compelling to me. Maybe I’ll pick up my first copy of Tattlecrime,” you said. Will gave you a look but you just smiled. Freddie seemed to like that you agreed with her.
“Make sure you can get the fountain and the Capitol dome behind me Freddie. The Red Dragon has to be able to find this place, if he wants to,” Will finished. Freddie nodded and walked over. “Would you like to be in the picture, Frederick?” 
Alana slid a package through Hannibal’s cage.
“May I open it privately?” he asked.
“You may not.” 
She looked down at it as he started to open it. The box fell open to reveal two lips, no longer attached to their owner. Hannibal contained his surprise and anger. He took one between his fingers and straightened his backs.
“As though presents would allow me to forgive him,” Hannibal muttered but still, he put the lips between his own and ate it.
You stared at the screen in front of you. On it was Frederick Chilton, notably restrained. Beside you stood Will and at his desk was Jack Crawford. 
“I have had a great privilege. I have seen with wonder and awe the strength of the Great Red Dragon. I lied about Him. All that was said was lies from Will Graham,” Chitlon said. You straighten your back. “He made me say them. I have blasphemed against the Dragon. Even so, the Dragon is merciful. He knows you made me lie, Will Graham. Because I was forced to lie, He will be more merciful to me than to you, Will Graham.” You hated this. Every fiber of your being hated this. You wanted to turn it off but you didn’t, you needed to see the end. “Reach behind you, Will Graham, and feel for the small knobs on the top of your pelvis. Feel your spine between them; that is the precise spot where the Dragon will snap your spine. There’s much for you to dread. From my own lips, you’ll learn a little more to dread.” 
“Turn it off, Jack,” Alana said and Jack nodded, turning it off. You felt your spine all of the sudden. You were aware it was there. You felt it being tugged by a phantom force and turned to your husband, shaking your head. He stumbled back into a chair, head in his hands. 
You sat in front of him and grabbed his hands. Your skin touched his face as he held your hands there, blocking his sight. You turned to Jack Crawford. If looks could kill…
Bedelia looked at you two. Back again, sitting together. Your shoulder slumped but otherwise seemingly unaffected. Whatever emotional tole this may have taken, you did not show it on your face. 
Will on the other hand.
“Would you like to talk about what happened to Frederick Chilton?” she asked.
“The divine punishment of the sinner mirrors the sin being punished,” Will said. 
“Contrapasso. If you play, you pay,” she repeated. 
“Chilton languished unrecognized until Hannibal the Cannibal. He wanted the world to know his face and now, he doesn’t have one,” you said. 
“We’re all making our way through the Inferno. Dante’s pilgrims,” Bedelia siad.
“We’re pets, not pilgrims. And the Great Red Dragon kills pets first,” Will muttered.
“I hate that name. I wish we knew his actual name so we could call it so. It must be something mundane, something so unassuming,” you whispered, shaking your head.
“You put a hand on Dr. Chilton’s shoulder for the picture Will. Touch gives the world an emotional context.” She gestured to the hand that was brushing yours. Not holding. Just touching. “The touch of others makes us who we are. It builds trust.”
“I put my hand on his shoulder for authenticity,” Will argued. You felt that wasn’t true but you didn’t say it. 
“To establish he really told you those insults about the Dragon? Or had you wanted to put Dr. Chilton at risk? Just a little?” Bedelia questioned.
“I wonder,” Will muttered. 
“Do you really have to wonder?” she questioned. He paused.
“Did you know what the Great Red Dragon would do Will? You were curious what would happen, that’s apparent. Is this what you expected?” Will was glad you were there. He grabbed your hand fully.
“I can’t say I’m surprised.” 
“Then you may as well have struck the match. That’s participation.” She studied the two of you. “Hannibal Lecter does indeed have agency in the world. He has both of you.”
“He did Chilton like it looked like you did Freddie Lounds. Hannibal said he would, in his own way,” Jack muttered. They stood outside of where Chilton was being taken care of, you beside him and Will. 
“He wanted to make amends to Hannibal,” Will said. You crossed your arms.
“He’ll have to do better than that.” Jack walked inside of the room but before Will walked in you grabbed his arm. 
“I hate this. I have a pit in my stomach and it won’t go away,” you whispered. He faced you completely and put his hand on your cheek, moving away some hair. 
“That’s a baby,” he joked. You rolled your eyes but smiled.
“I mean a feeling Will.” 
“It’s going to be okay. We’re going to be okay.” 
You didn’t believe him.
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Sweet touch
For: @thatesqcrush Valentine’s Bingo and a follow on from this.
Bingo square: Candy and Flowers
Pairing: Frederick Chilton x reader
Warnings: Fluff and smut.
WC: 489
Enjoy x
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You had walked into your office after doing the midnight rounds in the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. You were nursing unit manger as well as Frederick Chilton’s girlfriend. When you had applied for the Nursing Unit Manger job you never would have thought that you would be getting an amazing job and an equally amazing boyfriend, despite what everyone said about him. Frederick was adorable on so many levels and out of all the nurses he had chosen you and you had chosen him. When you walked in a big smile came to your face when you saw the white vase with a bunch of bluebells and a love heart box with your favourite chocolate and a note stuck into the ribbon wrapped around it,
 I miss you. I miss your touch. Enjoy these my love. Come home to me safe.
Love forever more
Your Frederick xoxo
 You giggled picking up your cordless desk phone dialling Frederick’s number, him picking it up after one ring,
 “My love. I see you got the flowers and chocolate”
 “Were you watching me again Frederick? Waiting for me to come in and see them” you turned to face the camera in the corner of your office looking up and blowing a kiss. You heard Frederick whimper and take a deep breath.
 “I miss you my love and I need to know your safe when I’ am not there” You could hear Frederick breathing deeply over the phone.
 “Are you sure that’s the only reason baby” you purred as you walked to your door closing it, turning back around walking to stand directly under the camera reaching up to undo your scrub buttons just enough for your bra to show “Are you touching yourself Frederick, while you’re watching me?”
 This wasn’t unusual behaviour for Fredrick, this happening most times you worked over night. Most people would be turned off by his neediness, but it was one of the many things that made you love him. You loved that he needed you, needed your touch and you loved how much you actually turned him on even if he did watch you more often than not.
 You brushed your fingers down between your push up bra. Frederick moaned and his breathing got deeper. You hocked you pointer finger into the edge of you bra and pulled it down for your nipple to pop out, you took your nipple between your thumb and pointer finger giving it a few slight tugs bitting your bottom lip looking up into the camera and Fredrick groaned loud, your name leaving his lips. You chuckled resting the phone between your shoulder and ear fixing your bra and buttoning your shirt back up.
 “I love you Y/N” Frederick tried to catch his breath.
 “I love you too my Freddie. Thank you for the flowers and chocolate. I’ll thank you properly when I get home in the morning.”   
Tags: @detective-giggles @beccabarba @witches-unruly-heart @madamsnape921​    
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plus-size-reader · 5 years
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Hannibal Lecter x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1589 words
Summary: Hannibal’s darling wife wants to visit him when he’s incarcerated and always gets what she wants. 
"I want to see Hannibal"
It was more of an order than a suggestion, but they still looked at your as if you were crazy. Hannibal had just been arrested for thirteen counts of murder and cannibalism, and you still wanted to visit him.
It didn't make any sense.
In his testimony about you, he'd made you out to be an unknowing victim of his. His little wife that was none the wiser to his crimes.
A lie.
Everyone knew that it was a lie, but they couldn't prove that you'd broken any laws and it kept you safe from harm. It kept you in the clear as far as the law was concerned and that was Hannibal's main objective.
He was very smart and thought through everything, so you knew he had a reason for not implication you in his crimes...but you didn't like it.
Sure, you didn't want to go to jail, but his testimony undermined all of your years of devotion and love. You had been one hundred percent involved in what he'd done, and everything he was but the media didn't need to know that.
They wanted you to be the innocent little wife, and if that was what they wanted...you would give it to them.
You cried in court and put on an act as if you'd never had any clue that your husband was a murdering cannibal. You even went as far as becoming a vegetarian, really selling the 'fear of meat' to the public.
It was all one big act but you didn't mind. Hannibal had been parading around in public for a long time pretending to be something he wasn't. It wasn't until he got home that he was able to shed that person suit and let you really see what kind of person he was.
You couldn't help who you fell in love with, not really and Hannibal was your person. He was the only person in the world who understood you and you'd play whatever game you had to in order to be with him again.
But you'd had enough of the distance.
Your large house was lonely without him and you couldn't take the silence anymore. It was going to drive you mad if you didn't at least try to make contact with the man you loved.
His letters helped, they made you feel closer to him but it was nothing compared to coming face to face with him. There was nothing in the world that made you feel as complete as having those dark eyes focused solely on you.
It made you feel at peace, it made you feel whole and you right now, you were missing a part of you.
A part of you that could only be found in the arms of Hannibal Lecter.
"We cannot let you do that Y/N, you know that" Jack started, earning a near eye-roll from you. Hannibal was under orders to not be seen by anyone but you happened to know that Fredrick Chilton had been there just a few days ago.
If one of Hannibal's victims could have a meal with him, then why couldn't you? The two of you had been married for nearly twenty years, and that had to mean something to the courts.
You were the only family he had and it was within his rights to see you.
"I'm not asking Jack, you will take me to see him" you repeated, this time becoming more forceful. It was clear that was the only way you were actually going to get anything out of this man.
Jack could be stubborn but no where near close to you. You'd been dealing with Hannibal all your life, and he was a hell of a lot more hard-headed than Jack could ever hope to be.
He wasn't happy about it, you could tell but it didn't matter, not really. He knew that you wouldn't let up until you saw him, so he made a few calls, not really in the mood to argue with you about it.
You were accustomed to getting your way, it was just the way your world worked, so you weren't surprised when Jack told you to get into his car...no doubt on your way to the prison.
You desperately wanted to see Hannibal again to the point where you could hardly sit still during the entire car ride over.
After all this time, you were going to see your husband again.
“Thank you Jack, I know that this isn’t what you wanted” you hummed, reaching over to take his hand in your own to give it a squeeze. Everyone thought that Hannibal was a cold, unfeeling monster and maybe he was but that didn’t mean that you had to be.
You appreciated that Jack was willing to do this for you, even after everything and at the very least, you were going to let him know that.
The man smiled, only briefly before letting his face fall stoic again. He wasn’t happy about this and knew it was a bad idea but if it would get you out of his hair for a while, it would be worth it.
He was sure of that.
“It’s no trouble Y/N, no trouble at all” he assured, using your real name for the first time in a while. He had always called you Mrs.Lecter, as you’d instructed him to do but it would seem that with Hannibal behind bars, that formality had melted away.
Not that it bothered you too much. You understood his hesitance and were not going to argue. People processed things at different rates and eventually, Jack would accept this, as you had.
However, before you could continue talking, the car pulled into the prison, where Hannibal was being held in a secure wing, all by himself.
They knew better than to put him anywhere near other prisoners, he was too dangerous.
You hopped from the car excitedly, with more zest than you’d had in a while...realizing just how close you were to seeing the man you loved.
It felt like it had been forever, and in a way, it had.
You were patted down and checked in every way, before being given security clearance to enter Hannibal’s secure wing, with one surprising twist.
When you turned around to your escort, you were surprised to see Alana Bloom, walking with a cane. You never thought you’d see her again.
“It’s been quite some time Dr.Bloom” you greeted, reaching out to take her hand, though she rejected it...not that you could blame her. It made perfect sense that she would be angry after everything that Hannibal had done to her.
It was no skin off your back if she was angry though, you were here for one reason and one reason only. You needed to see Hannibal again and if you had to deal with her to do it, so be it.
There were no words between you as she led you down the hall, presumably toward where they were keeping him.
The man in front of you was a sight for sore eyes, instantly filling your body with electricity. It was the same feeling you’d gotten when you’d first laid eyes on him all those years ago.
And honestly, you couldn’t get over it.
You’d missed him so bad.
“Hannibal” You cooed, rushing toward him quickly. Your heels clicked on the floor with each step, which somehow brought a smile to his face. After all the misfortune that he’d incurred recently, there was something so right about having you there.
You were his wife, his world, and his MUCH better half.
And he was surprised to see you.
After everything he’d done, it wouldn’t have surprised him if you weren’t able to look at him ever again. He wouldn’t have blamed you, but based on the look on your face, it was clear that you’d remained completely loyal to him.
“I apologize for my hesitance darling, I wasn’t expecting any visitors” he explained, not that he needed to. You fully understood what he was going through and wanted to help him.
It was your job as his wife to be there for him even when it wasn’t easy, and you intended to keep doing it, no matter what.
“It wasn’t easy but I had to come see you...I needed to make sure that you were okay” you reasoned, sounding a bit more childish than you meant to. It wasn’t your fault that you were being forced to deal with something like this.
There wasn’t exactly a manual for dealing with your husband being imprisoned for murder and cannibalism. You were just making shots in the dark at this point.
“Considering the circumstances, I’m doing well” he joked, giving you that slight smile that let you know when Hannibal amused himself. He had always been so stoic, but on occasion, he did make himself laugh.
He could be quite clever when he wanted to be.
“I’ll always be here for you Hannibal” you promised, and you meant it. There was no way to know when he’d be let out, or if they’d ever release him at all, but if they did...you’d be waiting.
And even if they kept him in that cell for the rest of his life, you would visit him whenever you had the chance.
Because loyalty was the only thing that you had. You were losing everything, but as long as you remained together in all this...then nothing else mattered.
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vintagemichelle91 · 7 years
Enticing Dreams: Dr. Fredrick Chilton X Reader
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Author’s Note: First off, this a very naughty and very NSFW piece. I am slightly nervous about it to be quite honest with you. However, I have no idea what it is about Chilton that he just brings out the naughty in me...the very naughty. Thank you to my beautiful and wonderful writing partner @rauliskafan for convincing me and editing this piece for me. Truly, I am so grateful for how much I have grown as a writer because of you. @yourtropegirl this is my piece for Frederick Chilton appreciation day! Finally, thank you to everyone who leaves such great comments and likes on my pieces...it means the world to me!!! Especially on our Hard Lesson Series! It makes our day! Okay, I am rambling now....please enjoy this latest piece!!! 
The weight of his body pressed you up against the elevator wall as his hands roamed your frame as if in search of hidden treasures. Combing through his thick dark hair with delicate hands, you let the silky sheen tickle your fingertips. Dr. Chilton’s lips met your nape as he inhaled your sweet scent of jasmine as if it was the most intoxicating scent he had ever come across in this or any lifetime. Your chemistry was undeniable, and it could not be ignored. As he nibbled at your neck, you moaned when he located your sweet spot. His scorching hot lips set a tingle up your spine shocking in its pleasure, your need for him so intense that it almost pained you.
“God, I want you,” Dr. Chilton groaned as he squeezed your breasts, his lips lovingly lapping at your heaving flesh.
“Take me… please,” you whimpered, begging for him here and now even as part of you wanted his hotel room, his bed. An elevator was not going to allow for a heart-stopping, primal fuck.
His starving kisses ceased once the elevator doors opened at his floor. Dr. Chilton took a step back offered his hand to you. You glanced at his outstretched fingers before finding his lustful green eyes. Catching your breath, you let Dr. Chilton curled his free hand into a fist as he took in the sight before him. You leaned against the wall, placing a hand over your chest, your pink, pillowy lips swollen from the kissing as your eyes gleamed with hope of the delicious desire about to be more than a dream.
“Don’t deny me now,” he said, his voice low and dark.
You shook yourself out of your lustful daze and immediately placed your hand in his. Dr. Chilton practically yanked you out of the elevator and led you down the empty hallway of endless rooms. You almost had to run to keep up with his determined pace. Having wanted him ever since you met him in the university courtyard, even though he acted like a complete asshole. Still, such a handsome jerk. Then, the unexpected happened. He apologized like a complete gentleman, and you started over. Dinner was surprisingly wonderful; he had exceptional taste in cuisine and wine. The conversation was enticing, and you bonded over your love of art. As the evening trickled towards its end, it you felt a flame ignite when you kissed…
…and now here you were inside his expensive hotel room.
Slamming the door shut behind them, Dr. Chilton took hold of your waist and began to kiss you passionately. His lips completely dominated yours, and you gave into him without a second thought, tasting the expensive red merlot lingering on his lips as he moaned into your mouth, and his tongue parted your lips. Your hands needed to caress, to stroke, to lay claim to every inch of his delectable body.
And still you wanted more.
“Lie on your back,” you commanded softly as you pushed back slightly. His gaze was knee-buckling as he nodded, and he shrugged off his navy-blue blazer, loosened his intricate tie. You watched him settle against the many pillows of the sprawling bed, practically moaning at the sight of him ready for you, his erection already making his dress pants incredibly, enticingly tight.  
Flashing him a sultry smile, you climbed on the bed and crawled towards him. His intense gaze never left yours as he carefully watched your every single move, prey watching the predator and begging to be devoured. Hiking up the fabric of your light pink dress to your waist, you put your weight on your knees and gently pressed your lacy mound to his cock. Almost instantly, he let out a deep groan when he felt your heat on him. You smiled and pressed harder as his whimpers grew louder.
Feeling encouraged, you began to grind your hips to his. Dr. Chilton’s whimpers turned into moans then gasps. You released whimpers of your own, loving the feel of his manhood against your clit. The music of his moans turned you on even more, and you began to lose yourself, pleasuring him bringing the greatest pleasure to you. By now you knew that you would never be able to get enough of this man, and you leaned your hands on his chest, closing your eyes as you relished the way he teased your most sensitive spots.
Dr. Chilton’s breath caught at the sight of you biting down on your lower lip as you writhed on top of him. He called out your name, but you were lost in the delightful sensations and did not realize that he was staring up at you until he grabbed your thighs. Only then did your eyes fly open, and you smiled down at him as he came immediately.
Bowing your head, you placed a chaste kiss on his lips. “I want do so many more lovely things with you… to you.” Your voice was soft and breathy, seductively tempting him to give in.
Hours later, you stood in the shower alone washing away the passion of the night. Lost in a lather of sweet-smelling soap, a pang of disappointment hit you; he had yet to join you in the warm water even though you left the bathroom door unlocked. Images of your lust flashed through your head, and you grew wet in other places, picturing Dr. Chilton thrusting into you, making you scream in ecstasy. You began to squeeze your breasts, pinching your nipples with one hand, the other falling lower to your aching folds. You started to rub your clit, letting out a small moan, and then you slipped in two fingers and started thrusting in and out as fast as you could.
Never once did you stop envisioning him, the sexiest man you had ever known. Releasing your breast, you placed your free hand against wall to steady yourself, your eyes tightly shut as your mouth fell open. A surprised yelp passed over your tongue when you felt large, lovely hands at your waist, pulling you back. Dr. Chilton had you pinned against him. “I am a little disappointed you started without me.” His hands captured your full breasts as he playfully suckled your neck.
You moaned as he placed his fingers on your nipples and moved them in small, teasing circles. Running your fingers through his hair, your free hand fell to your clit again.
“No, no. None of that,” Dr. Chilton said when he saw what you were doing. “It’s my turn to take control.” And he did just that, seizing your wrists and pinning your arms at your sides. You nodded without hesitation. “On your knees,” he commanded, without letting you go. You dropped to your knees, to shower floor. “I want you to suck me.” he ordered.
Something about him made you comply to his every single wish. You began to kiss the tip of his member, sliding your tongue up his massive length, before your kisses swirled down his slick piece once more. He moaned, but tightened his grip on your hands. “Use your mouth already,” Dr. Chilton growled.
Obeying as your lips parted, you took him in as far as you could and sucked twice before pulling away again. He groaned appreciatively as you worked around his cock as his breath began to quicken. Soon he thrusted into your mouth before he dropped your wrists and gathered your hair with his fists in a tight grip, pushing his cock deeper as he used his hand to guide your head. His manhood hit the back of your mouth, and you tried to focus of your breath as he fucked your mouth. You wouldn’t do this with any other man.
But for Dr. Chilton you would do anything.
When he felt himself getting close, he stopped and pulled your hair upwards. As you stood, he turned you around so your back was to him. You felt his cock hard against your ass as he teased your nipples, pinching and twisting them.
“Fuck me,” you whispered, an overwhelming need washing over you in this vulnerable position. The intense carnal desire between you was just too much, but you could not stop. Now as before, you desperately needed him inside you.
“Hmmm?” he hummed in your ear as he continued to play with your breasts.
“Fuck me,” you repeated.
“What do we say?”
“Please, baby.”
“I didn’t hear you.” His hand fell to your clit and made you cry out as he rubbed harshly.
“Please, baby!”
He guided you forward so that you were pinned against the shower glass. “That’s my good girl.”
           Two fingers found their way into your wet folds, and he pumped them in and out, curling them inside you with every few thrusts. Gasping and moaning, you tried to grind against his hand, but he had you so close to the glass wall that it was impossible for you to move. Dr. Chilton nibbled your neck and you pressed your arms against the glass to try to keep yourself grounded. Which was impossible when he added a third finger. Crying out at the power of his touch, his speed, your orgasm hit you intensely. You tried to arch your back, but he held you so tightly, and you splayed your hands against the glass wall, desperate to grab something. With one cheek trapped against the glass, and he kissed the other, exposed one, tenderly.
           Dr. Chilton backed away and you almost crumbled to the shower floor, but he took you in his arms. “Oh, I am not done with you yet...”
Your stared at him with wide eyes. “What else are you going to do?”
Smirking, he kissed you full on the mouth. You sighed happily and parted your lips to give his tongue access. In this blissful moment, you did not notice that he had you pinned against the glass again until he guided your legs up and wrapped them around his waist. With his lips still on yours, he started to slam into you, making you gasp as his grunts and groans filled your watering mouth. He thrusted into you hard and fast as you clawed at his shoulder blades. “Oh, Freddy, oh!” You screamed, grateful that the shower drowned out your cries. You were still sensitive from the first climax, but his rhythm was intoxicating, and you were twisting and thrusting back just as hard.
Sensing that he was as close as you were, you took his thick hair in your hands, pulling his face to yours. The sensation of his labored breaths against your skin and the way he stared at you sent you over the edge, and you let out another scream at the top of your lungs. Dr. Chilton moaned at the feel of your pussy clenching around him, and his thrusts became even more fervent. Shaking, you went completely limp, but he kept you on your feet. Placing small kisses on his shoulder, you waited until he finally came inside you. Once he let out a shuddering breath, and you pressed your forehead to his, completely and utterly contented.  
Waking up with a mewling moan and sweat dripping down your forehead, your heart beat rapidly inside your chest. Despite in the alarming way you left your dreams, a small smirk spread across your lips as you recalled your steamy and sexy fantasy with one Dr. Frederick Chilton. The throbbing ache between your thighs was a vivid reminder. Settling back into your silk sheets, you could not help but feel a surge of joy. You would see him tonight. The fantasy would become a most blissful reality. And tomorrow morning you would wake in his arms, in paradise’s embrace with no need to dream when you could peer into his glorious green eyes.
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A Lovely Nightmare 
Chapter 2
Pairing: NBC Hannibal Lector x Reader
Summary: Y/n was a consultant with the FBI she was an informant. she learned a little about a lot. She Is asked to consult on The Chesapeake Ripper case when she was targeted by a copy-cat of the ripper. Will introduces her to Doctor Lecter. They become intrigued by each-other. Soon after meeting Dr. Lecter the copy-cat ripper makes an attempt to kill her and puts her in the hospital. Jack suggest she stay with Dr. Lecter and everything goes down hill for Y/n.
WARNING: Murder, Blood, implied cannibalism, gun shots, abuse, alcohol, violence, language, and assault
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Chapter 2: Dinner
Y/n set the silverware and plates on the table in Hannibal's dining room. Once a month Y/n and Hannibal would have dinner together they would switch who makes dinner this month it was Hannibal's turn. They had started this routine shortly after Y/n stopped being his 'patient' The night would always go she showed up at his office before he'd leave on a Friday. They'd go to either her apartment or his house.
If it was her apartment it would be a meal like a casserole or something she couldn't screw up. Hannibal would offer to help but she would hand him a champagne glass and let him pick whatever wine, champagne, or other drink he wanted. He'd set the table and they'd eat and talk about the month.
if it was his house it was an elegant dinner. They'd go to his house and as soon as she was inside he'd take her coat and hang it up then start on dinner while Y/n sets the table then she'd come in the kitchen and he'd give her a wine glass that usually contained water or whatever wine she picked. He'd finish making dinner and they'd eat and talk.
Now normally when Hannibal cooked he would serve the type of meat in his diet to his guests but he never had with Y/n. Hannibal didn't have many friends but she was one of the few. He knew she was former CIA and that the FBI didn't like her so part of keeping her around was insurance. He knew if the FBI or CIA were looking into him they'd go to her first then she'd tell him about it.
Tonight Hannibal was making spaghetti. Y/n came into the kitchen and sat at the island where he was cutting up some parsley looking stuff. Hannibal reached behind him and handed a wine glass to her. Y/n smiled at him as she took the glass.
"You didn't want Will knowing we know each other." He sated not looking up from his work, "Is there a reason for that?"
"Do I need a reason?"
"After everything the FBI put you through I suppose not I just find it odd," Hannibal glanced at her, "You're working with them again?"
"Yes, Jack wants my help on the Chesapeake Ripper case. I doubt it will ever be solved. He's very clever and clean. Jack thinks I can help because Will can think like a serial killer and I-" she stopped remembering she had said that to Zeller and may have scared him.
"You can kill like one," Hannibal said finishing her thought. Hannibal stirred the pasta, "Have you run into Agent Holsin again yet?" Agent Holsin was an FBI agent that Y/n had dated years ago. She had broken up with him though Hannibal's advice. Y/n looked at her drink.
"No. I'm too sober to think about him right now. No one in the FBI or CIA knows about that so if Jack calls on you for help don't bring it up."
Hannibal nodded as he finished making the spaghetti. He brought it out to the table along with a bottle of vodka. Y/n followed him with a small basket of garlic bread. He set the food down then pulled out Y/n's chair for her.
"So, You are looking for this copycat tomorrow?"
"Yeah I gave to go ask some sex workers if they've ever seen anyone hanging around that is odd. Aside from the creepy customers they have. Enough about my depressing call to action. Will is your patient?"
"Yes and no. Jack wants me to keep an eye on will and assess his mental state."
"So it's more of so he doesn't become Fredricks patient type of thing?"
"yes...you just call Dr. Chilton by his first name." Hannibal and Dr. Chilton were colleagues. They got along most of the time but not when it came to Y/n. Now Hannibal wasn't jealous by any means he just didn't like the thought that the general administrator for Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane was basically Y/n psychiatrist at this point. In all reality Y/n just saw Fredrick as a friend who assesses the murderous mentally unstable.
Y/n looked at Hannibal over her wine glass seeing the look of disapproval in his eyes. She knew that when it came to her they didn't get along. every time the three were together she would attempt to get her boys, as she called them, to just relax. Fredrick and her were not as close as she had Hannibal believe but she found the irritation the belief caused very amusing.
"Hannibal, he is my friend not my doctor. Plus if your concerned they'll lock me up just know if they were gonna send me to that place they would have years ago."
After they had eaten and y/n helped him clean up. She headed out to her car and drove home for the night. In the morning she headed down to the area of town most of the night girls were in. She asked the any of the sex workers willing to talk to her if they had seen anything most described a law enforcement type of man but she expected that. Too many cops she knew condemned these people but after the sun went down could be caught enjoying their 'company.'
While Y/n was questioning the sex workers she was unaware that the copycat was watching her from the top of an apartment building. She had his full attention and interest but didn't know it yet. She would very soon though...
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