#free adoption acnl
maskedblackfox · 5 years
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Oh, look, another free villager adoptable
Her name’s Fae
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tundrakatiebean · 7 years
ACNL Dreamie Help
Hey folks! I have some amiibo cards and am willing to help nice people get some of their dreamies. Below the cut is a list of the amiibo cards I have. If you see someone you want contact me and we can talk about specifics like when you’ll be able to pick them up. These villagers are free, but if you have the time I’d appreciate a visit to my main town since I’m trying to get my gold hostess badge. 
Take a look and see if there’s someone you want! The list is alphabetical.
(for my list of ACNL RV’s I can call for you check out this post)
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acnhadopt · 4 years
acnladopt is back > now acnhadopt
With the most recent update, this bug has been fixed and adoptions should go smoothly now. Please download the update before adopting (out) villagers.
Submissions will be open from now on, April 3rd, for both ACNL and ACNH villagers.
Please note that our rules have not changed. We are still only posting submissions of villagers being given away FOR FREE. Find our rules here.
For people looking to give away villagers for free: > We only accept submissions of villagers who are already in boxes or have an announced moving date! > Submit a villager you will give away for free here to get them adopted. Copy&paste and fill in the entire form. > It is imperative that you have a tumblr account. You will be contacted directly by interested folks, so make sure to have your asks/dms open. > Send us an ask with the post number (/post/11111111) once they were adopted so we can mark them as adopted.
For people looking to adopt villagers for free: > Directly contact the person who submitted the post, not us. Provide them with your FC, town/island name, time zone and availability. > Do not adopt from someone asking for something in exchange for a villager. Report them to us (include a screenshot or link!) and we will take the post down. > We do not accept requests for villagers.
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yamgrove · 8 years
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The time has come for Marshal to leave my town. I’ve had him for like two years now, so this has been a very painful decision. I thought it wasn’t important to me about how well my villagers and their houses suited my town theme, but I guess that’s changed :-( 
So I really need someone to adopt him. It is vital that I know he’s moved to somewhere he will live happily, with a mayor that will love him as much as I do and take very VERY good care of him. I’d say he’s free but he isn’t, the price is giving him as much love and attention as he deserves and if there ever comes a time where you can’t have him anymore I need you to make sure he goes to another good home too. That’s a mayor’s oath you will be breaking if you don’t!!
As you can see from the pictures he is an amazing friend with a pure heart and soul ;-;
So if you want him let me know! You will also receive his picture with him if you want! Please do not ask for him if you’re only interested in trading him and not having him long term. I know this post isn’t very aesthetically pleasing but reblogs are appreciated :-)
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dethl · 4 years
for animal crossing ask, 1-5 and 25-30!
this feels like christmas lol
Are you of the “Tom Nook is a crook” or “Tom Nook is an honest businessman” opinion? 
NOOK IS AN HONEST MAN AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN. rent-free loans with flexible payments, in acgc all the art he sold was ALWAYS genuine, he took in two orphans and adopted them as his nephews. 
man started with a fucking shack as a shop after being scammed to hell and back from redd, and throughout the games hes slowly been able to afford to build up his shop and later achieve his dreams of working in real-estate. you literally support each other by giving him the money to upgrade the shop, and him giving you the money to upgrade your home and furnish it! not to mention most of what he and the nooklings buy is like, literally a tanuki’s diet - fish, bugs, insects, he basically pays you for meals every day... 
SORRY I THINK I JUST GOT POSSESSED BY TOM NOOK I DIDNT EVEN GET INTO THE ABLE SISTERS STUFF. i just love how subtle the character building is in these games and how you really do watch them slowly evolve as characters, like nook starts out kinda crass in the first game, but even in THAT one he starts adapting to being more polite, and now hes like the nicest fucking man ever
Do you play as yourself or a made up character?
myself with less messy hair and clothing styles i want irl
Where is your house located? 
i made this little lake like the ones in acgc and i put my house next to that!
Who were your first villagers?
renee (rhino), that red hippo, wendy, molly (fucking starter house!), uuuuuhhh, lucky was my first islander, idk who else cuz theyre all moved out now (except lucky)
Preferable method of earning bells?
uhhh when my friends get high turnip spikes they let me sell and ill have a million or so last me for a while. ive also sold NMT before when i had a 3mil bell terraforming project cuz uhhh desperate times call for desperate measures lol
Favorite time of day to play?
i find myself gravitating towards 9AM-12PM a lot, and 4PM. dunno why
Favorite special visitor event or reward? (Ex: Selecting an art piece from Redd, aiding Guliver and getting a special item, etc)
i love redd just because hes funny lol
Favorite KK song?
two days ago, KK cruisin’, drivin’, KK sonata, cafe KK, KK synth, KK metal (goes on for an hour)
Favorite animal crossing game?
wild world!! something about that one just stands out as so unique from the other entries, like just the overall tone shift from ACGC to WW was massive and the amount of stuff that was added, it was like seriously such a driving force on making the series what it is today i love it
If you’ve played Animal Crossing before, are there any animals you’re nostalgic for? If this is your first game, has any animal in particular left some effect on you?
TABBY TABBY TABBY TABBY TABBY. i finally have her again for the first time since acgc, she has such a unique design and always left such a huge impact for me. i also recently got one of the villagers that admittedly i teared up when she left my acnl town - skye!! and as for like villagers in general that give me nostalgia, cally and candi - but holy shit did they fuck up translating their designs to HD, candi looks like she has two sets of eyes
Share a story from your gameplay
a few weeks ago i literally spent 5 hours purging my town of flowers, i think i got rid of like 980. now i think theyre all grown back .-.
a while back i traded to get julian for 100NMTs, and then a month later i was like “hm nah” and gave him for free to someone
ONCE I HAD A SCORPION SPAWN ON TOP OF A HOUSE and like, my storage was full so i couldnt just take a picture so i tried pulling my phone out. as soon as my camera app loaded it walked off.....
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harvest2036 · 7 years
yoo @ anyone who wants acnl pate, she’s moving out soon- may 3rd 2017, free villager man
update she's gone heck
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clownfluid · 5 years
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so this person on deviantart ( misskanabelle ) drew these cute as fucc ACNL animal bases; but the file was hUGE and couldnt be opened in sai, so i cracked out the ol' photoshop and fixed that without losing the crispy resolution!!!! 
And then also did a binary/pixel one that should also work with mspaint or whatever else?? (ppl w broken tablets like me maybe) . . anyway, they said people are absolutely free to edit them to their delight or use them for commissions or adoptables or whatever so long as credit is linked somewhere!
if uploading these on tumblr makes it so u cant download i put em here also
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the subathon and thousand follower celebration is tomorrow! get your party outfits on and let’s have some fun! there are going to be a bunch of different games and prizes, so check the list for what you might want to play/try to win! yes, you will want to come with your pockets (and letters) empty! twitch.tv/fuchsiarascal, 2pm CST
labyrinth: prizes available: sanrio sets and villager adoptions. five minute time limit to grab as much as you can from the labyrinth!
maze: first to reach the end of the maze gets a pocketful of bells!
weeding race: first to pull all the weeds in their lane wins the entire weeding day set!
swimming race: start at the top corner of the ocean and make your way all the way to the far bottom corner to win the pirate set and your choice of any of the wet suits (including the rental wet suit for your personal use)! runners up will get to choose wet suits in order of finishing.
extreme hide and seek: avoid the pitfall seeds to find your perfect hiding spot or the other players! there’s no prize for this one, but it should be hilarious.
(just a note, we know that the wifi on the 3ds can be less than stellar, so please have a good connection before attempting to participate in the games.)
some info about the subathon itself:
the goal is 50 sub points (currently at 20). 35 will unlock one additional emote, 50 will unlock two. (did you know that if you have amazon prime, you can connect your twitch account and get one free sub every month? it would help us reach our goal without you spending anything!)
for every 5 sub points we gain, i will gift a sub to the community (up to hitting 50 points)! this is random but usually goes to someone in chat because of how twitch algorithms work. so even if you don’t have money, coming and hanging out could win you a sub!
for every $5+ donation, i will spin the spin wheel! spin wheel prizes include adopting any* villager (that’s possible to be adopted, so no sanrio villagers), entry into my giveaway towns, stickers, giving the cats treats, and more! (villager and giveaway towns will have to be coordinated after the event.)
gift 5 subs or more, or any tier 3 sub, and i’ll send you stickers of all of our current emotes
if you receive or give any subs, i’ll blow up a balloon in your honor and write your name on it! hey, we don’t call it the ballooney bin for no reason...
if we hit 35 sub points, not only will we get one new emote, i’ll do an entire week of fun cat games! there are probably more out there than you think.
if we hit 50 sub points, i’ll stream my original animal crossing gamecube town! this is what i started streaming with, and it would be fun to go back and show everyone!
every sub will add 5 minutes to the stream, with an 8 hour maximum. we’ll play mario kart and splatoon after we’re done with acnl games!
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comradecrossing · 6 years
hi do you have any tips/recs for someone who’s just starting new leaf? i had it a long time ago but i stopped playing, and now i want to start playing again but i don’t remember it well 🙈
Hi! This might be long but! When I restarted this last time I was worried it would get boring real fast like with my first save, so I planned out as much as I possibly could ahead of time.
Think of a theme that makes you happy! Do you love witchy/fairy things? A specific color? maybe a season? particular villager animal? Aliens??? If you can figure out a theme you can build around (and it can be ANYTHING) then you will have much more confidence when you first step foot in your new town!
Now I’m gonna use my town as reference, so, I really like the Witchy/Fairy aesthetic and I knew immediately thats what i was going to do. I’m bad at town names, but i like Pokemon and remembered they have a fairy town, so I looked it up and got my name and figured why stop there? That’s how Laverre City became one of my sole inspirations for my town. I was inspired to restart because of hackers so even though I cant hack, I think about things I might like to do, or really want to do when/if i ever can and i have some big ideas lol im so sad. So ultimately i settled on a fall themed town (not perpetual fall but looks best in fall and the dreamcode will be of the town in fall) with lots of pink cosmos and regular saplings to give off a resemblance to Laverre City :)I then looked at a lot of forest and dreamy type towns to get some inspiration like mushroom rings, layout ideas, and items or PWPs to use. I also checked sites like animal crossing wikia to make a list of PWPs I might like in my town and chose 30 possible options (you can only build 30) and check the space requirements.
Once I start for real with a vague idea of where I want to put things I look at all the maps available and if they don’t have specific traits i want (secret beach, desirable town tree location, diving cliff, ponds in places that wont get in the way of projects and landscaping ideas, good spot for the cafe, etc) I restart until a map comes up that I like. Once I arrive in town its time to check my native fruit and rock locations and make sure its up to my standards, and if a resident is important for you to have/not have make sure to check the map too!
Once you get a town you’re happy with and you’ve found the perfect place to call home its time to get serious >: |It’s time for your first shovel and axe.Now, I have always been anti-axe in previous games but this last save changed me. I got a hold of that first axe and chopped down every tree that wasn’t a southern cedar tree! (southern cedars are only possible at the start! If you plant them they’ll only grow in the North, thats the top half of your town.) Now your town will feel barren at first and this is the ugliest stage but also one of the funnest -imo- so lets open up your patterns and get started. Now that you have a blank canvas use your green & blue tiles to signify trees/bamboo and bushes, you can even redesign it and write “T” or “B” respectably and start laying them out. You can also use the Yellow to lay down where you want PWPs (make sure to surround two spaces further than the project requires. a 3x3 fountain should look more like a 5x5 area to ensure no one moves directly next to where you want to build). You should have lots of fruit piled up (remember to stack them) so you can layout bush tiles and plant fruit if you’d rather have a better idea of how its gonna look. I planted all my peaches and would later go back and replace certain ones with new fruit i acquired. Its good to have a “this is all a process” mindset because it will take a while to get your town done even if you time travel, but thats good! because the game is all about making your dream town!
So now you have a good amount of the town planned out and probably have some ideas of what to do next. The next few days will be spent checking out how things are growing and making sure you planted things in the right spots. if there’s anything you’re not liking - change it! Your town Your rules!
Now while you are waiting for things to grow and get pretty its time to gather aaaaaallllll the flowers you can find and organize them in a large free space so they are all diagonally touching (XXXX), this way you can get hybrids early on :)Make sure they are the same breed and check hybrid guides so you know which colors work best to make the hybrids you most want and make sure to water them everyday as they will wilt if you don’t have the beautiful ordinance. Hybrids are good to have for trades when you dont have much money.
After all this you should be off to a pretty good start. Try to keep in mind villagers you would like to have and try to make friends online or IRL that you can adopt from (I always post when i have some one leaving and who I am hoping to replace them with and I usually get an offer fairly quickly, even for villagers I was desperate to get out. No matter who they are someone likes them :)) But if your town is set up in a way that you’ll be devastated if your dreamie moves in that one perfectly made up spot, it might be a good idea to plot set &/ reset.Plot resetting is when you make a *NEW* character save to check and see if anyone moved in overnight, and more importantly, if they moved in an undesirable place. If this happens restart and select the new save option until the villager plots in a spot you like. Once they do that build your tent somewhere and save quit. This will make the new residents spot permanent and then you can select the new save once more and delete their home. This could take quite a while if you have lots of “open” space. “Open Space” is how I refer to non-tiled/pwp or house occupied areas and the way I go about this is covering my town in about 75% tiles and spacing out pwps to where there are as few places houses can plot in as possible. Houses wont build over tiles and will plot at least 2 spaces away from other buildings, rocks and projects and one away from clifs and ponds/rivers. They dont care however if there are trees, bamboo, items, bushes, or flowers so be sure to lay out tiles in any place at risk to being plotted on. I refer to this as “Plot Setting” as you can make 3x3 empty plots you surround with tiles which will help villagers know where to plot. If you do a good job and plot everything out just right, you’ll never have to worry about someone messing up your hard work.
Now here’s the kinda sucky part of ACNL and that is The Limitations.Annoying programmed rules that seem to only get in the way such as the 2-space rule between pwps/buildings. This can mess up your aesthetic a lot and sometimes you will have to completely replan things due to a small fact you may have overlooked or not noticed and suddenly your garden isnt looking right so im gonna name off the biggest hassles and how I have gotten around some of them.
Bush + tree + bush: You can line up 12 trees/bamboo and bushes in a line. This works both straight and diagonally. only 12. Now you can leave gaps in some places that will reset the count or do intricate designs like one cedar in the middle of 4 bushes, a line of bushes with trees spaced out directly behind, a pattern of bushes and chopped bamboo, etc get creative. Visiting others towns or looking at pics people post can help you get lots of ideas. Bushes can touch each other but trees & bamboo still have the one space between rule.
PWP 2-space rule: now I’ve already mentioned this a few times but this rule is always the one that I seem to forget when planning. YOU NEED TWO SPACES. I cant tell you how many times i have planned project locations weeks in advance only to not be able to lay them out as i wanted because I got the space requirement wrong or only left one space between other objects :/
Beach Rules: You may have seen cool towns with pwps, cedar trees and hibiscus bushes scattered around their beach and Ive got some bad news; Those are hacked towns. The only thing that can be planted on the beach naturally is coconut and banana trees, flowers, and clovers. Nothing grows on the beach, not even weeds. No pwps can be built there either, even though it was initially programmed to be possible. I currently use the space for hybrid breeding since i have no space to elsewhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tear Down and Build Up: I will say though that even though only maybe 15% of my original plans came to life, my town looks way better than i had ever imagined it would. Don’t be afraid to tear things down and try out different locations or setups you might figure something out that looks amazing compared to your original plans.
Finally, while you can participate in the Happy Home Ratings, you dont have too. Decorate how ever the flip you want. Find new things to do everyday as the game can get old fast and you might get temped to Timetravel (which isnt a bad thing if thats what you want to do, but be careful you dont lose your villagers/flowers! Even though I have the Beautiful ordinance, I water all my flowers incase they pop out a hybrid. I try to earn all the badges, I visit dreamtowns for inspiration, redesign areas of my town, farm PWPs, make patterns, try hunting down items to decorate my house with, etc, this is another area where having a theme can help as you will find inspiration easier, and make you feel more immersed like you’re playing an RPG.
I’ve gone on a lot here and I have more to add but I’ve spent over an hour typing this, but let me know if you have any other questions or need clarification on anything :) I’m not gonna add pics rn but if you need photo reference send another message and I will address it separately and add it here later.
Now heres a bunch of links to help you get invested:MoriBD - A catalog of every in-game item and an option to make a wishlistHybrid Guide - By @nooklingPWP GuideVillager Adoption Further Info on Plot ResettingPWP Farming Towns/interiors I found inspirationalSome QRsHacking info (if youre interested)How to upload your screenshots & Make your screenshot pretty!
Pick the right face when you startOnce you get the QR reader (talk to sable 7 days) you can use these
Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help :)Just putting it out there too, I am always happy to help people get whatever they want/need for no cost whether it be fruits, bamboo, mushrooms, items, hybrids, etc, I will always do what I can to help you out, whether you’re just starting or on your 5th year.
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mayor-boey-blog · 7 years
I'm really not feeling acnl anymore, it's just not fully gripping me as a game. Ive found a love for editing screenshots from the Sims and it's taking up most of my time. I'm sorry for letting people down with adoptions and stuff. If you're still looking when I eventually come back then I can definitely help you. Also feel free to message me on my new account @cowplant-pizza if youve asked me for a villager and are desperate for them, and you can have then for free.
I'll probably be back at the end of Nov for apcp but at the same time, Sims 4 pets comes out early Nov so... Yeah.
I'm tagging @mayor-aby because I definitely wanna stay in touch!! Ily all 😘
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plasmakitten · 7 years
RV Visits Resuming!
Taking a short break. My gates are open and you're welcome to come by ! But I am afk from my console mostly.
Hey all! I have the day off today, so I wanted to give one more chance to do RV visits and turnip spikes for those who may have missed out yesterday or needed to wait for a new accumulation of MEOW Coupons!  Just a tip in case you don’t already know: If you have any ACNL Amiibo cards you can use them with Wisp to get 5 coupons per day. If you TT–this is a super reliable method of getting meow coupons. (You will need the latest 3ds console or a NFC Reader.) – You can find a cheap amiibo card on ebay for $1.50-2.50 free shipping if you just need any card to help you get started. I also may be willing to part with a couple of my own, so just shoot me a message and I will see what I can do for you! 
I am starting a FRESH queue, so submit your requests asap! I ALSO am offering dreamie services for adopting your dream villager.  Again, as always, I only ask in return for you to leave a lovely feedback message on my town’s bulletin board.  There are still just a few gifts left in the town plaza, so feel free to come by and grab one for yourself! 
I’m going to start my RV visits with Epona and Medli. (Current time: 10am September 4th)
Send me your FC if you want to come by! Turnip Spike is at 800! 
After today, I won’t be able to do RV Visits again until Saturday! 
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sailormiro · 7 years
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⭐️ HELLO ⭐️
i just recently started a fresh new town and now i’m looking for my all time dream villager beau! if anyone has him powersaved or available to adopt i would owe you my life!!!! i don’t have much now but i’m always willing to keep in touch and let anyone know if i have someone else’s dreamy moving out when the time comes! please if any other acnl blogs could reblog this i would be incredibly grateful! ❤️ please feel free to message me on here or my main account @linneus !!! i’m always available!
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ninjaubrey · 7 years
ACNL Moved Out Villagers Free For Whoever Wants Them
Okay so I have about 4 or 5 villagers that have moved out and sorta walking around in the shopping areas. I did some google searching on how they can move on to other towns but I didn't know they can be "adopted". I read there is a way to get them out of your "pool" and into other towns but it's random which villager someone will get. The villagers that I have in my pool are: Melba Gracie Fuchsia Bella Peewee I have a vague understanding of how this all works but I think I get the gist of it so if you want any of these villagers just message me.
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simplysimsemma-blog · 7 years
Dreamies *closed*
I want to say sorry to everyone that have asked for a dreamie and I have not been able to get theres I've gave around 20. I was spammed with non stop messages so I decided it was best just to stop giving them away FOR NOW. I may re open adopting services in the future. Please do not message me telling me that you didn't receive your dreamie. I messaged many people telling them I would do a giveaway ext in the future. No date was on that. My personal life is more important then a game. Apologise to anyone who wanted a dreamie. There is a great page on FACEBOOK called ACNl Hacking services they offer free dreamies. Thanks, Emma.
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acnhtradeofficial · 6 years
LF: A home for Bill
Bill the jock duck is moving March 3rd. I don't TT, sorry.
He's free to a good home!
IM: @beartown-crossing or @sombraluz-the-shibe
FC: 4399-4511-9807
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