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harrison-abbott · 4 months
I’ve been scouting for some new work the last few weeks. And I came across this freelance company, a freelance writer’s group, who I scouted out through LinkedIn. And so I applied for them. And I passed the initial ‘test’ with them on the application. So I thought I was getting somewhere. Approaching a ‘proper job’, as it were.
I looked on their site, and I was supposed to book an Order with them – a writing project of which I could work on. Which would be the next step in the process. And I browsed over them briefly.
The information was a bit convoluted, and seemed to involve writing financial letters, or, subjects related to law or insurance. I wasn’t quite knowledgeable about such things, and so I kept browsing. And I came to this other Order that was in the bracket of fiction. So I clicked on that.
And apparently you had to read a synopsis and then make a novelette out of it. But the description said you had to include various things within the piece, that were mandatory. Hmm. None of the information was especially clear. So I kinda hesitated for a while. I was travelling earlier in the month and so wasn’t at home, and hadn’t logged back into the site to book one of these Orders. I still wasn’t quite sure how this company worked.
Then yesterday I got an email from them – an automated one – asking why I hadn’t booked on Order. I was out all day yesterday so I didn’t have time to reply to the email. And, just tonight, in the last hour, I got another email from them, telling me they had temporarily deactivated my account.
I tried to log back in but wasn’t able to. And I thought about emailing them, to tell them that I’d been busy, but I was still intrigued. But, before I did that, I thought I would look the company up online, to see what I was dealing with here. Which is what I should have done from the get go. So I typed into Google something like ‘Is this company reliable for freelance writers?’
And, instantly, there was an entire spate of pages across the first search, relating to this company. Each one I clicked on, there were accounts from freelancers who had worked with this company, and were warning other writers NOT to work with them. There were stories of writers working on entire books and being paid less than minimum wage for it. Stories of deals being severed after the hirer pulled out, leaving the freelancer hanging. And so on, so forth. The main consensus from this group was that it was a dodgy, shoddy company, who weren’t there to help writers, and who were only using them; and they made their money from the other clients who needed somebody to write stuff for them.
I was a bit disappointed. And felt silly that I had been naïve, in thinking that they were legit. I’ve had similar experiences in the ‘writing world’, where groups have expressed false interest, in order to make money from themselves. But, luckily, I’ve realised they were all falsetto. I was glad that I went to Denmark, instead of pursing a career with this phony company.
And, just to say, that’s why I like Tumblr. Because, as writers, we can just post for free. And share our stories and poems. We only post out of a love for literature, and there is no hustle or agenda behind our posts. And so, the Hell with that ^ company. And I’ll just keep posting on here. Wish all you fellow writers well.
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Nyo! Prussia Roleplay Starter
If you are interested in a roleplay, please feel free to like the post or DM me! Looking for: Italy, Southern Italy, Canada, 2p! Canada, Austria, Nyo! Hungary, England, America, Denmark, Spain, Scotland or France. Others may be considered and I am open for polyships. TW: Cancer, Death, Medical, Grieving
When Ludwig was diagnosed with Cancer, no one expected him to not make a full recovery. He was young, healthy, and in shape. The diagnosis was not an early one, but it should have been something he could come back from. It had not been too late, but second stage cancer. Even the doctors that they spoke with were sure that Ludwig would easily make a full recovery with very little issue and aggressive treatments. And yet…there Julchen sat at his freshly buried grave, left alone by the person that she cared for most.
She was there when he was diagnosed, when he started and at every treatment for chemo and radiation. She watched her brother as he changed from a strong, healthy young man to a thin, gaunt, shell of who he used to be. The change was gradual too. Coughing, nose bleeds, lack of energy at first, then one day he fully collapsed at work and was put on long term leave from his job. He was always tired, struggled to keep his food down, and he was not the person he once was all that time ago.
A little under three years into treatment and Ludwig had finally had enough of all the poking, prodding, and treatments. He had accepted that there was no saving him, that he was dying and there was nothing they could do but prolong his suffering further. He opted to stop the treatments much to Julchen’s dismay. The woman wanted her brother to continue fighting but was forced to accept that the gaunt individual was tired and he was ready to let go. He lasted another eight months, and she was there when he was put into hospice and finally, there when he took his last breath.
When his heart monitor was flatline, Julchen screamed and cried. She demanded for him to wake up, demanded for them to resuscitate her brother but he had signed a do not resuscitate order so they could not. Eventually the woman had to be pulled from her brother’s still warm body as he was removed so that his body could be properly readied for burial. When everyone left and the equipment was collected, the Prussian sat in her now empty home with a blank stare. She had spent the last three years caring for her brother, hand and foot. There were no friends, no social circle, no lines of support. Their parents died when he was a teen and she was twenty, leaving her to take care of him until he went off to college and started working. She had never truly known a life without the man in it.
Now that Julchen sat at his grave, the woman felt…empty. Her chest ached, but she could not feel the tears burning her cheeks. She could not feel the cold against her skin, the rain soaking her, nor anything else but the pain of his passing. The woman collapsed into the now muddied soil, quietly sobbing into the ground. There was no way Ludwig could be gone. He was so young and healthy. He was too good, why was it not her? It should have been her. He had far too much left to experience and do for him to be gone.
Who knew how long she had been there, laying on the grave site as she sobbed. She sobbed until there were no more tears, then she sobbed some more. She was absolutely soaked to the bone, cold, and mud. Julchen was unaware of anything going on behind her, the blind woman’s blank stare directed at her brother’s headstone, leaving her vulnerable and alone as no one else had come to his burial.
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svtecharticles8 · 4 years
Jobs Micro – Free Job Posting Websites in Denmark
Jobs Micro is a leader among numerous free job posting sites in Denmark. Jobs Micro comes with very great features which makes the work of the employers very easy. In fact it should be termed as the best among many free job posting sites in Denmark. Jobs Micro provides dashboard for the employers from where they can manage their job postings, edit or renew or delete job posts, manage candidates, shortlist candidates, contact candidates and much more.
With its great presence online, the job posted immediately reaches job searchers across the world and the employers will be contacted by the job searchers in no time. We offer free candidate contact in a simple way. The employers can contact candidates and in the same way candidates can also contact job posters. That is why we say Jobs Micro is the best among other free job posting websites in Denmark. There are many free job posting websites but we are giving all the benefits which a premium employer and candidate would get.
For all features of our Free Job Posting Websites in Denmark visit Jobs Micro.
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sliceannarbor · 5 years
Jeff Gordinier
Food & Drinks Editor, Esquire Magazine Author/Food Journalist Hudson Valley, New York jeffgordinier.com noma.dk Photo by Andre Baranowski
In this, our 122nd issue of SLICE ANN ARBOR, we are honored to present food journalist and author Jeff Gordinier. Gordinier talks with SLICE about his new book Hungry: Eating, Road-Tripping, and Risking It All with the Greatest Chef in the World — and life.  
Jeff Gordinier is the food & drinks editor at Esquire and a contributor to The New York Times, where he was previously a reporter. In his latest book, Hungry: Eating, Road-Tripping, and Risking It All with the Greatest Chef in the World, Gordinier chronicles four years spent traveling in Mexico, Australia, and Denmark with René Redzepi, a Danish chef and the creative force behind Noma, often referred to as the best restaurant in the world. Gordinier provided commentary for an episode of Netflix's Chef's Table series featuring Jeong Kwan, a Buddhist nun in South Korea and an avatar of Asian temple cuisine. His work has appeared in Travel + Leisure, Real Simple, Entertainment Weekly, Details, Elle, Fortune, Creative Nonfiction, Spin, Poetry Foundation, and anthologies such as Best American Nonrequired Reading. A graduate of Princeton University, Gordinier is also the author of X Saves the World and coeditor of Here She Comes Now. When he’s not working, you can find him taking care of his four children. Gordinier lives north of New York City with his wife, Lauren Fonda; they have a view of the Hudson River from their bedroom.
[Jeff Gordinier will be at the Shinola Hotel in Detroit on Tuesday, July 23, 2019, to celebrate the release of Hungry: Eating, Road-Tripping, and Risking It All with the Greatest Chef in the World, where he will be in conversation with chef George Azar, owner of Flowers of Vietnam, Detroit. The discussion will be moderated by Devita Davison, executive director of FoodLab Detroit]. 
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Book: Impossible to say, but for now, Patti Smith's Just Kids, James Schuyler's Selected Poems, Alexander Chee's How to Write an Autobiographical Novel.
Destination: Anywhere I have never been before, so I will say Japan.
Motto: "I promise I will get back to you."
How [and when] did the concept for Hungry originally take shape?
When I first met chef René Redzepi, in 2014, I was working as a food writer on staff at The New York Times, and it's safe to say I was wary of the fame he had achieved and skeptical about the New Nordic movement that he had instigated. Redzepi and I wound up traveling through Mexico together for a story I wrote for T Magazine, and that led, over time, to more Noma-oriented encounters and experiences. I soon started spending my own money to check out what Noma was doing in Copenhagen and in Australia, et cetera, and eventually I became intrigued enough that I quit my job to join the circus: I left my post at the Times and began tagging along on the trips that make up the bulk of Hungry. (My gig at Esquire gives me a lot of leeway to travel, and the only way to tell this story was to be free to hop on a plane at a moment's notice.)
For decades I've been a fan of the D.A. Pennebaker documentary Don't Look Back, which captured Bob Dylan at a crucial moment in his career, with all of the friction and frustration that that entails. We're lucky that Pennebaker managed to be present to get footage of Dylan, this pioneering cultural figure, when the singer-songwriter was in the midst of so much pressure and transformation. I guess I hoped to do a similar thing, in a book, with Redzepi — I felt as though I had warts-and-all access to this influential person during a genuine inflection point, and I didn't want those observations to go to waste.
What if, I thought, you were riding alongside Dylan from, say, 1965 to 1968 — from the moment he (controversially) went electric all the way through the recording of Blonde on Blonde and John Wesley Harding? That sort of framework seemed available with Redzepi, because he and the Noma crew were preparing to embark on a series of risky, difficult pop-ups (in Japan, Australia, and Mexico) at the same time that the chef was planning to shut down the restaurant that had made him famous and reopen it in a new form on a site that looked like an abandoned nuclear dump. It was a dramatic set-up - and impossible to resist.
What was your overall vision for the book, before you embarked on the journey?
I had embarked on the journey long before I envisioned it as a book. I was just taking these crazy trips. Along the way I got to thinking that I might have material for a book. The structure of the book came together finally, in my mind, when I realized that it was a cult narrative: Hungry is ultimately the story of a lost man (that would be myself) who found clarity and purpose by joining a cult, only in this case the cult happens to be a restaurant called Noma.
How would you describe the evolution of your relationship with René Redzepi, from day one to the end of the travels? 
He talked. I listened. At first I was slightly dubious regarding the whole mission of Noma, but eventually I realized that there was no point in trying to say "no" to this chef. It was more fulfilling to say yes.
What was a typical day like as you worked your way across the globe?
A lot of eating, a lot of driving, a lot of talking, a lot of analyzing. By the end of each day I tended to be exhilarated and exhausted. But I should point out that I didn't perpetually travel with Redzepi for years on end. Most of the time I was simply back home with my family, working on articles, et cetera. And Redzipi was back in Denmark with his family and his restaurant team. We would take these trips now and then, usually on a whim, over the course of about four years.
Who did you meet along the way from the culinary world (or from other worlds) that you'll likely never forget, and why?
Reporting the book was like being stuck in a culinary version of The Canterbury Tales, because famous chefs floated in and out of our orbit as we moved along. David Chang, Kylie Kwong, Danny Bowien, Enrique Olvera, Roberto Solís, Rosio Sánchez, to name but a few. What I won't forget is the summer day when René and Nadine Redzepi held a picnic in their backyard at which some of the world's top chefs got together and cooked: Jacques Pépin, José Andrés, Danny Bowien, Kylie Kwong, Jessica Koslow, Gabriela Cámara. Daniel Patterson, Bo Bech, Alex Atala. That was wild.
Is there a moment that stands out as most remarkable during the journey?
Really it was one remarkable moment after another. That's why I kept going back. It felt like an amplified version of life.  
How has Redzepi changed the global culinary dialogue about wild and cultivated sourced ingredients?
Answering that would take a couple of days.  
Why did Redzepi "have to do this," a question you asked early in your travels, referring to the closing of Noma in 2015 and its reopening/reinvention in 2018?
Most chefs work hard in a ridiculously challenging environment. Many chefs are perfectionists. But Redzepi is unlike anyone I have written about in the sense that he is never satisfied with sitting still. As readers of Hungry will see, he's allergic to coasting. At this point he and the Noma crew could just keep cranking out the most popular dishes. Customers would continue to beg for tables. But Redzepi seems convinced that his creativity would dry up if he let that happen. So he's always conjuring new challenges — exercises in team-building and flavor-searching that would wear most of us out.  
How did this experience ultimately create reinvention in your life; how did it change you?
When I first met Redzepi, I was feeling stuck, which is something that happens to a lot of us, of course. Redzepi's philosophy — his whole approach to living — represents the opposite of stuckness. Like so many intensely creative people (from Bowie to Beyoncé), he's adept at escaping stuckness by propelling himself forward. He doesn't like to dwell on the past; he doesn't like to stay put. When he and I met, I was in a period of my life that was pretty much all about dwelling on the past, and that contrast seemed narratively fruitful to me. (The book starts off by quoting the first lines of Dante's Divine Comedy, which is sort of an inside joke, because from one vantage point the Divine Comedy can be read as an extravagant metaphor for Dante's midlife crisis.) I felt like both Redzepi and I were at pivotal moments in our lives. As readers will see, I wound up getting kicked out of my mental rut.
What is the wisdom of tearing it all down and starting over?
I think what drew me to Redzepi, long before I tasted his cooking, was his crazy commitment to making the most out of his life and the opportunities that have come his way. For those of us (and maybe it's all of us) who toy with the notion of reinventing ourselves, well, Redzepi comes across as a kind of mad avatar of renewal. He has reinvented Noma itself over and over, and he has also, in a way, reinvented Copenhagen, almost single-handedly turning it into one of the most compelling culinary cities in the world. It can be seductive and intoxicating to be around people who have that kind of energy.
What do you think the Danish chef might have learned from you along the way?
I am still much better than he is at making tortillas.  
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adsthumbsblog · 2 years
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ads4servicecountry · 3 years
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svtecharticles8 · 4 years
Jobs Micro – Free job posting sites in Denmark
Jobs Micro is a leader among numerous free job posting sites in Denmark. Jobs Micro comes with very great features which makes the work of the employers very easy. In fact it should be termed as the best among many free job posting sites in Denmark. Jobs Micro provides dashboard for the employers from where they can manage their job posting, edit or renew or delete job posts, manage candidates, shortlist candidates, contact candidates and much more.
With its great presence online, the job posted immediately reaches job searchers across the world and the employers will be contacted by the job searchers in no time. We offer free candidate contact in a simple way. The employers can contact candidates and in the same way candidates can also contact job posters. That is why we say Jobs Micro is the best among other free job posting websites in Denmark. There are many free job posting websites in Denmark but we are giving all the benefits which a premium employer and candidate would get.
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adsthumbsblog · 2 years
Make Money With Classified Ads Start Today
Affiliate marketing is one of the best fields to get into if you are trying to make money online. It is inexpensive to start an affiliate business, and you do not have to deal with inventory or customers. Its no wonder it is considered the best form of online business.
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The problem most affiliates face however is how to get people to view their products so they can make sales and collect commissions. This is often called the no traffic syndrome. To conquer this you can simply market your affiliate products with classified ads. Their are many sites where you can do this, such as Craigslist which has a lot of website traffic on a daily basis. However, the problem with Craigslist is the stiff competition and the fact that your ad is only one among millions. There is a better way to make money with classifieds.
To make a lot of money with classified ads you need to start by advertising using eBay classified ads. This is great way to do it because eBay has little competition with classified ads. They make your listing stand out, and get you a large amount of visitors for a minimal investment. It only costs $9.95 per ad, and that can get you a lot of exposure and potentially make over 100 dollars from just one ad. Just think what you could do if you posted 100 ads each month!
There is no question that eBay is the best place to post classified ads, because people on eBay usually have their credit card in hand ready to buy a product, which means your conversion rates will go through the roof!
So go ahead and make money with classified ads the easy way!
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swedeandsour · 4 years
Ea Kaya on having a voice in the digital generation; the beauty of flaws and the importance of slowing down
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Though she can certainly count her successes, making music is more than a numbers game according to Christine Kiberg, the Danish pop star better known as Ea Kaya. From her humble beginnings as YouTube cover artist to millions of streams on her Spotify page, Christine's story is one of resilience in an everchanging musical landscape. With her last record taking the heavy words "Fragile but Strong as Hell" in her title, Christine's sincerity serves as a rallying call to the downtrodden. Her music speaking a lyrical honesty rarely spoken, Ea Kaya believes that showing vulnerability isn't weakness, but rather something that demonstrates courage. But despite her successes, Ea Kaya's decided that maybe it's time for a break, to allow for her relationship with music to become intuitive again. Christine knows that she isn't perfect and neither is Ea Kaya, and that sometimes expectations whether business or personal can leave one becoming cynical and self-critical. Catching up online over Instagram memes and emails, Ea Kaya's Christine Kiberg gives us the low-down in an honest interview where she tells us about past successes and the importance of having a voice in an increasingly interconnected and rapidly-changing world. Keeping busy with her studies and reacquainting with nature to kick the Coronavirus blues, Ea Kaya caught up with us to remind ourselves the importance of slowing down and about seeing the beauty through the flaws.
Words: Peter Quincy Ng
Before Ea Kaya began, you were Christine Kiberg playing guitar covers on  YouTube. Although you didn't play your own songs back then, you obviously still  had to put your personal brand into it. Was there a selection process in the songs  you played and what you thought might resonate with fans and yourself? How has  the feedback you received as a cover artist shaped the way you are today as a  musician? 
Selecting the songs to post was quite simple: it had to be a popular, brand new song to catch the most possible viewers or just a song that I had loved. Because of my channel online, I frequently went to sites like Billboard to keep up with  International music just as much as I kept up with the music scene here in Denmark. I’ve been told countless times that my music doesn’t sound like it’s written by a Dane, and this is very likely because I’ve grown up listening to enormous streams of international pop  songs.  
By the way, congratulations on your Red Bull acoustic session of "4 AM" rolling  over one million streams on Spotify! Live sessions as we both know, were largely  exclusive to YouTube in the past, how have digital streaming platforms changed  your outlook as an artist in this new digital era of music consumption.
Thank you! The age of streaming is interesting. On one hand, I think it’s extremely exciting how everyone can release music at any given time. I also love how streaming can function like radio, in that it recommends you new music you haven’t heard before and that  probably wouldn’t find on your own. The streaming world does have a cynicism to it  though, in a degree the music industry hasn’t seen before. The supply of music is enormous, and the listener patience is decreasing. If it wasn’t for the revival of the vinyl, nobody would be buying albums anymore, and you can’t claim that there are big dollars in  streaming. We could discuss the many pros and cons of streaming for hours, but overall, I’ll say it saved the booty of the music industry from piracy.  
Ea Kaya · 4 AM
Anyway, with regards to your latest single, I love the flipping of the age-old adage, “sticks and stones can break my bones but words cannot hurt me” on "Skin and  Bones". As a person of the internet generation how important is it to realize that our online actions matter and the importance of mental health? 
Social media can be fun and we get a unique opportunity to connect with people from all  over the world. The internet is gigantic and it can seem so insignificant to write something  to a person you don’t know, who might even be sitting on the other side of the planet. The message still does reach the receiver though, and if you’ve written something that you wouldn’t tell a person face-to-face, of course your message can still hurt when it’s send in cyberspace. It’s hard not to compare yourself to what you see on social media, and many people already deal with low self-esteem. Nobody is immune to hatred, and only a fool will think their comments and messages are harmless.  
You directed your video Skin and Bones at home during quarantine, but for you,  nature was always integral to your well-being. Tell us about growing up by the water  and the woods, in Denmark and the importance of going outside.  
Everything is moving fast these days, and growing up I was taught how important it is to  pull the plug sometimes and go for a walk. The forest and the ocean therefore equal peace  to me. Besides finding calm, I find a lot of inspiration and happiness in nature. The sounds,  the smells, the beauty - it’s so genuine and fresh. I like the liveliness of the city, but living  far from nature makes me feel claustrophobic.  
The messages in your lyrics are always simple, direct and easy-to-understand. Is it  difficult putting sometimes very abstract topics into words?
Many years ago, I wrote songs that were full of metaphors and poetic descriptions; maybe to protect myself, maybe to sound artsy (laughs). I later found that it was a lot more giving to write songs that made people feel heard, understood and moved, even if it meant that I had to spill all my darkest secrets and deepest insecurities. As a songwriter, I think you  have to be willing to take chances and give away a little bit of yourself if you wish to get  something back.  
Ea Kaya · Cruel To Be Kind
One of the things I've noticed in your video especially "Remedy" and  "Cruel to Be Kind" is the topic of male vulnerability and gender fluidity. Why is it important to have these images? 
I feel extremely lucky to be a part of my generation, because we are more free than ever to love who we love, be who we want to be, express how we feel and believe in what we  believe in. Stereotypes and gender norms can be toxic, and even harmful. Telling somebody what they should do or who they should be won’t change the truth and nothing good  comes with it. For so long, standing out has been a negative thing, but we’re becoming  more and more accepting of each other’s differences. Individuality is becoming a positive thing and it’s just fantastic.  
Ea Kaya · Remedy
The title of your latest EP is "Fragile but Strong as Hell". The archetype of the  female artist is either one of female tenderness or the strong, independent, no nonsense woman. Why is it important to have that middle ground like you mention  in the title of your last record? 
Personally, I think showing weakness is a strength in itself. It’s easy to put up an armor  and only show your bright sides, but it takes courage to let people see when you feel  vulnerable. You can be fragile and strong as hell at the exact same time, and I think it’s  healthy to have both sides.  
Growing up in a musical family, music would seem like an obvious career choice.  But you're also a student in computer science, tell us how that's been and why  you've decided to do it on the back of a successful music career. 
I see why you think it’s an obvious choice. The funny thing is that all of the musicians in  my family are classical musicians, opera singers, to be exact. It’s two extremely different  worlds. It’s definitely a matter of perspective though (laughs)! Besides doing music, I recently  started studying Communication and IT. To be completely honest with you, I’ve felt trapped in a bubble for a very long time. In this business, everyone knows everyone, and most  people talk about the same thing, or about themselves or other people that you both know. Last year I decided I needed to learn something new and challenge myself. So far  it’s working out fine to do both!  
I heard you took your name Ea Kaya from "Ea" and "Kaya", both hypothetical  names you'd give your daughters if your music career never took off. Seeing that all  didn't crash and burn, what advice would you give to other young, female artists wanting to do things the Ea Kaya route? 
The Ea Kaya route is definitely the long, complicated route. If you start from scratch  without a network like I did, my advice for you is this:  
1) Practice! Then practice a bit more!  
2) Look for music offers and connections in your local area. There may be camps and classes that could be relevant. Write on music sites and social media that you are looking  for collaborators.  
3) If step #2 didn’t lead you to amazing partners that miraculously want to help you make  demos for free, then welcome to this step; get yourself a job and save up money to record  those incredible demos of yours!
4) Send your music to anyone you could imagine yourself working with. Be persistent and  if needed, pushy. Forget about modesty - if you’re on step 4, you’ve already worked your  ass off to get here.  
5) Last one: Remember why you do music. Yes, I’m bringing the cheese and the grease, but nevertheless you’re entering a strange, cool place with many ups and downs, so your  motivation is actually a very significant thing to keep in mind.  
You’re a very charismatic young woman and I don't think I can ever question your  success. But one question remains, how exactly how many popsicles did you go  through in your video for "Tied Up"? That's a lot of popsicles from what I see! 
(Laughs) That’s a quality question. I felt so bad about all those popsicles going to waste.  The cashier must’ve given my director some type of look when he went and purchased  that batch! 
Ea Kaya · Tied Up
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adsthumbsblog · 2 years
How to Create Good and Effective Classified Ads
Don't underestimate the power of classified ads, they can give your business access to new and wider markets. Classified ads are generally not expensive, some are even offered free. One of the options is to submit them online through the online classified ad directories or sites. Online submission of classified ads has many advantages related to the big market and flexibility. But one point, you need to make an effective ad to work. Here is the list you should consider in preparing ad to be submitted online.
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Title of your classified ad
The most important point is that your title should have keywords, the only things that make your ad arrives in front of prospective audience. It should be simple, but includes as many keywords as possible. If you sell a digital camera, then put the words "digital camera" in the title, that simple. It makes distinct boundary between ads that turn out in the top list and ads that get buried nowhere in the list. Putting an interesting advertising word near the keywords such as "excellent", "guarantee", "best", and their kinds is also a good option. Otherwise, put emotional words such as "feel" and "enjoy". Your ad should look different.
Description of your products or services
You should make clear, short, and interesting description about your products or services. Place the same keywords as those in the title, they will get indexed well by search engines. Do not let it be too long, unless you write about the benefits, features, or product characteristics. They are the most important selling points you should include in the item description, and even these shouldn't be too detailed. The audiences are online, they can get to other ads as soon as making a click. If they can not find valuable content in the description at a glance, they will leave the ad.
Contact information
Put your contact information such as name, phone number, website, and email is important to assure your credibility to audience. If you have a business name, put it on top of your classified ad. Make it easy for audience to contact you when any further information is needed. It is also your chance to provide more detailed information about the products or services.
Price of your products or services
It is god to state your price to attract serious audience. It is a strength point that many buyers look for before making decision, especially if you offer a competitive price. Otherwise, give some clues such as price range, discounts, and special offer. Some other marketing words will also work, such as "best deal" and "cheap". In most cases, it is always best to provide price information or clues. If your price is higher than the market average, put more strength on your product's advantages.
Additional link or information
This includes whatever information or link that make your audience know where they can buy or get more information about the product. You can link to neutral sites that give reviews, your collection of testimonials from previous buyers, sites or videos that show simulation of product usage, or something like that. Imagine how you can collect all of these marketing supports freely by using online classified ads. This will help to assure and encourage audience to make purchase.
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michaelandy101-blog · 4 years
32 of the Best Website Designs to Inspire You in 2020
New Post has been published on http://tiptopreview.com/32-of-the-best-website-designs-to-inspire-you-in-2020/
32 of the Best Website Designs to Inspire You in 2020
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Every once in a while, I’ll come across a website that really draws me in. So, I found 32 of them to show you.
These sites push the boundaries of what is known to be possible on the web. Whether it’s the design aesthetic, usability, interactivity, sound design, or value that the site provides, each one is a masterpiece in its respective industry, and something to be inspired by.
Not surprisingly, many organizations exist to highlight these sites and the contributions they make to the web. To help surface some of the most inspirational designs, I gathered 32 award-winners that have made their way through several key awards organizations — including Awwwards, UX Awards, The Webby Awards, SiteInspire, Best Website Gallery, and FWA.
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Click the links below to jump to a group of website designs that crushed it in the last several years:
Below this list, I also found six more websites whose homepage designs are just plain cool and worth learning from.
As you browse through the list, know that each site excels in its own way and seeks to serve a unique purpose. While one site may be an excellent example of visual design, another may be an excellent example of interactivity. This means that not all of these sites may be “conversion machines” or blueprint ideas that you can easily copy over to your site.
Rather, they’re great ways to gain some website design inspiration and see the cutting-edge marketing that’s happening in the different corners of the web.
Best Website Designs
Virgin America
Mikiya Kobayashi
The History of Climate Change
Woven Magazine
JOHO’s Bean
World of SWISS
Rainforest Guardians
Protest Sportswear
The Teacher’s Guild
Inside Abbey Road
Simply Chocolate
Citrix: The New Mobile Workforce
Southwest: Heart of Travel
Frans Hals Museum
The Octopus: Design Blog by IDEO
Nomadic Tribe
Guillaume Tomasi
The District
Tej Chauhan
Amanda Martocchio Architecture
The District
Tej Chauhan
Amanda Martocchio Architecture
Beautiful Award-Winning Websites
And the awards go to …
Best Website Designs from 2014 – 2015
1. Virgin America
Award: Most Significant Industry Evolution, 2014 UX Awards
In a world where airline websites are known to be riddled with major usability issues, Virgin America has one of the best websites that pushes usability, accessibility, and responsive design forward. In fact, it’s been named as the first truly responsive airline website, a new precedent in the industry.
Featured by UX Awards
2. Feed
Award: Site of the Day (6/6/2015), Awwwards
Not only is Feed an interesting concept, but it also has a stunning execution that challenges our understanding of what is possible on the web. Through a creative blend of animation and video, the site immerses the user into a very engaging experience. As an atypical site, it contains several unique usability elements as well, including a navigation that doubles as a scroll progress bar.
Featured by Awwwards
3. ETQ
Award: Site of the Day (5/19/2015), Awwwards
ETQ takes a very minimalistic approach to ecommerce with their stripped-down site with big, compelling visuals of their product. Simple, flat, color-based backgrounds accompanied by strong typography help to keep the focus on exactly what the user came there to see: shoes.
Featured by Awwwards
4. Mikiya Kobayashi
Award: Site of the Day (7/4/2015), Awwwards
Mikiya is a Product Designer with a minimalistic portfolio that showcases his work through strong photography and subtle animations. His full site was originally created in Japanese and then translated into English, helping demonstrate the international scalability of his design.
Featured by Awwwards
5. The History of Climate Change
Award: Site of the Day (6/23/2015), Awwwards
Follow the footsteps of Luc Jacquet as Wild-Touch takes you along this visual and educational journey about the history of global climate change. A mixture of historical media and unique animations help tell the story.
Featured by Awwwards
6. Beagle
Award: Site of the Day (4/19/2015), Best Website Gallery
Beagle does an exceptional job of visually and progressively telling the story of their product in a simple and easy-to-digest way. This is a major challenge for many startups, especially when they’re introducing new concepts to existing markets. People want to know, “What is your product? How does it work? Why do I care?” Beagle answers all those questions while simultaneously showing off their product and compelling the user to purchase. Plus, they’re one of few sites that actually implemented “scroll hijacking” correctly.
Featured by Best Website Gallery
7. Woven Magazine
Award: Site of the Day (4/4/2015), Best Website Gallery
Woven is an online publication that celebrates artists, craftsmen, and makers alike. To me, they represent a confirmation that publications can (and should) have beautiful, engaging sites with easy-to-read content. Free of distractions like pop-ups and obtrusive ads, this site all about the experience of the content itself.
Featured by Best Website Gallery
8. JOHO’s Bean
Award: FWA of the Day (8/7/2015), Favorite Website Awards
The website for JOHO’s Bean has incredible imagery, interactivity, story telling, visual design, and most of all, sound engineering. These all come together to create a compelling, emotional, and engaging site that tells the story of a coffee bean’s journey.
Featured by FWA
9. World of SWISS
Award: Best User Interface, 2015 Webby Awards
Another airline?! What is happening?! Yep, SWISS airlines built an incredibly immersive site that tells their story and describes what it’s like to fly with them — and they simply did too great of a job to be ignored. Strong visuals and animations introduce the user to different sections of the site that are packed with information beyond the usual sales and marketing pitch that is so common today.
Featured by The Webby Awards
Best Website Designs from 2016
10. Rainforest Guardians
Award: Best Activism Website, 2016 Webby Awards
Rainforest Guardians became one of the most immersive nonprofit websites of 2016. Seeking to build awareness around deforestation, the site allows users to “visit” the various villages, natives, and waterways that make up the Amazon Rainforest. The site puts interactivity at the center of its user experience — a wise choice if your goal is to get people to connect with your cause and convert into volunteers.
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Featured by The Webby Awards
11. Protest Sportswear
Award: Site of the Year (2016), Awwwards
The Awwwards calls Protest Sportswear a “shoppable look book,” and that’s exactly what this site is. As a clothing outfitter, this website has reinvented the way they market their product: Rather than promoting garments of clothing, Protest Sportswear promotes “looks.” This makes the company’s product the most appealing part of the website itself, using a collage of styles to design a homepage that changes as often as its customer’s styles do.
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Featured by Awwwards
12. The Teacher’s Guild
Award: Best Association Website, 2016 Webby Awards
The Teacher’s Guild is a professional community of educators whose website publishes content that addresses today’s most critical challenges in education. What makes this website award-winning is how it balances diverse content types — programs, solutions, approaches, and collaborations — without overwhelming its visitors. Not only are its background visuals prominently placed, but they also use white space to emphasize the written calls to action at the center, as shown in the screenshot below.
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Featured by The Webby Awards
13. Inside Abbey Road
Award: Best Music Website, 2016 Webby Awards
Google knocked it out of the park with this highly interactive site, which allows users to step into the Abbey Road Studios. Brilliant sound design, navigation mechanics, and visuals mixed with the usual “Google flair” all help draw visitors in to this well-made web property.
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Featured by The Webby Awards
Best Website Designs from 2017
14. Simply Chocolate
Award: Site of the Year (2017), Awwwards
You’ll get a craving for chocolate just looking at this website — and in a way, that’s Simply Chocolate‘s website working as designed.
This appetizing website is that of a Denmark chocolate maker named Simply Chocolate. Its website uses a variety of colors (and creative product names) to promote each chocolate bar. And as you scroll from one product to the next, they all seem to remain consistent in brand. The three-dimensional appearance of each chocolate bar makes you feel like you can grab it off of your computer screen, while the “Add to Box” CTA to the top-left is ideally placed for users to select the products they want while browsing.
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Featured by Awwwards
Award: Best Cultural Blog/Website, 2017 Webby Awards
Nowness is perhaps the coolest crowdsourced video blog on the internet today. That was a mouthful … what does all that mean?
NOWNESS‘s “crowdsourced” nature is part of what makes it an award-winner. This means most of its content comes from independent creatives — an increasingly popular way for businesses to publish content. NOWNESS is also a video blog, meaning all of its blog content is in video format. Together, these qualities help make Nowness a captivating hub for the stories that brands everywhere strive to tell.
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Featured by The Webby Awards
16. Citrix: The New Mobile Workforce
Award: Site of the Day (11/23/2017), Best Website Gallery
This website — dedicated to Red Bull’s partnership with Citrix, a cloud-based software company — is amazing.
The New Mobile Workforce, a site owned by Citrix, uses panoramic photography to show visitors how Citrix is supporting Red Bull Racing’s new race car. Even if you’re not a car-racing enthusiast, the website’s clever animations to explain a complicated automotive technology are hard to ignore.
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Featured by Best Website Gallery
Best Website Designs from 2018
17. crypton.trading
Award: Site of the Day (4/3/2018), Awwwards
Meet crypton.trading, your robot accountant.
Crypton.trading is a trading hub for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, using artificial intelligence to predict changes in a currency’s value and identify key buying and selling opportunities. The website was rated high for its development and design, as it gradually explains more of the developer’s methods the further down visitors scroll.
This award-winning website makes tech-savvy visitors feel right at home the moment Crypton’s greeting appears across the homepage, one letter at a time.
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Featured by Awwwards
18. Southwest: Heart of Travel
Award: Best Visual Design – Aesthetic, 2018 Webby Awards
When Southwest Airlines wanted to prove its customers were “more than just a dollar sign,” the company created a website whose design was assembled using the shapes of their customers’ flightpaths.
The website, called Heart of Travel, even allows visitors to create their own artwork out of a trip they might plan on taking. In this way, Southwest’s website is a product of their most loyal passengers.
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Featured by The Webby Awards
19. Reductress
Award: Best Humor Website, 2018 Webby Awards
It’s not that hard to make someone laugh on the internet; so much of what we read and consume online is meant to be entertaining. But it is hard to do it consistently for a large audience. Reductress is a satirical magazine whose headlines and general reading experience are top-tier in the humor department — making the website itself a quality property.
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Featured by The Webby Awards
20. Overflow
Award: Site of the Day (3/20/2018), Best Website Gallery
Overflow is a design tool that allows people and businesses to create story-like flow diagrams of their ideas so they’re easier for others to understand. Aside from this being just a good service, the Overflow website practices what it preaches: Along with vibrant red call-to-action buttons for downloading the tool, this website promotes its product the best way it knows how — using a flow diagram.
The website delivers this flow diagram in the form of a video. And while embedded videos can look rather clunky sitting in the middle of a website’s other design elements, Overflow’s is perfectly placed and exactly what you’d want to see when landing on the site for the first time.
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Featured by Best Website Gallery
21. Frans Hals Museum
Award: Site of the Year (2018), Awwwards
It can be tough for a museum, whose brand is predicated on a variety of incredible artwork, to bring it all together on a cohesive website. That’s what makes the website of the Frans Hals Museum so impressive.
Located in the Netherlands, this museum has created a website that uses a combination of digital design elements and its own exhibits. This mixture helps visitors understand what they’ll see, when they can see it, and where else they can get a taste of what this museum has to offer. Speaking of the latter, the museum promotes its Instagram account directly on its homepage — a brilliant move for a museum looking to expand its audience across its online channels.
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Featured by Awwwards
Award-Winning Designs of 2019
22. 1917: In the Trenches
Award: Awwwards’ Best Website of the Day
This website, made to promote the film 1917, allows you to walk around the trenches and perform the same mission that the characters did in the film. You can also see their maps or access other tools. 
This is a great example of a site that. went above and beyond with interactivity as well as a site that leverages its own content and prewritten storyline to market its film. This website won Site of the Day by Awwwards which allows designers to vote and nominate great website’s they see daily.
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23. The Octopus: A design blog by IDEO
Award: Business Blog/Website 2019 Webby award
IDEO, a global design company, won the Business Blog/Website 2019 Webby award for its Octopus blog, and for good reason. The blog features a sleek, black-and-white Octopus drawing as its homepage design, and uses yellow, black, and white to create a cohesive theme as you scroll.
If you hover over a blog post, the title is highlighted in yellow, and if you hover over an image, the image is pulled towards you — two small features that make a big difference in terms of creating a unique and engaging user experience. 
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24. Nomadic Tribe
Award: Awwwards’ Site of the Year nomination 
This site, which was nominated for Awwards’ Site of the Year, is one of the more engaging sites I’ve seen. The homepage immediately begins playing a stunning video featuring a man walking across a desert, followed by gorgeous landscape scenes and text like, “Are you lucky enough to call yourself an adventurer?”. 
The text throughout the website is playful, with colorful pinks and oranges and yellows, and the homepage is logically designed, with CTAs placed throughout that range in commitment-level from “Read More” to “Watch Now” and, finally, “Download the App”. Ultimately, the website is beautifully designed with a strong attention to detail, and tells a compelling story throughout.
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25. Diana Danieli
Award: Webby 2019
This 2019 Webby winning site shows off imagery of art and architecture with either high contrast or heavy exposure.  As a website visitor, you can click and drag your mouse to change the photos and variations. Each image shows a piece of work that highlights the artist who owns the website.
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26.George Nakashima Woodworkers
Award: Webby 2019
Other Cool Website Designs
27. Minimums
Minimums takes a very bold approach to the way that they display their content, leveraging a grid-based website design, big typography, and full-width, high-quality images. Their site serves as a really nice example for how to properly execute a grid structure while still maintaining a nice visual hierarchy in the design.
28. MovieMark
MovieMark is a growth marketing agency and HubSpot Partner, whose website is covered head to toe in the service it offers: digital storytelling. Located in Colombia, the agency makes video a core focus of its brand, so it’s only fitting that MovieMark‘s website follows this theme. And oh, how visually pleasing the videos on its website are …
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29. Guillaume Tomasi
As a Photographer in Montreal, Guillaume Tomasi has built a portfolio that’s truly fit to house his unique and awe-inspiring photography. His surreal photo style is juxtaposed by his simple, flat, empty, and minimalistic portfolio design that places all of the focus on the work itself.
His unique series navigation coupled with art-gallery-inspired work introductions and perfect scrolling interactions yield an experience reminiscent of that of a real gallery.
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30. The District
This branding agency takes its imagery seriously, and it should — it handles all channels of media for their clients. The District’s website, alone, is a journey through some of the most beautiful artwork and photography you’ve ever seen.
These provocative tiles change rapidly as you explore the website, and the wackier they seem, the more interested you become in learning about their past work.
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31. Tej Chauhan
Tej Chauhan has turned impressionist artwork into a business model with this intriguing website. Each image on this product developer’s homepage slides out to cover the previous image, offering little context around the object you now see in front of you.
But isn’t that lack of context exactly what makes you want to learn more? The tagline, “Souvenirs of The Near Future,” suggests these objects are a part of their product line — and an opportunity for you to get these innovative objects into your life.
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32. Amanda Martocchio Architecture
An architecture firm might not specialize in web development, but its website should still demonstrate its commitment to visually pleasing design. Amanda Martocchio took that to heart with this gorgeous website.
It’s no secret that Amanda Martocchio Architecture loves its work — each picture on the homepage of its website is an enchanting shot of the houses the company designs. The website labels every house you scroll through with the type of design that was intended, along with numerous angles to each building.
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Website Design Ideas
Now that you’ve seen a number of beautifully designed and award-winning platforms, keep these potential ideas in mind as you create your own.
Consider ways that you can make your website interactive, like the 1917 example.
Make a website that emphasizes the mobile experience, even while it still has a good UX on desktops.
Create a website that tells a story about your brand with photos, text, or video. 
If you can’t create a heavily interactive site, consider drawing in eyes with a site that presents a slideshow of your photos. 
Ensure your call-to-actions are easy to see, and encourage visitors to continue exploring your site 
Keep navigation clean. Ensure your visitors always know how to get back to the homepage.
Integrate your social media sites via social embed buttons, so site visitors can easily follow you on your various social channels. 
Keep each of your web pages consistent in design — including font, colors, images, and messaging. 
Test your website’s usability with a heat map, which will show you on which web pages your visitors are most likely to bounce. 
Include a live chat or chatbot to give visitors the option to engage with you directly on your website if they prefer live chat to phone calls. Live chat can automate functions for your sales and service reps and create a better communication experience for the customer.
Get an SSL certificate to ensure your website is secure. SSL is part of Google’s search ranking algorithm, so an SSL certificate can help you rank higher in search. 
Want more website design examples? Check out these amazing product pages you’ll want to copy immediately.
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yourspacedk · 4 years
Book a session with enrico cappelletto
Here are three proven ways in which will increase your sales:
1. Implement A Risk-Reversal Strategy
Before an opportunity becomes a client, they need to be 100% sure that your product or service will work for them. they need to understand that you simply will deliver on your promises. The prospect has never used your products and services before, in order that they could also be a touch apprehensive. this is often because they're taking a risk (whether financial or emotional) to undertake your product or service.  Book a session with enrico cappelletto
You'll multiply your sales by reversing that risk. How does one do this? By implementing a risk-reversal strategy. this is often as simple as having an uncommon money-back guarantee. it is a way of "putting your money where your mouth is." It gives the impression that you simply must have an impressive product or service to be ready to offer such a guarantee.
Sure, you will have clients which will cash in of this strategy, but if you offer an honest product or service then you've got nothing to stress about! you will find that for each client that takes advantage of your guarantee, you'll attract many, more genuine clients just by offering the guarantee.
2. Showcase Your Testimonials
If you've got an excellent service, then there is no doubt you'll receive testimonials from happy clients. Put those testimonials on all of your marketing materials. When prospects see client testimonials, it puts them comfortable because it's proof that you simply deliver on your promises.
When you ask your clients for testimonials, confirm they specify how your service has helped them, and what their situation was like before they used your service. this may make the prospect that's reading the testimonial to think about their own situation in reference to that client, and the way your service can help them too.
You can showcase testimonials on your internet site , on the walls of your office, in brochures, otherwise you can even make a booklet of all testimonials you've gathered, and enclose the booklet with any brochures or sales letters you send .
Before employing a testimonial in your marketing efforts, invite the client's permission first. to extend believability and enhance credibility, ask the client if you'll add their picture next to the testimonial, also as their name , job title and internet site address or telephone number next to their name at rock bottom of the testimonial.  Read More
3. Give Something FREE
People love freebies. A "freebie" is another term for free of charge samples, free gifts, free offers, perks or anything free for that matter. As a business owner, a freebie is an ethical bribe that you simply give to prospects and clients, for one or all of the explanations below:
* To entice qualified prospects to sample your product or service because you're confident that it'll cause a purchase if they love it .
* To grow your in-house list by getting the contact details of qualified prospects, in order that you'll market to them over and once again .
* To showcase your knowledge, skills and expertise so as to position yourself as an expert and attract more media exposure and more clients.
* To encourage referrals from your existing clients.
* to extend client retention rates.
Here are a couple of samples of valuable ethical bribes:
If you're an accountant, you'll offer a free special report titled "How to prevent An IRS Audit"
If you are a consultant, you'll offer a free newsletter or free half-hour clinic
If you are a realtor, you'll offer a free one-hour live seminar or TeleSeminar titled "Ten Deadly Home Buying Mistakes To Avoid"
If you are a beauty specialist, you'll offer a free make-up session or a miniature sample from your product range
If you own a restaurant, you'll offer a free drink with every main meal ordered
If you're an author, you'll offer an electronic version of the primary chapter of your book for free of charge
If you're an indoor decorator, you'll offer a free demo on CD that shows the way to decorate a house, step-by-step.
If you are a dentist, you'll offer a free 1000-word article called "Cheaper Ways to take care of Your Teeth."
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          Book a session with enrico cappelletto
Get the picture? Some freebies may cost more to supply than others or take longer to deliver. the general objective is to form sure that the freebie costs little or nothing to supply , which it turns prospects into paying clients. to form certain that it appeals to your prospects and clients, make sure that the freebie is effective i.e. it should be something that solves a drag that your clients face or something that your clients actually want.
Will your prospects and clients still need your services after you give them this valuable, problem-solving freebie? in fact they would! Your freebie is merely a sample. What this suggests is that your service probably solves many problems for your clients but you base the freebie on only one or two of the various problems. for instance , as an accountant, your clients come to you due to tax issues, bookkeeping issues, financial reviews etc. Your free special report titled "How to prevent An IRS Audit," doesn't cover the opposite problems or issues that your clients come to you for. The special report is predicated on a narrow topic.
These three elements aren't the sole strategies you would like to grow your business exponentially, but implementing them will definitely increase your sales. Apply these three strategies diligently and watch your sales and profits explode.
Copyright © 2005 by Habiba Abubakar and Emprez. All rights reserved.
Note: you're welcome to republish this text as long as you are doing so in its entirety and therefore the "about the author" bit at the top is included fully and unaltered.
Shopping seems to possess existed for as long as people have had a requirement for items they might not make themselves. Even before cash was "invented", people would barter and trade for things they wanted and this was essentially shopping. Shopping has evolved quite bit over the years.
Internet shopping are often an excellent thanks to make passive income
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if you're a occupy semi retired or a home mom. If you spend any time in the least online, you've probably seen plenty of ads enticing you to earn six figures from the comfort of your house . All of those promotions focus on one main theme - the expansion of online shopping.
Most of those advertisements are geared toward multi-level marketing (M.L.M.) or affiliate programs. Since M.L.M. requires everyone enrolled to urge more people enrolled underneath him or her, it creates an outsized number of online ads. M.L.M is typically not that reliable or reputable but you don't need to involve yourself within the world of M.L.M. to take advantage of the expansion in online shopping.
For instance, you'll prefer to sell products online of your own making. you'll found out your own website shopping cart then sell products your make or own or even sell products you've got purchased at a reduced price. Many people earn their living this manner . Things people need to make money online are websites, handcart systems, and products. If you're a teacher , or consultant, your product can even be your own existing knowledge! Consider selling tele-classes, coaching sessions or e-Books online. However, digital product delivery are often difficult, so confirm your handcart provider may be a good one.
As a consumer, online shopping carts are normally very easy to use. The order forms are usually quite simple, the encryptions are secure, and therefore the whole process seems to travel easily and quickly. Behind the scenes, however, implementing online shopping carts can just be a nightmare. So it's critical that you simply meet up with a shopping cart provider that gives an easy system that's low cost and provides customer support.
As a merchant, shopping carts are critical. You can't expect to compete online if you ask potential customers to pay you with a check, then wait two weeks for the check to clear. no matter what you're selling online, you would like to form it possible for payment by mastercard . With good quality shopping carts, you'll accept monies from everywhere the world . You can make changes to items like shipping costs quickly and easily. you'll even change items with the blink of an eye. you'll offer coupons, rebates and other bonuses to your clients. you'll even gather vital information about your clients, to assist you understand and target your customer base more effectively.
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