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adalidda · 1 month
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Harvesting Success: A Strategic Guide to Funding for Young Agripreneurs, Agribusinesses and Agri Exporters
In the dynamic world of agribusiness, securing funding for new projects or scaling operations is a critical step towards success. This guide is designed to assist emerging agripreneurs, flourishing agribusinesses and agricultural exporters in understanding and navigating the complex funding landscape. It provides practical steps for applying for project proposals and scaling operations, supplemented with a case study to illustrate these processes in action.
1. Empowering Emerging Agripreneurs: A Step-by-Step Guide to Securing Project Funding
As an emerging agripreneur eager to make your mark, applying for project proposals published by local and international organizations can be a gateway to success. This detailed guide aims to simplify this process for you:
Identify Relevant Calls: Stay updated with the latest funding opportunities by regularly checking websites of organizations that fund agricultural projects. Consider subscribing to their newsletters or following them on social media for real-time updates. For instance, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is known for regularly publishing calls for proposals on their platforms.
Understand the Requirements: Each call for proposals comes with its unique set of requirements, including the project's scope, target group, expected outcomes, and budget. It's crucial to comprehend these requirements thoroughly before initiating your application.
Prepare Your Proposal: A well-crafted proposal is your ticket to securing funding. It should lucidly outline your project's objectives, methodology, timeline, and budget, and demonstrate alignment with the funding organization's goals.
Review and Edit: Ensure your proposal is clear, concise, and error-free. Consider having it reviewed by a third party for an unbiased perspective.
Submit Your Proposal: Adhere to the submission guidelines provided in the call for proposals. This could involve submitting your proposal via email or an online portal.
Follow Up: Post-submission, confirm receipt of your proposal with the organization. If shortlisted, you may be invited for an interview or asked to provide additional information.
Potential sources for funding opportunities
D-Prize Challenges: They award startup grants of up to $20,000 to entrepreneurs launching new organizations. (Deadline: Ongoing). Web site https://d-prize.org
LinkedIn Group 'Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture, Agrifood, AgriTech and FoodTech': You can read funding opportunities or call for proposals posted in this group. (Ongoing) Web site https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6789045
Appel à projets Promotion de l’agriculture familiale en Afrique de l’Ouest – Pafao 2024: (Deadline: June 30, 2024) Web site https://www.fondationdefrance.org/fr/appels-a-projets/promotion-de-l-agriculture-familiale-en-afrique-de-l-ouest-aller-vers-la-consommation-massive-de-produits-locaux
USADF invites applications from registered African agricultural cooperatives, producer groups, processors, and enterprises for grant financing.  Grants will support solutions that extend your organizations’ own capabilities to increase your revenues, create jobs, improve farmer incomes, and achieve sustainable market-based growth.
USADF is accepting applications in the following countries: Burundi, Cote d’Ivoire, DRC, Liberia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. The application deadline is 30 June 2024.  Web site https://www.usadf.gov/usadf-rfa
Together Women Rise (formerly Dining for Women) makes grants to non-profit organizations that support women and girls living in extreme poverty in developing countries. Thematic areas include access to clean water and sanitation, food security, and education, among other themes. Together Women Rise accepts applications in the range of US$35 thousand to $50 thousand. Application deadline 17 June 2024 Web site https://togetherwomenrise.org/featured-grant-guidelines/
GoGettaz invites young agri-food entrepreneurs (18-35 years) with technologies or innovations for the agriculture and food industry to participate in the Agripreneur Prize 2024. Two entrepreneurs (one woman, and one man) will be awarded US$50 thousand each. Submitted projects are expected to transform the agri-food business in Africa. Eligibility extends to African founders or co-founders of agriculture and food businesses. The application deadline is 10 June 2024. Web site https://vc4a.com/gogettaz/2024
The Roots Micro-Grants Program supports youth-led projects to empower voices from the Global South to advocate for climate justice. The program provides grants of up to US$10 thousand to initiatives that prioritize climate justice and social equity. The program will provide grants for between 10-15 grassroots youth-led initiatives, with a focus on groups in Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. The group/organization does not need to be legally registered in order to be eligible to apply. The application deadline is 01 August 2024. Web site https://linktr.ee/RootsMicrogrants
The Young African Climate Changemakers Challenge calls on young people aged 16-25 across South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and Botswana to unleash their innovation in tackling climate change through ideas and existing initiatives. Applicants will receive access to information and learning sessions, networking opportunities, and access to online resources on social entrepreneurship. Ashoka awards US$1000 to 10 selected winners. Applications have to be submitted before 30 July 2024. Web site https://www.changemakers.com/en/challenge/young-african-climate-changemaker
Social Shifters announces the Global Innovation Challenge to help young leaders and founders solve the social or environmental issues that matter to them. The challenge seeks creative ideas, projects, and business solutions to the problems that matter to local communities and welcomes ideas from anywhere in the world. Participants compete for awards of up to US$10 thousand to deliver activities that improve lives, help communities, and protect the planet. All ideas must be led by young people aged between 18-30 years old. The application deadline is 31 July 2024.  Web site https://www.socialshifters.co
2. Securing Funding for Flourishing Agribusinesses: A Practical Guide
Scaling a flourishing agribusiness requires more than just dedication and hard work; it demands a robust financial strategy to support growth and expansion. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of securing funding for agribusiness ventures, supplemented by a compelling real-life case study that illustrates the journey of a thriving agricultural enterprise.
2.1. Understanding Business Needs: Before diving into the complex world of funding, it's imperative to conduct a thorough assessment of your agribusiness's requirements. This involves evaluating current resources, pinpointing areas for improvement, and forecasting future needs based on growth projections.
Case Study: ABC Farms, a family-owned organic vegetable farm, recognized the need to invest in advanced irrigation systems to boost productivity and meet increasing demand from local markets. By conducting a detailed analysis of their water usage and crop yield, they identified the specific requirements for upgrading their irrigation infrastructure.
2.2. Developing a Solid Business Plan: Crafting a comprehensive business plan is essential for articulating your agribusiness's vision, goals, and strategies to potential investors or lenders. This document serves as the roadmap for your venture, outlining market analysis, competitive positioning, operational plans, and financial projections.
Case Study: ABC Farms meticulously documented their expansion plans in a detailed business plan, highlighting the potential return on investment from implementing advanced irrigation technology. By showcasing their sustainable farming practices and market demand for organic produce, they effectively communicated the viability of their growth strategy to financiers.
2.3. Identifying Potential Funding Sources: Agribusinesses have access to a diverse range of funding options tailored to their unique needs. From traditional bank loans and government grants to venture capital investments and crowdfunding platforms, exploring multiple avenues is key to finding the right financial support.
Case Study: ABC Farms explored various funding sources, including agricultural loans from local banks, government grants for sustainable farming initiatives, and partnerships with private investors interested in supporting environmentally conscious businesses. By casting a wide net and evaluating each option's terms and requirements, they identified the most suitable funding sources for their expansion project.
2.4. Preparing and Submitting the Application: Once you've identified potential funding sources, the next step is to meticulously prepare and submit your applications. Each funding source may have specific requirements, such as financial statements, project proposals, or business plans, which must be tailored to meet their criteria.
Case Study: ABC Farms worked closely with financial advisors and grant specialists to prepare comprehensive funding applications for their irrigation upgrade project. They ensured that all documentation was accurate, thorough, and aligned with the requirements of each funding source, increasing their chances of securing financing.
2.5. Follow-up and Negotiation: After submitting your applications, proactive follow-up is crucial to track the progress of your proposals and address any questions or concerns from potential funders. This may involve providing additional information, participating in interviews or presentations, and negotiating terms to secure the best possible funding package.
Case Study: ABC Farms maintained regular communication with the financial institutions and government agencies reviewing their funding applications. They promptly responded to requests for clarification and provided updates on project milestones, demonstrating their commitment to transparency and accountability. Through strategic negotiation, they successfully secured favorable financing terms that supported their expansion plans while minimizing financial risk.
By following these steps and learning from the experiences of successful agribusinesses like ABC Farms, aspiring entrepreneurs can navigate the complex landscape of securing funding with confidence and achieve sustainable growth and success in the agricultural industry.
3. Unlocking Funding Opportunities for Agricultural Exporters
Are you an agricultural exporter seeking financial support to expand your operations and reach new markets? Look no further. Understanding the dynamics of Stand-by Letter of Credit (SBLC) MT 760, Promissory Notes (PN), and Bank Guarantees can be your gateway to securing the necessary funds to propel your export business forward.
Here’s how it works:
3.1. SBLC MT 760: This financial instrument serves as a guarantee of payment to the exporter upon meeting specified conditions. Essentially, the buyer’s bank promises to pay the exporter a predetermined amount if the buyer fails to fulfill their payment obligations. This assurance provides exporters with a level of security, encouraging them to engage in trade with confidence.
3.2. Promissory Note (PN): Similar to an IOU, a Promissory Note is a written promise by the buyer to pay a specified sum to the exporter at a future date. This serves as a formal commitment, providing reassurance to the exporter regarding the buyer’s intention to fulfill their payment obligations.
3.3. Bank Guarantee: A Bank Guarantee is a commitment issued by a bank on behalf of a buyer, ensuring that the exporter will receive payment even if the buyer defaults. This guarantee acts as a security mechanism for both parties involved in the transaction. When utilizing a Bank Guarantee, the exporter gains confidence in receiving payment, thus encouraging participation in trade activities with lesser apprehensions about financial risks.
Now, let’s delve into the funding opportunities these instruments unlock:
Credit Extension: Upon confirmation of the SBLC MT 760, PN, or Bank Guarantee by the exporter’s bank, financial institutions may offer credit facilities ranging from 20% to 30% of the total amount specified in the instruments. This credit extension can provide exporters with immediate access to working capital, enabling them to cover production costs, invest in infrastructure, or explore new market opportunities.
Risk Mitigation: By leveraging SBLC MT 760, PN, or Bank Guarantees, exporters mitigate the risk of non-payment or default by the buyer. This risk mitigation mechanism not only safeguards the financial interests of exporters but also fosters trust and credibility in international trade transactions.
Facilitated Trade: With the assurance of payment provided by SBLC MT 760, PN, or Bank Guarantees, exporters can negotiate favorable terms with buyers, including competitive pricing and flexible payment arrangements. This facilitates smoother trade transactions and strengthens long-term business relationships.
Market Expansion: Access to funding through SBLC MT 760, PN, or Bank Guarantees empowers agricultural exporters to explore new markets and expand their global footprint. Whether tapping into emerging economies or penetrating established markets, exporters can seize growth opportunities with confidence backed by financial security.
In conclusion, understanding and harnessing the potential of SBLC MT 760, Promissory Notes, and Bank Guarantees can significantly enhance the financial resilience and competitiveness of agricultural exporters. By leveraging these instruments effectively, exporters can access funding, mitigate risks, and unlock new avenues for growth in the global marketplace. It's time to seize the opportunity and propel your export business to new heights.
In conclusion, securing funding for successful agribusinesses is a multifaceted process that requires careful planning, diligent research, and effective communication. By following these steps and leveraging insights from real-world case studies, agribusinesses can unlock the financial resources needed to realize their growth ambitions and contribute to the sustainable development of the agricultural sector.
By following these steps, emerging agripreneurs and flourishing agribusinesses can successfully secure the necessary funding to realize their visions and achieve their business goals.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post and learned something new and useful from it. If you did, please share it with your friends and colleagues who might be interested in Agriculture and Agribusiness.
Dear Readers,
I am pleased to present an updated version of my previous post, titled "Navigating the Funding Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide for Young Agripreneurs and Agribusinesses," originally published on February 28, 2024. This revised edition is designed to offer deeper insights into the ever-evolving funding ecosystem, equipping you with the latest opportunities to enhance your ventures in the realm of agribusiness.
As you delve into these fresh insights, I hope they ignite your passion and propel you to new heights of success.
Warm regards,
Mr. Kosona Chriv
Senior Advisor to the General Manager and Head of Global Marketing and Sales
Sahel Agri-Sol
Hamdallaye ACI 2 000,
« BAMA » building 5th floor APT 7
Phone: +223 20 22 75 77
Mobile:  +223 70 63 63 23, +223 65 45 38 38
WhatsApp/Telegram global marketing and sales : +223 90 99 1099
Web sites
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Social media
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Illustration Photo: Women Farmer in Maize Field (Credit: sicrump / CC BY 2.0 DEED Attribution 2.0 Generic)
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rankingpiner · 2 years
Reaper definition
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Reaper definition code#
Reaper definition windows#
The powertillers and its implements have been tested in Mali, Senegal and Uganda.
Reaper definition code#
Functions can be defined anywhere in top level code (i.e. Security in the field when operating should be observed to avoid any serious accidents. JS now supports user defined functions, as well as some basic object style data access. Operators require training on proper use and maintenance of the machine before and after use. The rice reaper harvester has a capacity of 0.4ha/h. The machine is light and flexible and be easily manipulated under wet and dry conditions. 1,176 Grim reaper vector art & graphics are available under a royalty-free license. The inventor of this revolutionary tool was Cyrus McCormick, a farmer and inventor who expanded on original. The grain quality is therefore preserved. The mechanical reaper was an important agricultural invention in the nineteenth century. With the reaper harvester, rice grains can be harvested faster and on time. Such losses can be direct quantitative losses or indirect losses because of decrease in milling recovery and increase in broken grains. A Reaper is essentially 'billions of organic minds, uploaded and conjoined within immortal machine bodies.' In terms of physical design, Reapers bear superficial resemblance to a cuttlefish or squid, with a bulky semi-cylindrical body, a tapering plate over the rear and five tentacle-like 'legs' or arms extending from its front end, in addition to six jointed legs extending from its body. A Sonar feature that I use regularly are instrument definitions - I can set in a track the midi channel, bank and actual. I am looking at both Reaper and Studio One. You can complete the definition of reaper given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster. I imagine, you folks will see an uptick in users shortly. Search reaper and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. This is time consuming often resulting in major delays and important post harvest losses. I am one of the lifetime Sonar users who was burned today. Reapers can be attached to a power tiller (see picture on the right) or can be standalone machines (on the left). The cut panicles are laid down by the machine for collection. In addition to curating a selection of the best hot sauces from around the world, the team at HEATONIST dreams up our own one-of-a-kind hot sauce recipes based on data from tens of thousands of customer tasting sessions each year.A rice reaper harvester is a machine to cut down rice panicles at harvest. If your part-time job involves harvesting corn by hand, then youre a reaper. Along the way, became the world’s most popular online destination for every hot sauce lover! The noun reaper refers to a person who harvests crops. Since then, HEATONIST has grown to include a flagship hot sauce store in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and a hot sauce outpost in Chelsea Market in Manhattan. All it took was one taste for people to fall in love! In 2013 Noah began selling a curated selection of his favorite hot sauce brands from a push cart at Brooklyn markets. The name was revealed by Blizzard on August 13, 2013, via a teaser image posted on their Diablo 3 website. Like other Blizzard expansions, it requires a separate purchase, though unlike World of Warcraft, there is no monthly fee. What are the drawbacks It is an investment of high costs. The machine is light and flexible and be easily manipulated under wet and dry conditions. The grain quality is therefore preserved. While the hot sauce industry was largely focused on chasing extreme heat, Noah realized smaller makers were creating craft hot sauces with unique tastes, great flavor, and high quality ingredients ranging from ghost pepper to aged cayenne peppers. Reaper of Souls is the title of the first Diablo 3 Expansion pack released sometime in March 2014. With the reaper harvester, rice grains can be harvested faster and on time.
Reaper definition windows#
REAPER supports Linux on Intel and ARM architectures, and the Windows version works well with WINE. HEATONIST was founded from a desire to make food more exciting and flavorful, one plate at a time!īuilding on a lifelong passion for spice, founder Noah Chaimberg set out to share his appreciation for the best hot sauces with the world. REAPER supports all Windows versions from Windows XP to Windows 11.
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careerkenyan · 2 years
Davis & Shirtliff Sales Engineer Intern Job
Davis & Shirtliff Sales Engineer Intern Job Sales Engineer Intern Job, Latest Engineering Jobs In Kenya, The Davis & Shirtliff Group is the leading supplier of Water and Energy solutions in the region. The group is Kenyan-based and operates through a network of Kenyan branches as well as regional subsidiaries in Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Rwanda and South Sudan. The company has a total complement of over 600 highly trained and professional staff spread across the region. We are looking for qualified and talented young engineering professionals to fill in the following position. Sales Engineer Intern Qualifications The candidates will meet the following requirements: - Graduate Engineer in any engineering discipline from a recognized University, with a minimum of Upper Second Honours degree. - Proficient in the use of Microsoft office suite. - Valid driving license and having AutoCAD skills is an added advantage. How to Apply The successful candidates will join the company’s internship program details of which are on the company website and will be posted to any of the company’s many branches across the country. This provides an exciting opportunity to join a dedicated team of dynamic experts who derive satisfaction from “Improving Peoples Lives’ through Providing Water and Energy Solutions for Africa”. CLICK HERE TO APPLY Interested applicants meeting these requirements should apply for the role by 31st August 2022. N.B: Looking For A New Job? Find Your Next Job With Us. Click Here To Register Your CV. It's Free. Cynthia Chebet2022-07-22T13:47:52+03:00 Read the full article
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taytayb1993 · 3 years
Is There A Black Henry Ford?
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So, Hip Hop mogul and entrepreneur, Percy “Master P” Miller has continued to expand his business venture as he announced that he would partnered with former Telsa engineer, Richard Patterson, to creating his own line of sport and exotic cars. This company that these men are creating is called Trion Supercars. Since Richard Patterson used to be a engineer for Telsa, and he was the designer of Model S car, the Boeing 777, and the Dodge minivan, and Master P, who expanding his business empire, would recruit Patterson and form a team to create a black owned supercar manufacturing company. Or I would called it African American owned supercar manufacturing company and it would be the very first African American owned car making company in the United States. 
Now, that Master P and former Telsa engineer, Richard Patterson are creating a black owned car manufacturer company, are there other car manufacturing company outside the U.S.? Of course there are and here are the names of automobile making companies that are founded and owned by black Africans. 
Kantanka Motors, founded in Ghana in West Africa by Kwadwo Safo Kantanka in 1994. In 2004, the Ghanaian owned automobile manufacturing group was incorporated as a limited liability company to research into the manufacturing of automotive components and their combination with other parts outsourced from component suppliers to form a complete built unit, according to it’s website: http://www.kantankamotors.com/  In 1998, the first complete built unit (CBU) was manufactured using over 75% of local components, locally manufactured including the engine block. By 2006, the first SUV, the Onantefo, was manufactured. The detail of this automobile maker website also stated that all Kantanka vehicles are 100% manufactureded and assembled in Ghana. 
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          Holy shit, is this car made of armor? 
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Next is the one from Nigeria, a company called Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing. According to it’s history from it’s website, this Nigerian owned automobile manufacturing company was founded in 1978 in a commercial town in the eastern part of Nigeria called Nnewi. This town was a central hub for motorcycle importation, now today, it became a importation hub for foreign used vehicles. In 1987, there was a brand new motorcycle suggesting that it was built by Innocent Chukwuma who founded Innoson Motors. Innocent Chukwuma was passionate for the people and was core business philosophic of bringing down costs and passing the gain to customers, so, he pioneered the first Made-in-Nigeria Motorcycle brand. In 2002, he  he had successfully driven out tokunbo (foreign used) motorcycles out of Nigeria forever. 
Now in the present, Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing, or IVM, is manufacturing durable and affordable brand new automobiles for Africans. 
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              Here are the ones that made from Uganda in eastern Africa: Kiira Motors Corporation. This corporation is state-owned as a State Enterprise which was established to Champion Value Addition in the Domestic Automotive Industry for Job Creation and Diversification of the Ugandan Economy as a Key Growth Area in Line with Vision 2040. The Equity Partners are Government of the Republic of Uganda represented by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (96%) and Makerere University (4%). More info about Kiira Motors, accordingly, that the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation is mandated to establish the governance and management structures of KMC and Provide Policy Guidance and Oversight to the Nascent Automotive Industry in Uganda. The Uganda government is concerned that, as it stated in the company website info: https://www.kiiramotors.com/about/, the Market Entry Strategy is Assembly of Vehicles and Technology Transfer with Reputable Automotive Manufacturer(s) and Progressive Enhancement of the Domestic Value added in the automotive industry through exploring Sustainable Multi-Sectoral Backward, Forward and Lateral Linkages with Mineral, Agriculture, Industry, ICT, and Transport Sectors for Local Content Participation. In April 2008, the government of Uganda had approved the Roadmap for the Kiira Vehicle Plant and allocated 100 acres of land at the Jinja Industrial and Business Park as it was funded as capitalization for the Construction of the Kiira Vehicle Plant Start-Up Facilities; Purchase of Start –Up Plant Machinery, Equipment and Tools; and Start-Up Operational Capital. That’s a good government strategy for economic and science and technology purpose, right? 
Kiira Motors Corporation was founded by a team of college students and staff members in 2007, at the Makerere University, part of a international consortium called the Vehicle Design Summit (VDS), a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) initiative with the goal of designing and producing the Vision 200.     
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      Part of the Makerere University VDS Team Poses for a Picture in the Vision 200. 
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The Vision 200 on Display at the Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile in Turin, Italy.  
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Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the Faculty of Technology Delegation after a Meeting at State House, Entebbe, December. 
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Paul Isaac Musasizi takes H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni for an Exhibition Drive in the Kiira EV at its Launch on 24th November 2011. 
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Her Excellency Angelina Wakapabulo, Uganda’s High Commissioner to Kenya.  
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H.E Yoweri K Museveni congratulates KMC CEO Paul Isaac Musasizi at the Kayoola Solar Bus. 
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The CEO of Kiira Motors Corporation receives the Frost & Sullivan Award. 
There are two other companies that are manufacturing automobiles, such as Nord Motion from Nigeria and Mobius Motors from Kenya. 
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I hope you all like what I posted and I don’t know if there’s any more car manufacturers in Africa, but I got enough to share these facts with you all. Yes, I know Mobius Motors was founded by a white guy who name is Joel Jackson, but I could be sure that the SUV was designed by a black person, but who knows? Anyway, I posted and share my thoughts on Master P’s intention on created the African American owned car manufacturing business, in matter of fact, there was probably was a black person who designed and created a car in between mid or late 19th century or the early 20th century. I believe I’ve already researched a African American figure who was a car manufacturer at that time before, I just forgot who it is, but it’s a good thing, though. It’s also good that Hip Hop mogul Master P partnered up with a black automobile engineer to create a company, and if he have heard about some Africans building cars, he would do business with them; it would at least bring some attention because these African made automobiles deserves attention from the world. I’ll be honest with you all, African Americans and any African decent should do business with Africans in the continent, whether they move there to do business or form a connection from one country to the next one or more. There are most African Americans or Africans in the diaspora moved there to establish businesses while there are most Africans who living in the diaspora invested in Africa as they partnered with their own people. I’ll tell you more details about the true facts about Africa next time. 
So, now I hope you like my blog, feel free to like, share, and comment. Blog you all later, followers.   
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charityhawktion · 4 years
Hawktion Charities 2020
We have another set of five fantastic charities for you this year, continuing some of the Clint Barton themes from last year and introducing some new ones. All the information here has been taken from their websites.
Robin Hood
Robin Hood’s mission is to improve the living standards for 1.8 million low-income New Yorkers.
Each year, we reduce barriers to opportunities for nearly half a million New Yorkers. From keeping more than 200,000 New Yorkers from going hungry, to helping more than 10,000 of our neighbors secure jobs to helping nearly 11,000 remain stably housed and off the streets, Robin Hood is there for our neighbors.
ETA: Robin Hood have a Covid-19 specific relief fund which you can read about HERE. Please feel free to donate to that if you want.
NEADS: World Class Service Dogs
NEADS is an American service dog charity that trains and places:
Service Dogs for individuals with physical disabilities
Facilitated Service Dogs for children with physical disabilities (children ages 12 and up)
Hearing Dogs for individuals aged 15 and older who are deaf or who suffer severe hearing loss
Service Dogs for children with autism or other developmental disabilities (children ages 8-16)
Assistance Dogs are partnered with professionals in classroom, ministry, therapy, hospital, and courthouse settings
Service Dogs for Veterans who have a permanent disability, are deaf or who suffer from severe hearing loss, or who suffer from combat-related post-traumatic stress
World Wide Hearing
World Wide Hearing is a non-profit organization that provides access to affordable hearing aids to children and youth in developing countries. We connect children to their world through better hearing.
We believe that it’s not enough to simply provide access to hearing aids without also providing follow-up services. That’s why we train local people to become audio-technicians, whose continuing presence in areas without any hearing care ensures that beneficiaries always have someone to turn to if they have questions, need repairs, or require new equipment.
Befrienders Worldwide (Founded by the Samaritans)
Befrienders Worldwide is a dynamic and expanding global network of 349 emotional support centres in 32 countries, spanning 5 continents. These centres are staffed by more than 25,000 volunteers who provide vital support to an estimated 7 million service users each year.
Befrienders Worldwide centres provide an open space for those in distress to talk and be heard. This is via telephone helplines, SMS messaging, face to face, internet chat, outreach and local partnerships.
We believe in giving a person the opportunity to explore feelings which can cause distress, the importance of being listened to, in confidence, anonymously, and without prejudice. We value that a person has the fundamental decision about their own life. 
For the Hawktion, you can either donate directly to Befrienders Worldwide, or use their search to find the nearest member organisation to you and donate to them. For example, the UK member is Samaritans UK.
Project Waterfall
Our mission is to unite the coffee industry and coffee consumers to give back to the communities growing our coffee by investing in sustainable clean water, sanitation and hygiene projects.
Regardless of where a community is, or how big it is, there are tangible and sustainable solutions to the water crisis. It’s our aim at Project Waterfall to implement them. These can range from solutions creating access to water, such as hand digging wells or using a drilling team, to solutions that improve the quality of it, such as bio sand filters or water purification systems. We have changed more than 50,000 lives in Nicaragua, Tanzania, Rwanda, Vietnam, Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia.
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svtecharticles8 · 4 years
Jobs Micro – Free Job Posting Websites in Uganda
Jobs Micro is a leader among numerous free job posting sites in Uganda. Jobs Micro comes with very great features which makes the work of the employers very easy. In fact it should be termed as the best among many free job posting sites in Uganda. Jobs Micro provides dashboard for the employers from where they can manage their job postings, edit or renew or delete job posts, manage candidates, shortlist candidates, contact candidates and much more.
With its great presence online, the job posted immediately reaches job searchers across the world and the employers will be contacted by the job searchers in no time. We offer free candidate contact in a simple way. The employers can contact candidates and in the same way candidates can also contact job posters. That is why we say Jobs Micro is the best among other free job posting websites in Uganda. There are many free job posting websites but we are giving all the benefits which a premium employer and candidate would get.
For all features of our Free Job Posting Websites in Uganda visit Jobs Micro.
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pkahill · 6 years
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You have no idea what you're getting yourself into young man! Marriage is a leap of faith. Because you're not just marrying your wife. You're marrying your wife in five years, ten years, forty years. You're marrying her when she loses her job, or goes through a depression, or decides to go back to school to become a website designer, or falls asleep again with the kids while you're downstairs waiting to watch a movie with her on the couch. And the same goes for her, with you. Only more so. So because of the less preparation for young men getting married, we have decided to conduct a group session for those getting married soon. We going to talk in-depth about marriage in the view of men and what expectations they need not carry in to that institution. All this will be based on biblical values and real life experiences and expectations. Please share this post with that young man on a journey to marriage. For more information please call the number on the flyer. It's a free session but we will take any monetary donations after the session. #YoungMenGettingMarried #Marriage #Sons #marriedatfirstsight #marriagebootcamp #youngmengrowingup (at Kampala, Uganda) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoiZfwel1EMi2AMCwja0KwSBxCyisZgEYOIvqs0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nb9wxfxb5nus
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edivupage · 3 years
Online Learning Apps, Tools, and Resources That We Love
Are you looking for online learning apps, tools, and resources that you can use with your students? If so, we have you covered. Check out our list below. Let us know if there are any that we missed.
BlezGo – BlezGo is a learning management system that makes online learning accessible and interactive. It is a SaaS that manages e-learning, virtual classrooms, videos, and pre- and post-activities. BlezGo allows you to train and sell courses online in multiple batches.
Brainshare  – Is an EdTech startup based in Uganda. The Startup has developed a web app that creates an online learning platform where teachers and students in Uganda can interact. The eLearning platform allows teachers to upload notes, teaching materials, and assignments. For students, it’s easy to access content anytime wherever they are, with or without the internet.
Moodle – Module is a free, open-source learning platform designed for educators, administrators, and learners. The system uses a robust, integrated, and secure platform to helps its users create personalized learning environments. The software can be downloaded onto the user’s web server.
Edheads– A high-quality online learning science package that meets state and national
requirements. It incorporates mathematics and a variety of games such as Simple Machines, Virtual Knee Surgery, Stem Cell Heart Repair, and so on. Collaborating with institutions and schools across the US, this app has received numerous web-based awards and delivers free service.
Edna – It is an online learning journal software for childcare professionals, nurseries, pre-schools classes. Edna keeps a record of all the children in your program. You can find and view children’s profiles quickly and easily, add information, children’s comments, and more to build informative and in-depth views. The software increases parent involvement and keeps them informed in real time.
Genius SIS for Virtual Schools – Genesis is a web-based student information system designed for K-12 schools, districts, states, and higher education institutions, especially online/virtual and blended schools. Genius was designed from scratch to support the needs of online learning environments, such as rolling enrollments and integration with multiple language management systems. On this platform, users can create reports, dashboards, email templates, and even fields. Genius centralizes registration and management for all tools needed to deliver training.
NextThought – This tool helps to transform the process of online learning. NextThought can be accessed from your mobile device or from a computer system. Its learning environment allows instructors to see all aspects of a user’s activity and measure his or her performance against the organization’s learning goals.
Noodle– Noodle is a search engine for materials about education; it makes online learning simpler and smarter by suggesting and connecting you with the right schools, service providers, education professionals, and materials that will support you in your journey. It delivers details about educational opportunities available to you in an intelligible form. You can compare schools using factors such as class population, alumni achievements, or financial strength. It also shares advice and reviews from students, teachers, and stakeholders— all the information you need from trusted sources, available in one location.
SimplyDigi LMS – SimplyDigi offers products and online learning solutions that engage and make online learning easy and accessible across any industry platform. With this system, users can operate their own state-of-the-art, branded, web-based, online learning portal. SimplyDigi gives clients the online tools they need to increase employee performance; lower error rates; enhance communication; and manage, track, evaluate, and refine all online learning content.
Udacity – Udacity is an online learning environment for university-level classes at a fraction of the cost of a traditional university. With a focus on Artificial Intelligence, technology, and business, all Udacity classes are hands-on and interactive. To help graduates succeed in their chosen careers, class projects are designed to mimic real-world activities and can be easily included in portfolios for future job searches. Udacity also provides career assistance to graduates, including resume reviews and interview prep.
Vuolearning  – This is an online learning platform engineered to create and share courses in a mobile-friendly way.  Features include real-time learning analytics, mobile-friendly, and cost-effective, which makes it a good fit for those who are new to the world of e-learning design and development.
WizIQ – This is an easy-to-use online learning platform with many critical features: virtual classroom; online course creation; tests and assessments; LMS e-commerce; and e-learning analytics for tutors, educational institutions, and organizations. With WizIQ, you can create and sell online courses, take your tutoring online, create MOOCs easily, deliver learning on the go, train your customers, and train your partners.
Coursera– This app is designed to help college students make the right choices when it is time to decide what courses they want to take in college. It helps to prevent waste of money. It also helps with the elimination of the course they don’t have interest in by providing free online courses beforehand.
Scratch– Scratch is a free open network made available by MIT to assist young folks in learning to think and reason systematically. Scratch makes room for students to design and share their coding work with others around the universe. It allows them to create stories, games, and animations to assist in sharing their vision with others on the platform. On this platform, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations and share your design with others in the online community.
DigitalEd– Helps online educators in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to make learning better for students. With Maple
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, the world-leading math software from Maplesoft
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, providing mathematical back-up, DigitalEd creates an efficient platform for online math-based education.
Blossom Educational – This is intuitive, comprehensive online learning, assessment, and management software designed for early education centers. It improves learning experiences for nursery children and creates responsive communication channels between parents and teachers. It also records children’s behavior and attitude toward various aspects of their school experience.
GeoGebra– GeoGebra comes with an easy-to-use interface and many features that help you create, modify, and share math simulations and models. It comes with multiple platforms and dynamic math software that brings together tables, graphing, geometry, algebra, calculus, and statistics in a free easy-to-use package. The app also comes with free and open source software; it has received many educational software awards in the US and Europe.
Lynda.com– Lynda is a website for learning how to edit any form of media. With over 2,100 courses, you can learn skills such as photo and song editing, 3-D animation, spreadsheet creation; with Lynda, you learn everything you need to know from the experts. All the courses are created by users who are extremely talented at or work in these fields. This means you get only the highest quality content made by people in the field, not people making cookie-cutter classes. Lynda is an extremely affordable website to join, especially when you consider the number of skills available.
Study.com – With over 25,000 video lessons and other resources, Study.com allows students to extend their knowledge of course content from home, or it can be incorporated into classroom lessons to meet student differentiation needs. There are options to take coursework for college credit, to receive homework help or complete study prep, and engage in professional development work. With videos ranging from the history of Sparta to working with fractions, Study.com can be used with students from K-12 and beyond. Any college credit earned is easily transferrable to over 1,500 U.S. colleges and universities. Teachers can enroll their classroom, assign videos and lessons, and even access printable resources such as worksheets designed to pair with video content.
The post Online Learning Apps, Tools, and Resources That We Love appeared first on The Edvocate.
Online Learning Apps, Tools, and Resources That We Love published first on https://sapsnkra.tumblr.com
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proudofpeeta · 6 years
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Hi everyone!
I usually do not post things like this but when I do it's because I'm sure about it. I'm working as an Ambassador for MADERA OUTDOOR and I want to tell you about this amazing organization.
MADERA OUTDOOR CO. is based out of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It is an organization that works to establish commitment to spirit, nature and service. Doing good is our motive and we want all who are involved with us to feel of the spirit known to Jackson Hole.
For every hammock you buy two trees are planted. Hence the name Madera. We love giving back and since the nature of the business is...well, nature... we naturally owe all our efforts to the very thing that inspired us. We have partnered with Trees for the future to plant trees in remote parts of the world.
Our Partner; Trees for the future not only plants trees, they teach local farmers about nitrogen fixation and sustainable farming. Trees are planted in many locations in Sub-Saharan Africa, including  Uganda, Ethopia, Southern Africa, etc. 
Because it takes 2 trees to hang a hammock, Madera plants 2 trees for each hammock sold. Through our partnering with Trees for the Future, to date we have planted over 10,255 trees and counting. Together, we are improving the livelihoods of impoverished farmers by revitalizing degraded lands. Since 1989, with our partner's (trees.org) experience in planting over 115 million trees all over the world, we have demonstrated the transformative power of trees in helping people break out of the poverty trap while also addressing the global environment. Today, our work in East and West Africa is helping to build a world where people can leave a legacy of opportunity through sustainable practices and productive lands for future generations. Madera Hammock Co. projects include support to Sub-Saharan Africa, where entire forests have been cut down leaving the population subject to the effects of flooding, resulting in much of the remaining farmland washing away. Our current projects involve the countries of Uganda, Senegal, Kenya, Tanzania, and Cameroon. With our support in developing garden forests, Madera provides farming families with sustainable sources of food, livestock fodder, fuel, and forest products to consume and sell at nearby markets.
We believe that dignity and opportunity doesn't grow from a handout, it flourishes from jobs. Work to earn your legacy. Although charity has always been at the roots of our cause, we strongly believe that the dignity gained from willing and capable individuals working full time jobs is much stronger than much of the temporary assistance programs out there today. Many of our talented sewers and fabric designers reign from generations of artisans and are proud to keep their traditions alive. 
Anyway, today I wanted to share how MADERA works to help families in Africa to break the chain of poverty but also how you can help us. In our website you can find amazing products like Wooden Watches, Hammocks, Rain Tarps, Bug Nets, Straps, Water Filtration, Hats, Shirts, Leggings, iPhone Cases, etc.! 
With this link ( https://maderaoutdoor.com?rfsn=1116333.24072b&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=1116333.24072b ) you can visit our website, where we encourage you to Spin the Wheel to win either a free product or generous discount.
But there's more! 
Here are three codes you can use for a discount in your checkout:
MADERA20 (20% off everything) MADERA30 (30% off everything) MADERA40 (40% off everything)
You can choose a 20% off, 30% off, or 40% off discount code (using the link above) and spread this to friends/groups/clubs/family/strangers/anyone any way you feel. We need your help so we can keep planting trees! 
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architectnews · 4 years
Circular Economy in Africa: FBW Group
Circular Economy in Africa, UK Business Investment Building, Architecture, Architect
Circular Economy in Africa
22 Sep 2020
Circular Economy in Africa – FBW Group Development News
UK and Africa businesses urged to “seize the moment”
‘Circular Economy’ Will Unlock Africa’s Green Growth
The creation of a circular economy in construction is vital if Africa’s vision of green, sustainable urban growth is to become reality.
More recycling of material resources and the use of natural local materials in building projects is needed to achieve that aim. Leading East African architecture and engineering firm FBW Group is calling on the construction and property sectors to invest more in African manufacturing, cutting the reliance on imported materials for building components.
Despite recycling having a long tradition in Africa, FBW also wants to see a concerted drive towards circular principles in the building industry. FBW made its call for action in support of World Green Building Week.
Malawi Creator Centre building design by FBW Group:
It believes a strategy should be two-fold, promoting firstly an up scaled production of ‘hand-made’ products such as clay, stone and compressed earth.
Secondly, more international investment in the local manufacturing of specialised products serving large complex projects will stimulate innovation, activate supply chains and create jobs.
It is an approach that will also help deliver Africa’s green cities of the future, with the quality infrastructure and affordable homebuilding needed to meet the challenges of fast-growing urban centres and populations.
FBW has operations in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania, as well as a base in Manchester in the UK. A major player in the region’s construction and development sector, it is celebrating operating in East Africa for 25 years.
Antje Eckoldt FBW Group director & Kenya country manager:
Antje Eckoldt is an FBW Group director and its Kenya country manager. She points towards the predicted growth of the Nairobi metropolitan area, already home to 10 million people, over the next three decades.
Antje says: “When you look at the pressure of land prices in the city it is little wonder that we’re seeing the construction of more and more tall buildings.
“The technologies required to construct these means that most of the materials and components needed, such as aluminium windows, are currently imported from Asia and Europe. There is hardly any local manufacturing.
“To create the circular economy that we need to achieve net zero we have to push the international players to look at innovative ways to manufacture in Africa.
“We also need to focus on a more local aspect to production, with more reliable, locally-sourced products created out of natural and traditional African materials. Apart from clay and stone products these could be bioplastics or natural fibre boards.
“Then there is the need to drive the industry towards recycling products on a larger scale, even including something as basic as using reclaimed products in concrete.
“Due to scale of projects in urban areas, the structural frame is usually concrete. For instance, we currently have limited steel recycling facilities in East Africa. This would also allow for by-products that can be used in production of lower carbon cement.
“There needs to be a major scale-up if we are looking to reduce construction carbon impacts, including reduction in the impact of transporting materials over long distances.
“Put all this together and we will be building towards the circular economy that will deliver a greener future for Africa’s urban areas.” World Green Building Week (21-25 September 2020) is the World Green Building Council’s annual campaign.
It is calling on the building sector, policymakers and governments to take urgent action to deliver net zero buildings.
As part of its continuing commitment to ‘build green’ and to advocate for green buildings FBW is also a member of the Kenyan Green Building Society, part of the World Green Building Council.
It is also a champion of the EDGE green building certification system. The Kenyan government has declared that all affordable housing development projects under the nation’s ‘Big Four’ agenda must meet the EDGE standard.
The government will provide developers with free land to build affordable housing projects that meet its commitment to resource-efficient structures.
Its ambition is to close the housing gap for Kenyan people in an environmentally-responsible way. The World Bank estimates that 200,000 housing units are needed annually in Kenya, but the supply is only 50,000 units.
Antje, who is also FBW’s EDGE expert, said: “The green certification system is making a difference in terms of savings in energy, water and embodied energy in materials.
“The initiative we are seeing in Kenya highlights just how important the green approach to building is becoming across Africa. It is high on the agenda as nations look to meet the challenges of increasing urbanisation and population growth.”
‘Circular Economy’ Will Unlock Africa’s Green Growth News information / images from received 220920
Previously on e-architect:
Building Green Cities across Africa image courtesy of architects Building Green Cities across Africa
£9.5m medical training centre plan is a game-changer in Malawi’s medical future Design: Cassidy + Ashton with structural engineering specialist TRP Consulting image courtesy of architects USA Africa Investment Advisor Programme
Location: across Africa, including Malawi
African Buildings
Africa Architectural Projects
African Architecture Designs – chronological list
Another Malawi building on e-architect:
The Legson Kayira Community Center & Primary School Malawi Design: Architecture for a change image courtesy of architects The Legson Kayira Community Center & Primary School Malawi
African Architecture News
African Buildings
Health Centre Buildings
New African Building Designs
Butaro Hospital, Burera District, Rwanda MASS Design Group, USA image courtesy of architects African Hospital Building
Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt Design: Snohetta Architecture Alexandria Library Egypt
British High Commission Kampala, Uganda Design: Kilburn Nightingale Architects British High Commission Kampala
Hospital Buildings
Comments / photos for the Circular Economy in Africa: FBW Group News page welcome
Website: Africa
The post Circular Economy in Africa: FBW Group appeared first on e-architect.
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ictteachersug · 6 years
All members of the ICT Teachers Association of Uganda (ITAU) are coordially invited to attend the Wordcamp Kampala 2018 conference which will take place between from Fri 23rd – Sun 25th November 2018 at Hivecolab – Kamwokya, Kampala. The wordcamp will focus on everything to do with website design and publishing with WordPress, the world’s No. 1 Content Management System (CMS) that powers over 80 million sites on the web (over 30% of the world’s websites), including our joint website, ictteachersug.net.
Since ictteachersug.net is a multi-user website, all users are priviledged with credentials to login and publish content on the website. Therefore all ITAU members need to know how to use WordPress for creating and publishing content.
There will be number of lined up sessions will be led by distinguished experienced speakers. The speakers will discuss several technologies, including Gutenberg, Docker, Jetpack, Google AMP and how to cope with the ever evolving technologies.
Participants will also get tips on,
quality content generation,
debugging tools,
Search engine and speed optimization,
achieving mobile-friendliness,
handling cyber threats, data privacy & website security,
Performing redirects,
installing WordPress instances and multisites,
earning from income blogging,
plus an insight into the future of WordPress.
Special Parallel Session for ICT Teachers,  getting started with Free hosting
ICT Teachers will have an additional pararrel hands-on session which will focus on how to specifically manage thier wordpress-powered joint website, ictteachersug.net. We shall get a walkthrough about adding new posts and other features like:
Updating own profile
Adding Quick and Advanced posts
Adding downloads
Adding resources
Adding events
Adding products to our e-shop
Adding Job listings
Embedding images
Sending email notifications
Posting to ITAU social media
Using ITAU webmail
Approving new users, etc.
For practice purposes, the teachers will be guided on how to setup thier free web hosting accounts on center4webpresence.com  and free domain names as promised during the recent Capacity Development Workshop/ ITAU AGM 2018. Online WordPress installations will be made for everyone so that even beginers can start experimenting with it.
History about WordCamps
WordCamps are casual, conferences covering everything related to WordPress, organised in several cities world over. WordCamps are attended by people ranging from blogging newbies to professional web developers and consultants, and usually combine scheduled programming with unconference sessions and other activities.
The first WordCamp was organized in San Francisco by Matt Mullenweg in 2006, and since then local communities around the world have organized hundreds of others. In Uganda, the first Wordcamp Kampala was held last year 2017. Read about how it went down and more details about the wordpress kampala community.
  How can you be a part of the WordCamp Kampala 2018?
The general public can pay for tickets through the official event website at 2018.kampala.wordcamp.org using PayPal or VISA.
The ticket prices go for only $5 or UGX 22,000 which caters for meals and breakfast for both days, an after party and a WordCamp shirt. Your Ticket will give you access to all the activities that will consist of training, competition and fun.
Breakfast session – wordcamp 2017
Troubleshooting session – wordcamp 2017
Lunch session – wordcamp 2017
Fun session – wordcamp 2017
Special 10% discount for ICT Teachers
To benefit from the special discount for ICT Teachers, register through this form. You can also call/whatsapp the coordinator through 0706060740/0776960740 for confirmation.
#WordCampKampala 2018: Here's a special invitation, DISCOUNT for #ICTTrsUG. @wordcampkampala @wordpress All members of the ICT Teachers Association of Uganda (ITAU) are coordially invited to attend the…
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coin-river-blog · 6 years
The Daily
With banks in Europe, America and Asia doing “everything to crush cryptocurrencies,” Binance CEO CZ says Africa can become a leader in their implementation. The major crypto exchange is thinking about opening an office in Uganda and we have covered the story in today’s Bitcoin in Brief. Also, online trade with cryptos spikes in Bahrain, while in Georgia, luxury real estate is being sold for bitcoin. All this has been happening in an otherwise bearish May.   
Binance to Open Office in Uganda
Binance is considering the possibility of opening a new office in Uganda, company CEO Changpeng Zhao revealed at The Africa Blockchain Conference 2018, which took place at the end of May in Kampala, the country’s capital. The move is part of the trading platform’s plans to support the economic transformation of the African nation and increase youth employment through blockchain technology implementation. The leading cryptocurrency exchange has offices in Japan, Hong Kong, Malta, and intends to establish a global compliance center in Bermuda.
With the help of companies like Binance, “Uganda will be able to join the 4th Industrial Revolution, subsequently a lot of new jobs will open and the flow of investment into the country will increase,” Zhao said. “Watching this conference I was very impressed by the enthusiasm of Africans to introduce cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. It was surprising to see that cryptocurrencies enjoy not only an increased interest from the people, but also the active support of many representatives of African banks and government officials,” he stated.
In April, Binance’ CEO announced a partnership with Crypto Savannah, an African blockchain innovation hub, Msingi, an organization working to build the East African industries of the future, and the “Made in Africa” Initiative. In a post on Twitter, Changpeng Zhao promised “thousands of jobs and bringing investments to Uganda.” “Expect more news on Africa!” he added in the comments.
In a statement during the conference in Kampala, Zhao noted that most banks in Europe, the US, and China criticize cryptocurrencies and do everything possible to crush them, and added: “It seems to me that Africa has real chances of becoming one of the leading regions in the implementation of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies.”
Bearish May Brings Down Trading Volumes
More than $606 billion in cryptocurrencies have been traded last month through over 1,600 different cryptocurrencies, according to Coinmarketcap. The total is less than half the $1.4 trillion in more than 1,500 cryptocurrencies traded during the previous monthly period, 24/7 Wall St reports. The data shows a bearish May following a rather bullish April. With a 30-day volume of $184.31 billion, bitcoin (BTC) is the most traded cryptocurrency.
The last several months have seen another negative trend – in futures trading. Since March, the contracts have dropped by a third. Nymex bitcoin futures have lost more than 51% since trading began in January. Bitcoin June futures on Cboe traded down about 1.9% at noon on Wednesday. The expiration of CME bitcoin futures on May 25 also influenced cryptocurrency prices.
Crypto Trade Booming in Bahrain
In some parts of the world, however, things do not look so bleak. Since the beginning of this year, more jurisdictions have begun to legally recognize cryptocurrencies, one way or another. These include the US, Canada, many members of the European Union, and several African and Asian nations.
Bahrain, a country credited for building the first post-oil economy in the Persian Gulf, has recently enjoyed a spike in online trade using cryptocurrency, according to local media. In the absence of official regulations, bitcoin transactions have been booming on Bahraini websites and social media. A shop selling crypto-priced items is set to open soon in the Riffa area, Albawaba Business reported.
The island nation has also indicated it may soon emerge as a global cryptocurrency exchange hub. In March, the government in Manama set up a “regulatory sandbox” for that purpose. “As long as the business qualifies as fintech, we will welcome it,” said Khalid Saad, CEO of Bahrain Fintech Bay, quoted by Business Line. At least four crypto trading platforms are already registered there.
The sector, however, is still awaiting a final decision on the legal tender status of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. It is supposed to come from the Central Bank of Bahrain, which is the country’s financial regulator.
Real Estate Sold for Bitcoin in Georgia
A luxurious apartment has been put on sale for 25 bitcoins (~$190,000) in Georgia. According to local realtors, the owner has explicitly asked the price to be announced in cryptocurrency, Geomigrant reports. The current legislation does not mention crypto payments. Despite the lack of a regulatory framework, cryptocurrencies are gaining popularity as a means of exchange and trade among Georgians.
The Caucasian country is known as a major crypto mining hub in Eurasia thanks to some tax incentives and low electricity rates. According to a recently published study by the World Bank, around 5% of Georgian households participate in cryptocurrency trading and investing. Blockchain technologies have also spread in Georgia.
What are your thoughts on the topics in today’s Bitcoin in Brief? Let us know in the comments section below. 
Images courtesy of Shutterstock.
At Bitcoin.com there’s a bunch of free helpful services. For instance, have you seen our Tools page? You can even lookup the exchange rate for a transaction in the past. Or calculate the value of your current holdings. Or create a paper wallet. And much more.
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svtecharticles8 · 4 years
Jobs Micro – Free job posting sites in Uganda
Jobs Micro is a leader among numerous free job posting sites in Uganda. Jobs Micro comes with very great features which makes the work of the employers very easy. In fact it should be termed as the best among many free job posting sites in Uganda. Jobs Micro provides dashboard for the employers from where they can manage their job posting, edit or renew or delete job posts, manage candidates, shortlist candidates, contact candidates and much more.
With its great presence online, the job posted immediately reaches job searchers across the world and the employers will be contacted by the job searchers in no time. We offer free candidate contact in a simple way. The employers can contact candidates and in the same way candidates can also contact job posters. That is why we say Jobs Micro is the best among other free job posting websites in Uganda. There are many free job posting websites in Uganda but we are giving all the benefits which a premium employer and candidate would get.
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Two Years After KONY 2012, Has Invisible Children Grown Up?
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/two-years-after-kony-2012-has-invisible-children-grown-up/
Two Years After KONY 2012, Has Invisible Children Grown Up?
In March 2012, a human rights organization’s documentary about a central African despot became the most viral video of all time, and the ensuing furor resulted in its leader’s bizarre public meltdown. On the second anniversary of the phenomenon, everyone involved is still figuring out what it all means.
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Jason Russell in his office in September. Photograph by Sam Hodgson for BuzzFeed
Jason Russell is tan. Genuinely and exotically tan, even for a lifelong Southern Californian. He almost immediately apologizes for it, explaining that he’s just come from a wedding in Turks and Caicos. Later that afternoon, he’ll walk through the Barrio Logan, San Diego, headquarters of his nonprofit Invisible Children, burnt and barefoot in a neon orange tank top and shorts, rain whipping the office’s industrial windows. The interns will giggle, fondly: “That’s a guy who takes his workout seriously.”
This is Jason Russell today — 35, training for an Ironman, home every night by 6 p.m., never away from his family for longer than five days a month. This is not the raving man of two years ago, stomping down a San Diego sidewalk, slapping the cement with his bare ass to the sky. But part of him is here too.
“Every day for two minutes, I will think, Oh my god, I had a naked meltdown,” Russell says, stretching and snapping a rubber band between his fingers on his glass desk. “I will think that and be like, how did that happen? How in the world is that a part of my story and history forever?”
Russell today is healthy, or says he is. He went to therapy. He was on Oprah’s Next Chapter. He’s still theatrical and jovial, still prone to hyperbole, still enthusiastically earnest in a way that’s completely inspiring to half the world and nails on a chalkboard to the other. But after Russell’s psychotic episode, he spent six months figuring out who he was going to be, how and when and whether he would return to the nonprofit he founded in 2004 and nearly brought down in 2012 with the release of “KONY 2012,” the most viral video of all time — an impassioned, idealistic call for American youth to make Joseph Kony, the leader of central Africa’s militant child-kidnapping group Lord’s Resistance Army, in Russell’s words, “famous.”
For a majority of the 100 million who viewed “KONY 2012,” it was the first time they’d heard of Invisible Children, then an eight-year-old organization with a website that couldn’t handle its new traffic. Information gathering was a free-for-all; here was Jason Russell, the video’s narrator, describing Invisible Children as “the Pixar of human rights stories” to the New York Times. There he was telling CNN, “We are not these other organizations that do amazing work on the ground. If you want to fund a cow or you want to help someone in a village in that component, you can do that. That’s a third of what we do.” Here was a fairly embarrassing musical promotional video for a 2006 event called the Global Night Commute. There was Russell describing his personality: “If Oprah, Steven Spielberg and Bono had a baby, I would be that baby.” Here was an appearance on The 700 Club, an interview at Liberty University, and an audio clip of Russell at a Christian conference describing Invisible Children as a “Trojan Horse in a sense, going into a secular realm.” And everywhere was the photo of Invisible Children’s founders posing with tough faces, guns, and members of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army.
The ammunition was boundless and critics ruthless. Counterprogramming was one thing, but character assassination was another, prompting Time magazine’s Alex Perry to describe much of the backlash as “malicious online ‘takedown,’ most of whose participants were utterly uninterested in truth but focused instead on a point-scoring, trashing and hurting, the digital pogrom of the unaccountable, anonymous Invisible Mob.”
“I think that’s what really made me lose it,” Russell says. “They were attacking me personally: my voice, my hair, my face, my family, my friends … I didn’t realize what 15 minutes of white-hot fame looks like. And I got to see it. And it is not pretty.
“It’s” — he knocks on his desk — “not” — knock — “good” — knock. “It’s so dark. I was obviously not sleeping and definitely kind of losing my mind, for sure, but I would seriously start crying when I thought about, like, Lindsay Lohan, or even Sarah Palin, or these people who’ve been in the spotlight and been ridiculed by everyone in the world. Most people will say out of their mouths, ‘Lindsay Lohan should die.’ And then I was reading that about myself.”
After 10 days, it was reportedly “extreme exhaustion, stress and dehydration” that drove Russell to that San Diego sidewalk, and later a hospital on a 5150 involuntary psychiatric hold order. A week later, his wife Danica announced the early diagnosis was “brief reactive psychosis.”
And then the conversation stopped — and with it, all the debate, conspiracy theories, and think pieces about Invisible Children’s methods and motivations. Some threads continued, of course, but it was as if the media saw Russell’s breakdown and slowly backed out of the room, switching off the lights before comically bolting away.
Russell was marked, even after his recovery tour. The organization was marked too. And yet they both have endured, largely off the millions KONY 2012 brought in, but also because of significant changes made in response to KONY 2012, and a desperately sustained belief that the LRA’s end is near — a belief motivated by the fear that if it’s not, theirs may come first.
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David Ocitti, a former child soldier from Uganda. Photograph by Sam Hodgson for BuzzFeed
Eight years before KONY 2012, there was Invisible Children: Rough Cut, the documentary Russell made after graduating from film school. Russell and his friends Laren Poole, then 19, and Bobby Bailey, then 20, spent months saving money and petitioning family and friends, and their floppy-haired origin story has been told and told again: “All we really wanted, more than anything, was a compelling story,” Russell says. They found one — plus a few bouts of malaria.
Rough Cut focuses on “night walkers,” or rural Northern Uganda children who used to walk into town each night to sleep in public and avoid capture by the LRA. It largely follows one former child soldier, Jacob Acaye, who watched his brother die after the boy tried to escape.
“We wanted to go to Sundance and be the documentary darlings. And Sundance shut us down,” Russell says. “In a way, we were like, ‘We don’t need no stinkin’ Sundance.’ I’ve been [there] enough times to know that even if there are great movies there, they often do not get seen by more than a couple thousand people. And we felt our story was powerful and important enough that we were going to, in a way, force people to watch it.”
And so they held screenings on the West Coast, forming a charity with a mission statement to “raise awareness and [educate] the U.S. about the atrocities, exploitation and abuse of invisible children throughout the world.” According to financial documents, Invisible Children brought in $331,783 in 2004, its first year. In 2005, as screenings ramped up, the organization made more than $3 million. The founders hired a CFO, Ben Keesey, a UCLA graduate who turned down a finance job at Deloitte & Touche after a post-finals trip to Africa. The money helped take Rough Cut on a national tour in 2006 and produce Global Night Commute, a concurrent rally in 130 cities, where an estimated 80,000 Americans walked to their city centers and slept outside.
As a newly IRS-certified nonprofit in 2006, Invisible Children continued to stage dramatic events, produce short films, and host thousands of screenings, raising money through donations and selling Ugandan-made goods. Celebrities began lending support; in 2007, Invisible Children had a storyline on The CW’s Veronica Mars, starring longtime supporter Kristen Bell (and Russell’s brother-in-law Ryan Hansen). In 2007, Fall Out Boy filmed a music video in Uganda, and Invisible Children joined Warped Tour.
On paper, business was good; revenue climbed from $7 million in mid-2007 to $8.25 million in mid-2010. Program expenses were divided into essentially two pots: one for U.S.-based events, film production, lobbying, and awareness tours, and another for programs in Uganda, including scholarships, teacher exchanges, and a seamstress program for former LRA abductees. (Generally, the U.S. pot was more full than the Uganda pot, by anywhere from $50,000 to $1.7 million.)
But internally, there were growing pains. “I remember going through a couple painful periods and having to let go of friends,” co-founder Bobby Bailey says. “During the summer months, we thought, There’s no way we were going to make payroll. We were never good at reaching out to high-level donors to pay for our overhead. Most of our money came from kids buying products.”
Bailey left Invisible Children in 2009 — an emotional, messy exit that began with The Rescue, a 100-city event during which participants “abducted themselves” in an attempt to get high-profile figures to voice public support for helping child soldiers. Bailey pushed for it and raised the money, and the event got Invisible Children on Oprah’s radar. But Bailey says he was overwhelmed by the planning and implementation of the event.
“These massive events that brought out 80,000 people almost crushed us and killed us, financially but also because we worked people so hard,” he says. “To be honest, I couldn’t do it. I was tired, I felt frustrated, I was just burnt, and I couldn’t figure out how to make the event happen. It was just a big blow to me and my ego.”
“It was difficult,” goes Russell’s version. “I mean, it was just a power struggle. That’s all. He’s an amazing filmmaker and so creative. But because we’re very entrepreneurial, a lot of his ideas wouldn’t get traction. And so he was super frustrated with feeling like people wouldn’t listen to him.”
The Rescue was a turning point for Invisible Children, not only because of Bailey’s exit. The organization received substantial media attention for the first time, but also attracted its first major wave of criticism.
“My initial reaction was that it was goofy and self-serving and a disturbing over-simplification of the issues,” says Kate Cronin-Furman of the international issues blog Wronging Rights. At the time of The Rescue, she wrote (with co-blogger Amanda Taub) that “choosing to simplistically define … Ugandan children as ‘The Abducted’ constrains our ability to think creatively about the problems they face, and work with them to combat these problems.”
“The cavalier first film did the trick,” wrote Chris Blattman, then an assistant professor in political science and economics at Yale. “Maybe now it’s time to start acting like grownups.”
To Blattman, the “idea of rescuing children or saving of Africa” was “inherently misleading, naive, maybe even dangerous … The savior attitude pervades too many aid failures, not to mention military interventions.”
Ben Keesey, who became Invisible Children’s CEO in 2007, calls this kind of criticism “low-hanging fruit.”
“Like, of course it’s detailed, nuanced, and complicated how you actually contribute responsibly to seeing an end to a conflict like the LRA,” he says. “But the statement that wherever you are in the world, however old you are, you have the ability to help end a war in Africa? I stand by that. And I think it’s the necessary statement to actually get a lot of people to do something.”
Invisible Children’s first legislative victory came in 2010, when President Obama signed the LRA Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act, leading to the deployment of 100 U.S. advisers in LRA-affected areas in 2011. That year, Laren Poole left Invisible Children to move to Uganda, fundraising and strategizing for the Bridgeway Foundation, which hires private military contractors to train Uganda’s army.
“We left the Oval Office after the bill was signed, and we stayed out much too late and were drinking dirty martinis and having the best time,” Russell says. “I brought up the question, ‘What’s the dream for your life?’ It’s something I always ask people, and Laren said, ‘I want to be a Navy SEAL.’ And then I started laughing, because we were like, ‘Dude, you’re always so sick. You’re already 29 years old. You’re not going to be a Navy SEAL.’ And Laren is the type of person that will say, ‘Watch me.’”
The move left Russell in full control of the organization’s creative direction, which he had always fought with Bailey and Poole over. And as 2011 ended, he was bringing together a campaign that would become bigger than he — a “lifelong dreamer,” disciple of Oprah, and permanent summer camp counselor — could have anticipated.
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Photograph by Sam Hodgson for BuzzFeed
“KONY 2012” went live on Monday, March 5, 2012. Noelle West, Invisible Children’s director of communications, switched the YouTube video from private to public — a fairly insignificant moment she may actually remember for the rest of her life.
“I don’t know if you’ve been in a media shitstorm, but I’ve never been, none of us had ever been, and it was the most traumatic and overwhelming crisis-bringing thing that ever happened to any of us,” says West, a fast-talking, sporty 31-year-old with long waves of brown hair.
The KONY 2012 campaign wanted a youth uprising — through tweets, rallies, and late-night poster blitzes — that would encourage the U.S. government to increase efforts to help Ugandan forces find and capture Kony. The video was told from Russell’s perspective, as he explained Kony and the LRA’s tens of thousands child abductions to his wide-eyed blond son, Gavin Danger, then 5.
Between the versions of “KONY 2012” on Vimeo and YouTube, the 30-minute film received 100 million views in six days — surpassing Susan Boyle’s Britain’s Got Talent performance (which took nine days to reach 100 million) and Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance video (18 days), according to audience data service Visible Measures.
And for a minute there, it seemed to be incredibly well received, particularly if you had any Facebook friends in the 16–24 demographic. Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Ryan Seacrest, Nicole Richie, Diddy, and the Kardashian sisters all tweeted their support. In San Diego, one intern in Invisible Children’s fulfillment department had 500,000 orders of $30 “action kits” to process. One intern in public relations had 4,000 emails and counting incoming from media outlets. Russell flew across the country for TV interviews twice in 48 hours.
But as millions clicked beyond the video, Invisible Children’s website crashed. And the lack of information left an incredibly open opportunity for critics to offer counter narratives.
The controversy wasn’t a surprise, West says. “But it got too big for us to talk to people who were upset. We’ve always simplified the issue down to a very understandable, non-academic, non-complex issue, which is offensive to some academics because they think you’re trivializing it. But for us, that is just the entry point. We’re trying to attract people into this issue but make it accessible for them. ‘KONY 2012’ was not trying to be a very P.C., well rounded, in-depth piece.”
To academics, this simplification was still deceiving, relying more on emotion than facts. Wronging Rights’ three-year-old criticism of Invisible Children received nearly 500,000 views in one day. By Friday, a Tumblr called Visible Children had nearly 2.2 million views. The blog’s creator, Grant Oyston, wasn’t a qualified expert on African issues; he was a 19-year-old Canadian political science student who offered some commentary, but mostly linked out to others’ criticism of “KONY 2012.” His influence, however, warranted comment from Invisible Children’s newly hired New York PR firm Sunshine, Sachs & Associates, who told The Canadian Press that the “things he’s written are important but are a little misinformed and naive.”
“I thought that was strange. It had this air of, ‘You young people don’t understand,’ but their whole target was young people,” says Oyston, who eventually got a call from an “emotional” Russell, offering to fly him to California or even Uganda to see Invisible Children’s programs in person. (He declined.) But Oyston still takes issue with being labeled anti-Invisible Children, admitting the charity has done some good work, and finds himself criticizing the entire cycle of KONY 2012 — praise, backlash, and all.
“I found it troubling how quickly people read my criticism and other more informed critiques and responded by giving up and not caring,” Oyston says. “This video made them excited about helping victims and then they read something on a blog and they said, ‘Never mind.’ I found that disheartening. “
No one denied that Kony was a criminal who should be brought to justice, but many were critical of the call — from young, white Americans — to help Uganda address a problem already generally thought to be resolved in that country. Uganda’s government spokesman even issued a statement: “Misinterpretations of media content may lead some people to believe that the LRA is currently active in Uganda. It must be clarified that at present the LRA is not active in any part of Uganda. Successfully expelled by the Ugandan Peoples Defence Forces in mid-2006, the LRA has retreated to dense terrain within bordering countries in the Central Africa area. They are a diminished and weakened group with numbers not exceeding 300.”
Michael Wilkerson, a freelance writer and one of KONY 2012’s earliest critics, encouraged KONY 2012 supporters to consider the “potential collateral damage.”
“In previous offensives by the Ugandan military that didn’t quite catch Kony, what [happened] was the LRA ransacked and massacred vengefully as it fled, killing hundreds of civilians in the Congo in the winter of 2009,” he told NPR.
Others were offended by the portrayal of Uganda, down to the word “invisible,” including writer Dinaw Mengestu: “To claim [the children] were invisible because a group of college students traveling through Uganda happened to stumble upon a war they were too ignorant to have known of before going to the region is, to put it mildly, patronizing. By the time the organizers arrived in Uganda and created Invisible Children, northern villages such as Gulu were crowded with NGOs and aid workers and the largest humanitarian concern, by far, was the housing conditions of the more than one million people living in camps for the internally displaced.”
“That’s a tough one to talk about,” Keesey says today. “Of all the critiques that we got, it was the one that I never saw coming. Is Joseph Kony, who’s the world’s most prolific child abductor, worthy of a campaign to stop him? Is that a worthy pursuit? To see the LRA disarmed and to see these communities free from fear? That one took me off guard.”
Two weeks after “KONY 2012”’s release, Teju Cole wrote in The Atlantic about the “white savior” who “supports brutal policies in the morning, founds charities in the afternoon, and receives awards in the evening,” and those who financially support him — without considering U.S. foreign policy’s role in the conflicts that yield large aid movements, or the wishes of those receiving the aid.
“I disagree with the approach taken by Invisible Children in particular, and by the White Savior Industrial Complex in general, because there is much more to doing good work than ‘making a difference,’” Cole wrote. “There is the principle of first do no harm. There is the idea that those who are being helped ought to be consulted over the matters that concern them.”
Cole’s analysis was smart and personal without overt hostility — something other critics couldn’t resist, particularly when it came to Russell’s role in the film. It resonated, and when talking about the backlash today, Invisible Children staff still cite the phrase “white savior industrial complex.”
“Our biggest mistake,” West says, “was we should have had supplementary materials that showed how much we really know. We should have had that secondary video that has all of our regional staff who are in fact from the regions in which we operate. It’s not a bunch of white California kids out in the region. These are professionals who have lived through this conflict their whole lives. We should have had that stuff in front when people came looking, but we were just too underwater to even figure that out.”
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Photograph by Sam Hodgson for BuzzFeed
Russell says he still hasn’t grasped how many people saw the clip of his naked rant. (Somewhere around 4.5 million, only counting the most popular versions on YouTube.) But he’s distinctly aware of the mark it left on Invisible Children’s internal culture. On his office bookshelf, next to thick, beat-up journals from his first Africa trip, Russell has a blue binder, where dozens of cards and press clippings and notes from friends and strangers and co-workers are collaged together. On the cover of the binder is a cut-out headline from Entertainment Weekly: “This was the year that… EVERYONE GOT NAKED.” The article didn’t include Russell, but he thought it was funny anyway.
“Coming back to work,” Russell says, “I think it was strange to hear a lot of people be like, ‘I was gonna move on, I was gonna get another job, I was gonna stop the internship, but I’m here for you to make sure you’re OK. I’ve stayed here for a year to make sure you’re OK.’”
On his first day back, one of Invisible Children’s writers wrote him a letter, which he picked out of all of the notes to show me:
“Welcome home. I’ve literally had dreams about this day when I would see you for the first time in Noelle and Heather’s office — slow motion hug and tears — and now my literal dreams are literally coming true. A couple things I didn’t realize about you ‘til you weren’t in the office anymore: Your ideas and designs push the envelope, yet you have the key skill of getting people on the same page in spite of your ideas’ extremity. You break convention but somehow make peace and bring everybody together over it. I miss that.”
“She’s saying, ‘I dreamt of you coming back,’ and I’m not even like that good friends with her!” Russell laughs. “I just … Yeah. I feel most at home here, so I always felt like I would come back if they would have me.”
Was that a question?
“Obviously if someone does what I did, they’re getting advice from a lot of people saying distance yourself as much as you can, ‘cause he’s really the thing that took the campaign off the rails. So I think they had to really think about what my position would be like, get a lot of advice, and figure out if it could work.”
Russell and I spoke for an hour before he made any reference to his faith, and only when I asked. In the past, he’s talked openly about his evangelical upbringing and its influence on his life and work — Russell’s parents are the founders of the national chain Christian Youth Theater; he and Poole and Bailey are definitive Christian bros. But after several critics accused Invisible Children of being a secretly religious and even anti-gay organization — including an Atlantic story accusing Russell of “secretly pulling our consciences towards Jesus” — he has notably scaled back the God talk. In October, when he was at Catalyst, the annual church leadership conference, Russell says he turned away questions from a Christian Science Monitor reporter who approached him.
“I feel so manipulated by people who think, I’m gonna get the scoop because I think he’s secretly trying to do this spiritual thing. Like if we really were the illuminati, how much more exciting would your article be? If we’re working with Jay Z? We’re in a homeless neighborhood — give me a break, we’re not illuminati.”
Russell says he watches service on TV and goes to church once in a while, but not on a consistent basis.
“Maybe this is a cop-out, but if you want to know about my spirituality, I’ll totally tell you. I can talk about my faith. I’m not afraid of it. But Invisible Children is not a faith-based religious organization at all. People forget that something like 80% of Americans call themselves a believer in God … So to have like 30% or even half of our staff have some kind of faith is just a demographic. No one’s trying to push an agenda.”
Russell believes — of course — that everything happens for a reason. On his bulletin board is a printed-out email from Oprah (her email address blacked out, much to certain visitors’ chagrin). Russell wrote her last year after reading that she recognized the symptoms of her own nervous breakdown after interviewing him.
“Hi Jason, I received your beautiful letter,” he says, more performing her email than reading it out loud. “Isn’t it beautiful how we’re all angels for each other and messages to heal come in all forms? Thank you for taking such fine care and reaching out to me. I hold you in the light — exclamation point!”
“So you saved Oprah?” I ask.
“For me, it’s like, OK, my breakdown was a shitshow. We all know that. But I can’t tell you how many people have come up to me and said, ‘I’ve had a breakdown. I’m on this medicine.’ It’s this dark secret that we’re all struggling with our mental health, and I think we should be vulnerable and honest and tell the truth. If my next 10 years ends with having to do with mental health or encouraging a generation to be real and honest — it’s the only way you’re gonna get free — then the breakdown was probably necessary for me to become something of an expert.”
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Russell speaks to roadies and staff, kicking off a tour at San Diego’s Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial on Sept. 17, 2013. Photograph by Sam Hodgson for BuzzFeed
Ben Keesey, a towering 30-year-old with slicked-back hair, likes conversation; he wants to know about your day, where you grew up, and what your job is like. But he bounces, sometimes ungracefully, between youthful energy and political pragmatism, stuck between a world of San Diego interns who end every sentence with “awesome,” and D.C. lawmakers who don’t. He is relentlessly idealistic, a trait he embraces despite how often it’s been used against him and Invisible Children.
After KONY 2012, Keesey would say during interviews, “How do I show you my sincerity? How do I just show people my actual heart? Can they just tap into it for 10 minutes, so they can see we really do care about the people we work for?”
“There are times when I get sad,” Keesey says. “Because a lot of the concerns or skepticisms that we weren’t able to overcome put a lot of people on the sidelines that I believe want to be involved. At times, I actually personally process it as feeling very responsible and saying, ‘What more could I have done? Did I fail? Did I fail this organization and this cause by not being able to properly justify our actions or our integrity?’ It’s a very heavy burden on my heart.”
In the controversy’s aftermath, Invisible Children had difficulty booking school tours for the first time in years. The money wasn’t there like it used to be, with young fundraisers experiencing resistance — “from their families, their friends, people spitting on them, people calling them liars, people calling them stupid, they don’t know what they’re talking about,” Russell says. “Before KONY 2012, our organization was predominantly seen as, Good job! You guys are inspiring, keep going, we believe in you. And all the sudden it flipped on its head — You guys are liars, you’re a scam factory, you’re fake, you’re embezzling the money, or whatever.”
By mid-2012, Invisible Children had nearly $26.5 million in revenue and $17 million in net assets. By mid-2013, the organization had $4.9 million in revenue (their lowest since 2005) and less than $6.6 million in assets. Sixty-five employees in the San Diego office became 29. Two floors of a building became one. About 130 staffers in Africa — 95% of them from the region — became 108.
And yet, KONY 2012 was objectively the organization’s most successful campaign ever, both in its mission — making Kony famous, even if on the other end of punch lines — and in policy.
On April 20, 2012, when KONY 2012 supporters were supposed to “cover the night,” a directive from the film to blanket city centers in posters and other anti-Kony propaganda, turnout was abysmal. But that month, President Obama announced the extension of a military advise-and-assist mission to central Africa. The European Union, as part of a declaration of support, established a Joint Operations Centre to assist central Africa’s counter-LRA regional task force. On Capitol Hill, Invisible Children’s reputation went from “very young film students” to issue experts invited to White House roundtables, according to The Enough Project, a policy-focused group that says it helped Invisible Children overcome “stumbling blocks” in its early lack of expertise. In January 2013, Congress passed the Rewards for Justice Bill, authorizing $5 million for information leading to Kony’s capture. It was at the bill’s signing in the Oval Office that Keesey asked Samantha Power, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, to speak at the 2013 Fourth Estate Summit, Invisible Children’s second-ever conference of more than 1,000 supporters. She accepted, starting the speech — her first since being appointed ambassador — with “O.M.G.”
“KONY 2012 created the most opportunity and movement around this issue more than all the eight years before it combined,” says Noelle West, who spent a not insignificant amount of her time immediately after KONY 2012 responding to critical comments on charity database GuideStar, Reddit, and social media networks. “To know that’s what happened and still feel punished for it is strange.”
“It was game changer for the profile of the issue and for the movement at the international level,” Keesey says. “It’s absolutely caused us gigantic organizational challenges, personal challenges, ones that we’re still working through. But I think on balance, net net net to the mission, it was helpful. And from that standpoint, I would do it again.”
There are regrets, of course, in how the backlash was handled. From all vantage points, Invisible Children didn’t know how to talk about itself. The messages — and messengers — weren’t consistent.
Grant Oyston (and many others) cited his fundamental problem with Invisible Children as “their relentless focus on advocacy over action,” a criticism heightened by Invisible Children’s director of ideology Jedediah Jenkins’ post-KONY 2012 comment that “we are not an aid organization, and we don’t intend to be. I think people think we’re over there delivering shoes or food. But we are an advocacy and awareness organization.” (Later in March, a video of Jenkins joking around and drinking — or pretending to drink — while celebrating Invisible Children’s $1 million grant from Chase Community Giving made it to TMZ. Jenkins has since taken a break from the organization to go on a bike trip from Oregon to Patagonia.)
“That comment is a bit of a half-representation of even who we were in 2012,” Keesey says. “But at the same time, this conversation in itself illuminates the challenge that we have describing who we are, because who we are has changed, and changes and will change.”
Still, accusations surrounding the organization’s financial integrity remain the stickiest: that so much of its money is spent on travel and film production, that so little is spent on overseas programs, that it kept money from the KONY 2012 action kits.
“We were very much accused of financial impropriety,” Keesey says. “The feeling of potentially being scammed is one of the worst feelings in the world. And it’s not possible to reach back out to the amount of people that heard that message in the wake of KONY 2012 for them to feel rock-solid confident that we do get our finances audited every year, and 100% of our audits have come back with an unqualified opinion. We’ve had no legitimate cases or even accusations of actual fraud. That doesn’t exist.”
COO Chris Carver says when Invisible Children tried to explain its finances, he wishes he had “put out not just the literal components, but how much we felt this strategy was important, this allocation of funds to domestic education versus international operations — how much we believe in that.”
And yet Invisible Children substantially reallocated funds last year, spending about $4 million in the U.S. on media and mobilization efforts and nearly $7.8 million on Uganda recovery and protection programs, according to its annual IRS filings. The only other year Invisible Children gave more money to Uganda than the U.S. was in fiscal year 2009, but the difference was just under $750,000. This reversal was Keesey’s direction, made with consultation from the staff in Africa.
According to independent evaluator Charity Navigator, Invisible Children has spent at least 80% on programs since 2009, contradicting a widely circulated 32% figure that one interpretation of their finances (which discounted U.S. educational programs) yielded during KONY 2012. But Charity Navigator’s accountability rating of Invisible Children in 2011 — two of four stars — was another reason the organization’s finances were called into question, and largely a result of Invisible Children not having enough independent voting board members at the time. The rating was restored to four stars in 2012, after more members were added. (Invisible Children was also questioned for not filing with the Better Business Bureau, another voluntary measure of nonprofit transparency. Carver says the “Better Business Bureau stamp was just something that we haven’t gotten around to doing, because it takes a lot of time.”)
Carver estimates this year’s revenue will continue to be lower than Invisible Children’s past highs. There can never be another surprise Susan Boyle performance, and there can never be another KONY 2012, which cost in total $2.8 million. The organization very simply doesn’t have the resources, financially or emotionally: “To fool ourselves into thinking that we’re gonna convince the world that this is different is not the best use of our time,” Carver says.
Invisible Children’s only fundraising campaign in 2013 was ZeroLRA, which Russell calls “the least inspired I have been and everyone around here has been, even though we worked our butt off to make it happen and inspire our fundraisers and supporters.”
The problem comes down to originality, Russell says. Invisible Children has been telling stories about the LRA’s abductions for 10 years, over 12 documentaries. “How many different ways can you cut the cake? How many different ways can you actually approach the conflict and keep it fresh and exciting?”
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Photograph by Sam Hodgson for BuzzFeed
The most important question, two years on: How did Invisible Children spend its KONY 2012 millions?
The answer: mostly on what it considers attack-prevention programs in known LRA activity regions, including one that uses helicopters to drop defection fliers — “truth campaigns to psychologically woo them,” as Keesey says, out of the jungle and to safe-reporting sites. Of last year’s 83 known defectors, 79% referenced the fliers, Invisible Children says. (In December, 19 LRA members defected together, the largest mass defection since 2008.)
Invisible Children has also been investing in data-gathering since 2010, when it launched the LRA Crisis Tracker, broadcasting LRA movements and attacks based on information relayed via 71 high-frequency radios. The community reports are vetted through regional experts and updated to the tracker twice daily. The tracker provides an email subscription service, which Invisible Children says is used by state and military officials in the U.S. and central Africa, local communities, and other NGOs, including those providing health services to rural communities.
Invisible Children’s community-improvement programs in Uganda — the “recovery” piece of the organization’s four-part model — have expanded and matured, too; there are now 401 students enrolled in its legacy scholarship program, up from the 135 in its inaugural class, and 4,025 adults enrolled in the village loans and adult literacy programs, up from 400 in its inception. (When asked for their opinions on these recent developments, many critics of “KONY 2012” told BuzzFeed they haven’t kept up with Invisible Children since the controversy two years ago.)
This year, Invisible Children will go after grants from government and philanthropy groups, like the U.S. Agency for International Development and the LRA Fund, a small group of foundations supporting projects in LRA-affected communities. Keesey says the organization needs about $6.2 million this year to continue its programs and keep the lights on. Some of that will come from Invisible Children’s 10,230 monthly donors (with help from interns who make hundreds of calls a week) but not enough. The staff has come to accept that.
“We don’t need the masses, the gigantic grassroots movement, as much as we have in the past,” says West. That may change from time to time — Invisible Children is pushing an upcoming Senate resolution encouraging Obama to “finish the job and not reduce the amount of resources or commitment until we see a full dismantling of the LRA,” and will ask supporters in key districts to call or write to their senators.
But the reality is that Invisible Children can’t survive off the masses anymore. There will be no films or campaigns or tours this year — no 10-week trips led by interns (or “roadies”) screening films and spreading the word of Invisible Children around the U.S. There will be no large-scale Fourth Estate Summit, either — the conference Russell once described as “a TED talk, mixed with a music festival and a film festival, all mixed in a Justin Bieber concert,” with an average attendee age of 16. That means no 1,315 kids in T-shirts and bracelets spending $325–495 each, and no “spectacular wink and a nod to showmanship,” as Bobby Bailey, who attended the summits in 2011 and 2013, puts it. (There will be a smaller version of the event this year, an Invisible Children spokeswoman told BuzzFeed after this article’s publication.) Maybe Invisible Children will never return to that kind of showmanship; maybe it will never be able to afford to.
This scaling back has brought a certain restlessness to San Diego. Russell hasn’t been to Africa in two years; “There hasn’t been a real need for me to go out,” he says, with dozens of workers already on the ground. His next trip will likely be when Kony is caught or killed and the LRA is disbanded. Then, Invisible Children will either close its doors or change into something else entirely, with a different mission and different players.
“We all want to go do other amazing things at some point in our life, and we don’t want to hold ourselves back from that,” Carver says.
In “Move,” Invisible Children’s first film after “KONY 2012,” West says she was afraid that the backlash and Russell’s breakdown was the “beginning of the end … What if all this time we spent, all these things we built, are just, done?” It was certainly an option in 2012, but despite all its losses, Invisible Children wants to “work to put itself out of a job,” or so goes its spin line.
“I would love to shut the doors,” says West, who’s transitioning from communications director to an in-house consultant for companies seeking advice on viral campaigns. “I would love for there to be a big black screen when you come to IC.com after Kony is caught and there’s a process in place for rehabilitating the region so the LRA can’t come back. I would love for IC to be turned off. Why do you need us anymore? That’s just me, though.”
West wants to build furniture. Keesey is mulling over going back to school for sociology or psychology. Russell’s future may lie in some form of mental health advocacy — a field that may be a little more sympathetic to his intuition to put himself in his stories.
The 10 years they’ve spent on this single issue, maintaining all that swaggering idealism, has left the staff in a state of constant anticipation. They firmly believe the LRA’s demise is within sight and that they get closer every day to someone, somewhere, spotting Kony. And with that expectation comes an even stronger hope for vindication.
“It would be such a big deal. And people would come back to the cause and say, ‘Yeah I’ve been supporting you all along. I wanted Kony to be captured too,’” Russell says. “We definitely know that we need that win, and that the future of Invisible Children and the cause and the work that we do is completely reliant on believing that the win will happen soon. If he’s captured or killed in 2024, I would have a hard time believing we could sustain the narrative for much longer.”
Russell says there’s only one film he’s working on, currently plotted out on his big office whiteboard: the one he’ll release when Kony is gone. Whenever that is.
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Photograph by Sam Hodgson for BuzzFeed
Corrections: An earlier version of this article misrepresented Invisible Children’s office layout. The article has also been updated to clarify the LRA Crisis Tracker was launched in 2010, and that according to an Invisible Children spokeswoman, there will be a Fourth Estate Summit this year, contrary to earlier comments made by the staff. (3/10/14)
Update: On Dec. 15, Invisible Children announced it will put in place a strategy to close by the end of 2015.
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/jtes/two-years-after-kony-2012-has-invisible-children-grown-up
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Cash or custody: Israel kicks off deportation of African migrants
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Cash or custody: Israel kicks off deportation of African migrants
TEL AVIV (Reuters) – Israel has started handing out notices to 20,000 male African migrants giving them two months to leave the country or risk being thrown in jail.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is offering the migrants, most of whom are from Sudan and Eritrea, $3,500 and a plane ticket to what it says is a safe destination in another country in sub-Saharan Africa.
The fate of some 37,000 Africans in Israel is posing a moral dilemma for a state founded as haven for Jews from persecution and a national home. The right-wing government is under pressure from its nationalist voter base to expel the migrants, while others are calling for them to be taken in.
The government says the migrants are “infiltrators” looking for work rather than asylum, but there is a growing liberal backlash against the plan, including from rabbis, a small group of survivors of the Nazi Holocaust and ordinary people who say Israel should show greater compassion to the migrants.
The first eviction notices were handed out on Sunday and job advertisements for immigration inspectors to implement the deportation plan have been posted on government websites.
Rights groups advocating on behalf of the migrants say many fled abuse and war and their expulsion, even to a different country in Africa, would endanger them further.
“I don’t know what to do. Rwanda, Uganda are not my countries, what will a third country help me?” said Eritrean Berihu Ainom, after receiving an eviction notice on Sunday.
The deportation notices do not name the country migrants will be flown to but Netanyahu has said it will be a safe destination. Rights groups have named Uganda and Rwanda as possible host countries.
In a poor neighborhood in the south of Tel Aviv that has attracted thousands of African migrants, shops are dotted with signs in Tigrinya and other African languages while abandoned warehouses have been converted into churches.
“I came to Israel to save my life,” said Eritrean Afoworki Kidane, sitting on a street bench.
He said he would rather go to jail than take the cash and plane ticket on offer to leave the country that has been his home for nine years.
Interior Minister Aryeh Deri said Israel’s first obligation was to its own citizens, rather than the migrants.
“They are not numbers, they are people, they are human and I am full of compassion and mercy,” Deri told Army Radio. “But the small state of Israel cannot contain such a vast number of illegal infiltrators.”
But opposition to the plan has been building and some Israelis are now offering to take migrants at risk of expulsion into their homes.
On Thursday, a group of 36 Holocaust survivors sent a letter to Netanyahu asking him not to deport the migrants. The U.S.-based Anti Defamation League has also urged Israel to reconsider the plan, citing “Jewish values and refugee heritage”.
African migrants wait in line for the opening of the Population and Immigration Authority office in Bnei Brak, Israel February 4, 2018. Picture taken February 4, 2018. REUTERS/Nir Elias
Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, chairman of the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial and a Holocaust survivor, said in a statement the issue required “as much compassion, empathy and mercy that can possibly be marshalled. The experiences of the Jewish people over the ages underscore this commitment.”
Rabbi Susan Silverman has launched a campaign called Miklat Israel (Israel Shelter) for Israelis to take migrants into their homes.
“It’s unconscionable for the Jewish state to deport people to harrowing vulnerability,” she said.
Miklat Israel’s Rabbi Tamara Schagas said 600 Israeli families had already signed up and the organization would begin to connect migrants with potential hosts this week.
The Supreme Court ruled in August that Israeli authorities can hold illegal migrants for up to 60 days in custody.
Immigration officials have said women, children and men with families in Israel were allowed to stay for now, as was anyone with outstanding asylum requests.
Out of 6,800 requests reviewed so far, Israel has granted refugee status to 11 migrants. It has at least 8,000 more requests to process.
Israeli authorities have said Israeli officials will keep in touch with migrants accepted in a third country to oversee their progress. Rwanda has said it will only accept migrants who have left Israel of their own free will.
Nonetheless, the U.N.’s refugee agency has urged Israel to reconsider, saying migrants who have relocated to sub-Saharan Africa in the past few years were unsafe and ended up on the perilous migrant trail to Europe, some suffering abuse, torture and even perishing on the way.
Rights groups in Israel say the government is simply ridding itself of people it should be recognizing as refugees in Israel and that there was no real guarantee for their safety.
A fence Israel has built over the past few years along its border with Egypt has all but stopped African migrants from entering the country illegally. Beginning in the previous decade, when the border was porous, a total of 64,000 Africans made it to Israel though thousands have since left.
Emmanuel Asfaha from Eritrea crossed into Israel in 2011 with his wife and baby son. His second child was born in Israel.
A narrow grocery store stockroom stacked with bags of flour leads to their two-room apartment in Tel Aviv, a poster of Jesus hanging on the cracked walls above his son’s bed. Asfaha is concerned Israel will eventually deport families too.
“I am worried about the situation,” he said while cooking Shiro, a traditional stew. “Tomorrow it will be for me also.”
A few kilometers away, in a hip, upscale part of Tel Aviv, Ben Yefet, a 39-year-old stockbroker, said he had signed up with Miklat Israel to house two or three migrants in his two-room apartment.
“As Israelis and Jews we are obligated. We have a moral compass, we just have to do it,” he said.
Writing by Maayan Lubell; editing by Jeffrey Heller and David Clarke
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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