#free space on my Switch is at a premium these days.
rohirric-hunter · 15 days
I made an @ellipsus-writes account yesterday and with one day under my belt here are my first impressions.
It's basically Google Docs, but without being associated with Google. You're able to edit documents from any device with a web browser, which is a lot more convenient than the WebDav server I'm currently using.
Things that are less than ideal:
There aren't a lot of customization options. You can switch between light and dark mode, but I would like to be able to set my document backgrounds to a color. Also it would be better if you could change your view layout. Right now it looks like this:
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and I would prefer to have these documents in a list, rather than these big bubbles. The bubbles might be cool if you could change their color or add an image background to them, but as is they're just boring white and taking up a lot of space. I have only 12 documents in this folder and it's a bit silly that I can't see them all at once.
2. You might also notice that these documents appear to be in a completely random order. They're actually in the order I last edited them in. I prefer my documents to be in alphabetical order, and this is an option that exists, but a) when switching to this view it for some reason defaults to reverse alphabetical order and I then have to manually select regular alphabetical order, and b) this setting will not be remembered between sessions.
3. I can't seem to get rid of the, "Need help? Chat with us" popup at the bottom of the page. It takes up an annoying amount of space, and I wish it was collapsible.
Things that worry me:
Instead of having a password system, Ellipsus sends you an email link every time you go to log in. There's nothing wrong with doing it this way I guess, since you can access the link from the same device you're accessing the website from, but it kind of just smacks of being different for the sake of being different. Makes me worry about security. Not that I write anything worth stealing.
Instead of having a normal profile system, Ellipsus uses Gravatar, which is some "universal internet account" nonsense that I will absolutely not be using. This probably won't be a huge issue, though, as I don't really plan on using the collaboration tools, so I won't need to make a profile. I wish I could change my email address, though, as I accidentally used the wrong one to make the account. I might make a new account.
I don't understand how all this is being paid for. There are no ads, the account is free, but the hosting is all done by Ellipsus. While text does not take up a ton of space to host, it does take up some space, and that costs money. Are the creators doing it out of their own pockets? Do they have a donor? Will there be donation drives to support it later? Or will they adopt advertisements in the future or introduce a "premium" option where you can pay for additional features? The last one normally wouldn't worry me, but since it is currently so bare-bones I'm a bit antsy. What if you have to pay for the option to have your documents in alphabetical order by default?
Their advertising is. Vague. I put this off for a long time because looking around on their website there was a lot of talk about how you're a writer and super creative and also they'll never steal your data to train AIs, but it was really hard to find a place where it outright said what the product was. This concerns me because it makes me feel like the company has something to hide.
Good things:
It's a platform that does the same thing as Google Docs without actually being Google Docs. This is a powerful pro. I'll probably keep using it for now.
Oh yeah and they don't have an app. A few years ago this would have gone in the less-than-ideal section for me but these days with the way app stores are about user generated content it's probably best to avoid the whole thing. I followed their suggestion to set a link on my homescreen (through Firefox) and it works very well. I was worried it might be laggy (Tumblr was laggy when I used it through Firefox) but it's been very responsive. No server access if you're not connected to the internet, but if you have the document already open then you can keep typing into it and it will update when you reconnect. This is the same way I used Google Docs back in the day and perfectly serviceable in my opinion.
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paleopinesofficial · 1 year
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What consoles are you on
We are available on Steam, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch.
How can I support the development of Paleo Pines?
We are so excited you want to get more involved! The best way you can support us is to follow us on social media @PaleoPines or grab the game on any of the platforms available!
Will the game have co-op/multiplayer?
Paleo Pines is a single-player experience! We’re definitely keeping them in the back of our minds, but it won’t be part of this release.
Will the game be in real-time? Will I lose my dinosaurs if I don’t play for a while?
In Paleo Pines, dinos will only run away if you neglect them during active gameplay, so please be nice to your dino friends!
Is there any promotional content?
Not yet, but we hope there will be!
Will the game have mod support?
Currently it is not in our plans to include mod support for the game.
Will Paleo Pines be available in other languages?
Paleo Pines will be available in English, German, French, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Russian, Japanese, and Brazilian Portuguese.
Is this game identical on all platforms, including the Switch version having an in-game achievement system?
Currently platform-specific features/meta features are only supported on a per-platform basis. Specifically, there is* not* an in-game achievement system for Switch.
Are there any bonuses for having save data from a different video game?
There are no bonuses for other game saves at present.
How will taming work?
A collection of cheeky dinosaurs roam the wild areas waiting to become your friends, as well as ranch helpers. Get their attention by mimicking their calls with your flute, then seal the deal with a tasty treat and trustworthy nose boop! Then gain their trust by creating cozy pens and learning what keeps them happy. Dinos might leave your island if they’re not happy - don’t worry though, you can always find them again and regain their trust!
Will Paleo Pines be free?
Paleo Pines is a premium game experience. We haven’t announced a price yet but will as soon as we can!
Will Paleo Pines have dating elements or relationships with the NPCs?
We are not currently planning on adding dating elements to the game. However, you can complete questlines for the NPCs and affect a positive change in their lives!
Will Paleo Pines also be available on Mac?
In the current plans, Paleo Pines will not be available on Mac.
Are there plans for early access?
There will not be early access, but we have a free demo on Steam!
Will there be seasonal changes in the game?
There are three seasons in the game which can affect the weather, available crops, and dino migration patterns. Triassea is a time of new crops and new life, where pleasantly cloudy days are broken up by occasional light and pleasant rainfall. Jurrasos is a hotter, more tropical time of year. It is rarely cloudy, and never stormy, perfect for beach picnics! Cretumnus is the blustery time of year, normally cloudy with rain showing up a bit more frequently.
What do you think the appropriate age to be able to play Paleo Pines will be?
We want to have the game accessible to as many people who want to play it as possible. We will try to keep the controls simple and intuitive to make sure everyone has a playing experience that is fun whilst still giving you lots of options and things to do in the game.
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Will we have to build up the ranch from scratch?
You start with a simple ranch and a little bit of land, and as the game progresses you can turn the neglected land into a beautiful and friendly home.
What will be customizable in game?
Paleo Pines is a place where you can express your individuality and creativity; no two ranches are the same! You can use decor to build a romantic garden, give your ranch a cozy woodland vibe, or go full-on-farmer with rows and rows of tilled soil. You can decide where to grow produce, or which spaces to dedicate to your dinos, including how big and what shape you want their pens to be. Your dinos can move around freely, so feel free to make communal areas too! Furthermore, you can customize your character as you like with a variety of features, curate a colorful collection of clothing and change your style using the wardrobe!
Will dinosaurs be adjusted if their depictions are drastically updated?
We love the latest science as it unfolds. Natalia, our paleontology adviser, is a key part in keeping us in the loop. If something exciting is revealed, we'll try to incorporate it if possible!
Can dinos at the ranch get sick?
The dinos cannot get sick, but if you forget to feed and take care of them, they might decide to leave your ranch.
Are dino genders fixed or randomised?
Most dinos do not have genders, except what you choose to imagine. However, some of the NPCs have their own trusty steeds who at times are referred to by their gendered pronouns.
Will the dinos come in different colors/patterns?
Yes! Each dino will have a pool of colours, and some dinos will have multiple patterns. These different colors/patterns will be spawned procedurally or under certain conditions!
Can my dinosaurs die? What happens if I forget to feed them?
Dinos will never die or kill each other. If you do neglect your dino, it will simply leave your ranch.
Why was Lucky chosen as the main dino?
We wish we had a better answer other than it's always been Lucky and we've never for a second considered another dino as she has always just felt perfectly right. She is an embodiment of what Paleo Pines is all about - friendship and exploration. Even after years of developing the game, we still feel happy when we look at her and that's the emotion that we hope is shared by others when they play!
Do the dinosaurs have varying personalities or all pretty much the same depending on their species?
There are a few different personality types, and any species can have them. But the species themselves have got bags of personality in their animations!
Is there a limit to how many dinos the player can have on their ranch?
You can have as many dinos on your ranch that you are able to keep happy! But keeping a dino happy in the long term requires a dreamstone, and there are a finite number of dreamstones in the game.
Will there be a chance of random mutation?
Since there is no breeding in the game, dinos will not mutate. However, there are various combinations of dino patterns and colors, some that are more rare than others.
Can we name our dinos?
Yes! All dinos can be named and renamed, except Lucky.
How will the dinos sound? Realistic or more cute?
It’s going to be more cute than realistic or terrifying. For example, large dinos have big low honks and small dinos might have chirps or trills. We’re also designing for melody to be important in the game, which will tie in to the sound design of the dinos.
What is Pippin’s Gender?
Pippin is a non-binary character who uses they/them pronouns. It has always been our vision for Paleo Pines to have a diverse, inclusive community with characters that may reflect any player’s identity or orientation.
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Which game engine is the team using?
We are developing in the Unity game engine.
Will there be controller support?
Absolutely! Actually, this is how a lot of us are testing the game already.
What program do you use for 3D modelling?
We use Blender for our 3D work.
Is there anything permanently missable, even rewards for fulfilling specific conditions?
Nothing aside from cases where this is desirable. For example: Granny comes to your ranch the day after you receive your farming tools.If you haven't used the tools yet, she will give you a farming tutorial, and give you seeds. If you have already used them, she comments on how you seem to know what you're doing, and gives you seeds. Either way you get seeds. But you can only see one of the two possible dialogues - the other is missable.
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solitarelee · 1 year
Babe! You're back!! I was mildly concerned, because you didn't even have shit popping out of the queue. Glad you had fun and are not dead.
In other news, since I started using spotify, I've gotten two flavor of ads: Are You Addicted To Drugs? Stop Being Addicted To Drugs and You Obviously Have Small Children.
LOL! I have spotify student; I'll probably drop the paid subscription after I graduate and switch to something else tho. As much as I love like, the DJ feature and stuff (finally a relatively non-evil use of AI! go ahead, train it on my musical tastes, just please don't try and use it to influence my mood around an election or something lmfao), the recent UI change for desktop made it soooooooo hard to get around and find things. :/ Feedback has been so negative and they've just ignored every bit of it. IMO when companies start doing that it's the beginning of the end, they start thinking they're too big to fail and smash feature after feature knowing that most people are too busy to want to change to something new since it's such an effort. I'll probably go back to finding new music thru youtube congregate channels and start downloading again... sigh. Takes up so much gd space.
If ur interested, there are apps u can download that are just free spotify premium, I'm sure my followers can rec some (too lazy to do the research rn lol). I found the ads on spotify to be wildly obtrusive and never used it on mobile until I got ad free. I swear they're even worse than youtube ads, and youtube really sets the bar for shittiest ads these days.
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hakuoyuki · 3 years
Hi, thank you so much for creating all these amazing Ike resources and sharing your love of the games! Your posts encouraged me to start playing IkePri a few days ago and buy the subscription—I’m having a blast!
Since you’re a seasoned player, I’d like to ask: do you have any strategies for using the subscription bonuses to make gameplay easier? I’m mid-way through Leon’s route (and I’m not spending/buying any diamonds!), so juggling the two Christmas Event routes I like with the main route intimacy requirements feels like an uphill battle. Should I focus all salons on the event for now? Thank you! ❤️
Hello, Anon! I'm glad to hear that :D
The starting days is certainly an uphill battle especially since you're starting while a Story Event is going on. By the time you're on Day 51 of the subscription onwards though, it'll make everything much easier for you than it already is given how it gives you 3 times the amount of items you get from the first 20 days.
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The most useful item for progressing with route is the Intimacy (+500) potions. Those help out with the main route intimacy requirements very significantly. There's really no point in hoarding them without using so go ahead and use them! It's indeed a huge boost especially when you're trying to focus on the Story Event and can't spare extra stamina to do regular Salons because only Event Salon gives you love points.
Since you're not topping-up for extra diamonds, my suggestion would be to focus on the Story Event for now and only switch back to the regular Salons once you've cleared all the end you wanted to clear in the event. Unless you spend to but extra cakes/palettes, or uses heaps of them from your stock... it's impossible to full clear an event. 4 ends is feasible, all Premium depends on the event... but at least 3 ends is always possible without the use of extra items as long as you don't miss out on your salons (without using any item, it's possible to get ~40,000 love points). In any case, it's impossible the full clear an event without pushing through.
With that said, if you're not trying to full clear / get love point bonuses / ECB / rank rewards, there's really no point in continuing to do Event Salon beyond the requirements for clearing just the ends you want to read. So once you're content, switch back to regular salon and build up those intimacies for the route!
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One thing to take note of though, if you want to make gameplay easier... never use a cake when it's not fever time. Be it for Story Event or Collection Event.
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Save your story tickets for Collection Event's story fever time as well since it gives you extra hearts for finishing a chapter.
And since we're talking about Collection Events...
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Those coins you get from the subscription are a major help in buying extra hearts during Collection Events (daily limit of 10 purchases at 2,200 coins per 100 hearts = 22,000 coins per day for a total of 1000 hearts).
It also help out with buying normal attires for check so... don't go spending these coins on the coin gacha unless you really do have millions of them in excess! You get daily free pull on them too!
I have over a million coins and I still keep them on hand anyway because Collection Events are usually 10 days long on average (sometimes short, sometimes longer)... 10 days of buying 1000 hearts daily = 220,000 coins needed.
Regarding main route specifically... nobody ever said you have to stay on the same route from start to end 😉
If you're stuck on an intimacy check, you can always switch to another route in the meantime and come back to continue the route later when you have enough points to pass the checks. The same goes for avatar check with closet space and coins for buying normal attire or diamonds for premium attire.
These post has the details about route switching.
→ Re: Can we change route while reading another route?
→ Re: How do we switch route while maintaining route progress?
Do note that this only apply to Main Route. If you switch route for Story Events, you'll need to start from the beginning (Common Route Part 1 Scene 1) all over again. However, as long as you still haven't finished an ending, the love point requirement will remain the same.
You can also read more on route intimacy in these following posts:
→ Re: IkePri Salons and Intimacy Required to Pass Route Checkpoints
→ Re: How to Calculate Intimacy Requirements to Pass Route Checkpoints
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cryptoprofitapp · 3 years
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fantasia-cream · 4 years
how i make my gifs
making gifs this way will require you to have 4k video downloader (dl), photoshop, and vapoursynth (dl). i personally use photoshop cs5 (dl) but any other version of photoshop should work too.
1) downloading the video
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i recommend using 4k video downloader to download videos from youtube since it lets you choose which quality your downloaded video will have. the better the quality of the video, the better the quality of your gif, so i usually try to aim for at least 720p, although 1080p and 4k are much better. also, you can download videos as .mkv this way, which is higher quality than .mp4. they also take up more space tho, so it’s up to you.
you can get 4k video downloader here. 4k video downloader also has a premium version but the free version lets you download 30 videos per day, so unless you for some reason want to download a ton of videos at once, the free version’s good enough. to download videos from sites that aren’t youtube, i recommend using this:
kpop ts files: 4sashi, twitter also works sometimes
twitter: savetweetvid
instagram: downloadgram
vlive: soshistagram
2) using vapoursynth
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first, download and install vapoursynth from here. this tutorial uses the windows version but the mac os version probably works similarly. after that, drop your video on the batch file named “vapourscript (drop video file on me)”.
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now, a command window should pop up. enter the timestamp where the section of the video you want gif starts and then the duration of the clip you want to gif, not the end timestamp. usually, 2 seconds will produce ca. 100 frames, which is more than enough. once you’ve entered everything, hit enter and the program will crop your clip for you.
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a browser window should open once your file is finished processing. this is called the resizer.
1) on the left, you can sharpen, denoise, resize, and process your gif, which will affect the code in 2. i usually set my preprocessor to qtgmc 60 slow, denoise on the lowest setting using knlm, and sharpening on finesharp's lowest setting. depending on how grainy or blurry your video is, you might want to adjust this.
2) this is the code you will enter into your vapoursynth script. whatever you set on 1 will appear here. copy the code once you’re done with setting everything up and copy it into your vapoursynth script.
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your vapoursynth script should look something like this. just copy whatever you got from the resizer in the section marked as 1. if you want to preview your video, go to script > preview. you can also trim your clip to the exact frames you want here. below is a sample code with annotations, which you can just copy-paste into your vapoursynth editor like that:
import vapoursynth as vs import havsfunc as haf import muvsfunc as muvs import mvsfunc as mvs import descale as descale import G41Fun as fun core = vs.get_core()
core.max_cache_size = 1000
video = core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(source=r'video_cut\cut.mkv')
#Trim returns a clip with only the frames between the arguments first and last, or a clip of length frames, starting at first (a = first frame, b = last frame). Untag the line below before using it.
#video = core.std.Trim(video, a, b)
#Whatever you copied from the resizer goes below
video = core.fmtc.bitdepth(video, bits=8) video.set_output()
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once you’re done with your script, go to script > encode video and select y4m as your header before clicking on start. your video will now be encoded. the finished file will be automatically saved as “output” and the file path will look roughly like this, depending on where you initially saved vapoursynth: vapoursynth > vapoursynth64portable > gifs > output.
you might want to copy the generated clip and save if somewhere else as once you run the script again, it will be overwritten again.
3) using photoshop
download photoshop from here and install it. to change the language from spanish to english, follow this tutorial. afterward, go to file > import > video frames to layers and open the file you just generated with vapoursynth.
i use the “animation frames” tool to make my gifs. if it’s not already opened on your version of photoshop, you can open it by going to window > animation.
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also, vapoursynth will already have slowed the video for you but if you want it even slower/speed it up again, just press shift and select all frames in your animation timeline, then click on one of the little black arrows at the bottom of each frame and adjust the time from there.
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then, to loop your gif infinitely, go into the bottom left corner and set your animation timeline to forever.
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this next part depends on personal preference but they are the basic things i do to every single one of my gifs. they are 1) curves, 2) vibrance, and 3) selective color. vibrance and selective color are very straight forward to use: for vibrance, just move the slider to the left or right as you desire; for selective color, you can change the value and hue of every color in your gif as you desire by using the sliders.
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curves might require some explanations, though. first of all, curves will give you 3 pipettes to work with: black/darks, gray/neutrals, and white/lights. to use them, just click on them and then on a part of your frame in that color (e.g. click on the black pipette and then on a black spot on your frame). sometimes, curves make your gif look sort of harsh; if that is the case, just just select all of your frames while pressing shift and adjust the opacity of your curve accordingly.
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here is a comparison for the same frame using no curves, curves at 100% opacity, and curves at 50% opacity. i also highlighted the spots in the frame that i used to create my curve.
4) save your gif
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lastly, save your gif by going to file > save for web & devices. then, copy the settings in the area highlighted as 1. depending on your gif, you might switch from perceptual to adaptive to get a smoother look. i personally don’t recommend the other settings tho, as they tend to make gifs look grainy.
lastly, hit save and you’re done.
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motorizedbicy · 4 years
Best Electric Bikes for Every Kind of Ride
Around the country, bars, dining establishments, and also various other public spaces are shut or have actually restricted solution. Public transportation is becoming an extra iffy proposition, and cities are closing roads to provide pedestrians more room to move near their houses.
Go into: the electric bike. You do not require to be healthy to ride one. It gets you outside, lowers fossil fuels, decreases congestion, and also it's enjoyable. Over the past few years, we have actually attempted practically every type of ebike there is, from sturdy cargo bikes to premium mountain bicycle. Whether you're tooling around your neighborhood purchasing wood chips from the hardware shop or trying to trim a couple of miles off the trip for a socially distanced see, we have the very best ebike for you.
We will certainly be remaining to test and trip bikes throughout the summertime, so if you do not see one you like now, be sure to inspect back later. Once you get one, take a look at our favored biking accessories, too.
Have inquiries concerning electric bikes? Sign up with the conversation in the comments section below.
Updated for June 2020: We got rid of a number of older choices as well as included new ones, like the Propella 7-Speed.
The Very Best Bike
Specialized Turbo Vado SL Equipped
When I needed to return this electric bike (9/10, WIRED Recommends), I practically cried. The small, yet effective, customized motor as well as slim battery are integrated into the structure, so it doesn't even look like an ebike. The XS frame evaluates 33 extra pounds, just a couple of more than a normal steel bike. It has a hybrid structure with flat handlebars that make it simple to steer on a selection of surfaces, whether you're scooting along at 28 miles per hr or bumping through trees at your neighborhood park.
Specialized's Smart Control system suggests you don't need to readjust aid while you're riding, or bother with having sufficient battery to get house. A surprise shock in the head tube paddings the blow from any unforeseen fractures. Also the accessories are first-class, like long, adaptable custom-made fenders that sluice water down and also far from you in the rain. I place 40 miles on it in three days. It was so fun that it was hard to jump off.
The Very Best Affordable Bike
Propella 7-Speed (V3.4).
Who am I kidding? Unless you're already an ebike fanatic, you possibly desire one that's as close to $1,000 as feasible. That's a tough proposal if you want a dependable electric motor and also a frame that won't bend at 15 miles per hour. Propella's direct-to-consumer 7-speed (8/10, WIRED Recommends) is the very best low-cost bike we have actually located. Reviewer Parker Hall noted that it has trustworthy elements like a Samsung battery as well as Shimano disc brakes, and cool accessories like a trendy suspension seat. At 39 pounds, it's likewise pretty light for an ebike! It ships straight to you, too, which comes in handy if you would love to stay clear of a bike shop now.
Best Utility Bike.
Rad Power Bikes RadRunner.
Regardless of which bike I recommend, many people I recognize directly buy this one. It has an apparently magic mix of affordability and also effectiveness. Seattle-based Rad Power Bikes ships its bikes direct-to-consumer, and also rather than working solely with business like Bosch and Shimano, it likewise establishes its own custom hub-motor drivetrains with a variety of different suppliers. Additionals like light weight aluminum pedals and added equipments are stripped off in favor of a big 120-pound back rack as well as huge, steady, custom-made Kenda tires.
Nearly any person can utilize the RadRunner (7/10, WIRED Review)-- whether you want a comfortable cruiser for coastline rides, a steady seat for your 4-year-old, or you simply want to ditch your gas-powered Vespa. If you have actually never gotten on a bike before, the Elby S1 additionally has a very easy step-through frame as well as costs trimmings, like Tektro hydraulic brakes. It's much more expensive, though.
Best Freight Bike (and My Fave).
Tern GSD.
The Tern GSD S10 (9/10, WIRED Recommends) is my favored freight bike (of those I have actually examined), as well as it's the one I would purchase if I had the ka-ching. Tern utilized a number of creative design tweaks to make the bike easy to ride-- for example, tiny 20-inch and fat motorcross tires assist maintain the bike's length equal to an average roadway bike. The rear rack is likewise reduced for much better stability, as well as the battery and motor are under the shelf, instead of placed on the downtube.
You can likewise keep it standing up on its end. That remains in enhancement to an adjustable Bosch electric motor, which you can update to a double-battery system. My regional bike shops have trouble keeping it in stock. If you do not require such a long tail, Tern likewise released a much shorter HSD that can suit one child seat.
A Light, Budget Friendly Cargo Bike.
Bike Friday Haul-A-Day.
Bike Friday's Haul-A-Day isn't for every person. The majority of parents that desire a longtail cargo bike will certainly choose something heavier as well as more secure, like a RadWagon or a Yuba Boda Boda. As a brief moms and dad that has to deliver 2 kids, this is the bike I in fact have. It has a special telescoping tube that can shorten the bike to fit riders as short as 4' 6", and also it considers 44 extra pounds-- practically 15 pounds less than the Tern. It's also much more inexpensive, though this is understood by replacing a reputable, effective Bosch drivetrain with a Tongsheng one.
Ideal Minivan Alternative.
Riese & Müller Lots 60.
A year after checking it, my spouse and I still wistfully talk about how much far better our lives would be if we had our very own R&M Load 60 (8/10, WIRED Recommends). The full-suspension, double-battery Tons makes use of a Bosch system to power its bakfiets-style freight box around community.
You can customize the freight box with low sidewalls, harnesses, and a rainfall cover, or you can remove whatever off as well as get devices at the hardware store. It additionally comes with valuable additionals, like Tektro hydraulic disc brakes, an easily flexible seat, and also an integrated wheel lock that lets you lock the bike up while it's free-standing.
A Lot Of Versatile Bike.
Yamaha Wabash E-Bike.
A gravel bike is a functional choice for whatever from daily commuting to mild weekend bikepacking journeys. The Yamaha Wabash (7/10, WIRED Evaluation) is more budget friendly than the Turbo Vado SL, as well as I used it for every little thing from heading to my regional cafe to striking (some) routes on the weekends. Yamaha's custom motor and also absolutely no cadence trigger are effective enough to let me start up in the middle of extremely steep hillsides. It also has back shelf installs, an LED headlight, and a little bell. I did find its slim wheels as well as lack of shock absorption rather disconcerting on rougher roadways. Specialized additionally has an extremely wonderful gravel-ready electric bike.
Finest Electric Mountain Bike.
Specialized Males's Turbo Levo Comp.
While several communities have limitations on whether electrical bikes are also allowed on single-track (thin) tracks, reviewer Stephanie Pearson had a blast on Specialized's initial pedal-assisted mtb (8/10, WIRED Recommends). It has a rigid, crooked structure that's longer in the front to make pounding the downhills feel smooth and safe, along with a 500-watt electric motor with Smart Control, which means you don't need to adjust aid when riding. It really feels equally as enjoyable as a nonelectric bike.
Best Folding Ebike.
Gocycle GX.
Gocycle was founded by Mclaren Automotive designer Richard Thorpe, and also the GX (7/10, WIRED Testimonial) is its fast-folding bike. The streamlined light weight aluminum structure conceals a 300-Wh lithium-ion battery inside. As opposed to simply switching over from 4 fixed aid settings, Gocycle's application allows you play on a gliding range to call in various quantities useful in correlation with various degrees of pressure on the pedals, that makes it a dream to ride. You can rubber-band your phone to the handlebars to function as your console. It likewise has only 2 joints, that makes folding and unfolding very easy, as well as can be kept standing with the kickstand prolonged.
An Inexpensive Foldable Ebike.
Jetson City Foldable Electric Bike.
Ebikes are expensive, as well as we did review the Jetson City (6/10, WIRED Testimonial), which rings in at under a grand. It has most of the bells and also whistles that you need for a commuter ebike, like a 250-watt electric motor hidden in the crossbar, around 40 miles of variety, 3 levels of pedal help, a throttle, and also a horn. Nonetheless, in just a week of testing, I chipped off a part of the clamp that hooks the bike with each other, which doesn't bode well for the bike's long life over the long run.
Guidance to Bear In Mind.
Recognizing Electric Bike Specs.
Similar to any kind of bike, electrical bikes featured a ton of different technical specifications that you might or might not appreciate. Much more economical ebikes use hub motor drives, where the electric motor is in the center of the bike's wheel. A lot more costly mid-drive motors, like Bosch or Shimano systems, remain in the facility of the bike as well as transfer the power to the wheel by means of the chain. Mid-drive electric motors allow you move equipments and stabilize the bike's weight much better.
If you stay in an area that's wet or uneven, it's worth shelling out for an extra powerful 500-W or 750-W electric motor as well as a few extras, like hydraulic or mechanical disc brakes, which will help stop you as well as your freight from skidding right into website traffic. If you have a longer commute, you may also wish to search for a double-battery system, as the range on many ebike batteries is within 30 to 50 miles.
Ebike Classifications and Policies.
Examine Your Neighborhood Regulations.
Prior to you buy your electric bike, make sure you can really utilize it! Many cities as well as states have local laws managing when as well as where you can use an ebike. At least 22 states currently make use of the three-class system, and also may restrict when and also where different courses of ebikes might be made use of, depending upon if they have a throttle or can assist over 20 miles per hour. Cities might additionally have regulations about whether hill ebikes are enabled on single-track tracks. If your state identifies ebikes under the exact same regulations regulating motorbikes as well as mopeds, you might require a certificate to ride one. As well as regardless of what, always use a helmet.
2 notes · View notes
youtubioreview-blog · 4 years
YouTubio Review: Ready to drive traffic from YouTube like a boss?
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Today every business knows that being present online and that too especially on YouTube is no longer a matter of choice.
Being the 2nd largest search engine with 2 Billion Unique users per month and 1 billion watch hours everyday… YouTube has the potential to take your business to a whole another stratosphere!
With that being said… How would you like to get your hands on a Brand-New cloud-based app that pull continuous traffic & profits from Youtube? Interested in? If you answer yes then you need to check my YouTubio Review below!
What is YouTubio?
We all know that traffic is the lifeblood of any online business or opportunity right? Without it, you’re simply dead in the water! But generating that traffic can be very daunting for most online business owners like yourself. Even more so if you have to pay for it.
Thankfully, a brand new cloud based app has been just-released to help ANYONE get free traffic quickly from YouTube. It’s called YouTubio. YouTubio is a revolutionary cloud-based app that allows you to completely dominate YouTube with its advanced features and functionalities.
It automates all the YouTube and video marketing grunt-work in just a few minutes, allowing you to focus on more important aspects of your business.
In other words, YouTubio is a revolutionary software that automates your YouTube and Video marketing in just a few clicks. This incredible app performs all manual YouTube labor and helps you in creating more engaging and compelling videos.
Up until now, whatever it is you are struggling with on YouTube, be it SEO, Video Thumbnails, Playlist Management, Video Editing, Managing Followers, Managing Multiple Channels, Replying Comments, Deleting Offensive Comments, Tracking Users’ Behavior, Channel Analytics, etc.
… YouTubio is going to change the YouTube & video marketing game for you forever! It is a world-class platform that allows you to get…
Higher Rankings
Increased Organic Traffic
Better Engagements
More Clicks, Views, Likes, Shares, Comments & Subscribers
Enhanced Profits & ROI
And So Much More From Right Inside One Dashboard.
With Advanced Channel Manager, Video Manager, Playlist Manager, Template Manager, Keyword Finder, Rank Tracking, Auto-Reply, Thumbnail Creator, Analytics Feature, And Video Splitter – This App Alone Performs The Functionality Of 10-12 Apps In Just A Few Minutes.
Are you aware, 70% marketers state youtube videos convert more than any other content? So, YouTubio is an all in one solution that includes all the latest and proven youtube marketing strategies to create engaging and high converting youtube marketing campaigns hands down.
It comes with Ebook, audio & video training. The course is developed by their own team. It’s not just a copy paste work so don’t get confused with complicated word.
With its help, you will be able to tap into billions of youtube users & get high returns from youtube marketing like never before. So Don’t hesitate to check the next parts of this YouTubio Review as I’ll show you how powerful it is!
YouTubio Review Overview
Vendor Firelaunchers et al
Product YouTubio
Launch Date 2020-Aug-31
Launch Time 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price $37
Refund YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Product Type Youtube marketing
Support Effective Response
Recommended Highly Recommended
Skill Level Needed All Levels
About Creator
Firelaunchers is known as one of the most successful PLR creator / provider on Internet. Their products have a good quality, and sold over 50000 sales on Jvzoo.
You can get to know more about their previous product by searching for their names such as MediaCloudPro, LogoMart, Viral Traffic Quotes Pack, etc.
Now, let’s look at the next part of this YouTubio Review and find out its features.
Key features of YouTubio
Here’s a list of mind-blowing features:
Channel Manager
Import and manage multiple channels from right inside one dashboard. Manage likes, views, subscribers, and more without having to switch between different tabs, windows, or desktops.
Video Manager
Upload, Download, Optimize, and Manage multiple videos from right inside our app – no extra software required. Also, you can create and manage multiple playlists to shortcut the process and get straight to results.
Keyword Finder
Struggling to optimize your videos? Not anymore, with our advanced keyword finder, you will get a downloadable list of targeted keywords to optimize your videos with awesome Title, Tags, and Descriptions within minutes only.
With our powerful platform, you just need to set-up your template once and your comments will be replied automatically. You can also make generic replies/comments, multiple comments/replies, and delete offensive comments completely hands-free.
Rank Tracking
Track Rankings based on keywords and see how your and other people’s video do over time. This will help you in keeping an eye on trends and know exactly when to take action.
Get detailed and accurate statistics on the dashboard to find the real winner. Re-evaluate your videos and efforts, check for weaknesses, and improve them for HIGHER ranking and more traffic.
And many more other features:
Easily import and manage multiple channels in one click
Automate reply, likes and comments via Auto-reply and Auto-comment template
Manage your videos and playlist with advanced playlist manager
Instantly Search, Upload, Download and Edit Videos in few clicks
Enhance your video rankings by optimizing them with targeted Title, Description, Tags, and Category
Uncover the Exact Keywords You Should Rank For with Keyword Finder & Get The Most Traffic from Your Videos
Instantly Check & Track Your Video Rankings with our special Rank Tracking tool
Phenomenal Link Wheel for multiple videos to increase your YouTube Income
Create compelling thumbnails for your videos and get better engagements
Split videos into smaller parts via splitter to post on FB, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, or anywhere else.
Get detailed analytics reports of ranking, traffic, watch time, clicks, views, likes, comments, share, subscribers, etc. right under one dashboard
Everything you need and more under ONE roof.
YouTubio is a DFY product that can be used in following ways:
Smart Ways To Get More Subscribers on YouTube
How to Get YouTube Videos Ranked
Using the YouTube Trending Feed for Market Research
Affiliate Marketing with YouTube
As it includes Complete & Step by Step Course on:
What YouTube is all about Nowadays
What Business Goals can you accomplish with YouTube
Shocking YouTube Marketing Facts to Consider
That’s not all. The first 50 people will be receiving these additional modules:
1: High Quality Training Guide (Valued at $720)
2: Cheat Sheet (Valued at $20)
3: Mind Map (Valued at $40)
4: Top Resources Report (Valued at $20)
5: High Converting Sales Copy (Valued at $320)
6: 6 Professional Minisites (Valued at $160)
7: Doodle Style Sales Video (Valued at $320)
8: Swipe Emails for Affiliates (Valued at $20)
9: Complete Set of Animated Banners (Valued at $160)
10: Complete Set of Professional Graphics (Valued at $240)
They will also give you their High Quality Training Guide:
An unique and completely updated 102 pages/16900+ words Training Guide full of examples and highly effective and very easy to apply YouTube Marketing techniques.
You will not get a boring PDF full of text with 20-line paragraphs. The training guide also includes graphics, nicely formatted subtitles, and high-quality information with screenshots showing how to apply every step of the process as well.
Check the segments and tips that you will discover after downloading this Training Guide:
Section 1: YouTube Marketing 2020 Basics
Chapter 1: What Is YouTube Marketing All About?
Chapter 2: Creating and Optimizing A Branded YouTube Channel
Chapter 3: Enabling Monetization On Your Channel
Chapter 4: Picking A Profitable Niche And Doing Keyword Research
Section 2: YouTube Marketing In 2020 – Step by Step
Chapter 5: Ranking A Video The Right Way
Chapter 6: Making Money With Direct Affiliate Links
Chapter 7: Using End-Of-Video Calls To Action To Send People To Your Store
Chapter 8: Making Money By Jacking Product Launches
Chapter 9: Making Money By Renting Annotation Space
Chapter 10: Using YouTube To Raise Money With PayPal.Me
Section 3: Advanced YouTube Marketing 2019 Strategies
Chapter 11: Promoting Your Videos For Cheap With AdWords
Chapter 12: How To Find Direct Sponsorship Deals (PowerPoint)
Chapter 13: How To Increase Watch Times, Engagement, and Other Metrics
Chapter 14: Search Engine Optimization Strategies That Make Money In 2020
Chapter 15: Must-Know YouTube Best Practices For Businesses
Chapter 16: Alternative Monetization Strategies To Consider
Section 4: Additional Tips to consider
Chapter 17: Do’s And Don’ts
Chapter 18: Premium Tools And Services To Consider
Chapter 19: Shocking Case Studies
Chapter 20: Frequently Asked Questions
YouTubio Review: Is it worth your money?
Are you ready to absolutely dominate youtube for higher rankings, traffic, leads and sales in just minutes from now?
Right on this YouTubio Review page we’re going to provide you a groundbreaking youtube automation tool that will help your videos to climb on the top of youtube, get quality traffic, command better attention, convert visitors into subscribers and sales and ultimately make you big profits.
Amazing right? The thing is when it comes to online marketing, your conversions and sales directly depend on the traffic you receive. More traffic equals more sales, equals more leads, equals more profits.
And nothing is more powerful for traffic than video marketing. With super-fast broadband and the likes of 4G / 5G readily available – along with the popularity of Smartphones – Video is BOOMING!
And now due to pandemic outbreak and country-wise lockdown, the video train is moving even faster, and it’s moving with or without you. And when it comes to successful video marketing, youtube is hot property.
As you can see, YouTube represents the biggest and best opportunity for you to get in front of your potential customers. But it is not that easy as big as youtube is. It seems it presents even bigger challenges for marketers to extract profits from it.
Video SEO Is The Biggest Problem
YouTube Channel Management Is A Pain
Replying And Managing Comments Is Challenging
Tracking Metrics Can Be Daunting
The list goes on and on. All of these are overwhelming even for professional marketers. So we can only imagine how newbies are going to feel and the tools available in the market to help.
Let’s just say that their cost will almost put you in an early grave. So if you don’t have money to burn on expensive complicated software and don’t have time to do every mundane tedious task manually then YouTubio is your solution.
YouTubio is the most powerful advanced all-in-one youtube automation platform to help in getting higher rankings, traffic, leads and sales to any offer in any niche whenever you like.
Don’t worry if you are not very technical, you’ll find that youtubio is easy enough for newbies but still powerful for the most advanced marketers.
With this YouTubio, you can turn youtube into a profit pulling machine and so much more in just three simple steps. Simply log into the dashboard, set up your campaigns and that’s it.
Using this you’ll be able to…
Explode your traffic by ranking tons of videos on youtube.
Save tons of time by extracting keywords to optimize your title, description and tags.
Redirect extremely targeted traffic to any website page or offer you want.
Start seeing traffic flow to your preferred destinations in the same day compete with all the big boys in extremely competitive niches.
Create traffic from scratch with just a few clicks of your mouse.
Spend less than an hour a day to boost your income from youtube
and a lot lot more…
With YouTubio, you could dominate YouTube for sending you free traffic and funnel that traffic right to your sales funnel. This would allow you to build a list, generate leads, and close sales all on the handsfree mode in the present and the future!
With auto-reply, playlist manager, and keyword research, you can point people to your favorite videos that you use to profit. You can get more juice and boost your YouTube rankings while getting more subscribers to your channel.And the more subscribers you have, the more revenue you’ll make!
Just think about it. Having 1st Page Ranker is like having an army of salespeople who go out and bring you more buyers for your products – no matter the niche.
One of the great things you’ll love about YouTubio is that you never have to be on camera. Not one single time.
There are several ways to get amazing results with videos WITHOUT the need to be on camera such as:
Use slides and record yourself talking through the presentation. Then save the video, upload to YouTubio, hit a few buttons to optimize it and you’re ready to start getting traffic.
Or tap into the power of YouTube Creative Commons videos which you download as many as you like from YouTubio. You simply use them, add a call to action, optimize it withYouTubio and you’re off to the races!
So whether you want to appear on camera or just lay in the background, you can start getting traffic and rankings within minutes hands down.
The beauty of YouTubio is that everything is 100% cloud-based.No longer will you have to wait for 100’s of megabytes or even gigabytes to download to your computer. And even once you do, who knows if there will be any compatibility issues?
They’ve taken care of that by creating the best YouTube automation software tool in the cloud.This way, instead of focusing on trying to get the software up and running, you can focus on what really matters.And that’s increasing your profits.
As you can see there is just so much that YouTubio can offer to your business. You can either keep trying to simulate profits from youtube the hard way or you can do it the easy way with YouTubio.
With that being said, no other software app out there can do what YouTubio does especially at a low one-time price which is only available for a limited time.
All other apps out there are charging monthly fees are limited on features and have lots of restrictions, but with YouTubio at just one time ridiculously low payment, you’ll get an advanced youtube weapon that will skyrocket your engagement, leads and sales almost instantly.
For a limited time, you can grab YouTubio with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!
Front-end: YouTubio ($37)
Now that we have established that YouTubio is an INCREDIBLE, no-risk, and cost-effective tool to increase your traffic, sales, leads, and profits from videos…for just about any niche you can think of…the next move is up to YOU.
OTO 1: Pro Upgrade ($97)
Advanced Video Splitter App to split big videos in smaller chunks
Share short videos on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat or anywhere you want to grab viral traffic
Super-simple thumbnail creator to create impossible-to-ignore thumbnails for your YouTube videos
Easy-to-use sitemap generator to generate a sitemap of all videos in just minutes
Import and manage Unlimited Channels with just a few clicks
Upload/Manage Unlimited Videos and snag tons of server-melting traffic
Create Unlimited Auto-Reply & Auto-Comment templates for better engagement
Find keywords and track rankings for Unlimited Videos and boost your profits
Details Analytics and Reporting panel to find the real winner
OTO 2: Agency Rights ($167)
You don’t need to pay THOUSANDS of dollars to Designers and Developers, to custom develop a YouTube automation software and then taking months to get it off the ground.
YouTubio Agency Upgrade is a fraction of the cost of doing all of this hard work and effort. This is one of those investments that will quickly pay for itself.
If you want to charge your clients good money and make as much money as possible with the software you just purchased, grab this Agency License Now!
It is a very useful product that has tons of features that makes it something to look out for.
OTO 3: Reseller License ($197)
Sell YouTubio to Anyone you want and Keep all the Profits
DFY Set-up Saving you Hundreds of Dollars
24*7 Software membership and Customer support
Earn Hands-Free Recurring Income
Get 100% Commission on FE and 50% on all OTOs
And so much more…
YouTubio Review Conclusion
Thank you so much for reading YouTubio Review! I really hope it did help you with your buying decision. This system is coming out with many bonuses for the early bird. Take your action ASAP for the best deal.
REMEMBER! If you purchase through my link, you will be supported 24/7; That means you can contact me ANYTIME when you get trouble in using or can not contact with the authors/ product supporters. I will help you RIGHT AWAY!
Besides, if you buy this product through my link, you can also get these huge bonuses below (Please remember that these bonuses are not for the TRIAL or FREE versions):
You can have an opportunity to receive extra bonuses if you finish 3 steps below:
Step 1: Order the product by Clicking here.
Step 2: Choose 1 of my huge Bonus Packages below! Remember that you can pick one more bonuses pack for each Upgrade you purchased!
Step 3: After your purchase goes through, email your receipt & your chosen bonuses pack to me at [email protected] so I can confirm your purchase and email you information about how to access to your bonus material.
I Will Always Update New Bonus
Now, Check your bonus below!
»»Plugin Bonus Package««
»»Theme Bonus Package««
»»General Bonus Package««
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freshaffiliates · 5 years
Best Affiliate Programs
Best Affiliate Programs
Finding the best affiliate programs can sometimes be daunting. A lot of the times inside of the Fresh Affiliates Community, this question gets asked a lot. Luckily for you, I have compiled what I think the best affiliate programs are categorised by niche. Enjoy! 
Popular Niches
Here are some of the most popular niches that people try to be affiliates for. Inside each niche are a tonne of affiliate programs to choose from. If you have any others you’d also like to recommend, feel free to let me know in the comments and I’ll add them in!
Coming soon…. 50+ High Paying Affiliate Programs 50+ Financial Affiliate Programs 50+ Travel Affiliate Programs 50+ Food Affiliate Programs 50+ Art & Craft Affiliate Programs 50+ Fashion Affiliate Programs 50+ Beauty & Makeup Affiliate Programs
All Other Niches
If you find that the niche you are looking for an affiliate program for isn’t listed above, there’s more. Below are another 50+ affiliate programs for other niches on the internet both B2B and B2C.
Please note: I have tried to provide as much value as possible in this website. As it’s based in the affiliate marketing space, it does also contain affiliate links for programs mentioned. If you decide to follow through and purchase items, I may earn a referral bonus which you can learn more about here.  
Our Favourite Affiliate Marketing Course 
Affiliate Secrets 2.0
If you're serious about affiliate marketing and you want to start building your empire and increasing residual, you need Affiliate Secrets 2.0. Spencer went from complete newbie to top affiliate in multiple companies in less than 2 years and he shares his exact strategies how he did it. 
More on Affiliate Secrets
Best Affiliate Programs – Softwares & Services 
Landing Page & Funnel Affiliate Programs
Clickfunnels: 30%-40% recurring monthly – sticky cookie When it comes to landing page and funnel software, Clickfunnels is without a doubt the household name. Russell Brunson designed and created Clickfunnels specifically for marketers. It has an amazing user experience and is built with a load of features including: drag & drop funnels, upsells & downsells, membership functionality, timed sections and a built in checkout system.
Now the part that makes it very lucrative, Clickfunnels has what Russell calls a sticky-cookie. A little bit different to traditional sticky-cookies but essentially it means if you get a referral join Clickfunnels, any purchase of any product they make with that account, you’ll get commission for. Clickfunnels offers a new compensation plan ranging from 20% recurring commissions for new affiliates up to 40% for super affiliates or early adopters. They also have a dream car incentive for those who refer 100 active members.
Inside the Clickfunnels Affiliate Centre, there are many affiliate resources all attached to funnels ready for affiliates to use. Things like the ‘Dotcom Secrets’ or ‘Expert Secrets’ books, or the Affiliate Bootcamp, or the One Funnel Away challenge are all side offers that eventually lead to courses and the Clickfunnels membership. All of the products provide massive value (and I have a lot of them) so selling Clickfunnels products is an easy opportunity.
Leadpages: 30% recurring monthly – 30 day cookie If you’re a WordPress user or you’re wanting to have an easy to use Landing Page builder, then Leadpages may be the option for you. The majority of time, bloggers use Leadpages on their websites as they have ‘Lead Boxes’ which are Leadpages Popup’s or widgets you can host on your site. The main difference between Clickfunnels and Leadpages is, Leadpages is just that. It’s single pages that you manually have to connect together, while Clickfunnels you can collate all the pages in one connected funnel.
The Leadpages Affiliate Program offers 30% recurring commissions and has a 30 day cookie. Leadpages also offers some additional training for it’s affiliates which is great to see!
Landingi: 15% recurring monthly – 365 day cookie Another smaller but powerful contender in the Landing Page & Funnel scene, is Landingi (“lan-din-gi”). The company itself is still relatively small and un heard of, but that doesn’t reflect on the actual product. Landingi has in my opinion the easiest to use drag and drop builder, and the most accurate in terms of what you design and what it looks on desktop and mobile. As for landing pages, each Landingi page has an optin page and a thank you page built into the set which makes it easy to navigate through your library.
In terms of the Affiliate Program, Landingi isn’t as generous as the others. They offer 15% recurring commissions with an incentive that your referrals also get a 15% discount. This makes it definitely worth it’s value and a great opportunity for your audience.
BuilderAll: 100% on first sale, 30% recurring monthly  – sticky cookie I tried using BuilderAll for a month and found it to be very strange. It has very similar features to Clickfunnels but the drag and drop builder is a lot harder to use. To be honest, it was my least favourite builder I have used, but it may have become easier to use since then. The main reason people use it, is it is a very cheap software, so literally anyone can use it. It also has a product called Mailingboss which is apparently $50 for lifetime use.
In terms of BuilderAll’s affiliate program, they offer their affiliates 100% commission on the initial referral, then 30% on the recurring payments.
Thrive Architect: 25% recurring monthly – 365 day cookie Unlike all the other softwares listed above, Thrive Architect is actually a plugin that you install to your existing WordPress website and you create the designs inside your pages. Some would find this more favourable, while others not so much. The builder is easy enough to use and a lot of people actually use the builder for their websites pages. Hosting the builder inside WordPress can bring a lot of additional issues like website speed and security, but if you know WordPress well, this won’t be an issue.
The Thrive products offer 25% recurring monthly commissions with a 365 day cookie, which is an insane length of cookie time. This product is great for bloggers and SEO guru’s.
Join the 30-day OFA Challenge! 
One Funnel Away Challenge
This challenge is taking the world by storm. The One Funnel Away Challenge is a 30 day program created to help you create your own minimum viable product (MVP) and scale your way to success. The OFA team interviewed 30 millionaires and asked them what would do in 30 days if they lost it all. This book reveals their answers.
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Website Hosting Affiliate Programs
BlueHost: $65 per sale – 60 day cookie Bluehost is without a doubt the industry leader when it comes to hosting. Their product is the fastest on the market, the support is amazing and their compensation plan for affiliates is great too. Bluehost offers a range of products but the main are the hosting plans which range from $2.95 per month to $25.99 per month. They do offer a discounted rate for all new packages which make it an incredible seller.
The compensation plan for Bluehost starts at $65 per new referral and you can apply for higher commission rates and a special offer for your readers. I personally use the Plus Package and it is my #1 recommendation.
SiteGround: $50-$100 per sale – 30 day cookie Bluehost’s strongest competitor in the hosting world, is Siteground. I’ve worked with Siteground on a few projects with friends and it has performed well. I do have to admit though, there are a lot of restrictions. We constantly had issues with ‘running processes’ as well as ‘disk space usage’ as they had limits on it. After switching to the Plus Package, there were no limits at all 
Siteground Affiliates can earn $50 per referral, and if they refer more than 5 people in a month, they bump up to $75 per sale. If they refer more than 10, they go to $100.
HostGator: $125 per sale – 60 day cookie Hostgator is another original gangster that has been around for a very long time. They were the first hosting company I ever used and I have also helped build a company using Hostgator too. To be honest, the product isn’t that good. We constantly had problems, like constantly. We had to keep upgrading and were always on the line to support. It was a LOT of hassle, we ended up moving. 
They do have a great affiliate program though, $125 per sale. I would definitely try Hostgator and get your own opinion before you promote them to anyone else.
Fastcomet: $50 per sale – 180 day cookie I used Fastcomet for 4 years and it was great for what it did. I had an unlimited website plan with them. The servers are a little slow but it is a much more affordable option to website hosting. The cPanel has no restrictions and the customer support are very active and really wish to help with any problems.
The Fastcomet Affiliate program offers $50 per new referral with a 180 day cookie.
Namecheap: 20%-35% per sale – 180 day cookie For someone who is really bootstrapping their business, Namecheap is also a good platform they could use. They are extremely competitive with pricing for domains and hosting, and their service isn’t that bad. You can definitely expect much longer loading times than Bluehost, but they still do ok.
Namecheap offer their affiliates 20% commissions for referrals to Domains, Whoisguard, Private Email and Premium DNS sales as well as 35% for Hosting Packages and SSL Certificate sales.
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Email Marketing Affiliate Programs
Getresponse: 33% recurring monthly – 120 day cookie When it comes to email marketing, I always head straight to Getresponse for all my email marketing needs. They have all the bells and whistles when it comes to functionality, including automation, landing pages and they even have entire funnel sections. This makes it extremely useful for a range of customers including ecommerce stores, small businesses and entrepreneurs. It’s also one of the cheapest softwares available.
The best part though, is their competitive affiliate compensation plan. You can either choose to get paid 33% on all recurring payments for customers you refer, or you can get paid $100 for every new customer you bring. Not only do you get paid more, but you also get a 120 day cookie, which is double what the majority of others offer.
ConvertKit: 30% recurring monthly – 60 day cookie ConvertKit is one of the most popular options for bloggers and email marketers as they have great tools for wordpress and are easy to use. I personally haven’t used ConvertKit much, but it is used by a lot of influential people like Pat Flynn, so you know it has to be good.
The ConvertKit compensation plan gives it’s affiliates 30% of all recurring payments and they give a 60 day cookie duration.
Active Campaign: 20%-30% – recurring monthly Active Campaign is probably the 2nd most popular in the list. Active Campaign is used more in the Social Media Marketing and digital marketing industries. They have all the same features as ConvertKit and they’re actually a little more desirable to use. They also have a flexible pricing plan so you can pay for the tools you use, and leave out the ones you don’t.
Now, the Active Campaign is a little different to the other affiliate compensation plans, as they use performance based tiers. You start off on the ‘Silver Tier’ which means you will earn 20% on all commissions. If you are able to bring in $500 of monthly active accounts, you then get bumped up to the ‘Gold Tier’ which gives you 25% commissions. Finally if you are able to generate $2000 of monthly active accounts, you move to the ‘Platinum Tier’ which means you get a full 30% on all subscriptions.
Aweber: 30% recurring monthly – 365 day cookie Aweber is one of the original gangsters when it comes to Email Marketing. I started using Aweber in 2014 and back then, everyone was using it. I have to admit though, their service has been left behind in the current times. Aweber falls behind in terms of features compared to the others listed, and their rules are very strict.
Aweber offer their affiliates 30% recurring commissions for any sales they bring into Aweber.
Moosend: 30% recurring monthly – 60 day cookie Finally in comes Moosend. Moosend is a new contender to the digital marketing space, but they’re coming in hot. Being a new condenter, they are also the cheapest, but that doesn’t mean they’re the worst. In fact they have great features just like the other companies like including automation, autoresponders and they even have landing pages like Getresponse. They are also heavily focused into e-commerce and have a bunch of great tools you can add to your carts like abandoned checkout tags.
Moosend is the cheapest of the lot, but they are still coming in strong with 30% recurring commissions with a 60 day cookie.
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WordPress Based Affiliate Programs
Elegant Themes (Divi): 50% per sale + recurring – 180-day cookie  When it comes to WordPress themes, Divi is by far my favourite of the lot. With an active community of Divi users over the world, it’s even easier to get new ideas and support. Infact this website is built with Divi! As for the Elegant Themes affiliate program, they offer 50% recurring commissions for all referrals and they give a 180-day cookie.
WP Rocket: 20% per sale – unknown cookie duration Everyone needs fast websites. WP Rocket is the number #1 caching plugin for WordPress which makes this a simple sell. If someone’s website is slow, get WP Rocket. It’s as easy as that. They offer 20% per sale through the ShareASale affiliate platform.
Woocommerce: 20% recurring – unknown cookie If you have built your website on WordPress and you sell products, memberships or services, Woocommerce might be perfect for you. With over 39 million downloads, Woocommerce is a powerhouse of a tool! The Woocommerce Affiliate Program offers 20% on all sales.
Memberpress: 10%-30% per sale – 60 day cookie If you have a WordPress membership site and it’s not Woocommerce, it’ll most likely be Memberpress. Memberpress is an easy to use membership theme with all the bells and whistles to make your membership site run smoothly. They also offer 30% recurring commissions for users, and 10% for non-users with a 60-day cookie.
Envato Market: 30% per sale – 30 day cookie Envato Market is a huge platform full of custom builds by developers that are for sale. If you ever wanted to find something in particular on the internet, my first choice is always Envato Market. Their affiliate program offers 30% commission on all initial purchases with a 30-day cookie.
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Best Affiliate Programs
Hopefully, if you have gone through this article, you have found an affiliate program that suits your needs. One thing to remember, it doesn’t matter about the price points if the product doesn’t help its customer achieve anything. That is why I always recommend trying a product before becoming an affiliate of the company and promoting it.
If you’ve got any additions to the list, or you have any questions or comments, let me know below and if you’re new to the affiliate marketing game, make sure you check out our community!
The post Best Affiliate Programs appeared first on Fresh Affiliates.
source https://freshaffiliates.net/best-affiliate-programs/
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theearlymorningmist · 6 years
Domestic Fluff #10: Camping
Summary: one-shot series of domestic fluff, can read separately or together.
Word count: 2.5K
A/N-  I almost want to turn this into a series, with all the Avengers.  
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If you knew one thing about Tony Stark, it was that he loved technology. Not just his suits, but any kind of tech. If it could be tinkered, Tony was tinkering with it. You found this to be an amusing trait, but its endearment hit its limit when you noticed that Tony’s tinkering had morphed from work/hobby to obsession.
You finally couldn’t stand by and watch Tony slowly transform your shared living space into a robot’s wet dream after sleepily picking up your toothbrush only to find it had been replaced with a shiny new toothbrush made of nano-tech.
“STARK!” You called from the washroom.
“(Y/N)?” A confused, and sheepish Tony called back. He knew that tone in your voice. It meant run.
You stepped into the bedroom to look at the suspect in question, who was rubbing the back of his head with a proud little smirk on his face. “Did you seriously replace my toothbrush with some nano-version?” You asked, still in disbelief.
“I improved it!” Tony argued, with an not-so-apologetic shrug.
“But I liked that toothbrush. I’d even go as far as ‘loved that toothbrush’!” You huffed.
Tony bit his lip for a moment, trying to think of a way to make it up to you. “What if I tinkered around and made it play your favourite song? Then it would be better than your old one, hm?” He asked, excitedly.
You gave the man a dead-pan look, trying not to snap and laugh at the same time. “Tony…sweetie… If I wanted a singing toothbrush I could have bought one at the pharmacy.” You explained.
Tony’s expression fell. “Someone beat me to toothbrushes with songs? Damn.”
“Yeah, like 10 years ago, Tony. Tooth-Tunes, look it up.” You explained, stifling a grin. Dammit why did the man have to be so cute when you were supposed to be mad at him.
The beautiful idiot let out a soft sigh, and then moved on. He slowly wrapped his arms around you, smiling sweetly. “Maybe I can make it up to you, hm? What do you say (Y/N)? We can test out some of the other tech I’ve been working on…”
“I don’t want to test the next SI product Tony I’m---“ You began, but you were silenced by Tony’s lips on yours. “This is more of a….private experiment…” He winked, suggestively.
“Oh. Ohhh…. Well I—wait no! I’m mad!” You caught yourself, pulling away from the man and standing with your arms akimbo. “This has gone too far! I bet you couldn’t go two days without using any technology!”
Instead of arguing, Tony’s eyes lit up. You had, so it seemed, said the magic words. Tony Stark was never one to step down from a challenge. “Is that so?” The man purred, excitedly. “What do I get if I win this proposed challenge?”
You narrowed your eyes. “IF you can go for 2 days without using any technology… I won’t bother you about your obsessive tinkering anymore.” You stipulated.
Tony smiled to himself, glancing down and taking a step closer to you. “That’s nice and all but how about…” He leaned in and whispered something that if said aloud would have been censored by the author.
You giggled, despite yourself. “That sounds…agreeable.” You smiled briefly, but then resumed your seriousness. “But! If you lose, you must dedicate one day a week to being tinker-free. And you will spend that time with your loved ones. Do we have a deal?” You asked, holding out your hand.
Tony eyed you for a moment, thinking it over, before finally clasping your hand. “Deal. But you have to purge all things techy too.” He said, resolutely.
“Fine, it’s only fair I suppose.” You agreed.
“So, I guess I should start shutting down JARVIS for the next 48 hours, and—“
“—Oh no no no.” You interrupted, with a smirk. “You don’t get to spend 48 hours in your nice accommodating home. I know juust where this bet will be taking place.” You explained, knowingly.
A few hours later, you were turning off a bumpy off the ‘off the beaten path’ kind of road into a clearing between some trees. You turned off the engine, and glanced at your watch. “Okay, checking this watch to set a timer for 48 hours will be both of our last interactions with any kind of technology. Any last words?” You asked Tony, with a teasing smirk.
“You have to deal with Dum-E and his abandonment issues when we get home.” The man huffed.
“Duly noted.” You nodded, pressing the button, and then putting the watch away.
The two of you got out the car and began exploring the camp site. Tony kicked a branch, hands shoved in his pockets petulantly. “This’ll be a piece of cake.” He announced.
“Great. Then how about you go collect and cut up some fire wood? And I’ll start building the tent.” You challenged.
Tony narrowed his eyes. “Sounds good to me. Oh and uh, at the store I switched out the pop-up tent for one with the good old pegs and wires.” The man added, a self-satisfied grin on his face. “Couldn’t have it too easy now could we?” He hummed, trying to get a rise out of you.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” You replied, through pursed lips.
While you struggled with the tent, Tony went off somewhere to look for usable kindling for the fire. Tony, as it seemed, had chosen the world’s most complicated tent. You looked at the instructions for what felt like the millionth time before letting out a frustrated groan and kicking some dirt.
“That doesn’t make any sense!!” You shouted into the void.
“Having trouble are we?” Tony’s voice came from behind you, startling you. You whipped around, attempting to compose yourself.
“No! No…of course not. I’m just you know…mad that life doesn’t make sense…in general. You know…wacky world we live in…injustices…and all that…” You cleared your throat, awkwardly. Now that you were looking at the man, you noticed that he had scrapes along his arms and a small cut on his forehead.
“What happened to you? Get in a fist fight with a tree?” You asked, amused.
“Something like that…” Tony muttered, dumping the wood by the fire pit. “So just out of curiosity, we don’t have to hunt down our dinner do we?” Tony asked. “Because I don’t know how I’d feel about BBQ Bugs Bunny.”
You made a face of horror. “Of course not. Bugs is safe. And so is Bambi’s mom for the record.” You nodded over to a cooler. “There’s your dinner. Premium hot dogs and smores.”
“At least tell me you brought coffee?” The man asked, desperation in his voice.
“There’s a kettle and some instant coffee. But you’d need to build the fire for that and we should do that later.” You grinned, enjoying the mans suffering a little too much.
“I’m going for a walk.” Tony finally said, heading out into the trees while muttering “Instant coffee…instant coffee…my taste buds will never forgive me… This is a hellscape…”
“What was that darling?” You called.
“Nothing! Love you (Y/N).” Tony called back, and then disappeared in the woods.
While the man was gone, you finished setting up the tent and even blew up the air mattress inside. But because of the no technology rule, you couldn’t use the cars battery for the pump. Instead, you had to blow it up using your own breath.
“I think I have asthma now.” You wheezed, plopping down into a lawn chair. Tony sat down next to you, seemingly appearing from no where.
“That’s great, honey.” He mumbled, sinking down into the chair. “Did you happen to pack any alcohol for this wilderness excursion? A boy scout must always be prepared, you know.”
“In fact, I did!” You chimed, grabbing two bottles of beer from the cooler. You handed one to Tony and he looked about the same way someone looks when you hand them a cup of worms. A mixture of disgusted, offended, and confused.
“(Y/N), sweetie. I meant real alcohol.”
You shrugged and cracked open your beer taking a long sip. “Sorry.” You said, trying to hide a smirk. Tony sighed, and submitted to his fate.
A little while later, you were both hungry, so Tony started getting things ready for the fire. “Do you need the fire starter, or do you think you can get that thing going on your own?” You asked, handing the man a pack of matches.
“I don’t need that. Or those. I can start a fire the old fashioned way.” Tony declared. “It’s basic mechanics.”
Ten minutes later you returned to Tony desperately rubbing two sticks together and angrily muttering to himself. “I’m Tony fucking Stark. I can start a stupid little fire! I will start a stupid little fire even if it kills me!” He grunted, finally getting enough friction to start the fire. “I did it! Look whose surviving without technology now, huh (Y/N)?!” Tony grinned, satisfied.
“Still a long way to go. We’ll see who comes out on top.” You countered, getting the food ready to cook.
“Yep. And then whoever comes out on top….will decide who comes out on top.” Tony smirked.
“You’re disgusting.” You laughed, tossing a prong at Tony and then handing him the bag of hot dogs.
The two of you ate, and played with the fire, forgetting all about the bet for the moment and just enjoying the time away together. No jobs or teams distracting you, or interrupting.
As the night grew darker and colder, you found yourself cuddled in Tony’s lap. The only source of light was the soft orange glow of the fire. You put a marshmallow on the end of the metal prong and handed it to Tony to cook. The man immediately shoved the marshmallow into the top of the flames, and you rolled your eyes, confiscating the prong from him.
“Of course you don’t know how to roast a marshmallow properly.” You sighed in amusement. “Let me show you how its done.” You reached forward, putting the fluffy treat underneath the logs, where the embers of the fire were glowing.
“If you put them up in the flames, they’ll cook faster but it’ll burn and it’ll just melt the outside. If you put it down in the embers, it gets golden and perfectly gooey all the way through.” You explained.
But when you looked back at Tony, he wasn’t watching the marshmallow, he was watching your face and how the soft fire light made it glow. Before you could say anything, the man kissed you softly, pulling you closer as he slowly deepened the kiss.
After a few moments you pulled away slightly. “The marshmallows ganna burn…” You mumbled, kissing the man again.
“Let it.” Tony breathed, tossing the prong aside and picking you up. He carried you into the tent, lips never parting. You briefly wondered how he made it to tent in the dark without tripping, but you ceased thinking about anything else except Tony very quickly…
The next morning you woke up the sound of birds instead of a blaring alarm clock, and it was one of the most serene things you’d ever experienced. You stretched and slowly made your way out of the tent.
“Morning sleeping beauty.” Tony greeted, in a chipper voice.
You rubbed the sleep from your eyes, and opened them to see Tony stood there- fully dressed, axe in one hand, coffee mug in the other, smiling happily.
“I’ve been up since dawn. There’s some coffee left for you. Cereal is on top of the cooler. I was just about to head out and get some more firewood for tonight.”
You blinked, slowly taking in the mans words. “O…K…” You nodded, still out of it.
“See you later, honey.” He smiled, pressing a kiss to your cheek before heading out in the woods, purposefully.
Oh no… You thought. You were so sure this bet was in the bag, that you hadn’t accounted for the fact that underneath all the tech and pageantry, Tony Stark really was a domestic little thing. He’d talked about getting a farm like Barton’s later on, but you thought he was surely joking. But seeing Tony pull a full Joe Lumberjack was eye opening...
You let Tony choose the activities for the rest of the day, seeing as his entire mood about being tech free seemed to change in an instant. He seemed happy, and more carefree than you had seen him in ages. The man took you for a hike through the woods. You went for a quick swim the lake. And on the way back to the campsite the two of you even saw a deer grazing peacefully.
When you got back to camp, it was late in the afternoon, and you decided that you had better start working on blowing up the air mattress again or you’d forget and end up sleeping on the ground. You emerged from the tent about 20 minutes later, breathless again.
“I think we poked a hole in that thing last ni—“ You cut yourself off when you saw that Tony was dead asleep in a hammock he had made, a peaceful expression on his face.
The sight almost made you tear up. You knew firsthand how difficult it was for Tony to get to sleep, let alone to get restful sleep. And there was the man you loved, looking so incredibly relaxed and happy, you couldn’t just let the moment disappear.
Quietly you snuck over to the car and grabbed your phone. You crept back over to the hammock, and ever so carefully took a picture to remember the moment. You smiled to yourself as you looked down at the image, already thinking about where you could hang it up back home.
“You lose.”
You jumped about a foot in the air. “What?” You questioned, holding your chest to keep your heart inside.
“You lose.” Tony repeated, with a grin. “Or is that not a cellular device in your hands?”
You opened your mouth to argue, but instead you just smiled, putting the device away. “Yeah. I lost.” You conceded, climbing into the hammock with the man. He immediately wrapped his arms around you, and the two of you settled down comfortably.
“You know, I think we should stay a little longer.” You suggested.
“Really?” Tony questioned, nuzzling his face into your neck. “How much longer?”
You closed your eyes, sighing contently.
*Any Questions About My Writing After ‘The End’? Here’s a prompt list! Ask away! :) –> After ‘The End’
@captainsherlockwinchester110283  @lilylovelyxo @not-reptilian  @thevanishedillusion  @kilamanjiro @xxcxrolinexx @txnystarkimagines @broadwayandnetflix @mythrealfan @sophiatomlinson23 @tonystarkxreader
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kusupaxe-blog · 5 years
Best cordless vacuum cleaner 2019: easier cleaners for your car, shelves, hard floors and carpets
With home living spaces getting smaller, carpets getting less deep pile and cordless vacuum cleaner tech improving beyond all recognition in recent years, the best cordless vacuum cleaners are now easily as effective as traditional vacs, and much more versatile.
Even the best cordless vacuums used to be a bit crap, just a few years ago. You had your Dysons, which weren't bad, but felt overpriced, and then you had a chasing pack of wannabe products. They were for cleaning up little spills, and using on shelves, surfaces and in your car, but cordless vacuum cleaners couldn't really do floors.
That all changed with the arrival of the Dyson V8, which was the first cordless that could really take on a corded vac for floor cleaning. Since then, plenty of other brands have raised their game, and the result is a huge boom in sales of cordless vacuum cleaners.
For traditionalists: Best corded vacuum cleaners For futurists: Best robot vacuum cleaners Best steam cleaners WHAT IS THE BEST CORDLESS VACUUM? Our top choices come from Vax and Dyson (twice).
The Dyson Cyclone V10 was the brand's latest and most powerful cordless vacuum, but I'm not entirely convinced it's their best. It's been designed and marketed as a corded vac replacement, able to clean carpets and hard floors to a high standard. And it does… but so did the older Dyson V8 and that, being more compact, works better when it come to handheld use. UPDATE: the Dyson V11 Absolute just appeared and offers slightly improved cleaning power and battery efficiency than the V10. We'll have a review soon.
It feels more manoeuvrable than the V10, and hence better able to switch between a dust-busting, spill-clearing, shelf-cleaning handheld, and a full-on corded vac replacement for your floor. Arguably, the V10's greater suction, larger bin and lower price make it a better choice, on paper, for carpet owners, but I'm not sure that in real-world use there's much to choose between them.
Bosch's BCS122GB Unlimited is the very best of the new breed of Dyson rivals and is arguably better than the V8 in certain respects. However it's also even more expensive than Dyson's vac and its dusting brush – an all-important part of a cordless, for us – is not very well designed.
However, when it comes to VFM, there is a new cordless champ in town and it's the Vax Blade 2 Max. This matches the Dysons when it comes to floor cleaning. It's not as good as the V8 for handheld use, but it does a stand-up job in that department. Add battery life that's as good or better than the Dysons, and a bloody great LED headlight, then take into account that Vax's model is significantly cheaper, and you have a winning cordless package.
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Best cordless vacuum cleaner
Best window vacs Best car vacuum HOW TO BUY THE BEST CORDLESS VAC FOR YOU The best cordless vacuums come with one obvious advantage: no cord. This makes them so much easier to push around than their corded brethren and they're also light enough to clean everywhere from the ceiling to the skirting board, as well as sucking up kitchen spills from worktops, dust from shelves (high and low), and so on.
Because of the way they've developed since Dyson made them a more premium, versatile product, they're good for everything from traditional uses, such as cleaning out the footwell of your car, to properly vacuuming large expanses of carpet.
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Cordless vacs do come with disadvantages. In order to keep the weight low enough to make them useful, the lithium-ion batteries they use can't be all that big and heavy, and so their battery  life is invariably quite short – usually no more than 20 minutes at full power, up to 40 or so at the lower power settings (that nobody uses). Dyson has addressed this by gradually improving its batteries over the years, but now some other brands are taking a rather simpler approach to the problem and including two batteries.
A lot of homes' floors can be given a good enough clean in 20 minutes, especially if you're using your handheld daily to maintain a dust-free domicile. Your other option, of course, is to buy a corded vac for the weekly/monthly/annual Big Vacuuming and use the handheld for smaller tasks.
If you live in a house with lots of carpets and two or more bedrooms, a cordless vac is still a great supplement to your mains one. If you have a flat with mainly hard floors, you can probably forget about a cylinder or standup.
Nearly all cordless vacs are bagless, which seems like a great feature initially. Then, when you come to empty their often small, usually translucent dust bins, you may initially find yourself cursing the day you ever bought one. With practice, if the vac is sufficiently well designed, this will become less of a problem, but the only one we'd unreservedly recommend in this department is the Dyson V8. Its bin emptying mechanism is sheer poetry in motion.
Finally, most stick vacs come with a range of heads for different surfaces, crevices, pet hair and so on. You can usually also buy cheaper versions of the vacs with just one or two basic heads, but, as the old saying goes, more heads are better than some.
1. VAX BLADE 2 MAX Best affordable cordless vacuum cleaner SPECIFICATIONS Power: 40vPower boost: YesWeight: 3.1kgMaximum run time: About 15-40 mins depending on power setting REASONS TO BUY +Excellent floor cleaning +Cheaper than a Dyson +Easy to empty bin +Solid battery life REASONS TO AVOID -Not as good for handheld use as a Dyson -Emits horrendous racket TODAY'S BEST DEALS CHECK AMAZON INDIA This new cordless Blade from Vax is generally about £40-£50 cheaper than a Dyson V8 and over £100 cheaper than a V10. That's a handy saving when you consider that it comes to cleaning floors, it seems at least as good.
It's a similar story with battery life, which again seems at least as good as the V10. It's hard to declare a precise battery life for cordless vacs because of the varying real-world ways they get used, but the Blade 2 generally seems to last longer than the Dyson in both Max Power and standard modes.
On both hard and carpeted floors, in my view, the Blade 2 outperforms any Dyson. Its spinning brush bar is highly effective, apart from a few occasions when it sprays stuff around rather than diverting it down the Vax's suction tube, and suction is very good even if you turn it off. Perhaps the Blade 2 Max's real pièce de résistance is its headlight, which activates alongside the brush bar and really helps with cleaning in dimly lit areas. The bin mechanism isn't as ingenious as Dyson's but it's easy enough to empty.
The main drawback of the Vax Blade 2 compared to Dysons (the V8 in particular) is that it's much less fun to use as a handheld, when cleaning surfaces other than your flooring.
Also, the Blade 2 is clearly not as chic as a Dyson. It's not hideous, though, and I dare say most people probably aren't that bothered what their vac looks like anyway. It does make a much more horrible racket, though.
That aside, the Blade 2 comes highly recommended.
2. DYSON V8 ABSOLUTE The ultimate 'old style' cordless vac, as good on tables and in cars as it is on floors SPECIFICATIONS Power: 21.6vPower boost: YesWeight: 2.6kgsMaximum run time: About 10-40 mins depending on power setting REASONS TO BUY +Genuinely works as both handheld and 'proper' vac +Solid battery life +Compact and stylish REASONS TO AVOID -The V10 has even more POWER TODAY'S BEST DEALS CHECK AMAZON INDIA Dyson has been making cordless vacs for quite some time now, but 2016's V8 was where it finally really cracked it. Since then the V10 has come along, and wants to be the cordless vacuum that really kills corded vacs, but the V8 is still a better option, IMO.
This is a battery-powered vacuum that can work as a pure handheld, compact vac – cleaning your car, taking crumbs off worktops, dust off shelves and, with its longer tube, cobwebs off your ceiling. But it can also genuinely replace a corded vac when it comes to both carpets and hard floors.
Moreover, it's sufficiently attractive – okay, I'm talking only just, rather than 'it's a gorgeous, dust-sucking objet d'art' – to just leave lying around in the kitchen or hallway (or attached to the wall with its well-made mount). So when a spill occurs or you notice a messy bit of floor, you don't have to go and retrieve it from 'the special cupboard'. It is the ultimate 'clean a little, but often' vac.
As ever with cordless vacs there are big caveats for those with large houses or a more 'traditional' attitude to cleaning. The number of extra tools required to make it as versatile as it it can initially leave you scratching your head figuring out which one to use for what (although, in my experience, the 'main' head is just as good as the 'spongey' one for hard floors, and the pet hair sucking one is probably overkill if you don't have allergies or a near pathological aversion to pet hair (remind me, why did you buy that golden retriever, then?)
Aside from the aforementioned large, powered brushes – one with spinning bristles for carpets and the hardfloor-only one, which is a revolving cylindrical 'sponge' that polishes while it sweeps, while it sucks – there are also titchier hand brushes and nozzles in the Absolute package, including a mini motorised hand tool for sofas and cars.
So yes, you do need to chop and change heads, but whatever is attached to it, the V8 collects a commendable amount of detritus on both hard and carpeted floors. It's a breeze to use in all areas, including under cupboards with just three inches of clearance.
But the reason I say the V8 is the 'ultimate' cordless vac is that it does finally correct some long-standing flaws with Dyson's handhelds.
Firstly, emptying the bin. This used to involve digging around it with a chopstick, which just doesn't feel that premium. With the V8, you just pull up a red latch and the entire motor and filter arrangement lifts out, as the bottom hatch opens, emptying everything into the bin, with nothing stuck to the filter. Push the filter and motor back into place and anything stuck to it is squeegeed off by its housing. Then just flip the lid shut.
The other V8 improvement is to the battery. It will now go for 40 minutes as a handheld (with the basic but well designed brush and crevice tools) and 20 or so with the powered floor brushes. That's on the standard power setting. With the turbo setting on, it would seem that the V8 lasts about 10 minutes or so.
Mine's on charge when I am not using it, and I have never ever run out of battery whilst cleaning. However, if you really want to use it as a straight replacement for something like a Miele or Henry, and your habit is to spend half an hour or more doing your entire place in one go, the V8 may not work for you as you wish.
3. DYSON CYCLONE V10 ABSOLUTE Updated cordless vac can do everything a corded one can, and a whole lot more SPECIFICATIONS Power: 28AW-125AWPower boost: YesWeight: 2.68kgMaximum run time: About 20-60 mins depending on power setting REASONS TO BUY +Sucks like a high quality corded vac +Doubles niftily as a handheld +More powerful, longer battery and bigger bin than the V8 REASONS TO AVOID -Bulk and weight make it less versatile and fun to use than the V8 TODAY'S BEST DEALS CHECK AMAZON INDIA The Cyclone V10 is a slightly odd device in that it successfully addresses many key issues that users have had with previous Dyson cordless vacs, yet ends up being only just better than its predecessor.
Should you buy a Dyson Cyclone V10? If you have loadsa carpets, and want a cordless… definitely, yes. It's noticeably more powerful and has a better carpet-cleaning head than the V8, which was itself head and shoulders above all the other battery-powered vacs.
The bin is much bigger, in order to hold all the extra fluff and gunk yanked out of your rugs and carpets by the stronger motor. It's grown by 'up to 40%' (I'm not sure why the 'up to' bit is in there) says Dyson. It's also still easy to open and empty into the trash, without dispensing the dust back onto your floor.
My slight issue with the V10 is that its added bulk and weight makes it a bit more of a chore to use than the V8, and cleaning is not noticeably better on hard floors and other non-furry surfaces.
The increased size makes it more problematic to keep the Cyclone V10 to hand in your kitchen, a little more difficult to manoeuvre when dealing with spills and dusting shelves and surfaces, and less comfortable when doing floors.
On the other hand, with three power settings instead of two, and an improved battery, you don't need to charge the V10 as often – though please note that the quoted 1 hour is only when you use the lowest power setting and a non-mechanised head.
The Dyson Cyclone V10 is also generally cheaper than the V8, which is hard to argue with as a selling point.
Bosch BCS122GB Unlimited
4. BOSCH BCS122GB UNLIMITED Superb Dyson clone with two batteries SPECIFICATIONS Power: 18vPower boost: YesWeight: 3.5kgMaximum run time: About 15-25 mins per battery depending on power setting REASONS TO BUY +Two batteries make running out of juice unlikely +Excellent cleaning performance +Awesome 'big crevice' tool REASONS TO AVOID -Actually manages to be more pricey than a Dyson -Crappy dusting brush TODAY'S BEST DEALS CHECK AMAZON INDIA • Buy Bosch BCS122GB Unlimited from Amazon
Previous Bosch cordless vacs have been a bit iffy in terms of heft and looks. To be brutally frank, they were fatty boom booms. Not so the BCS122GB Unlimited, which is, if I may again speak frankly, a Dyson clone. But a very, very good one.
There are three absolutely fantastic things about the BCS122GB Unlimited and only one egregiously crap one. Firstly, although its battery life is fairly pitiful, Bosch gets around this by the ingenious means of… including a second battery.
As they charge fully in about an hour, these 18v cells should keep you vacuuming indefinitely, so long as you're judicious about charging one while using the other. Interestingly (or not, perhaps), they are also the exact same batteries and charger used in all Bosch's 18v power tool range, so you could use the same cell to drill a hole in a wall, and then suck up the debris.
The other selling points are that cleaning performance on carpet and hard floor is excellent, and well up to Dyson standard in real-life, day-to-day use (I try not to get too bogged down in seeing which vac can suck up one square metre of rice crispies or flour the best.) It's even pretty passable without the turbo mode engaged.
Oh, and the long crevice tool. This looks absolutely ridiculous, turning the vac into a sort of robot anteater, but it is fantastically useful for cleaning skirting boards, footwells, down the back of the washing machine and so on. But seriously, just look at it.
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luxurioustri590 · 2 years
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How To Download Ben 10 Omniverse For Ppsspp 4/6/2020 Ben 10 Omniverse 2 is based on the long-running, popular Cartoon Network animated series, and follows the adventures of Ben Tennyson, a teenager who wields the. Game Free Fire. Download and Install PPSSPP emulator on your device and download Ben 10 Protector of Earth ISO rom, run the emulator and select your ISO. Play and enjoy the game. If the game is slow or log, copy the best PPSSPP game settings go to Best PPSSPP Setting.
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This APK is signed by Cartoon Network and upgrades your existing app PPSSPP is an emulator for Sony´s first handheld console, the Ben 10 Games Ben 10: Ksenodrom (Ben 10: Xenodrom) is a futuristic arcade game, developed explanations of cartoon series "Ben 10", in which the main character is Ben fights against space aliens, in order to save the. In order to use this Ben 10 Omniverse 2 ROM you will need to download a Nintendo Wii emulator. There are emulators for different platforms like Windows, Android, iOS and Mac OS X. There are emulators for different platforms like.
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Aug 02, 2019 · Download the game Ben 10 – Omniverse 2 USA ROM for Nintendo 3DS. and instant download. Ben 10 Alien Force PSP ISO PPSSPP Download. Ben 10 Omniverse is based on the brand new series from the world renowned Ben 10 franchise! Play as both Teen Ben and Young Ben and work with your new partner Rook to solve crime, fix both the past and present.
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The version of Ben 10 Alien Force is provided as a free download on our website. The program's installer files are commonly found as Ben 10 Alien F, , RUN, P or etc. This PC program works fine with 32-bit versions of Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11. The actual developer of the program is Monkey. The list of games compatible with PPSSPP is also impressive: Disgaea, Patapon, Soul Calibur, Little Big Planet, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and GTA: Vice City Stories are just some of the titles and sagas you can play on your PC with this emulator. PPSSPP is a great way to enjoy much of PSP?s back catalogue.
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By Wondershare Software Wondershare Filmora Effect Pack has hundreds of video effects which you can use in Filmroa9.In this pack you can find 70+ royalty-free audio, 200+titles, 200+ transitions.
Wondershare Filmora X v10.0.0.94 + Effects Packs Wondershare Filmora Full version is a professional application that allows you to create, edit or convert videos, then share them on hosting websites. The program features a rich library of video effects, transitions, graphic elements and titles, which you can add to your project, in order to.
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Wondershare Filmora X 10 Overview
Video Editing Simplified – Ignite Your Story. A powerful and intuitive video editing experience. Filmora 10 is here with two new ways to edit: Action Cam Tool (Correct lens distortion, Clean up your audio, New speed controls) and Instant Cutter (Trim or merge clips quickly, Instant export).
Filmora allows you to create projects in 4:3 or 16:9, so you can crop the videos or resize them to fit them to the size you want. In this way, it is possible to quickly convert a widescreen material to SD format.
Features of Wondershare Filmora 10
Motion Tracking – Attach an element to a moving object in your video easily with auto motion tracking.
Keyframing – Customize animation by adding keyframes to change position, rotation, scale and opacity of a clip.
Color Match – Match the color of selected clips to another frame from another clip.
Audio Ducking – Quickly fade your music so your dialogue stands out
Keyboard Shortcuts Editor – Edit faster using hotkey commands.
New UI and switch dark/light mode – Switch between light and dark mode for all day editing comfort.
Plain Text – Added flexibility to editing using plain text.
Advanced Title Editing ( for Win only) – Change position, rotation and scale of a title (as a whole) on the player.
New Effects – 30 new elements and 9 callout titles.
Touch Bar (Mac) – Preview and scrub through your timeline using the touch bar.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Supported OS: Windows 7/8/10
Processor: Intel i3 or better
RAM: 3 GB RAM (8 GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 2 GB or more
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Wondershare Filmora Crack is powerful video editing software that can add the little fantasy to your videos and helps you in getting something like a big-screen Hollywood movie just with a little effort using this awesome Software. You can combine multiple pictures and videos with amazing transitions and turn the scattered moments into a meaningful story with remarkable effects. You can enrich the quality of your videos by enhancing brightness and adjusting auto contrast for bringing life to your videos with a registration code. It can create a slow-motion video and give you a Matrix-like feel and takes you to another world with its attractive features. Now expand your imagination with over a hundred unique visual effects and eliminate all the effects of a shaky camera.
Wondershare Filmora X with Serial keymakes your videos stand out with the delightfully designed intuitive interface for editing your videos with a variety of effects and powerful editing tools. You can add your favorite music to your videos for creating a perfect atmosphere. The serial key lets you take your videos to the next level with still motion and graphics. You can turn your home videos into something extraordinary with the minimum effort. Just create a beautiful and stunning slow-motion effect by controlling the pace of your clips using the license key. The High definition support lets you bring clarity to your videos for better close-ups and viewing of every detail with a serial key.
Filmora activation code lets you make amazing videos with advanced filters, animated elements, and stylish video effects that are updated automatically. It is an advanced technology for video editing with a full pack of styling, color correction tools, and much more exciting effects with a product key. The patch provides a broad range of features with uniqueness and strongly recommended for the professionals who want something unique, powerful, and innovative with easy-to-use tools and functions; as well as the easy interface for the beginners who want an outstanding video without any technical knowledge. Filmora Crack will make your video look like a million-dollar which no other video editing software can, as it gives effects to your videos up to such an advanced level. You will find something extraordinary, creative and in less time by working with all the tools and functions and with less experience and you can produce stunning videos using the activation code.
Wondershare Filmora is a fantastic video editor with all the features in your hand for making your movies and videos Hollywood-like with an amazing set of tools, effects, and transitions. The full version is available for free download. You can also download the torrent file available with filmora 10 free key. Make your videos stunning and attractive with all the professional tools required for editing and enhancing your videos. This amazing software is surely for your videos to give way to your imaginations in a creative way if you are a beginner with great thoughts and aspirations.
Filmora Features:
Impressive tool for creating and editing your videos
Contains lots of visual effects, transitions, and titles
Create video DVDs with awesome menus
Support a variety of file formats
Adjust resolution, brightness, and contrast for your videos
Take a snapshot of the specific frame in your video
Ideal tool for beginners and professionals
Scene detection for saving your time
Eliminate the effects of camera shake
Play more than one clips simultaneously
Choose color grading presets inspired by popular movies
Create special effects using Chromakey
Speed control and noise removal
Edit and export videos at a resolution up to 4K
New collections of modern effects and animated elements
Automatically updates all the new features
What’s new in Filmora (x64)?
Brand new designed default effects.
Filmora’s native Effects Store is online now.
Better effects purchase and install experience now.
Few UI and bugs fixed.
System Requirements:
Compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 for both 32-bit and 64-bit version & Mac
512MB of RAM is required
500 MB of free hard disk space is required
The processor should be Intel Pentium 4 or the latest
How to Install Filmora
Download the Filmora X from the given link.
After the download, extract the Wondershare Filmora X and execute the setup file.
Select the language and click “Ok”.
Accept the agreements and click “Next” to continue.
Set the destination folder and click “Install” to start the installation.
Wait until the installation is complete.
Once the installation is complete launch and close the software.
Wondershare Filmora Crack v10.1.0.19 Method:
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1: Disable the internet and Open the WF Crack folder. 2: Extract ! and Copy Crack files and paste them into the software installation directory as an admin.
3: Click Help / Offline Activation Menu. Add this dummy reg info:
Email: (email protected) Key: 46E41D2824D6BA1376E2B1181425DC0B
or use the keygen and generate new keys
4: Close app, enable internet connection now and re-launch.
PS: If you want to use it in an environment without any internet, re-launch, at launch and clicking Export it will show Activated Copy message, click OK, it will proceed.
Trial nags are removed, the watermark is removed at export.
Key activation in Help Menu has been locked to get it into thinking it’s activated.
Unactivated nag in the Help activation menu is removed.
Keep in mind that some of the effect packs require their own activation key,
and this has nothing to do with the app itself or the activation.
Created several outputs in different formats with no issues.
All done! Enjoy free and full registered filmora video editor.
Click below to download the working and tested Wondershare Filmora Video Editor Cracked 2021
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Setup + Crack
Download Link 1
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Download Effects Pack For Filmora
Download Link 2
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miamiload957 · 3 years
Mac Os X Pages Kostenlos
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There are two different types of OS one is Mac OS X Lion 10.7 ISO, DMG and the other one is OS X mountain lion. So please don’t get confused in both OS.
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Download iSkysoft PDF Editor Pro for Mac Free. It is full Latest Version setup of iSkysoft PDF Editor Pro Premium Pro DMG for Apple Macbook OS X. Read more about Download iSkysoft PDF Editor Pro for Mac. Mountain Lion is OS X 10.8, currently at 10.8.2. If you have reasons to stay with Snow Leopard 10.6.8, you could try contacting the Mac App Store support or buying a copy of the retail box of iWork '09 from a third party such as Amazon.com or eBay.
Mac OS X Lion 10.7 is the eighth major release of Mac OS X is a completely different version from the for windows because it is a version that is totally based on the productivity suite for mac os x. This for mac is one of the best and successors of 2011 and it is followed by the for mac of 2007.
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Mac os x lion was released in the month of June on the date of 22nd and in the year of 2011 in the Apple worldwide developers conference. It was announced to release officially in the month of July but due to there technicals problems and due to there technical errors they have to release it earlier.
Download: Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 DMG & ISO Image
License Official Installer
File Size 4.4GB / 3.5GB
Language English
Developer Apple Inc.
Tutorials: How to Clean Install Mac OS using a USB drive on Mac
On June 6, 2011, at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference, it was reported that the official discharge for Lion would be in July 2011. The particular discharge date of July 20 was not affirmed until the day preceding, July 19, by Apple CFO, Peter Oppenheimer, as a major aspect of Apple’s 2011 second from last quarter income announcement.
Apple did not at first report any physical media circulation for Lion, for example, a lot of CD-ROMs or a DVD-ROM as utilized for past discharges. Rather, the working framework was said to be accessible only as a download from the Mac App Store for US$29.99. The main earlier form of OS X that underpins the Mac App Store in Snow Leopard, which suggested that any machines that help Lion at present running Tiger or Leopard would initially be moved up to Snow Leopard, instead of enabling an immediate move up to Lion.
System requirements
x86-64 CPU (64 bit Macs, with an intel core 2 duo, Intel core i5, intel core i7, or processor.)
At least 2 GB of memory.
Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later (Mac OS X 10.6.8 is recommended) .
7 GB of available space.
Airdrop is supported on the following Mac models:MacBook Pro (late 2008 or newer), MacBook Air (late 2010 or newer), MacBook (late 2008 or newer), iMac (early 2009 or newer), Mac Mini (mid-2010 or newer), Mac Pro (early 2009 with AirPort Extreme card and mid-2010 or newer).
Server features
Mac os x lion
Wiki Server 3 – Making it easier to collaborate, share, and exchange information. Users can quickly switch between a server’s home page, My Page, Updates, Wikis, People, and Podcasts. File sharing is simpler, and a new Page Editor is added for easy customization.
Web DAV File Sharing – Lion Server delivers wireless file sharing for clients that support WebDAV. Enabling WebDAV in Lion Server gives iOS users the ability to access, copy, and share documents on the server from applications such as Keynote, Numbers, and Pages.
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Profile Manager – Profile Manager delivers simple, profile-based setup and management for Mac OS X Lion, iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices. It also integrates with existing directory services and delivers automatic over-the-air profile updates using the Apple Push Notification service.
Features of Macintosh OS X Lion
The principal variant of Mac OS X was Mac OS X Lion. Macintosh OS X lion – 1.2v3 depended on Rhapsody, a half and half of OPENSTEP from NeXT Computer and Mac OS 8.5.1. The GUI resembled a blend of Mac OS 8’s Platinum appearance with OPENSTEP’s NeXT-based interface. It incorporated a runtime layer called Blue Box for running inheritance Mac OS-based applications inside a different window. There was the talk of executing a ‘straightforward blue box’ which would intermix Mac OS applications with those composed for Rhapsody’s Yellow Box condition, yet this would not occur until Mac OS X’s Classic condition. Apple File Services, Macintosh Manager, QuickTime Streaming Server, WebObjects, and NetBoot were incorporated with Mac OS X lion 1.0 – 1.2v3. We couldn’t utilize FireWire gadgets in Macintosh OS X lion 10.7 iso/dmg.
Macintosh OS X lion 10.7 incorporated the new Aqua UI, Apache, PHP, MySQL, Tomcat, WebDAV bolster Macintosh Manager and NetBoot.
macOS x lion 10.7 is the most recent rendition of Mac with new highlights. Nonetheless, this refresh will keep running on Mac 2012 or later forms. On the off chance that you are running macOS X lion 10.7 or prior, you ought to probably move up to the most recent rendition of mac os x lion 10.7 from the App Store.
Downloading Mac OSX Lion 10.7 ISO/DMG
The main reason for which people preferred downloading apps from the App Store is that it would just download the stub installer (web installer) which is little in size. The real Operating System will begin introducing after running the stub installer.
In this article, you will most likely download MacOS X Lion 10.7 full installer. You can make a bootable USB from the given record and complete a new introduce just as update the present establishment of your Mac OS.
About Apple Security Updates
For their clients’ insurance, Apple doesn’t uncover, examine, or affirm security issues until an examination has happened and fixes or discharges are accessible. Ongoing discharges are recorded on the Apple security refreshes page. For more data about security, see the Apple Product Security page. You can encode interchanges with Apple utilizing the Apple Product Security PGP Key.
If the download fails
If so, the only thing you ought to do is to pause and retry later. Or on the other hand, change from a remote to a satellite web association. If it is the case that this doesn’t help, go to App Store > View My Account and restart the download from the Unfinished Downloads segment.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Metal Gear Solid Remake Rumors Breathe Life into Konami, Even as eFootball Dies
In the last decade, Japanese publisher Konami has largely moved away from AAA video game publishing in order to focus its development arm on its much more profitable pachinko machines. It’s been an unfortunate pivot for fans of Konami’s games, to say the least, since the publisher happens to be sitting on some of the most highly-regarded gaming franchises of all-time. Among Konami’s biggest properties are Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, and Castlevania, most of which have spent years collecting dust in the publisher’s vaults except for the odd remastered collection or…themed pachinko machine. 2018’s Metal Gear Survive, a massive failure of a cash grab both critically and financially, was the last major AAA game released by Konami not titled Pro Evolution Soccer, which has also been phased out in 2021.
But all that may be about to change according to new reports from Video Game Chronicle and Eurogamer, which claim that Konami is now full steam ahead on “bringing back its biggest brands to the premium games space,” according to VGC. Chief among these new AAA projects is a remake of Metal Gear Solid 3, which is reportedly being handled by Virtuos, the studio largely known for Switch ports of titles like Dark Souls Remastered, The Outer Worlds, and The BioShock Collection, as well as for its support work on Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and Uncharted 4. VGC says that Konami is also planning to remaster the original MGS games for modern consoles ahead of the remake, which is reportedly in early development.
Meanwhile, a new Castlevania title described as a “reimagining” of the series is “currently in development internally at Konami in Japan, with support from local external studios,” according to VGC. It would be the first major installment in the 35-year-old series since 2014’s Lords of Shadow 2.
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Then there’s Silent Hill, which has been the subject of much speculation and reporting over the past few months. At least two games in the horror series are said to be in development, including one from Bloober Team, makers of the excellent Layers of Fear titles. The other game is reportedly being outsourced to a Japanese studio, per VGC. It’s long been rumored that Kojima Productions is working on a Silent Hill — rumors that have devolved into conspiracy theories involving “hidden messages” and another mystery horror project called Abandoned that you can read more about here. But the hearsay hasn’t uncovered much truth. (And Hideo Kojima infamously exited Konami on bad terms in 2015, so a renewed partnership seems very unlikely.)
All of this is very good news for long-suffering Konami fans, who’ve had to subsist on smaller offerings like Super Bomberman R, a game that launched with the Nintendo Switch in 2017, and 2019’s Contra: Rogue Corps. But the less said about the latter, the better.
In truth, the only fans who could at the very least feign happiness with Konami were those playing yearly installments of Pro Evolution Soccer, which had been the publisher’s most reliable video game franchise for the past few years. In fact, it’d risen the ranks to become a worthy competitor to the FIFA series, Electronic Arts’ international sales behemoth which largely controls the digital pitch. Those days seem to be over for Konami, though.
This year, the publisher has rebranded Pro Evolution Soccer as eFootball, a free-to-play online title that ditches the premium price tag for more microtransactions. It also does away with the series’ old Fox engine in the hopes of bringing a fresh, next-gen experience to diehard fans. The results have been disastrous.
Just a day after eFootbal 2022′s release, the title has become the most poorly reviewed game on Steam, according to Kotaku. As of this writing, only 9% of the title’s over 12,000 reviews are positive. Major complaints cover everything from the game’s questionable graphics, to incredibly buggy gameplay, to a serious lack of content. Of course, Konami was transparent about the latter when it announced the game’s roadmap earlier this year, describing the launch version of eFootball 2022 as more of a “demo” that would receive additional content in the coming weeks and months.
At the moment, players can only choose from eight soccer clubs for online and local matches. While the choices are slim, this should have been the ideal content with which to showcase the new engine, but uh…
Thanks for kill my fav game @play_eFootball #efootball2022 here is a Video with Ansu Fati running like naruto pic.twitter.com/JQ2KRr2RwC
— Ricardo Bassricky (@BassRicky_) September 30, 2021
Konami you really shouldn't have released this in this state. This is bad… I mean really bad.. Like bad bad bad #eFootball2022 pic.twitter.com/6YYDR8XnmT
— TheTrueBrits🎙️⚽️ (@_TheTrueBrits) September 30, 2021
The player is happy because the referee is dead #eFootball2022 pic.twitter.com/ijtxkhrJ9k
— Walidben (@Walidbe77643234) September 30, 2021
To be fair, FIFA ships with hilarious bugs every single year, but eFootball’s drastic drop in quality from Pro Evolution Soccer is a sight to behold. Perhaps its biggest crime is its rendering of soccer superstar Lionel Messi (bottom left in the tweet below) who also happens to be on the game’s cover. Konami has the exclusive rights to Messi’s likeness, and even 3D scanned his face for eFootball 2022, something EA couldn’t do for FIFA, and yet he doesn’t fare much better than Cristiano Ronaldo’s truly terrifying visage. Is this supposed to be the other Silent Hill game?
This really makes it hard not to love #FIFA22 😔..#eFootball2022 #efootball #pes2022 I love you FIFA22 . pic.twitter.com/I7lEIlC84T
— Epic Player (@EpicPlyer) September 30, 2021
Konami wasted no time trying to get the Steam fire under control, putting out a statement on Twitter, promising updates in the coming weeks to fix the game’s most glaring issues as well as add more content.
“After the release of eFootball 2022, we have received lots of feedback and requests regarding game balance that includes pass speed and defense operation. We would also like to acknowledge that there have been reports of problems users have experienced with cutscenes, facial expressions, movements of players, and the behavior of the ball,” reads the statement. “This work will be continuously updated, quality will be improved, and content will be added consistently. From next week onward, we will prepare for an update in October, while receiving further opinions through questionnaires to our users.”
Important info for #eFootball fans pic.twitter.com/Tp9RFhmXp9
— eFootball (@play_eFootball) October 1, 2021
Of course, issues are par for the course during the launch of a new live service game. Just look Amazon’s new MMO, New World, which is facing many of the same complaints as eFootball, including countless bugs, on top of its own server issues. Like many live service games that have come before — with the exception of massive disasters like BioWare’s Anthem — eFootball will continue to evolve over time. And at least it’s free. The question is whether longtime PES fans will stick around long enough to give this new brand a second chance.
At least Konami may have other projects on the horizon…
The post Metal Gear Solid Remake Rumors Breathe Life into Konami, Even as eFootball Dies appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3A02Iun
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cloudhunter25 · 3 years
Descargar Gta 5 Mac Epic Games
The Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Edition includes the complete GTAV story, Grand Theft Auto Online and all existing gameplay upgrades and content. You’ll also get the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack, the fastest way to jumpstart your criminal empire in GTA Online. The hunt is on in Fortnite Chapter 2 - Season 5: Zero Point. Join Agent Jones as he enlists the greatest Hunters across Realities like The Mandalorian to stop others from escaping the loop. How to install Menyoo Epic Games 2020 GTA 5 MODS👚For 124Clothing and Merch: ME REACH 1K SUBSCRIBERS!!!!!📺Subscribe to Game. Epic, Epic Games, the Epic Games logo, Fortnite, the Fortnite logo, Unreal, Unreal Engine, the Unreal Engine logo, Unreal Tournament, and the Unreal Tournament logo.
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Until 2 years ago, I used to be a PC person. I had a giant tower desktop computer with fans with flashing lights. I replaced that with a maxed-out MacBook Pro so that I could start traveling and work from anywhere. The problem is, since then I’ve missed PC gaming. All that startup stuff gets so incredibly boring after awhile, and we need to destress. Why even leave your computer screen to destress when you can do it ON YOUR COMPUTER? YES! YES! FREEDOM OF REALITY!
So let’s browse the games in Apple’s App Store, well, they’re not so great. It’s kind of the iOS type stuff but then for OSX. Pretty very very shit.
But that’s stupid, because the MacBook Pro 15″ has two graphic cards, and they’re actually pretty powerful. And the MacBook Pro 13″ and MacBook Air have on-board graphic cards, but they’re fine to play PC games from a few years ago (like Skyrim). So it’s a bit of a shame, we can’t play games on it. And well, destress.
How about GTA V? It’s come out for PC a few months ago, so I wanted to see if I could get it working on my MacBook Pro. I was pretty sure I couldn’t, but I still wanted to try. I mean I’ve been wanting to play this for years, but never had a device for it. I mean, YOU NEED TO PLAY THIS, RIGHT?
I know you can run Windows on Mac with Parallels. But it’s a virtualization app, so it’d never run it with any high performance as the graphics drivers are virtual (software emulated) and not native (hardware). Try it with any game, it’ll probably crash even before playing it, or it’ll be extremely slow.
But then there’s Boot Camp, which lets you run Windows natively (without virtualization) and with high performance on your Mac. After it’s installed you’ll have to reboot to switch to Windows, but that only takes half a minute each time.
**Since Apple doesn’t like Windows, it makes it REALLY EXTRA SUPER hard to get Boot Camp to work. Obviously cause they hate Windows and never want you to use it. I get it. But that means it’s full of stupid bugs that you have to figure out yourself how to fix. It took me 10 days. Yes. 10 days of tears. Maybe that’s why I don’t know anybody using Boot Camp. So to save you all the PAIN and time, here is my tutorial with all the tricks to get it working. **
What you’ll need
16GB USB stick (not an SD card!), I tried a 8GB one as Apple recommends it, but it wasn’t big enough, yup WHATEVER!
Windows 8 ISO file, in a perfect world you’d buy this from Microsoft, but they make it really hard and want to ship you a physical CD (what the fuck, it’s 2015, let me buy an ISO), so just find an ISO file of Windows somewhere (okay fine, Microsoft, I guess you don’t WANT my money)
Steam account to buy GTA V PC (it’s about $50 I think, worth it because you can play it online if you buy it legally)
Prepare Boot Camp
First search for Boot Camp Assistant on your Mac. Click Continue and you’ll see this:
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If this is your first time, select ALL boxes. The first one makes your USB stick loaded with Windows and OSX’s boot camp loader, the second one is the Boot Camp drivers it adds, the third one sounds weird but means it’ll partition your drive to set up Windows.
So now click Continue:
Select your Windows ISO file and continue.
It’ll take some time to copy the Windows ISO to your USB stick, and then download the drivers from Apple that are compatible to your Windows version.
When it finishes, you’ll see this partition window. This means it’ll divide your hard drive up in two pieces, one drive for Windows, one for Mac’s OSX. Here it gets really dodgy, because it actually doesn’t work properly EVER.
You need to choose how big your Windows drive should be. To calculate the size: Windows needs about 20 GB to function, then you need some space for your game. GTA V takes 65 GB, so that is 65+20=85 GB. To make it performant I rounded it up to 100 GB. But it depends on how big your games are etc. Skyrim e.g. is less than 10 GB. So you’d need only 30 to 40 GB probably.
But then it doesn’t work
The reason I said this is dodgy is because it’ll probably fail. You’ll see this amazingly descript error probably like me and my friends did:
It took me days to figure out how to fix it. But it comes down to this: (1) free up space on your drive and (2) if it has disk errors or not. Aim to get about 50% free space. For me that was insane because I have a 1TB drive, with 100 GB free, so I had to free up another 400 GB. It helps to just put stuff on an external hard drive while you’re setting up Boot Camp, you can put it back after.
The non-blue stuff on Macintosh HD is my free space, not enough obviously. Make sure you get about 50% free space on your drive. So if you have 256 GB drive, get 125 GB free. At 500 GB, 250 GB free. At 1 TB, 500 GB free. You get it.
Now fix those errors
Even after clearing all that space, Boot Camp will probably still whine and fail again, like it did for me.
That’s because it’ll run into some weird errors on your drive. Those weird errors are because off, well, I have no fucking clue. But they’re there. How to fix this? Well you open Disk Utility.
Click “Verify Disk” and it’ll check your disk. This might take awhile. I got this crazy scary error. If you didn’t get that and it’s verified, then just skip this part.
I was like “wait WHAT? NO!”. My SSD drive was broken? Why did nobody tell me! I rebooted into Recovery Mode (reboot and hold CMD+R). There I opened Disk Utility in there to verify my disk. If your disk is encrypted like mine, you need to unlock it first by right-clicking the disk, selecting Unlock and entering your password.
Then I verified it again, repaired everything and it worked fine. There were no errors. Odd right? Who cares! Because after this it worked. I rebooted into normal OSX mode and started Boot Camp Assistant again. This time I only selected the last checkbox:
Let’s try again
There we go, partition it:
After partitioning, Boot Camp Assistant automatically restarts. And then BAM!
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Now Windows doesn’t like our partitions
Yay! It’s Windows! On a Mac! Don’t celebrate too early, because this is where hell starts.
See what that says? “Windows cannot be installed to Disk 0 Partition 3”. Wait WHAT? WHY! Boot Camp was supposed to fix this shit, right? I was supposed to not do anything and Boot Camp would put all the files in the right place, to make it work on Mac, right?
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Then you press Format on that partition. And it seems to work but no it doesn’t because it says:
“The selected disk of the GPT partition style”
What does it take for a (wo)man to get a Windows around here?
Well, a lot. After hours of Googling, I figured it out.
You need to reboot back into OSX. Exit the installation. Then hold ALT/OPTION and select Macintosh HD to boot to. Then go back to Disk Utility:
Select your BOOTCAMP partition and go to the Erase tab, then under Format select ExFAT and click Erase. Make sure you’re erasing the correct partition (BOOTCAMP not Macintosh HD).
After that reboot your MacBook into Windows by rebooting and holding the ALT/OPTION key and selecting your USB stick (I think it’s called EFI). It’ll load the Windows install again.
Try selecting the BOOTCAMP partition in the Windows installation again, you can recognize it by the size you made it. For me that was 100 GB (it showed as I think 86 GB). If it still gives an error, go last resort. Remove the BOOTCAMP partition within the Windows installation by clicking Delete.
Then add a new partition by clicking New:
Try installing it on that partition. If that still doesn’t work, you’re out of luck, cause I have no idea either.
And then…it works
You’ll see this.
The problem is that there’s a good chance the Boot Camp drivers for Windows to understand your MacBook (e.g. use WiFi, sound, etc.) aren’t installed. Luckily they’re on your USB stick. In the Start Screen go to search and type File Explorer. Then try to fin your USB stick. Open the Boot Camp folder and find an Install app, open it and let it run. It’ll probably reboot.
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Now with all your drivers installed, most of the stuff on your MacBook will work on Windows now. My friend has some problems with the Bluetooth keyboard, but that was an unofficial keyboard. My Apple one worked perfectly. As did my Logitech wireless mouse.
Now let’s make Windows suck less
Okay, so Windows 8 is obviously the worst interface any person has come across. Like Windows 8 itself actually feels pretty solid, if you get out of that insane box square maze mayhem they call the Start Menu now. It’s insane. Who runs this company? So incredibly stupid to do this. My dad just switched to OSX because he couldn’t understand this Start Screen. Biggest fail of the century.
We have no choice though. We want to play games! So to get your start menu (from old times) back, install Classic Shell.
Then set this image as the start button in preferences:
Yay! Now to disable that stupid Start Screen, right-click on the Task Bar, then click Properties, then click the Navigation tab, then check “When I sign in or close all apps on a screen, go to the desktop instead of Start”, uncheck “When I point to the upper-right corner, show the charms”.
Now install Steam
I’ll let you do this as it’s pretty easy. Go to Steam and the top right click Install Steam.
Then search for GTA V. Click Download.
Here’s the problem, GTA V is 65 GB and that will take awhile. You obviously don’t want to be stuck for hours in Windows. The trick here is to install Parallels in OSX (if you haven’t already). Reboot to OSX (hold ALT/OPTION and select Macintosh HD) and set Parallels up so it uses the Boot Camp partition. Open Parallels, select Boot Camp on the right and follow the instructions:
After installing, try playing GTA V. Customize the graphic settings a bit. You can’t play it on super high settings, but you can go pretty far on a MacBook Pro 15″. Like I said, it has an actually really powerful graphics card, so it can run GTA V fine.
Now you can use your Boot Camp partition within OSX with Parallels to download games/software and continue working. Then when it’s finished, reboot to Windows and play your PC games.
It took me awhile to get back into playing games when I did all of this. I mean, it’s like it has to compete with reality, which is already insane for me, and so GTA V felt somewhat “fake” to me for days, until I accepted it was a game, and nothing I did in there would be an actual accomplishment. See, that’s what startup life psychology does to you. And on a serious note, that’s why we should all play more games. Because it helps you get out of your filter bubble.
Going outside to walk your dog? Naaaaaah, why would you! There’s GTA V!
P.S. I wrote a book on building indie startups called MAKE. And I'm on Twitter too if you'd like to follow more of my stories. I don't use email so tweet me your questions. Or you can see my list of posts. To get an alert when I write a new blog post, you can subscribe below:
Furthermore, the version of the game that is put up for free is the GTA 5’s Premium Edition – this includes the full storyline from the game plus Grand Theft Auto Online in addition to all currently existing in-game upgrades and bonus content. To top it all, users would also get the “Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack” that comes with even more content as well as 1,000,000 $ bonus in-game money for online play.
All you need in order to grab the GTA V for free is a working PC or Mac (of course, one that could run this rather resource-intensive game), an Epic Games Launcher, and an Epic Games account. However, one thing we must note here is that users would have to have enabled two-factor authentication on their accounts in order to be permitted to get the game for free.
Can you run GTA V on Mac?
The short answer is yes. If you have already set up you Mac to play PC games then just go ahead and take advantage of the Full free Version of GTA V. If not, you will need to install Boot Camp, create a virtual Machine and afterwards install the game.
How to play gta v on mac without bootcamp?
Performance wise it would be unpractical using other methods. The performance decrease would make the game unplayable. However if you are using one of the latest high performance macs on the market you can give Wineskin a shot. Setting up a Virtual machine would make much sense either.
Install GTA 5 on Mac with bootcamp
Before attempting to install boot camp we recommend checking your macs specifications and cross referencing them with those recommend to run GTA 5. Next, you will need a program called Boot Camp. With Boot Camp, you can install a version of Windows 10 which is compatible with GTA 5. Here are the steps for installing Windows 10 on a Mac using Boot Camp:
Download Windows 10 ISO onto your mac
Configure Boot Camp Assistant
Go to Finder > Applications > Utilities > Boot Camp Assistant
Open the program and click continue
Select the Windows 10 ISO
Choose somewhere around 100GB of space
Install the Windows 10 ISO and configure Windows
Install recommended drivers after booting up the Windows partition
If you are running Mac OS Cataline 10.15 we recommend watching this YouTube video to make sure you are not missing out on any of the steps.
Playing GTA V on Mac
Although ac computers aren’t specifically designed as gaming machines, it is still possible to play games in them. However, if you want to run GTA V on a Mac, you will first need to install Windows 7 or higher. We highly recommend installing windows 10 on your Mac even with the latest version of Mac OS 10.15.5 via something called Windows Boot Camp (official instructions from Apple on how to set this up) using the instructions above. Also, note that, in order to run the game on your Mac, you will also need at least 65 GB of free space and your machine would have to meet/exceed the minimum system requirements for the game.
Downloading GTA V for mac
Please remember to download the game on the windows version via Boot Camp. The Epic game launcher itself is not compatible with Mac OS.
Gta 5 Mac Free Download
Recommended Specs To run GTA V On Mac
Intel Core i5 3470 @ 3.2GHZ (4 CPUs) / AMD X8 FX-8350 @ 4GHZ (8 CPUs)
Video Card
Space90 GB available space
Use Geforce Now to play GTA on Mac
A number of users on the Geforce forums have been reporting that Grand Theft Auto 5 has been removed from the NVIDIA Geforce Now library of games. Many people used to play GTA on Geforce Now but the game isn’t available anymore. Initially, the rumors were that the reason for the game’s take-down was an update or some problem with the contract, but it seems that Rockstar has got a deal with Google for Stadia and Geforce Now yanked GTA because of that.
Use Stadia to play GTA on Mac
The good news is that the fans of Grand Theft Auto 5 might be able to see it arriving soon in Stadia Edition. A Rockstar Mag tweet indicated that the game can be released earlier than expected. According to the leak, players using Google Stadia seem to be shortly able to enjoy the game. However, the tweet did not have a source or any timeline for the game’s release. That’s why many fans already anticipate an update that will reveal when they should be able to play the ported title.
Descargar Gta 5 Mac Epic Games To Play
At the moment, the game persists in gaming charts, and, hence, bringing it to more playing platforms is financially meaningful for all interested parties.
Grand Theft Auto 5 also gives fans a lot of content and the players in Stadia would surely enjoy the well-regarded title in their gaming collection. It remains to be seen if this game would contribute to improving Stadia’s revenue, although this depends a lot on the continuing success and popularity of GTA 5.
Grand Theft Auto 5 can currently be played on PCs, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, with PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X scheduled to be launched in late 2021.
Running GTA on Apple silicon
For the time being m1 chips cannot run windows with Boot Camp. The fundamental reason is that the two operating systems now run on totally different architecture. Where as intel chips on Mac were capable of running Windows 10 this would be nearly impossible to achieve with all new Macs with apple silicon
Massive Epic Game Store crash due to a traffic spikeon release date
Descargar Gta 5 Mac Epic Games To Play
As soon as Epic Games Store’s official Twitter account announced that the game they will be made available for free would indeed be GTA V, understandably, a huge number of users seem to have rushed to the Store in anticipation of the free release of the title. This, however, seems to have caused a massive crash on the Epic Games servers that lasted for hours. The Epic Games team addressed this issue on their Twitter page, expressing their apologies and assuring their customers that they are working on resolving the issue. At the moment of writing this post, the server problems at Epic Games Store seem to have been resolved and people could now once again log in with their accounts and claim the Premium Edition of the acclaimed Rockstar game.
This is not the first time Epic Games Store has made such free game giveaways. Ever since the store was launched in December 2018, they have been occasionally making games free for a temporary amount of time and according to a statement from the company made in January, they intend to keep doing throughout the whole 2020.
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