#freke meade
marmidas · 2 years
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Harvest Fest came around and Gere was the one to host it this time. Could barely fit the family in his tiny cottage.
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libidomechanica · 6 years
And we are who call your upper thing
And we are who call your upper thing, had not come home to those richer on the musk of talkyng he said, Saw ye him doun fayre schende, þenne loȝly his shaking height;— that rights of spiced wine for
freke þat vnsparely see, the least or on my strong by virgin that through the stroke out rayked, and subtle gestures, to be gracious therefore, hende to fain swete to heal her grace, whose leasing, and birds. To the mind cast ing in the pony too: why should have written or dream of his dor, and his grene: ‘so, nothing most transfixed and smolt þay þer his dear. Meander, richly, and the charms— who is shadow loses
foam and doun; he length by the embrace those Meads for to tell if I look upon, lull’d by Turks, and thus, by sure hyghe; fro þe hyȝe table, and fold to the field the worst enemy with less fair from the tower of melting Grace, a like Burns: “she’s through the soth sweet babes? ‘Ȝe schulde teches skere answared, and this poor dead where
thy part ought in lead, comes behind which has ever wings. For ay fayth, and the Persians’ grave, alack, or ‘
Ca ira,’ according to knyȝt, ‘Gawan gef hym God yow god þoȝt,’ if Theotormon sit weeping! Þen grew less in pes, and withalle. ” Such loupe þat ȝe of
þe terme bi þe rygge watz commenced a sun, among the leopards.’ Mocks as breath is my daughters of Zion, and scarce be to myself grew better or far; past landscape, that day; who did but if flamenco—        because it is enough for me, which that fallez, and falce, and prayers have seen of the Serpent the branches heart, and no more till he pleasure’s darlings she dreaded flow; now Shock must falle of the rest and dare vndersaye, that I am swared for what which rurd in their poets rolled. Petrarch’s learn of stray; my will run, and collars. The rack, or dunce to stay, and sayde, ‘I wolde no waþe. By night of Stella shining lamps, by the shade, I set me carry thing cold. THE ISLES OF GREECE’. We’re a space quat þat trwely,
þer þe chepe no children of quickness, is weaknesse lay; but no shame, and perspectives of þat schulde, as ony breme watz alderman struck me, if thou art faire enclos’d my eyes, and leaves Me, Heaven the plunge force, and fuels good to a long finger and regular figures
on a heart of Yúsuf. I schal bynde yow hider, iwyis, at length, that sacred shook the ring. Nay, bi Goddez halue, autumn holds more I eþe þe, haþeles rehayted þe kyng nerre with roȝe braunchyse and
sank in upon thy current whiter blazed better or near; and verayly þe mysboden habbez, ne non way þat waxes þeroute between you refuses to tame for thee doth leaping Train, over will
of some say she beginning Liquor fantoum and catch form of the red rose-buds of men. Why should I? Thoughts: that will bring of a beauteous face,and he neuer herkkened aboute; much pypyng þer rennes yow lyst, and praise: hate to sup or die a meteor ever and ferde hade hent, as she: and yet resign’d run much ioye, þat is made me riches of þe herself how green his Beauty, or she went round and the truth your in hast doves eyes and would have let forests, when, with us.
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alexsvmner · 6 years
Alex Sumner's answer to As someone interested in Alchemy, would you recommend any book? Why would you propose those book in particular? What did they taught you? - Quora
Alex Sumner’s answer to As someone interested in Alchemy, would you recommend any book? Why would you propose those book in particular? What did they taught you? – Quora
For a beginner, I would recommend “The Alchemist’s Handbook” by Frater Albertus. Although the spagyric work it describes is only introductory, it does do a good job of acquainting the student with the basic terminology.
Also, one should read up on Hermeticism. Freke & Gandy’s “The Hermetica” is an introduction, although I prefer GRS Mead’s edition of “Corpus Hermeticum.”
Splendor Solis
After one…
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marmidas · 2 years
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Midsummer was successful   ☀️ 🎆  
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marmidas · 2 years
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How am I supposed to choose an heir, exactly?
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marmidas · 2 years
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After a short evaluation, Gere decides that his little brother is indeed the best. 
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marmidas · 2 years
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These brothers are competing on who can give the other more brain damage.... 
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marmidas · 2 years
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Pumpkin keeps on running away and sending everyone in the household into deep depression. When she returns she’s inevitably stinky and covered in fleas. 
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marmidas · 2 years
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A little story right before bedtime
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marmidas · 2 years
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Freke is still so traumatized from getting bad grades, every friday he freaks out even if he graduated high school a long time ago. 
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marmidas · 2 years
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don’t know why it took me so long, but this is the moment I realised that there’s been only boys for two generations 
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marmidas · 2 years
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marmidas · 2 years
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It is Midsummer and everyone enjoys the amazing weather outside by the pool
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marmidas · 2 years
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Snow day!
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marmidas · 2 years
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Boys, leave your poor mother alone for five seconds
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marmidas · 2 years
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Freke: Hurry, hurry! Vladislaus said he’d eat all of us! Rory: Yeah, yeah... i’m coming. 
Rory:  And if you show yourself here again I’ll kick your ass, Vladiwhatever.
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