#hermes meade
marmidas · 2 years
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temple-of-hermes · 17 days
Celebration of the Fourth Ritual
Happy Wednesday to you all! Welcome to the first Celebration of the Fourth ritual! There will be a closeted-friendly option at the bottom of the post for those who can't be open about their practice.
The Ritual
Set up the ritual altar. You will need imagery of Hermes/his symbols, flowers, a cup, an offering, and incense. For the imagery, use whatever works best for you. His symbols, his sacred animals, whatever you're able to use. Place down the flowers, then the imagery, then the cup in front of them, then the incense. Place down the offering. Pour a libation into the cup. Preferably water, wine, or mead. Surround it and the offering with coins, all heads up (Either surround them together or separately. Whichever you prefer). Light the incense. Then it's time to pray. You can pray your own prayer or use the example prayer below.
Khaire Lord Hermes Ericydes, splendid and glorious one!
Thank you for your presence in my life.
I give this offering to you.
May it be pleasing in your eyes.
To you, my Great Lord!
Then move around. Do whatever movement you're capable of. Whether it's just sitting up in a bed or taking a long drive (if you leave the house be careful with the incense). You can walk, run, dance, exercise, etc. As long as you're up and moving you're good. Once finished, return to the altar for the closing prayer.
Again, you may use your own prayer or follow the example one below.
Khaire Hermes Cratus, strong and mighty one! I give this offering to you.
I praise and honor you, glorious one.
May my steps be swift and strong.
May my path be clear and bright.
May my words be clever and powerful.
And may this offering be honoring to you.
To the Great Lord Hermes!
Feel free to leave the altar up or take it down. Make sure to properly dispose of the offerings in the best way that you can realistically manage if they can go bad.
Please feel free to share your altars either by tagging the temple account in your post or by submitting them through asks or submissions here!
Closet-Friendly Version
Find some sort of imagery to represent Lord Hermes. Whatever you're capable of finding. Anything will do, just make sure to put some thought into it. Find a flower outside and bring it in. Place it on or in front of the item you're using to represent Lord Hermes. Light incense or a candle if possible. If you're able to, leave an offering. If not, it's alright. The flower can be the main offering. Say the first prayer (out loud or in your head, either works). After that, get up and move around as much as possible. Sit up, walk, dance, exercise, drive, whatever you can do. Then come back and recite the closing prayer. Feel free to either leave up the altar or take it down immediately. Return the flower outside. If you have other offerings, dispose of those in any way that you safely can if they can go bad.
Feel free to share pictures if you're able to!!
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thedansemacabres · 10 months
wines for some theoi
feel free to send asks for theoi not listed! and of course, this is my personal opinion from my wine knowledge.
A fun wine for any theoi of importance are blends from Rapsani, which is located on Mt. Olympus.
Aphrodite: commandaria, which is made from the mavro and xynsteri grapes. Along with Moschofilero, for its striking, romantic, and rose-garden aromatics.
Apollon: for those who see him as a sun god, straw wines, and for plague Apollon, Botrytis wines such as Tokaji. For a more Gaulish Apollon, Vins de paille. The cretan wine Dafni could also work for being named after Daphne
Ares: sparkling reds, such as Lambrusco for their striking nature in carbonation and red hue.
Artemis: natural wines, those made with the yeast upon the grape skins, or traditional orange wines for the "wild" aspect of them.
Ariadne: traditional Cretan wines, such as Shiraz, Vidiano, Vilana, Thrapsathiri, Malvasia, etc.
Dionysus: all wines, but Retsina in particular.
Eros: romantic reds in general, I do not have a particular wine for him.
Helios: some ancient authors said one should not offer wine as he shouldn't be drinking on the job, but who listens to that? Straw wines and Sicilian wines match his nature as a sun god, though mead also holds a special place in my heart for him.
Hephaestus: Sicilian wines, for their volcanic nature, especially those around Mt. Etna such as Nerello Mascalese
Hera: aromatic reds and roses, such as muscat d'asti, and for Hera of Samos, Samos Vin Doux
Herakles: Agiorgitiko, for its home in Nemea, where he bested the Nemean Lion.
Hestia: table wines such as Chianti and Prosecco, though I have always found her in orange wine due to orange wine being a common style of the ancient world. Agiorgitiko is the most popular Greek wine, and as such I also see it with her in her ability to unite the hearth.
Hermes: wines from central Greece, but I would also argue Greek Chardonnay and Syrah for their international travel to Greece.
Pan: Savatiano, for its origin in Central Greece
Zeus: as Hestios and a household god, table wines, and very light wines, such as vignoles. Pyment could also be lovely for his love of bees.
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I wanted to ask if you knew of any mythical bees or mythical creatures based on bees? I am working on a concept and was looking for an invertebrate to attribute to golden ichor and figured bees and their honey fit. However, due to the godly status of such a fluid, was looking for something a bit more mythical than simply "bee," but my own research into such things have turned up empty. Was curious if you knew of any?
Thank you for your time, help and incredible site that I still use to find incredible mythical creatures!
I most certainly do! And in fact I've already covered a couple of them on ABC as well!
The main issue with bees is that there are relatively few "monstrous" bees. Most of the time bees are discussed as themselves, insects that make honey, and whatever misconceptions and superstitions people may have of them.
The bee-maidens or Thriai were three virginal nymphs notably from the Homeric Hymn to Hermes, which were described as having wings and barley on their heads. They may or may not have been imagined as being half-bee (there's been research to support either viewpoint from what I remember) but they prophesy after eating honey. This has been interpreted as possible prophetic visions after imbibing mead. You know, because people will say anything after sufficient amounts of alcohol.
In North America there's the Moskitto from Paul Bunyan tales (as always, debatably folklore). Half bee, half mosquito. It was born from the union of the huge Chippewa River mosquitoes with the Texas bumblebees, and the result was an insect that could get you from either end.
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Finally, the Eintykára from the folklore of the Chamacoco of Paraguay is the stingless bee that makes golden honey and constructs phallic beehives. Folklore grants the bee swarms the ability to coalesce into handsome men who bring prosperity to their adopted villages. Through excreting beeswax and honey, of course.
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stalkerofthegods · 11 months
Loki Deep dive
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Signs he's reaching out- seeing the Snaptun Stone, Large numbers of spiders, Fire seeing his symbols and things that remind you of him in a dream, a close brush with danger, Dreams of Loki speaking to you, Repeated appearances of any of the animals related to Loki, sudden obsession on him or seeing things related to him that you wouldn’t regularly notice
Days & holidays! - Autumn Equinox, Samhain, Yule, Sep 5 UPG (tumbler meme devoted to him day) , Julaften, Saturday, April fools, Lokablót
Equivalent- logi  (the personification of fire), Prometheus, Tantalus, Jesus, Pan, Cernunnos, Dionysus, anasi, Bacchus, Lugh, Hermes, Mercury, Elegua, Eshu, Prometheus, Veles, Coyote and Crow
Dislikes- in my experience he wasn’t a fan of Hermes, he doesn’t like Heimdall (Heimdall kills Loki ) 
Married- he is married to Sigyn! (the goddess of Victory)   Also, Loki’s first wife (Angrboda who was a Jotun ) taught Loki magic, later he devoured her heart because she was an ‘evil’ witch.
Zodiac- Aries and Gemini 
Siblings - Blood Odin, Hellblindi and Balyestyr
Devotional- volunteering to help survivors of trauma, helping with orphanages, and those who are in need, laughing at yourself.
Animal - Coyote, Salmon, Snakes, Foxes, vulture, Quiscalus quiscula, wolves, serpents, cats, falcon, butterfly, raven, flies, dragons, spiders.
colors - yellow , green , red, pink, neons, purple, gold, silver, Black, violet 
offerings - Candy, Atomic Fireball (he loves alcohol ex- tequila, rum, brandy, and mead, but he does get tired of it beacuse it’s offered so much), Pez, Pixie Sticks, cookies/pastries, caramel apples. Speaking of apples, He loves red food (ex-Red Velvet) He likes things with a lot of pepper spice, or even just the peppers themselves (habaneros seem to be a favorite), good whiskey, bread, knives, whatever reminds him of u, also baked goods, or anything really, you can give him just sugar or just food, whatever says “LOKI!!”, he also loves caffeinated drinks!, he likes cinnamon, chocolate, Tobacco, weed, cheesecake, especially with berries,  old granddad brand of alcohol, and hard cinnamon flavored or spicy liquor, and spicy runs and mulled wine! Carmel golden apples!  He also loves Nutella, I would recommend giving whatever you think he would like, he likes new things I heard.
Number - 13  and Kaunaz, Naudiz, Thurisaz, number 3, The Berkana rune, 
Planet- Pluto, Dark Moon
To do in his honor  - Inner Child work, Llaughing at yourself, Accepting that no one and self is perfect, and mistakes are okay, Feeling all of our feelings, drawing, coloring, singing, dancing, being creative, working with children or the elderly, collecting and sharing jokes, going on a walk, get lost, go on an adventure with friends or fellow outcasts, go clean up a local park in his honor, do something ur scared of, joke in their honor 
What he favors in devotes - Passion and drive, inc stubbornness, a go-getter, hunger for life, child like playfull Ness
God of - Celeverness, change, Creation, Cunning, Divine, Discovery, Humor, knowledge, sex, Seduction, shapeshifting, trickster (mischief), wit, truth,  temptation, the hearth, nature. 
Patron -outcasts (black sheep), earthquakes, changing cycles of the moon, nature, fire itself.
his weapon- Lævateinn
Herbs - daisy, mistletoe, Lavender, Patchouli, Cinnamon, Clove, Hemp, Holly, Mistletoe, Cedar, Juniper, Elder, “yellow rattle” plant, lokasjóður, “Loki’s Purse” (a plant), Loki oats, wild oats, birch, alder, mullein, acorns, Aspen trees (UPG)
Preferred coffee- very very sweet. (I also heard he likes mocha) 
Remind me of him - smiling, laughter, dancing, knives, horns, flowers, trees, flies, foxes, rings, black nail polish, masks, spiders, red hair, cat eyeliner look, eyeliner, blue eyes, plastic toys, nature 
Blessings - sharper knives (be careful they may be blunt one second and then sharp)
Tarot- The magician, Wheel of Fortune, the sun, the devil, the tower, the magician, 
Signs - spiders, vultures, snakes, seals, foxes, flies, wolves, Dandelions, coyotes 
Alter decorations - boats, kids' toys, anything listed here really.
Scents - He likes cinnamon, mulled wine, cotton candy, and peaty whiskey and yew, but nothing strong or overwhelming or alluring and anything too feminine, he also dislikes super masculine colognes. He likes Pine, cinnamon, sugar & spice, honey, and wild berry incense and dragons blood incense 
Animals• Fox, spiders,Flies, salmon horses, vultures 
Crystal• Volcanic and Sulfurous stones (ex. Obsidian Gypsum, Hematite, etc.)((is associated with tectonic activity)), pyrite (fools gold), color-changing stones, Bloodstone, Xlead calcite, Sunsgone, Stones associated with the air element, red stones, Stones of any other color you associated with Loki (ex- red Jasper, Garnet, Carnelian, Ruby), Stones that scream “LOKI!!”, but mostly - Red Jasper, Amber, Garnet, Goldstone; Plastic, Acrylic, Glass, Gold, Bronze, Silver, Magnesium, Orange calcite, hematite, fire agate, onyx, etc.), serpentine, fire quartz, smoky quartz, pyrite, multi-colored/color-changing stones (labradorite, fluorite, alexandrite, bismuth, etc.), carnelian, and tiger's eye, kambaba jasper, prehnite, garnet, green aventurine, malachite, and petrified wood, Yellow calcite
Symbols•fox, Knox, web, Tangles, snakes, Flies, salmon, horses, Mistletoe, (I've also heard vulture, hawk, skull
Names•known as sky traveler, Ve, or, father of monsters, Flamehair, “that bastard” (UPG), Lie-Smith, Sly-God, Shape-Changer, Sly-One, Lopt, Sky Traveller, Sky Walker, Wizard Of Lies, and Loftur and I'm sure there's more. (I’ve accidentally called him Taco Bell before myself.) 
Mortal or immortal • immortal, but has apples to live longer, suspected the Apple effects last YEARS (like more than 100+ years. Because he is not “old” or dead yet, and in mythology, they take it to stay young and live forever.) and ragnorok
Vows/omans• Blood brother with Odin, Loki swears oaths that he will devise a scheme to cause the builder (of the wall of the asier home) to forfeit the payment, whatever it may cost himself.
Morals• He's morally grey 
Personality• understanding, and fast going, can be jealous and has a quick temper.
Fact• He had a wife before Sigyn and he is in a cave until Ragnorok. I also heard he like farts a lot. And sends spiders, so beware, he made spiders in Sweden mythology 
Roots• Norse mythology 
Appearance in astral or gen• red hair and fair skin but not too red or too fair. Also, blue eyes I think or green. Or anything at all really.
Children- Hel, Jormangandr, Fenir, Sleipnir, Vanir, Narfi, (from sigyn) Svadilfari,  and Einmyria and Eisa (with Glut.) He also ate a woman’s heart and bore the first witch, some say also a HUGE cat. 
Season• the month of Gemini and Aries 
Status• God and Yotan
Element- Fire, air, nature.
Personality- Loki is not always the most mature and can sometimes act like a toddler. Also chaotic Neutral. he is not an omniscient Deity, but true to his word.
Parentage • The tree Lufey and farbauti
Flame-hair, your soul burning into the night, Throwing caution to the wind And casting the die of fate, Teach me your fearlessness. Lie-smith, your sharp words like daggers, Cutting through illusions to the bone And revealing the reality we refuse to see, Teach me your clarity. Silver-tongue, whispering carefully veiled truths, Sowing shrouded mystery in your wake, And leading only the clever onward, Teach me your secrecy. And leading only the clever onward, Teach me your secrecy. Gift-Bringer, recognizing all the overlooked, Giving rightly earned reward where it’s due, And in turn, blame as well, Teach me your justice. Scar-lip, ending silence in the face of injustice, Grinning down at the outcasts And rallying your voice with theirs, Teach me your anger. Pain-holder, accepting your punishment, Embracing the consequences of your deeds, And taking the fall of those who are weaker, Teach me your resilience. World-breaker, harbinger of chaos, Spitting fire upon the stagnant And carving the spear of change, Teach me your courage. Cruel-striker, slanderer of the gods, Burning the inefficient and stale, Revealing potential in the ashes, Teach me your insight. Sly-walker, throwing your mischievous grin about And casting laughter into the darkness Where before there was only despair, Teach me your joy. Shape-changer, manipulator of all walks of life, Confidently adapting to every situation, Commanding the strength of any form, Teach me your cunning. Hearth-fire, warmth of my heart, Your arms a sanctuary where none is found Light and life of the home I can always return to, Teach me your nurturing. Sky-treader, ever true to your wild heart,Letting none even try to contain your spirit As free as the sky itself, Teach me your passion. Hail Loki, And thank you, my God, For everything you bring to my life.I love you so.
- by @klawl
Links/websites/sources •
Links I recommend - 
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Loki is the Norse god of mischief, and the hard cold truth, even tho he may be cold, he is wise, and charming in many ways.
I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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All Reigns Come To An End
It's over now.
Joey disappeared into the sunset. The sea churning below, wind in his hair. The rhythmic action of rowing the boat calmed him. No matter what, the sea would always call to him like the sirens that lived in its majestic waters. He was glad to not be alone. With others by his side, traversing the sea was even better.
Joel had ascended. He'd always known Jimmy was a toy; that reassurance wasn't exactly needed, but was satisfying. And even if Hermes...didn't seem to like him, at least his son was grown up now. And everyone left him. So he made his goodbyes and joined the other Lore Gods.
Scott and Owen were adventuring together. Scott delighted in the thrill of the risk; the dangers that came with raiding tombs and collecting things. Even if that skull came to mind, Owen was always there to comfort him. He was rarely afforded privacy with Owen, but he didn't mind. They both did things for Chromia, even though Scott definitely did more. Adventure called to them both, and they were kindred spirits bonded together with it.
Shelby eventually chose her track of magic. Lightning coursed through her veins, and the storms bent to her will. She grinned as the rain poured outside her home. That date with Katherine had been wonderful. Perhaps she could go on one with her later. But that letter in her letterbox wouldn't read itself.
Katherine's curse was gone now. Even though her parents weren't too keen on her monster-hunting, the monsters would always exist. Who else would get rid of them? She delighted in protecting her kingdom. And visiting Shelby didn't sound too bad. She did promise a date after all.
FWhip smiled as the racket of the tavern filled his ears. Downing another goblet of mead, he wiped his mouth with his hand and joined the drunkards in their joyful melody. Ecstasy rode through his veins and he did nothing to stop it. Surrounded by friends, he eased into his own comfort.
Pix was satisfied. He'd done everything he'd wanted. Pride flowed through him as he looked upon everything he had accomplished and he couldn't resist the relieved grin that curled at his lips.
Jimmy protected Tumble Town as best he could. The Old Sheriff was brilliant to be around, if not a little odd from time to time. He was content. Sure, there'd be bandits one way or another. The law would always need upholding. But for now? Rest sounded good. And being with the Old Sheriff? Seemed like a nice ending to him.
Oli's Olipeligo was beautiful. His own refuge. His home. Old memories of old faces still popped in from time to time, but he didn't need them. Memories of the Orb, of vampires and angels, of thornlings and dragons, had all but gone now. Replaced by collectors and princesses, by sheriffs and gods and goblins.
Everyone's reign was over. Would new ones begin, or were the history books finally complete?
For now, their reigns had come to an end.
It was over now.
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studio-multi · 4 months
Half Baked #4
Title: Asphodel
Namjoon as Hecate
Hoseok as Helios
Yoongi as Hades
Jimin as Persephone/Kore
Taehyung as Adonis
Jungkook as Hermes
-all gods, goddess or deities are gender neutral because they don’t always reproduce the traditional way, if you have issues with gender neutrality in any way this is not the idea for you-
They cheer when Yoongi lights the ceremonial fire and he laughs shyly.
The colorful flags of the May pole and Yoongi and Jimin meeting eyes through it
Yoongi is sad that Jimin is away, pops up to see them being celebrated at Beltane. Jungkook lets Jimin know, and he takes Yoongi around the festival.
Yoongi getting flower crowned.
Jealous of Taehyung hitting on Jimin.
Joon and Hobi roasting Yoongi as they join the festival once the sun goes down.
Yoongi gets very drunk on the seasonal Meade (look in festive drinks) and Jimin puts him to bed.
They have a cute make out and conversation about having children.
Yoongi: “We could adopt” Jimin: “No I want them to be a part of us” Yoongi: “I don’t know if any child should be curse being a part of me” Yoongi/Hades self-loathing. Jimin: “I want nothing more than a child that is half you, Yoongi”
Yoongi agrees to discuss it when Jimin returns in the fall.
Jimin: “Really?!?” Yoongi with a nod: “Mmm.”
NSFW Notes under the cut:
Jimin attacks Yoongi with kisses and ends up getting Yoongi aroused now that he has sobered up. 
Jimin offers to give Yoongi head. Yoongi agrees and Jimin sucks Yoongi off, swallowing all of the seed.
Jimin didn’t expect anything in return, but Yoongi quickly puts Jimin on his back, Yoongi’s back arching as he sucks Jimin off too.
Jimin’s orgasm magically "calling" in the late spring rain, bursting flowers into bloom around their hideaway as Yoongi swallows down his release. 
Jimin returns in Autumn four months pregnant and finds a glowing pregnant Yoongi as well.
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glitchy-creations · 1 year
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I couldn’t sleep so I did a little drawing of my Blood of Zeus oc and her hubby Hermes 💕
(The pose ref is from Mellon Soup on Instagram! The @ on the side is for my instagram btw 😉)
More info under the cut!
So a little info on my bby 💕
First and foremost she should not be taken seriously to actual Greek Mythology! While I did try to use elements from theories about aspects from the mythos, she shouldn’t be taken seriously as a legit goddess! That’s my little disclaimer! ALSO; if I have anything wrong (such as names) please let me know! I’m more than happy to change anything that needs to be!
So I was looking up ambrosia and nectar a while ago just for funsies (I wanted to see what the actual mythology said about the food/drink) and saw a few times that it was theorised to have been honey. Or more specifically a really sweet kind of honey. This makes sense since honey can be consumed as a food (honey combs) and drink (mead). In typical me fashion this turned into me making an entire character based off this idea.
First off her name is Ambrosia and she’s a minor goddess known as a goddess of secrecy, mystery, magic (b/c we can never have to many of those lol), and she’s the maker of ambrosia and nectar. Her name is pretty straightforward.
She has two known epithets; Ambrosia Chrysus (meaning “Immortal Gold”) in reference to created ambrosia and nectar, and Ambrosia Mysterion (meaning “Immortal Mystery”) in reference to her being a goddess of secrets/mystery.
She’s also sometimes called Aigoklima (meaning Honeysuckle) because of her use of honeysuckles in creating the “divine foods”. That last one is similar to how Hades is sometimes called Aidonus.
I’m a big ol’ sucker for irony so against popular belief, Ambrosia is actually a chthonic goddess! She was born in the underworld and lives there most of the time. I haven’t decided if she’s an offspring of a goddess like Nyx or if she was born similar to Aphrodite and the sea foam. It should be noted that the whole “creator of the divine food” thing was given to her later in her life.
You maybe wondering how she creates the divine foods. Well let me tell you! First off she doesn’t make them in the underworld, what use is magic food if the Olympians can’t eat it right? So instead she has this little garden tucked away in a cave that she uses to grow her flowers and care for her bees.
So far I have a rough idea of how she creates ambrosia and nectar. For the nectar I imagine it’s a mix of nectar from her honeysuckles, honey from the hives, and Ichor (that’s how it become “divine”). One can either drink this mixture straight or it can be mixed with wine or other beverages. Ambrosia will usually set aside some to make into mead.
For ambrosia (the food) she essentially pours the Ichor-flower nectar mixture over a honeycomb and lets it soak in. For both of these processes she will mix everything in a larger pot, though because it’s simple enough to make she can make “single serving” amounts directly into a honeysuckle (great for on the road use lol).
It should be noted that in Blood of Zeus I believe the gods have red blood, not golden blood like in the myths or other media retelling. In this context, Ambrosia is special in she has the golden blood simply because of her extended time experimenting to create the foods. Literally a drop of blood from any god could theoretically be enough to make ambrosia or nectar since that’s where the divinity come from, her blood just looks different because she been at this for so long. Likewise i imagine her hair’s golden colour is also a result of over exposure to ambrosia/nectar.
Hebe also still holds her place as cup bearer! Think of it as; Ambrosia makes and delivers the goods and Hebe serves it. They work together.
As for her other work, Ambrosia is very organised. Because she has dominion over secrets and such she literally keeps records of secrets she finds important or interesting. Like she home in the underworld is full of scrolls and things. Her favourites are Zeus’s affairs mainly because she finds it entertaining to watch his come up with excuses to tell Hera 💀
While she claims to have no responsibility in keeping peoples secrets she would never reveal them unless given permission. She may be a god but she has morals.
Ambrosia herself is a very kind and even tempered goddess. She’s pretty chill and doesn’t really get offended easily. She’s pretty introverted so she’s content with tending to her garden and caring for her bee friends. She doesn’t have time for Olympus’s shit 😤
In terms of her relationship with Hermes, they are very loving to each other, though their relationship is kind of unconventional. Ambrosia is ace and has no desire for sexual intimacy, though she is very understanding of her husbands needs. While Hermes (at least in BoZ) doesn’t seem like he’s quite as promiscuous as his dad, he does travel quite a bit.
Ambrosia is totally okay with the idea of Hermes sleeping with others; she’s very comfortable and confident in their relationship, paired with her calm nature she really doesn’t care. She trusts Hermes whole heartedly 💕
Her only condition is that he doesn’t hide any potential “affairs” from her. As the goddess of secrecy it would be a huge offence for someone to think they could hide something from her. Like she’d get more pissed at the fact he tried hiding it than the affair itself. She’d rather hear it from Hermes then find out through her powers.
Ambrosia is also rather kind to the occasional mistress. Unlike Hera, Ambrosia doesn’t hold any animosity or hostility toward these women (for the reasons above). She doesn’t really have the time or energy to go killing random people.
Likewise, Ambrosia loves kids! She’s very motherly and would proudly wear that “I’m not the stepmom, I’m the mom that stepped up” shirt! She lives by the idea that the sins of the father don’t reflect the son; just because the parents had an affair doesn’t make it the child’s fault.
I actually have another character that’s one of Herme’s few demigod kids and he pretty much becomes Ambrosia’s helper in the garden. She very much adopted the child immediately upon seeing him 🤧
Her colour palette is primarily purple and yellow. Not only are they complimentary but they also show her status as a chthonic goddess (the darker colours) and her ability to create ambrosia and nectar. I also accented her with silver so it wasn’t fighting her already golden hair.
Sorry for the long post, when I have ideas like this I kinda just go ham 😅
Like I mentioned before if anything needs to be tweaked or changed (such ad names or little details) let me know and I’ll fix them! Also, if there’s anything you want to know about Ambrosia feel free to ask! I think I have my inbox set up 🤔
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loemius · 1 month
I know this sort of question is silly, but I'm sick and bored so humor me-- who do you think the Greek god of sweets would be? Like I'd slap money on the table most of the community would say Hermes, but my money is on Dionysus or Artemis
i love this question actually. i think these kind of 'silly' mundane things help bring us closer to the gods and help us involve them in our day to day lives so like. fuck yeah im HERE for this question. i think artemis or apollon is a good answer given their traditional offerings of honey cakes and also cheesecakes, although they were more like cheese bread than a modern cheesecake. upg-wise i offer them modern cheesecake when i make it though. i also think hekate is a good answer to this question because of the honey cake offerings too. you could also def make an argument for dionysus given that wine was usually sweetened with honey, and also honey and fruit meads. on that vein, you could make an argument for aphrodite, apollon, demeter or kore since their priestesses were called melissae and related to bees, and honey was a very common sweetener in ancient greece. demeter and kore are also a good answer in general since yknow. fruit. sugar cane. all kinds of natural sugars. upg-wise, i have literally NEVER known apollon to turn down an offering of something sweet and i regularly make him cookies and sweet breads. tldr: i think multiple theoi would be applicable here and its up to you who you resonate more with! thank you again for the ask, i love answering them and i appreciate you so much <3 may the gods bless you and keep you in their loving hands always, and may they bless you with good health and happiness <3333
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blackvahana · 1 month
Right. Had Me Time because I'm learning I need to celebrate the work I do because I swear years go by and I've done nothing bc I don't mark down that I've done anything lmfaO
So I stole. mead, effectively, from an unknown place (pretty sure it's Hermes' because it's something made with honey and. I have access to stealing from him because he doesn't really care). Got to lounge the fuck around drinking it, really nice, the goddamn Eyes see the pollen from the bees in honeycomb patterns and their lives and their tiny minds on the patterns of the tendril-filled map of spacetime.... But I forgot alcohol is. alcohol. I don't drink irl bc it clashes w meds, I forgot it has an effect
It's fascinating to see! I think I understand, indirectly, and I'll talk about the alcohol itself in a second, the uh. I understand the Trinity Kings and co. (I am co.) weaving in and out of Creation. I was very much about to shrug off effects on me by dissipatingg the body into the Mental Ocean but I'm gonna stick it out and be real for a while, but I understand more the whole... retreating to the depths. Understanding how to navigate out of reality, there's definitely things that can affect you! But the whole dipping in and out of the waters of being real is like the soul version of astral projecting out of your body to avoid physical ailments. Generally the Waters are hard AF to stay conscious in but - anyway
So the alcohol. It's not really the same effect as alcohol I've drunk on this plane though uhhhh through Lev's eyes it apparently is (and I'm a lightweight). It definitely feels like drinking mild juice. it's. like. swinging your legs in a playground watching the sunset drinking apply juice(tm) as a kid, though with much more maturity. Yeah I'm seeing the bees again, they're definitely fairies. Like. the small animal spirits. But. Forgot what I was saying oh shit he stole me juice
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tajlibracreations · 2 years
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Cynosure Jumpsuit (Tribal Print Inspired) by TajLibra Creations
Look like a million dollars in these Jumpsuits perfect for any occasion.  Attend a party, go out to dinner or hit the town wearing these head turning Jumpsuits.  The ruched jumpsuits feature an off the shoulder collar and attached gloves.
CAS DOWNLOAD -  Cynosure Jumpsuit
Outfit Type: Clothing - Full Body
Sub part Type: Jumpsuit
Fashion Choice: Feminine
Age: Teen to Elder
All Occults (excluding Werewolf)
Custom Thumbnails
Occasions: Everyday, Career, Formal, Party, Hot Weather, Cold Weather
Versions: 8 Tribal and 4 Black/White versions
Swatches: 20
Designs:  Tribal Design Collection 1 (Kente Life, Golden Ebony, Sunset Tribe, Sunrise Tribe, Bold & Bright Tribe, Majestic Glow, Sunset Feathers and Pink Ambers), Black, White, and White with Black Glitter
Disallowed for Random
Recolor designed by TajLibra Creations
Mesh: by the wonderful @joliebean (Included), Base Game Compatible, Visit Joliebean's Tumblr or Patreon to download more Jumpsuits and other items from the Slay Belles collection.
Suggested Pairings:
Diamond Print Earrings, Strappy Heels and Hermes Kelly Bag by TajLibra Creations
Models Credits - Photography by @tajlibra
Photographed from left to right:
Jerrica Meade is wearing Black/Fiona Terry is wearing White and Black Glitter
Ellen Gipson is wearing Sunset Feathers
Aurora Keith is wearing Bold & Bright Tribe
Sofia Terry is wearing Sunset Tribe
Kennedi Knutson is wearing Kente Life
Jayleen Meade is wearing Golden Ebony
Gianna Vincent is wearing Sunrise Tribe
Priscilla Herrick is wearing Majestic Glow
Stacy Gilbert is wearing Pink Ambers
Sherridi Knutson is wearing White/Sienna Vincent is wearing Black Glitter and White
DOWNLOAD Cynosure Jumpsuit on 🖱️Patreon
File Name(s):
Uploaded on 03/10/2023 by @tajlibracreations @tajlibra
DISCLAIMER: These creations are for The Sims 4 as custom content. This is content is purely for fun. 
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Do not sell or place MY custom content behind paywalls or on paysites. My content is not for sale. Link directly to my Patreon, tumblr, or simfileshare link.
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marmidas · 2 years
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The twins! 
Themis is now a materialistic artist concerned about his legacy (and the first non-magical child to be born in the family in three generations)
Hermes on his part is a proper over achiever who wants to go on adventures. 
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amokedas · 2 years
He who would make himself like unto God should have no preferences, but should view all things with an equal eye, and embrace them all with equal love.
George Robert Stowe Mead
Hymns Of Hermes
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greekbros · 2 years
"greek-Bros": Sussy Imposter
*after the bois visit to the Celtic/Gaelic Island that will become England*
Apollo: Oh it was magnificent! The lush country side-
Dionysus: the endless mead at the Celtic god's place, man was that great.
Apollo: oh and the Gaelic pantheon there was very hospitable.
Zeus: I am very pleased to hear you all had such a lovely time, Hermes you seem rather quiet is there anything you would like to share?
Hermes: .....father....
Zeus: ?
Hermes: How's does one become a "King of Gods" again? I mean does it go by human monarchial rules o-
Zeus: My dear boy, do you remember the last time we had this conversation?
Hermes: ...ugm ..no?
Zeus: hmmm well, the last we both had this conversation was that if you told me that if you ever asked the question of 'becoming king of the gods' again, to as you adamantly put it...."tie you to the nearest marble column and interrogate you"
Hermes: .....*makes a surprisingly slow paced run for it, for Hermes 's standards*
Zeus: seise him.
Apollo: what?
Zeus: DO IT
*after the world's most hilarious chase insuses in which I shall not elaborate on*
Hermes: What the hell?! What is the meaning of this?!
Apollo and Dionysus: *now both a little worried about this situation*
Zeus: Alright, talk.....who are you?
Apollo: Father, it's Hermes.
Dionysus: ugh...did Athena give you that "special medicine" again?
Zeus: WHATno. Hermes and I made an accord that if anything suspicious had ever happened to him, to treat the suspected accordingly until proven innocent. I'm not certain as to why he instructed me to go through this protocol but it seems that it's the appropriate time to do so.... because this is NOT Hermes...this .... person...is AN IMPOSTER.
Dionysus: *takes out the tiniest lyre and plays the Among us theme"
Hermes: *sitting quietly*
Apollo: ugh ok...that is the most insane thing you have ever uttered in your life....also isn't it "Innocent until proven guilty"?
Zeus: Nonsense dear boy how on earth would anything be done if that were the case?
Apollo: *the dawning moment of irony*
Dionysus: Come on dad, what's wrong with Hermes now?
Zeus: he never calls me "Father".
Dionysus: ah..but I mean, that's clearly him.
Hermes: Yes, it's me your dear and loyal and clearly beloved son Hermes whom has done everything for you. *Puppy dog eyes*
Zeus: *cold unloving stare*
Apollo: Father stop this madness and untie Hermes.
Hermes: *disheveled, dirty and covered in leaves, comes out of the corner* DON'T UNTIE THAT FUKN FAKE ASS LOON.
*everyone le gasps*
Zeus: Ah!...is really you Hermes?
Other Hermes: *chews through his restraints, leaps at Hermes and the both of them start beating each other up*
Dionysus: If I wasn't 50% sober right now this would be a funny ass trip.
Apollo: Dionysus do something! I can't tell which one is which!
Dionysus: ugh....*getting confused* oh shit it's just like that coconut shell game.
Zeus: ENOUGH! *grabs the both of them and ties them up* Alright! Which one of you is my son, and which is the Imposter!?
*both Hermes start yelling and pointing at each other calling one and another imposter*
Dionysus: wait there's only one person who can help now....*points to a corner*
Ares: *tries to sneak away with a bag of chips* ..........what ever this bs is.....I didn't do it.
Zeus: Ah yes.... wait how is Ares going to help us?
Hermes: ARES! Please! It's me man come on!
Hermes: Ares I'm the real Hermes! Can't you tell? I'm the real Hermes.
Zeus: Ares! This is a matter of life and death, I'm going to have to strike one of them down and let the other live....which one i-
Ares: *points to the Hermes on the right* seriously guys, it's that one right there.
Apollo: Ares are you sure you don't want a little more time t-
Area: no seriously the other guy has fake ears
Zeus, Dionysus and Apollo: ⁉️
Ares: *walks up to the other Hermes and takes off his fake ears revealing elf ears* see fake ears.
Other Hermes: ....*let's out a scream since his ears were practically scrunched inside a small set of humanish ears*
Apollo: wut the?
Dionysus: *squints a little*....hey wait a minute I know him, that's Oberon.
Apollo, Ares and Hermes: WHO?
Zeus: Ah yes, Oberon, also known as the EXILED TITAN PRINCE OF THE FAIRIES.
Dionysus: yeah now I remember, we had a rager a couple of years ago and he turned all my guests into random items....banned him for life for killing the mood.
Oberon: *world's most thickest Scottish accent* AND I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT TOO IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOUR LOG HEADED DOLF.
Ares: hey I resent that. *Eats his chips*
Apollo: but wait how did Ares know he wasn't Hermes? In fa t I should have known better?!
Hermes: We're bros Apollo, just like how we are. *Fist bumps Ares*
Apollo and Dionysus: *a little jealous about the fact Ares can actually do that*
Zeus: ah yes, Oberon... wait until your mother Titania hears about this.
Oberon: HA! Like that tart would care about my mischief.
Hermes: ugh dad I just have a question, why does he LOOK like me.....am...I a fairy?
Zeus: *let's out the hardest and loudest laugh a god like Zeus can make* No my dear Hermes....your half nymph and half god....your far more than some woodland deity.
Oberon: And YOU! *Referring to Dionysus*
Dionysus: *sheepishly points to himself*
Oberon: If I catch your kin in my island again i-
Titania: *makes a dramatic entrance* And WHAT are you going to do my child?
Zeus: Ah hello my dear.
Titania: Zeus.
Oberon: *feels fear*
Titania: *struts to Oberon, pinches his ear and lifts him up* It is time for a VERY long time-out. My apologies my lord, I do not raise my children with such insolence.
Zeus: Oh no matter my Lady, I too have similar issues.
The bois: D:< hey
Zeus: silence.
Titania: So long, and fair well. *leaves as she drags Oberon by the ear like a dirty rag*
Oberon: I'LL HAVE MY REV-~ow!
Zeus: Hahahaha. Well. I am off to see your mother for a visit. *Leaves*
Apollo: ... wait....which one?
Ares, Apollo, Hermes and Dionysus: *now just wondering which 'mother' was Zeus referring to*
Hermes: ...can someone untie me
Ares: hold on not until I find out which mom dad was talking about.
Hermes: ....unting me technically can help.
Dionysus: well now that you said that, it sounds sussy.
Apollo: hmm yes. You must stay there for a little longer.
Hermes: seriously guys
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shoggothkisses · 1 year
there's a lot going on with the moon, how does it tie in with music?
HOKAY so for context: I wrote this big honkin' response to an anon who wanted only a breakdown of lore on the Moons in Genshin. In that post, I briefly discussed the names of the three Moon Sisters - Aria, Sonnet, and Canon - but didn't go into detail about what the Sisters actually have to do with music.
So let's do that now!
We've had lots of evidence so far to demonstrate that music has a real, tangible effect on Teyvat. More specifically, singing and music are very closely related to Dendro:
Singing to Glaze Lilies in Liyue causes them to bloom
Chanted prayers (and prayers are related to music, as I'll address shortly) play a major role in the cleansing of the Sacred Sakura in Inazuma
Singing the "Great Songs" of Khvarena is believed to stop the Withering
The korybantes / kory drums awaken Rashnu the Pari from her slumber
The Aranara songs on the Vintage Lyre (which is specifically from Mondstadt, or so says the description) allow you to communicate, bring things to life and even transcend realms
The first Aranara was created after Rukkhadevata sang to the ley lines, causing the Ashvatta Tree to grow and produce the Aranara as fruit.
Ley lines follow the path of Irminsul's growth through Teyvat - and it makes sense that Irminsul would be associated with music, since it's also associated with myths and fairy tales. We learned in Inversion of Genesis that historical fact can be protected from deletion from Irminsul if it's couched in allegory (that is to say, it uses symbolic stand-ins to carry its hidden core message). I bring this up only because music and its creation is associated with the divine in many major world mythologies:
The lyre (in Greek mythology) was invented by Hermes the day he was born, and was at different points given to Apollo (as an apology for stealing his cattle) and to Amphion (his...lover? stepbrother? unclear...to help him build Thebes. Like, the music of his lyre could move stone.)
In Chinese mythology, Fuxi (the half-dragon demigod who also was thought to have molded the first human beings out of clay) invented the yaoqin (now the guqin) after hearing the sound of phoenix song, and bestowed his gift to humanity so they could use it during celebrations.
While not responsible for creating the actual instruments, Odin is believed to have taught humanity how to create music and poetry by introducing them to mead in a less-than-tasty way.
In Aztec lore, the wind god Quetzalcoatl kidnaps musicians from the court of the Sun and brings them to the world of humans so that it may also be full of music. There are also multiple gods who govern the realm of music (Huehuecoyotl, Xōchipilli).
In Vedic (and later Buddhist) mythology, the goddess Sarasvati was the embodiment of music (as well as rivers, knowledge, and "all things that flow.")
The last two points here are especially important, as in them, music is directly tied to flowers (Xōchipilli is the Lord of Flowers; Sarasvati is often depicted upon a white lotus), water (Sarasvati is the anthropomorphization of a river with the same name; Xōchipilli wears a mother-of-pearl talisman shaped like a water droplet), and the moon (pearls are associated with the moon; Sarasvati is often said to "shine like the moon" or "wear the moon in her hair").
There are two figures in Genshin so far that have a close relation to these symbols: Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, and Nabu Malikata (the Goddess of Flowers). As far as the latter is concerned, there's very little we definitely know about her and more that can be implied from information elsewhere.
During the Aranara questline, we learned from Arama that Nabu Malikata is a Seelie who managed to retain her physical form after the calamity that tore the Moon Sisters apart (see moon lore post). While we're still not 100% on the relationship between Seelie and the Moons, we know that the Sisters oversaw a union between a Seelie and an Outlander - so, at the very least, the Seelie defer to the Moons for some manner of guidance or counsel.
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We also know that, while Nabu has retained her body, she still seems to be missing...something. This description from Dirge of Bilqis feels very...husk-y.
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We know thanks to the Vourokasha's Glow set that the Khvarena (the Seelie-looking energy orbs that respond to the Great Songs and at various points in their lives are the Simurgh, the Pari, and water of the Amrita Pool) originate from Nabu.
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Also, in A Drunkard's Tale, Vol. 3, we meet a "pale young maiden" who speaks an unknown language and plays a lute for the Seelie, possibly while sitting by the side of King Deshret's sarcophagus.
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(I believed this figure to be Rukkhadevata on first read, but since the maiden refers to the Seelie as "we," it can be better assumed that this is Nabu Malikata playing the lute for her siblings.
If this is true, and it really is Nabu, then it implies that she and Rukkhadevata look alike? Which makes things between the two of them even messier, lore-wise. But that's for another post...hopefully.)
Let's circle back to the Greeks for a second.
The philosophies of Aristotle and Plato (two of the hard hitters when it comes to Genshin inspirations) are based on the theory of animism. The tl;dr of animism is that all living things (and depending on who you ask, non-living things) have a soul, and this soul can be acted upon separately from the physical form. So - that bush? It's got a soul. Water? Soul. Humans? Souls. Umbrellas? Maybe in a hundred years or so.
Since music was given to humanity by the gods, the act of a human creating music was considered a form of divine intervention - or possession.
A third Greek philosopher, who doesn't feature as prominently in Genshin but serves a huge purpose here, is Pythagoras. Much like other Greeks, he believed that music was divine in origin, and that it could be used to soothe or agitate the soul, depending on the tonal harmonies being played. However, Pythagoras took it an extra step by blowing the theory up to cosmic proportions.
Basically, Pythagoras (and his followers) observed that certain objects - like the strings on a lute - moved when they produced sound, and that the size and speed at which those objects moved affected the sounds that were made. Bigger things moved slower, and made lower pitched sounds; smaller, faster-moving objects made higher-pitched sounds. And so Pythagoras extrapolated: the planets and stars in space are very, very big. And they move very, very fast. So they must produce a sound. And this sound is SO loud and has been around for SO long that people were incapable of hearing it. The theory was later picked up and expounded upon by Johannes Kepler, who postulated that the harmonies between planets couldn't be heard, but could be felt within the human soul.
This concept is now known as musica universalis, or music of the spheres.
OKAY that's a lot of information! So let's break down how it all fits together.
We have three Moons, named after types (or parts) of music.
The Moons are divine in nature, and so is music - suggesting that they're the reason why humans on Teyvat have music at all.
The Moons are related to the Seelie (and the Goddess of Flowers), who for one reason or another are cursed to have their souls split from their bodies.
In Teyvat, music affects the movement and growth of elemental energy - Irminsul, Aranara, Sacred Sakura, other plants, etc.
Music, mythologically, also has an impact on the soul - hence why Seelie and parts of other beings' souls (Khvarena, the Pari) respond to it.
I don't really know how to end this post so let's wrap it up with some miscellaneous notes and baseless speculation:
Is all elemental energy soul-based? Because it's sure starting to feel that way. (There's definitely going to be a follow-up post about emotions and music. Just wait.)
How close are Rukkhadevata and Nabu Malikata?? Are they two of the three Moon Sisters? Are they parts of the same god?? Will we ever find out for sure??? And when am I going to stop mixing them up when doing my research!?!
In my OG Moon post I mentioned how the Sisters are said to control heroes' fates (see Xiphos' Moonlight lore). If the Moons are related to music, and Irminsul responds to song, this may mean (literally or figuratively) that the feeding of music through Irminsul can affect (or alter) how those heroes are remembered.
Venti knows all songs of past and future. And every day that comment becomes more and more sus.
Anyway thanks for coming along on this journey, hope it wasn't too hard to follow, and feel free to send more asks if you want a clarification or a new post on something!
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holybookslibrary · 11 months
Echoes From the Gnosis - The Gnosis of the Mind - All Volumes
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Echoes From the Gnosis Echoes From the Gnosis - The Gnosis of The Mind is written by G. R. S. Mead the first modern scholar of Gnostic tradition. G. R. S. Mead was the secretary of H. P. Blavatsky and in 1906 he published the first volume of eleven in the series Echoes From the Gnosis. The works are a combination of translations and interpretations of ancient Gnostic writings. Long before the discovery of the Nag Hammadi Library, Mead translated these esoteric texts of various origins such as Christian and Roman. Unfortunately, I have only been able to find six of the eleven volumes, download Echoes From the Gnosis here:
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 The Gnosis of The Mind (Echoes from the Gnosis Vol. I) The Hymns of Hermes (Echoes from the Gnosis Vol.II) The Hymn of Jesus (Echoes from the GnosisVol. IV) A Mithriac Ritual (Echoes from the Gnosis Vol. VI) The Gnostic Crucifixion (Echoes from the Gnosis Vol. VII) The Hymn of the Robe of Glory (Echoes from the Gnosis Vol. X)  
Who was G. R. S. Mead?
George Robert Stow Mead was born in 1863 in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England. He was educated at St John's College, Cambridge, where he studied mathematics and classics. His intellectual prowess was evident from a young age, and his academic journey set the stage for his later work in philosophy, religion, and mysticism. Involvement with Theosophy In 1889, Mead became a member of the Theosophical Society, a group dedicated to exploring esoteric knowledge and advancing a synthesis of science, religion, and philosophy. He was particularly influenced by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the society's co-founder, becoming her secretary and developing a strong interest in the esoteric and occult that would define his life's work. Contributions to Esoteric Studies Mead is perhaps best remembered for his comprehensive studies on Hermeticism, Gnosticism, and other ancient religions and philosophies. Unlike many scholars of his time, he approached these subjects with a sense of spiritual respect and scholarly rigor, helping to revive interest in religious traditions outside of mainstream Christianity. Notable Works Throughout his career, G.R.S. Mead produced an impressive array of books and papers that explored a wide range of topics in religion, philosophy, and the esoteric. Some of his most influential works include: - Fragments of a Faith Forgotten (1900): A detailed exposition of early Christian Gnosticism, exploring texts and beliefs that were suppressed or marginalized by orthodox Christianity. - Thrice-Greatest Hermes (1906): A comprehensive study of Hermeticism, focused on texts attributed to Hermes Trismegistus and their significance in the broader context of Mediterranean spirituality and philosophy. - Pistis Sophia (1921): An important Gnostic text translated and commented upon by Mead, providing unique insights into early Gnostic teachings and cosmology. - Gnostic John the Baptizer (1924): This work comprises selections from Mandaean texts, offering insights into an early religion that revered John the Baptist as a central figure. - The Doctrine of the Subtle Body in Western Tradition (1919): An exploration of the concept of the 'subtle body' in Western spiritual traditions, discussing ideas of astral travel, aura, and other esoteric concepts related to human consciousness. - Apollonius of Tyana (1901): A historical investigation of the life of Apollonius of Tyana, a philosopher and miracle-worker in 1st-century Roman Empire, often compared to Jesus of Nazareth. Legacy G.R.S. Mead died in 1933, but his influence endures. He is credited with making esoteric and Gnostic studies more accessible to a broader audience outside of the academic sphere, and his works continue to be referenced and valued for their insight and historical significance in the study of Western esotericism. Despite the passage of time and the evolution of scholarly standards, Mead's passionate pursuit of ancient wisdom helps keep these discussions alive in contemporary spiritual and philosophical debates. Read the full article
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