#gere meade
marmidas · 2 years
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Gere absolutely loves being a dad ❤
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kyliehorsegirl · 6 years
The Langdons (Michael Langdon x Reader) Finale to Black Wedding REQUEST
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A/N: Long awaited prequel to Black Wedding This COMPLETE the Black Wedding series. I hope you enjoy!
Requested By: @ophelialangdon
Warnings: Death
Word Count: 1733
BLACK WEDDING: If you have not read the series or want to get caught up read them here Part 1 & Part 2
“We are the Langdon’s and we represent the Cooperative.”
 Langdon. It’s a powerful name. A name that people fear, a name that people respect. One Langdon is powerful, two Langdons are dangerous, but three, three are living nightmare. It breeds for chaos, destruction.
 It had been almost 4 years since Y/n was offered up to Michael. He loves and adores her more than anything. Except their child, he would do anything for his wife and son. And Y/n would do anything for Michael. She finally understood why Cordelia wanted her to learn about Michael. She knew everything about him. Everything. He allowed her to enter his mind, to feel his emotions, the pain, to see the memories and she understood him. She felt his pain in her own.
 She would never betray him. He was her everything and now, so was their child. A beautiful child at that. He reminded her of Michael. Unbelievably beautiful for a child. She knew why Michael hated the world and she didn’t blame him. She wouldn’t consider herself evil, but she was not good by coven standards.
 The Outpost. Full of incredulous, obnoxious humans, undeserving of having safety. Y/n knew why they were here. She could sense them from the minute she walked in. There were more supernatural beings in here then she realized. Witch; Coco, Dinah and Evie. Mallory, Y/n wasn’t sure what she was, but her power was very strong. It was reserved however. The others she couldn’t quite tell. Andre, Mr. Gallant, Emily and Timothy.
 People grew to like Y/n. When she married Michael and became respectable, she let go of her sarcastic and viper-like personality. She began to open up just a bit. More or less a tactic of theirs. Y/n would make them feel comfortable and Michael would strip that away with a mere look.  
 Michael felt exasperated just being in the outpost. These moronic people with a small brain capacity. He was happy to have his beautiful and loyal wife by his side. He would watch as their child would draw on the floor with the fire crackling behind him. Y/n sat on the floor with her son, a glass of wine next to her on the stone work. It brought him joy to watch them interact. His beautiful wife and his beautiful child.
 He allowed Y/n to be in on the interviews. Their son nestled safely in bed. Michael basically wanted Y/n in his lap at all times. To feel her. She advised against that, seating herself at the fireplace. She watched from a distanced. Michael was able to elicit fear in every person he interviewed. They would often glance to Y/n with the hope a reassurance, and all they would get is a dark look and a flash of white eyes. To say it scared them was an understatement. The occupants never spoke to each other of how the Langdons were to them in their interviews. Now, they feared all of them. If Michael and Y/n were like this, who knows how the child could be. That was risk they didn’t want to take.  
 The Langdons, they made people fear them, love them. The old saying was people either want to be you, kill you or fuck you. Everyone at the outpost felt that way. They were a force to be reckoned with. Ms. Venable did not like the Langdons. She felt they were haughty with their behavior. Waltzing around her outpost like they owned the place. (well, they did.) She always watched them. They were mysterious and elusive.
 The Langdons. The anti-Christ and a powerful witch. Their child was nothing short of remarkable. Excelling fast in all talents. He was the balance. An equinox. Just enough bad to balance out the good, just enough good to balance out the bad. This made their life as a powerful family stupid easy.
 Michael had told his darling wife of his plan to poison everyone.
(Side note: We are going to pretend the apples are already poisoned because you can NOT be POISONED by a snake’s VENOM. In the show they used an Eastern Indigo which is not a venomous snake. Venom is INJECTED into the bloodstream and poison is INGESTED! Sorry I am an animal educator and so that scene trig-gered me. So, in case you didn’t know that, there is a science lesson for you)
 She couldn’t agree more. They knew the witches would come for their sisters. Why not let them suffer? The coven casted an identity spell on the three witches. Mallory, Coco and Dinah. They didn’t know that they were witches, but the Langdons did.
 Michael inducted his plan into Ms. Meade’s programming, knowing that she would tell the plan to Ms. Venable, the rotten woman would happily poison everyone in sight. A selfish, greedy, troll-like woman. On Halloween night, Michael was typing away at his computer, their son in bed and Y/n sitting by the fire in content. Turning away from his laptop he sees his beautiful wife, adorned in the light of the fire. Everyday he falls in love with her all over again.
 “Come here darling.” She looks up to him a look of true love ever present on her face. She gets up from the fireplace and glides over to him. He brings her to sit on his lap. He rests hands lovingly on her thigh and lower back. He closes his eyes and breaths her in. She could tell he was getting a little tense. If he didn’t already want to feel her presence, he needs to feel her when he is stressed. Y/n is like a drug for him, she can keep him calm or help him relax.
 She watches as the tension in his shoulders is lifted away, the shoulders fall back down to earth. His eyes open, hooded and lazily looking at her. A smile, one that doesn’t leave is swiped across her face. Y/n curls herself into his chest. He brings both arms around to hold her tight. His face laid in the nest of her hair. He breathes her in.
 “It’s Halloween.” He mumbles in her hair. She plays with the fabric of his pants.
 “I know, I love Halloween.” He looks out into their open room, seeing all the space. Pushing her slightly, he looks into her eyes.
 “Dance with me.” It wasn’t a question; not like she would’ve denied anyway. Her smile grows, she dismounts from his lap and offers a hand to him, he cocks his head at her hand. He grins and reaches out for her hand. Y/n pulls him to his feet, giving a quick bow. He shakes his head and chuckles at her silliness. They glide to the center of the room. A hand at the small of her back, pressing her closer to him, a hand on his strong shoulder and their hands intertwined.
 “We don’t have music Michael.” She looks into his eyes, they are mischievous. He gives a glance to the record player.
 I Put a Spell On You- Annie Lennox
 She looks from the player to him. Shaking her head, she grins at him wildly. He can be just a silly as she can. The average person wouldn’t know this is his way of being silly, but she knows and that’s all that matters.
 I put a spell on you
Because you’re mine
 They sway to the rhythm of the music.
You better stop the things you do
I tell you I ain’t lyin’
No, I ain’t lyin’
He extends her our and spins her back into him.
 You know I can’t stand it
You’re runnin’ around
You know better daddy
I can’t stand it cause you put me down
 She looks at him in the corner of eye before he spins her back out, allowing her to face in front of him again. They dance all over the room. Fading from their room, the occupants of the outpost play bob for apples, poison apples little do they know.
 I put a spell on you
Because you’re mine
Oh, oh
 Venable watches as everyone gets their own apple. She waits for them all to take a bite together. All dressed in Victorian, the occupants begin to bite pieces of their apples.
 You know I can’t stand it
You’re runnin’ around
You know better daddy
I can’t stand it cause you put me down
Oh, oh
 Michael and Y/n continue to twirl around the room, smiling at each other knowingly as they sense the occupants dropping like flies. Her dress floats around the room, his hair ever so slightly bounces in movement.
  I put a spell on you
Because you’re mine
 Choking, gagging and vomiting. The lot of them begin to fall as death overtakes their bodies like a cruel lover.
 You know I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you anyhow
And I don’t care if you don’t want me
I’m yours right now
 They foam at the mouth as the fall to the floor. Dead. Venable smirks as her and Ms. Meade make their way to the Langdons’ room.
 I put a spell on you
 Venable enters the room without permission, seeing the two lovers dancing without a care in the world.
 Because you’re mine
 “I’m making the decisions now.” Venable is cocky. Michael stops dancing with his wife. An arm around her waist as he brings her close to him, protectively. He doesn’t have to, nothing will happen to her, but its an instinct and a good one to have. He laughs at her and shakes his head.
 “I’m sorry I wanted to let you have your moment, I just couldn’t hold it in.” Y/n smirks, and flashes her white eyes to Venable. Venable takes a small gasp before composing herself.
 Because you’re mine
“Ms. Meade?” Venable stands tall as Meade aims a gun at the Langdons. They smirk in unison, tilting their heads eerily to Venable.
 “Ms.Meade!” The gun points to Venable. Venable looks at the Langdons with wide eyes. A loud bang. Blood pools at Venables chest, staining her white blouse. She falls to the ground, dead.
 Because you’re mine
 Ms. Meade looks to the Langdons, their eyes trained on Venable’s body, before two sets stare at Ms. Meade. Her eyes wide, in shock. Her memories flow, knowing her purpose now. To serve the Langdons.
 Ooooh yeah
Hope you guys enjoyed! This COMPLETES the Black Wedding Series. Snakes is still an on going series, I am still writing one-shots as well as going through my requests. Read more fics on my MASTERLIST
Black Wedding Tags
@melanicullenn @bucknatlarry @creepy-jazzy @valentinevirgo @del-rcys
Langdon Fic Tags
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Featuring Bill Wyman, Suzanne Acosta Wyman, Charlie Watts, Eric Clapton, Andrew Loog Oldham, Tony Chapman, Glyn Johns, Buddy Guy, Mary Wilson, Bob Geldof, Gered Mankowitz, Terry O’Neill and archival footage of Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Brian Jones, Ian Stewart, Mick Taylor, Ron Wood, Ed Rudy, Frank Mead and Dick Cavett.
Written by Oliver Murray.
Directed by Oliver Murray.
Distributed by IFC Films. 98 minutes. Not Rated.
As pointed out in an early interview showed here, Bill Wyman was “The silent Stone.” In a band with such big personalities as Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, the late Brian Jones, even Charlie Watts, Wyman sort of faded into the background a bit. He was rather inscrutable. He came in, did his job, wasn’t flashy, but was a signature aspect in their sound for decades.
Beyond being a groundbreaking bassist, The Quiet One shows Wyman to be an obsessive collector – if he weren’t rich and famous some people might call him a hoarder. For this film the 82-year-old retired musician opens his archives up for the first time, showing off rare film footage, photos, and mementos from his life and career.
Always the oldest (and the most mature) of his bandmates, he became something of a de facto historian for the band. This may also have had something to do with the fact that he was the only one who was completely sober and drug free, as Keith Richards impishly implied in some old interview footage here.
Though he left the band over 25 years ago in 1993 (he did return for guest appearances at a few shows in 2012), he has an encyclopedic memory of what happened in the glory days – and the evidence to back his memories up.
However, as the one clean and sober member of the Stones, Wyman’s memories are mostly about the music. If that’s what you’re looking for, then The Quiet One is very interesting. If you are looking for a down and dirty look at life in The Rolling Stones, perhaps you should look elsewhere.
The interview footage of Wyman is mostly shot from weird angles; the camera pointed at the back of his head, longshots from across the room, or with an obstructed view. Only late in the film do you see Wyman speaking straight to the camera, and even then, he has his wife Suzanne Acosta sitting with him for emotional support.
This kind of detachment echoes in the interviews in general. Wyman tells his story and often tells it well, but it feels almost like a recitation. He doesn’t dig too deeply into things – the thorny group dynamics, drug usage in the band, the death of Brian Jones, his childhood in the war, his complicated relationship with his father – all are discussed, but none are really scrutinized in depth.
Instead we are sometimes treated to trivialities like a good five minutes discussing his long-forgotten, dated-sounding solo single “(Si Si) Je Suis Un Rock Star.” Although there is some fun irony in seeing Wyman – a member of arguably one of the greatest bands ever – wearing a Duran Duran concert t-shirt in the archival footage of making that song. And I’m saying that as a huge fan of Duran Duran.
The only time he totally opens himself up and allows himself to get emotional is when he is remembering an encounter he had, meeting his idol Ray Charles at one of the singer’s later concerts. Charles had asked Wyman to play on his next album. “I chickened out,” Wyman admits, choked up. “I said I’m not good enough.”
He does also show discomfort and regret discussing the experience of playing with the Stones during the violence and death at the infamous concert at the Altamonte Motor Speedway. He acknowledges it was probably one of the defining moments contributing to the end of the 60s peace-and-love culture.
You can’t help but wish that filmmaker Oliver Murray could have captured that kind of candid insight and self-awareness more often from Wyman in the documentary. It would be nice if Wyman would have been willing to open himself up like that on more subjects.
As a photographer pointed out here, Bill Wyman doesn’t smile much, but when he does it is like a transformation – the smile spreads over his entire face and takes over his whole being.
“The quiet one” is a little shy about letting people see the real man behind the mask. Thus, his movie, while fascinating and worth seeing, has a bit of the same chilly distance. It’s an intellectual journey more than an emotional one. Bill Wyman’s life is a story that is well worth telling, I just wish we got a deeper look into what makes him tick.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2019 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: July 5, 2019.
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pedroooliveira · 4 years
A Williams, dos Estados Unidos,  recebeu aprovação da Comissão Federal de Regulamentação de Energia (FERC) para avançar com seu Projeto Leidy South, que conectará o gás natural produzido pela Cabot Oil & Gas e a Seneca Resources Company nas regiões de Marcellus e Utica, na Pensilvânia, com os mercados de demanda ao longo da costa atlântica até a estação de aquecimento de inverno de 2021-2022. A empresa de distribuição local UGI Utilities dependerá de entregas da Leidy South para atender diretamente seus clientes no nordeste da Pensilvania. Alan Armstrong, Presidente da Williams, disse que  “Enquanto os Estados Unidos mudam para energia limpa para energizar nossas redes elétricas, a Williams está animada e orgulhosa por ser a espinha dorsal que conecta os melhores suprimentos de gás seco aos maiores centros de demanda do país.”
O projeto Leidy South foi pensado para minimizar os impactos ambientais, maximizando o uso da infraestrutura de dutos e os direitos de passagem existentes na Pensilvânia. Isso inclui mais 20 quilômetros de substituição de tubos existentes, 9,5 km de novos segmentos de loop de tubulação ao longo do corredor de tubulação existente e adições de potência em duas instalações de compressores existentes. O projeto também incluirá duas novas instalações de compressores.
Além disso, o projeto inclui dois acordos de arrendamento: um arrendamento de capacidade com a National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation para permitir que o projeto conecte Clermont, Pensilvânia, ao Leidy Hub; e um arrendamento da participação individual da Meade Pipeline Company na Central Penn Line, de Zick a River Road. Estima-se que a construção das duas instalações de compressores do projeto gere US$ 100 milhões em atividade econômica, com  680 empregos e  folha de pagamento estimada em US$ 28 milhões e produzindo US$ 1,3 milhão em receita tributária estadual.
A Transco é o sistema de gasodutos interestaduais de maior volume nacional do país. Fornece gás natural aos clientes através de sua rede de dutos de aproximadamente 25 mil quilômetros, cuja linha principal se estende por quase 2.800 quilômetros entre o sul do Texas e a cidade de Nova York.  O sistema é um fornecedor de serviços de gás natural que chega aos mercados dos Estados Unidos em 12 estados da costa sudeste e atlântica, incluindo as principais áreas metropolitanas de Nova York, Nova Jersey e Pensilvânia.
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stefanafratila · 7 years
Stefana Fratila - Dancing. (C) 2017 Young Botanist Records http://hyperurl.co/nyy5ui Production & Concept: Stefana Fratila, Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers Director, Editor, Writer: Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers ​Director of Photography, Color Correction: Peter Hagge Choreography: Andrea Cownden Crew: Damien Eagle Bear, Thomas Isaac-Came Hair & Make-up: Candice Harvey Hair Colorist: Ana Luisa Valdes Man: Clancy Dennehy Young Girl: Chantal Gering Dancers: Andrea Cownden, Layla Marcelle Mrozowski Thank you: Dustin Brons, Cemre Demrilap, Gart Darley, Katrice Dustin,Sharona Franklin, Esteban Gonzalez, Victoria Jago, Bita Joudaki, Lyle Kleiss-Acres, Sine Kundargi-Girard, Mika Laulai, Evan Mason, Alexandra Hergaarden Robertson, Christopher Rudanec, Milena Salazar, Ellis Sam, Tania Sawicki Mead, Dexter Vosper, Jessica Wallin, Thomas Weideman, Sara Wylie, Jialin Yang Special thanks to: Damien Eagle Bear, Ronan Nanning-Watson, Jordan Wilson, & Deep Blue ORDER VHS: http://stefanafratila.bandcamp.com
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davidbaker75 · 8 years
Fabricante do Veja vai poder comprar a dona da Sustagen
O Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) autorizou a compra, sem restrição, da empresa de nutrição infantil Mead Johnson Nutrition Company pela empresa britânica Reckitt Benckiser, fabricante de produtos como Veja, SBP e Vanish. A Mead Johnson Nutrition é mais conhecida por ser a fabricante da Sustagen, mas também tem as marcas Enfamil e Nutramigen. Segundo despacho publicado nessa segunda-feira (13) no “Diário Oficial da União”, a Superintendência Geral do Cade entende que a operação não oferece riscos concorrenciais no Brasil, já que não resulta em sobreposição de operações entre as empresas. Por isso, a compra foi autorizada sem restrição. O Cade informou que a empresas anunciaram que esperam que o negócio gere economia de custos por meio da eliminação da duplicidade de funções administrativas e pela maior escala do negócio combinado, como abastecimento de matérias-primas, materiais de embalagem e propaganda.
Valores. A compra envolveu US$ 16,6 bilhões e foi anunciada no início de fevereiro. A RB pagará US$ 90 por ação da Mead Johnson, prêmio de 29% em relação ao preço de 1º de fevereiro.
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readbookywooks · 8 years
WIGLAF his name was, Weohstan's son, linden-thane loved, the lord of Scylfings, Aelfhere's kinsman. His king he now saw with heat under helmet hard oppressed. He minded the prizes his prince had given him, wealthy seat of the Waegmunding line, and folk-rights that his father owned Not long he lingered. The linden yellow, his shield, he seized; the old sword he drew: -- as heirloom of Eanmund earth-dwellers knew it, who was slain by the sword-edge, son of Ohtere, friendless exile, erst in fray killed by Weohstan, who won for his kin brown-bright helmet, breastplate ringed, old sword of Eotens, Onela's gift, weeds of war of the warrior-thane, battle-gear brave: though a brother's child had been felled, the feud was unfelt by Onela.[1] For winters this war-gear Weohstan kept, breastplate and board, till his bairn had grown earlship to earn as the old sire did: then he gave him, mid Geats, the gear of battle, portion huge, when he passed from life, fared aged forth. For the first time now with his leader-lord the liegeman young was bidden to share the shock of battle. Neither softened his soul, nor the sire's bequest weakened in war.[2] So the worm found out when once in fight the foes had met! Wiglaf spake, -- and his words were sage; sad in spirit, he said to his comrades: -- "I remember the time, when mead we took, what promise we made to this prince of ours in the banquet-hall, to our breaker-of-rings, for gear of combat to give him requital, for hard-sword and helmet, if hap should bring stress of this sort! Himself who chose us from all his army to aid him now, urged us to glory, and gave these treasures, because he counted us keen with the spear and hardy 'neath helm, though this hero-work our leader hoped unhelped and alone to finish for us, -- folk-defender who hath got him glory greater than all men for daring deeds! Now the day is come that our noble master has need of the might of warriors stout. Let us stride along the hero to help while the heat is about him glowing and grim! For God is my witness I am far more fain the fire should seize along with my lord these limbs of mine![3] Unsuiting it seems our shields to bear homeward hence, save here we essay to fell the foe and defend the life of the Weders' lord. I wot 'twere shame on the law of our land if alone the king out of Geatish warriors woe endured and sank in the struggle! My sword and helmet, breastplate and board, for us both shall serve!" Through slaughter-reek strode he to succor his chieftain, his battle-helm bore, and brief words spake: -- "Beowulf dearest, do all bravely, as in youthful days of yore thou vowedst that while life should last thou wouldst let no wise thy glory droop! Now, great in deeds, atheling steadfast, with all thy strength shield thy life! I will stand to help thee." At the words the worm came once again, murderous monster mad with rage, with fire-billows flaming, its foes to seek, the hated men. In heat-waves burned that board[4] to the boss, and the breastplate failed to shelter at all the spear-thane young. Yet quickly under his kinsman's shield went eager the earl, since his own was now all burned by the blaze. The bold king again had mind of his glory: with might his glaive was driven into the dragon's head, -- blow nerved by hate. But Naegling[5] was shivered, broken in battle was Beowulf's sword, old and gray. 'Twas granted him not that ever the edge of iron at all could help him at strife: too strong was his hand, so the tale is told, and he tried too far with strength of stroke all swords he wielded, though sturdy their steel: they steaded him nought. Then for the third time thought on its feud that folk-destroyer, fire-dread dragon, and rushed on the hero, where room allowed, battle-grim, burning; its bitter teeth closed on his neck, and covered him with waves of blood from his breast that welled.
[1] That is, although Eanmund was brother's son to Onela, the slaying of the former by Weohstan is not felt as cause of feud, and is rewarded by gift of the slain man's weapons. [2] Both Wiglaf and the sword did their duty. -- The following is one of the classic passages for illustrating the comitatus as the most conspicuous Germanic institution, and its underlying sense of duty, based partly on the idea of loyalty and partly on the practical basis of benefits received and repaid. [3] Sc. "than to bide safely here," -- a common figure of incomplete comparison. [4] Wiglaf's wooden shield. [5] Gering would translate "kinsman of the nail," as both are made of iron.
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marmidas · 2 years
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It is the festival of light and everyone is invited!
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marmidas · 2 years
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Deangelo has one wish for Winterfest this year... 
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marmidas · 2 years
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Trying to find some time for just the two of them
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marmidas · 2 years
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Emmett is going through his bear phase and Gere desided to join him in solidarity. 
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marmidas · 2 years
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Gere: fixes sink Deangelo: swoons
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marmidas · 2 years
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I am noticing a slight bias in the parental attention here
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marmidas · 2 years
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Harvest Fest came around and Gere was the one to host it this time. Could barely fit the family in his tiny cottage.
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marmidas · 2 years
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Gere can’t be a surburban cat-lady and not have a cat! So he adopted a kitten and named him after the person he loves the most: Angelo
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marmidas · 2 years
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