I think my love of action films and contemporary realistic fiction are related. Both mange to tap into visceral feelings that need to escape.
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octoberland · 11 years
Have you seen Lovely Molly? I'd love to hear your thoughts?
I really liked Lovely Molly. I watched it last year for this challenge. Here's what I wrote:
Lovely Molly is the story of one woman's descent into madness using both found footage and traditional cinematography. Before you lament the over-usage of the found footage trend please note that this movie was written and directed by the father of found footage horror, Eduardo Sanchez (of Blair Witch fame).
Molly suffers from addiction due to childhood trauma and the film leaves you wondering, is she insane or is something more sinister at work here? The question is never solidly answered but I actually found myself okay with that. It was atmospheric, occasionally shocking, and at times heartbreaking.
I also really liked the music in this film. What did you think of the movie?
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all we all we do capes and tights and utility belts making up for broken thingsbreakingthings we have lipstick tubes in our purses left on bathroom floors in clubs we never got to enjoy we protect we serve but all we ever do is cry into our costumes next to dumpsters and poly carts and broken beer bottles and fast food wrappers and tampons and on a fire escape several miles away a citizen is falling to their death and even our super speed will not get us there in time we can't save everybody so why do we save anybody and in our bedroomclosets our best friend is picking out an outfit hoping we will be home soon to take them to dinner or have a drink or just ice cream by the river but tonight we won't be home tonight we put a stop to Dr. The Menace.
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On the laminate wood paneling grass and hair clippings flitter about mingling and kissing underneath the soles of worn out sneakers
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Like ok … just like one thing real quick … well like maybe a couple … just a few things real quick and then you can return to what you are doing … like … what are you doing … is that like … never mind … just a few things … ok … babies … like I know that most babies are not demons but there are like movies where sometime babies are demons and then I think about baby demons and I have some understanding of reproduction and the human body and I have seen paintings of demons by like William Blake and I imagine those kind of demons in a mommy's tummy and I think seriously why aren't people more considered about demon babies … that's probably irrational … here is another thing … nah, just think about that demon baby thing for a bit
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there monsters stand eating crumpets pinkies raised
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There are like bombs and they explode and people wear like high heels and then like dogs drink from water bowls and inside food digests and rain falls on the ground sometimes but sometimes people stand outside and complain about the dirt because it is so you know like dirty and I assume there are problems that exist outside of Netflix not streaming my favorite movie but then a cow walks across a road and slows traffic and the people are just late for work and that all seems so less trivial other people's problems I mean why can't it just be ok that my problems are important why can't high heels be higher why can't bombs just not explode if dogs don't drink water do they die or also what is that stuff in ramen noodles you know the stuff they say isn't in it will cancer ever not be here will space be a thing think about it space I mean is it even you know like … a thing
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Just fiddling with a story idea
Pete attached straps to the microwave and slung it on his back. His cargo pants were filled with frozen burritos, pancakes on a stick, and other frozen sandwiches. His gambit to make a little extra money in the school lunchroom had paid off. He met about $50 every lunch hour, after paying off some administrators and cooks. Although, he was a bit concerned about the tiny hand starting to sprout out of the middle of his back.
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Counting down
Easy easy Easy easy Delightful Hateful Painful Broken spine neck ribs Run run run Eat eat eat Drink drink drink Sleep sleep sleep Hammer Nail Drill Screw Easy easy Easy easy
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She used to have thumbprints. That was back when she had thumbs. Don't fret. Her thumbs weren't removed by a psychopath or anything. She simply cut them off one evening after eating ribs. She'd used the wet wipes to remove most of the bbq sauce, but, at a certain point, she became frustrated with the whole goddamn process. She borrowed her BFFs nail file and hacked off her thumbs. Right there. Right at that table. Right in the restaurant ironically playing Kenny G and covering their tables with red & white checked tablecloth.
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There is this episode of Full House where Jesse plays a junior high dance backed by a marching band. Last night, I dreamt I was in that band and Jesse let me sing "Sheena is a Punk Rocker."
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Like everything is turning green and rotting *gasp* I stepped in some goop on my way home from school and it wouldn't come off it stuck to my shoes and I tried to wipe it off and it stuck to my fingers and then to my shirt *huff* I started to sweat and wiped my brow and then it was on my face and in my eyes and everything on me is bubbling *gulp* anditchyandithinkineedtoseeadoctororwhatdoyouthinkitwasdoyouthinkashowerwillhelpdonttouchmeohnoitsonyounowitsalreadystartinglockthedoorswecantleave *click* *creak* *creak* *shwoom* *digadigadig *hissssssssssssssss* *ka-flick* *ka-flick* *ka-flick* *ba-BOOM*
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Night Skate
My eyes snap open. 3:30 am. I attempt to close them, but the eyelids feel like they are rubber banded to my ears. I grab my phone, like that'll help me get back to sleep, and play a few puzzles on Cut the Rope. My body twitches. I rub my feet hoping that'll help relax me. I try to clear my mind by singing David Bowie songs in my quietest, most relaxing whisper. At 4:30, I decide to try to wear my body out, to go for a night skate. I sneak upstairs and grab my longboard. I also grab my dad's helmet and pads. Normally, I just cruise without them, but if a car hits me in the dark I need a little protection. I put the board on the ground and instantly start gliding through the night. I steer away from light. I want my body to shut down. I want to be wrapped in the darkness. I should have grabbed a coat or jacket. I close my eyes for a minute and when I open them I see a majestic bronze and cotton candy unicorn. It gallops west and I follow it. I push harder to keep up, but when I look at the ground it shines and pulses like a black velvet black light poster with pictures of all my childhood icons. Raven. Miley. Hilary Duff. Spongebob. I stare at the street too long. The unicorn has been sucked into the sky by an Oscar Meyer Wienermobile piloted by small, very small, #2 pencil sized cloud monkeys. They burst into chocolate rain and I decide to turn back. I spend a few hours solving the labyrinth black velvet streets. My parents scream at me for a few minutes, before crushing me with hugs and kisses and making me pancakes. They even let me stay home from school. Finally, I fall back asleep watching Gossip Girl on Netflix.
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I now get why sometimes famous people act out
I had this dream where I was famous, but I met some fans and they were all disappointed by me. They thought I'd be taller. They thought I'd have more money. They thought I'd be able to speak Italian.
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Wait, you mean kittens don't hunt unicorns and eat their flesh gleefully?
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Thoughts on the fate of humanity
Here she said and I was like I can't take this this belongs to somebody and a little bit later when we were having a party on the roof someone buried a bunch of gold coins on the planet of Mars and told everybody they had to find the gold coins if they wanted to have babies and that is how the earth became barren but I had a secret to save us but it will kill my girlfriend and I don't know if I care about humanity or not I have to think about this for several minutes I will think while eating a grilled cheese sandwich and breakdancing with small children and mice that can talk
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