#frerards wedding
manforsale · 1 year
Frank Iero July 28, 2007
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Frank Iero September 3, 2007
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kermit-the-hag · 2 years
like i know that the majority of the mcr fandom is queer, but jesus christ the amount of weird hatred regarding Gerard being married to a woman is fucking bizarre. None of the band has explicitly come out but considering Gerard seems to be happily married, y’all need to fucking chill with the whole “frank and gerard are destined to be together and are both gay” it’s giving off MAJOR biphobic vibes. How can the fans claim that mcr made them feel accepted and like they could be themselves and yet they can’t accept the lives of the people who helped them feel that? y’all need to touch grass.
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wav48k · 2 years
nothing frerard fans can say about gerards wedding will ever be as funny as the reality which is that he was like hey im getting married can you go get everyone. yeah like a real wedding with the paper and everything. no im serious
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sw33tsuccubus · 1 year
frank iero x reader
desc: You had no reason to think that your boyfriend was doing more than playing shows - per usual - until your friend shows you a video.
genre: angst
inspired/requested by: myself
word count: 1.7k
A/N: i wrote this to channel out some pent up emotions i've had for a while | i envisioned this as an aftermath of the events that took place during ProRev. i do not ship frerard/grank or whatever you people call it | i named the friend after a friend of my own (she doesn't like MCR so this is a jab at her)
You didn't suspect anything. To be fair, you had no reason to.
Frank was off on tour with the band, and you were stuck at home, continuing work. It was perfectly fine; you called and texted everyday, updating each other. You didn't normally have much going on, but his stories were always interesting.
Little did you know, he wasn't telling you everything.
Yes, he was playing onstage with the band. But there were other things he was doing onstage and offstage he wouldn't tell you about. He avoided the very topic of those events, not wanting to hurt your feelings.
You were going to get hurt anyways.
You knew Frank and Gerard were close, but not that close. Close enough to watch movies together and confide in the other in their darkest of times. Not close enough to make out with each other on stage and then proceed to do some things.. off stage.
You were just so happy for your boyfriend that his band was basically number one. They were talked about everywhere, they were being invited on tours, and their latest album was a huge hit.
You were excited for him to get back home. There was only a month left; you could wait that long. It wasn't like one of the tours they used to go on, where they had to leave a week after they got back.
y/n: so mikey's not gonna be back for the rest of tour?
frank: no, he's off in la la land with alicia. can't believe he took off the whole tour just for a wedding and a honeymoon.
y/n: maybe this means they will be together for the rest of their lives.
frank: yeah, maybe.
frank: did you have a good day at work?
Just as you were about to send a response, you got another text.
mari: hey, y/n?
y/n: yeah?
mari: remember i snagged that ticket to a my chem show?
y/n: oh yeah! yes, i do.
mari: it's in two days!! do you want me to take pics for you?
You smiled at the thought of it. Frank had been growing out his hair, and you weren't one to deny it. He looked good.
y/n: that would be nice.
mari: i got you.
You started to put your phone down when you got another text notification.
frank: y/n?
y/n: oh, sorry. it was good. how's tour been?
frank: well, today we got to hang out with msi. they're pretty cool.
y/n: that's great!
frank: i miss you, you know. i wish you could have come.
y/n: i couldn't have. sorry babe, work requirements.
y/n: now goodnight. i want energy for tomorrow.
frank: goodnight. sweet dreams.
Hearing a knock on your door, you paused the TV and walked towards it. Upon peeking through the peephole, you found out it was Mari behind the door. Finally, you thought. She had only waited two days to come to you.
"Where have you been? I've wanted to see the pictures you took!"
Mari stepped inside, although she didn't say anything. She walked into your house, dropping down onto the couch and looking up at you.
"You okay, Mari?"
"Just.. you'll see. These pictures.. I took a video too. I thought you would enjoy the song. Boy..."
You were struck with confusion as she pulled out her phone. What footage did she have? Thrashing, as usual? That would explain her worry. Most people would think that he hurt himself.
Taking her phone, you looked through the photos, trying to contain a smile. You were right. He looked hot with long hair. As his partner, you approved.
Only when you got to the video did you have a feeling of uneasiness. You didn't know why; it was just a song.
Boy, were you wrong.
Halfway through the video was when it happened. You felt as if your insides had been flipped, like a pancake.
There Frank was on the screen, making out with Gerard. His best friend. His bandmate. Your friend.
Feeling her eyes on you, you turned to Mari. She had a look of sympathy pasted on her face.
"I'm sorry Y/n. Especially that this is the way that you found out."
You shook your head, trying to ground yourself. There was no way your boyfriend would do this. Right? Surely it was just to excite the fans.
But you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more going on.
You could always wait for him to get back home so that he could tell you, but.. you wanted to know as soon as possible. You couldn't wait that full month.
Your boss had let you skip out for the month, or however long you were going to be gone. You made the excuse of a dead relative and that you were extremely close to them. He sent you home with greatest regards, saying he knew how you felt.
Right now, you were currently backstage at a concert venue, unknown to a certain boyfriend of yours. Who happened to be onstage.
You were watching the movements of both him and Gerard, trying to connect dots. But you didn't need to. They did it for you.
You weren't sure how it happened, but it did. Gerard was kneeling at Frank's side, an arm around him, when Frank started humping him. It went on for a few seconds before Frank walked away, leaving Gerard there to sing.
You, on the other hand, felt sick. You turned around and went to the bathroom, sitting in the farthest stall. You only left a few minutes after you heard the music stop.
You showed up at the dressing rooms, and you had to make a decision. There was your boyfriend, who you didn't even want to see right then and there. There was Gerard, the one Frank was most likely cheating on you with. And then there was Ray, who hadn't done anything wrong. You would talk to Ray, but.. you couldn't help yourself. You needed just a glimpse of Frank on his own, to make sure he was still him. The Frank you knew wouldn't ever hurt you.
You turned the knob to Frank's dressing room as silently as possible, opening it just slightly. And that was when you felt your heart shatter.
Two men, both in their underwear, making out against the dressing room vanity. There was no audience for them to entertain. What were they doing?
You closed the door, trying not to cry. They shouldn't know you were there. You weren't sure why. You could have marched in there and yelled at the both of them, but you didn't have the willpower.
Turning around, you ran out of the venue, looking for a taxi. To hell with all of them. Sure, Ray didn't do anything regarding their activities. But he could have told you.
You had ignored every text sent to you. Frank, Gerard, Mari, Ray, hell, even Mikey was messaging you at this point. They all got worried when you started missing every single one of Frank's calls. Mari was just worried in general; you had told her your plan and she had wished you luck, but she hadn't heard from you since.
Getting out of bed, you walked to the kitchen to make yourself coffee. You hadn't gone back to work yet, afraid you wouldn't do things right and make others mad.
While waiting for the coffee to brew, you checked the calendar nailed to the wall. If you had the coffee at that moment, you would have dropped the mug.
Frank was supposed to be home today.
You felt tears well up in your eyes. You couldn't face him. You weren't ready. When you heard the coffee maker go off, you grabbed a mug and poured yourself some of the liquid. You took a sip, burning your tongue.
You poured the rest of the coffee down the drain, taking your mug with you to the living room. You sat down on the couch, taking sips and staring at the wall. You needed a way to approach the subject in a way that wouldn't hurt Frank.
At that thought, you furrowed your eyebrows. Why should you worry about his feelings? He destroyed yours, so why have mercy?
No. You wouldn't be like him. Maybe he didn't use words to hurt him, but actions speak louder than words. To be fair, nothing you could say could counterattack what he had done.
Suddenly, you had a plan. You grinned to yourself, knowing tomorrow wouldn't be the same. But were you ready for that? You shared friends.. but Frank was the one who had messed up. Surely they would be more on your side than his.
Frank was excited. Sure, Gerard had gone and broken his heart. But he could see his other lover, Y/n. Along with excitement, he felt worried as well. Y/n wasn't answering anyone's messages. Were they okay?
He grabbed his key from his pocket, unlocking the door. He grabbed his bags back up and walked inside, dropping the bags in the foyer. Stepping into the house, he saw it was clean to perfection. He hoped it was because Y/n had just cleaned and not because they hadn't been home for a long time.
"Y/n, babe, are you home?"
"Yeah, I'm in the kitchen!"
Frank grinned and ran in the direction of the kitchen. He had missed his partner very badly.
Upon spotting you, Frank stepped towards you and pressed a kiss to your cheek. You played along, kissing his cheek and giving his hand a squeeze.
"How was the travel back?"
"It was kind of boring. But I knew it would be okay since I was coming back to you!"
He smiled at you, and you felt your insides churn. Would you have fallen into his trap if you hadn't known? You shot your eyes open, feigning sudden remembrance and pointed to the refrigerator.
"Oh! Frank, could you get the milk from the fridge?"
He nodded and walked to the fridge, grabbing the milk. And then he saw it. He grabbed the small box from the fridge, behind where the milk was.
"Babe, what's this?"
He walked towards you and placed the milk beside you, holding up the box. It was the kind that would hold a ring. Wait; were you proposing?
"It's a present, Frank. Open it up."
Seeing the smirk on your face, he responded with a cheeky smile. Opening the box, however, caused his smile to be replaced with a confused look. Instead of a ring, there was a carefully folded piece of paper.
"When did you take up origami?"
"Just for this. I hope you like it."
"I do! It's beautiful."
"Unfold it."
He quirked an eyebrow before looking at the creases. He observed for a moment before unfolding, doing his best to not damage the paper.
When he read the message, he felt like the floor had been yanked from under his feet.
'I know what you did, cheater.'
Frank took a ragged breath before looking back up at you. He regretted it. You had anger in your eyes, and your face just looked like you had seen someone get murdered. Fear, pain, and anger. Such a strong combo of emotions.
"I loved you, y'know."
"I love you too, Y/n. Listen, it was just a misunderstanding. We did it for the fans!"
"So fucking in your dressing rooms, where no fan is allowed, is for the fans?"
Frank winced. How did you know? Did - did you visit and see them?
"I hope you're happy with Gerard, because you clearly weren't satisfied with me."
You started walking away, and Frank felt his entire world slip from his fingers. This couldn't be happening. He loved you more than anything. More than Gerard, even. But Gerard was out of reach too.
"But.. Gerard got married!"
You turned back to face Frank, eyes widened, and he felt a small shimmer of hope. When your eyes narrowed however, he felt a pang of guilt. Not a pang; a tidal wave.
"Good for him. Hope they're better for him than you. Pack up all your things and get out of my house."
There were tears streaming down both of your faces by this point, and Frank hadn't even gotten to say what he wanted to.
"Y/n.. it wasn't my fault! I missed you, and I couldn't wait-"
"Do you think before you speak? Must you blame everything but your doing?"
"But, Gerard-"
"Frank, shut the hell up. Listen to me."
He stood still as you walked over to him. He flinched when you poked at his chest.
"You. You are to blame. You did this yourself. You, you, you. Do not blame Gerard. Do not blame anyone but yourself. Okay?"
Sniffing, Frank nodded.
"Now get out. Ray will most likely help you. And you better tell him the truth."
Frank sighed, nodding sadly. He hurried up to the shared bedroom collecting his things, before moving to the bathroom. He grabbed everything of his belonging and walked back to the door, grabbing the bags he had brought on tour.
"Y/n? I truly am sorry."
"Save it, Frank. Get out of here."
Frank closed the door behind him, walking to his car. He was now glad you two had separate cars. After throwing everything into the trunk, he climbed into the drivers seat and wiped his eyes.
He drove to Ray's house, knowing that he could offer some sort of sanctuary. When the man opened the door, he was taken aback. There Frank was, tears running down his face, bags beside him.
"What happened?"
Ray watched as Frank sniffled, wiping his eyes free of tears. Of course, they streamed back down his face right after, but it was something to do to stall.
"I fucked up."
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transmascfrankiero · 1 year
you wrote the greatest frerard fic of all time youre an mcrblr 12 million
KFLSJSH ALL TIME??? i’m 🥹 thank you anon we shall have a spring wedding
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passivenovember · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by  @weird-an
Three Ships: Harringrove, Blackbonnet, and LaRusso
First Ever Ship: Frerard from My Chemical Romance. YES they were real people and YES I was fifteen and NO I didn’t have a fully developed frontal lobe yet so it took me a minute to realize how AWFUL AND CRINGE it is to ship real people! I DON’T WANNA HEAR A DAMN WORD ABOUT IT!
Last Song: Say You’ll Be There by the Spice Girls (+ it was the soundtrack to my new baby pink roomba slamming into the walls while she tried to figure out where she was)
Last Movie: Evil Dead Rise
Currently Reading: Sirens of Titan, for my book club. I’m on page twenty and we’ve been trying to read it for two months.
Currently Watching: I’m always rewatching Bob’s Burgers. There’s a lot of change and upheaval in my personal life right now so I’m clinging to all things familiar and warm.
Currently Consuming: Coffee! Third 14-hour work day in a row!
Currently Craving: sleep. I’m a wedding planner and I’m currently working a wedding, and I have a second of downtime, so all I can think about is a hot shower and my BED.
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it, suddenly I can’t remember a single person let alone NINE.
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tomorrowillbeyou · 2 years
happy new year and happy 13th birthday to frerard again? episode 13 - the wedding part 1
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burymeinblackemily · 5 years
source: google images
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What a beautiful wedding I'm so happy for them ❤️
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frerardhub · 4 years
In Which Frank and Gerard Have Fluffy Honeymoon Sex After Their Wedding
In Which Frank and Gerard Have Fluffy Honeymoon Sex After Their Wedding by my_chemical_why
Author: my_chemical_why
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: Not rated
Warnings: No archived warnings
Length: Short
Summary: Title says it.
written for prompt 20 of our prompts page!
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Love & Marriage 
Author: iamdali
Rating: Mature
Word count: 1,060
Warnings: none
Summary: Married sex is awesome. Married sex is really awesome.
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ieropilled · 2 years
why does it look like hes trying to show him his wedding ring here. why has frerard been giving us the funniest images ever known to man recently
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girlgerard · 2 years
frank and gerard are so committed to this bit it’d be almost admirable if there wasn’t so much piss involved tbh
literally. the funniest part about all of this is this is like anti-frerard elixir there’s no way these fuckers would be so disgustingly horrendous in public if they secretly wedded in 2006 or whatever
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I know you don't talk about it too much but i am. Not having the greatest of days. May i ask for your top fave fluffy frerard fics? I just. Wanna think about some happy things.
Okay first off I am honoured that you chose me as someone to ask about this and second off I went on a real bad fic binge a few months ago so I have a LOT. Warning that some of these contain minor smut but not as part of the overall plot so you can skip over it if it isn't your vibe
Starting out with a good ol' bexless fic. Frank owns a record label, Gerard is his weird artist roommate, Drama™ ensues. 49k of slowburn
Frank works at a late-night diner. That is basically all you need to know. One of my all time faves. Slow burn to begin but still a lot of general relationship fluff.
You motherfuckers like WEREWOLVES? Focuses on pack and hurt/comfort. Slight warning for descriptions of violence.
If you're a fan of meet-cutes, get ready for "we don't know each other but we have to share a room at a wedding". Also they're teenagers. And Gerard's in Denial™. Perfection
Slightly unethical art class practices aside, Frank is a nude model and Gerard is in recovery. Excellent angst/fluff ratio.
Big ol' warning for mentions of suicide, alcoholism, and violence, but also one of the best portrayals of addiction I've read in a fic for a while. Perfect if you're into recovery fics.
A pirate DJ fic so good it made me write my own, deserves a special mention purely for excellent dialogue. Has all the expected mystery and pining, with a satisfying conclusion.
A quick and easy oneshot, another college au, Frank is a photographer and Gerard is his model. No frills, no drama, just a nice lil fic.
Back on that Weird Shit with an au where Frank is a fallen angel, and MCR went silent after Revenge. Kind of like a recovery fic, but with less angst.
Record store workers, somewhat enemies to lovers, cliche plot but in just the right way.
And it appears that I have run out of links in this post so stay tuned for part 2
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mychemicalficrecs · 4 years
do you have any frerard fics with the trope where they have to share a bed. like “oh no there’s only one bed whAt will we DO” anf then the end up cuddling or something more nsfw
Hmmm, I’m sure there’s more than these few I found, but they’re a little difficult to search for 😅
Frank/Gerard Sharing a Bed
Honey, this bed is big enough for the two of us by 3cheers4sweet_romance, 11k, Teen And Up. It's the day before Mikey's wedding and the Way house is full with friends and family. It's been two years since Gerard and Frank broke up and they haven't spent any time together since that until this day, when they have to share a bed.
Another Artist Tantrum by BasilHellward, 525 words, Teen And Up. Gerard has a deadline and hasn't slept in a few days.
The Greatest Scam (The Sweetest Makeover) by ElizaStyx, 12k, Explicit. Frank Iero is fucked for life. He is so, so fucked and it's all because firstly, he made friends with Gerard Way, then they became besties for life and then... then he fell in love. Hopelessly, irrevocably and so deeply that the bottomless abyss of Hades seemed like a hole dug by a kid in a sandbox in comparison. And then, as if it wasn't bad enough, Gerard proposed this arrangement to become his fake boyfriend for life. Too bad that Frank is such a weak human because he really, really should have said no.
Hotel Night by obsessivechild, 6k, Teen And Up. Bullets era. Frank and Gerard always share a room when it's hotel night.
I see you lying next to me. by Frnk, Frank/Gerard, Frank/Jamia, 9k, Not Rated. How did Frank get so fucking baked? Was New Jerseys weed just the bees knees?
Aw, Sugar. by luvliv2004, 16k [WIP], Mature. Frank is a lonely man who enjoys midnight trips to a local diner, but when he meets a mysterious man named Gerard who won’t tell him what he does for a living, he’ll have a better game to play than guessing how old the pie in the bakery case is.
Amber eyed by Chickenlessbonewing, 10k [WIP], Teen And Up. Gerard moves out to his family’s old disused cabin in an attempt to escape his responsibilities, he doesn't expect to find what he never knew he was missing. The old trees hold secrets, can he keep them safe?
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agentemo · 4 years
frerard / tell me how(paramore)
hmm....this is evil thank you
A short pause in their tour, a halfway point to their next album. Gerard is planning on moving to LA. Frank won't leave Jersey with a gun pointed to his head. In a couple weeks, they'll see each other somewhere in South America... or Europe? No, they have Mexico and then... What does it matter? Somewhere. It doesn't matter. They aren't co-workers right now, they're... Something else.
"How is it?" Frank asks. The silence is making him anxious. It should be easy to talk to Gerard, it's always been easy to talk to him. The sound of his wedding ring hitting his virgin piña colada echoes in Frank's brain.
"A bit spicy," Gerard says, making a face.
Frank's got 20/20 vision for Gerard. The way his face scrunches up, the way his pinky escapes the fray as he reaches for the napkin, how his face and hands shift when he cleans himself off. He's so beautiful, at every angle, at every imperceptible shift of his face, his body. If they were digital, every one of his pixels would be beautiful.
"Yours?" Gerard asks. Casual, unassuming. Indifferent.
More awkward small talk. Okay. Frank's salad is fine, whatever, he's not even thinking about it, he's thinking about... About........ He answers and doesn't think too hard, and their awkward small talk continues and transforms and by the end of the meal they're both leaning back, comfortably, giggling, sharing inside jokes they'd forgotten about and laughing so stupid they'll be relieved paparazzi don't care about them. Yet.
Until, as the thought circles Frank's brittle skull, he has to make the question. "You were just gonna get married without telling me."
It's September. The northeast hasn't decided yet whether it'll extend summer or give fall an early chance. The wind gushes through their tiny New York City street. Gerard stares at his spoon, pensive. How's he supposed to do this, he wonders. Frank already knows. Frank's wondered enough. Angrily.
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helenamayhathaway · 4 years
eating doritos and watching cartoons on the wedding night, frerard
in which Gerard and Frank are as obsessed with Guillermo Del Toro’s ‘Tales of Arcadia’ as I am. 
“You know, if I was a bride in white, this would go a lot differently,” Frank says as he tries to steal the Cool Ranch from Gerard’s hands, because he’s been hogging them for the last five minutes. They made a deal to pass the Nacho and Cool Ranch between them, but this little shit is a whore. 
“Orange dusting boosts the resale value,” Gerard says, mouth full.
Frank just rolls his eyes. Gerard’s wearing a rent a tux while Frank has his own, so he really hopes that Gerard doesn’t fuck it up too bad because he doesn’t want to pay for damages.
If it had been any other day, they would already have taken all of their clothes off and fucked like bunnies like you’re supposed to do on your wedding day, but it just so happens that they accidentally scheduled their wedding on the same day as the new Guillermo Del Toro animated show came out on Netflix and this was deemed priority number one. If they hadn’t already paid for everything, the wedding would’ve wholly postponed so that Gerard could watch and then write an essay about Guillermo’s symbolism. 
They only have four episodes left and Frank is enjoying himself so he supposes that he can wait another two hours before he destroys Gerard, or Gerard destroys him, whichever comes first. 
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