12-1-0-1 · 1 month
Absolutely hate when people follow and then unfollow because I reblog nsfw stuff sometimes, like have y'all seen my most liked posts?
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companion-showdown · 1 year
Who is the Best Freaky Little Pet in Doctor Who?
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[asexual] djdhifbff sometimes i forget that people genuinely want to boink fictional characters and i'm just. stunned every time lmao. like y'all have got to be making some of this up 😭 /LH
I wish we were, Nonnie, but alas. Some of us are just really freaky.
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kitttwilight · 2 years
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when i was like 7 I made up a copy of pokemon and called it "lokelon" and the main Lokelon creatures looked like this
Their names were Shark (green thing) and Freskie(orange thing)
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cvestick · 1 year
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arekmiodek · 1 year
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Ruiny średniowiecznego miasta, które kryją wspaniałe zabytki architektury kościelnej i obronnej. Ani to dawna stolica królestwa armeńskiego (Arkadiusz Miodek)
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icyharrington · 2 years
Just saw your request for kinky fresky smutty requests 👀👀
This is the first time I've come across your stuff so forgive me if you've written similar but what if the reader is obsessed with Eddie's hands? Specifically how he wears rings and all she can think about is all the filthy things he could do with rings on...including maybe some choking? 😌
contains: choking, spanking/slapping, mentions of vaginal sex & rough sex, focus on eddie’s rings lmaooo
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he’d be kinda insecure at first when you point them out, assuming you’re teasing him. “i think they look cool, alright?” but you’d keep running your fingertips against his, tracing the grooves of cool metal that contrast against his warm skin. 
you’d look through his ring collection (he owns so many different ones- ones he shoplifted from the mall, .50 cent costume jewelry from the thrift store). he tries to find the coolest, most badass looking designs to show off, wanting to solidify his metalhead persona. he’d ask you if it’s “too much”, displaying both veined hands in front of you, layered to excess in his bulky metal jewelry, and you’d always shake your head.
eddie wouldn’t realize how much you like his rings until later on. you’d take his fingers in your mouth, moaning around them, taking them to the back of your throat until you’re gagging like his little slut; you crave the feeling of the cool silver digging into your soft flesh as he grabs you by the hips or thighs. 
eventually, he’d catch on; he’d wear his rings all the time for you, squeeze your thigh while you’re in the passenger seat of his van just to see the patterned imprints that form there. he’d smack your ass with the back of his hand, intensifying the sting with his added adornments, tease you with his fingers as they ghost along your lips.
eddie loves to turn you on- his favorite thing is seeing your face flush and your hips begin to squirm as the prickly heat of arousal takes you over. he gets hard when you can’t get your words out right, when you whimper softly, in need of him. he’d be more than eager to play into it your desires, marking you up and making you his. 
you’d ask him to choke you one night when you’re going particularly rough, and he’d be apprehensive at first; eddie loves to treat you like his little whore, but his biggest fear is to harm you unintentionally, so you’d have to speak him words of encouragement, guiding his hand up to rest at your collarbones with pleading, half-lidded eyes. 
“eds, i’ll tell you if it’s too much, okay? just go nice and easy. i trust you, baby.” you’d tell him, and you’d be able to feel his erection pulse inside of you, a low groan escaping his throat; he’d just barely wrap his fingers around your fragile neck, watching your reactions closely as he tightens his grip experimentally. you’d urge him on with breathless moans, rolling your hips beneath him, your head falling back to expose more of your throat to him. 
you’d be so overwhelmingly aroused, your pussy clenching around him as he’d lean forward to kiss you (and double check whether or not you’re alright). you’d cum with his ring-clad fingers snaked firmly around your windpipe, your head locked in place against the pillow.
after the first time, eddie would grow more confident in his abilities; he’d learn how to choke you safely, and know exactly how to get block your airflow just enough that you’re at his mercy. gradually, it’d become a kink for him too, and he’d choose his biggest rings for the nights where he really wants to claim you as his; he’d get hard seeing you on your knees in front of him, eyes big and mouth parting for his metal-adorned thumb to slide against your tongue
when you’re an extra bad girl, eddie would put his heaviest rings on and have you lay across his lap, yanking up your mini skirt (side headcanon: eddie lovesssss his girlies in short skirts). by the time he’d be done with you, your ass would be a rainbow of reds and blues, and your pussy would be dripping all over his thigh.
just... yea. omg. ok yea. 
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antiquesintheattic · 3 days
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dollivication · 1 month
Well, Chris is Leon's and Carlos's boss. Leon and Carlos are partners, they are both married and frequently hang out with each other's houses because of how close they and everyone are.
Now Leon's wife is sorta fresky in the bedroom she has a thing for gunplay, and Leon always removes the bullets from the gun before he even enters the house, and keeps it attached to his hip or beside the bed on the nightstand because his alittle freaky too!
Carlos's wife is also pretty freaky she's really into Carlos's growling and biting into her neck but Carlos makes sure to never break the skin because an human bite can kill you, (this this true by the way)
Oh, and Carlos and Leon both have many, many children, Leon has five, and Carlos has four, so they have a bit of a breeding kink.
Chris doesn't hang out with them only sometimes, but he is close to them.
Chris's wife isn't really freaky, but Chris loves it because she's more obedient and vinalla because, let's face Chris, who is old and he has a bad back.
i laik how leon’s the freakiest owtta the 3.. AND his wife!!! TGATS LITERALLY A MATCH NADE IN HEAVEN!!
I TITTERED A LITTKE AT CHRIS LIKING IT VANILLA.. such an old man!! i feel laik carlos and leon tend to tease him because of it they’re so mean LMFAO bless his soul <3
living close together is such a sweet thing idk.. bestest friends, despite also having to work together,, always being in range of each other!! so cute!! the get togethers would be such a cozy little event methinks :3
ate as always bun…. mwa!
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Check, check
Uh check, check
Check, check, check
Check, check, check, check, check
Check- whoa
Don't believe what they say
We're dead flies in the summertime
They leave us all behind
With duct-tape scars on my honey
They don't like who you are
You won't like where we'll go
Brother, protect me now
With blood they wash in the money!
You don't believe in God
I don't believe in luck
They don't believe in us
But I believe we're the enemy
You don't believe in God
I don't believe in luck
They don't believe in us
But I believe we're the enemy!
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Uh, uh, uh, right now
I'm sick down from the bones to the other side
Red-mob, we insects hide
King rat on the streets in another life
They laugh, we don't think it's funny
If what you are
Is just what you own
What have you become
When they take from you
Almost everything?
You don't believe in God
I don't believe in luck
They don't believe in us
But I believe we're the enemy!
You don't believe in God
I don't believe in luck
They don't believe in us
But I believe we're the enemy!
Destroya, destroya, destroya
Destroya, destroya, destroya, destroya
Against the sun, we're the enemy
Destroya, destroya, destroya, destroya
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh (uhhh)
U, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh (uhhh)
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
I don't believe in God (you don't believe in God)
I don't believe in luck (I don't believe in luck)
I don't believe in you (They don't believe in us)
I just believe we're the enemy (but I believe we're the enemy)
I don't believe in God (You don't believe in God)
I don't believe in luck (I don't believe in luck)
I don't believe in you (They don't believe in us)
I just believe we're the enemy (but I believe we're the enemy)
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh (uhhh)
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh (uhhh)
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh (uhhh)
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh (uhhh)
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh (uhhh)
You don't believe in God
I don't believe in luck
They don't believe in us
But I believe we're the enemy
You don't believe in God
I don't believe in luck
They don't believe in us
But I believe we're the enemy
Destroya, destroya, destroya
Destroya, destroya, destroya, destroya
Against the sun, we're the enemy
Destroya, destroya, we're all waiting for ya'
Destroya, destroya
Against the sun, we're the enemy
So show me what you got, you children of the gun
Don't hide and we don't run
Against the sun, we're the enemy
So show me what you got
Against the sun, we're the enemy
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edebisblog · 2 months
Il Giudizio Universale (Kıyamet Günü) - Michelangelo (1541)
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Michelangelo 4 yılda bitirdiği Sistine Sapel’inin tavan freskinden, 25 yıl sonra papa kürsüsü arkasına “Kıyamet Günü” freskini yapar. Tamamlanması 9 yıl alan Kıyamet Günü freskinde şapelin duvarlarından birini boydan boya kaplayarak İsa’nın yeryüzüne tekrar inişi ve kıyamet gününü tasvir eder.
Daha sonra gelen papanın resimleri uygunsuz bulması nedeni ile müstehcen yerlerini kapattırmış. Rivayete göre Michelangelo şöyle cevap vermiş. “Papa’ya söyleyin, bu küçük bir mesele ve kolaylıkla halledilir. Önce kendisi yaşadığımız dünyayı uygun ve yaşanılabilir bir hale getirsin, sonra da bu tablo aynı uygunluğa girecektir”
Freskin bitmesine yakın bir zamanda Biagio da Cesena’yı resimleri görmüş ve resimdeki çıplaklıklar nedeni ile freski eleştirmiş. Michelangelo bu sözlere çok kızarak Biagio’yu eşek kulaklı(o dönemde bu aptallığı belirtiyor) resmetmiş. Çıplaklığını da yılan ile örtmüş. Biagio bunu gördüğünde Papa’ya şikayet etmiştir. Papa’da şakayla karışık “Benim yetkim cehenneme kadar gitmiyor, o yüzden portren orada kalmalı” demiş.
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just-sans-things · 2 years
you guys are all so fresky insane thank god you have me to guide you so you dont wait fuck fuck fuck what was that
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verba-veritatis · 2 years
tłumne ulice moskwy
i bulwary krakowskie
piramidy egipskie
oraz londyn dzielony mostem
dziewczynę z perłą
a także damę z gronostajem
krzyk i noc gwiaździstą
nawet freski w watykanie
teraz rozmyślam nad tym
jak to wszystko bardzo piękne
i jak naprawdę me serce sztukę miłuje
lecz mimo to wszystko
wolałabym ci patrzeć w oczy
oraz podziwiać twoją duszę
najbliższą memu sercu sztukę
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viejospellejos · 2 years
Grupo pellejer total. Sacaron disco hace nada. Ahora han sacado un video en el que recuerdan los viejos tiempos tiempos y explican por qué seguimos tan freskis jiji:
Este es el single del último disco:
Y quien no los conozca es que es demasiado nuevo :)
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mothlegs · 1 year
cw gore and uhh. lotta stuff idk how to tag this. dreams again i'll start with milder ones
dreamt i got bodyswapped? this was partially a daydream in the dream also. but someone freaked out and destroyed some stuff and then i bodyswapped into her body. she lived in my group home but in the neighbouring group, it was so much prettier than my group :/ ive drewmt of that place before
my pseudosibling was there. i miss her. i couldnt reveal i got bodyswapped. everyone here were adults but irl theyre mostly younger than my group
other dream i was in a car and we stopped with another car and some people joked a guy should date me and then when he saw he he said That's a boy almost shocked cause hes not gay i guess lol. gender euphoria moment yay
ok time for fresky nightmare
i was at a prison? i think? and some girl was sorta kidnapped but was sorta for her safety, but then the cops showed up and arrested the guy who'd kidnapped her again
she had been kidnapped by one guy and then saved by this guy but he kept her locked up so the other guy wouldn't get her again
there was a golden retriever with her, i think it was Kidnapper 2's. she told it about how she was hearing all these things and she was scared
after the cops took kidnapper 2 i saw a room of corpses that were hung up. one of them was a head, i think it had a torso too, and the face was cut up so it didnt have a nose or teeth and it was all just a gaping hole. it did have eyes tho
there was another where the face and torso had been opened and hollowed out
i think there were 3 more but dont remember them
we had a sorta birthday for someone but it was a setup to tell everyone about the weird corpses, and then the curse? ghost? sent us into games where people died n stuff
one of them was standing in a mirror and having to choose to make a doll copy a girl or not, and things would happen like getting her arm cut off or her taking the dolls head and stomach
there was another where someone had to translate some phrases but they were all wrong? this almost felt like a memory though, something traumatic but it wasnt my memory
think thats all i remember
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
Never in my life to see that abomination ever again..and it’s worse then ever. Why does it look like it is TALKING
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