#friendly warning she's aware of drag race fanfic
alittlebitgoofy · 8 months
as someone who watched like half of espana s1 and s2 (until inti was eliminated, then idk who) i am legally required to be arantxa stan number one on tumblr i will fight you for this honour....
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captainchrisbaby · 4 years
Leap of Faith
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Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Cussing, Alcohol
Summary: It’s your first Stark Annual Ball attendance and you hope your alcohol intake will bring you the courage to interact with Steve.
This is my entry for our challenge this week! It has only been 3 days but having the opportunity to help bring everyone together and read your stories has been amazing so thank you all <3 If you want to join! Click here Weekly Challenge 
And thank you to the best two girls for always being supportive and also great challenge hosts! @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho​ @donutloverxo​
Tonight is the night, Tony’s favourite night of the year. Stark’s Annual Ball was everyones favourite night of the year really. But this year was your first year, with the team talking it up for weeks you were very much looking forward to it.
You had been training at the Avengers Compound for 6 months now and were an asset to the team with your ability to heal others at a rapid pace. You needed to learn how to protect yourself and fight so Steve took you under his wing and mentored you, he was always very professional however you are both quietly aware of the chemistry you share.
You slide your fringe back and pin it in place then stair at your fresh curls in the mirror. The smell of your wine on the table in front of you reminds you to take a sip, then you fit your heals on and head out of your room. It wasn’t a far walk to the ball considering you live at the compound so running 10 minutes late wasn’t really a problem.
You finally reach the fancy overpriced decorations littering the entrance and see Natasha sporting a gorgeous black tight gown. She turns to catch a glimpse of your beautiful red dress and her eyes widen. The dress was a deep red and the silk material caused it to flow beautifully in the light. It was low cut and tight around your waist but it slightly flared off at the hips which accentuated your beautiful curves.
“Wow, you really dressed for the occasion.” She smiled cheekily.
“Well I thought… why not go all out for my first time!” You laugh back.
“I can think of a few people that would agree.” She smirked gesturing towards your obvious cleavage. You shake your head and ignore her comment before wrapping your arm through hers and allowing her to guide you inside.
You had never been to a ball but you’d seen enough Disney movies to know what to expect. Well at least you thought you did… This didn’t seem to look like the sort of ball you were picturing however. Of course it isn’t, this was Tony Stark’s ball. You look around and take in your surroundings. There are no chandeliers, flowers or regal drapes… instead you see craps tables, bars and a band on stage right at the front of the room.
“So when Tony says ball he really just means a classy excuse for a huge party?” You query. Natasha answers you with a laugh and an excited smile and pulls you straight to the bar. While she orders behind you, you let your eyes scan the room. You notice a lot of gorgeous young woman and older high class men but you don’t ponder on them too much, your eyes are searching for one thing.
“Yes! Party time!” Natasha chirps in your ear. Your eyes widen as she hovers a shot in front of your nose. “It’s tradition to have a shot of tequila upon entry.” She teases.
“I have already had 2 wines while getting ready! I do not need to start the night with tequila.” You sensibly inform.
“It’s tradition! You can’t mess with tradition on your first Stark Annual Ball.” Tony quips as he slips through a group of dancers and swings his arm over your shoulder. “I like this colour, looks good on you.” He grins then took the shot from Natasha’s hand and places it in yours.
You throw it back and squeeze your eyes shut as you feel it burn down your throat. Natasha cheers and hands you a glass of water. You throw your head back and guzzle the water but quickly realise it isn’t water… Tony and Natasha crack up as you taste the straight vodka burning your taste buds.
“Seriously?” You snap but their laughter is infectious so you give up and join in.
“The poor girl isn’t going to remember her first annual ball if you continue drowning her in alcohol.” A stern voice interrupts. Your stomach fills with butterflies before you even get a chance to look at him and instantly you wish for the alcohol in your system to give you courage. Your usual shyness takes over and you peer a smile in his direction before eying the ground.
“Lighten up Cap, why don’t you have a swig of whatever Thor’s drinking, might help you loosen the reins a bit.” Tony winks mockingly then disappears into the crowd.
Romanoff leans up and hugs Steve planting a small friendly kiss on his cheek. “You clean up well.” She smiles.
“I’m not the only one.” He responds kindly as he gazes at your dress.
“Hey.” You mutter. “Hey.” He chuckles, clearly aware of your awkward shyness.
“I’m going to say hello to Bruce, let your hair down a little, enjoy yourself.” She encourages before leaving your side.
When you realise you’re alone with Steve you twist around and order a red wine. Having something in your hand to ground you helps the nerves.
“So what do you think so far?” He steps closer to you filling the gap where Natasha once stood. The bartended hands you your glass and you tell yourself to be confident. “It’s definitely not what I was picturing in my head.” You giggle. He watches your lips as you laugh and his intense gaze sends goosebumps over your skin.
“Yeah, the parties in the 40’s were a little different too.” He mirthfully responds.
“Wow, I could only imagine.” You earnestly comment.
“At least back then I had the ability to get drunk.” He raises his eyebrows and you gaze at the soft sweet smile on his lips. He was so polite and friendly and he warmed your heart so much with his sweet chatter.
“Well I think getting drunk is overrated.” You joke.
“Oh yeah? Why is that?” He playfully questions.
“Well the chances of doing something totally embarrassing are significantly higher when you’re drunk… also the morning after is never fun.” You inform.
“Sound’s like you have plenty of experience.”
“But there are also good things about it too I guess. I think I’m a lot more fun when I’m drunk.” You realise that you are effortlessly chatty with Steve and it takes you by surprise. You have been training with Steve for 6 months and even though you have so much chemistry, you’ve never really had a conversation longer than a few sentences unless it’s work relate.
The alcohol is taking over. You don’t drink often so it doesn’t take much to get to that point. You end the conversation by admitting you need to use the rest room and try your best to walk in a straight line to get there.
When you come out you have a few sips from a glass of water before taking your glass of wine to sit on a lounge. You sit there for 15 minutes listening to the music and chatter echoing through the room. All of a sudden Steve lowers down on the space next to you holding a red rose causing you to fluster and knock your wine all over the couch. “Shit!” You cuss as you lift your dress away. The wine soaks through your dress and wets your skin.
Steve dives over and picks up the glass helping you move your dress from the puddle. The only thing more red than the stain on the fabric was the embarrassment showing on your cheeks. “I have to go.” You jump up and race out the exit doors and into a large corridor.
“Y/N wait!” Steve yells behind you. You stop and turn politely waiting for him to catch up.
“It’s okay Y/N it’s just a little stain! Don’t let it ruin your night.” Steve chimed.
“It’s fine, it’s getting late.” You murmur back as you investigate the stain once more.
“I thought you were a lot more fun when you were drunk?” He provoked.
You glare at him for using your own words against you but the eagerness to prove him right creeps in. “Come on then.” You tease grabbing his hand and running down the hallway.
You guide him through the compound and up the stairs to the 4th floor. When you burst through the doors of the gym you drag him to the edge of the pool then stand him face to face with you.
“You want to go swimming? Right now?” He seems genuinely surprised.
“Why not?” You question giving him a challenging look.
“Is that appropriate right now?” He slightly squints his eyes.
“Now who’s the fun one.” You sarcastically tease.
“Oh is that how it is?” He glares, his eyes excepting the challenge. Before you could get another word out his hand swings up and pushes you off the ledge and into the water.
You are so surprised as you hit the water. Yes you intended on pushing him in when you built up the courage but you definitely didn’t think he would ever push you in. You sink to the bottom for a few seconds then push your feet against the tiles sending you up for a breath of air. You flail your arms and allow yourself to sink again. You were pretending to drown. After a few seconds you hear a loud thud and Steves strong arms wrap around you guiding you up until your head breaks the water’s surface. You open your eyes briefly then squeeze them shut when the water trickles down into them. You noticed worry on his face and you realise your plan to trick him worked.
“Are you okay!” He worries. You don’t respond, instead you laugh and wrap your arms over his shoulders for support.
“I can swim Steve!” You chuckle. His eyes widen as he realised you fooled him. “Is this fun enough for you?” You giggle cheekily flailing your legs to keep you afloat. He slides his hands down your thighs and wraps your legs around his hips keeping you both afloat. His head presses to yours and you notice the drips of water falling from his hair down your fore-head and his hot breath crashing on your lips. You don’t hesitate, the alcohol gives you courage and you slam your lips against his, surprised when he kisses you back hard.
@cheeseburgersstuff​ @goavengers​ @xolovegrace​ @randomsevans​ @iamwhoiamtmblr​ @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​ @lilbabycee​ @dailyteamcap​ 
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mulder-isms · 7 years
Begin at the beginning - (Thorcid fanfic)
A\N: It’s a sorta late halloween treat! 🎃
Thank you @fashionclownn and anon for the prompts:
 “Look, I dressed up as you.” 
“I’m the tall dark stranger your parents warned you about.”
This fic had many inspirations, but mostly Acid’s bunny look and Thorgy with the most wanted t-shirt ever. 
As you know, you you liked let me know! Thorcid crops are dying and I could use some love.
“Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland 
It was never a hard task for Shane to connect with people. People can be one of a kind, but Shane was one of many kinds. A lonely existence perhaps, that could be not so lonely when finding someone he shared many things in common.
There was no way to avoid it. Jamin felt it in the air. He began to lose him piece by piece, just slipping through his fingers. After All Stars 3 a switch was pressed. Drag Race always changes everything in one try out, if you get the chance to come back it’s a damn revolution.
Shane was the one to confess.
He got emotionally involved with Trixie and the one night they had a gig together he wasn’t able to control himself anymore. He cried and asked Jamin to forgive him, begged on his knees, that it was just a fling but it was just too much.
He had not only cheated on him, but cheated with Trixie. Fucking Trixie Mattel, the constant ghost of his life.
Jamin cut him loose.
The day of his fortieth birthday he got a card from Shane. He read it and rip it. The facade behind Acid Betty was that Jamin had the sweetest fairy tales illusions. That when he would turn 40 he would have someone to share his life with because he really believed that was possible, but instead of that he had meaningless sex with someone that wasn’t Shane for the first time. He was completely hammered, covered in sweat in the small bathroom stall, the dim light, or was it just dark in his head?  The much younger man was eager had bleached blond hair, and was grinding harder on him, the birthday hat both were wearing on the floor. He was hard and what’s his name was determined to make him very happy. But there was a wave inside of him, that kept coming back and getting bigger. He still loved that mothefucker so much.
The worst thing about their break-up it wasn’t because Jamin didn’t love him anymore. It wasn’t because there was no desire. The ultimate betrayal was the lack of sighs of the upcoming disaster.
He impatiently grabbed the younger men by the ass pushing him against the wall trying to break the ocean.
A blink of an eye and it was Christmas.
The colorful lights in New York reached a new dimension. Christmas in New York has always been the most magical experience. Time heals everything is not true. At least not in such simple terms. Times heals without you being aware of it. One day the pain paralyses and breaks you in thousand pieces, and the other day the pieces crawl back together. The other day you’re whole again, all stitched and glued. Just like that.
Thorgy and Trixie were in a mini Christmas tour together. Jamin had no idea if they were in a relationship, and he honestly didn’t care. He was involved with new projects and planning of moving out of New York. That city was stained. Brooklyn was a cursed territory.
But ghost of past Christmas was there.
He was having a drink in the bar with some friends and on the TV hanging on next to the drink shelves they were showing many RuGirls presentations. When he raised his head to see who was going to be the next, the duo of musicians were there.
Trixie was sitting on a stool with her guitar, a colorful flowered dressed with long sleeves and white boots and Thorgy was sitting next to her following the song with the violin. She was wearing a red sequin dress with a big bow she wore last Christmas tour, but with a beautiful styled blond wig.
Jamin suddenly couldn’t hear the noises around him, as if there was only the TV in front of him. Trixie was singing looking at Thorgy and the audience and  had a sweet smile. The same sweet smile Jamin saw countless times at home. When Shane was his home.
He kept looking at Thorgy’s expressions, and the image was getting closer and closer, and he could see a sort of sadness in his eyes and the picture was zooming more and more until, there was only his eyes, all grained like they were trapped in a 60’s tv show.
Jamin woke up with a big gasp as the air filled his lungs again.
He was laying on his couch, his glasses all crooked on his face. There were drawings all over the coffee table with sparkling stones all over it . A bunny ears head piece was half beaded on the corner of the table.
He checked the time in his cellphone, almost 2 AM. Shane was out for Alotta’s auction and he said he was staying in but Jamin had a bad taste on his mouth. His stomach was aching and when he checked himself in the mirror he was pale as a ghost and his skin positively zombie-ish.
The urge to vomit was building up and before he realized that he was feeling sick too fast he ran to his bathroom toilet and threw up all the pizza and wine he had earlier for dinner . He hugged the toilet for awful two minutes after three big sprays of vomit making he feel like Linda Blair.
He leaned on the wall sitting on the cold tile, his head spinning fast. When he closed his eyes Thorgy was fucking Trixie in a bedroom that looked like the cabin from Evil Dead and then he opened them fast, panting. What the fuck was in that pizza? He didn’t even drink the whole bottle of wine.
He dragged his body to the living room again collapsing on the couch. He was feeling cold and didn’t want to get up again to grab some water. He accepted his destiny of dying in that couch when he heard the door opening and Shane coming in, his leather bag full and a tray with cupcakes on his hands.
“Girl, the auction today was so much fun! Alotta asked why didn’t you come and called you Gollum. You need indeed to get out more...”
Jamin has been in a very creative state lately, and since he was the one making everything and their travelling schedule was busy, Thorgy in gigs, and Acid in the Werq the world tour,  he gladly welcome isolation in his studio when he was at home.
Shane was putting everything on the kitchen table and not noticing that Jamin didn’t even move from the couch. He kept babbling about the people he saw there and how some of them were treating him differently because of AS3 when he joined Jamin in the living room.
He had the tray of cupcakes on his hands and he was wearing Jamin’s new Mickey hoodie. Also he didn’t remove all the traces of makeup because he still was wearing a bit of eyeliner and his lips were still red as if someone just kissed him.
“What’s wrong?” Shane noticed putting the tray on the coffee table and sitting in front of him on his knees and pressing his palm on Jamin’s forehead. He removed his glasses to take a better look at him and he looked zoned out.
“I felt sick...threw up everything...maybe there was something on the pizza I don’t know” he replied slowy as Shane caressed his face. He was still feeling cold with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
“Poor baby” Shane pouted rubbing his forearms to make him feel warmer. Jamin reacted weirdly about Shane touching him. The fresh nightmare still resonating in his memory.
“Is that my sweater?” Jamin noticed also that Shane was wearing his black beaded pants. “And why are you wearing my pants?”
“Yeah!” Shane replied excited  closing the zipper and showing the Mickey print. “I dressed up as you since you’re not going out anymore. Happy Halloweeeeeen!” he giggled opening his arms in a big ta-da and then kissed the tip of Jamin’s nose. “Your friends miss you” he confessed stroking his chest in circles. “And I miss you”
When Shane leaned to kiss him it was too overwhelming. Jamin leaned his head to the side and winced pushing Shane away.
“Vomit breath” he justified. Shane’s smile faded awkwardly.
“I was just giving you a peck, relax” Shane got up a bit irritated with his rejection.
Jamin closed his eyes in regret. He had no idea why he was treating Shane like garbage lately, and maybe the dream was his own unsolved issue with Trixie and the fact that he was feeling jealous of Thorgy’s connection with her. Trixie was the constant mistake he had to deal with. Their relationship was friendly, but he would always be the bitch that came for the most  beloved doll.
And he was afraid again she was going to stain the thing he loved the most.
It all made sense now. Even though he was still feeling sick. He observed Shane checking his phone standing up and he gathered forces to sit up too. He saved him cupcakes and looked adorable with Jamin’s baggy pants and hoodie.
“Thorg, sorry, It’s just the sickness speaking... I feel like there’s an alien inside of me”
Shane left the room and came back with water and some pills. He sat on the coffee table in front of him and Jamin laid again on the couch. Shane wasn’t as cheerful anymore but seemed to be okay.
“Just drink lots of water and take these pills. Not now though” he warned and stopped Jamin from taking the pills. “You have an empty stomach. Just drink water and rest. Don’t even think about eating the cupcakes”
Shane continued checking his phone and took off the hoodie and undressed of Jamin’s pants. Jamin observed him folding them nicely and when turned to leave Jamin grabbed his leg and sat down facing him, even if it made him more drowsy.
“I had a nightmare”
Shane stopped and his expression softened a little, showing that he was at least curious. He sat on the coffee table and Jamin still had his hand on his thigh, the thumb caressing his naked knee. They were inches in front of each other. Jamin smoothed his hair trying to find the words and look less nauseated, but  Shane didn’t say anything as if he just wanted Jamin to answer why he was acting so weird the past weeks once and for all.
“You cheated on me. With Trixie.”
When Shane heard the name Trixie he immediately chuckled in disbelief.
“And we broke up, and I had moved moved on. And you two were touring together and happy as two clown musicians. And I had sex with other men....”
Shane folded his arms on his chest and shifted position with the confession. Jamin took a deep breath and tried to focus again, even though his stomach was swirling again.
“And it was...not good. Because even in dreams I seem to only love you. I guess I’ve been acting weird because I feel like after AS3 everything is going to change. Again. Drag Race brought us together and I think it’s going to tear us apart this time. And you’re friends with Trixie. And I thought I got over the whole situation with her, but you mentioning her and being with her in gigs....fucked me up. It’s stupid, and doesn’t make sense, and I should know better. But I’m a tired ass jewish man that is turning forty and still lost as fuck”
He shrugged hoping for the best. Shane seemed to be still processing everything and he almost said anything and then stopped again confused.
“I- I- I don’t even know what to say. I guess sorry that I didn’t realize how my connection would Trixie would bother you? I never thought you would care because I’m the sensitive one. But after all of this, I guess I’m the asshole…”
“No, no, no” Jamin pleased caressing both of his knees and cupping Shane’s hands. “This is stupid. I’m acting like a prick lately, it’s what I do, I tend to isolate myself when I don’t know how to deal with something”
“Jamin, my connection with Trixie is just as a sister. We sure have many things in common, but we want completely different things and living completely different moments”
“I know, I know, you don’t have to justify anything. This dream, even though it was horrible, made me sorta snap out of it”
“I thought you were just like, over me. Like what the fuck did I do proposing to this bitch? Am I really going to marry Thorgy thor?”
Jamin rolled his eyes and kissed him pulling his head with both hands but Shane kept still. He kissed him slowly, his fingers caressing his earlobes.
“You do taste like vomit” Shane replied laughing when Jamin trailed down to his jawline and he stopped and pulled back.
“Well, I warned you”
They realized the TV was on the whole time and both looked at the screen, and Plan 9 From Outer Space was on.
“I had a dream about you last week too. I don’t remember much but I was a teenager in my dream, and I was playing in the school band. And you were the new music teacher. And you played the keyboard, and had lots of tattoos and I had a huge crush on you...and my dad, he read my diary and found out that I was writing all these dirty stories with you, and he threatening me to get me out of school…
“Oh my god, that is....detailed?” he replied surprised and laughing leaning on the couch. Shane peaked on the TV again “Why you didn’t tell me sooner?”
“I don’t know, you know I’m crazy, I always have stupid dreams” he shrugged.
“You must have been cute as hell as a teenager” Jamin smiled thinking about it and opened his arms inviting Shane to cuddle in. He laid by side placing his head on his chest and they both kept glancing on the TV.
“If you think greasy hair and really bad acne is cute. Also my brows were out of control. And I used to listen to symphonic heavy metal every day. Dream dad would be very mad to see me right now. He was right to take me out of that school”
Jamin hugged him tighter and kissed the top of his head.
“And you know what’s weird? I do play the keyboard”
Shane shifted and got out of the embrace looking at him with opened mouth.
“I’m the tall dark stranger your parents warned you about” Jamin replied biting his lower lip and raising his brows.
Shane scoffed looking at his sick face with dark circles under his big blue eyes.
“A bit paler than in my dreams I must say”
They kept in silence. Jamin was feeling much better with Shane’s warmth next to him and the slumber was taking over again, they were both almost falling asleep as Bela Lugosi’s monsters talked on the screen.
Jamin spent the whole afternoon in his studio making the new makeup video for Halloween. It was great testing new materials and trying new editing programs. He was very happy with result checking the camera pictures, still covered in pearls and face with still some traces of makeup, until he realized what time it was.
He was late as Alice’s bunny. His flight was in three hours and he had almost nothing packed. He heard a knock on the door and it was Shane.
“What are you doing here? Isn’t the Roast in like an hour?” he asked before saying hi. He was still startled about being late.
Shane was struck with the vision of Jamin shirtless covered with pearl necklaces and wearing those baggy pants he had that traced his crotch and ass in a marvelous way.
“What is happening here?” he was opening a mischievous smile and getting up, looking around the studio. “I came to pick up the things Alotta had separated for Halloween, remember? Hey, I wanna see the pictures!”
Jamin rolled eyes and picked the camera showing him and Shane started to pass and zoom them.
“This is incredible, it’s my instant fave right now” he was amazed with what he was seeing. Jamin finally could take a look at the man in front of him. Shane was wearing a fun yellow t-shirt on, printed with all women characters from Kill Bill, social black slacks that fitted perfectly and black Toms. Hair all up and neat and smelling fresh. Jamin checked the watch again. Alice’s bunny yelling “I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!”
“What?” Shane asked clueless about his boyfriend hungry eyes.
“You look really good, I mean, these pants. They actually fit you” he voiced checking him out like he was a delicious dessert.
“I had these forever. I used to play with them in gigs, they are nice, right?” he twirled still not getting what Jamin really wanted.
So he made it clear.
Jamin hovered over Shane kissing him urgently and he almost dropped the camera when he answered his embrace.
“Are you sure you want to do this, I-I don’t think we have time...I’m gonna be….” Jamin grinded harder pushing him against the wall making him almost bump his head on the top shelves with miniture toys. “Oh shit!”
Shane tried to put some sense into his head but there was something else on it. Jamin’s erection was poking between Shane’s legs and Jamin was trying to remove the necklaces but Shane stopped him.
“Keep them on” he pleaded panting and Jamin held his hand and they went to the couch trying to not step on the mess that was on the floor. Jamin sat and Shane was in front of him and he pulled him by the waist kissing and nibbling on the flight of his pants, while his hands grabbed Shane’s ass, making him moan and giggle at the same time.
“Take them off I’m still getting out and these are black….” he asked gathering all the coordination he had taking off the yellow t-shirt and Jamin unfastened his belt quickly, pushing down his pants so he could get out of them and the shoes. Jamin took the opportunity to get out his pants too and he was stroking his cock looking at Shane undressing, and one shoe got stuck in the pants and he jumped three times to get rid of them making Jamin laugh, sorta breaking the mood.
“You looking at me, jerking off with pearls and smudged makeup on….” Shane said as he approached Jamin’s lap, straddling him slowly, his cock sliding between his butt cheeks. “It’s such a Velvet Goldmine fantasy”
Shane started to rock slowly, cupping Jamin’s face with both hands as he rubbed Shane’s back, his thumbs ran up his spine, fingers fanned out over muscles that tensed and released under pressure. Shane’s cock was hard and slick, rubbing against the pubic hair of Jamin’s tummy as the kiss was deepening. With the friction of Shane’s body rocking against Jamin’s, his little hairs of the chest kept getting stuck in Jamin’s pearls.
“Ouch” he complained after another pull,  stopping kissing and looked down his  chest that was all red. Jamin winced. The skin was quite irritated.
“I can take them out”
“No” Shane demanded pulling him with a fistfull of pearls and Jamin started licking Shane’s chest, nibbing on his nippples and pulling him closer making him moan louder in approval. As Jamin was working on his nipples and caresisng his ribs, Shane was undoing his hairdo letting some part of the dreads lose and Jamin licked the area next to his armpit  making him laugh and getting even more turned on.
Shane then grabbed one of Jamin’s hands and licked his fingers, letting a lot of saliva run down on them. Jamin’s hands were still a little bit dirty with makeup.
“Sorry” he said giggling noticing Shane’s face with the taste of his fingers. But they were slick enough so he could warm him up a bit. “I have lube in the bedroom”
“I’m not going anywhere” Shane lifted a bit and that was the sign. So Jamin inserted two fingers inside him slowly, getting in and out as Shane pushed him harder against the couch’s cushion and making Jamin grunt louder.
His hips were finding a perfect ride rhythm as Jamin kept pushing two fingers, feeling him tensing up around them, his cock covered with pre-cum rubbing under Shane’s balls.
“Fu...you need to slow down a bit…” Jamin begged holding down his hips with both hands and Shane stopped completely breathless.
“We’re late, bunny…” Shane bluntly said out of breath and raised his brows, guiding Jamin’s hand to reach for his cock, teasing his entrance.
He started penetrating him very slowly, watching Shane enjoy every inch of it arching his back. They haven’t had sex in more than three weeks so he needed to be gentle even though he wanted to fuck the shit out of him right now. He was tight and so very, very hot. He thrusted hard into him once and Shane threw his head back, losing his  breath like Jamin pushed it out of his lungs. "You want a little more?"
"I want a lot more" Shane didn’t hesitate through gritted teeth, riding him harder. It was his turn to lose his breath for a split second, then Jamin thrusted back into him , shoving and raising his hips, the hands pinning Shane’s hips.  His delicious panting as the muscles squeezed around Jamin’s cock.
Shane pulled the pearl necklaces making Jamin lean forward to kiss him and embrace him by the waist and Shane kept riding him non stop...their bodies locked, Jamin feeling  the old couch making crumbling noises.
“We’re going to ruin this couch again” Jamin said laughing and panting reaching for Shane’s cock to stroke it as his other arm kept him stabilized in an embrace but Shane seemed to be completely dazed, eyes closed and moaning like crazy.
He grabbed Jamin’s chin and looked him in the eye, “Fuck me harder and I’ll pay you a new one”
Jamin flipped him making him lay on his back on the couch and now he was on top, with Shane’s legs over his shoulders as he pounded him harder answering his challenge. Shane pulled him by the necklaces again and one of them broke splitting pearls all over him, but Jamin kept going and Shane was working on his cock when Jamin laid over him reaching for his neck. He was feeling Shane tighten around him , hearing his cry out softly with every one of his thrusts. He was buried deep, hitting his prostate, biting into his neck again, his face brushing on his dreads spread on the cushion. He'll leave a mark. They'll deal with it later.
“I’m so close, just like that, just like….oh...fuck…!” Shane whispered with eyes wide shut.
And then he felt Shane tightened around him like a vise, an electric shock, a whirl of pleasure hitting him deep in his stomach making Jamin following him seconds later. His entire body stiffened growling in pleasure, and he wondered if the sparks flying off their bodies were going to catch something on fire and how that couch didn’t break.
He collapsed on Shane’s body. The pearls all over the floor, and his long legs wrapped around him, as he was listening his heart beating like a heavy metal drum slowly finding the classical sonata pace again.  
“I was…” Shane still breathless, and Jamin’s weight on him was not helping. “Kinda triggered when those pearls broke, having a flashbacks with my lipsync with Chi Chi…”
They both laughed and Jamin got up all sweaty and removing what was left of the necklaces. He grabbed some tissues on the table and cleaned the hot liquid on his stomach and on his cock, putting his pants on.
“I still need to pack. You want shower again, right?”
Shane just nodded with a post orgasm satisfied smile, and then Jamin approached and leaned planting kisses on his stomach.
“I feel like I can’t walk yet”
“Hey, you asked for it. Let me get you a towel”
“I’m not complaining”
Then Jamin leaned to kiss him before leaving the room.
Half an hour later Shane was in the car with Ruby Roo and Kirk going to the roast of Sherry Vine, fixing her hair. Kirk noticed the red marks on Shane’s neck.
“You might wanna cover these...allergies” the redhead implied handing him Ruby’s foundation powder.
Ruby looked back a little suspicious.
“I swear my skin is falling apart. Drag will be the end of me” he justified and kept teasing his friend hair and finished with a bit of spray.
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