#friends and mutuals who need/want to be commissioned and would be alright drawing a detailed design hit me up!
nbmahoushoujo · 2 years
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magical star: now with added stars!
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spencersweetie · 3 years
Coincidence (Spencer x GN!Reader Onseshot)
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Category: Fluff
Summary: Spencer and Reader accidentally have a museum date when they run into each other. 
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: none <3
“Y/N!” A familiar voice called your name. You turned around and faced a familiar man whom you’d met through your friend Penelope. Spencer stood smiling at you with his hands in his pockets. He energetically waved at you.
You grinned back at him. “Hey Spencer! What a crazy coincidence, us both being here at the same time.” You had spontaneously decided to visit the National Gallery of Art since you had a free day to yourself over the weekend.
“Totally!” He responded. “I’m supposed to have the whole weekend off so I thought I’d revisit the gallery. How are you?”
“I’m alright! You’re revisiting? How many times have you been here? This is my first time seeing the gallery.” You had been to other art museums in Maryland but never the National Gallery of Art since you had recently moved to D.C. a year ago.
Spencer chuckled lightly. “This would be my ninth time coming here. I saw the gallery for the first time when I was nine years old  and couldn’t keep myself away from this place.
“Wow!” You exclaimed. “I don’t blame you, I’ve only seen the sculpture garden and the first few pieces in this wing so far and everything is gorgeous; I’m in love already.”
“You know what, I’ve got the building memorized!” Spencer eagerly informed you. “If you want, I could be your personal guide and show you the best parts of each exhibit and take you on the most efficient path through the museum! I mean, you don’t have to say yes, it’s up to you.”
“Spencer, that’d be awesome, I’ll totally tag along if you’re cool with that!” You beamed at him, trying to hide your excitement. You usually went on trips like these alone so it was nice to have someone who could enjoy the same thing as you by your side.
“Great, let’s go!” Spencer turned and gestured towards the next exhibit.
As you and Spencer explored the museum together, you noticed how abnormally comfortable you felt around him. You two had never hung out without Penelope so this was a first for you both. Even without your mutual friend, you found that Spencer was both easy to listen to and easy to talk to. He of course knew a lot about the art in the gallery and thoroughly explained each piece to you but you appreciated that he never talked to you like you were dumb or lesser than him. He regularly asked if you were okay with his infodumps as well, which you completely didn’t mind. You could tell that he undoubtedly had a passion for the arts, and you liked that he was so enthusiastic to share that with you.
While you did certainly find Spencer’s interesting facts to be intriguing, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander as you looked at him from the side. He didn’t notice your looking as he faced the painting while he talked to you, completely occupied by the piece that was on the wall in front of him. You liked the way he spoke about the art that he showed you. Spencer was very animated, clearly demonstrating his excitement about whatever he was explaining in the movement of his hands. His face was quite expressive too. His eyebrows rose and fell as he talked and his eyes squinted and widened as he conversed with you. You hadn’t noticed how pretty Spencer’s eyes were until now, how his irises were brown but with little gold specks on the inside. You liked that when he wrinkled his nose in the middle of a sentence, his scrunch reached the top of his nose bridge between his eyes. His nose was a nice nose, you thought. It enhanced his side profile and turned slightly upwards when he smiled too. And his lips. Today you noticed that his lips were quite… pink. And full. And plump. You had to catch yourself when your eyes traveled down from Spencer’s eyes to his mouth when he spoke, then hope that he didn’t notice your distraction. You just liked that way he smiled, that’s all, you told yourself. He often kept his smile as he talked and continued to smile when you spoke to him too. You liked the way his lips puckered when his smile grew bigger as he finished his sentences. It seemed like an uncontrollable habit of his-
“Y/N?” Spencer interrupted your thoughts. He looked at you with his brows slightly raised.
“Hm, yeah?” Your mind snapped back to the present moment. “I’m sorry, could you say that again?”
“Are you okay? Am I boring you? We could stop here if you want!”
“No, Spencer- it’s fine!” You jumped to explain. “You’re good, I promise! I’m not bored, I just got lost in my thoughts for a second. Um, the only da Vinci painting in the U.S. right? Is this one here?” 
“Exactly!” Spencer lit up and straightened his posture. “Da Vinci painted less than 20 oil paintings throughout his career; this one was bought for $5 million and arrived in D.C. in 1969!”
“Damn!” You exclaimed. “So that makes this portrait like, the Mona Lisa of the National Gallery, huh?”
“Absolutely!” Spencer agreed with you. “The gallery has other Da Vinci pieces displayed but none that are as rare and valuable as an oil painting of his. This one, Ginerva de’ Benci, is a portrait of a daughter of a banker, most likely commissioned when she was about 16 and just engaged. You know, the juniper bush is what’s in the background. Juniper represents chastity which was one of the most significant traits of a woman in the Renaissance era. It’s kind of a subtle little pun, including the juniper plant, because in Italian the plant is called ginepro.”
“Oh! Ginepro, Ginerva! That’s so cute, I love it!” You told him. “I like how there’s like no fancy jewelry or finery on her in this portrait too. It’s different from the Renaissance portraits of the other ladies that we saw.”
“Yeah, it’s a little bit of a surprise when it comes to a portrait like this that she isn’t completely dressed up! It doesn’t reveal her family’s wealth like portraits commonly do. I love that you noticed that.” Spencer’s lips turned at the corners in appreciation of your attention to detail. “Let’s move onto the next one!”
You and Spencer moved on through the exhibit, then through the rest of the museum. You two enjoyed each other’s company for the day and were able to see all the art in three hours. As you exited, you found yourself laughing as you and Spencer recalled the events of the day. “I still can’t believe they kept trying to pay you for a private tour even after you insisted you weren’t a museum tour guide!” You laughed into your hand which was clapped over your mouth, trying not to draw attention to you and Spencer. 
“Shut up!” Spencer jokingly rolled his eyes at you. “I hate that they were gathered around me too, attracting a crowd while trying to hand me money. I don’t even wear a uniform like the other employees!” Spencer cracked up along with you, shaking as he pictured himself standing next to you, explaining to a group of strangers that he was just visiting with a friend, not working for the gallery.
You shrieked with laughter, uncontrollably gasping for air as you tried to calm yourself. “Then when they said they would call the gallery and get you fired for denying customers!” Tears were coming out of your eyes from being unable to stop laughing. “And you just went ‘Okay!’ and walked off without me!” You missed a step and tripped, grabbing Spencer’s arm as you fell into him.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” You were half still dying from laughing and half freaking out from your mistake. “I didn’t mean to grab you, I know you’ve got a germ thing! I think I just got a little carried away and wasn’t careful enough to watch my step!” You frantically apologized to Spencer. “Are you okay?”
Spencer grinned at you and dusted you off on your shoulders. “Relax, Y/N. I know you’re not germy; I’m not gonna freak out if you touch me. And I’m fine, you’re the one who fell!” He reassured you. “Are you okay? Do you need a second? You’re pink in the face, I don’t know if from laughing or from tripping on the step.”
“I’m fine, I’m good! Thank you Spencer.” You replied, still hot around your face. “Let’s just get out of here before I start to laugh and embarrass myself again.” You chuckled. “Are you free for the rest of the day? We could get something to eat if you’re hungry!” 
Spencer smiled at you. “Yeah, I’m free! Do you like Indian? There’s this new place that’s about 10 minutes from here-”
A loud ringing cut his sentence off. Spencer sighed and apologetically looked at you before whipping his cell phone out of his pocket. “Yeah?” He spoke into the phone.
He listened for a few seconds before speaking. “I’m in D.C. but I’ll be there as soon as possible. Thanks, Penelope.” Spencer hung up and shoved his phone back into his coat.
“Got a case?” You asked.
“Yeah. I’m so sorry, Y/N, I know we were supposed to-”
“Spence!” You stopped him. “You don’t have to apologize, we didn’t even plan on hanging out today!”
Spencer’s eyes softened; he expected you to express disappointment before anything else and was surprised that you were understanding instead. He smiled and nodded. “Okay, but we could still check out the new Indian place another time, yeah?”
You felt butterflies in your stomach emerging. “Of course. Thank you for today, Spencer. I had an amazing time.”
“Me too, Y/N. I’ll text you when we get back!” 
Thank you for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts or send anon feedback, anything is appreciated <33
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rinzis · 3 years
writing about my new genshin oc??? okay?????okay!!!!!! i’m on mobile so i can’t add the read more option i’m so sorry
name: kiyoharu misa
birthday: august 3rd
sex/pronouns: female, she/her
region: inazuma
constellation: lunam lilia
vision: electro
weapon: sword
rarity: 5*
title: princess of the kiyoharu household, moonlit swordsmaiden (unofficial)
affiliation: kiyoharu clan, the resistance
the princess of the fallen household kiyoharu. she carries a patterned umbrella which she is seldom seen without, and within which lies her precious katana. a gentle yet influential soul, she is well known for her impressive swordsmanship throughout the resistance in inazuma.
character story
character details
at first glance, people might not think that kiyoharu misa was anything special. seeing a young woman strolling through the land of inazuma carrying an intricate paper umbrella would not faze anyone. but, under this delicate guise, misa conceals both her dear katana and her vision.
the princess of the kiyoharu household is known to be a gentle soul who yearns for freedom from the raiden shogun and the tenryou commission. since her childhood, she has always been fascinated by the moon and its rays, a particular trait of kiyoharu descendants. misa earned herself the title of ‘moonlit swordsmaiden’ after combining her unparalleled swordsmanship with her illuminated vision.
story 1
the kiyoharu clan was once a widely respected and loved clan across inazuma. the household was known for its tendency to produce talented swordsmen who earn themselves visions through selflessness and helping others, and for this reason they were seen as high nobility. however, members of the kiyoharu household were reluctant in hiring many maids or servants - they believe that if one can be capable of harnessing the power gifted by gods through blade alone, one should also be able to cook a simple meal, or wash their own clothing. through this doctrine the kiyoharu descendants earned themselves unwavering respect from all citizens of inazuma, and even the raiden shogun herself - for a while.
story 2
descendants such as misa are taught from a young age to honour their ancestors, but also those who currently serve inazuma as well. misa excelled in swordsmanship, being able to wield a blade so gracefully to the point where it appeared as though she was dancing, using it as simply an accessory. the leader of the clan gifted to her a delicate paper umbrella, and he spoke to her these words: “do not mistake kindness for weakness. from dainty petals drip deadly poisons.”, and with that, misa understood her duty. she would protect the citizens of inazuma with her life, with her dainty umbrella and deadly blade at her side. she is seldom seen without either.
story 3
the kiyoharu clan were known best for the number of descendants who possess visions. thus, when the vision hunt decree was issued, the tenryou commission sought out every member of the household owning a vision. misa’s family would rather have died than hand over their precious visions. despite their unyielding fighting spirit, the kiyoharu household was overcome by the sheer numbers in the tenryo commission. there were supposedly no survivors, but it just so happened that the young kiyoharu misa was dispatched on a mission on behalf of the household the day it fell. the young swordsmaiden returned to her home in ruins, her whole life taken from her. she knew at that moment that as the sole descendant of the kiyoharu household, she would avenge her clan and return lost visions to those who suffer at the hands of the tenryo commission.
story 4
misa met all sorts of people on her journey through inazuma as a vision-bearing fighter, the most notable of all being the ronin kaedehara kazuha. she used to live a life of solitude in a small house near the edge of the islands of inazuma, but this life of solitude was changed upon seeing the rain-soaked samurai appear at her doorstep one evening. seeing each other’s visions, misa realised that kazuha was not a threat at all. the days they spent together inspired misa to venture out, to find the resistance in inazuma alongside the swordsman and reclaim justice for the fallen. and so, she left yet another life behind to travel with kazuha through inazuma in search of everything and nothing at all. nights of listening to the ronin’s musings and conversing under the moonlight unknowingly planted a blossom in misa’s heart, one which would remain there forever.
story 5
misa and kazuha’s travels took them all across inazuma. despite them both being wanted for their visions, the tenryo commission’s lackeys and treasure hoarders were no match for the pair’s skill in bladework. misa secretly yearned day after day for any sign of affection or mutuality from the young samurai, but as the princess of a famed clan she chose to remain composed and calm about the whole ordeal. however, when the ronin told the princess of his plan to leave inazuma with the crux fleet, he explained that he did not want to take this life from her. he confessed that his musings and haikus about the heart and its desires he so often shared with her were about her, and that his own heart would belong eternally to her. thus, he left her with a simple promise. “the wind will bring us together once again, misa. i will return home to you, and then will i forever devote myself to you. this i promise, my princess.”
the kiyoharu sword dance
those who have witnessed kiyoharu misa in battle often note how she appears more to be dancing than harshly fighting. the kiyoharu household drew its strength and style in battle from the moon and its light, and they channeled this into their blades during battle. misa’s god given agility combined with this graceful power leads ultimately to her captivating swordsmanship. with the electro imbued in her blade, misa is all too capable in taking down foes with ease. in the night hours, a stroll down to a clearing or open beach may lead you to find the princess honing her blade under the silver of the moon, with a sword that never sleeps. she is renowned throughout the resistance as one of the most talented swordswomen in inazuma.
the vision
misa was granted her vision during a particularly dangerous incident during her early training years. one fateful evening, she was out with other kiyoharu swordsmen, practicing her skills with her blade in the open country.
“lady misa, please remain here while we briefly survey the area. we have had reports of active treasure hoarders roaming this area, and we would hate for anything to happen to you at this time. we will be back shortly.”
and so, they left her on the path to scout the surrounding land. clutching the hilt of her sword, the very thought of being ambushed by grown men with malicious intentions worried misa, especially since she hadn’t obtained a vision yet. but alas, how wrong her fellow swordsmen were.
“well, what do we have here? the prestigious kiyoharu misa, is it? count ourselves lucky boys, it’s just the one we were after.”, drawled the advancing treasure hoarders.
her hands trembled on her sword. how could she possible deter these twenty, no, thirty treasure hoarders alone? glancing down at her sheathed blade, misa wondered if she’d see her family again.
no, why was she thinking like this?
steady yourself, misa. focus on your breathing. the dance will go on. your blade does not rest.
she draws her sword.
to the young swordsmaiden’s surprise, a new energy unlike anything she had witnessed before struck her senses. and so she danced, her blade piercing the air and with it bringing down the treasure hoarders in quick succession. but she could only go on for so long.
panting, misa retreated towards the edge of the river. the men relentlessly kept on coming, and she knew she was almost completely spent. her legs and hands quivered, and her mind raced with prayers to the goddess baal. with a small breath, she spoke these words:
“archons, guide me. i beg, lend me your strength.”
a faint crackling filled the air, before a tremendous burst of silver lightning struck the ground before her. the sword in her hands glowed a pale purple, and it was then that she realised the archons had answered her prayers. wielding this newfound power, she swung her blade with a new fervour.
twenty, no, thirty treasure hoarders lay at the princess of the kiyoharu household’s feet. the chime of a small ornament hitting the ground was the only sound after the crackling died down. at long last, kiyoharu misa’s vision had been granted to her by the gods. holding the electro vision in her hands, she whispered these words:
“the dance will go on.”
voice lines
“i’m kiyoharu misa, nice to meet you! l-lady misa? oh no, please — there’s really no need for the formalities. i’m just as ordinary as you are. say, how about we travel together for a while? i’m sure your stories are bound to keep me entertained on our arduous journeys.”
chat: urgency
“a storm is brewing… let’s keep moving.”
chat: resting
“you’d like to rest? alright, want to share a quick meal?”
chat: sword
“i should really polish my sword soon…”
when it rains
“my my, it seems the heavens really have opened. let’s find shelter quickly, i’d hate to continue travelling in this weather.”
after the rain
“the lingering scent of the rain is one of my most favourite smells… for me, it heralds a fresh start. well, come on then! shall we head off?”
when it snows
“hmm… i really do enjoy the snow. especially when the moonlight casts a glimmering sheen over the world, enveloping inazuma in a soft silver. i hope we can witness it together sometime.”
when the wind is blowing
“i have a friend who adores the wind. he left some time ago, but i know he will return home to me one day. sometimes i wonder if i can hear his voice catching on the breeze, lines of poetry drifting along with it. hey, don’t give me that look! we’re just… uh… friends...”
good morning
“[sigh] i’m really not much of a morning person. i’m certainly not on my best form in the late morning hours… oh, you’re ready to leave already? r-right, i’ll be ready as soon as possible!”
good afternoon
“hmm, i’m feeling a little hungry… would you like to grab a bite to eat? no, it’s alright - there are inns up ahead that know the resistance. we’ll be just fine. and, if not, we have our blades. heh.”
good evening
“the setting sun is particularly pretty this evening. once the storm has fully settled, i hope to see the true beauty of the inazuman skies once again. i will see that vision to the end.”
good night
“you’re heading to sleep? alright, sleep well. me? well… the moon is my friend, i suppose. a little sword dance under its light helps me retain my focus. i won’t be too long, don’t worry.”
about kiyoharu misa
“my umbrella? oh, it was a gift from the leader of the kiyoharu household when i was born. i had it altered to accommodate the length and width of my sword - see? though it appears to be but a dainty paper umbrella, what lies within is a retribution sentence. it is my will given form.”
about us: kiyoharu origin
“my title as princess of the kiyoharu clan is something i will carry with me forever. despite the unjust fall of my household, i will bring back its honour. the raiden shogun’s vision hunt decree stripped my family of their lives, thus i swear i will reclaim justice. for them, and for the future.”
about us: kiyoharu motto
“the motto of the kiyoharu household is: “with grace and with fortitude.”, and i channel this saying into my sword whenever i draw it. it is the foundation for the kiyoharu way of life.”
about us: sword art
“ah, i see you have taken an interest in my fighting style. for me, fighting with a sword should not just be about the battle. it is an art, and i find myself overindulging in the grace and fluidity of swordsmanship all too often.”
about the vision
“my vision? i see it as a way of showing solidarity against the oppressive raiden shogun. i do not wish to hide that which is so dear to me, and that which forges my identity. this vision is my symbol of strength, and the tenryo commission who seeks it will be met with my unyielding blade.”
something to share
“i’m not sure how long you will be in inazuma for, but traveler - one day, i’d like to take you to a festival here. they are truly wonderful, and members of the resistance always find ourselves sneaking in to witness them as well. ever since i was young, i’ve loved them so much, and i’d love to share this memory with you as a reminder of your time in inazuma.”
interesting things
“traveler, is it true that in liyue there are gods that walk amongst the people? huh… adepti you say… so, they just co-exist with mortals peacefully? you’ve met them?! wow… it seems i underestimated your power! just what else have you witnessed since being in teyvat…”
about kazuha: relationships
“kaedehara kazuha? ahem… well… yes, i suppose you could say that we are… lovers, of sorts. on his final night here, he left me with a single promise. i often spend nights staring up at the moon with him in my mind. i will wait for him, for as long as it takes, i know that i will see him again one day. i know that he will return home soon.”
about kazuha: poetry
“kazuha would often recite haikus to me as we’d live together when he was here. i remember him arriving at my doorstep, drenched in rain from head to toe, and i hadn’t the heart to turn him away. he stayed for a while, and after a few days i decided to risk it all for him. the bond we share… is unbreakable. if you see him, let him know that i am waiting for him.”
about kamisato ayaka
“i have a lot of respect for the princess of the kamisato clan. she conducts herself in a light i admire greatly, and she and i are close friends. her swordsmanship is just as impressive, and i would love it if we could spar once more as we used to. perhaps i will visit her soon…”
about yoimiya
“yoimiya? oh, of course - festivals in inazuma aren’t complete without a firework show organised by her. i have also heard her skills with a bow are unique, to say the least. paired with her passion for fireworks, i assume the combination work… interestingly in battle.”
about sayu
“hm? sayu… you mean the ninja who resides in the forests? i can’t say i’ve seen much of her… which is odd, considering she wields that great claymore…”
about gorou
“oh, gorou! i know him very well, actually. he was one of the first people i befriended as part of the resistance. he is a sound fighter, and i believe he can achieve great things. perhaps i can see him again soon.”
about the raiden shogun
“the raiden shogun… her despicable vision hunt decree… the tenryo commission… i detest it all. to see so many people’s dreams stripped, to see the colour fade from so many precious hopes… i will see to it that this is all restored. i cannot sympathise with a god who robs her people of their dreams.”
more about kiyoharu misa i
“you’d like to know more about me? i’m flattered. i know that your journey through inazuma won’t be easy, so please don’t hesitate to drop by every once in a while. my blade never rests, after all.”
more about kiyoharu misa ii
“the carvings on my sword are most intricate. a swordsmaiden’s weapon is her will. i find myself staring at the moon night after night, and the patterns on my sword are a tribute to the power it lends me.”
more about kiyoharu misa iii
“you want to know about my title? well, moonlit swordsmaiden refers to the way i utilise my vision. the light of the moon reflects through the electro element, and i believe that through this combination i can convey the power of the resistance.”
more about kiyoharu misa iv
“i’m an only child, so the fate of the kiyoharu clan rests in my hands. traveler, i believe that through knowing you i have become a better person. i hope that you will visit inazuma once again.”
more about kiyoharu misa v
“here, this is for you. it’s a charm made from pure sea glass. the way the sun and moonlight reflects through its unique colours is a rare sight to behold. i suppose this is a thank you gift, for everything we’ve been through together.”
kiyoharu misa’s hobbies
“my hobbies? well, in the late night and early morning hours, i enjoy heading down to a secluded beach and basking in the moonlight. those hours are the perfect opportunity to practice swordsmanship, and the art of sword dancing too. besides that, i suppose i enjoy embroidery too, although i’m not particularly good at it…”
kiyoharu misa’s troubles
“i often worry about the other members of the resistance. i find myself questioning as to whether they still have their visions, or even their lives. on top of that, i hope that one day i will be reunited with my lover… i pray that he too made it out safely.”
favorite food
“my mother used to make the most takoyaki. my family weren’t so insistent on having maids running around when we could cook everything ourselves, so i would always snack on my mother’s dishes. even today, the taste of takoyaki brings back vivid memories of my mother.”
least favourite food
“honestly, i’m not much of a picky eater, but i’m not too fond of anything containing fish eggs…”
“happy birthday! it’s a special day for you today. is there anything in particular you’d like? no, don’t be silly, of course i’ll get it for you! seeing as you’ve helped me this far, it’s only right that i give something back to you! on top of that, if there’s anything you ever need at all, i’ll be sure to help you out, friend.”
feelings about ascension: intro
“my blade only grows stronger. let’s continue working hard.”
feelings about ascension: building up
“how to describe this feeling… lightweight, but more powerful. the dance will go on.”
feelings about ascension: climax
“with each passing day, my blade grows keener. the moon seems more radiant than ever before.”
feelings about ascension: conclusion
“i believe i owe you a great thanks. the moonlight that rains down on the world will forever be in your favour, traveler. both you and i will improve leaps and bounds from here on out.”
addition to party
“are we heading off?”
“alright, ready when you are.”
“it’s time, let’s go.”
elemental skill
“will of my sword!”
“shrouded in moonlight!”
(convergence) “cut them blind!”
(convergence) “beams, converge!”
elemental burst
“kiyoharu art: carver of radiance!”
“dance of death.”
“face my blade!”
“i thought… we’d meet… again…”
“friends… i’m sorry…”
“no… i wasn’t… done…”
normal attack - kiyoharu sword art
perform up to 5 consecutive attacks with a sword.
charged attack: consume a set amount of stamina to unleash a more powerful attack, dealing physical dmg to enemies.
plunging attack: plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents in an aoe upon impact.
elemental skill - remnants of moonlight
tap once: kiyoharu misa dashes quickly forwards, dealing electro dmg to enemies in her path. she leaves a thunderblade at her starting and end point of her dash.
tap again: the thunderblades converge with kiyoharu misa as the focal point, creating a triangular zone of convergence. enemies within the zone of convergence are dealt electro dmg and are knocked up. a mark of radiance is applied to enemies within the zone of convergence.
if the skill is not reactivated, the two thunderblades will converge in a line after 4s. marks of radiance last for 12s.
elemental burst - kiyoharu art: carver of radiance
kiyoharu misa leaps into the air, before plunging down and dealing a powerful slash to enemies, dealing massive electro dmg. for 3s after her slash, thunder strikes will crash down on enemies who are marked by mark of radiance, dealing extra electro dmg.
passive 1 - swordsmaiden’s revenge
enemies affected by a mark of radiance will take 15% more damage from kiyoharu misa’s normal and charged attacks.
passive 2 - thundering retribution
kiyoharu misa’s crit dmg is increased by 10% for 5s after a zone of convergence is activated.
natural passive - lightning clarity
all party members’ crit dmg is increased by 10% when kiyoharu misa is in the party.
constellation 1: tenacity of lightning
the duration of thunderblades on the field is increased to 6s, and the duration of marks of radiance on enemies is increased to 16s.
constellation 2: shredding thunder
enemies marked by marks of radiance have their elemental res decreased by 20%.
constellation 3: roots of kiyoharu
the level of kiyoharu art: carver of radiance is increased by 3.
constellation 4: fatal reunion
if there are more than 5 enemies within the zone of convergence cast by remnants of moonlight, the cooldown is decreased by 3s.
constellation 5: swordsmaiden’s unwavering will
the level of remnants of moonlight is increased by 3.
constellation 6:
kiyoharu art: carver of radiance deals 50% more dmg to enemies previously affected by electro.
kiyoharu misa is a young woman and is of average height, with light brown hair, tied half up in a braided bow and then tied at the very bottom. she has bangs which frame her face. her eyes are deep gray-purple, and she has a small scar across the bridge of her nose. her outfit is coordinated with white and lavender colours, and her paper umbrella is also patterned with lavender coloured lightning and flower patterns.
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i’m horrible at art so here’s a fun picrew of misa …… this isn’t what she’d wear but it’s the closest thing to what i was imagining ig …… also the band aid is supposed to be her lil scar LOL
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helahades · 4 years
the sexiest wip list
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alright! reminder that this is a dark fic blog. dark fics are not just noncon, but uncomfortable subject matter and questionable thought processes and unreliable povs. control your media experience and read warnings carefully! they’ll be updated when the actual story releases, but these are wips, and i don’t know them all bc I simply have not finished these stories!
some darker warnings on this list include: threats of sexual violence, obsession, death, and previously mentioned unreliable povs from obsessive characters who justify themselves.
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final reminder to read warnings! some of these are intense.
1) Jealous Thor (Untitled)
warnings: cheating, mean!reader, angst
You’re falling for Steve right under his nose. Each day, Thor feels you pull farther away. Each night, he squeezes his eyes shut as you lie asleep next to him, and tries to forget the way you lookat Steve these days with hunger and adoration that you once gave to him.
“He is earthly. For all his body’s and mind’s possession of unnatural experimental growth, he is earthly and limited, so Thor can’t understand why you’re drawing away from him, and telling Steve the jokes, giving Steve all the looks that had him hooked. The lingering eyes and touches… they ride the line of decency.”
2) Heimdall Angst (Untitled)
warnings: major character death, grief, existentialism, out of body experiences
Connected by incredible wisdom and duty to fate, you and The Gatekeeper of Asgard are pulled together by the unique pairing of your mutual seeing abilities—made for greatness, and destined for tragedy.
This story stretches from the moment that catalyzes your meeting, across the years of loving him, to the moment you lose him.
“A fateful tragedy. He sees an arrow through a dove.
He wonders how he missed your encounter with him in the whispers of the cosmos.
“—They’re star deaths,” you say abruptly, “the ones that move and change color. They speed up when you watch them—show their whole life to come...I read about them. Most can’t ever see them life this”.
Turning to where you stand beside him, his eyes swirl with the magic of knowing you, of your destinies combined. He sees you stare at his stars like they’re new.
“Only us.”
3) Away from the Party - Steve Smut
warnings: smut, dubcon, roughness, manipulation, unintentional exhibition
Steve hates these parties. After a mission, the work has just begun, and he fumes at the impossible way that Tony covers all problems in diamonds and pearls. Some things aren’t meant to be pretty.
You are. You’re soft, and kind, and you coax him gently away from the party—the source of his frustrations, with promises of leaving early, of calming down. Oh. He’ll calm down. And you’re just the toy to help. In a closet a corner away from the government’s finest, America’s golden boy has a hand on your throat and one demand.
“Keep quiet.”
“Of course, you both ended up at the party anyway, but with you swirling cool fingertips at his aching temples and rubbing softly over the stretch marks on his chest, he couldn’t find anything in heart to disagree with you then.
Even now with his erection pressed to you through barriers of clothing, with scarcely retrained and monstrous lust, he is steadily calmed by your presence. This rush, the secrecy—it excites him. And you pull him through the haze of it.”
4) Monster Thor Headcanons
warnings: wound and gore descriptions, some sadness
The fantasy of it all. Aesthetic, Lifestyle, Behavior. Some talking points include: hair, horns, hints about how he was influenced by a soft and charming lover many years ago, general horniness. Also spoiler that I’ve decided that He is 8ft tall
“Thor is...ancient. he is a being of war and folklore and raw energy and he’s earthy and elemental and connected. and form follows function. (and also whatever horny thoughts we want )”
5) The Call
warnings: voyeurism, death threats, obsession, implied sexual assault threats
When Frank comes to visit you, you beam like a sunflower. You’ve rearranged your room, and you’re excited about it. He would like to revel in the moment with you...but he’s caught up in one detail. Your bed is pushed against the window...and he can’t convince you to let him move it.
After a night of sin and wild lovemaking, you lie asleep bathed in moonlight, and Frank wakes to a call. Billy. He’s set up on a rooftop miles away, and he’s got things to say about Frank’s girl and what he’d like to do to her. A red dot on his chest means he can only listen. To your gentle snoring, and to the twisted fantasy of a brother unhinged.
“Black silk pajamas. Hair wrapped up in satin. Yellow light almost like sun stretches to the ceiling, but not quite over the rolling hills of your silhouette turned away from him in quiet sleep.
Frank’s hardly got the time to wonder why he’s awake, because his phone buzzes slow again. Pulls the moment he realizes he will have to break this magic peace to molasses and he half fills his lungs before huffing it out and flipping the phone open and tucked between his ear and shoulder.
“She’s a reaaaaal pretty one, Frankie boy. You sure know how to pick em.”
6) Loki Longing (Untitled)
warnings: pregnant!fem reader, angst
On the Eve of the birth of Asgard’s heir, Thor is away. In a bath of flowers and magic to ease your pain, maidens worry over you, and Loki rescues you away, letting you rest in bed, and dreaming of the days when you were his lover instead.
“I’d like to rest…in my bed now, please.”
The ladies look to each other. It hasn’t been long enough for the herbs to take effect.
“My Queen,” the eldest starts—
“She is certainly your queen,” a silky silver timbre interrupts, “I’ve learned it’s best to mind her.”
His eyes fall to your form, and some blocked conflict—some guarded affection rests there. Some longing tucked in a pocket like an impossible secret.
7) With Child - Obsessive Steve
warnings: pregnant!fem reader, obsessive Steve
Watching you content, and very pregnant, as you gaze adoringly at your husband Thor from where you rest, half in his lap, Steve can’t help but fantasize. He thinks about impregnating you, the mechanics of sex with a pregnant woman, and being the god who does it all.
“Do you have to lie on your side? Is Thor just behind you, spooning you, fucking with desperate thrusts because you drive him so crazy this way? Steve has heard—and he doesn’t know where—that women get wetter when with child. Steve can’t help but wonder...does Thor need to hold one leg up for you—to save your back that’s so often heavy with the weight of supporting his legacy?”
8) Dean’s Girl
warnings: unreliable pov (john), voyeurism, masturbation + voyeurism
John notices the way you avoid him. You always seem to leave a room just as he’s coming into it. He’s living in the bunker now, and having to realize a lot of things that have changed for the both of his sons.
For example, his oldest, the last he’d ever think would fall in love, has got a pretty girl that dismisses her practical father in law with pointed boredom. She’s protective—how can he blame her after all that he’d put Dean through?
She’s pretty, and John is only a man, and can’t stop himself from just...looking. It starts with a convenient bend as she unloads the dishwasher...then he..can’t help that the door was open and she happened to be changing right there. He also can’t help it the next time when he’s just a little too obvious, pleasuring himself to the smell of her pretty lace panties.
9) Operator, Operator - Steve Smut
warnings: smut, financial troubles?, mentions of creepiness against and danger to sex workers, exhibitionism via phone call
Underpaid and overworked, you along with your roommate/secret crush/ best friend Steve have trouble making ends meet on minimum wage + his art commissions. When you start picking up calls on a phone sex line, he’s able to reason. It’s quick cash, and Steve is mature enough to keep his thoughts appropriate...at first.
One day, he wakes to the sound of breathy moans and a faked orgasms. He wonders how you would sound if only you were high on real pleasure...and there’s no time like the present. Don’t hang up. This call has only just started.
“By the time this year—junior year—swung around, Steve realized he was only catching glimpses of you. He would hear the shake of your keys when you tossed them on the counter, your backpack when it thudded to the floor, and most recently—your moans.
You must not know he’s home. Ever since you started online sex work, specifically being a phone sex operator, you seemed to also make the silent choice that more graphic calls would be saved for when he’s not around.
He gets it. You both split the rent, and Steve has done jobs he’d rather not mention in desperate times, when commissions came short. Still, sometimes you can’t tell when he’s here, and despite his best efforts to push down his arousal, to tell himself you’re his best friend...he’s an artist, and he can’t help but listen, and certainly not the wandering of his imagination.”
10) Professor Steve Medfet - (Untitled)
In an alternate timeline, a washed up Steve Rogers starts a new life in a run down city as an art / anatomy teacher. A class of hungry college students is filled to the brim each year, expecting the unspoken promise of their favorite hands on lab. You.
You keep his class sated, in turn giving the professor job security for funding his simple life out of the public eye. Each year when he calls, you come. Each year the students find a new way to tear you embarrass and degrade, much to the pleasure of the professor.
“Same speech. Same meaningless words. Focusing on the stillness of your skin and how it feels to be alone, you can almost drown out the way his tone edges toward excitement, the way the chairs shift and squeak—the anticipation.
Pretending your heart doesn’t send heat and cold flashes through you and run your breathing shallow, you look at the nicks in the door and try to guess their stories.
But then the metal frame clicks, the door unlatches. Professor Rogers wears a gentle smirk. It doesn’t ease your mind one bit.”
11) Swelter - Forest God Thor
warnings: sexual scenes, time limited conflict, religious themes
With a sickness overtaking nearby villages, yours is next, and has decided to sacrifice you to the cause of foraging for preventative herbs. You venture into the ancient woods after a rare vine of flowers, but leave with much more after encountering Thor.
After disturbing him where he lies cooling in the bank of a stream, you vow to prove the true intention of your soul—that you aren’t a hunter, or witch after his form or faculty, but a pious girl, also needing to escape the heat.
“You’re in the old woods now, and aside from the trees and the mossy nature tangled around them, there is only Him. Thor.
God of the harvest, bringer of land’s wealth, fertility, and vitality. You know of the sacrifices, of the woods where He is rumored to live in an unseen form, of livid white fire in the sky if He is severely displeased.
His name must not be spoken outside of prayer or ritual, and even now, you stutter to think it, and wonder if you are alone in your thoughts.”
“The frustration and the fear in your dilemma disturb the air, disquieting the otherwise enduring peace of the old woods, which rouses a large form in the cool muddy bank of the stream. It is only leaves shifting at first. Faded pumpkin and dried oak scatter—and suddenly the air smells like rain and your mouth sets around the tastes of copper and sage. Then, the leaves tumble off of a beast of a mass that rises slowly, and you note that it felt like the atmosphere changed to accommodate its awakening.”
12) Halloween Party - Thor Smut (Untitled)
warnings: smut, heartbreak, depressed!reader
An exclusive and mysterious Halloween party is still on this year—and you’re invited. It’s meant to be so extravagant and flashy an Avenger will one day attend, and all attendees decorate themselves in costumes inspired by the heroes, hoping to be noticed.
Fresh after a breakup with your boyfriend Brock, you take one half of the preordered couples costume and dress up as a goddess, determined to have a good night with your friends, find some excitement, and most importantly, a new god to match.
“Standing solemn, floor to ceiling windows allow in a few milky rays reflected by the moon, but they’re all the gems of your bodice need to gleam to a suitor's eye. Tonight, while you plan to rid your soul of another, you are welcomed with open arms and careful consideration as the final offering at an altar. You are seen by a god.”
13) Grief
warnings: dead!reader, guilt, grief, scary science, how do i say this... smut that is borderline necroph—there’s a replica of you, dark!steve, tony lives, pepper dies
Steve’s world is upside down. He’s lost the light of his life, and is completely in the dark. Luckily for him, Tony is back in the business of reality rejecting technology, and has found a way for him to be with you again.
At an abandoned cottage, Steve brings an armful of your scents to give the Tony’s invention sensory data, and faces the strange reality of what’s always been his worst stage...his worst trait. Denial.
“Dozens of test bottles full of manufactured scents, the kind of thing you smell borrowing a sweater, or with your face in the crook of someone’s neck. Essentially, the sort of organic thing that cannot be recaptured.
Steve’s got an armful of perfume and body wash. Of conditioner and deodorant, of all the elements he can think that make you smell the way you would—the way you do.
He wills the thoughts to be present tense. If he pretends you are alive, maybe it will look like it is you only sleeping. He wonders how well Tony knows the texture of your hair suddenly, because if it isn’t right, the experience will fall to shambles. It currently walks a plank over shambles. One wrong interpretation or surprise, and Steve will find himself spinning and burning with the fall into a new and uncharted taboo.”
14) Night Drive - Dean Smut
warnings: road head
On a long overnight drive, your back pressed into the seat of the impala makes you miss lying in bed with your lover, makes you miss his gentle caress right next to you...so you remind him how good it is to be close.
“You think about it when he hums a little tune. When he hums the song he wishes would play and thinks will come up next, it is eerily soft, and eerily similar to the soft contentment he sighs when you kiss on his neck.
When he reaches for your hand to hold, it makes you consider the shortness of the distance between you, and you think of pulling his cock out right here, giving him head that melts him here on this endless road.
Looking at him, he senses your interest—he turns his head to meet your eyes, throws up a grin of boyish charm. He’s happy to be here with you. These night drives are fine. He’s never minded them. But they’re even lovelier when in your company.”
15) Shadow - The Bucky Mystery
warnings: stalking, injury, sexual assault, canon typical hydra torture, mentions of bucky being forced to assault people, traumatized reader
On the run from Hydra, there aren’t many things that Bucky can remember. Inside his mind, there aren’t many feelings that make sense. Mostly, he feels guilt. Horror.
Following you to the gym where you practice ballet alone in the nights is all that makes sense, and for reasons he can’t explain, he feels drawn to you.
As time goes on, Bucky feels more enticed by his desire, you start to feel eyes staring from the walls, motivations and traumas are revealed, and in a horrible symphony, you both remember your connection.
“He’s a matte shadow against the noir shine of metal walls—an observer in the unlit quiet on his side of the room.
And he feels his unimportance. It’s humbling. Holds up the room like chunky beams and high rafters, dressed in the same layered neutrals. Framing the same cotton candy dancer, silent as the pad of her slippers when she turns her weight onto a straight leg, other coming up with her ankle pointed to the bend of her knee.
She spins, she spins and she whips her head around with each one, but it’s Bucky who gets dizzy.”
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alixanonymous · 4 years
How A Demon Commissions An Angel ~ A Daminette FanFic ~ Chapter 8: A Review Of Friendships
From the phone of Marinette Dupain-Cheng:
Chat Name: Mr. Postscript
Me: We’re getting nowhere with this!!!
Mr. Postscript: You don’t say…
Me: Your sarcasm isn’t helping.
Mr. Postscript: Well, it certainly can’t be hurting our progress seeing as we aren’t making any.
Me: Ughhhhh, Damian!!! 
Mr. Postscript: What do you want me to do? It’s not my fault Todd isn’t exactly the sentimental type! Our only “inside jokes” are our attempts on the other’s life.
Me: Right. 
Me: I just don’t see how we can get Grayson’s piece planned out so quickly and yet still not have even a single detail for Jasons besides knowing it needs to be a leather jacket!
Mr. Postscript: And that it won’t have any pockets.
Me: Not. Helping.
Me: Or happening. 
Mr. Postscript: I don’t know what to say then.
Mr. Postscript: Grayson is quite possibly the easiest person on the planet to please alright? He’s the most emotional in the family and would probably always have been the easiest to design for.
Mr. Postscript: Todd, on the other hand, is difficult, in all meanings of the words.
Me: What do you mean by that?
Mr. Postscript: If you knew them, you’d see what I mean.
Mr. Postscript: It’s like this, if Grayson is the most annoyingly cheery and friendly person, then Todd would be his opposite: frustratingly angry and antagonistic.
Me: Huh, he didn’t seem like it when we talked.
Mr. Postscript: Need I remind you that you had a short exchange on a stolen phone?
Me: Right, sorry.
Me: But I get the comparison!
Me: Grayson = Brightly colored Xmas sweater Jason = Leather biker jacket worn by someone with a chip on his shoulder
Mr. Postscript: An apt description.
Me: He did seem to care about you though… 
Me: He wants you to stay, they all do.
Mr. Postscript: I assure you that was news to me.
Me: Did you think they didn’t?
Mr. Postscript: I don’t know what I thought. Our family has never been particularly open with our feelings.
Me: Even Grayson? You say he’s emotional right?
Mr. Postscript: It’s hard to explain.
Me: Wanna try?
Mr. Postscript: Didn’t we just have a conversation about my complicated relationships? Do you really want to do this again so soon?
Me: I’m good to go. It’s really about if you want to.  
Me: I’m not going to push, Damian. That’s not what I’m trying to do.
Mr. Postscript: What are you trying to do?
Me: I don’t know, understand? Listen? Like I told your brother, I do think of you as a friend. 
Me: This doesn’t all have to be one long give and take exchange.
Mr. Postscript: Right.  
Mr. Postscript: So we’re doing this.
Me: Not if you don’t want to!
Mr. Postscript: Stop the indecisiveness and concern, I’ve agreed alright!
Me: If you’re sure… 
Mr. Postscript: Unlike you, I’m not in the habit of doing things I don’t want to.
Me: Whoa! 
Me: Low blow! Foul!
Me: Foul I say!
Mr. Postscript: Sorry? 
Mr. Postscript: I can’t tell if you’re kidding….
Me: I am! :)
Mr. Postscript: … 
Mr. Postscript: You’re a dork.
Me: No, I’m an angel. You said so yourself!
Mr. Postscript: I’m regretting that now… 
Me: Mhmmm, sure….
Mr. Postscript: Can we get back to my complicated family now?
Me: Great idea.
Mr. Postscript: Wait a moment.
Mr. Postscript: Was this all an attempt at reverse psychology?
Me: Well…
Me: If it was, I’d say it worked, wouldn’t you?
Mr. Postscript: … 
Mr. Postscript: You unnerve me sometimes.
Me: Really, why?
Mr. Postscript: You always seem to have the upperhand. I find myself often saying things I normally never would around you.
Me: I feel the same most of the time.
Me: I wish I could talk to my classmates the way I talk to you. 
Mr. Postscript: Right, well I’m glad to see the feeling is mutual.
Mr. Postscript: Now as for my family…
Me: Okay, I’m listening.
Mr. Postscript: Right, well.
Mr. Postscript: Like I said, feelings aren’t addressed much in our family.
Mr. Postscript: It wasn’t like that in my mother’s family either I suppose.
Mr. Postscript: It’s hard to explain but I assume it’s because they’ve all been together longer.
Mr. Postscript: I don’t know. It’s like my family is talking and I’ll be right there and it’s like I’m only getting half the conversation. My brothers, they understand each other in a way I can’t seem to. 
Mr. Postscript: I suppose it’s because they know each other’s histories or maybe it’s just because they’re better at understanding people than I am. What do people call it, reading between the lines?
Mr. Postscript: They may not get along together all the time but they can communicate well enough. I can’t seem to figure out when something’s a joke or not. 
Mr. Postscript: It’s difficult to describe.
Mr. Postscript: Like you pointed out before, I also have trouble refraining from making assumptions and those do tend to lead me to the wrong conclusions a lot of the time as well. 
Mr. Postscript: Grayson is the best at explaining things. I suppose it wouldn’t be wrong to say he is the most emotionally equipped of all of us.
Mr. Postscript: Except Alfred. Alfred surpasses all of us.
Me: Who’s Alfred?
Mr. Postscript: Our butler, but don’t let the title fool you. He’s family. He helped me apologize to you actually.
Me: Oh, that’s great. It seems like you have some allies at least, not to make it sound like a war or anything.
Mr. Postscript: That’s the problem: I shouldn’t need help. I hate feeling like a child who can’t understand when the adults are talking. I’m still on the outside even though that’s exactly where I started.
Me: Besides the communication issue, is there anything else that makes you feel like an outsider? Anything they do? Is that why you call by their last names?
Mr. Postscript: None of it’s intentional mind you. I am an outsider and all of their inside jokes and how they understand each other so well simply serves to remind me of that. I bet if I did start calling them their first names they would make a big deal about it, so no point in starting now.
Mr. Postscript: I mean all of it is one big reminder that even if I’m his only real son, he chose them and they chose this life. They’re his family and I’m the son he never knew existed that got dumped at his feet when I was ten. Neither of us had a choice in the matter. 
Me: What about now? Does he choose to acknowledge you as a son now?
Mr. Postscript: Yes, although I keep proving to be more difficult than his other children despite my best efforts.
Me: That wasn’t your choice right? It’s cultural differences, not to mention that they’re all older.
Mr. Postscript: No but it’s my fault I haven’t managed the distance yet.
Me: It sounds like you didn’t have much of a choice in that matter either, how much you could change.
Mr. Postscript: Where are you going with all of this?
Me: What choices do you get to make, Damian? What do you want?
Mr. Postscript: I already told you, I want my father to be proud of me.
Me: So to do that you have to change? Be more like your brothers?
Mr. Postscript: I mean I must get better, grow, improve.
Me: Because you want your father to be proud of you, so you can be part of the family he had before you joined?
Me: Or because you want that for yourself?
Mr. Postscript: Can it not be all of the above?
Me: What’s the main reason? What drives you?
Mr. Postscript: Look, I don’t think you understand the situation, not everything relates to your own unfortunate situation okay? Can we just get back to Todd’s jacket?
Me: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to push.
Me: I know I can be a bit preoccupied with my own situation but the thing is, Damian, I know what it’s like to need other people's validation okay? It’s not good and it’s not healthy.
Mr. Postscript: My father is nothing like your pathetic peers. He only wants what’s best for me.
Me: I think that’s true, but how can he know what that is when all you want is to please him?
Me: Look, it’s not my place to tell you what you want and should want but it seems like you haven’t had a lot of choices in your life and I’d hate to see you only continue to do what other people expect you to.
Mr. Postscript: I don’t feel like talking more about this right now. I need some time to think on the situation. 
Mr. Postscript: Now can we get back to work on Todd’s jacket seeing as we’ve been talking for hours and have managed practically zero progress?
Me: Right, okay..
Me: Let’s start back at the simple stuff then: What does he like to do?
Mr. Postscript: Besides piss people off?
Me: … 
Me: Yes, Damian, besides that.
Mr. Postscript: Nothing comes to mind.
Me: Any hobbies? Interests?
Mr. Postscript: Well, he likes guns.
Me: Guns?!
Mr. Postscript: Yes.
Me: … 
Me: Like collecting guns?
Mr. Postscript: You could say that.
Me: Okay, well that’s a start.
Me: I could embroider some guns onto the front of the jacket or on the labels as a smaller detail? Would that work? I think it’d be pretty cool.
Mr. Postscript: It’s a bit difficult for me to picture but it sounds like a good idea, fitting at the very least. It might help seeing it drawn out first.
Me: Okay, well there we go. Somewhere to begin at least. Now, you said he likes the colors red and black right? Do you want the jacket to be one of those?
Mr. Postscript: Yes, that would be preferable.
Me: Give me a minute to think… 
Me: So how about this? I think gold thread would be best for the stitching and then I’d recommend using black for the body so the designs will show up better. If you want, I could also use red fabric to line the inside of the jacket and wait, you wanted this to have a hood too right? I could use red fabric for the inside of that too.
Mr. Postscript: … 
Mr. Postscript: All of that sounds fitting, especially the red lining in the hood. I definitely approve the color placement..
Me: Great!
Me: I think that’s actually enough for me to draw up some designs with a few different styles of the jacket itself. 
Me: Is there any way you could send me a picture of the kind of gun you’d want me to use as a model? I have no clue about that kind of thing… 
Mr. Postscript: I can do that. He has two favorites so perhaps one on each side?
Me: Right, two favorite guns…  sounds good. Symmetrical too.
Me: So, do you want to add any wording? I could make it subtle if he’s not the sentimental type, add it on with the embroidery.
Mr. Postscript: Hm, how about “Carpe Diem”? One word on the barrel of each gun.
Me: “Seize the day”? I love it. 
Me: Oh, I can just picture it, it’ll look so good in gold thread on the black leather!
Mr. Postscript: Just to clarify, you won’t be using real leather, right?
Me: Of course not! I would never!
Mr. Postscript: Good, that’s good to hear. 
Mr. Postscript: I’m actually vegan.
Me: Oh cool!
Mr. Postscript: Have you ever considered the lifestyle? It has many benefits, especially environmental.
Me: No, but I do try to limit my meat intake. Dairy is a little harder since we live in a bakery.
Mr. Postscript: Ah, I see.
Me: What made you decide to go vegan? Environmental reasons?
Mr. Postscript: Actually, I acquired a pet cow.
Me: You have a pet cow?!!!
Mr. Postscript: Yes. 
Mr. Postscript: Would you like to see pictures?
Me: Yes!
Mr. Postscript: They’re on my computer so I’ll email them later.
Me: Cool! What’s their name?
Mr. Postscript: … 
Mr. Postscript: It’s B.C.
Me: Damian, please tell me you did not just give your cow an alias!
Mr. Postscript: Of course not, we call her that for short.
Me: Then what’s B.C. stand for?
Mr. Postscript: …  
Mr. Postscript: Before Christmas
Me: Before Christmas? Really? Why???
Mr. Postscript: She was an early Christmas present.
Me: So you decided to name her Before Christmas?
Mr. Postscript: I was a child and uncreative.
Me: Well, as long as you admit it… 
Mr. Postscript: Shouldn’t we get back to the commission? We’re almost out of time.
Me: Okay, I still don’t buy that name though so don’t think you got away with anything.
Mr. Postscript: I never do around you.
Me: So, back to the commission. As soon as you send me those pictures of the guns, I’ll have enough to do the first sketches. Then all we’ll have left will be Drake’s sweater, right?
Mr. Postscript: Yes, everything seems on track. Do you want to tackle Drake’s sweater tomorrow, same time?
Me: Sorry, I’m not able to tomorrow.
Mr. Postscript: Oh?
Me: Yeah, I’m meeting my class for an outing at the park after school.
Mr. Postscript: You still do those kinds of things?
Me: When I can.
Mr. Postscript: Why would you do that?
Me: I don’t know maybe because I don’t like being alone all the time if I can help it?
Mr. Postscript: It’s better to be alone than unappreciated.
Me: Can you honestly say you believe that, after everything you told me about your family?
Mr. Postscript: That’s different and you know it.
Me: Of course it is.
Me: Look, all I know is I’m trying my best to make things work. Sometimes things aren’t as simple as cutting all ties. Is it so wrong of me to try and salvage what I can of my friendships?
Mr. Postscript: No, it’s not. I didn’t mean to judge. 
Mr. Postscript: I just hate seeing you having to crawl after them. It doesn’t seem like they're doing much to try and salvage anything.
Me: Look, Damian, I know I asked you to help me not be taken advantage of but I don’t want to completely lose faith in everyone okay? I don’t want to live like that, to always be so pessimistic. So just this once, can you let me look on the brightside? Please?
Mr. Postscript: Very well. We can message the day after tomorrow.
Me: Thank you.
Me: Oh and I’m almost done with the sketches for Grayson’s sweater so check your email sometime tomorrow okay and let me know which one you like best!
Mr. Postscript: I will.
Me: Great! Goodnight, Damian!
Mr. Postscript: Night, angel.
Google Search History 
Tacky Christmas Sweaters
Who started making tacky xmas sweaters?
Audrey Bourgeois on tacky christmas sweaters
Robin Robin Batman
Gotham Superheroes
Gotham Vigilantes
Gotham Villains
Does it mean anything if a boy calls you angel?
How to not read too much into things
How to spot red flags
Where’s the barrel of a gun?
Gotham Gun Laws
Gotham Crime Rate
Chat Name: Alya
Me: Hey, I’m here! Where are you guys?
Alya: We’re in line getting popcorn.
Me: At the park?
Alya: No, at the movie theater… 
Me: What?
Me: No, let me guess: Lila decided at the last minute that she wanted to see a movie and no one thought to tell me.
Alya: That’s not what happened! You always jump to blame Lila!
Me: No, then I guess Lila said she was going to let me know and conveniently forgot?
Alya: It’s not her fault Marinette. She gets memory lapses.
Me: Then why did she offer to be the one to tell me? Or rather why did you let her?
Alya: I’m sorry, okay! I forgot for a second. 
Alya: Look, the movie’s going to start soon but we can hang out this weekend! Just the two of us if you want.
Me: I’m busy.
Alya: You’re always busy these days. 
Me: Well, I wasn’t today or at least I made sure not to be.
Me: You should go. The movie’s starting. 
Chat Name: Mr. Postscript
Me: Well, it turns out I am free to talk today after all.
Mr. Postscript: What happened?
Me: Why should I say? I don’t need you to me “I told you so.” I got it, okay? 
Me: You were right.
Mr. Postscript: I wish I wasn’t.
Me: Really? 
Me: You love being right.
Mr. Postscript: No, I merely detest being wrong.
Me: … really?
Mr. Postscript: Okay, I admit I do find some satisfaction in being acknowledged for my superior intellect, but I find none in this case, not when it comes at my friend's expense.
Me: Damian, I think that might be the nicest thing I’ve ever heard!
Mr. Postscript: Yes, well it’s painfully obvious your standards for that would be very low. 
Mr. Postscript: Now, tell me what they did.
Me: Apparently Lila decided she wanted to see a movie at the last minute and forgot to tell me because of a “memory lapse”.
Mr. Postscript: That’s sick. 
Mr. Postscript: How has no one thought to confirm anything she says? I mean faking illnesses like that, she can’t be mentally stable, Marinette. She could be dangerous.
Me: I know, especially considering we have a villain that preys on negative emotions to worry about but what else can I do? All the teachers and the principal believe her without proof.
Mr. Postscript: Haven’t you considered legal action? There’s proof of her numerous lies all over your classmate’s blog, not the least of which being her claim that you committed theft of intellectual property! That’s grounds for slander! 
Me: I don’t like the idea of a lawsuit Damian. That would be so messy and with practically everyone believing her, not to mention that her mother is a diplomat, it wouldn’t be worth it. I’m not sure I’d win.
Mr. Postscript: You’d win. You’d be the only side with proof. 
Mr. Postscript: Also, I’ve mentioned before that I have resources that would make failure unthinkable.
Me: Right, resources… 
Me: Damian, you’re not into anything illegal right?
Mr. Postscript: What? Of course not! Where is this coming from?
Me: Well, you see… 
Me: You live in the crime capital of the world, you mentioned before that you’re not like my usual clientele but still have the means to afford my services, you just told me that brother collects guns, and offered to use “resources” that would guarantee I’d win in court. 
Me: So, um, yeah, I was getting kind of concerned.
Mr. Postscript: … 
Mr. Postscript: Right, well when you put it like that, I can see how you might jump to that conclusion so allow me to put your mind at ease.
Mr. Postscript: When I said I wasn't like your normal clientele, I meant that I’m not a performer of any kind. My family’s fortune comes from a completely legal business owned by my father and old money he inherited when his parents died. The resources I refer to are our family’s lawyers and legal teams who would never stoop so low as to lose a lawsuit against a pathological liar whose claims are outrageous and well documented. 
Me: Ohhh
Mr. Postscript: Other than that, Gotham, while crime infested, is a large city and many law-abiding citizens live here too. Todd is also one of them for the most part and he only uses his guns with rubber bullets for self defense because Gotham is still a dangerous place to live.
Me: I see, well that makes sense. 
Me: He does have permits for his guns though right?
Mr. Postscript: Angel, no one has gun permits in Gotham, not even the police. 
Me: Right, well… 
Me: Sorry about that!
Mr. Postscript: It’s okay. I can see how it looked. 
Mr. Postscript: Frankly, I’m more than a little relieved that you’re at least being somewhat careful considering we’re still friends that only talk online and who met when I tried to blackmail you.
Me: You know, I don’t hold that against you anymore.
Mr. Postscript: You should.
Me: I mean I could…
Me: but I don’t!
Mr. Postscript: You know… 
Mr. Postscript: Your ability to forgive is commendable. I don’t think you’re wrong to practice it. I just hate that it allows people to hurt you like they did today.
Me: I’m not hurt, Damian. 
Me: I mean sure I’m disappointed but honestly I don’t care that much anymore. I just thought it was worth a try.
Me: And anyways I find I enjoy talking to you more than any of the interactions I’ve had with my class of late. So I guess it all worked out for the better.
Mr. Postscript: I see. 
Mr. Postscript: Is this that brightside you were talking about?
Me: Why, yes. 
Me: Yes, it is.
Mr. Postscript: It’s nice.
Me: Isn’t it?
Mr. Postscript: They don’t know what they’re missing.
Me: They don’t need to.
Me: More for us.
Mr. Postscript: I find your reasoning sound.
Me: Hey, Damian? Thank you.
Mr. Postscript: For what? 
Mr. Postscript: Not being a criminal?
Me: Haha, no!
Me: For making me feel better, for being my friend.
Mr. Postscript: Angel, if apologies were necessary, I’d owed you a thousand.
Me: Nooooo
Me: Maybe just a couple hundred?
Mr. Postscript: Funny. 
Me: Oh, hey! Did you get a chance to look at the designs I sent?
Mr. Postscript: I did. Your talent really shows in your drawings. They all looked very good. 
Mr. Postscript: I can just picture Grayson crying on Christmas morning.
Me: So, did you make a decision? 
Me: Did you? Did you?
Mr. Postscript: I did.
Me: Sooooo, don’t hold your breath! Tell me!
Mr. Postscript: I’m partial to the one where the robin’s wearing sunglasses. I don’t why but it seems like it would fit Grayson.
Me: Yay! I was kind of hoping you’d choose that one too!
Me: One design done, two to go!
Me: Oh and got your pictures and have already started on the jacket! So now we just have to meet to go over Drake’s piece.
Mr. Postscript: We’re still on for tomorrow, right?
Me: Yes, sounds good!
Me: Oh, and Before Christmas is a beauty!
Mr. Postscript: What?
Mr. Postscript: Oh, right. 
Mr. Postscript: Yes. 
Mr. Postscript: Yes, she is.
Me: … 
Me: Damian, you’re really bad with aliases.
Mr. Postscript: I took the “use the initials” idea from you.
Me: Fine. I guess that makes us both bad at aliases.
Mr. Postscript: I suppose, if it makes you feel better.
Me: I’m not the one who needs to feel better, Before Christmas.
Mr. Postscript: … 
Mr. Postscript: Tell no one of this.
Me: Your secret’s safe with me, B.C.
Chat Name: The Child Prodigies (If you don’t look closely)
Me: Kagami, I saw the match online! You did so well! I’m sure even your mother couldn’t find anything to critique.
Gami: I’m afraid you severely underestimate her, Mari. It’s even worse now that I’m finally old enough to qualify for the Olympics, even if they are still three years away.
Me: Don’t listen to her! Well, not too much anyway. You were amazing!
Luka: She’s right. You did great, Kagami.
Gami: Enough about me, how did it go today?
Me: Well… 
Luka: Oh no. What happened, melody?
Me: Nothing. They didn’t show up but it’s fine, really. I’m not even surprised anymore.
Gami: That doesn’t make it any better, Marinette.
Me: No really guys, I’m good. It all worked out in the end.
Luka: So what’d you end up doing?
Me: Just sat in the park and worked on a commision.
Gami: I suppose it was the one for the blackmailer then?
Me: Not this again! 
Me: We’re way past that now, Kagami. He’s actually way better at friendship than blackmailing.
Gami: So you say, but if you would just give me a few moments to talk with him and verify that I’d be less concerned.
Me: I don’t want you scaring him off!
Luka: From what you’ve said, it sounds like he doesn’t scare easily.
Me: No, Luka, not you too!
Luka: We just care about you, Marinette and we’ve seen you hurt too many times. Besides, if he really is your friend like we are, wouldn’t it be good for us all to get along?
Me: … 
Me: You’re going to guilt trip me into this, aren’t you?
Luka: No… 
Gami: If we must.
Me: … 
Me: You and him have so much in common.
Gami: I’d like to see that for myself.
Luka: So?
Me: Fine… I’ll ask but I make no promises okay? He might not agree.
Gami: He will if he knows what’s good for him.
Me: And no threats!
Luka: We’ll see.
Gami: No promises.
Chat Name: Mr. Postscript
Me: Hey Damian! So I know you’re probably really busy so I really don’t want to bother you or anything… 
Mr. Postscript: No, it’s fine. I have about thirty minutes before my father expects me. What do you need?
Me: Need? Oh, nothing! It’s just my friends wanted to talk to you and I promised I’d ask but since you have to do something soon, it’s fine.
Mr. Postscript: Friends? What kinds of friends? 
Mr. Postscript: Are they reading over your shoulder right now?
Me: What?! Oh, no! 
Me: They aren’t a part of Lila’s posse or whatever. In fact, they’re not even in my class. I guess I just haven’t mentioned them yet because they have super busy careers and travel a lot now but we still talk all the time. 
Me: I told them about you (nothing personal though) and uh how we met so they just wanted to make sure I was safe. I tried to tell them they have nothing to worry about but after everything with Lila… let’s just say they’re a little protective!
Mr. Postscript: Good. 
Mr. Postscript: I’m glad you have some decent friends on your side.
Me: Me too! Well, since you’re busy I don’t want to make you late!
Mr. Postscript: Oh, it’s fine. I’m sure I have enough time to meet them. Did you want to do it over a group text?
Me: Oh, it’s okay! You don’t have to or anything!
Mr. Postscript: Seriously, angel, it’s fine. I mean it’s only fair since you had to put up with Todd for a conversation. I’m interested in meeting some of your other friends too.
Me: Right…
Me: Just give me a second to make the group chat.
Chat Name: The Child Prodigies (If you don’t look closely)
Me: You guys get ten questions max okay? He only has like twenty minutes.
Gami: Each?
Me: Total!
Luka: Hurry, melody, you said we only have a little time right?
Me: Fine.
Chat Name: All My Favorite People
Me: Okay, can you guys introduce yourselves?
Luka: Hey, man. I’m Luka.
Gami: Hello, you may address me as Kagami.
Mr. Postscript: Damian, pleasure to meet you both.
Luka: Ah, a formal one I see.
Gami: How much time do you have left so we may act accordingly?
Mr. Postscript: Actually, my father agreed to give me the night off from my duties so I could meet you and there’s still hours until dinner so I’m available till then.
Luka: Formal and a controlling father? Marinette, I think you have a type.
Mr. Postscript: My father isn’t controlling, I merely have responsibilities that can’t be put off sometimes.
Me: Of course, Damian. They should be thankful you were able to get the night off at all especially since it’s only to satisfy their curiosity.
Luka: Right then, shall we begin? You ready? 
Mr. Postscript: Of course.
Me: Remember, this isn’t an interrogation, you guys!
Gami: How old are you?
Mr. Postscript: Sixteen
Me: Huh, I figured something like that but I don’t think I ever asked before… 
Luka: So that would put you in what grade?
Mr. Postscript: In the American schooling system, I would normally be in tenth grade and considered a junior but I skipped a grade and am now in my second to last year of secondary school.
Luka: A little wordy but okay. 
Gami: Why’d you skip a grade?
Mr. Postscript: I was far ahead of my fellow classmates and found school boring and redundant so my father allowed me to knock a year off my plate.
Luka: Do you often resort to blackmailing to get your way?
Me: Luka! 
Me: I told you we’re over it!
Mr. Postscript: It’s fine, Marinette. They’re right to be concerned. They care about you, do they not?
Luka: Of course, we do.
Gami: It’s not our affections in question.
Me: Um, I think you guys are taking this wayyy too seriously.
Gami: Nonsense, now answer the question.
Mr. Postscript: I can’t say I’ve ever tried that tactic before. 
Mr. Postscript: Or ever will again.
Mr. Postscript: I did get a good friend out of it, however I doubt there are many people with Marinette’s ability to forgive so I wouldn’t take a chance on getting a result as favorable as this again.
Luka: Dang
Luka: That was a good answer
Gami: No, it wasn’t. It was satisfactory at best. Now, tell me, do you have any experience in fencing?
Me: Kagami, you can’t duel him.
Gami: We will see.
Mr. Postscript: Fencing? No. I’m more familiar with traditional swordplay.
Me: What? Really?!
Gami: Oh?
Gami: Weapon of choice?
Mr. Postscript: Katanna 
Me: WHAT?!
Gami: I see.
Gami: Now, that is a good answer.
Luka: Really? Cause I don’t think Marinette needs any more weapon-wielding friends.
Gami: With that class of hers, the more the better.
Me: Kagami, no!
Mr. Postscript: Should you ever decide to launch an attack on those heathens, I would be happy to lend my sword.
Me: No no no! There will be no attacking with swords!
Luka: For now, let’s get back to the questions.
Luka: You’re going to pay Marinette in full for her services, right?
Mr. Postscript: Of course! What do you take me for, a thief?
Luka: It’s best to be certain, to make sure you know there are people who will hold you accountable.
Me: Luka, I said no threats!
Gami: Her class has taken advantage of her talents too many times to not be cautious. I can only imagine how much time and materials they’ve cost her over the years, thinking they shouldn’t have to pay because she was their friend.
Mr. Postscript: You didn’t mention this, Marinette.
Me: I mean I kind of did. Remember when I said I was done designing for people who didn’t deserve it? That’s what I meant.
Mr. Postscript: That’s criminal!
Me: It’s in the past, Damian. It’s my fault I let it go on too long.
Gami: Nonsense!
Luka: You know that’s not true Mari.
Me: Right, well, let’s just move on.
Mr. Postscript: Marinette, remember all those times you’ve told me it wasn’t my fault?
Me: Of course.
Mr. Postscript: Could see how your words might apply to this?
Me: …
Me: I guess. 
Mr. Postscript: We can talk about it later. Next question?
Luka: What’s your favorite thing about Marinette?
Me: Why ask that?
Gami: Wait, it was my turn to ask a question.
Luka: Well, you went twice in a row before so I’m doing it now.
Mr. Postscript: How her kindness is another form of strength.
Me: What?
Mr. Postscript: I was raised to see kindness as a weakness, as a vulnerability. Nothing since then has done much to change my mind. 
Mr. Postscript: Marinette’s kindness is unlike any I’ve encountered before although that isn’t saying much. I only wish people wouldn’t see it as a weakness and try to use it against her like I once did but they will find as I did that is not the case.
Me: … 
Me: Thank you, Damian.
Me: That was really nice.
Luka: He said nothing but the truth, my melody.
Mr. Postscript: Melody?
Luka: Yes, it’s what I like to call Marinette.
Mr. Postscript: Oh, I see.
Mr. Postscript: How nice.
Mr. Postscript: I prefer to call her angel myself.
Luka: That’s very fitting. Marinette’s like a ray of sunshine.
Me: Stop, you guys. You’re embarrassing me.
Gami: Why? It’s all true.
Me: … 
Me: I liked it better when you were interrogating each other!
Gami: Very well, we still have a question each left.
Mr. Postscript: A question each?
Luka: Marinette didn’t want us to scare you away so we were given a limit of ten questions each.
Mr. Postscript: Well, Marinette should know I don’t scare easily but as it happens I only have twenty minutes left till dinner, so fire away.
Gami: What are your intentions towards our Marinette?
Me: Gami!!! 
Me: What the heck!
Mr. Postscript: I intend to be a good friend to her, to listen and respect her choices, to offer advice if it’s wanted, to pay her generously for her services and to support her however I can.
Luka: Is that all?
Mr. Postscript: For now, however I’m looking forward to building our relationship and to learning more about her.
Me: I am too. 
Me: I mean learning more about you.
Me: I’m looking forward to learning more about you too!
Me: Right, so that was the last question! 
Me: Thank you for putting up with this, Damian.
Luka: Wait, I don’t think that last one should count!
Gami: Agreed.
Me: Well, then you should’ve been more careful!
Mr. Postscript: I should get ready for dinner. It was interesting meeting you both, perhaps Marinette will one day let us talk again.
Luka: Here’s hoping.
Gami: I would not object to that.
Me: We’ll see. No promises.
Gami: Very well, goodnight everyone.
Luka: night!
Mr. Postscript: Goodnight. 
Mr. Postscript: Go to sleep, Marinette.
Me: Okay, goodnight!
From the phone of Luka Couffaine:
Chat Name: Sempre piu
Me: You know, I think he just might be good enough for her.
Sempre piu: We will see.
Me: Come on.
Me: Admit that you like him, and that you like him for her.
Sempre piu: Well… 
Sempre piu: He seems like someone who would not hesitate.
Me: She deserves that much. And more.
Me: It just seems like neither of them sees it yet.
Sempre piu: It will make it all the more stronger when they do. 
Sempre piu: Already she talks to him in a way she never did to Adrien.
Me: We both know that was puppy love.
Sempre piu: Even so, she’s never felt so comfortable around a potential suitor before.
Me: Could she just not see him like that?
Sempre piu: You saw how she acted around him, how unsettled she was when we talked of her to him.
Me: No, you’re right. 
Me: It’s just going to be hard waiting for them to figure it out.
Sempre piu: It’ll be worth it. 
Sempre piu: Her happiness is worth it.
Me: Yes, it is.
From the phone of Lila Rossi:
Chat Name: My Agent
My Agent: Mister Agreste has been very pleased with your work so far. He would like to set up a meeting to go over your contract and continue your excellent relationship with the Agreste brand.
Me: I’m ready whenever.
My Agent: He will see you after your photoshoot this afternoon.
Me: I’ll be there!
My Agent: Good work, Miss Rossi. He’s very pleased.
Woo! We’re almost caught up to what I’ve already posted to AO3! Yay! Now, in case anyone actually reads these and wants to know: I’m working on chapter ten and is breaking practically all the patterns my chapters usual follow but I’m not mad at yet? You might be but we’ll see! One thing I think I can give away is that so far, I don’t think Damian and Marinette will be in at all... That’s all I’ll say for now. Till next time!
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