erxsxre-archived · 2 years
DBZ but instead of erasing quirks he erases power levels.
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lunarsilkscreen · 3 months
Super Saiyan Sillyness
There's a small plot point in DBS that is really important as to the direction the series is going, but if I acknowledge it; it would be extreme spoiler content. So instead; I'm going to talk about how Super Saiyan works.
In the DragonBall series Ki is a metaphysical concept that can be used to increase your own endurance and kinetic power, without increasing your mass.
Originally, this was a small thing used by characters to shoot out magical bursts like a firearm, without a weapon. Allowing a Martial Artists to develop ranged attacks without weaponry.
As we get to DBZ however; this Ki energy becomes a way to increase your physical strength and endurance. Initially by increasing your muscle mass, and later without the forced muscle expansion that causes body degradation and extreme exhaustion.
This culminates in the Battle of Goku vs Frieza, where along with his innate spaceman genetics; Goku figures out how to use this Ki, along with his anger to transform into a super Saiyan.
What this is, is a focused version of abilities before this, developed by Roshi and King Kai. King Kai's variant being the most recognizable; Kaio Ken.
Kaio Ken, however; like the bulking Ki causes extreme wear and tear on the body. And so the Super Saiyans rarely use it after learning how to become super Saiyan.
Now, SS isn't the only type of super transformation available to denizens of Akira Toriyama's world. Frieza species seems to be able to "Go Gold" as well. Which is a full body transformation.
Similar to Super Saiyan 4 in the DBGT series, which explored the vastness of space after turning Goku into a child.
Saiyans also have a kind of werewolf transformation during the full moon, where they can't control their emotions.
This however is shown to be destructive, and akin to the muscle expansion techniques as it increases Mass equivalent to the energy gained.
The Namekians have a similar transformation showcases by Lord Slug and Orange Piccolo, which has all the same drawbacks.
What this means; is because Saiyans and Namekians and Frezians share these similar transformations and Ki generation; that these techniques should be available to every race and species.
It's just that some cultures are more ingrained with wanting to learn how to fight gooder. Or are Frieza and just Tyrants.
Vegeta and Frieza show a disdain for species that they previously believed were "inferior races". Frieza towards all Saiyans, and Vegeta to his Half-blood nephew: Gohan. Who display a completely different form of Saiyan transformation that isn't SSJ2 but is similar in power level. Dubbed Mystic Saiyan due to its creation by the influence from Supreme Kai's Magic.
But here's where it's interesting to me. As we get to Super Saiyan God mode, which is what the *real* SS legend is based on, and the Saiyan race had become extremely weak in comparison to their former abilities before the Friezers turned them into a caste of warrior conquerer slaves. Meaning they had forgotten nearly all of their *real* combat techniques that they thought made them a "superior race."
But this Super Saiyan God mode, which then can be focused into what's known as Super Saiyan Blue; demonstrates the use of Ki and it's reflection on tbe visible light spectrum.
Ki can be used raw to empower a person, but because it's non focused it will cause the body to undergo a temporary extreme physical transformation.
This is alleviated somewhat with the Kaio-Ken technique which focuses the ki to a sharper point, and allows for an exponential increase in comparison to the regular Ki power up, but has the *same* draw backs at higher levels.
Then we get to a kind of Middle point. Frieza has several forms before Gold, but they seem to be more able to limit their physical transformation to use the power gain more effectively.
In fact; Friezas stay in their supposed final form after entering permanently, and then have more forms to go, and Unlike Uzaro Form and Super Namekian form, retain a standard small humanoid size.
And here's where it gets interesting; these different forms and techniques can be combined or used interchangeably to achieve the same or similar results .
In DB:GT; Super Saiyan 4 is achieved by entering Uzaro Form, Mastering it, Turning Super while in that form, and then supressing the Ki and physical transformation to bring the user back to typical humanoid size.
With their body showcasing red fur growth over their body.
This indicates that Super Uzaro, Namek, and Frieza all use a similar method in order to achieve levels that are past Super Saiyan 3 levels.
SS3 is a unique form, because while still being Super Saiyan, it amps up the physical form of the user. It still increases the physical mass. Not only appearing to lengthen the hair follicles (which is probably just run-off ki, as the user returns to normal after use)
But bulking up as with the previous forms drawbacks.
Which means that this Bulking is the habit that most life forms exhibit when they increase their key until they figure out how to shift better.
Basically, SS3 is the Roshi Technique combined with SS transformation. And SS2 focuses the energy of SS1 better, because it doesn't exhibit the bulking drawback.
This bulking drawback is visible when Vegeta and Trunks attain their own post Super Saiyan forms as well. Vegeta commenting; "You're still using that bulky form?" At one point indicating to Trunks that he is doing it wrong.
Their SS2 forms included the bulking drawback that Goku's didn't exhibit.
So when we get to SS:God form; this looks similar to Kaio Ken, with it's red glow. Indicated a compressed form of energy, that can then be compressed into Super Saiyan Blue.
Vegeta demonstrated this with his Super Saiyan Prince form. As his eyes sparkle along the colored light spectrum indicating the varying power levels not visible in the hair.
This is different but similar to the SS4 shown in GT. Instead of the Ki run off coming from the tops of their heads as in the gold super Saiyan forms, the red ki comes out of the hair follicles across their body and from their regrown Saiyan monkey tails.
This is a strange transformation as it looks like a form similar to Ultra Instinct combined with a red variant of super Saiyan.
More on this; Ultra Instinct looks like base form. Because there is no bulking, there is no visible Ki generation at the hair follicles. Just a black-light aura.
This is because the Ki is focused to a point where it is no longer emitting from the visible light spectrum.
The drawbacks with UI seem similar to Uzaro and Kaio Ken form however. As UI takes an extreme toll on the body, and nearly loses concious control. Any less control, and it's conceivable Goku could become a mindless destructive force like Uzaro or Brolly.
Brolly is a Super Saiyan who can't control his super Saiyan powers due to extreme neglect and trauma induced by the former Saiyan culture and lifestyle. Which indicates a connection between Super Saiyan Brolly, UI, and Uzaro. SS Brolly forms (also shared by Kefla from Uni6) also showcases a greenish aura.
Demonstrating that there are different ways that different people can utilize the SS transformation and these other techniques.
What this means is that Uni7 UI Goku has potentially become stronger than DB:GT(unnumbered uni) Goku. Because he doesn't have Color inconsistencies. SS4 Goku and Vegeta in comparison, while having black hair, emit the Red Ki from their body hair, and red from their eyes, similar to Vegeta's Super Princess. SSJ4 also includes slight bulking.
However, UI has that extreme Drawback where once you've used up your energy, that's it until you take a long rest.
UI also seems different from Super Forms as you can't harness your emotional state, as one is often shown doing when they initially enter that state.
And Uni6 Saiyans, with the exceot of Vegeta's protege, entering it at will without emotion.
Hinting that the emotional burst is good to learn how to control larger amounts of Ki, but not good at focusing it down to the single point required of UI.
The SS4 Saiyan's also have a "Limit Breaker" similar to that of entering SS:God Mode. which enables them to use their transformation at will, unlike before which required becoming Uzaro, loosing control, regaining control, become super Uzaro, and then sustaining that. And maintaining it longer than 5 minutes.
Which suggests the forms are not unique to the method of transformation.
With Videl standing in for an extra Saiyan (Despite being Preggers) this also suggests that you simply need multiple people whose combined energy exceeds a certain amount, and isn't generically limited to Saiyan's.
This correlates with the other [Super Transformations] shown in the series as a whole.
What they tend to forget, is that despite being Human, Videl is one of the strongest Humans on Earth. Rivaling only Krillin, who isn't as strong as Goku simply because he doesn't have a single mind focused on becoming stronger. Also, unlike Goku, who inherited land and money from King Yama, actually needs to work for a living.
Goku isn't the strongest because he's a Saiyan either. Even Vegeta believed for a while that Goku was a low-tier saiyan incapable of meeting, much less exceeding the power level of a prince like himself.
He's the strongest because he's Goku.
This brings me to the end of this with one final observation; Goku and Trunks in Uni7. Who become Super Saiyan at will naturally. Without training, without really knowing what it is.
They're not just expanded power level from epigenetics, they have expanded powers because of the same technique that gives Goku and Vegeta SS:God powers.
Because it's the same technique showcased by Korin, Kami, Guru, and the Kai's, in "unlocking a person's potential".
Just a weaker form since a single person would only be able emit so much energy. Achieving SS:God and SS4:LB and the [Ki Expansion] technique most therefore be the same, becoming stronger the more Ki you pump into the recipient.
Ergo; Trunks and Goten have high power levels because of... Well... All that energy and training happening during the Buu saga...
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tatomikat · 3 months
Thoughts that occurred during the first 9 hours of playing Dragon Quest XI so far:
"Dawwww. Just look at those little guys (slimes). They're adorable! ... Not for long anymore."
"Let. Me. Jump. Off. That. CLIFF!"
"Why is it so difficult to fight a cloud with a sword? ... I think I just answered my own question. Magic it is then."
"I've played way too much Zelda. I keep calling those little goblin guys (Grublin?) 'Bokoblins'."
"The developers must have been really hungry. With so many food themed enemies."
"Why did that random npc think it important to tell me that there's someone in the dungeons? How is that related to me?" (5 minutes later) "Oooooh."
"Hey King guy. I think you've got that causality thing between the Luminary and the bad guy a bit backwards. Also I think you gave me whiplash with that sudden change in tone."
"'Investigate'? What an interesting wording. They'll destroy the village, won't they?"
"Why hello there, stranger (Erik) within talking range. What a nice coincidence to meet you at a place like this (dungeons). Do you come here often?"
"Well what do you say to that. A dragon. Like two or so hours into the game. They are really not wasting any time, do they? Am I supposed to fight that thing?!"
(trying to get to Derk) (lots of cussing while trying to jump from the church to the top of the wall) "Why don't you jump when I press the button?! Why did they put platforming into a game that is clearly not laid out for that?! Oh. There's a rope. Never mind."
(get cat off the roof quest) "HOW THE F DO I GET ONTO THAT ROOF?! Oh look. A ladder."
(After the title cutscene) "So we're gonna turn a tree into a dragon? Is that what we're doing? Okay. Makes sense. I guess."
"Who left that dog all alone? Where is the owner? And for how long has the poor animal been alone anyway?"
(To the woodcutter) "Who's a good boy? Who's a really good pupper? You are! Yes you ar- Oh! You're a person. Oops. Awkward."
"Knock-off Friezer is hiding in that chest, right?"
(a couple hours after the dungeon cutscene) "Oh. Looks like they didn't destroy the village after all. Wait. Why does no one recognize the hero? Why does his mom kick him out? BABY GEMMA? What? Past? What? How did that happen? When did that happen? ... Oh look. There's the destroyed village. Okay guys, everything's alright. We're back on track."
"Just one question. What happened to the people? There's no way that blonde guy (Jasper) would think it fair or justified to kill dozens of innocent civilians, for something they have essentially nothing to do with. Right?"
(Surprise bossfight-cutscene!) Do I get to heal up before the fight starts? I'm both out of hp and mp. No? Well, screw you too."
"What do you mean the last save was more than an hour ago?! I HAVE TO REDO ALL OF THAT CRAP?! Wait. The chests are still opened. The cutscenes are done. The key items are in my inventory. Thank goodness, I just need to walk back to where I was. DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!"
(glaring at Hendrick chasing Hero and Erik) "I hate you and everything your 'brainless soldier, incapable of thinking for themselves' stereotype stands for."
"This little girl (Veronica) sounds and talks like an adult! ... She's an adult, isn't she?" (later) "Called it!"
"Alright. And now everything's in 2D suddenly (Tickington). Takes a bit getting used to. But damn this is pretty. Definitely gonna have to replay this game in 2D at some point. Also because I'm really curious how they would work around those sections that would not translate well into 2D."
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gurn · 11 months
if goku was preggo and burst his water in the middle of a fight with friezer do you think freezerr would have let him deliver his baby? in the middle of a fight?
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lammfleisch · 1 year
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Bought all Dragon Ball Super Manga because ... because i was frustrated and needed things to get my head free.
Only read two so far: The first one had terrible pacing. They are jumping from one event to another one. The Friezer Part is completely removed from the Manga. Glad i've watched the movie. The second Manga was funny tho.
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mediauv · 1 year
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moneyisnobject · 5 years
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Concept by Ricky Smith, Dr Andrew Baglin & Stuart Friezer Marine.  
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cienie-isengardu · 5 years
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chicago-geniza · 3 years
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cybulska is. still alive, albeit in her 80s. should i. cold email her & inform her that rozalia’s married name was birner (though alternately given as friezer/frieser), her husband’s name was izrael (though also given as izydor), she had two daughters named bianka & cecylia lilli (or lilly), though only cecylia appears in records as an adult, & a grandson named peter ernst; they lived in berlin & russia periodically (also austria, according to her husband’s testimony), then returned to krakow, where they were deported to bronowice in 1941, & after that their trail disappears? jewish genealogy freaks (affectionate) are the most tenacious people alive & will unearth more information than the most dedicated scholars; i am always saying this!  
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kahran042 · 5 years
Illusion of Gaia: An(g)kor Wat, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Psycho Dash
If you’re wondering about the title, on this playthrough I learned that the Psycho Dash works well on a lot of the monsters in Angkor Wat. That being said, on with the screenshots!
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I wonder if this actually has any real-world basis? If so, it could help with comparing the world of IoG with the real world.
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What is the surface that Will’s walking here supposed to be? All I know is that it makes a weird sound with every step you take on it.
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Not gonna lie, I’m honestly kind of curious about Friezer’s child.
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wumblr · 8 years
if i glued magnets to mosaic tiles and sold fridge frieze art sets in nice boxes would anybody buy them
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senzudealer · 6 years
PBnJ Fanfiction by Yajirobe
(Yes, he writes fanfics now.)
COPYWRITE NOTICE: The following work is copywrited to me, in full, with all rights reserved. You are permitted to read it as many times as you need, but not copy, exchange, or use its ideas or characters without my explicit permission. Permission can be obtained by emailing me at [email protected] Failure to ask permission will result in me suing to the full extent of the law. So listen up or else!
Anyway, on with the story…
A little Later, Skippy was taking a shit. He was having trouble though. It felt like days passed and still no sign of release.
“Help..Errrr… ahhhh! Christ! when is this epic poo gonna pass!?” Skippy exclaimed, His face wincing with effort. He made every effort in his little boy body to expel this demon thing from his womanly back side.
By this point Skippys poo-tubes were all bent out of shape. It has been a bad day. Should have eaten a Senzu. Totally not Lima Beans. Just as Skippy was going in for another push.. Without warning the bathroom door suddenly burst open unexpectedly. Yeepers!
“Well hello…Skippy” a enticing voice gasped from the doorway.
A mysterious figure posed leaning against the door frame. His deep, sensual voice which Skippy knew immediately. His mind began racing and a nervous sweat began pouring from his face.
“Parfait… is that you? wha- what are you still doing awake…?”
He appeared in nothing but a towel, seemingly ready to take a steamy shower. However He couldn’t with Skippy near by….they were like family now.Parfait was like His aniki. Any sane person would never allow their own aniki to see them in the nude. Right? RIGHT!!?! SHIT!“
"Oh I felt dirty from questing all day…ya ever feel dirty Skippy?” “Y-Yes, I mean NO! NO! NO! Never” Skippy shrieked, He became so immensely worked up he cleaned his colon clear of the demon feces that had been clogging it. His voice also cracked like he was 13 again, but in comparison to the loud flatulence he just unleashed, who cares? Parfait heard though, and giggled like a adorable little girl laugh. It sent tingles all up Skippy’s spine. “Oh you’ve always been the shy one in the ohana, Skippy…” (A/N: Ohana means family.)
Skippy was not shy, at all. He defeated Friezer and blew up His evil machines for Christ’s sake! and now he suddenly found himself speechless. Was He going to see his metaphorical aniki literally naked? Little did he know, that was merely a sprinkle on the cream-cake of excitement that was to come.
“..the shy and excitable one.” said Parfait finishing the sentence seductively.
“Wh-what the…” and before Skippy could send the third word out of His mouth..
..Parfait’s towel dropped to the floor,revealing his swimsuit underneath. Skippy noticed everything on him instantly. His lick-able figure,his hypnotically wide middle leg and the giant thingy colored birth mark on his rear, which made Him feel awkward.
Still, the sight of his near perfect body caused Skippy to feel funny in places he had never felt before. Like his elbow. And his other elbow.
“hehe oh my Skippy…you’re more impressive than I thought.” “uh… ye-yeah, th-thaaanks Parfait, you’re cute too.” THIS IS SO WRONG! It raced through his head at lightning speed. But the beautiful, wet, soapy body that stood before him spoke otherwise. Him shapely body was everything Skippy could want …in a body to make use of. Yet did family like relationship matter?.. … … Or…did it make it better?
But just as Skippy was commiting. Commiting to a path that they couldn’t go back from.
Coolers burst into the toilet!
“What are you too upto?” “Err..nothing” said Skippy as he causally slipped his pants back on. Parfait, who Cooler didnt notice, picked up his towel and backed out slowly. “Really?” “I was just having a shit…see?” Skippy gestured to his shit. “Oh, thats a shit all right! One hell of a shit! Ok, if your done we better go” So Skippy put his other pants on and left. He had a serious case of blue balls, but at least his anus didnt feel so bad now. As he walked out Parfait whispered one word. A word fall of hope. “Later” Skippy Giggled. Fortunately, their traveling companion was as oblivious as ever, and didn’t notice.
— Far far away, in a magical far away distant land.. Parfait winked at Skippy when no one else was looking. “Later” he mouthed at him silently so no one could hear. —
Once upon a time, after my great adventures, I was wondering what to do that week. I had picked up my life from where I left it and wanted to make something from it.I wanted to make my father proud. Do I even have a father? I’ll make him proud. Daddy~ Then all the sudden a strange woman appeared on my doorstep. She was hiden beneath a long cloak and had long brown nails on her fingers. Her dirty hair fluished down from beneath the cloak and she had glowing eyes! I thought I remembered seeing her in my dreams the past couple of weeks, almost as if it was a premonition
“You are not who you think you are!” said the strange woman. “What do you mean?” I said. “You are not who you think you are,” she said again with a mysterious crackling voice like a bad radio transmission. “I still don’t understand you?” I said. “Here, take this,” she said and gave I an Dragon Ball. “Take this and give it to your parents or guardian, they will know what to do with it!” And with that she disappeared before my eyes!
I was confused but thought that I had to do something. But rather than going to my parents or guardian (lol they ded), I decided to show it to Cooler, my wonderful son. “Oh no,” said Cooler, “you must forget about this!” “Why?” I enquired, “what do you know?!” “I… I can’t tell you. My dear Yajirobe, I didn’t think it would be this soon!” “What?!” I yelled, “are you keeping things away from me?!” “It’s …. it’s for your own good! You cannot know this!” said Cooler and before I could do anything, Cooler had escaped my grasp. “No! Dammit! When will I ever know the truth?!” I was feeling depressed. My son abandoned and betrayed me. It hurt. So I wanted to find Nork. After our adventure, I and Nork had been spending a lot of time together. I kind of started to like her. So I went to Nork and told the whole story. She listened to me without saying a single word. Then she said: “WTF, this is sooo big” And I said: I know! Do you know a way to find out what is happening? Why is everyone hiding things from me?!“
Nork sighed and said: "You have always been special, I and not just to me.” “How do you know that?” Nork looked at the knickers that I had received and said: “it kind of looks like the Dragon Balls, doesn’t it?” “could be…but it might not be…but, yeah,certainly it might be” “Whatever it is, I can recognise it quite well. And I think,” Nork said, “that perhaps the mysterious woman wanted you to find something inside of you. "Inside? Like my heart?” “No, don’t be silly, like a mamory. Think about it, if your parents lied to you and now Cooler doesn’t want to talk to you about your background, perhaps there is a hidden memory in your head!” Nork’s logic was flawless. So I had to try it!
So I concentrated on the object. immeditately I felt drawn into it. It stated ouit as a vague, fuzzy thing like when you wear glasses and there is a lot of moisture in the air and you see a microphone on the horizon. But then it turned out that there was a secret memory, hidden beneath the vail layer of self-loving in my head.
And within that memory, a burning figure appeared. It was Friezer! In hell…
I was confused. I didn’t think that memory would be in there, and yet it was there, burning like the heart of a newborn star and the centre of the earth.
Arriving at the mysterious shack, I found that there was an item laying on the table in the shack. Around the shack was a mysterious circle drawn in crayon.
“Be careful” said Parfait who as usually was cowardly squatting behind me. I carefully manuvred into the shack and on my tiptoes and scuttled forward. The floorboards beneath my feet croaked and I could hear a loud hummer coming from the table. There the Dragon Balls laid. Right there for my taking.
But I was clever. I knew it was a trap!
So I said to Parfait, “Why don’t you take it, it looks safe.” And Parfait was like “Oh, well, if you’re sure, I will!” I slowly paced backwards and let him to do the taking. I knew that if it was a trap, Parfait would be triggering it. And then Friezer would get him, but not me. I knew Parfait wouldn’t mind sacrifcing himself for me. He always said that. But forutnately when Parfait grabbed the Dragon Balls, nothing happened. Except we were cowardly attacked by security gaurds!
They decended into the shack and fired shurikons at us, but we managed the dodge them quite well (by turning sideways). We told them we weren’t the people they were looking for so they left.
But now with the Dragon Balls in our hands, we could take Friezer straight on! — Later, Skippy and Parfait were alone again. “Its Later” said Parfait, pulling Skippy towards the bathroom. “But what about the others?” “I’ll just tell them you are helping me shower. They wont suspect a thing” “True. They are all idiots” Then, suddenly, Parfait was naked. Skippy wondered how He did that. He must have been nearly naked this whole time! The shower turned on… ..Skippy was already.
Parfait lathered up good and fine. The soap dripped off His body at a seductively slow pace. Skippy could not contain the powerful urge of excitement that raced through His veins. The alluring look of his nudie comrade became too much for him to fathom and his body started sweeting. There Skippy sat, His gold pants pulled quickly down at his ankles, on a toilet full of poop with His bodly fluids on full display, eyes bulging from His face. Parfait giggled as Skippy’s dignity shriveled and died, but Skippy had always enjoyed that delightful snicker, even after He found out He was His own aniki. “Well…wh-what do we do now?” Skippy said, desperately trying to sound suave. “It. We do it.” “it?” “yes. it” “we do it?” “yes” “oh”
…and with that Parfait jumped on Skippy. And they cuddled and hugged a lot. “I love you Parfait” “I love you too Skippy….lets get married” And they did! Skippy looked especially radiant in a yukata. Later, after their honeymoon they continued their adventure (with non of their friends any the wiser)…..
— We exited my wheels and we stood before the place Friezer had been assembleing his forces. It was the gateway to hell. And finally we got confirmation for what we had been expected all along… Friezer…. was satan!
But that did not deter me. I could press on and 70 seeing my courage, my friends too found the strenght in themselves to push themselves to the limit .
But then we heard a loud noise, like the stamping of feet or like a bad car engine or when they try and make the ground flat enough so they can build a side-walk. All around us, hisdemons appeared!
Friezer had us. And I know that what he was going to do with us, it wasn’t going to be pretty!
But then I saw pure white wings sprouting from my bottom. Where had once been the golden and silver tattooes, I had wings!
I spread them out before me and stretched them. They crackled with power. They were at least 5 meters in windspan.
I then turned to Friezer. He gawked in awe at me. It was a power he had not seen before. “This power,” Friezer said, “This power is… I have never… seen… such power.” Even Tesla looked in awe at me. And then she said what everyone (including me) had been thinking but didn’t dare to say: “You’re an… you’re an… an…” “Say it, I said” “Tell the truth, I can take it!” I said as I felt the burning nerves in my body floating in my stomach. “An Angel,” said Friezer in absolute and utter awe. “THis I… I never have seen before” Recoome and Cooler were just as much in awe. Though with Recomme, I knew it was because he just loved me so much. When I looked in his eyes, it was like I was drowing in a puddle of the deepest of colours.
I stretched my wings further and light came from beneath them, engliphing everyone in the luminating light. The demons had to hide their horrible feces beneath their wings as not to be smitted by the beauty of my light. Friezer fell down on his knees and raised his arms in prayer: “Oh god, let me live. Let me be a part of the light again.”
And I looked down upon him and I realised I didn’t believe in a violent ending and took his head in my hands and said: “You are forgiven.” Immediately Friezer cried silver tears of joy and all around me, the demons changed into angels! Before us the portal exploded in rays of light and blue and greens and cyans. It was a wonderous spectacle to behold!
Recoome ran into my arms and stared longinly in my eyes. HE reached in for a kiss but I wasn’t ready for that yet. Then he fell down on his knees and said: “Will you marry me, my angel?” and I said “yes!” and everyone cheered!
Then I was crowned space king of Conton City
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dfroza · 3 years
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U.S. National Archives is doing #ArchivesBookLove Today
A tale of #ArchivesBookLove: on Sept 13 1863, in the Battle of Culpeper Court House, a rifle ball pierced Elijah Saunders Johnson's jacket. The diary & New Testament in his coat pocket, over his heart, stopped the bullet & saved his life 📔 @USNatArchives #ArchivesHashtagParty
11.5.21 • 1:21pm • Twitter
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Park City's Library used to sit in what is our Museum Store today - until 1982, when the town formed a book brigade to pass books hand-to-hand almost 1 mile to the next Library location: the old Miners' Hospital that had moved to City Park! #ArchivesHashtagParty #ArchivesBookLove
11.5.21 • 1:29pm • Twitter
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Can you retweet too many pictures of #bookmobiles?
Nope. Nope, never!
11.5.21 • 1:03pm • Twitter
[ca.1955] Eager young readers file into an LAPL Bookmobile (Joe Friezer - Security Pacific National Bank Collection)
#ArchivesBookLove #ArchivesHashtagParty
11.5.21 • 1:03pm • Twitter
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It’s no surprise that a man of faith would have Bibles in his museum. This is the Bible on which Jimmy Carter took the Oath of Office. On the 3rd page is an inscription “This Holy Bible presented to Jimmy Carter by Lillian G. Carter 1964." Object: 97.15 #ArchivesBookLove
11.5.21 • 12:01pm • Twitter
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raindrenchedstories · 6 years
The little joys of mother hood.
Eggs, bacon, ham, sausages...Was she missing anything. The insistent whining and tugging on her pant leg was distracting her. Holly reached down. Scooping up the little abomination of nature she adored so much.
“Now just hang on a second kiddo. Mom’s just gotta’ figure this out.” The young hybrid was already trying to claw over her shoulders and back. Causing her some exasperation.
Sharp little claws dug into her back and shoulders as the infant clung to her. Gazing past her head His tiny stomach growled. “Come on buddy just work with me. Food’s almost ready.”
It was amazing how quickly he was growing. Probably the Gordylide in him. Though the little dragon half of his body was a surprise. Six limbs and a tail made handling this baby very confusing.
“FOOD! FOOD NOW!” The little one shrieked, catching Holly off guard.
“W-whaaaa SHAN! SHANADOH GET YOUR A-” She paused, staring at the baby. “Get your backside over here.” She corrected.
Shanadoh sped into the room, almost falling over himself. “Wha- What’s up?!”
“FOOD!” The baby demanded on cue. Holly just motioned to the infant with a lopsided expression. A mixture of confusion and joy. Shanadohs hands clapped over his mouth eyes wide.
“My...My baby boy can talk already!” He lifted the babe off Holly’s back and bounced him in the air joyously. “Yes he can! Yes he can! That’s my little warrior that’s my son!”
“OUR baby boy. Must be the dragon in ‘im....Maybe.” Holly shook her head. Placing a peck on Shanadohs chin before going right back to cooking. Letting the infant play with his dad while she worked.
The moment she set the plate in front of the baby. After sticking it in the friezer for a little bit to cool it off. She retracted her hand quickly. As the infant chomped down large handfuls of food.
“So...Do we tell him his first word was ‘food’?”
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grognougnou · 3 years
Budokai 3 Characters Swap cheat codes : With theses codes, you can play with Bulma, Babidi, Friezer in his hoover, Goku with a scouter, Kibito and Buuhan’s and Gotenks ghosts in Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3. The codes work with most versions of the game (European Collector Edition, US normal version, US Greatest Hits version and the Japanese version). The link to obtain the pnach files which contain my cheat codes can be found in the description of the video. And they contain other codes as well : Infinite ki, infinite time for the fusion dance, better visual for the hyper mode, a code which unlock everything (characters, arenas, capsules, ect...
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master-bigg · 7 years
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After Friezer there's Cell! #gunpla #toyartistry #toyelites #toyplanet #thaigunpla #toyslagram #toyphotography #toygroup_alliance #instagundams #toptoyphotos #dragonballz #perfectcell #dragonball #dbz #frieza #cell #friezahoverpod
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