#frisk [e.l.a]
anotherrosesthatfell · 10 months
You know what? Screw logic, I want them-
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Meet Asriel and Frisk of E.L.A-
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How to tell the difference between pure blood witches and normal witches?
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anotherrosesthatfell · 11 months
Let see how E.L.A characters (adult) deal with their problems such as depression and etc-
Good guys
Dream: hide in a small space. It reminds him of his closet where no one is able to find him.
Ink: drinks, it doesn't matter what kind of drink but usually it will be alcohols. Ink drinks to forget even though she is already a forgettable person.
Blue/Swap: being positive, he is the happy friend. He can't be sad and selfish. At least the way he cope with it is very healthy like donating money, do charity and takes care of orphans.
Hope: cry when they are alone and hug someone. Hope often to cry because of the guilt and stress when raising Lux but then again, Lux gave Hope a reason to live happily so they always come to Lux and hug her. It reminds Hope of their mother.
Bad guys
Corrupted Nightmare (Alphonse): wear his old armour, he is seen to wear it all the time. Despite hating his past, he miss how he used to be a normal knight.
Killer: styling someone's hair or spend time with Merciless or Hope . She really like to play with people's hair. Merciless and Hope are the one who understands her the most, she prefers to be with them.
Dust: same as Blue/Swap. She is the second character who cope with it in healthy way. Dust already moved on from her past long time ago thanks to Blue.
Horror: eat, Horror eats. It's not a disorder, he just eat when he sad. That's why he always cook for his friends, so they won't be sad.
Neutral people
Error: When Fresh died, he used to deal it with alcohols (Ink got that habit from him 💀). After meeting Ink, he went to therapy sessions quite a lot and still do now to deal with his depression.
Core!Frisk: eating lollipops or just observe Palette and Drop. Core gave up long time ago after the PJ and Gradient death, they just gave up on helping. Core eats lollipop because it reminds them of when Ink or Error always reward them a lollipop everytime they took care of PJ and Gradient. Palette is Ink's son, so do with Drop being Ink and Error daughter. They can't help but to watch them even though they will never be able to help.
Cross: Punch himself to sleep and make pastries. Cross done many bad things and was raised in a bad environment. He can't blame his past, he did this all by himself and he need to punish himself for it.
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You can read it here
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anotherrosesthatfell · 11 months
Explaining Frieda Hanani backstory in here because I know that I will forget if I wrote in wattpad draft
• ability
She can see everything even with her eyes closed. (though sometimes it had it own limit-)
Frieda can see the future when she is asleep, even so having such power, she didn't use it to help people but only for her own benefits.
Her necklace has some sort of magic that made people loves her no matter what she done. Unless if that person has strong magic/will like Chara and Alphonse, they will see her true colors. (yes, this is why people think Lux is innocent despite having so much proofs that she tormented Palette.)
Her umbrella hold lots of magic that were not actually hers. Whenever she opens her umbrella, it basically absorb any magics from people or things and keep it.
• Backstory
Frieda is known as the Saint or child of God in Empire of feelings.
She was a normal girl living in Quetzalcoatl kingdom before Nim basically kidnapped her- I mean take her away from her home.
Frieda was a noble lady that pretty close to the royal family in her kingdom. Her parents pretty popular with positive vibe so-
Yeah anyway, Quetzalcoatl had a twin brother named Xolotl who was married to Nim.
One day, Xolotl really miss his kingdom and wants to visit his twin brother because it had been 2 years. Nim let him visit it but she also came along with baby Passive Nightmare-
Frieda met Nim in the palace because her parents had a work needed to be done.
Nim sense a very great of magic coming from Frieda.
Nim then wants to take Frieda but her parents refused which made Nim boiled. So she killed them in front of Frieda and the reason was 'for disobeying an empress order'.
Frieda was traumatized but she still don't want to go. Quetzalcoatl and Xolotl arrived at the scene, they was so disappointed in Nim and now Quetzalcoatl is protecting Frieda.
Yet a year after that, Nim killed Xolotl. The reason is crazy because she said "That man was the reason my son has no magic"
anyway, Nim threatened Quetzalcoatl that she will kill Passive if he doesn't give Frieda to her.
Quetzalcoatl had to do it just to protect what his brother remaining piece.. :')
Anyway, since Frieda got taken to Nim. She basically remembers everything because God blessed her with 'I see everything' so she remembers what Nim has done. (she was 4 years old btw-)
She plotting her revenge to destroy the empire even if it mean to ruin 2 kingdoms.
Also her necklace and umbrella? Where and how she gets it?
Well that's easy.
If you read the prologue 'destiny of sun descent', it will tells you that Nim hunts witches.
What happened to those witches after they being hunted? Well they will be taken to the torture dungeon-
Frieda in the other hand use this as her advantage and takes all of their bloods and form it into an umbrella and a necklace.
Yes, it was made of bloods, witches bloods.
No one, REALLY no one know about it...
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anotherrosesthatfell · 11 months
E.L.A characters nationally because why not.
Good guys
Dream - Romanian/Spanish
Ink - Japanese
Blue/Swap - American
Hope - Russian
Bad guys
Corrupted Nightmare (Alphonse) - German
Killer - Indonesian
Dust - Ukrainian
Horror - German
Neutral side
Error - British (he already has the British accent so-💀)
Cross - Hellas (Greece)
Core Frisk - Korean because why not
The dead one-
Passive Nightmare- Japanese/???
Nim - Japanese
Frieda - Vietnamese
I think that's all 🤔
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