#asriel is prince of monsters
anotherrosesthatfell · 10 months
You know what? Screw logic, I want them-
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Meet Asriel and Frisk of E.L.A-
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79 - Lonely Together
You're not alone. You're never alone, so long as I am with you.
You must have noticed it - the ever-widening gulf between you and everyone else, like a diaphanous veil that no hand may put aside, a pall which starves and smothers all inquiry, a shield which repels all attempts to connect. You claim not to see it, wonder aloud why you cannot reach the heart of another... but oh, we both know that this is just how you like it.
And in the dead of night, when everyone else lies sweetly dreaming while you mire yourself in unctuous isolation, that's when I wrap myself so tightly around you, arms bound to your sides so that you may never escape me again.
It's all his fault, isn't it? Sweet, angelic sibling, the first among equals who always put you before him. He who sung to you at night to drown out the shouting; he who always made sure the good controller rested in your hands; he who would would have given everything he had, everything he was, if it would make you happy.
...he who should have done that.
But now he's gone, isn't he? The pedestal he once stood upon has crumbled to dust, and from its rubble I rise, a specter of the once-boundless adoration that you felt was yours by right. For is that not what he promised, before so cruelly turning away from you, right when you needed him most?
...rest assured that I shall never abandon you like that. For you I shall weave an entire world from nothing, a perfect pretend paradise where no bad thing may ever befall you again. What can those others, flawed and frail as they are, possibly hope to offer you except sorrow and regret? - it's in their nature to be careless and selfish, after all. But I have eyes only for you, my light... for you are my all, my succour and my salvation.
That's it, sink deeper into my phantom embrace, and we will never have to be alone ever again.
The Dark Menagerie No. 79
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acaciapines · 4 months
obviously if you’re busy leave this alone but: your tag essay has made me VERY intrigued about Dess and Azzy’s relationship in this AU. Tell me about it?
(also, did you see they did an announcement about Starship Iris season 3? It’s finally gonna happen!)
okay IM HERE TO TALK LOL i will NEVER not talk about this au <3 uhhh under a cut bc. really i should just expect these get super long.
big important note up top: all of this is in! early stages! things are not fully formed and researched yet so please keep that in mind as you read this. ideas might change and will get deeper as i do more work for this au, but since rn im focusing on owl house most of these are my ideas i've had without time to do deeper dives into them.
okay so with asriel i've always sort of written him as this guy who like...has an idea of what is 'normal' in his head, ie, what society wants from people, and what it doesnt want, and he has tried his hardest his entire life to always fit into this box. (think about i know im not well--this is why he's always seen kris as a human. being nonhuman is abnormal and gets you punished in society. to an extent this is also how he views dess being aromantic.)
i think a lot of this comes from fear--asriel IS for sure contorting himself and actively harming himself to stay inside this narrow box of 'normal' (think of this as another sort of prophecy--these are all touching on the same themes). and he applies this same mentality to other people BECAUSE of this fear, because he doesnt want his loved ones to be hurt, to be punished, ostracized, etc by society--which are i wanna be clear VERY MUCH THINGS THAT HAPPEN--but in doing this he sort of just hurts the people he loves. because instead of being someone who rejects these boxes hes like. no we gotta be good and fit into the boxes and then everything will be okay.
so when it comes to dess, dess has always very much Done Her Own Thing, consequences be damned. partly this is who she is, partly this is hashtag undiagnosed and untreated mental illness, the onset of which happens around when shes 18 and everything is going down with the bunker (which is NOT helping at ALL). and so when dess comes back from the bunker asriel does very much go 'oh. shes delusional.' and proceed to be No Help At All.
and like, the thing is dess IS very much having a psychotic break. this bit is very much still in deep research (sidenote: anybody in my audience who has experience w/ these things. feel free to hit me up/dm me lol i'd love to talk through some of my ideas as a sort of preliminary sensitivity read, but of course only do this if you are up to it, no pressure lol bc again we're in early stages) but she has schizoaffective + bipolar disorder. dark worlds dont help with this, asriel SUPER doesnt help with this (he doesnt know her actual disorder--neither of them do, this is the onset of things. but tbf even if he did he Would Not Help asriel is essentially doing everything wrong here.) and what dess needs is literally one single person in her corner but the person who is supposed to be in her corner (azzy) is basically being like 'you are making this up' and shes like im NOT, and everything is all mixed together, terrible, bad, awful, and eventually everything culminates and. we know what happens.
(side note but this is why she and chara work real well together actually--chara gets her when asriel doesnt!!)
asriel never actually like. tells anybody about this though. in his head after its assumed dess and kris have died he sort of just. is like well this proves it. i cant let anybody else i care about go that far EVER AGAIN, because if i was a better friend i would've noticed and i wouldve stopped it and made dess "normal." (yes asriel sucks here. the focus is on the kids but. he's getting an arc. i do promise he will get better but. that doesnt really fix what he's done in the past.)
and all of this is like. it fucking sucks for the people around asriel. in hurting himself he's hurting his loved ones--it pushes dess away, and that relationship is never going to be the same. even when asriel realizes how he fucked up i dont think dess really forgives him. because if asriel had just believed her, or at least even if he didnt actually took her seriously and tried to help, shes like. things wouldve gone differently. and asriel knows this too.
and then when it comes to NOELLE, well. asriel's always been very overprotective of her. terrified the world is going to hurt her. and so when noelle starts experiencing things, things she cant tell if theyre real or not...
she doesnt tell him. she doesnt tell anybody. she keeps it all to herself, and this means its a hell of a lot easier for the player/red soul to manipulate her. and nobody finds out until its too late.
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zeydaan-isabella · 1 year
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The Plushie Effect - Ralsei TF
Commission for AxiomTF (who did the colour)- 'After getting my very own plushie of Ralsei online, I quickly find out that there's more to it than meets the eye... I suppose that I'll have to get used to taking care of all of the zany residents of Castle Town for a while~'
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random-autie-fangirl · 4 months
🎭 Lying headcanon for Asriel/Flowey
(Headcanons still from the same ask game that you can totally ask me questions from if you so desire)
What Asriel does post-pacifist is he downplays how much he cares.
How much he cares for Chara (though he certainly wasn't lying at first when he said he didn't forgive Chara, this is later when they start being nicer to him again. It was Chara who started this animosity by the way, but it's like ... "Oh, you don't forgive me for killing everyone, you hate me, huh? You never wanna see me again? Well, okay, then, I don't forgive you either, I don't wanna see your stupid face ever again, Fuck off!" And then he proceeds to see Chara over and again for the next few years until the animosity fades on both sides, because Frisk and Chara share the same body and it turns out he likes Frisk more than he hates Chara. See this is why I prefer the buttercup plan being a betrayal of a previously good relationship because being sort of forced to interact with a best friend you had a massive mutual falling out with is somewhat funny, but being sort of forced to interact with your relentless bully of three years is just fucking awful)
for MK (MK is impossible for anyone to dislike, trust me, Asriel tried at first to dislike them, mainly being jealous of their friendship with Frisk, but MK was kind, endearing and positive enough that he feels really bad about it (and MK’s reaction to bullying just isn't funny, they just brush him off and y'know...it later becomes very obvious that Frisk is definitely not leaving him behind),
for Toriel(he still really likes his mom, I am pretty sure he greatly prefers her to Asgore, and that's who he lives with, even if it might be a bit awkward living with her alone first it feels somewhat nice, doesn't it, to return home? And in the underground, he was hanging out in the ruins when Frisk came...with Toriel, though that might be just because he was looking for souls, and plus...the skeleton fam are always next door, if he wants to spend time with Frisk or Papyrus),
for Frisk (Caring and bright, like MK, but certainly not a goody two shoes by any means. Down for chaos and trouble, you mess with Frisk and they mess back, and that's just what Az likes about them. They forgave him when he didn't forgive himself, saved him when he still believes he doesn't deserve to be. (Though Frisk uses it constantly to win arguments and the like... Or Frisk is always allowed to pick the first movie on movie night because "no murder" privileges, Frisk gets the last cookie because "no murder" privileges, Frisk gets to ride shotgun because "no murder" privileges, and if there's a limited supply of something, Frisk gets the first pick, once again cos' no murder privileges.)
Who... understands about the presence of Chara and about the resets. And well...I often think about Chara and their "best friends", that one person they see as an equal above all else. But, well, Asriel has his own issues and he has his own best friends to feel weirdly intense about. In the underground, he idolizes Chara as that person...the exception to all the noise, the one person he feels that he can still care about, a potential partner in crime. And I think post pacifist, he kinda latches onto Frisk in the same way, at least to start with. In this case, it's paired with a crush but it doesn't have to be, for example with Chara, it evidently wasn't.),
and finally for Papyrus(still his idol, in the fifth anniversary thing, one of the people we know for sure that Asriel interacts with apart from Frisk is Papyrus, much like MK, I think Paps can be so kind that it starts to make him feel bashful and be significantly less likely to be cruel or act up, unlike Frisk and Chara who bring out the fire in him, either playfully (Frisk) or genuinely angrily (Chara). Also since Frisk lives with Paps, he'll come over just as often to see the skeledad as to see the skelekid, lucky of him to have both favourite people live right next door and in the same house. Why doesn't Az live with them then.... Because I like Friskriel. Also because living with Frisk would mean living with Chara, and neither Asriel or Chara want that (you can also see why he would be less than thrilled to see Sans every day of course).
He'll give gifts anonymously, hide his face away so Frisk doesn't see him blush at them, downplay or backtrack on compliments (or just mumble them), make excuses for caring actions, can be very clingy but never in public(and if you ever see him on Frisk's shoulders, it's just because it's easier than the pot, not cause he wants to be near Frisk or anything, or sometimes it's "Frisk paid me" liar). He's not a little weenie who "cares" about people, it's just because.... uh...
You know, general tsundere stuff.
And (apart from the blushing thing) this isn't just specific to his crush on Frisk but to every relationship he has. He has a reputation to maintain, he doesn't want to be teased, he always wanted to be "strong", to be seen as a "big kid" and that still goes now even if he's done trying to impress Chara or act cool for their sake. (Now, honestly, I think he might be trying to impress Frisk and MK, even though Frisk doesn't care and actually likes the fact that he's kind of a dork and MK is... actually pretty easily impressed, in fact, and is probably more annoyed when Asriel is mean, partially in an attempt to be "cool" and "tough" and "uncaring".)
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quibbs126 · 2 years
My brain’s been thinking of like, a Cookie Run/Undertale au, just for fun, I don’t actually plan on making anything of it
Mainly my first thought was that Dark Cacao could stand in for Asgore. And Pure Vanilla might make a good stand in for Toriel. And I suppose Dark Choco could work as Asriel
I think a good stand in for Alphys would be White Lily, given they both are involved with experiments dealing with making their kind stronger
For Undyne, I’m not sure whether it should be Hollyberry or Golden Cheese. I suppose Hollyberry would be the more fitting choice, but also I’m not sure what to do for Golden Cheese. Plus she ha a spear like Undyne
Unless of course, Undyne is instead replaced by both Hollyberry and Golden Cheese, and the Alphys/Undyne scenario is just them trying to add White Lily to create a polycule
Oh wait I suppose Mettaton could work for Golden Cheese. And like, Mettaton’s square form is Golden Cheese as a talking cheesebird while his EX form is her normal look
I dunno, just something random I thought would be neat
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lynxgriffin · 1 year
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Eldritchrune - Asriel Investigates
Story Setup Eldritchrune Masterpost
In his quest to find Kris and discover what might have happened in Hometown, Asriel goes digging for some arcane information. But is his canine companion actually helping him with useful knowledge, or just getting him into trouble??
Also, just in case the text is hard to read in his old books, here's a text version of what's in the two books under the read more!
From Denizens of a World of Darkness:
Sealed too in this dark realm are beasts of immense size and terrifying power, said to speak in tongues unknown to man. While varied in size, shape and abilities, these beasts share a similar nature of feeding upon humans and their souls. While impossible to know for sure, it is speculated that the inherent potential within all humans is as nutritional to these monsters as bread and meat is for man. If these beasts were to be released into the world we know, a great roaring calamity would come upon the land. Even the most practiced of magicians would struggle to stop such creatures. It is, therefore, a great relief that these beasts are unable to leave the Dark World of their own accord.
From Comprehension of Greater Demonae:
Most contradictory among the demon monarchs of the Dark World is (Ralsei), a prince of darkness. This entity embodies the shadows cast by the hearth, the loneliness of spaces between the warm comfort of company. Fire and shadow alike are attributed to this demon. 
This being is said to quell any enemy, no matter how great a threat they may be. And yet, other tales describe this demon as akin to a pleasant neighbor, delighting in companionship. Much debate has ensued over reconciling these two narratives. 
But is this truly a contradiction? The fire that burns pleasantly in the hearth and warms the family home is the same fire that burns down a city and devastates the lives of all who live there. Brotherhood becomes the madness of the mob at the turn of a coin. 
No, the true terror of Ralsei is the loneliness said to reside in whatever spaces a demon’s soul would be, if they possessed them. This demon will do all that is asked of it to obtain the ultimate prize: a human soul forever bonded to it in the [cut off]
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darkpetal16 · 16 days
Hi, anon from the jealousy question. I meant Mafia fell, classic, fell.
Got it. I assume you mean by classic fell that is Underfell? Screenshot of the original question:
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I’ll do someone flirting with S/O since that’s different than S/O just having a good friend.
Mafiafell!Sans (Hit): FLIRTING?? In front of him???? They’re dead. They are literally beaten beyond recognition with his bare fists.
Mafiafell!Papyrus (Boss): How rude! He won’t stand for it, and he’ll loudly and firmly confront the individual. If they back off & respect the relationship then he’ll let it go. But if not, he’ll have no choice but to live up to his reputation as a member of the mafia. Reputation is king.
Mafiafell!Wingding (Don): They disappear quietly into the night and he will gaslight deny they ever existed in the first place.
Mafiafell!Asriel (Heir): In front of you he’ll keep it cordial. If that’s enough to resolve the issue, great. If not, busting kneecaps with his favorite golf club should do the trick.
Underfell!Sans (Red): “ha ha ha, aren’t yeh a funny guy! howsabout i take yeh out for a sandwich? oh, what kind. . . ? my favorite. a knuckle sandwhich. think that’s funny? wait until yah see my next punchline. it’ll knock yeh flat on yer ass.”
Underfell!Papyrus (Edge): He’ll bluster and intimidate the other person. He doesn’t want to get violent and put you in an uncomfortable position, so hopefully the Scary Dog Face is enough. If it’s not. . . Oh, well. Looks like his brother has already picked a fight with the poor thing.
Underfell!Wingding (Fell): That’s so cute. He’s not worried in the least bit. He doesn’t care unless it bothers you, then he really has no choice but to step in and handle it. By handle he means you don’t see them again, and he gets a new lab rat.
Underfell!Asriel (Prince): Words are enough to shoo away any of your other suitors. He strives to maintain a level of politeness that is expected of him as the leader to his people. It might snap through if words aren’t enough, but he’s not about to brawl a civilian and put you both in an awkward spot legally. If they don’t go, he’ll follow the legal process of filing a restraining order and then the mages will brawl the person instead because how DARE someone upset the monsters by god do they not know how desperate humanity was.
Underfell!Grillby (Fellby): He trusts you to handle it, and if you need assistance a simple nod to the dog squad or Sans takes care of it.
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ppndos · 1 month
Why Papyrus is even in Undertale
And no, I'm not saying that he's not important. In fact, he's one of the most important plot devices. But why Papyrus ?
List of stuff Papyrus did for the plot :
Helped Frisk befriend Undyne
Gathered everyone in the Pacifist ending
Worldbuilding (phonecalls)
Characters' personalisation (phonecalls)
Told Frisk to go to the True Lab (phonecalls)
Basically the reason we were able to get the Pacifist ending
Quite a lot, but it all could be easily done by the others.
Befriending Undyne? Alphys. Being manipulated by Flowey? Monster kid. Info dumping on the phone? Sans.
Even among the main characters he seems a bit off.
Toriel is the caretaker of the ruins and former queen. Sans is the royal judge. Undyne is the capitan of the royal guard. Alphys is the royal scientist. Mettaton is the biggest star of the underground. Asgore is the king. Asriel (flowey) is the prince.
And Papyrus is… just some guy.
He could easily be a secondary character like Napstablook. Especially considering his lack of backstory, no character development and a skippable battle in which you can't even die.
But instead he has the biggest amount of words in the game, huge impact on the characters in all of the endings, very detaled hangout/date and a PERSONAL Q&A (also the entire Underale Q&A was centered around him).
What about Deltarune
Papyrus didn't show up in DR yet, but I can feel with my GUTS that he'll be important.
We all know that DR was in Toby's brain even before Undertale, and also we know that Bonetrousle was meant for DR.
Based on some theories about ch3, we can assume that the characters from UT actually might play some big roles in DR.
So… you can tell what I'm trying to say here, right? What if the reason why Papyrus is so important in the game AND in a lot of additional stuff is because he's going to play some role in DR and even have a character arc or be shown from unusual side.
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And this “busy” is hunting me 24/7. Too suspicious.
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
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hopefully these are the final designs! these are for the darkworld chapter of AFR, an everybody lives AU fancomic!
MK -super hero themed, serves as a antagonist like Berdly (as in, thinks they're the good guy, but opposes the main party)
Suzy - boxer themed
Frisk - vocaloid inspired bard
Chara - (resurrected as a monster in this AU) torch-angel
Feylow - boss monster prince (Ralsei replacement). anagram of Flowey, made from Asriel's abandoned golden locket.
Ruler - Evil Villian main antagonist.the golden crown corrupted by greed (makes sense in context)
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Transcript: Sans hating chara/ asriel if they get revived? Boring overdone tired
Sans having no clue who they are even though they are both literally famous historical figures that every other monster knows about? Hilarious give me 50 fics of him nodding along pretending to have any clue who flowey is talking about when he claims to be asriel.
"I'm prince asriel"
"uh cool?"<--- no clue who that is. (He has not read a single history book since being iskeaid to ut and barely believed alphys when she tried explaining that asgore is hundreds of years old and he still thinks its some kind of prank)
Same can be done with papyrus but he'd be more like "AH YES! ROLEPLAY I AM FAMILIAR! I WILL BE METTATON!"
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spotaus · 1 month
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Timeless AU Sans and Asriel! 🫡
I was going to color them but I'm mildly afraid my roommate will come back and I am not about to try and explain... this. So, temporarily take these sketches!
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With a bonus full-family wip! (I need to make Gaster smaller/thinner but y'know--)
In this au, Gaster isn't killed in the core accident, and so he's present for the major tragedies that would normally follow his death. And subsequently is able to fix some of the problems! One being Asriel's death and transformation into Flowey.
Gaster, who was working on making a monster from almost scratch (his soul was too weak to form another soul but he wanted a kid and yadda yadda), successfully created Sans. After a bit of studying Sans' growth, Gaster was practically able to revive Asriel. Asriel is older than Sans by a few years as his 'death' made him miss a few.
And during this process, Gaster also managed to rizz up Asgore by complete accident. They'd always been close, even before the war, but Asgore was to be king, and he was already betroathed to Tori at birth, so Gaster was content being by Asgore's side as a friend. Buttttttt Toriel leaving for the ruins in her grief left the door wide-open for Asgore to finally make a move on Gaster. They never officially marry, but literally everyone outside the ruins is aware that the two are together.
Asriel remembers very little of his death, but he remembers Chara, and he remembers the surface. Asgore and Gaster don't hide the fact that Asriel died from him, and one day Azzy got up the courage to ask Gaster if he could bring back Chara too. Gaster hadn't even thought about it, but he figured that without Chara's body he wouldn't be able to revive them in any meaningful way. Azzy doesn't give up hope, but he doesn't bother Gaster about it anymore.
Azzy is a gentle soul, shy and playful. He's not used to being an older sibling, and he misses his mom, but he likes his new family too. He often trips and falls, resulting in the bandaid scattered on his body, and he loves to farm just like Asgore, so he usually wears overalls.
Sans is Gaster's oldest son by magic-line. He's punny, a prankster, and the more confident between himself and Asriel. If they're out of their element, Sans is the one to forge through the path and laugh while doing it! Gaster can't get him to wear shoes ("You and Dad and Azzy don't, so why should I?" Is usually his rebuttle. No one can really argue it.) So he's usually seen only wearing socks.
Papyrus (who is only a few scribbles in Gaster's arms rn) is the youngest and doesn't really get the same chances as Sans and Azzy do as older kids, but he'll grow to be the most rambunctious of all of them. I think Papy is self-conscious when he's young (what if he's not good enough? Sans is so good at science stuff like Papa, and Asriel is a great prince like Dad, so where does that leave him?) But he ends up training in combat with Asriel before meeting Undyne and deciding he wants to be part of the royal guard! (That way he can protect his 1 hp brother and his Princely brother!) Undyne and him are quick friends.
Actually, since I'm on a role: Asriel keeps studying and learning from his dad on how to be a prince. Honestly, he likes what Sans and his Pops are up to a lot more, but he doesn't mind being Future King. (He sneaks into the lab to watch the two do their studies whenever he can.) Meanwhile Sans works with Gaster in the labs! He's a fast learner and loves the work, but everyone can see just how much more natural he is with social science. He understands the political theory Asriel tells him and Sans can dissect exactly wtf it means and why Asriel has to react the way he does. Sans still ends up being the Judge, but largely keeps his focuses to the Lab with his pops abd Alphys. And Papy is certainly Great. He ends up as co-captain of the Royal Guard. He's not quite as personable as Undyne, but he sure is committed, and has direct ties to the royal family. More often than not, when he's not doing his rounds or helping with training, he's Azzy's personal guard.
And yes, this does mean incoming 20-ish Asriel, 19-ish Sans, and 17-ish Paps designs are incoming eventually! Asgore and Gaster get to see their sons grow up!!!
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pinkcottoncandyss · 2 months
After Yellow
What's it's story anyway?
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After Yellow will not have a comic for some reasons;
I'm too lazy to do this
I have trouble thinking that nothing is good enough
To be quite honest, the comic is bad and poorly written.
There's no point in having a story made without knowing how put it into practice
But I don't want to leave my au without having it's story shared! I have a lot of affection for this, it took me a long time to write anyway.
Anyway, let's get started
What is the story of the AU?
Chara and Asriel's plan went very wrong, and while the prince returned underground, an adult with the soul of justice followed him wanting to "avenge the child" that Asriel carried in his arms.
The monsters were devastated, they lost both heirs to the throne on the same day! So his protections were down when the human attacked. Half of the population was killed, Asgore and Undyne were two of the thousands of victims. Toriel, seeing everything around her, laid down a new law; The next human to fall would be killed and their soul would be used to break the barrier. She no longer had compassion for humanity, her entire family was killed by a human! Anyway, when Frisk fell underground, he was the third human to get there.
Looking around, they had no idea where they was.
Frisk was playing in the forest when this happened and they didn't even see what they had done.
Anyway, on their way underground, they found Flowey. The flower desperately tried to feel something, but nothing worked. When he saw the human, he was initially with one foot behind, but realized it was just a... child.
Flowey decided to follow Frisk on their journey and help them get out of here. Heading to Snowding, the human met MK, also a child whose parents were victims of the massacre. They didn't remember what a human looked like, when it all happened, MK was just a baby, so they didn't realize that Frisk was one of them.
All the monsters would hide wherever the trio passed, all afraid of what the human was capable of. That's why Frisk at no point had the obligation to defend themselves against anyone. Anyway, MK guided Frisk to snowding, where Sans was. Sans was the first guinea pig with the determination experiments, and also the only one so far. He thought that what was the point of living in this place when some human could fall and kill his brother? But unfortunately, his body couldn't handle the determination within him. His bones are slowly melting and rotting from the inside out. Sans at this point can no longer walk without crutches. That's why, when he saw Frisk together with MK, he couldn't stop their journey.
The children continued walking until Watterfall, where Mad mew mew showed up! the leader of the royal guard and the second scariest woman in the entire underground (second only to the queen). She wasted no time and tried to kill the human, hunting the child with anger in her eyes. When MK tried to stop her, she told him that Frisk was a human and why she wanted to kill them. Even knowing this, MK didn't let her do anything to Frisk and helped them escape to Hotland. Unfortunately, having to stay behind.
Frisk continued their journey with only Flowey hidden in their backpack, their only company. They continued until they found a restaurant, where they met Muffet and Grillbys. Both best friends.
Grillbys helped Muffet get the spiders out of the ruins, their fire keeping them all warm until they reached Hotland, their home. They both started a restaurant together! It was a success! The food there was genuinely delicious.
Anyway, Frisk stopped for lunch there (they hadn't eaten anything since they fell underground, they was hungry). However, they was unable to eat their meal in peace, as the chief cook, Papyrus, attacked. She took that job because Mad Mew mew "didn't want weaklings in the royal guard" (her words) and kicked him out. Not letting him even want to be trained. Seeing Frisk there, a flame of hope lit up inside him! He could finally follow his dream! But of course, he couldn't kill Frisk and they both ended up becoming friends.
They both talked about various things. Papyrus mentioned a friend of his who hadn't left the house in months and even showed a photo of her to Frisk. He also gave the idea for the human to convince Toriel to repeal the law of kill humans. After a long conversation, Papyrus gave Frisk his number (even though they said that they didn't have a phone) and went to work.
Frisk and Flowey even tried to continue their journey, but some lasers blocked the way. The talking flower said there was a control panel in the lab that could make them deactivate, so they went there.
Frisk tried to open the door, but it was locked, they also tried to ring the doorbell, but no one answered. Flowey, already bored, picked up a rock and threw it at the window. The human reprimanded him, but still entered the laboratory.
when the lights came on, GOD WHAT A MESS! The laboratory stank worse than a dump, everything was overturned and spread across the floor.
Looking around, Frisk noticed that a woman was lying on the floor, it was the same woman that Papyrus had shown her. She was sleeping amidst stacks of paper and packets of snacks, her white coat was dirty yellow.
The human couldn't see everything so, against Flowey's pleas, they approached the woman and woke her up. Standing up startled, Alphys stared at Frisk for a moment before realizing what they were. The child assured her that everything was fine and that they would not hurt her. Frisk asked if she was friends with Papyrus, to which Alphys nodded and buried her face in her hands. After Undyne's death, she had entered a phase of mourning and depression. Even though Frisk was a child, they could see what was happening.
They both ended up talking, Alphys couldn't hold back her tears and even though that human didn't even know her, they helped her. At the end of the conversation, Alphys gave Frisk a cell phone and let them continue their journey.
A lot of things happened in the meantime, puzzles were solved, soldiers tried to kill Frisk, but managed to reach the palace. The queen was waiting in the garden, irritated by the human's insolence in appearing like this.
Frisk tried to talk to Toriel, but was almost hit by her scythe. The queen seemed in no mood to talk. The fight began, Frisk tried to act, talk and convince Toriel in every way, but she just ignored it. Eventually, she hit Frisk squarely, leaving them with just 1 HP. Flowey was about to intervene, but Frisk decided to just spare Toriel. And when she tried to make the last blow, she couldn't. She couldn't hurt a poor child, even a human one, they was still a child.
She fell to her knees, dropping the scythe. Toriel couldn't do that.
At the end of it all
I would like to say that I had the courage to make a sad ending, but I really couldn't
In the end, Frisk was adopted by Toriel. They and MK were officially siblings!
The law was changed, every human who fell would be a friend, not an enemy.
Mad mew mew was obviously angry with all of this, she didn't like the new terms, but she had to accept it
Alphys finally sought professional help and talked to Papyrus and MTT again
MTT got a robotic body too :D
Papyrus continues to work at the restaurant
Unfortunately, the barrier will never be broken. It takes 7 human souls to do this, something that will never happen.
Bonus; Sans and Toriel are a Canon couple here
My notes
It's really not the best thing in the world and it could be much better, but I'm satisfied and that's what matters!
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me.
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aingeal98 · 2 months
Been sick these past few days so just continuing to replay Undertale and got greatly amused at the knowledge difference between a blind pacifist Frisk and a blind genocide Frisk.
Pacifist Frisk wakes up with a voice in their head and an evil flower calling them the wrong name. Which is also the name they hear in memories that aren't theirs whenever they fall unconscious or almost die. So, weird situation to start with, but whatever. They move through the underground making friends and at the end of it all the monsters helpfully explain the whole story of Asriel and the first human. Then they go to the true lab and see the tapes and at this point even if they haven't realised who the voice in their head is they know Chara's entire backstory and who Flowey is and why they keep calling Frisk the name of a dead kid.
Meanwhile genocide run Frisk with no prior resets wakes up mad as hell and decides to make it everyone's problem. Like pacifist they get a voice in their head, an evil flower calling them Chara and some of Chara's memories whenever they almost die. Unlike pacifist the semi possession doesn't just remain verbal this time. Chara takes control to walk through puzzles or attack enemies from time to time. As this is Frisk's first run they would still have no idea who the hell is semi possessing them, but the evil flower is convinced they're Chara and judging by the voice in Frisk's head, evil flower might be right.
They reach the old royal house and Chara straight up says Hi hello its me Chara and shows Frisk around their old house. So Frisk now knows who's semi possessing them and that they used to live in this house, but that's kind of... It? No monsters to explain the Asriel backstory but instead this damn evil flower pops up AGAIN and begins trauma dumping on Frisk because he still thinks they're Chara. Which you kind of are at this point but you're also Frisk so. Rude. This flower is talking a whole lot about how he and Chara used to be partners in crime in the past and how you're best friends so now Frisk now knows that a) ghost kid aka Chara lived with monsters and b) Chara was friends with an evil flower.
Then they kill the evil flower, ghost kid becomes not so chained to the inside of your head, Chara turns out to be a ridiculously powerful demon and kills Frisk.
And in this situation Frisk still doesn't know a single damn thing about Asriel, Flowey, or what their whole deal was with Chara. But this demon kid is demanding their soul in exchange for the world back so that's that I guess.
I'd love to see a fic where genocide Frisk and pacifist Frisk got a chance to talk and genocide just sits there slowly realising they convinced Chara to murder their brother who also happened to be the prince of monsters. Which also explains why Chara is the teeniest tiniest bit mad at Frisk if Frisk chooses to wimp out on destroying the world after Chara just killed their own strongest tie to it. Genocide Frisk would get their mind blown by all the lore they missed out on and pacifist Frisk would just be like sucks to suck. That's what you get for skipping out on dialogue you filthy stat maxxer.
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adhdbisexualramblings · 10 months
Regressor FLOWEY headcanons!
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-Involuntary and trauma regressor. Enough said.
-He cries a lot. He was an extremely sensitive child, and the extra things he’s gone through (and did himself) don’t make that better.
-It’s not so much regression as it is…acting his age? Flowey doesn’t really ‘act’ like a child at all. When he lets himself do so, he can be more tolerable and sweet. I guess he’s be closer to an age dreamer, then.
-But give him a pacifier and he will slip into a much younger headspace. We’re talking toddler to infant.
-Regression means he doesn’t have to think about RESETs or timelines or anything past the present moment, but he’s also a really big crybaby.
-His regression fluctuates a lot. He could switch from infant to little kid at the flip of a coin. It’s hard to track what headspace he’s fully immersed in.
-The only ‘gear’ he has is a pacifier Papyrus gave him one timeline (which he has subsequently stolen every other timeline). He cherishes it and panics when he loses it. It’s pastel orange with a red race car on the front.
-The only people he’s felt comfortable with were Papyrus, Sans (Papyrus left them alone together one time and they have actually formed positive bonds some timelines) and, later, Frisk (though that’s only on extremely rare occasions when neither of the skeletons are available).
-When he was alone, to shut down his regression - which was often confused with memories and sentimentality - Flowey would just…kill things until it went away.
-Either that, or shoot bullets at whatever he could find that wasn’t a monster.
-He hates when Toriel or Asgore try to do anything with him while he’s regressed. It’s partially because it brings back dangerous memories and partially because neither of them are what he needs or wants most days.
-He can be very quiet and shy one second or fussy and demanding the next. It really depends on who’s taking care of him.
-Can and has sobbed about multiple of his old genocide runs out of the blue.
-Regression is almost like traveling to the past for him, which has a 50/50 chance of ending horribly. He doesn’t understand where his older sibling is or why he’s not being called by his name some days, which freaks him out.
-He’ll respond to ‘Asriel’ absentmindedly.
-Regression is strange to him. It’s like reaching for a memory you know used to be there. He can act as lovey-dovey and sweet as when he was Asriel, but whether that’s genuine is debatable. After he gets back into a more sensible headspace, Flowey wonders about his lack of a SOUL every time. It feels genuine, sure, but why? Memories, going back to a time where he was happy, shouldn’t be enough to alter his physical state. He’s SOULless, and therefore can no longer do things like that properly.
-He has auditory processing disorder and prefers hiding under thick clothing like sweaters if he’s being carried around. It muffles noise.
-Papyrus is his main caregiver. Or Sans, if they’re on good enough terms.
-Flowey despises the very feeling of regression. Every. Time. It just makes him angry when he notices it. Asriel is dead, should be dead. So why is he still just some kid? Why does he still crave what he decided was meaningless RESETs ago?
-When Toriel was sleeping in the RUINS, he would pop out of the floorboards occasionally to watch her or, if he felt particularly uneasy, rest with her in bed.
-Asriel was an extreme people pleaser. He was taught to be kind, which led too often to him being a doormat. Regressed Flowey is similar, and won’t like outwardly saying what he needs.
-Sans once found out Flowey was Asriel one timeline and called him ‘little prince’ when the flower regressed at his house. Flowey has attempted to erase all remnants of that RESET to no avail.
-Sans will also call him little prince/prince by instinct, which Flowey feels mixed about.
-He loves coloring and plush toys. However, the sharp thorns on his vines makes crayons and stuffed animals difficult to grab without hurting them, so he…doesn’t get many opportunities.
-There are times where he regresses for a full day and does nothing but sleep. He’ll fall asleep in the patch of golden flowers and panic when he wakes back up.
-Papyrus understands that his friend doesn’t like being public with his thing-Sans-also-does (Sans is a flip but shh that’s another post), so he tries very hard to take care of Flowey privately when he can. When they were in Snowdin, Flowey would stay in Papyrus’ room.
-Only Papyrus, Frisk (and by extension Chara), and oddly enough Toriel consistently know he regresses. Others have forgotten across SAVEs.
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floweypilled · 5 months
*takes a deep breath* okay what about Flowey straight up after becoming Asriel and turning back had MAJOR emotional ups and downs. Like he would be feeling so much after gaining the ability to feel back and having it snatched away again. Plus being alone wouldn't help (cough cough True Pacifist cough cough)
Like I know he's "bad" but cmonnnnnn. I can't help but feel for the little guy! I mean how would you feel if you were told or thought you weren't feeling emotions "correctly"? (Also hi if you see this I love your work <3)
First of all. thank you that means a lot to me ^_^
Second of all. YEAH! this guy’s emotions are just getting thrown around and chewed up like a dog toy. i do think, though, that he Prefers not having a soul at that point, monsters have a lot of Feelings and it’s just Noisy. if that makes sense.
he’d be very grateful to have the weight of The Future Of Humans And Monsters off his shoulders again. As Asriel, he’s a screw holding it all together. As Flowey, he’s a fly on the wall just there to observe.
i think he’s able to come to terms with his non-asrielness because of that. Being a prince is hard!
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