#frogfrog stuff
spacefrogfrog · 2 years
Do yall ever just sit down and think of the parallels between the monsters of Undertale and the darkners of Deltarune?
Both were forgotten by the world above, both are visited by beings that change the status quo forever...
In Undertale a monster absorbing a human soul granted them power and let them get past the barrier, while in Deltarune Spamton was pretty damn convinced getting Kris's soul would let him get to the light world.
Hell, in Undertale the characters were figuratively playthings for us to mess around with, while in Deltarune darkners are canonically personifications of toys and tools used by the lightners, the "higher beings", of that world.
I'm genuinely wondering if Deltarune's endgame involves freeing darkners from being in the dark world!
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spacefrogfrog · 2 years
I wonder if in future chapters we're gonna see Jockington and Catti in the dark world with us? Like as with Berdly and Noelle they have face sprites when talking so they've definitely got potential as being important to future chapters. Plus, while I know it wasn't canon, there was a ton of sports being mentioned in the Spamton sweepstakes.
Honestly, if I had a single idea on HOW he'd be there to begin with, I'd almost theorize Jockington (and therefore Catti bc they're like a unit) would be in chapter 3 as with some thought, it feels like he fits? While not much is known about him, the fact that there's memorabilia of him kinda suggests he's some sort of local celebrity and combined with how the upcoming chapter is based off of the TV.... well, where else would a celebrity be but on the big screen?
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spacefrogfrog · 2 years
Can you imagine what a big slap in the face the Spamton fight was for Kris? There they are, being controlled and being made to either fight or "save" a puppet, while said puppet is talking about becoming free from strings and in the end? Getting rid of those strings? Being free? It's a death sentence.
And as far as Kris is aware, whatever is puppeting them WANTED them to see this! The Spamton NEO fight is completely optional. You have to go out of your way to do it. To make Kris do it.
What kind of message does it seem we're giving Kris?
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spacefrogfrog · 2 years
I know I've been fixating on an Undertale/Underhero crossover, but it hit me that Masked Kid could honestly probably pass as a darkner from Deltarune super well...
They're clearly not human but unlike a monster they seem to bleed as seen in some of the uh... interesting unused jumpscares depicted in the art book. I wonder what they'd be the personification of if they were a darkner?
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spacefrogfrog · 2 years
Finally checking out the deltarune website....
Gotta say Noelle's posts are hella interesting and I'm absolutely enthralled with her possible relation to Gaster??? Like, she can consistently find a super secret hidden door that no one else can find??????
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spacefrogfrog · 2 years
Ugh I'm having such a hard time deciding which fanfics i wanna turn into books. Like, there's so many good choices but I'm trying to go for ones that I can print in just one 8x5 book each so they can't be too long...
I... really enjoy formatting books weirdly enough so I'm kinda bummed by my own indecision. Any fanfic authors on here want me to format their complete fanfic into book form so they can print it or whatever? I can probably do one or two this month. The only real things I ask is that they be preferably be less than 120,000 and while I'm cool with adult content, please no noncon, minor/adult pairings, or incest stuff as it makes me incredibly uncomfortable. I just need to know what service you'd use to print it so I can format it correctly and I'm not gonna like, charge anything to do it. I'm a literal goblin who has book formatting as something I consider a fun hobby.
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spacefrogfrog · 2 years
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I've never did stab binding before so its kinda.... rough, but i thought is would be super cool to bind the fanfic Fish Out of Water by @imagine-darksiders with it. It's a really good FNAF oneshot where Sun and Moon are some Big Aquatic Boys and features a disabled reader and is just 👍👍👍
I highly recommend people check it out.
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spacefrogfrog · 2 years
Is there like an American doujinshi scene that I'm just unaware of/unable to find? It just seems like Japanese fandoms have a much richer and more noticeable scene of having fan comics that are actually physically printed out and sold at conventions.
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spacefrogfrog · 2 years
Does anyone know how bad the second hand market for Undertale/Deltarune doujinshi are? There's this really neat looking one up on booth right now with the premise of Spamton falls into the Underground but I can't use buyee or anything to get it as there's a purchase limit on the thing.
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spacefrogfrog · 2 years
I just realized that I've probably been subconsciously limiting myself. I could probably take a 8,000-10,000 word one-shot I like and make a booklet for it....... many possibilities.
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spacefrogfrog · 2 years
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Yes, I am that kind of nerd to print out copies of fanfic they love. But, I'm super excited to see how nice it turned out! YUTS is a very good fanfic where Izuku can see ghosts. I HIGHLY recommend it!!!!
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spacefrogfrog · 3 years
I feel like if there aren't any permanent consequences to the snowgrave route, like maybe Berdley does wake up or whatever, that any future bad routes are gonna be even worse because it's gonna show to us, the players, that we can genuinely be as bad as possible without true consequences and I feel like that would naturally lead down an escalating dark path
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spacefrogfrog · 3 years
TW: suicide
Do you think Kris might have killed themselves the night before the game's events? That would explain why Kris's soul disappeared and why we players were able to possess their bodies.
God... I wish I could say absolutely not without any doubts but let's be honest here... Was Kris actually happy before Deltarune?
Like, they share a room with their significantly more popular brother and while they clearly miss him based on how they searched for when Asriel would come back for college, Asriel's side of the room just makes all the more clearer how bare and empty Kris's life is in comparison. Kris was childhood friends with Noelle before their families started to drift apart, but was there anyone else that we can say Kris was strongly attached to? In the first chapter when we talk to everyone trying to get a partner, it doesn't feel like Kris is really anyone's first choice.
And finally... That stain in the bedroom.
At first I thought it was a result from the whole "ripping out a soul" thing but with the latest chapter, I'm starting to have my doubts. The soul ripping thing is something that is kept hidden from other characters and steps are taken by Kris to prevent this from being known. They run water to hide the noise they make and put the soul under the sink. And yet... There doesn't seem to be any sort of mess when they reach back for it. The act of taking out a soul wouldn't be what made that red stain. Considering they've already played a prank where they smeared themselves in ketchup and called it blood... there's practically a premade excuse for when someone asks what that stain is if the truth is not pleasant.
And thanks to Undertale, we already have an example of a character running around with no soul and still, well, existing thanks to a good dose of determination.
It makes me wonder if that's why the Spamton NEO fight freaked Kris out so much. I mean, you basically are reviving this broken-down, forgotten body and then when you set Spamton free from the wires that control him... He dies.
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spacefrogfrog · 3 years
I finished Centaurworld and oh boy do I have Thoughts.
The Woman and the Nowhere King clearly have some history. I find it incredibly interesting that above the Nowhere King's throne was what seemed to be a portrait of a lady (it's very much a blink and you'll miss it sort of thing) that's possibly of the Woman and a mural of a human and a centaur touching hands. Combined with the Woman's song and the dialogue between them, I think either the Woman and the Nowhere King had a very strong romantic or platonic relationship before the Nowhere King became a monster.
I also think it's interesting that it seems that on the human side of the interdimensional door there's statues of what seem to horsetaurs. I'm not sure if it means anything exactly, but it is a nice touch considering we are following a horse. And who knows! I doubt Horse is done with her transformation! Maybe it's a sneak peak into what she might eventually look like.
Really can't wait until season 2!
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spacefrogfrog · 3 years
Following up on that idea that Kris needs the player's soul to live, what if that's the reason they do the things they do when they take the soul out? They're GIVING us, as the player, as the soul, a reason to come back. To not abandon them so they don't die.
I mean, think of how many people were foaming at the mouth at the end of chapter 1 to get the next part of the story to see what Kris was up to. And now, Kris is aware of how to make dark fountains. They can keep the adventure, their life, going as long as they provide a reason for us to come back.
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spacefrogfrog · 3 years
Green Mage really was all "oh I'm soooo late for an important appointment" after being lost in the swamp for who even know how long and then went to go gm a tabletop game
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