Run Away, Reborn 3 (Scenarios) Yanderes Upper Moons and Muzan X Female Reader (Demon Slayer) (WITH UPPER MOON 4 Emotion Clones: Anger/Sekido, Sorrow/Aizetsu, Pleasure/Karaku, Joy/Urogi, and Hatred/Zohakuten!) (WARNING!!!WARNING: Dismemberment, Torture, Blood, and Gore In Zohakten's Part!!!)
[Hello My Sexy Muffins! I am back with another part of the Run Away, Reborn Scenarios and this one has to do with just Upper Moon 4 the five emotions, so let's get on to this! 
Side note I might do a part 2 of this part 3!] 
(Disclaimer: Muzan and The Upper Moon Demons in this, are not yandere in canon! This is just for Fun and Not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! You Know Who You Are! You Dirty, Flaky, Biscuits! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, Remember To Separate Fiction From Reality And Headcanon FromCanon! Thank you!) 
(WARNING!!!WARNING: Dismemberment, Torture, Blood, and Gore In Zohakten's Part!!!)
(Upper Moon 4: Sekido/Anger) (RAGE) 
(Sekido's POV) 
We had known her for years, she was our lover, and she was weak and helpless to us. She loved us, or at least that is what we thought. She secretly held resentment toward us. She then ran one day, from our love nest, I remember screaming her name. For her to come back. I could not run after her as the sun rose, I had felt rage through me as I killed the other clones. I was not going to forget this. Never.  Now standing in front of me, here she is, our love, reborn and now a demon slayer. She had cut Hantengu open and her eyes widened. She was frozen. Karaku laughs.  "Look at her Sekido! It is like she has not aged a day!" He laughs. "Even in that fucking ugly slayer uniform she is sexy as all hell~"  "SHUT UP!" I Shout at him and slam my staff down shocking her. She cried out and I hated hurting her, it made me angry that I had to hurt her. Once she falls down I am on her, tearing off her uniform. "YOU BETRAYED US! YOU LEFT US! THEN YOU DIE AND COME BACK! BECOMING A SLAYER TO KILL US!"  "S-Stop!" She cries out and tries to push my hands away as she shields her body from me.  I grabbed her by the throat and she cut me again to get me to let go. Aizetsu comes out of me, and she runs away her top ruined. I will not let our (Name) get away EVER AGAIN!  "Get her Karaku!" I screamed at him. 
(Upper Moon 4: Karaku/Pleasure) (LUST~) 
(Karaku's POV) 
(Name) was running as fast as she could and I ran just faster than her. I tackle her down to the ground and she cries out. I smell her neck and groan. I remember the last night we had with her~ We all made love to her~ She wore us out that night~ Such a talented lover she was. She then somehow got away, I remember waxing up to Sekido crushing my skull as he stomped my head. 
"Oh~ (Name)~" I groan. "Your scent smells so good~ My sexy little human~ So helpless-" She swung her blade back and ended up cutting off my head. That is when Urogi emerged as well. 
I was focused on her as I smiled my head growing back.  "Look at you~," I say and grind up against her. "You have so much fight in you~ Come on love! Use that for the bedroom~"  She punched me in the face and then kneed me in the groin. Okay! That one hurt a bit! I fall on her and she pushes me off.  Urogi would not let her get far. (Upper Moon 4: Urogi/Joy) (PURE UNRIVALED JOY) 
I had been really hurt when she left, not just by Sekdio, not even when he tore off my wings. No, what hurt me was that my mate had left me. I was closer to her than the others because I am a hawk-type demon. Hawks mate for life and when we mated her, that made her the one and only person I wanted to ever be with again, maybe to have some hatchlings with her~ She would help me molt my feathers and would preen me~ I loved it when she would do that~ Washing with her was the best thing in the world~ I also had loved to scent mark her~ To mark her with my scent so any demon knew to stay away from out mate~  I grab her by her shoulders and fly off with her, She hits my legs and I do not mind. "This is great, (Name)!" I cry. "You do not know how happy I am! To have you back! It makes my heart sing!"  I was so happy I could almost cry tears of joy I threw her up in the air and caught her pulling her close and nipping playfully at her ear. 
"You are mine again~ I am never letting you out of my sight again~" I inform her and fly down to where the others are waiting.  I was never happier than right now~ This is the happiest moment in my long life~! 
(Upper Moon 4: Aizetsu/Sorrow) (Not GOOD Enough!) 
I had cried for I do not know how long when I realized she ran from us. It broke my heart and I could not eat for weeks. All I wanted was to find her and beg for her to give us a second chance. That we could be the good lovers that she wanted and be the lovers she needed. I would have done anything to have her back in my arms. But we never found her. I mourned for her and never took another lover, none of us did. She was our only one~ and no one could fill the sorrow she left in my heart.  But here she is as Urogi sets her on the ground. She was surrounded and I felt tears prickle my eyes as I saw her anger and disgust, does she still not love us~  "(Name)..." I say slowly. "It makes me sad, to know you do not love us, please, let us love you. We will do it right this time, please my dear~"  I wanted to touch her to pull her close. But she wields her sword and does (breathing style) which cuts off all of our heads at once and she continues to run away from us. Sekido was so mad. 
"THAT IS IT!" He snaps and starts to absorb Karaku and Urogi! "SHE IS NOT LEAVING US EVER AGAIN!"  I knew what he was doing! He would not treat her kindly! He would hurt her. 
"P-Please! Sekido! She won't survive it!" I sob and he absorbs me as well!  (Upper Moon 4: Zohakuten/Hatred) (HEARTBREAK AND HATRED) 
(Zohakuten's POV) (HE IS PHYSICALLY AGED UP!!!) 
(WARNING BLOOD GORE AND SEMI TORTURE IN THIS ONE! NO ONE WAS ACTUALLY HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS CHAPTER/PART!)  When I saw through the others that she left, I never hated her, not until she left us. Heartbreak and hatred were in my heart. I had wanted nothing more than to find her kill her and make her pay for breaking my heart. The Hatred festered in me for decades. Then I saw her through their eyes. She was reborn and I felt the heartbreak as fresh as it was I saw her leave. I knew I still loved her and I hated myself for it, but more so I hated her, for making all of us love her, she will never leave our side again! 
I looked at her as she ran and I lunged after her stepping on her back hard. "YOU THINK!" I began. "You can break OUR HEARTS, Betray US! BETRAY ME!" He growls. "HOW I WISH I CUT YOUR LEGS OFF! Then you would not have Run! How you made ME HATE MYSELF! I blamed myself for you leaving! Blamed MYSELF FOR NOT BEING ENOUGH! I HATED THAT YOU HURT ME SO MUCH! HATE THAT TO THIS DAY I STILL LOVE YOU!"  I move my stomps from her back and stomp with all my strength on the back of one of her knees. She screamed in agony. I stomped on it again and again the bone severing and the flesh and muscles being reduced to nothing but a paste. I did the same for the other one. She was screaming at me to just kill her and I laughed as tears streamed down my face. 
"Never~" I laugh cruelly through my tears. I kneeled down and flipped her over.  I stroker her cheek and she looks to be in so much pain. "I hope you learned your lesson~," I tell her and pick her up. "Even if you did not, you will never be able to run away again~" 
-One week later-
(No One's POV)  They had healed your legs where they were not infected and the skin regrew where your thighs ended. You were helpless now, you would never be able to run from them again, and you would never be a demon slayer again. The nerve damage made the end of your thighs too painful to walk on right now. So you had to be nice to your lovers. So They could carry you and help you. If not they would force you to be nice.  They never hurt you since that day, but you knew they had all the power and once again you were helpless to them. This time though, you would never escape. 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter here and stay sexy,  all of my sexy muffins!] 
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elbowreveal · 2 years
how long Ago was this. canonically has cphil not known ctechno so long after all...? (looks away fromcanon)
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exclamaquest · 4 years
pov you're yuta asahina and you accidentally kidnap the lost princess so you take her to your sister's house and she starts feeding her redheaded woodpecker sugar straight from the bowl while eating it with a spoon herself. your sister is less than thrilled
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humanfist · 4 years
(Glowfic) Fëanor Autistic
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kons68 · 6 years
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#newlens #newtoy #laowa #venuslaowa #venuslaowa12mm #zerod #wideangle #fromcanon #ddreamer 📷 #happy #laowalens #newexperiences (en Home Sweet Home)
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zanatoly-blog · 7 years
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#фотография#фэшенфотография#fashion#face#fashionweek#fashionillustration#fashionphoto#beautiful#beautidisk#portrait#photo35#portrety#toofaced#faceframe#podolskgo#podolsktime#vpodolske#podolsklifeмойподольск#московскаяобласть#московскийфотограф#подольскийфотограф#menphotography#model#moda#fashiongirl#canonframe#fromcanon#foryou# (at Podolsk)
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Run Away, Reborn 2 (Scenarios) Yanderes Upper Moons and Muzan X Female Reader (This One Has Doma and Akaza) (Demon Slayer)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with part 2! This one has Doma And Akaza in it! I hope that you all enjoy this chapter here, my muffins!] 
(Disclaimer: Muzan and The Upper Moon Demons in this, are not yandere in canon! This is just for Fun and Not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! You Know Who You Are! You Dirty, Flaky, Biscuits! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, Remember To Separate Fiction From Reality And Headcanon FromCanon! Thank you!)
(Doma, Upper Moon 2) (Harmed and Harmed Again) 
(Doma's POV) 
I never felt this way about anyone before. This poor woman I found running in the woods. Her blood smelled so sweet. Then I locked eyes with hers. Those stunning (eye color) eyes and her hair were beautiful (hair color). It was tangled and had blood in it. Matting her hair to her face and head. I felt panic in me as I saw her fearful eyes and the state she was in. How bruises and marks are all over her body. I wanted to take her in my arms and make sure she was okay.  "H-Help me..." She begs.  She had passed out and I Had brought her back to the cult. I had taken care of her and became attached to her. I realized the thing I was feeling for her was love! How I loved my sweet little human. She was the only one who made me feel anything! It was all perfect! But then... She ran away, she saw me eating one of the cult members and she ran,  I had rushed after her, my heart racing in fear of losing her. She came to a cliff side and I reached out to grab her. She turned around and then the cliffside gave way and her body was crushed by the rubble. I dug her out, but by the time I got to her, it was too late.  I could not turn her into a demon! I lost her! I sobbed and screamed into the night. My heart ached for the love of my life, the loss was terrible. 
I then saw her again, I was visiting Daki, and I heard her voice. I felt my blood run cold as I heard her scream for help. I rushed to the room and saw her, naked and shielding her body as the man kicked and punched her. I felt my blood boil and I ripped the man's head off. She looked up at me and I knew it was her.  I blushed as I never saw her naked before, but she had the same eyes, the same hair, the same everything. She stared up at me with the same horror she had when she saw me eating the follower. I felt the fear of her running again.  "(Name)." I say and drop the head, kneeling in front of her, licking her head wound.  Her blood~ It tastes the same~  "L-Let me go..." She cries out. "I-I wo-won't tell anyone.."  "Oh, (Name)." I stroke her cheek and pick up her torn kimono. "I won't let anyone harm you again, you keep running from me. Forgive me."  I grabbed her foot and tore it off and froze her wound so it stopped bleeding. She sobbed and tried to push me away, before passing out. I hated that I had to hurt her. But I cannot bear losing her again~  "I love you~ (Name)~ My (Name)~" I sing-song, I was just so happy to have her back. I feel bad for hurting her, but this time I will not lose her. "I will never let you be harmed again~ My love~" 
(Akaza, Upper Moon 3) (Lonliness) 
(Akaza's POV) 
Life without (Name) was terrible. I had loved her so much, the first person I loved as a demon. She had been My world, I was not lonely when I got to see her almost every night. But when she saw me killing the man that hit on her. Disrespecting her! It made me freeze, and she then ran. I had run after her, but I lost track of her. The sun was coming up and I could not look for her any longer! I had screamed into the night swearing I would find her. 
That is what I thought I would do. But it has been over 100 years and I am certain she is dead now. I mourned her and felt my heart break. I did not think I would see her again! I did not expect my little snow bunny to become a demon slayer. I was fighting the Flame Hashira and then I heard her voice.  "MASTER!" She screamed and I froze and there I saw (Name).  She is in the female demon Slayer uniform! She ran up to me and went to strike down on my neck. I was able to block her. She stood in front of me protecting the injured Rengoku.  "Stay there master!" She says. "I will deal with this demon!"  She was strong, but I refused to fight her, I kept blocking her blade and she was getting frustrated with me.  "FIGHT BACK! FIGHT BACK AKAZA!" She cries out and My eyes widen she remembers me. I grabbed her blade with my hand and shattered it before knocking her out. 
"(NAME)!" Her master screamed, but he could not move, his body was broken and batter.  I pick (Name) up and cradle her in my arms. "You are lucky, Rengoku, I have my snow bunny back in my arms," I tell him. "Her sacrifice will allow you to live another day." 
I then rush off to find a cave. Someplace to hide for us, so I do not get burned by the sun. I had my snow bunny back and I was not going to let her go again.  "I love you, (Name). I promise we will never be lonely again." I promise her. 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins! 
The Next Part will be Upper Moon 4, Hantengu (I hope I spelled that right XD) and his emotion clones Hatred (age up), Anger, Sorrow, Joy, and Pleasure! 
Once again, stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins, BYE!] 
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Run Away, Reborn 1 (Scenarios) Yanderes Upper Moons and Muzan X Female Reader (This one is with Kokushibo and Muzan) (Demon Slayer)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! In this Request you the Reader had been with various Demons and such and you ended up running away from them. But that is not the end of it, you have been reborn, and they found you again! They are not going to let you go, not again Please enjoy this chapter here, muffins!] 
(Disclaimer: Muzan and The Upper Moon Demons in this, are not yandere in canon! This is just for Fun and Not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! You Know Who You Are! You Dirty, Flaky, Biscuits! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, Remember To Separate Fiction From Reality And Headcanon FromCanon! Thank you!) 
(Muzan Kibutsuji) (The Runaway Bride)  (Muzan's POV) 
I remember the day I was to marry my sweet bride. I had kept her with me for so long and got her family to agree to allow me to marry her. It was just after sunset and her useless father came to me, telling me my love had run away with another man. I crushed his head in a second. I then called the demons I trusted most at the time to find her. They never did. I burned her village to the ground and swore if I ever met my runaway bride again, I would teach her how to be a good wife!  Today was the night I met her again. She was walking with a demon slayer and I froze. Her smile, her laugh, those (eye color) eyes, and beautiful (hair color) hair. I see the uniform she is in. She had been reborn and tainted by the demon slayer corps. I had to get her away from them. I quickly turn a nearby human into a demon. she and her friend reacted right away. She is fast as she slashes through the newly turned demon head. I then grabbed her and vanished with her. 
I slam her into the brick wall breaking her sword with my hand. She stares up at me in horror.  "Muzan!" She cries out. "Let go of me!"  "You think that you could just run from me my dear and break off our engagement?" I demand. "I made the mistake of leaving you human once! I will not make that mistake again! You are mine!!"  "I never wanted to marry a demon! Especially after what you did to my family!" She cries out, she remembers her past life.  I change my finger and jam it into her skull giving her enough of my blood where she would keep her humanity and memories, but will become a demon. Her eyes are full of tears and I lick them away. She was mine now and this time we will be married~ 
(Kokushibo, Upper Moon 1) (Betrayal) 
(Kokushibo's POV) 
We had started the Demon Slayer's Together, she was the creator of Star Breathing. I was the creator of Moon Breathing. When I had become a demon I took her with me. I could not leave her to be with my brother. She fought me every step of the way. Fighting against me. I had to harm her to keep her from running. But one day while the Sun was out she fled. I could not go after her, and it angered me! I did not see her, not for a long time. But I knew when I met my brother and took his life. That she had betrayed me and married my brother, having his children. She had died years prior and gave everything I wanted to him.  The love of my life betrayed me. If I ever got to see her again! I would make her mine! Even if I had to cut off her legs!  She stands in front of me sword drawn. She is once again a hashira. Wearing the same Harori she had all those years ago. 
"(Name)." I say and she turns her head to me, her eyes widening. She shakes it off and turns to the head of the Demon Slayers.  "Master!" She cries out. "Take your wife, and children and leave! I will hold him off!"  She was protecting the head of the Demon Slayers. Once again she swore her life to them and it made me angry. 
"(Name)." I say again but she pays no mind to me. 
Her mind was consumed with her mission and not with me, the man who loved her and mourned her!  "(Name)!" I say and strike my blade against hers, her blade shattered and I pinned her to the ground.  She cries out and glares at me. "Let me go! You have no right!" She snaps at me. "You betrayed the Demon Slayers, Your brother, and me!"  "I did not betray you, my dear starlight," I say and make her look into my eyes. "You betrayed me when you spread your legs for my brother, now I will make you mine. Then I will turn you into a demon. So you may never leave me again~"  I kiss her and get ready to make her mine, once and for all~  [YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done, this is just part 1 there will be part 2: Akaza and Doma and Part 3: Upper Moon 4 (the original and at least 5 clones) Part 4: Gyokko and Daki and Gyutaro sharing reader More coming asap! 
I hope that you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!  This was a bonus update today just because!]
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Run Away, Reborn 4 (Scenarios) Yanderes Upper Moons and Muzan X Female Reader (Final Part For This Specific Scenario) (Demon Slayer)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with a new chapter! This one is going to be the last part I think and it will have Gyokko (Upper Moon 5), Gyutaro, and Daki (Upper Moon 6), Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed his chapter here, my muffins!] 
(Disclaimer: Muzan and The Upper Moon Demons in this, are not yandere in canon! This is just for Fun and Not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! You Know Who You Are! You Dirty, Flaky, Biscuits! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, Remember To Separate Fiction From Reality And Headcanon FromCanon! Thank you!) 
(Gyokko, Upper Moon 5) (His Runaway Muse) 
(Gyokko's POV) 
She had been so beautiful, she was such a beauty and the love of my life. I would make main vases for her, but she never seemed to like them. No matter how beautiful I made them. I had to just get better at making them, to become a better artist for my muse, my beautiful muse. Then she ran for me, and I was so angry at her! How could she, how could my darling Muse leave me? I felt like I could not enjoy my art as much. But then there she was. She was walking down the path and talking to some man.  she had the same birthmark on her neck and I KNEW it was her! I sent one of my fish to kill the man and she screamed falling to the ground. I come out and she stares at me in horror.  "Oh! My Darling, (Name)!" I cry out and let my small hands hold my face~ "You are just as beautiful as you were 100 years ago! Come to me my muse! Let me make the most beautiful art for you once more!"  "NO!" She cries out and scrambles getting up and running away from me. 
I felt a vein in my head throb. She wanted to run! Again! How dare she leave me! I will not let her leave me! Not Again!  I rush after her, I will break her legs if I have to!  (Daki, One Half of Upper Moon 6) (The Beauty and The Beast Part 1) 
(Daki's POV) 
I did not remember much of my human life, and neither did my brother, but we did remember one person. (Name). She had seen my brother and me when we had to turn into demons. She was so afraid that she ran away. We did not realize who she was, not until a year later and we remember who she was. We lost the love of our life! We would never be able to see her again. Or at least that is what we had thought.  One week ago, I found that she was reborn. when I saw the new girl in the house I work as an Orain at. She looked just like (Name), and had the same name! Not to mention everything about her was the same. I had to know if it was her. 
"You girl!" I snapped and she came over.  "Yes ma'am?" She asks bowing to me.  "Your name is (Name), right?"  "Yes," she says and keeps her head down. "What do you think of me!?"  She looked up at me, I felt my heart race. "I-I do not know why, but I feel like I have seen you before." She admits and I knew she was (Name) my (Name). 
I am not going to let her go, I refuse to lose her ever again! I will need to tell my brother! He will be so happy that our (Name) has been reborn. 
(Gyutaro, The Other Half of Upper Moon 6) (The Beauty and The Beast Part 2) 
(Gyutaro's POV)  I remember her, she was the only woman to ever love me. She told me my looks did not matter, and that she would always love me. But then she ran when she saw me and Daki as demons. It pissed me off, did she lie to me, did she always think that I was gross!? Then when Daki told me that she had been reborn I was even more angry. 
She had lived a life and died, but even worse she was reborn and lived a whole life without us by her side! She got to live a life without us, where any man or woman could touch her! It pissed me off. So we killed plenty of people to get a shit load of money. I would come in and hire her and my sister. So that me and my sister can get her alone.  I walked into the whore house and they of course dismissed me, I dropped a satchel of money down and glared at them as their eyes go wide. 
"Bring me, them now!" I snapped and they nodded. 
"Of course, right this way sir!" They sad and I smirked, that is more like it. 
I and led to them and that is when I saw her, (Name). The love of my life. She was alive and here! 
(Daki and Gyutaro, Both Upper Moon 6) (The Beauty and The Beast Part 3) 
(No One's POV)  
Dakie looked at (Name) as she locked the door. (Name) stares at Gyutaor, she is shocked and feels uneasy. She swore he looked like Gyutaro from her past life, she did remember her past life all the much. 
"(Name)~" He purrs. "Do you remember us~"  He reached out to her and she flinched away and he growled.  "So you think you are too good for me?" Gyutaro asks. "Is that why you ran, you think that I am ugly."  You stare at him and shake your head. "No, I just feel like I've seen you before."  He grabbed her face and Daki wrapped his arms around her. "Do you remember us?" He asks her. 
"Gyutaro? Ume?" She says slowly shaking and they both smirk.  "That is it~," Daki says. "But my name is Daki now~ You are ours~"  She turned her head to Daki and then she was knocked out. They were not going to lose their sweet little darling again.  [YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done! I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter, and stay sexy all of my sexy muffins!
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zanatoly-blog · 7 years
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#фотография#фото#фотограф#photographer#photographercanon#portrait#portraitoftheda#photo35#photostudio#studiophotography#men#menphotography#model#canon#fromcanon#forcanon#niceframe#nice# (at Podolsk)
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