lunefalls · 7 months
you guys should go check out this super awesome fan made mini maker on picrew by my friend camoucrimson! it surpasses the official one by miles! here's some of my silly guys!
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crystalsclangencorner · 8 months
(Challenge: The Curse of the Dark Forest, the rules can be found here)
(I don't remember the name of who created the challenge, but I know the creator's in the ClanGen discord-)
Now... Let's meet the founders...
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And Dancingmask
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Moon 0 (Newleaf)
Two cats, Jasminedream (69m Female) and Dancingmask (70m Female), form JasmineClan. Dancingmask decides to be a healer.
Dancingmask and Jasminedream discuss StarClan while collecting burdock.
Moon 1
Jasminedream is prancing around in front of Dancingmask.
Dancingmask wonders what Jasminedream thinks of mates.
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(DancingJasmine let's go-)
Dancingmask has gotten a running nose.
Moon 2
Jasminedream escapes a rouge ambush.
Dancingmask thinks Jasminedream is very helpful!
Moon 3 (Greenleaf)
Dancingmask confessed to Jasminedream...
But got rejected.
Dancingmask's nose has stopped running.
Jasminedream feels somewhat guilty for rejecting Dancingmask, so she goes herb-gathering with her, hoping it makes her feel better.
Moon 4
Jasminedream wonders what Dancingmask thinks about mates.
She then finds out she does want to be mates with Dancingmask.
Jasminedream confesses her feelings to Dancingmask and they have become mates.
Dancingmask gives Jasminedream a beautiful feather she found, and hides behind her whiskers when thanked.
Dancingmask has gotten heat exhaustion, causing Jasminedream to step up as a healer for a while.
Moon 5
(Nothing interesting happened)
Moon 6 (Leaf-fall)
Dancingmask has recovered from heat exhaustion.
Dancingmask receives an omen that Jasminedream is to be the leader. She escorts Jasminedream to the Moon Cliffs...
... Yet something is wrong...
Dancingmask talked about StarClan, this place... Wasn't StarClan...
Several shadowy figures appear...
One gives Jasminedream a life for confidence, another gives her a life for bravery.
Another one gives her a life for authority, and yet another one a life for certainty.
Two more shadowy figures give her a life for resiliency, and for courage.
The last three step forward, they give Jasminedream a life for brutality, a life for cunning, and a life for strength.
Jasminedream is now Jasminestar.
Moon 7
Jasminestar talks with two IrisClan cats, specifically the leader and an apprentice. Jasminestar compliments them both about how the young cat's training is progressing.
Dancingmask is giving some advice to Jasminestar.
Jasminestar thinks Dancingmask is really funny.
Dancingmask and Jasminestar have a long discussion about goals and aspirations, and find out they both have a lot in common.
Moon 8
Jasminestar fails to drive a small dog off the territory.
Moon 9 (Leaf-bare)
Dancingmask is expecting kits!
Jasminestar tells Dancingmask to count on her in a difficult situation.
Jasminestar finds an abandoned kit, she brings her back to camp and names her Echokit.
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(Shahsh I love her-)
Moon 11
Dancingmask moves into the nursery.
Echokit checks on Dancingmask.
Jasminestar is looking out for Echokit's well-being.
Moon 12
Dancingmask gave birth to two kits, Currentkit (Male) and Frostkit (Female).
Jasminestar is concerned, the clan doesn't have any other healers. This affects her patrol on the CornflowerClan border. She puts a scent marker in the wrong spot, and Ravensun sees this! Jasminestar now has a mangled tail.
Moon 13 (Newleaf)
Currentkit appreciates how Echokit always seems to ask how he's doing.
Frostkit is asking her moms how kits are born.
Moon 14
Echokit wishes she could get her pelt to shine like Currentkit's.
Currentkit reminds Frostkit to eat if she hasn't already.
Frostkit is playing hide-and-seek with Currentkit. She hides under a bush, but can't stop giggling.
Echokit is growing fond of Currentkit.
Echokit has a headache...
Moon 15
Dancingmask has recovered from giving birth.
Echokit no longer has a headache.
Echokit is now an apprentice! She decides she want to be a healer apprentice, her mentor is Dancingmask.
Frostkit is asking Dancingmask about StarClan.
(Also... Here's Frostkit and Currentkit)
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Moon 15 (Greenleaf)
Dancingmask, Jasminestar, Frostkit, and Echokit are concerned, they notice that Currentkit has been acting strangely lately..
Jasminestar sneaks out at night to sleep in Dancingmask's nest.
Jasminestar gets a torn pelt while on border patrol. She was trying to track down a rouge and got attacked.
Moon 16
Jasminestar and Dancingmask stare at Currentkit with an unreadable expression.
Jasminestar's torn pelt is looking much better.
Jasminestar finds a loner named Mistlefreckle (11m Male). She tries to convince him to join, but he politely refuses.
Moon 17
Frostkit and Currentkit are now apprentices! Frostpaw chooses to be a meditator apprentice while Currentpaw gets Jasminestar as his mentor.
Currentpaw fails to chase a small dog off of JasmineClan territory..
Currentpaw has been acting more cold and distant lately... Echopaw feels a sense of dread...
Moon 18 (Leaf-fall)
Currentpaw decides to try to distract himself, he helps Echopaw gather herbs, they have a herb gathering competition and it ends in good spirits.
Moon 19
Dancingmask is pregnant again!
Frostpaw finds the way Currentpaw is acting increasingly uncomfortable.
Dancingmask gives Currentpaw bitter herbs on purpose, hoping that the Dark Forest will leave him alone...
It works...
Currentpaw immediately begins to sputter out apologies to all the cats he may have accidentally hurt.
(Bless the die for being on Currenpaw's side- 😭)
Moon 20
Dancingmask moves into the nursery.
Echopaw wonders what her full name will be.
Currentpaw wants to visit Echopaw at the healer den.
Jasminestar has a mangled leg after chasing a large dog off the territory.
Moon 21 (Leaf-bare)
Jasminestar lost a life from her mangled leg.
Dancingmask gave birth to three kits! Dapplekit (Female), Chanterellekit (Male), and Flamekit (Female)!
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Echopaw wonders how Currentpaw is doing.
Jasminestar is questioning her ability to lead...
As Jasminestar and Currentpaw trudge through the snow, Jasminestar spots a wolf pack round a kill in the distant valley below and calls Currentpaw over. It's a good opportunity to observe the dangerous predators from afar. Currentpaw is surprised to watch them play, taking turns chasing and running from each other in a way that reminds him of the games he plays with Frostpaw and Echopaw.
Moon 22
Flamekit heard an ugly rumor about Currentpaw.
Jasminestar brings a kittypet named Capella (21m Male) back to camp.
Moon 23
Currentpaw is now a warrior! His name is Currenthaven.
Capella heard a rumor that Echopaw likes someone else...
Currenthaven is now the deputy!
Moon 24 (Newleaf)
Echopaw has finally earned her full healer name at 16 moons old, she is now Echoblossom.
... And then she announces that she's expecting kits.
Meanwhile Frostpaw becomes a full meditator, her name is now Frostfreckle!
Dancingmask has recovered from giving birth.
Moon 25
Echoblossom moves into the nursery.
Echoblossom and Currenthaven seem to be spending a lot of time together...
Jasminestar gives Currenthaven some crow feathers, he decides to wear them.
Frostfreckle tossed a snake out of camp before it could bite anyone.
Currenthaven feels a sense of dread.
Moon 26
Echoblossom had a single kitten named Skykit, she is absolutely refusing to talk about him or acknowledge him at all.
Jasminestar learns a helpful skill from Currenthaven.
Dancingmask comforts Flamekit after a nightmare.
Moon 27 (Greenleaf)
Dapplekit, Chanterellekit, and Flamekit are now apprentices! Dapplepaw gets Capella as her mentor, Chanterellepaw gets Currenthaven as his mentor, and Flamepaw gets Jasminestar as her mentor!
Dancingmask has gotten heat exhaustion.
Flamepaw decides she wants to be a healer, Echoblossom is her new mentor.
Jasminestar lost a life after being ambushed by rouges on a border patrol.
Moon 28
Jasminestar wonders if StarClan has given Dancingmask any prophecies lately.
Flamepaw and Dapplepaw talk about a vision Dapplepaw had.
Moon 29
Dancingmask has recovered from heat exhaustion.
Echoblossom has recovered from giving birth.
Capella fought a hawk and got hurt.
Flamepaw wonders if she's good enough to be a healer apprentice...
Moon 30 (Leaf-fall)
Dapplepaw decides she wants to be a meditator.
Dancingmask saw a kittypet sitting calmly next to a dog!
Moon 31
Dancingmask called Flamepaw the wrong name...
Chanterellepaw hopes his name will end in -claw.
Moon 32
Jasminestar is expecting kits! She decides to not move into the nursery yet.
Capella has recovered from his claw-wound.
Skykit is now an apprentice! His mentor is Jasminestar.
Currenthaven, Capella, Skypaw, and Chanterellepaw go out hunting. They avoid getting crushed by a branch. They end up being plenty of squirrels and oak leaves back to camp.
Moon 33 (Leaf-bare)
Jasminestar thinks she'll have a large litter. She doesn't believe she can efficiently perform her duties while expecting kits so she moves into the nursery.
Echoblossom confessed her feelings to Currenthaven and they have become mates.
Skypaw has realized that tom doesn't describe the way she feels anymore.
Dapplepaw is now Dapplefeather!
Chanterellepaw is now Chanterelleflower!
Skypaw brings an injured cat named Dancingdaisy (110m Male) back to camp.
Moon 34
Jasminestar gives birth to a tom (Weaselkit) and a she-kit (Hemlockkit)
Moon 35
Capella brought a litter of four kits, a tom (Rindlekit) and three she-kits (Bluekit, Strikekit, and Raggedkit) back to camp.
Flamepaw has gotten a sprain.
Echoblossom has been acting strangely around Skypaw lately...
Moon 36 (Newleaf)
Jasminestar has realized that she-cat no longer describes the way they feel anymore.
Moon 37
Dancingdaisy recovered from his broken jaw but will always carry the evidence of it.
Flamepaw is now a full healer! Her new name is Flamerise!
Dancingdaisy brought a litter of four kits, two toms (Whistlekit and Drizzlekit) and two she-kits (Fallingkit and Daisykit) back to camp.
Dancingdaisy mangled his leg after escaping a twoleg trap.
Jasminestar has recovered from giving birth.
Chanterelleflower was killed by rouges...
Moon 38
No parent wants to outlive their child, and Jasminestar wails over Chanterelleflower's body. Jasminestar can't be bothered to get up out of their nest the next day, refusing to speak a word to those around them.
Echoblossom gets into a fight with Skypaw, it is broken up by Currenthaven.
Capella meets up with a all-too familiar cat he knows from IrisClan...
Moon 39 (Greenleaf)
Capella's tail was badly injured by a fox.
Strikekit is scolded for trying to sneak out of camp.
Skypaw is now Skycliff! Echoblossom, however, does not celebrate her daughter becoming a warrior.
Moon 40
Dancingdaisy has recovered from his mangled leg.
Jasminestar is expecting kits again!
It is noted that Echoblossom seems to be planning to murder Skycliff... But Currenthaven defends Echoblossom.
Weaselkit and Hemlockkit are now apprentices! Weaselpaw gets Dancingdaisy as his mentor, while Hemlockpaw gets Jasminestar as her mentor.
Weaselpaw and Hemlockpaw play in the forbidden tunnels, keeping their little secret.
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necromatador · 9 months
More Songclan!
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Whirlcatcher, who got sick and was abandoned by their Twolegs, and died when ambushed by rogues.
Ebonystripe, a foundling kit, became deputy under Froststar. They died when they went wandering to try and find the truth of their parentage.
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Frostfreckle, who lost their Twolegs in an accident and ran away to join the clan. Scarred by a snakebite. Eventually became Froststar when Mossstar was mauled by a rogue and lost 8 lives at once. They were carried off by a hawk, never to be seen again.
Flailthorn joined the clan as a medicine cat, and lost their tail to a dog. Drowned trying to rescue a clanmate who'd fallen into the river.
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Rowanhowl was training as a medicine cat, but was taken by a predator in the night and killed.
Blazestripe was born to PrimroseClan but their mother abandoned them to SongClan as a kit. With their connection to StarClan they became a thoughtful warrior. They died after eating tainted fresh-kill.
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Firstep was born into the clan, and got caught in a forest fire that left their paws scarred. They became Firstar when Froststar was carried off by a hawk. A hawk tried to do the same to them but ultimately they died to a rogue ambush.
Applespeck, the deputy under Froststar after Ebonystripe died, was scarred by a hawk saving a kit. They drowned when the camp flooded.
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Basiltail was a childish new warrior who died in a rogue ambush.
Jackdawfur was a warrior who became a medicine cat and froze to death in a snowstorm that covered the camp.
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Peaktangle became deputy after Murkfreckle died. Became Peakstar after Firstep was killed.
Deerdapple, a deputy under Firstar, was scarred in a forest fire. They died in a rogue ambush.
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Barkbramble was an excellent swimmer but still died in a flood.
Murkfreckle was briefly made deputy after Deerdapple died, only to be found dead near a rival clan's border.
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Canopyspeck was a new warrior, but died eating tainted fresh-kill.
Lionrush left their home after something terrible happened and joined the clan. They became a deputy under Peakstar and later retired to the elder's den, replaced as deputy by Cypressears.
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Flipfreckle, an ex-kittypet, is one of the best hunters in the clan. They drowned trying to rescue a clanmate from the river.
Lyresplash is a storyteller, and went missing once only to return with a black collar around their neck.
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Nimblebeetle was a young warrior who was bitten by a snake and succumbed to the venom.
Cypressears became deputy under Peakstar after Lionrush retired to the elder's den. They became Cypressstar when Peakstar lost their last life to old age.
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Plumfern is a daring young warrior who saved a kit from a hawk, earning a few scars. They became deputy under Cypressstar.
Brokenheart left IrisClan as Brokenpaw and graduated as a warrior in SongClan.
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Moon 100
(I had all this written out... then I didn't save... I am going to cry...)
Crookedbracken's grief has gotten so bad that they now have an actual physical stomach ache because of it. The medicine cats are concerned.
Frostfreckle has given birth to two tiny kits. Pumpkinkit and Runningkit. This will be their last litter or they will be boxing their mate over the head.
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Primwave has recovered from their whitecough.
Primewave has also tried to confess to Swiftspark but they were rejected.
Shimmerfreckle's leg has healed with no scar in sight.
Cragshadow was out on a morning walk when they were suddenly jumped by a fox. In their mad scramble to get away and up a tree, the fox managed to chomp on their tail, leaving it mangled.
Whisperpeak's whitecough is gone.
Sunnybird and Dazzlenest have recovered from frostbite but were left with a scar.
Hemlockpelt is expecting kits!
Whiteice and Hailleaf have survived yellowcough.
Garlicclaw joins the elders! They happily settle down in the nest next to their new mate Wolverinepeak. They both look forward to living their sunset moon together.
Conchpaw has been named Conchblaze and honored for their composure.
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Riverkit, Weaselkit, Hyacinthkit, and Heavykit stand trembling as they are all made apprentices. Riverpaw is given to Waterice, Weaselpaw is given to Riversand, Hyacinthpaw is given to Redocean, and Heavypaw is given to Hailleaf.
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Jumblekit sits nervously at pools edge. Their littermates had just been apprenticed but they were left out of the ceremony this far. Were they going to be apprenticed at all?
(This is where I lost ALL of my progress so I will instead summarize what I can remember)
Jumblepaw becomes the new medicine cat apprentice under Fleckrustle.
(I had a whole thing where Fleckrustle had received visions and was even visited by Stormflicker to tell them that Jumblepaw was the one but it's all gone now)
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Several cats become mates.
Shoreeagle has died due to an unexpected fox attack.
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Pumapaw, Bearpaw, Pheasantpaw, and Gardeniapaw all become apprentices.
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Sloepaw finally had their warrior ceremony and they are very proud of themselves. They are now Sloepelt.
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Hilltalon found an abandoned kitten and adopted it. They named the kit Blizzardkit.
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Quietpaw has also become a warrior named Quietmask.
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Sprucefeather also died because of a snake bite.
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Flaxpaw and Frecklepaw have also become warriors named Flaxstripe and Frecklecry.
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Dolphinfade and Hemlockpelt have created Barnaclekit.
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Junkclan Moon 60- Newleaf
Important Events:
Slumbershade spend the evening telling the Clan stories about The Weasel's Lie.
Robinflight travelled to Nightinggaleclan to bring them an important message, notifying them of the Rogue group wandering nearby..
Bluestorm's headache is gone and Yarrowlily has recovered from whitecough.
Snakehollow gives birth to 3 healthy kits, Silverkit, Sweetkit, and Applekit, however the birth was incredibly painful, and her condition deteritiorated, Snakehollow dying and leaving her three kittens motherless. Bigmane grieves for losing a good friend, promising to take care of her kits as his own..
Bluebellstripe's frostbite is gone.
Windkit has got a running nose.
Silverkit, half-clan kit: A silver grey, masked Molly with grey eyes.
Trait: Nervous
Born to Snakehollow of Junkclan and Rango, a former Rogue member of the Shark Jaw's Group, having fled to Vixenclan in fear of the group's rising violent activity.
Sweetkit, half-clan kit: A marble-pelted, grey furred tom with Green-yellow eyes.
Trait: polite
Born to Snakehollow of Junkclan and Rango, a former rogue member of the Shark Jaw's Group, having fled to Vixenclan in fear of the group's rising violent activity.
Applekit, half-clan kit: A silver tabby marble-pelted tom.
Trait: Attention-seeker
Born to Snakehollow of Junkclan and Rango, a former rogue member of the Shark Jaw's Group, having fled to Vixenclan in fear of the group's rising violent activity.
Badgerpaw and Ruestar go training in the tunnels, having a little fun as they go.
Hawkchase takes Bluebellstripe and Mintwhisper out on a Border patrol, and come across a Loner offering Healing skills and to join Junkclan. After talking for a bit, Mocha decides to decline.
Mocha, Wandering Healer: An ginger smoky pelt Bengal Molly.
A wander Healer, cold on the outside, big softie and greater babysitter for kits on the inside!
Trait: Cold
Skills: Good kit sitter and Den builder
Waspflare, while on Patrol, is greeted by an intense vision..
Important Relationship Events:
Egretleaf is surprised Gustmist's life isn't as easy as she thought it was..
Waspflare saw Snakehollow the other day and got to meow hello..
Flowerheart thinks Badgerpaw was nice today.
Slumbershade had a huge argument with Ruestar.
Chaffinchheart wishes they could get their pelt to shine like Breezekit's.
Robinflight chats with Loudprance while grabbing something to eat.
Cloverbloom ignores Goosekit.
Mothfeather saw Waspflare being considerate.
Butterflyhowl, Frostfreckle, and Badgerpaw took a sunbath and had a small chat!
Sneezetangle lets Windkit share their troubles with them hoping they'll feel better.
Bellini offers to groom a hard to reach place for Breezekit!
Bigmane feels safe around Ruestar.
Wormwater is having a wonderful time discussing clan news with Mothfeather!
Thistlepaw and Badgerpaw heckled another clan at the gathering.
Important Thoughts:
Gustmist says Bluestorm reminds her of a cat she knew once..
Bluestorm insists on taking on more tasks.
Bellini cheers any cats name the loudest during Naming ceremonies.
Chaffinchheart is trying to set a good example for the younger cats.
Sneezetangle had a nightmare about the rushing river nearby..
Loudprance considers bending the rules a bit..just this once.
Wormwater wants to speak to Bigmane about something.
Thistlepaw is asking Daisysnarl questions.
Windkit is hoping the patrol comes back with something he likes as usual!
Breezekit wants to stay in his nest today..
Goosekit keeps asking how kits are made.
Cowbird saw a helpless cat be taken by two legs.
Morningsting regrets everything.
0 notes
Moon 105
Frostfreckle was bitten by a snake and died. The entire clan notices that Freezespots seems to take the news in an unusually poor way. Freezespots can't let any cat know that they are the one who will be suffering most of any. They cannot confide in their kits, they cannot confide in their fellow medicine cats, they cannot confide in their leader. They must suffer this ultimate heartbreak alone. Maybe this was Starclan's punishment...
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The clan grieves deeply for the patient and wise Frostfreckle. They will be remembered by most as a cat they could all talk to about their problems and feelings. A cat that always knew what to say and when to say it. A cat that loved and was loved. They will be missed.
Pepperbuzz's lungs are feeling much clearer and they are ready to hunt once more.
Sharphare's leg was injured by a twoleg trap.
Wolverinepeak was worried that their advanced age would result in complications during their pregnancy but they were thankfully able to deliver two healthy kits safely. Crestkit and Emberkit.
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Dewpaw, Deltapaw, and Sablepaw have been made apprentices under Flaxstripe, Hilltalon, and Primwave.
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Mantisears and Swiftspark have become mates!
Eggsong was attacked by a dog while out on patrol. they came out of the fight with a bite wound.
Frecklecry has found and adopted a three moon old kit named Mole. They are given the new name Molekit and welcomed into the clan.
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Clamtrail was not only almost dragged out to sea but they also caught whitecough. The medicine cats are scrambling to keep this cat alive and breathing.
Garlicclaw caught greencough. They whine and lament from their nest that they can't go see their kits like this. Honeymurk has snapped at them more than once to stop and that complaining does nothing but annoy the cats around them to which Garlicclaw huffs and says, "My kits would enjoy my whining..." thus staring the whole cycle over again.
Quietmask's leg has become swollen with infection to the point where Honeymurk considers traveling to one of the other clans for advice.
Riverpaw and Heavypaw have become warriors named Riverfin and Heavydawn. They are celebrated for their courage and strong will.
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Pumpkinpaw, Runningpaw, and Blizzardpaw have been made apprentices and were given to Oddspots, Sneezedazzle, and Conchblaze!
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Frecklecry was caught in a twoleg trap and has been lost!
A kittypet was found wandering Starlingclan territory when a patrol found them and confronted them. Instead of being scared by these thin and scarred wildcats like most kittypets are, this cat happily pranced up to the patrol and asked to join. The cats reluctantly led the friendly kitty to camp where Hopstar allowed them to become a warrior named Peachwhisker.
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Peachwhisker was immediately injured on their first hunting patrol by a fox. As Jumblepaw treated the former kittypet they brought up how they were wild now and injuries like this happen regularly. And that no cat would blame them if they decided to go back to their twoleg. "Are you kidding me? No way I'm going back! That was the most fun I've had in ages! And I fought it off! By myself!" The cats outside listening in almost purred with amusement. Maybe this kitty was tougher than they first thought.
Cragshadow's tail stump has become infected. Honeymurk scolds them about proper washing technique and needing to pay more attention to their missing tail.
Redocean caught whitecough.
Crookedbracken has a new scar from a now-healed injury.
Garlicclaw died from Greencough.
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Petunianight caught greencough and had their leg injured by a twoleg trap.
Quietmask's infection is only getting worse.
Weaselpaw and Hyacinthpaw have become full warriors with their new names. Weaselcrash and Hyacinthquill. They are both celebrated for their observance.
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Pondfrost saved Pumpkinpaw after they fell into a river.
Eggsong's bite wound has left a scar on their pelt.
Sharphare's leg will unfortunately never be the same but at least it's still functioning.
Petunianight's greencough has turned into whitecough.
Riversand was bitten by a snake but survived!
Molepaw has been named an apprentice and given to Duckflow to train.
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Bearpaw has proven themselves to be an exceptional warrior so they are named Bearrain in honor of their risk-taking.
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In the process of driving off a dog, Dewpaw got a torn ear.
Ratdrizzle and Rabbitsoar died in an unexpected flood.
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Cragshadow died of their infected wound.
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Whisperpeak is expecting kits!
Oddspots has caught whitecough.
Clamtrail's lungs are feeling much better.
Dolphinfade caught whitecough.
Splashtooth's leg was caught in a twoleg trap and was injured.
Riversand is expecting kits!
And so is Sloepelt!
Quietmask died of their infected wound.
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Weaselcrash caught yellowcough.
Jumblepaw has been named Jumblebud!
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Dewpaw's ear has healed, not that it matters because they also caught whitecough.
Barnaclepaw has been made an apprentice and was given to Heavydawn to train under.
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Barnaclepaw broke a bone after an unfortunate encounter with a fox.
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Junkclan Moon 59 - Leaf-Bare
Important Events:
Ruestar asks Flowerheart out after having talked to Egretleaf, and now the two are also mates!
Bigmane travelled to Nightingaleclan to resolve personal disputes, and the meeting went better than expected!
Bluestorm woke up with a mild headache.
Snakehollow isn't quite sure how man ykits she'll have, but moves to the Nursery anyways.
Bluebellstripe has got a running nose alonsgide the Frostbite..
Frostpaw no longer has a running nose. She is also finally named a Warrior, Frostfreckle, and honored for her dignity!...She also catches whitecough.
Budfleck and Toadpaw were killed by the vicious gang of rogues composed of Barracudastar's side in a Civil war. Ruestar fears the possibility of danger to Junkclan with these revelations. In death, Toadpaw is given his Warrior name, Toadthorn.
Rumor has it to the Clan that Stink Mink has died.
The Healer apprentice of Nightingaleclan comes asking for extra mullein, to which Ruestar happily obliges!
After hearing Loudprance and Smallrise make ridiculous jokes about Cleric duties, Bluestorm has the two escort her on a Herb-gathering patrol. Smallrise confesses he had a dream, but Bluestorm cannot make sense of it.
Badgerpaw, while in the tunnels of Junkclan, maintains they aren't useful much to Ruestar's frustration.
Robinflight takes Chaffinchheart, Wormwater, Hawkchase, Sneezetangle and Hornetpaw on a Patrol to try and confront the Rogues that murdered Budfleck and Toadpaw, but end up seeing two kits from Moleclan playing close to the border. Robinflight lets the others leave as her and Chaffinchheart offer the bebadger ride ever back to Moleclan, where they're thanked for their kindness.
Egretleaf, Daisysnarl, Cloverbloom and Thistlepaw go hunting, coming across a small little twoleg den narby. Twoleg kits stomping through the snow and long grass scare the patrol away.
Mintwhisper, in a fit of rage for his brother's death, stomps his way outside the Territory of Junkclan, trying to find the Rogues who killed Toadpaw. Coming across a Nightingaleclan Patrol, to which Mintwhisper has a spat and says hurtful things, before the Patrol walks off.
Important Relationship Events:
Waspflare was caught enjoying a moonlit stroll with Slumbershade..
Slumbershade chats with Flowerheart while grabbing something to eat.
Chaffinchheart bumps heads with Badgerpaw reassuringly.
Robinflight tells Smallrise she'll save them a piece of fresh-kill.
Daisysnarl and Gustmist realize they have more in common than previously thought!
Cloverbloom bristles after being scolded by Butterflyhowl.
Wrentongue promises to look out for Bluestorm!
Quailcurl left a gift in Smallrise's nest!
Snakehollow heard a hokes from Frostfreckle she didn't get.
Bluebellstripe thinks Goosekit acts weird.
Mintwhisper sharpens his claws next to Thistlepaw.
Hornetpaw can't stand being around Sneezetangle!
Breezekit said something really rude to Bellini.
Goosekit is wowed by how bravely Hawkchase fought the other day!
Important Thoughts:
Ruestar is working twice as hard to prove his worth as a leader.
Gustmist gave herbs to an injured loner.
Bluestorm can't wait until Starclan sends her an omen..
Mothfeather fixes an argument between the kits..again.
Egretleaf is eavesdropping on Chaffinchheart.
Chaffinchheart wonders if he really could run the clan better, although thinks so just for a moment.
Cloverbloom has the apprentices caught up in a very tall tale!
Wrentongue purrs sweetly..
Loudprance is pretending to be a big, evil warrior for Windkit!
Mintwhisper wonders if he could kill a fox all by himself..
Thistlepaw had quite the adventure!
Cowbird nearly got caught in a twoleg trap!
Chocolate Pudding was almost eating by a Monster!
Morningsting is reluctantly working with Barracudastar's daughter and leader of the Shark's Jaws Colony, Megaladonsnap, in the hopes of bringing down Junkclan...
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Moon 85
Duckflow has given birth to three healthy kits. Hawkbit is being as attentive as possible and bringing them every little thing they ask for. They both name the kits Fleckkit, Rabbitkit, and Hailkit.
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Whisperpeak's tail was caught in a fox's jaws as they were scrambling up a tree trying to avoid said fox.
Mantisears snake bite seems to be infected.
Pepperbuzz is no longer coughing up a storm.
Turtleswoop and Shimmerfreckle have caught whitecough.
Jaggeddart saved Splashtooth from a dog but was injured defending them.
Riversand has healed and is ready to take part in clan life.
Splashtooth and Pepperbuzz have become mates.
Erminepaw was swallowed up by a sand dune and woke up in the medicine den. They wail helplessly from their nest. "Oh, NO! NOT AGAIN!"
Riverjumble was buried in sand and suffocated to death.
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Saltear's tail was injured when running away from a fox.
Songshock's cough has finally gone away.
Treeheart caught greencough.
Sungill confessed to Daisyfin but was rejected.
Swiftspark is finally given the all-clear. Their broken bone has healed.
Shimmerfreckle has announced that they are expecting kits!
Frostfreckle puffs out their chest as Waterpaw is made into Waterice and is honored for their determination. Freezespots tries to control their body language. They want to yowl to Starclan about how proud they are but they can't. They purr quietly instead and celebrate as one of their clanmates.
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Codkit, Bushkit, and Lilackit are made into paws and are apprenticed to Daisyfin, Grousefleck, and Hopstar themself. Lilackit is really feeling that pressure to be the perfect warrior.
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Yewchill is telling stories about Bouncedew.
Pepperbuzz shows off their hunting skill to Splashtooth.
Willowbettle tried to chase a fox away from some prey and got a torn pelt for their troubles.
Pigeonfleck, Eggsong, and Primwave found an injured cat and brought them back to camp for treatment. They hesitantly introduce themselves as Garlicclaw.
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Frostfeckle caught whitecough. They make constant excuses to cuddle with Freezespots. 'Oh no, I'm feeling so cold. If only a cat could lay beside me.'
Songshock caught Yellowcough.
Mantisears has recovered from their whitecough.
Sunnybird and Daisyfin got their leg caught in a twoleg trap and escaped with some heavy damage to that leg.
Dolphinfade tried to confess to Sneezedazzle but was rejected.
Stemflack caught whitecough.
Willowbeetle's pelt is no longer torn.
Redocean has healed from their wound.
Codpaw and Songshock were killed by a gang of rogues.
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Petuniakit fell into the pond and was quickly scooped out by Sunnybird.
Hailkit can breathe once more.
Flutterbuzz and Crookedbracken go for a nighttime walk and find tiny glowing crabs. They spend the next little while lapping up some of these crabs and crunching on them and then laughing when they make their mouths glow too.
Shoreeagle and Coalmark have become mates!
So have Sunnybird and Ferncreek!
Whisperpeak has healed.
Mantisears infection has lifted.
Sunnybird's wound has become infected.
Jaggeddart's broken bone seems to have gotten infected too.
Turtleswoop and Shimmerfreckle celebrate being free of whitecough.
Treeheart no longer has greencough.
Shimmerfreckle recovered just in time to give birth to their kits. They name the two new lives Conchkit and Sloekit.
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Petuniapaw, Hillpaw, and Ratpaware apprenticed to Crookedbracken, Willowbettle, and Treeheart. All three apprentices are bouncing around like they are newborn kits on their first trip out of the nursery.
Hopstar is officially old.
Frostfreckle can breathe easily again.
Saltears' tail is healed.
Mantisears' snake bite has left a scar but Honeymurk says that they are lucky that a scar is the only thing it left.
Coalmark is officially old and joins the elders.
Stemflake's whitecough has cleared up.
Sungill has tried to confess to Daisyfin again but they were regected again.
Garlicclaw's wound has finally healed.
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Moon 80
Hopstar now has a scar from their claw wound.
Freezespots was bitten by a snake when trying to remove it from camp and thankfully survived.
Saltears fought a dog and was injured.
Heavytail announced that they are expecting!
Crookedbracken and Flutterbuzz are happily curled around each other in the nursery with their three kits. Codkit, Bushkit, and Lilackit.
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Sprucefeather has injured their leg on some twoleg junk.
Eggpaw quietly listens as Hopstar names them Eggsong and praises them for their evenness.
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Cragshadow is really beginning to understand why elders complain of joint pain so often.
Turtleswoop and Heavytail have become mates!
Sprucefeather's leg has begun to feel feverish.
Coalmark has healed from their snake bite and is looking forward to continuing to mentor their apprentice.
Swiftspark saved Freezespots from a big dog but was severely injured in the process.
Waterpaw touches noses with Stemflake. They hope they are ready for this...
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Erminepaw was apprenticed to Turtleswoop and was almost immediately swept out to sea. Thankfully Turtleswoop was able to save the young apprentice.
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Freezespots heals from their snake bite.
Freezespots pulls Frostfreckle aside and explains that they are expecting again. The two return a few hours later with herbs in their mouths and tails held high.
Heavytail has safely delivered three tiny kits. Petuniakit, Hillkit, and Ratkit.
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Hopstar had hunting patrols go out extra early in hopes of bringing back extra prey for the huge ceremony and feast they would be having this night.
Willowpaw becomes Willowbeetle. Nimblepaw becomes Nimblerise. Jaggedpaw is now Jaggeddart. Sharppaw is now Sharphare. They are all commended for their insight, dignity, vulnerability, and understanding.
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Flutterbuzz and Nimblerise found an injured loner and brought them back to camp. They introduce themselves as Riversand.
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Duckflow is expecting!
Cragshadow gracefully retires as they can really feel their age in their bones now.
Saltears has healed.
Pepperbuzz has caught whitecough.
Sprucefeather's infection has cleared up.
Honeypaw has been named Honeymurk and is welcomed as a full medicine cat.
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Primpaw becomes Primwave in honor of their passion.
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All these months of training have prepared them for this... Bluepaw has been named Bluetuft in honor of their thoughtfulness and they feel ready.
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Shimmerpaw is now known as Shimmerfreckle and is honored for their spirit.
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Splashstreak takes over as deputy.
Frostfreckle has secretly given birth to two perfect kits. Turtlekit and Spottedkit.
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Mantisears was bitten by a snake and caught whitecough. They silently curse Starclan for their terrible luck.
Sprucefeather's leg had to be amputated to save their life.
Songshock caught whitecough.
Shoreeagle really didn't want to but they are now retiring. Cragshadow tells them to just enjoy the deserved rest. Shoreeagle continues to protest.
Riverpaw almost missed their own ceremony. They were able to make it and were named Riverjumble in honor of their justice.
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Redpaw is named Redocean and honored for their hard work.
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Dazzlepaw is named Dazzlenest and is celebrated for their fortitude.
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Erminepaw is finally breathing better and can start training.
Redocean was attacked by a fox and was bitten.
Hillkit caught kittencough.
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Moon 75
Freezespots had to hide. They could tell that the kits were coming but they knew that they could absolutely not do anything about it in camp so they carefully pranced out of the camp in the early morning with the excuse of going out early to gather herbs. They knew the perfect spot. They picked it out weeks ago. They prepared it with moss and all the herbs they could need. All they had to do now was the hard part.
Frostfreckle noticed Freezespots absence immediately. How could they not notice that their secret mate was missing? They had been acting extremely off the past two moons and Frostfreckle cant help but feel worried. What was happening with them? Why were they acting so squirrelly? Where were they? Why couldn't they tell their own mate what was happening...? Their warrior days might be behind them but they still have those skills engraved into their muscles so they track to the best of their ability. A strand of fur there, an unnatural scrap of herb here, some shifted sand... It took them a while longer than they would have liked to admit but they finally found Freezespots. Chewing juniper berries and gently nuzzling a single tiny kit. Their kit. Frostfreckle realizes. Their kit together. Frostfreckle pushes through the undergrowth. They can't wait to meet them.
Frostfreckle returns that day with Waterkit. Explaining that Frostfreckle and Freezespots had found the mother dead on the border with only this newborn kit still there. That Freezefreckle is giving the unknown mother a proper burial while they were tasked with bringing the kit to camp for adoption and ceremonies. That Frostfreckle will be adopting the kit as their own. No cat can know... Not even Waterkit.
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Kinkblaze was poisoned by a sea creature but with Freezespot on nest rest for a 'mysterious stomach ache' and Sprucefeather still being more inexperienced and training Honeypaw they are unable to recover and succumbed to the poison.
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Saltears had healed from the snake venom and bite!
Pondfrost no longer has greencough.
Songshock caught greencough.
Splashtooth brought home another single kit. Their name is Erminekit.
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Sunpaw is named Sungill and is praised for their heart.
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Fogkit died of kittencough.
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Willowpaw, Eggpaw, and Primpaw are all made apprentices to Pigeonfleck, Shoreeagle, and Swiftspark.
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Conekit caught greencough.
Ferncreek has come out as non-binary.
Clamtrail no longer feels like they are coughing up a lung.
Turtleswoop has severely injured their leg on some twoleg stuff.
Sungill is no linger ill. With yellowcough.
Conekit died of greencough.
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Hyacinthpaw has entranced by the sea and did not notice the huge wave that crashed into their side and swept them out to sea.
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Hopstar saved Sungill from a hawk but was injured instead.
Stempaw finally becomes Stemflake and Ploverpaw becomes Ploverspeck. Each is celebrated for their courage and perspective.
Hopstar doesn't remember the last time they had to do this many apprenticeship ceremonies at once.
Nimblepaw is given to Treeheart, Jaggedpaw is given to Oddspots, Riverpaw is given to Clamtrail, Bluepaw is given to Coalmark, Shimmerpaw is given to Splashtooth, and Sharppaw is given to Sungill.
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Roarpatch attacked a bee's nest because they are annoyed by the buzzing.
Freezespots 'mysterious stomach ache' has passed.
Crookedbracken has announced that they are expecting kits!
Songshock has recovered from greencough.
Redpaw and Dazzlepaw have finally become apprentices. their mentors are Pondfrost and Duckflow.
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Roarpatch had a strange reaction to the bee stings and unfortunately died.
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Coalmark was bitten by a snake but survived!
Hemlockpaw is the last of their litter, other than Honeypaw, to remain alive for all this time. They grieve for their littermates and hope that they have made them proud. Hemlockpaw is named Hemlockpelt and is honored for their faithfulness.
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Hawkbit and Duckflow have become mates!
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Moon 65
Whisperpeak has recovered from greencough.
Stormflicker died of whitecough.
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Hawkbit has injured their leg in a twoleg trap.
Sprucekit watches the medicine den closely. The hustle and bustle inside the normally quiet corner of the cave was alarming. The almost constant stream of sick or injured cats, more so. Ever since they had first heard of the term they had wanted to be a warrior but watching the camp now... They know they can help more by becoming a medicine cat. Sprucekit becomes Sprucepaw and is given to Freezespots.
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Roarpatch gifted Sprucepaw some maple seeds to congratulate them.
Yewchill will stay as a medicine cat until Sprucepaw is fully trained.
Yewchill lept from a rock funny and sprained their leg.
Pondpaw and Clampaw leave the camp together, excited for their first trip out of the camp. Leaving Splashtooth and Crookedbracken to run after the energetic apprentices.
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Dolphinpaw, Songpaw, and Splashpaw eagerly await their apprenticeship ceremony to be over. All three of them are just bursting with questions! Kinkblaze hopes that their mentors, Duckflow, Pepperbuzz, and Saltears can keep up with the young cats' energy.
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Sleekrun is happy to be out of the medicine cat den.
Coalmark no longer has whitecough and is fully ready to start contributing.
Freezespots leg is feeling much better. Hawkbit's leg, however, only seems to be getting worse.
Ferncreek's broken bone has healed successfully.
Oddspots has announced that they are expecting kits!
Sunnybird had caught their leg in some twoleg garbage. It took a while to get free and now their leg is heavily injured.
Coalmark has brought to camp four kits! They refuse to say where from. They have named them Hyacinthkit, Hailkit, Honeykit, and Hemlockkit.
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Shoreeagle is eyeing the elders den. They are considering retiring after they are done training their apprentice.
Frostfreckle has decided to join the elders den.
Dolphinpaw had a running nose which has progressed into whitecough.
Turtlepaw and Sneezepaw sit proudly in front of the clan. their warrior assessments had gone well and it was finally time for their warrior ceremonies. They are named Turtleswoop and Sneezedazzle in honor of their affection and courage. Daisypaw nad Treepaw watch envious but still cheering with the rest of the clan for their littermates.
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Sprucepaw had to check their observation with Freezespots that Shoreeagle, who has been sniffling and sneezing for a while has been presenting with symptoms of whitecough. Freezespots has to agree with their young apprentice, as much as they wish they couldn't. Shoreeagle has caught whitecough.
Hopstar threw themselves in front of Daisypaw as they were being chased by a big dog and came out of it badly injured.
Cragshadow has announced that they are expecting kits!
Grousefleck had their leg caught in a pile of twoleg garbage and escaped heavily injured.
Oddspots felt it late at night. The tell-tale pains. But they didn't want to wake anyone up. So they hid their muzzle in the moss of their nest and, as quietly as possible, had a litter of four kits. The next morning when Freezespots came to check on them they were surprised to find all doing well. Oddspots has named their kits Willowkit, Eggkit, Fogkit, and Primkit.
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Clampaw has met every challenge with determination and has overcome every obstacle with ease. Hopstar and Crookedbracken had talked long about this but they both are sure Clampaw is ready, despite their young age. Clampaw is named Clamtrail and praised for their boldness. (image to be added later to show them all grown up)
Dolphinpaw and Shoreeagle have thankfully recovered from their whitecough.
Daisypaw has finished their assessment and is given the name Daisyfin in honor of their devotion. The warm glow of pride they feel is somewhat muted by the sight of their sibling Treepaw watching the ceremony from the entrance of the apprentices den. Next time it will be Treepaw's turn, I just know it.
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With the Greenleaf sun baring down on the cats, several have caught heat exhaustion. A few have also caught heatstroke.
Flutterbuzz and Crookedbracken have become mates!
Grousefleck and Whisperpeak have decided to become mates as well! Duckflow watches the couple jealously.
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Moon 55
Sleekrun breathes a sigh of relief. They were nervous that They might lose their tail to the infection but the swelling has gone down and the wound no longer smells funny. Now if only they could convince the healers to stop applying marigold.
Kinkblaze is happy to move back into the warriors den after Stormflicker gives them the all-clear.
Yewchill heard familiar yowling over the dunes, followed by frenzied barking. They lept into battle without thinking and managed to surprise and scare off a truly massive dog. Heavytail thanks them for their help and insists on bringing them to the medicine cats for a check but they are surprisingly fine. They only sustained some minor bruising from the big oafs clumsy legs.
Oddpaw, despite being confined to the medicine den for an injury, manages to prove themselves ten times over and are named a warrior after their intensity. The newly named Oddspots feels honored and proud of this accomplishment.
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Greenleafs heat appears to not just affect the cats. Sunnykit was the one to smell the smoke first and told Greenflip about the "extra stinky smell" coming from the medicine cat den. Greenflip manages to rally up the previously sedate clan to grab bedding and soak it in the ocean to hopefully put out the fire that was set on some herbs. While no cat is hurt the herb supply has been decimated so this moon will have both medicine cats taking out full patrols in search of new ones.
They were only able to grab a small pawful of herbs. But every bit counts.
Greenflips leg was severely injured by a twoleg trap.
Stormflicker tells Sunnykit and the apprentices a story that they all eagerly listen to.
Sleekrun's tail is feeling much better now.
Yewchill's bruises have all faded but they still love telling that dog story.
Mantispaw and Crookedpaw have finally passed their warrior assessments and are given the names Mantisears and Crookedbracken for their gallantry and independence respectively. Oddspots eagerly welcomes their siblings as full warriors.
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The clan is sorely lacking in kits. Greenflip is going to be shrinking patrol sizes in the hopes that good things happen.
Roarpatch loves everyone! As a friend!
Ferncreek got scratched while driving off a small dog.
Heavytail was injured by a large dog while out on patrol.
Pigeonflecks broken jaw has left them with a scar but nothing more.
Heavytail heals surprisingly fast.
Sleekrun and Roarpatch confess to each other at the same time and laugh. They are now mates.
Greenflip feels the life leaving them slowly. They pass with their mate, their kits, and their leader at their side yet all they can do is apologize as the world grows dim.
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The camp suddenly feels a lot more empty without them there...
Cragshadow is made leader in Greenflip's place.
Pepperbuzz saved Grousefleck from a large dog but was badly injured.
Sunnykit presses themself into Frostfreckle's side tightly before reluctantly standing and approaching Hopstar. They are solemnly named Sunnypaw and entrusted to Flutterbuzz. Flutterbuzz sees them casting glances back at their remaining parent and nudges them towards Frostfreckle. Sunnypaw runs up to Frostfreckle one last time for a quick grooming and snuggle before they are led out of camp.
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The entire family grieves.
Whisperpeak and Kinkblaze both bring back three kits each and refuse to say anything.
Whisperpeak has named their three Sprucekit, Pondkit, and Clamkit.
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Kinkblaze has named their three kits Dolphinkit, Songkit, and Splashkit.
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Saltears was seen fighting with a warrior in Snipclan.
Yewchill has caught whitecough.
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Moon 50
Frostfreckle announces that they are expecting kits again!
Cragshadow recovers from their bout of greencough. They are beginning to get tired of seeing the medicine cat den walls when they wake up.
Grousefleck has to admit to poking their nose around the twolegplace after being found by a patrol with a dislocated leg on the border of twolegplace.
Kinkblaze fought a huge dog and was badly injured.
Fernpaw sees their mentor watching them from the medicine den and smiles softly. Everything they had worked for has led up to this moment. Hopstar names the young cat Ferncreek and praises them for their generosity.
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Mantispaw gloomily walks their way over to Yewchill to touch noses. they aren't really sure they can do any of this but they can't just reject the ceremony with everyone watching. Maybe they can sneak back into their parents' nests when no one is looking and disappear among the soft moss there.
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Crookedpaw casts an envious glance over at the medicine den. They don't know which would be a better fit for them but they figure they can try out this warrior thing for a few moons before deciding definitively what they want.
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Oddpaw is nervous about the future but happy to be here. They touch noses with Pepperbuzz and sit down beside their new mentor.
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Heavytail was kicked in the face by s twoleg when they and their patrol sees a twoleg about to throw a struggling and yowling bag off of a twoleg half bridge. The patrol was forced to retreat with Heavytail sustaining a broken jaw and no other cat to show for their attempt.
Mantispaw caught greencough.
Frozenspots shows the new apprentices what being a medicine cat is like by taking them on an herb-gathering patrol. Crookedpaw takes Frozenspots aside to ask them about medicine cat duties and a strange dream they had. But Freezespots regrettably can't make sense of the dream, instead, they invite Crookedpaw to visit any time to ask them or Stormflicker any questions.
Darkpatch sacrificed themselves to save their patrol from a large dog.
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Frostfreckle shyly introduces their single kitten to the clan. Greenflip has named them Sunnykit.
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Sleekrun's tail was mangled by a fox.
Flutterbuzz and Mantispaw are feeling better.
Oddpaw got into a fight with a dog and got hurt.
Crookedpaw was given to Hopstar after the death of their previous mentor, Darkpatch.
Yewchill is officially old. Not retired. Just feeling it in their bones.
Duckflow has permanent joint pain as a result of a previously dislocated limb.
Crookedpaw is feeling more confident in their role as a warrior apprentice.
Pidgeonfleck was almost swallowed up by the sand but they were swiftly dug out. Pidgeonfleck doesn't remember how it happened but their jaw is now hanging at an awkward angle. Everyone rushes them to see Stormflicker.
Sleekrun's mangled tail has started to smell funny and is hot to the touch.
Heavytail's broken jaw has healed well, even if the scar says otherwise.
Four cats have a crush on Frostfreckle, not including Frostfreckle's MATE. (LADS! THERE ARE OTHER CATS)
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Moon 45
Cragshadow's wounds smell infected to Stormflicker.
Kinkpaw has faced every challenge with a solid and clear plan and has been deemed ready to become a warrior. The newly named Kinkblaze stands proud before their clan.
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Saltears quickly spots a snake hugging the wall at the entrance to the cave and rushes over to hiss at it and bat it away. No snakes are getting in here on their watch.
Heavypaw has recovered from their dog scratches.
Bouncedew is hit by a monster while attempting to cross a thunderpath.
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Cragshadow no longer smells the sore infection in their wound.
Whisperpeak ate some curious-looking red berries and instantly regretted that decision. They are now poisoned.
Cragshadow has finally healed from their injury.
Flutterbuzz's eyes have also recovered. Both medicine cats breathe a heavy sigh of relief.
Pepperpaw got spooked by a ginger cat statue sticking up out of the sand.
Cragshadow and Sleekrun have caught greencough.
Whisperpeak is tired after fighting off that poison but they did it.
Yewchill has recovered from a sprain.
Sleekrun has recovered quickly.
Heavypaw listens patiently as Hopstar rambles on about clan pride and Heavypaw's improvement. Hopstar names the new warrior Heavytail and praises their heart.
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Frostfreckle and Yewchill spar together. Flutterbuzz tries to join in but collapses into a coughing fit. Stormflicker rushes over and assesses them. They diagnose Flutterbuzz with yellowcough and rush them to the medicine cat den.
Pepperpaw is named Pepperbuzz in honor of their vigor.
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Moon 40
Bouncedew bravely threw themselves over Heavykit after they catch a glimpse of a hawk diving towards the entrance of the camp where Heavykit was playing, saving the kit but becoming injured in the process.
Hawkbit's leg has healed with no evidence the injury was ever there.
Thistlepaw has been seen wandering Starlingclans border and sneaking off in the night only to return in the morning smelling of twoleg things. This night, however, they did not return at all. Hopstar and Pigeonfleck lead search patrols the next morning in search of the young cat only to find them dead on the border they often paced.
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Pepperkit can feel the fight leaving their tiny body. Just one more moment until they succumb to the awful ache in their chest. Just one more heartbeat until death. They faintly feel a cold nose press against their cheek and hear an echoing voice tell them to "Live." Pepperkit wakes up and their chest is clear once again.
Duckflow almost lost their life to the merciless ocean but managed to swim back to shore.
Stormflicker tried to stutter out a confession to Freezespots but was swiftly turned down by their fellow medicine cat.
Sleekrun tried to confess their feelings to Darkpatch but was rejected as well. Whisperpeak gently lead the heartbroken cat out of camp for a walk along the beach and some moon gazing. Sleekrun appreciated the company and gesture.
Another injured Snipclan warrior is found at Starlingclan border begging for herbs and a place to stay. Freezespots quickly begins their work and is instantly worried about the condition of this cat's eyes. The new warrior nervously introduces themselves as Flutterbuzz.
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Frostfreckle and Greenflip announce together that they are expecting kits. Freezespots opens their mouth to say something but Frostfreckle beats them to it by playfully agreeing to go on herb gathering patrols for the next moon.
Freezespots glares at one particular point on the camp wall. They can't tell what is making them so unnerved by that particular crack, perhaps starclan, perhaps intuition, but they just don't like it. Their unease is proved warranted when a thin line crawls its way out of the split in the stone. Freezespots hisses loudly and quickly jumps on the snake, killing it with one bite to the base of the head. They know not if this was the same snake that killed Slightkit those short moons ago but they feel as though they may have brought, if not the clan, then their tiny spirit some peace.
Saltpaw has proven themselves time and time again and though it may seem early to most Hopstar thinks that they are ready for their warrior name. Saltpaw is named Saltears at ten moons of age and is celebrated for their valor.
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(picture added after the fact so that we can see grown-up Saltears)
Cragshadow watched proudly as Heavypaw is apprenticed to Bouncedew, knowing that their kit is safe in their paws.
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Frostfreckle and Greenflips kits have been born! Three precious little lives that both can't help but love more than life. Mantiskit, Crookedkit, and Oddkit.
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Duckflow can breathe easily again.
Pepperpaw accidentally rams their nose into Sleekrun's face too hard. Thankfully their new mentor has a good sense of humor and laughs about it with them.
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Frenpaw sits proudly beside Grousefleck, ready to take on any and every challenge their mentor may throw at them. Grousefleck feels ready for an apprentice, just, maybe not one this intense.
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Heavypaw gets injured after being attacked by a large dog that had cornered a Jackdawclan warrior.
Roarpatch was gathering herbs with Freezespots when they smelled someone familiar. Roarpatch's heart hurts but they put on a smile and happily greet the spirit. Oh, how they wish they were still here.
Cragshadow tries to catch a rabbit on Jackdawclans border but was instead caught by a Jackdawclan warrior. The injuries gained certainly weren't worth a single rabbit.
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Moon 35
Frostfreckle has caught whitecough.
Cragshadow has healed from their leg wound and also found out they are expecting. Frozenspots insists that they join them in their herb patrols for the time being.
An injured Snipclan warrior stumbles into Starlingclan camp and begs to be taken in and healed. They manage to utter their name before passing out. Yewchill.
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Dawkpaw is made into a new warrior. Their name is now Darkpatch and Hopstar praises them for their charismatic attitude.
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Roarpatch both scrapes their paw pads on some rough rocks and catches greencough in quick succession.
Frostfreckle is breathing easily once again.
At a regular check-up, Yewchill is surprised to find that they are pregnant.
Another flash flood claims the lives of Frogspot, Blossompelt, and Shellbite.
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Roarpatches pads have healed.
Duckflow healed from their broken bone, only to catch whitecough.
Cragshadow gives birth to two healthy kits. Heavykit and Slightkit.
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Hawkbit has injured their leg in a twoleg trap.
Kinkkit has caught kittencough.
Saltkit asks Pigeonfleck how they can tell if a cat is approaching from their right side.
Thistlekit is horrified by all the death they are seeing at such a young age.
Roarpatch has been able to fight off greencough.
Duckflow is no longer wheezing in their sleep.
Hawkbits leg wound is starting to look and smell off.
Yewchill safely gives birth to two kittens. Pepperkit and Fernkit.
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Yewchill seems standoffish when asked about a father.
Hawkbits infection has been quickly treated. Stormflicker comments on how grateful they are that they said something so soon.
Thistlepaw touches noses with Hopstar, thinking that they are surely the luckiest cat in the whole forest.
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Kinkpaw manages to shake off their kittencough in time for their apprenticeship ceremony where they are given to Darkpatch.
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Saltpaw fidgets impatiently at the camp entrance as they wait for their new mentor Pigeonfleck to finish with their clan wide congratulations.
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Yewchill strains their ears to hear a word that any cat is saying. maybe they need to go see Freezespots again...
Slightkit was killed in their sleep by an invasive snake.
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Pepperkit has caught greencough.
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