crystalsclangencorner · 8 months
(Challenge: The Curse of the Dark Forest, the rules can be found here)
(I don't remember the name of who created the challenge, but I know the creator's in the ClanGen discord-)
Now... Let's meet the founders...
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And Dancingmask
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Moon 0 (Newleaf)
Two cats, Jasminedream (69m Female) and Dancingmask (70m Female), form JasmineClan. Dancingmask decides to be a healer.
Dancingmask and Jasminedream discuss StarClan while collecting burdock.
Moon 1
Jasminedream is prancing around in front of Dancingmask.
Dancingmask wonders what Jasminedream thinks of mates.
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(DancingJasmine let's go-)
Dancingmask has gotten a running nose.
Moon 2
Jasminedream escapes a rouge ambush.
Dancingmask thinks Jasminedream is very helpful!
Moon 3 (Greenleaf)
Dancingmask confessed to Jasminedream...
But got rejected.
Dancingmask's nose has stopped running.
Jasminedream feels somewhat guilty for rejecting Dancingmask, so she goes herb-gathering with her, hoping it makes her feel better.
Moon 4
Jasminedream wonders what Dancingmask thinks about mates.
She then finds out she does want to be mates with Dancingmask.
Jasminedream confesses her feelings to Dancingmask and they have become mates.
Dancingmask gives Jasminedream a beautiful feather she found, and hides behind her whiskers when thanked.
Dancingmask has gotten heat exhaustion, causing Jasminedream to step up as a healer for a while.
Moon 5
(Nothing interesting happened)
Moon 6 (Leaf-fall)
Dancingmask has recovered from heat exhaustion.
Dancingmask receives an omen that Jasminedream is to be the leader. She escorts Jasminedream to the Moon Cliffs...
... Yet something is wrong...
Dancingmask talked about StarClan, this place... Wasn't StarClan...
Several shadowy figures appear...
One gives Jasminedream a life for confidence, another gives her a life for bravery.
Another one gives her a life for authority, and yet another one a life for certainty.
Two more shadowy figures give her a life for resiliency, and for courage.
The last three step forward, they give Jasminedream a life for brutality, a life for cunning, and a life for strength.
Jasminedream is now Jasminestar.
Moon 7
Jasminestar talks with two IrisClan cats, specifically the leader and an apprentice. Jasminestar compliments them both about how the young cat's training is progressing.
Dancingmask is giving some advice to Jasminestar.
Jasminestar thinks Dancingmask is really funny.
Dancingmask and Jasminestar have a long discussion about goals and aspirations, and find out they both have a lot in common.
Moon 8
Jasminestar fails to drive a small dog off the territory.
Moon 9 (Leaf-bare)
Dancingmask is expecting kits!
Jasminestar tells Dancingmask to count on her in a difficult situation.
Jasminestar finds an abandoned kit, she brings her back to camp and names her Echokit.
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(Shahsh I love her-)
Moon 11
Dancingmask moves into the nursery.
Echokit checks on Dancingmask.
Jasminestar is looking out for Echokit's well-being.
Moon 12
Dancingmask gave birth to two kits, Currentkit (Male) and Frostkit (Female).
Jasminestar is concerned, the clan doesn't have any other healers. This affects her patrol on the CornflowerClan border. She puts a scent marker in the wrong spot, and Ravensun sees this! Jasminestar now has a mangled tail.
Moon 13 (Newleaf)
Currentkit appreciates how Echokit always seems to ask how he's doing.
Frostkit is asking her moms how kits are born.
Moon 14
Echokit wishes she could get her pelt to shine like Currentkit's.
Currentkit reminds Frostkit to eat if she hasn't already.
Frostkit is playing hide-and-seek with Currentkit. She hides under a bush, but can't stop giggling.
Echokit is growing fond of Currentkit.
Echokit has a headache...
Moon 15
Dancingmask has recovered from giving birth.
Echokit no longer has a headache.
Echokit is now an apprentice! She decides she want to be a healer apprentice, her mentor is Dancingmask.
Frostkit is asking Dancingmask about StarClan.
(Also... Here's Frostkit and Currentkit)
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Moon 15 (Greenleaf)
Dancingmask, Jasminestar, Frostkit, and Echokit are concerned, they notice that Currentkit has been acting strangely lately..
Jasminestar sneaks out at night to sleep in Dancingmask's nest.
Jasminestar gets a torn pelt while on border patrol. She was trying to track down a rouge and got attacked.
Moon 16
Jasminestar and Dancingmask stare at Currentkit with an unreadable expression.
Jasminestar's torn pelt is looking much better.
Jasminestar finds a loner named Mistlefreckle (11m Male). She tries to convince him to join, but he politely refuses.
Moon 17
Frostkit and Currentkit are now apprentices! Frostpaw chooses to be a meditator apprentice while Currentpaw gets Jasminestar as his mentor.
Currentpaw fails to chase a small dog off of JasmineClan territory..
Currentpaw has been acting more cold and distant lately... Echopaw feels a sense of dread...
Moon 18 (Leaf-fall)
Currentpaw decides to try to distract himself, he helps Echopaw gather herbs, they have a herb gathering competition and it ends in good spirits.
Moon 19
Dancingmask is pregnant again!
Frostpaw finds the way Currentpaw is acting increasingly uncomfortable.
Dancingmask gives Currentpaw bitter herbs on purpose, hoping that the Dark Forest will leave him alone...
It works...
Currentpaw immediately begins to sputter out apologies to all the cats he may have accidentally hurt.
(Bless the die for being on Currenpaw's side- 😭)
Moon 20
Dancingmask moves into the nursery.
Echopaw wonders what her full name will be.
Currentpaw wants to visit Echopaw at the healer den.
Jasminestar has a mangled leg after chasing a large dog off the territory.
Moon 21 (Leaf-bare)
Jasminestar lost a life from her mangled leg.
Dancingmask gave birth to three kits! Dapplekit (Female), Chanterellekit (Male), and Flamekit (Female)!
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Echopaw wonders how Currentpaw is doing.
Jasminestar is questioning her ability to lead...
As Jasminestar and Currentpaw trudge through the snow, Jasminestar spots a wolf pack round a kill in the distant valley below and calls Currentpaw over. It's a good opportunity to observe the dangerous predators from afar. Currentpaw is surprised to watch them play, taking turns chasing and running from each other in a way that reminds him of the games he plays with Frostpaw and Echopaw.
Moon 22
Flamekit heard an ugly rumor about Currentpaw.
Jasminestar brings a kittypet named Capella (21m Male) back to camp.
Moon 23
Currentpaw is now a warrior! His name is Currenthaven.
Capella heard a rumor that Echopaw likes someone else...
Currenthaven is now the deputy!
Moon 24 (Newleaf)
Echopaw has finally earned her full healer name at 16 moons old, she is now Echoblossom.
... And then she announces that she's expecting kits.
Meanwhile Frostpaw becomes a full meditator, her name is now Frostfreckle!
Dancingmask has recovered from giving birth.
Moon 25
Echoblossom moves into the nursery.
Echoblossom and Currenthaven seem to be spending a lot of time together...
Jasminestar gives Currenthaven some crow feathers, he decides to wear them.
Frostfreckle tossed a snake out of camp before it could bite anyone.
Currenthaven feels a sense of dread.
Moon 26
Echoblossom had a single kitten named Skykit, she is absolutely refusing to talk about him or acknowledge him at all.
Jasminestar learns a helpful skill from Currenthaven.
Dancingmask comforts Flamekit after a nightmare.
Moon 27 (Greenleaf)
Dapplekit, Chanterellekit, and Flamekit are now apprentices! Dapplepaw gets Capella as her mentor, Chanterellepaw gets Currenthaven as his mentor, and Flamepaw gets Jasminestar as her mentor!
Dancingmask has gotten heat exhaustion.
Flamepaw decides she wants to be a healer, Echoblossom is her new mentor.
Jasminestar lost a life after being ambushed by rouges on a border patrol.
Moon 28
Jasminestar wonders if StarClan has given Dancingmask any prophecies lately.
Flamepaw and Dapplepaw talk about a vision Dapplepaw had.
Moon 29
Dancingmask has recovered from heat exhaustion.
Echoblossom has recovered from giving birth.
Capella fought a hawk and got hurt.
Flamepaw wonders if she's good enough to be a healer apprentice...
Moon 30 (Leaf-fall)
Dapplepaw decides she wants to be a meditator.
Dancingmask saw a kittypet sitting calmly next to a dog!
Moon 31
Dancingmask called Flamepaw the wrong name...
Chanterellepaw hopes his name will end in -claw.
Moon 32
Jasminestar is expecting kits! She decides to not move into the nursery yet.
Capella has recovered from his claw-wound.
Skykit is now an apprentice! His mentor is Jasminestar.
Currenthaven, Capella, Skypaw, and Chanterellepaw go out hunting. They avoid getting crushed by a branch. They end up being plenty of squirrels and oak leaves back to camp.
Moon 33 (Leaf-bare)
Jasminestar thinks she'll have a large litter. She doesn't believe she can efficiently perform her duties while expecting kits so she moves into the nursery.
Echoblossom confessed her feelings to Currenthaven and they have become mates.
Skypaw has realized that tom doesn't describe the way she feels anymore.
Dapplepaw is now Dapplefeather!
Chanterellepaw is now Chanterelleflower!
Skypaw brings an injured cat named Dancingdaisy (110m Male) back to camp.
Moon 34
Jasminestar gives birth to a tom (Weaselkit) and a she-kit (Hemlockkit)
Moon 35
Capella brought a litter of four kits, a tom (Rindlekit) and three she-kits (Bluekit, Strikekit, and Raggedkit) back to camp.
Flamepaw has gotten a sprain.
Echoblossom has been acting strangely around Skypaw lately...
Moon 36 (Newleaf)
Jasminestar has realized that she-cat no longer describes the way they feel anymore.
Moon 37
Dancingdaisy recovered from his broken jaw but will always carry the evidence of it.
Flamepaw is now a full healer! Her new name is Flamerise!
Dancingdaisy brought a litter of four kits, two toms (Whistlekit and Drizzlekit) and two she-kits (Fallingkit and Daisykit) back to camp.
Dancingdaisy mangled his leg after escaping a twoleg trap.
Jasminestar has recovered from giving birth.
Chanterelleflower was killed by rouges...
Moon 38
No parent wants to outlive their child, and Jasminestar wails over Chanterelleflower's body. Jasminestar can't be bothered to get up out of their nest the next day, refusing to speak a word to those around them.
Echoblossom gets into a fight with Skypaw, it is broken up by Currenthaven.
Capella meets up with a all-too familiar cat he knows from IrisClan...
Moon 39 (Greenleaf)
Capella's tail was badly injured by a fox.
Strikekit is scolded for trying to sneak out of camp.
Skypaw is now Skycliff! Echoblossom, however, does not celebrate her daughter becoming a warrior.
Moon 40
Dancingdaisy has recovered from his mangled leg.
Jasminestar is expecting kits again!
It is noted that Echoblossom seems to be planning to murder Skycliff... But Currenthaven defends Echoblossom.
Weaselkit and Hemlockkit are now apprentices! Weaselpaw gets Dancingdaisy as his mentor, while Hemlockpaw gets Jasminestar as her mentor.
Weaselpaw and Hemlockpaw play in the forbidden tunnels, keeping their little secret.
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new-era-wcrp · 1 year
It's October 3rd, y'all know the drill!
Wonderful art by Mod Lavender, @chicohungers24-7, and Paradox
This time of Ashpaw, Hemlockpaw, and Clearpaw
Full round off apprentices
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skyclan — year nine — leaffall
sharpstar dies. mintstar chooses mistfeather as deputy.
fringewhisker and nectarsong bcome warriors.
gravelpaw, hemlockpaw, hickorypaw, and larchpaw die.
blossompaw and hawkpaw are apprenticed to plumwillow and mistfeather. cloudkit dies.
birdwing and sagenose have two kits, fidgetkit and snipkit. fidgetkit dies.
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wrenclan · 1 year
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wrenclan’s founders! this took me way longer to finish than i meant to, but i had a pet death so things have shaken up for me.
coniferswoop’s eye color may change as her eyes were closed when i drew her so i just guessed blue because why not
my favorite cats so far are definitely foxkit and hemlockpaw so i’m excited to see their stories progress :)
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ghostclangen · 2 months
outsider + dead kit/apprentice warrior names (arc one)
remaking an old post!
I love coming up with warrior names, but I don't always get to give them, so I'm going to put the hypotheticals here just for fun <3
non-renamed former outsiders:
lotus -> lotusclaw
fauna -> minktooth
hubert -> moonspots
celebi -> flameheart
hadar -> nightfang
swarm -> stormspeckle
betelgeuse -> greyswamp
dumpling -> creampelt
flamenco -> sparrowstripe
pheasant -> pheasanttail
snom -> nightstripe
dead kits/apprentices:
sherman -> silverspring
mucha -> silkheart
tansypaw -> tansyleaf
houndpaw -> houndclaw
fleckpaw -> fleckfeather
rosykit -> rosydawn
logkit -> logjump
apricotkit -> apricotheart
beechpaw -> beechrise
briarpaw -> briarclaw
yellowkit -> yellowstripe
alpacakit -> alpacafur
brightkit -> brightstripe
fawnpaw -> fawnhop
avalanchekit -> avalancheheart
whisperkit -> whisperwind
graypaw -> graydapple
hemlockpaw -> hemlockclaw
snakekit -> snakepounce
edelweisskit -> edelweissbloom
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phloxclan · 5 months
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Previous - Next (Moon 3)
(I'll go ahead and say that yes the fox in Hemlockpaw's flashback was rabid, but the one that bit Umberstar wasn't. Rabies is part of the clan's backstory, but not its future. You don't need to worry about any Phloxclan cats, other nearby clans, rogues, loners, etc. getting it. Of course, that doesn't mean the cats won't worry about it.)
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starlit-skies-rpg · 2 years
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Read about the roleplay here!
Here are the events that have happened within leaf-bare!
☾ — Beekit, Lizardkit, Sorrelkit, and Thistlekit of CedarClan have become apprentices, with Applestem, Palefrost, Jackdawbug, and Weaselwatcher as their mentors.
☾ — Hemlockpaw of CedarClan has become a warrior, now known as Hemlockgale!
☾ — Berrykit, Cherrykit, and Hollykit of HollowClan have become apprentices, with Lilyroot, Burningdove, and Bugrush as their mentors.
☾ — Scarletpaw and Thrushpaw of HollowClan have become warriors, now known as Scarletdusk and Thrushbriar!
☾ — Featherkit of EmberClan has become an apprentice, with Elmstrider as their mentor.
☾ — Grasspaw, Kestrelpaw, and Smallpaw of EmberClan have become warriors, now known as Grassheron, Kestrelfern, and Smallsparrow!
☾ — Hawkthorn is under close watch by Tinystar to ensure he is worthy of trust within the Clan. She assigns him a new apprentice to finish off their training, but ensures that he will not be given much freedom otherwise.
☾ — Some of the elders within HollowClan are growing more critical of Fogstar’s leadership and the passing of Spiderstar, and begin to speak with other cats—including Spiderstar’s granddaughter—in order to discuss their next moves.
☾ — Fallowdust is caught up in a scandal with Cloverdove when she blackmails him into getting deathberries to poison the healer apprentice, Duskpaw. He agrees, and intends to expose Cloverdove, but she instead frames him for the act and Straystar reluctantly exiles him from EmberClan. Following this, Fallowdust forms a group of outsiders among the Twolegplace consisting of other loners, rogues, and former kittypets, with their numbers slowly increasing.
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stalagmite-clan · 13 days
New Clan!! GlimmeringClan -- Moon 2
"Think we're an awful bit too young for some 'Clan' nonsense," Shrewbramble muttered as he shouldered his way through the undergrowth of the forest. Up ahead, Hemlockpaw and Fallingpaw squealed as they dashed around the trees, pouncing on each other and playfully swiping at each other's tails.
Toadstar purred, amused. "You're a bit too old to say that, Shrewbramble," she meowed, watching their apprentices wrestle. To Fallingpaw, she called out, "Fallingpaw, make sure to tuck your hind legs in!"
At the same time, Shrewbramble growled, "Stop playing, you're going to hurt yourselves."
The two apprentices paused briefly, then decided to listen to Toadstar's advice instead. Fallingpaw bunched himself up, tucking his legs in so much that, given his spotted brown fur, he resembled an oddly-spherical pinecone. He leapt at Hemlockpaw with minimal success, who immediately bowled him over with his larger size.
Shrewbramble shot Toadstar a grumpy look.
"More kits and 'paws than warriors," he meowed gruffly as he and the leader continued walking towards the Clawing Woods, where the undergrowth was sparse and the trees were taller than anything Toadstar had ever seen. The apprentices followed at a much slower pace, given that they were busy trying to nip each other's ears. "In fact, we barely have a warrior now, and only because you let Moonbird graduate a moon early."
"Moonbird has shown great skill since the moment I saw him," Toadstar said, confidently. Indeed, the young warrior held a massive amount of potential, seeming to naturally understand the wilderness despite his age or the fact that he'd lived inside as a housecat his entire life.
Truthfully, Toadstar had decided to persuade him to join GlimmeringClan out of the distant hope that he would choose to be a medicine cat. Somehow, he was much more connected with StarClan than any other cat Toadstar had met, including herself, even though it was she that StarClan had chosen to revive the living of Clan cats in the wild.
However, even she had to admit that Moonbird's natural intuition made him a just as valuable warrior. Besides, Hopescratch was an excellent medicine cat, and Toadstar could not imagine GlimmeringClan without her medicinal services.
"It doesn't change that fact that you're rather young yourself," Shrewbramble meowed. "Our camp is guarded by an old bag of bones who might've once been good at swimming-"
Toadstar scoffed at Shrewbramble's description of Hopescratch's impressive feats as a younger cat. The entire city had tingled with whispers about her skills when Toadstar and Shrewbramble visited to recruit more cats, even if the elder was getting to the age where her muscles weren't what they quite used to be.
"-a deputy who's about the same age-"
"Oh, you're still limber enough. I heard about that squirrel you caught yesterday. Hemlockpaw's been bragging about you for days."
"-a warrior who's still wet behind the ears," Shrewbramble persisted, ignoring Toadstar's interruptions, "two apprentices who would be easy prey for even the smallest of hawks, and four kits who would still drink milk if they could."
"They're old enough to eat solid prey," Toadstar pointed out.
"Oh, that fixes everything, then."
"For the Clans!" Hemlockpaw suddenly yowled as he scrambled up a tree stump and used the height to pounce on Fallingpaw.
The younger apprentice darted out of the way, sending Hemlockpaw tumbling over himself, directly into a bush, where a branch snagged itself on his fur.
"Ouch!" he yelped, struggling to pull himself free. Then he began to wail, "Shrewbramble! Help!"
"Youth," the deputy snarled quietly, marching over to free his apprentice. Toadstar watched and purred loudly.
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Branch and moss (Moon 6)
Ivystar climbs onto the Root stone.
"Applepaw, you and Hemlockpaw come on up please."
He guides her up. Despite her much larger size, her weak, injured leg, combined with missing an entire other leg, well it made it very difficult for her to stand much less walk. Applepaw was the only one she allowed to help her. Her siblings, Hollypaw especially, were strong but Applepaw was larger and sturdier.
"I, Ivystar, leader of Torrentclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Do you two promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your lives?"
Applepaw beams, happy to accept alongside Hemlockpaw. "I promise." He purrs, tail looping with hers.
She smiles. "So do I."
"Then you two will be known as Applebranch and Hemlockmoss respectively."
"Hollypaw, come on up."
He obeys. A stoic expression on his face.
"I, Ivystar, leader of Torrentclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"Then you will be known as Hollyeye."
"Laurelpaw, come up."
She does so nervously.
"I, Ivystar, leader of Torrentclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"Ye-yes. I Promise."
"Then you will be called Laurelsnow."
"Tinykit, come up."
He scurries up. Ivystar smiles. He was still small, but he has filled out nicely. Fur glossy, and bones nicely covered.
"You will be known as Tinypaw, and you will be mentored by Sunwave."
He comes up and they touch noses.
Hollyeye has been sneaking around lately..
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needabetternamelater · 8 months
SWAMPCLAN - The Stupid and Grouchy
LEADER RUDDSTAR—a lilac she-cat, with long fur, and hazel eyes. DEPUTY GORSEFUR—a long haired, white she-cat, with a black and red mackerel calico tail and ears, and green eyes. MEDICINE CAT BLACKHEART—a short haired, black classic tabby tom, with copper eyes. WARRIORS SHADOWSTONE—a black mackerel tabby tom, with short fur, and gold eyes. EMBERTAIL—a black and red, classic tortoiseshell-tabby she-cat, with short fur, and green eyes. STARLINGNOSE—a black and red, spotted tortoiseshell she-cat, with short fur, and gold eyes. SKIPPERBLAZE—a short haired, red classic "pseudo-tabby" tom, with yellow eyes. POCHARDPELT—a long haired, blue and cream, classic tortoiseshell-tabby she-cat, with amber eyes. LABURNUMSTREAM—a short haired, cream mackerel "pseudo-tabby" tom, with gold eyes. SOOTLEG—a short haired, black she-cat, with amber eyes. APPRENTICES HEMLOCKPAW—a short haired, black and red, mackerel calico-tabby she-cat, with yellow eyes. JUNIPERPAW—a blue she-cat, with short fur, and amber eyes. QUEENS LAMPREYFANG—a curly haired, white she-cat, with a chocolate and red spotted calico tail and ears, and amber eyes. COOTTAIL—a black she-cat, with short fur, and amber eyes. ASPHODELSTRIPE—a cream she-cat, with long fur, and green eyes. ELDERS CORMORANTFUR—a black and red, mackerel tortoiseshell she-cat, with short fur, and yellow eyes. NIGHTCLOUD—a black ticked tabby she-cat, with short fur, and amber eyes. FOXBLAZE—a chocolate and red, classic tortoiseshell she-cat, with long fur, and amber eyes.
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Moon 75
Freezespots had to hide. They could tell that the kits were coming but they knew that they could absolutely not do anything about it in camp so they carefully pranced out of the camp in the early morning with the excuse of going out early to gather herbs. They knew the perfect spot. They picked it out weeks ago. They prepared it with moss and all the herbs they could need. All they had to do now was the hard part.
Frostfreckle noticed Freezespots absence immediately. How could they not notice that their secret mate was missing? They had been acting extremely off the past two moons and Frostfreckle cant help but feel worried. What was happening with them? Why were they acting so squirrelly? Where were they? Why couldn't they tell their own mate what was happening...? Their warrior days might be behind them but they still have those skills engraved into their muscles so they track to the best of their ability. A strand of fur there, an unnatural scrap of herb here, some shifted sand... It took them a while longer than they would have liked to admit but they finally found Freezespots. Chewing juniper berries and gently nuzzling a single tiny kit. Their kit. Frostfreckle realizes. Their kit together. Frostfreckle pushes through the undergrowth. They can't wait to meet them.
Frostfreckle returns that day with Waterkit. Explaining that Frostfreckle and Freezespots had found the mother dead on the border with only this newborn kit still there. That Freezefreckle is giving the unknown mother a proper burial while they were tasked with bringing the kit to camp for adoption and ceremonies. That Frostfreckle will be adopting the kit as their own. No cat can know... Not even Waterkit.
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Kinkblaze was poisoned by a sea creature but with Freezespot on nest rest for a 'mysterious stomach ache' and Sprucefeather still being more inexperienced and training Honeypaw they are unable to recover and succumbed to the poison.
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Saltears had healed from the snake venom and bite!
Pondfrost no longer has greencough.
Songshock caught greencough.
Splashtooth brought home another single kit. Their name is Erminekit.
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Sunpaw is named Sungill and is praised for their heart.
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Fogkit died of kittencough.
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Willowpaw, Eggpaw, and Primpaw are all made apprentices to Pigeonfleck, Shoreeagle, and Swiftspark.
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Conekit caught greencough.
Ferncreek has come out as non-binary.
Clamtrail no longer feels like they are coughing up a lung.
Turtleswoop has severely injured their leg on some twoleg stuff.
Sungill is no linger ill. With yellowcough.
Conekit died of greencough.
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Hyacinthpaw has entranced by the sea and did not notice the huge wave that crashed into their side and swept them out to sea.
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Hopstar saved Sungill from a hawk but was injured instead.
Stempaw finally becomes Stemflake and Ploverpaw becomes Ploverspeck. Each is celebrated for their courage and perspective.
Hopstar doesn't remember the last time they had to do this many apprenticeship ceremonies at once.
Nimblepaw is given to Treeheart, Jaggedpaw is given to Oddspots, Riverpaw is given to Clamtrail, Bluepaw is given to Coalmark, Shimmerpaw is given to Splashtooth, and Sharppaw is given to Sungill.
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Roarpatch attacked a bee's nest because they are annoyed by the buzzing.
Freezespots 'mysterious stomach ache' has passed.
Crookedbracken has announced that they are expecting kits!
Songshock has recovered from greencough.
Redpaw and Dazzlepaw have finally become apprentices. their mentors are Pondfrost and Duckflow.
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Roarpatch had a strange reaction to the bee stings and unfortunately died.
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Coalmark was bitten by a snake but survived!
Hemlockpaw is the last of their litter, other than Honeypaw, to remain alive for all this time. They grieve for their littermates and hope that they have made them proud. Hemlockpaw is named Hemlockpelt and is honored for their faithfulness.
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Hawkbit and Duckflow have become mates!
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skyclan — year nine — greenleaf
ricestorm dies. i try not to pull my hair out because it took so damn long.
needleshine, shadeflight, and trailpool become warriors.
aspenpaw, birchpaw, hemlockpaw, hickorypaw, and larchpaw are apprenticed to madronesun, cloudwing, silverberry, sandynose, and honeytail.
duskkit dies.
tinycloud has two kits, parsleykit and pebblekit. fringepaw is reapprenticed to sharpstar.
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wrenclan · 1 year
WrenClan moon one
honestly not a whole lot happened this first moon (which is pretty normal)
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hemlockpaw and littlestar went on a training patrol, littlestar wanted to teach hemlockpaw how to climb trees. it went really well! until hemlockpaw lost his balance and fell off the tree getting some scrapes
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scorchpaw and chestnutthistle shared and swapped some prey, they got along pretty well however grayblink watched chestnutthistle take the last piece of prey and is extremely grumpy about it.
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ghostclangen · 2 months
some ghostie facts that haven't come up in the comic:
while Sherman has the strict trait, this only applies to patrols, where she's insistent on nobody fooling around. back at camp, she's actually a bit of a prankster! she's also buddies with hemlockpaw.
deerbite has a problem that you could liken to moral OCD due to his righteous trait and dark forest connection; he goes into days-long spirals whenever he finds himself there in dreams. thank god he's never developed the curse :")
deerbite has had a crush on rapidspeckle almost his entire life; this is 0% reciprocated and she actually dislikes him a little.
some meta stuff that I guess I'll put here - wolfstrike only killed fauna (instead of someone else; I did actually roll for him to kill someone) because fauna hated charredtail and I didn't want him to kill him LOL
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phloxclan · 6 months
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Get booped by Phloxclan!
(Starting with the starry paw and going to the right it's Phloxpaw, Raventuft, Fuzzykit, Sweetheart, Springsprout, Weevilpaw, Coppersight, Hemlockpaw, Copseshiver, Lilacbat, and Umberstar)
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silentclan · 1 year
silentclan, 24 moons
fernfoot passed away due to yellowcough.
flitpaw and fallingpaw were given their warrior names: flitsplash and fallingspeck.
duskspeckle was grabbed and dropped by an eagle, but survived with a broken bone. 
frozenpaw, yuccapaw, and hemlockpaw were given their warrior names: frozenheart, yuccaflight, and hemlockbriar.
thymepatch took on the newly named roarpaw as his medicine cat apprentice.
gravelkit, thistlekit, russetkit, and sunnykit were all made apprentices, being assigned cloverfall, honeystem, leafpelt, and fallingspeck as their mentors respectively.
thistlepaw and sunnypaw hoped their mother briardapple was watching with pride from starclan as they were apprenticed.
while on patrol, the cats of silentclan find a kittypet named daisy who was abandoned by his two-legs. they offer him a place in the clan.
russetpaw ingested deathberries while on patrol and later passed due to the poisoning.
duskspeckle retires to the elder’s den, becoming a mediator in the process.
lightningstrike delivered a litter of kits: petalkit, saltkit, kitekit and brokenkit. she did not disclose who the other parent was.
while on patrol, the cats of silentclan find a kittypet who wishes to join the clan. pudding is welcomed and decides to keep their old name, but make it more clan-like: they take on the name puddingdrift.
thistlepaw and sunnypaw were given their warrior names: thistlefur and sunnythorn.
while on patrol, frozenheart, runningthunder, jesse, and yuccaflight were attacked by rogues. only yuccaflight survived the ambush.
blizzard, a wandering healer, asks to join the clan and is welcomed.
gravelpaw was given their warrior name: gravelshade.
puddingdrift returned to the clan with six kits in tow, refusing to elaborate on their origins: quickkit, meadowkit, whisperkit, pikekit, nettlekit, and puddlekit.
roarpaw was made a full medicine cat, and given the name roarstorm.
the clan discovers an injured loner - hickorycloud - while on patrol. despite their apprehension, they return to the camp with the clan cats.
caught in a snowstorm while hunting, puddingdrift passed away.
cloverfall finds a loner named fir who decides to join the clan. they take on a more clan-like name: firfeather.
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