thrushpe1t · 1 month
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shes got an overbite :B
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keblestone · 3 months
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rose-warriorcatsrefs · 6 months
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letyachan · 1 month
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Daughter of Featherpelt and Oatclaw
"Not at first. But then I helped Kestrelflight when he was treating some sick cats, and he offered to train me. That was when I realized that the weird dreams I'd been having were actually StarClan trying to get in touch with me."
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 150-Leaf-fall
The three wind-blessed kits have been made apprentices!  Featherpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Cypressbadger (16).  Despite the young warrior’s relative inexperience, she is the most powerful wind-blessed cat in the Clan and thus the best suited to keeping Featherpaw’s wind magic under control.  They can’t have her blowing down trees while they’re out on patrol!  Rabbitpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Frostheart (53) and is already settling into the apprentice den and gossipping.  Wormpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Amethystdapple (77) and has been getting along with her swimmingly.  Speaking of swimming, Whistlekit (5) has been enjoying playing around with her water powers (under her mother’s careful supervision).  She’s been enjoying creating a bubble of water out of the leaf-fall rain.  She still splashes her siblings sometimes, but she’s getting better at control (and sometimes the splashing is on purpose).  Creekkit (4) and Songkit (4)  have remained undiscovered for another moon.  Gladepatch (26) is beginning to hope that they’ll stay that way until they’re apprentices.  Or even until they’ve proven themselves like Shadestar did. He just wants them to be safe. Creekkit has taken to slipping out of camp to practice with her powers.  Gladepatch and Cressfreckle (66) understand how important it is that she masters her abilities, so they encourage her to sneak out and sometimes supervise her.  She understands why she needs to train, but sometimes she just wants to be a kit and play around.   Rustsong (19) has been spending more time with Wildcave (33) lately.  Being powerless, she wants to make sure she knows how to spar with a powered cat.  And it helps that he seems to enjoy spending time with her.  He even gave her a pretty flower!  
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daily-whistlepaw · 1 year
daily whistlepaw until whi becomes PoV day 939
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more poké-whis art. Whirry's bush camouflage this time around
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Would love to see how you draw Whistlepaw!
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A lovely Whistlepaw! As a WindClan enjoyer, I of course loved her from the second she appeared on the page, her and her siblings of the very pretty names. Hopefully her swirly tabbyness looks good, I used a reference photo for fur patterns for once just for her. I tried to add stripes on her cheeks to look like whistles but idk how well that turned out. I added her open eye (with her very last second white eyeshadow I actually really love) off to the side and the colors on the other side for myself to use as reference, and couldn't be bothered removing them for posting.
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leafpoolstanblog · 4 months
Antpelt and Ashfoot die. I have a new plan for next round that I’m going to try, because this keeps happening to poor WindClan where they’re barely surviving by the end (which we’re getting close to!)
Applekit and Woodkit are born to Swallowstar.
Whistlekit, Songkit, and Flutterkit are born to Featherpelt.
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Moon 41
-Twolegs took away my biggest dream, they didn't even care. But this cat does care, I don't find him very trustworthy but he can get me what I want and I will not question it.-
Warmfall came back to camp with two kits.
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Dahliawatcher no longer has heat exhaustion
Lynxfern recoverd from his broken bone
Voletail no longer has a thorn pelt
Frondwatcher is no longer sore
Eaglekit and Twilightkit have gotten heat exhaustion.
A snake got into camp at night and killed Otterkit in her sleep
Art contains a little blood and might be unsetteling
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what would whistlekit’s warrior name be? My suggestion would be whistlechime - @wills-woodland-warriors
Whistlechime is an amazing name!
I'd also accept Whistleberry (his mama called him 'little berry,' Whistlestone after his ma, or Whistlebranch after his brother
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warriorstickers · 11 months
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Year 0 Lineup, Founders Almondstar Scent of leaves and plants after the rain Almondstar was born to two parents who were very beloved in the clan, and loved their fellow clanmates in return. Almondkit was raised to believe the clan was strongest when they worked together and that everyone was valuable. She was eager to learn her warrior skills and prove herself useful to the clan. As soon as she was named Almondpaw, she worked hard at every task, and was often seen spending time helping fellow apprentices. Much like her parents, she became much beloved by the apprentices in her age group, and appeared to be a natural leader among them, even to the older apprentices. However, this all changed when she suffered a leg injury, when she protected another apprentice from taking a tumble down a breaking ledge. Her leg injury, while not permanent, left her den bound, and later camp bound, for far longer than she liked. At first, praise was heaped on her for her rescue, and her fellow apprentices came to visit her. However, the longer time that passed of her not training with them, the less frequent their visits. By the time the last of her apprentice group got their warrior name, while she sat in a den with her training delayed, it became clear to her that they had moved on without her. They had rallied around her and supported her when she was useful and helpful to them, but now she was being left to gather dust alone. She resumed training as soon as her leg was healed, and completed it quickly, however, she found it difficult to connect with the clan as she once had. She was named Almondfin, a name that was chosen at random, and didn’t seem to mean anything about her. Another sign no one really knew her anymore. She became quite bitter into her warrior-hood. However, slowly, she began to connect with other warriors again, especially with Whistleshimmer, another loner type. They became close friends, and while she may feel more for him than that, she was content to just be friends, as it seemed that was how he was most comfortable. When the harsh season came, and she caught wind that the clan was debating discarding some members they considered less useful, for the survival of the many, this reopened old wounds for her. She confronted the clan’s leader and Deputy, and said she refused to stay in a clan that would discard any members, and elected to leave. To her pleasant surprise, Whistleshimmer stated he would join her. When the rest of the members to be evicted were announced, she advocated they stay together to think out their options, and huddle to wait out the dark and cold night. As they discussed their futures, it was clear everyone didn’t want to be rid of clan life, and felt safer together than alone. She felt the words leave her mouth before she fully thought them through, and suggested they form a new clan, together. They would carve out a home in the rocky mountain peaks, where none of the clans had been brave enough to tread before them. 
She was unanimously chosen as the new clan’s leader, and chose Whistleshimmer as her Deputy. She was thrilled to find herself and her new little clan accepted by Starclan, and after some recovery time in their mountains, they announced themselves to the other clans, who were forced to accept them. Whistleshimmer Scented like a damp bog and moss Whistleshimmer was not really wanted by his parents. Born as the only kit in his litter, to a young molly who was not the mate of his father, his birth caused a bit of a minor scandal. His young mother stayed with him only as much as she felt she was obligated to, preferring to chase after his father to try and win him back, or simply spend her days as most young warriors did. As such, Whistlekit, named for his cries, was left to entertain himself. He learned to be mostly alone, and eventually, by the time he was named Whistlepaw, this became how he was most comfortable as well. He lacked a connection with anyone in his clan really, and became known as a bit of an odd loner. He took notice of Almondfin, as she began to be more isolated by the clan. He recognized in her the loneliness that had once bothered him, and that he now found comfort in. However, he could see her pain. Shortly after she was made a warrior, they were coincidentally assigned as patrol partners, and for the first time in a long time, he took an opportunity to reach out to someone else. To his shock, she seemed overjoyed at the attempt, and was happy to chat him up while he was allowed to listen, and offer his often lack-luster or uncertain replies. This became a routine from then on, and he found with shock that he began to miss her company when she wasn’t around. He had a friend! He didn’t know how to be any more to her than that, but she seemed happy enough to have him with her, whatever form that took for him. It was a no-brainer for him to leave with her when she said she would leave the clan. She was his closest connection in the world, and he was certain he would follow her into the Dark Forest, if her paws led her there. He felt completely unequipped when she named him her Deputy, but following her leadership, their new tiny clan supported him. He still finds comfort in solitude, but finds that he feels close to their small clanmates now too.
Vinepatch Scent of Herbs and Lavender Vinepatch wanted to be a Medicine cat ever since he first learned that was a thing clan cats could do. He spent a lot of his kithood volunteering to help the Medicine cat sort herbs, clean the den and give checkups to patients. It was so obvious to him that he would be made a Medicine cat apprentice when he was named Vinepaw. So much so, that he almost didn’t hear the role be given to another cat his age. He looked wide eyed at his would-be mentor, demanding an explanation. It seemed they had a dream about the other apprentice, who didn’t even want to be a Medicine cat, and thought it was a sign. He was being passed over for the one thing he always wanted, all his work down the drain, because of a dream! For a long time he pouted. He barely did his warrior training, and when he did go, he was poor at it. Unlike other kits who had practiced hunting moss balls and fighting off imaginary enemies since they could walk, he had memorized herbs and their uses. The skills were not exactly transferable. He did eventually get the name Vinepatch, but his bad attitude and lack of skills had isolated him from nearly the entire clan. This is why he was on the list of cats who were to be kicked out from the clan for survival. He wasn’t terribly disheartened by this, especially as Almondfin began to suggest a new clan. One that would have an opening for a Medicine cat. Given that he still remembered all the herbs and their uses, skills that would be in high demand in the new clan, he was easily given the role, and allowed to fulfill his dream! He cried as he was accepted by Starclan. His first duty was to care for the two orphaned kits, Rosemarykit and Lupinekit, and he is a bit of a surrogate father for them.
Ryetumble Scent of smoke Ryetumble was always a ball of energy and spunk, with a temper. He was the source of much havoc in the nursery, that his mother was unable or unwilling to stop. He was a prankster to the other apprentices, which made him both friends and enemies. Ryetumble’s temper is what turned the clan on him. In one of the battles with the other clan for territory, he was meant to be a distraction while the clan planned an ambush. However, some insults thrown his way caused him to lose his temper, and reveal the secret plan to the other warriors. While he tried to chase them down to prevent them from reporting back, he couldn’t catch two warriors at once. Their clan lost the element of surprise, and while he did win his battle, he caused them to lose the war. After that, he got many dark looks, even from former friends, as the clan’s situation turned desperate. Deerrumble was his one friend who defended him, being quite hot tempered and grumpy herself. He said some choice words to the clan, as he was named among the evicted, before hearing Deerrumble announce if he was going, she was going to be joining her ‘mate’ in eviction. He startled, as he’d never even confessed to her, nor her to him. She said “What? I thought it was obvious.” Since then, the two have been an item. He is a very proud warrior of their little ‘rebellion clan’ and would give his life for any of them in an instant. He was named the new mentor of one of the apprentices who would be joining them. While he might be too relaxed as a mentor at times, he and Juncopaw have a good bond and enjoy training together. 
Deerrumble Scented like sharp and spicy herbs Deerrumble always excelled at every warrior skill she attempted. Even as a kit, she was talented for her age at hunting and fighting. However she lacked the social skills of the same level, being prickly, grumpy and quick to anger. She was tolerated despite this, because of her promising skills, though she often felt many of her so-called friends were fake. She much preferred the company of other cats like herself, such as Ryetumble. When she was made a warrior, a moon early, she was determined to befriend the equally spunky tom. It turned out that he was exactly as she thought, and they got along like two peas in a pod. Where others were annoyed by his pranks, she found them funny. Where others cowered before his sharp tongue, she could give it right back to him, and they often enjoyed a good banter. She was simply not going to stay in the pathetic clan without him, and while not on the list of cats to be evicted, she declared she would be leaving with her mate, shocking him as much as everyone else. She wouldn’t stay where she was only wanted for her skill, not who she was. She serves her new clan well. 
Darkfleck Scented like grass Darkfleck was found abandoned in the clan’s territory as a kit. He was taken into the clan, but he never really felt a part of the clan. He was often gossiped about, calling him ‘non-clan born’ or similar things. Determined to be better than all of them and prove them wrong, he did become a skilled warrior, but with an attitude of arrogance and superiority. 
He was not surprised to be evicted, his thoughts about what the clan really thought about him being proven right all along. He was prepared to go off on his own, until Almondfin asked if he would join their group. This was the first time he had ever felt wanted among others, and could see they truly did hope he would join them. With talk of the new clan, he declared that he would be a warrior for them, if they really did make a new clan. He finally has a clan where he feels wanted. While he can still be arrogant and a bit rude, his clan knows he is loyal to them. He was named Lakepaw’s mentor at Almondstar's first ceremony, again proving to him that his new clan valued him. He feels like Lakepaw is exactly his opposite, and the two have some fun banter. 
Juncopaw Scented like wet sand and crisp air Juncopaw was born early, and was therefore weak and sickly. Yet he was bold and daring, much to the horror of his overprotective parents. It was not uncommon for him to become sick easily, or tired, but this didn’t stop him from trying to keep up with the other apprentices. He tragically lost both his parents to the territory battles. So when time came for cats to be added to the eviction lists, his parents weren’t there to advocate for him to stay. As a sickly cat, he took more care and resources for less output, so in his clan’s mind, he was dead weight. He was grateful when the group of evicted cats looked out for him, and he’s especially close with his mentor and fellow apprentice Lakepaw, who he has a crush on.
Lakepaw Scented like tulips and sunshine Lakepaw was half clan, with her mother being a clan cat and her father being a handsome kittypet, who seduced her mother. While her mother never explicitly revealed this, there were rumors. However, it was hard for the clan to ignore Lakekit’s beauty and charisma as she got older, and she found that she could use her charms to stop any negative talk about herself. However, as her mother was one of the first casualties of starvation in the clan, the clan was forced to remember her origins, and face the fact that she was a kit not even apprenticed yet. So her name came on the list of cats to evict, seeing as she had no skills in hunting or fighting yet. Scared she would die if left on her own, she joined the little group without hesitation, and shortly thereafter was named Lakepaw and apprenticed to Darkfleck. She thinks her mentor’s attitude is funny and often pokes playful fun at him. She gets along well with Juncopaw and often watches out for him pushing himself too hard. 
Lupinekit Scented like chives and dandelions Lupinekit’s parents were concerned when he came out looking different from other kits. His body, and scent, were neither molly nor tom. So they abandoned him in the woods. He was picked up by the Dewclan group, who found him on their way to their new home. He is currently being raised by Dewclan’s Medicine cat Vinepatch. He chooses to go by he/him, and has proven to be quite charming.
Rosemarykit Scented like earthworms and dirt Rosemarykit’s mother was too malnourished when she delivered her and didn’t survive, and had never named her kit’s father. Therefore, the kit was an orphan, during a time of cold and famine. She was to be given some herbs by the clan’s Medicine cat, so she could join Starclan, until the eviction group protested, and said they would take in the kit. She is currently being raised by Dewclan’s Medicine cat Vinepatch. She feels uncertain about the world around her, and is an uncertain kit, who loves stories.  ~~~
That's everyone! I'm going to update the lineup every in-game year or so, that way changes can be seen over time. I also hope to do little comics about interesting goings-on in the clan.
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Hello! One 🐈 please! No pressure :)
One 🐈 coming up! Let's see, we gooooot...
Blackwater! (Originally known as Darkwater)
A pure black molly with bright amber eyes, a nicked ear, a scar along her back left leg, and long, thick, glossy fur.
Blackwater is born a pretty famous couple, Tangleburr and Waterfern. Waterfern is Leopardstar's sister who managed to survive birth and thrive. She is a trans molly, transitioned in the middle of her apprenticeship. Tangleburr, Lizardstripe's daughter, was brought to Riverclan during Tigerclan times, and ended up falling in love with Riverclan's ways. She LOVES fish, she loves weaving with reeds, she loves the shell collections.
They, along with a few others, helped free the cats who'd been imprisoned. She has done some crappy things in the past, like being on Brokenstar's side for a while and fleeing Shadowclan with him and others, she feels horrible about it, and works to free the other cats in Riverclan.
Their first litter is Mintwhisker, the renamed Mintfur. Their second litter is Flykit, Whistlekit, and Blackkit. Blackkit was the only survivor, her brothers in that litter being stillborn. She was born during late Long Shadows, and is on the cusp of the Omen Generation. She is a relatively good hunter, specializing in deep water to grab muscles and clams. She has a good interest in cooking, and very romantic dreams of wooing a pretty molly.
Blackpaw was trained by Rainstorm and suffered terribly during the Drought. Her long black fur was NOT doing her any favors. Her new friend Cloudpaw at least had thinner fur and was almost pure white. She began having strange dreams afterwards, a pretty mottled gray molly was offering to teach her to be stronger. It would help her find a mate, like how Mintwhisker had a gorgeous mate in Icewing. She wasn't jealous of her older brother, she wanted to be like him...
She accepted, and was soon training in The Dark Forest under Mistfang. She didn't realize Hawkfrost's daughter Cloudpaw was here too. Blackpaw soon earn the name Blackwater under the new leader, Mistystar, and a while latter, after Russetfur's death, Cloudpaw earned her name too! She... Didn't like it as much.
Fun fact, in Bonefall's Clanmew, Blackwater's name is "Urrnhoeba", meaning Stormy, Abyssal Water. Fitting for a cat that dives into the deepest parts of the river.
Blackwater and Cloudsnap grew close, though Cloudsnap was getting really into her Dark Forest training... She was really starting to believe what Mapleshade had been telling her...
When The Great Battle came, Blackwater fought for the Clans, thankfully convincing Cloudsnap to join her. The two fighting off Dark Forest cats together, even managing to shatter one - an old spirit known as Raggedthorn (when I say old, I mean this guy came from the "Leadership is inherited, not for the deputy" era).
Later on, while trying to keep up with her career and process her trauma and grief, as both Tangleburr and Waterfern died during the Battle, Cloudsnap proposes to become mates with her. Finally, a win for this lesbian.
Then the Kin showed up, and Mintwhisker died. 🥲
Then she and Cloudsnap got exiled by Mistystar at the command of Bramblestar. How easily some could forget that Blackwater was technically half-Shadowclan.
It only gets better when Mistystar finally kicks the bucket. Though she and Cloudsnap aren't in on it, they can finally raise their family in some quiet, both taking care of 2 new kits in the nursery. No one knows who gave birth to them, but they both take time off to care for the babies, Poppykit and Sootykit. Riverclan can sort itself out without us.
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For some reason I can’t find it, but do you have the images/profile of WhistleKit (WhistleChime)? - @wills-woodland-warriors
This fellow?
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moths-wc-aus · 1 year
there is SO MUCH DRAMA in my clangen run rn
so let me run this down for you.
timberspeckle and fallingshine were childhood sweethearts. they've had crushes on each other since they were 'paws, and they've been mates since they were made warriors. they've been together for about four years (!!) in-game.
25-ish moons in, they have their first litter! enter willowkit & whistlekit!
fallingshine & whistlekit are kidnapped by twolegs. willowkit becomes an apprentice, but dies soon after. fallingshine comes home, whistle doesn't.
now enter olivestar. olivestar has been mates with puddletail for longer than fallingshine and timberspeckle have been together. they had three kits together. two- leapingkit & shiverbloom- have died.
i keep getting the prompt saying that olive & puddle's third child, flutterstripe, is catching olivestar in a lie. the rng loves this particular combination.
moon 45, puddletail fucking dies. olivestar makes fallingshine deputy.
moon 55- ten moons later- olivestar has kids. they are timberspeckle's kids. she has had kids with her deputy's mate ten months after her own mate has died. the rng makes it seem like they have been having an affair for a long-ass time.
fallingshine still doesn't know. she's still deeply in love with him.
i am in fucking shock.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Volcanoblossom's Family's Sprites
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Volcanoblossom; Age 76 moons; Water-blessed she-cat with a power level of 93 (very high); Shameless, a trusted advisor, and a good fighter
Volcanoblossom joined the Clan after fleeing her abusive twoleg.
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Slipkit; Age 4 moons; Powerless she-kit; Noisy
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Rockykit; Age 4 moons; Water-blessed tom-kit with a power level of 4 (very low)
Rockykit joined the Clan with his scar.
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Whistlekit; Age 4 moons; Water-blessed she-kit with a power level of 95 (very high); Sweet
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I'll be your friend!
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Fanart is welcome 😭 maybe of Midnight Goddess and Sailor guiding Whistlekit to StarClan while his two siblings sob at his dead body?
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