#frosty bulborb pikmin
rxg1nald · 11 months
glass balloon
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bikwin5 · 1 year
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the new bulborbs from pikmin 4
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skittypretty · 2 months
Hey r u ok with lolicons as a community (believing they have a right to exists) ?
You know I wasn’t sure if I liked the design of the Frosty Bulborb when Pikmin 4 came out but now I’ve really fallen in love with it, I love their little pink noses. I think they would get along well with the fluffy Snow Bulborbs from Pikmin 2, it’s a shame they aren’t in Pikmin 4. Man I should draw them together sometime
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smallsleepyoarfish · 1 year
what do you think of the new bulborb types in pikmin 4?
The albino dwarf-bulborb looks just like a bulborb larva with legs, not super exciting but a good enemy for nighttime missions, plus it’s neat to see the stage in-between the larva and a normal bulborb.
The frosty bulborb is fun and I like how the cold theme is more apparent than on the snowy bulborbs, it’s a shame it doesn’t show up more often. I like the dwarf frosty bulborb entry too, it’s cute.
Lastly the jumbo bulborb is nice too, not as difficult as the emperor bulborbs but still a good challenge due to extra size and aggression.
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First Purple
((This is my first attempt at writing something based off of this blogs story. It’s also Persey’s backstory! Uh tell me if you guys like these and if I should make more, they’re nice filler and fun to write. Also don't expect it to be perfect especially formatting wise pfft.
The soft light of dawn was peering through the gray clouds in the sky as Olimar crunched through the snow and over to the onion. He peered up into the red onions’ hallucinating rays before being scolded by the ship “Ahem.” it made a loud staticy cough, turning Olimar’s attention to it. Louie was standing awkwardly in front of him, just...staring. “Captain Olimar I hope you aren’t forgetting to teach Louie the basics.” He gave him an accusing look. Olimar blinked at the machine, “Uh..no, I suppose I’m just eager to get to our first cave,” he gestured the young man over, “come over here Louie, I’ll teach you how to call out pikmin.” Silently the blonde trudged through the ice and stopped at the other’s side. Olimar tried to ignore how uneasy he felt, “You stand right here,” he said, tapping his foot in the center of the onions’ beam, “and just whistle.” he blew hard into his whistle as soon as he finished his sentence. He saw Louie jump out of the corner of his eye as a storm of excited pikmin cheered and flooded the ground around them. As always Hope was first, taking his place at his captain’s side with happy squeaks. He noticed that there was a red leaf hovering behind Hope, the same red leaf that had never left his brother’s side since the day he was plucked. It was not too long ago when he had sent Hope to carry back a pellet, sprouting two new reds. Of course the newborns followed their older brother’s lead for awhile but even after maturing and his twin sister venturing out to socialize with her other siblings like they normally do, this one...stayed. Olimar couldn't exactly blame the little guy, if he could pick anyone to be his role model, it’d be Hope. Even though the young pikmin was constantly on the elder’s heels he hardly seemed to mind, even comforting him when he started crying over the smallest things. Olimar smiled at the two, patting their heads, they certainly had personality.
He led his squad to the hole in the ground that they had discovered the night prior. It emitted eerie noises, the groans of the earth, and growls of creatures. Louie peered down into it while the pikmin crowded against it, enjoying the hot air that it pumped out. Olimar looked up at his new partner, “Are you ready?” Louie looked at him, eye’s wide. For a moment it looked as if he were about to protest but nodded slowly instead. The freight ship’s pod hovered over them, making the reds tilt their heads and reach up to grab at it. After counting to three Olimar jumped into the cave, not giving his body the time to hesitate. He heard the wails of the pikmin as they jumped down after him, all of them landing in a pile on the frosty cave floor. Olimar groaned and rubbed the side of his back, slightly annoyed as the ship floated down gently. He heaved himself to his feet, offering a hand to Louie and helping him up, “Now…” he scanned the land that he could in front of him, whistling the pikmin close to his side. Everyone thankfully seemed uninjured except for a couple of bruises. He walked forward, grabbing the nearest red in preparation for an attack. Louie trailed behind him, ears twitching as the pikmin hummed. Soon enough the lights of the captains beacons glowed on the hides of several dwarf snowy bulborbs. They held their breaths as the creatures sniffed hungirly at the ground, even the pikmin had gone completely quiet. With no warning Olimar began chucking the pikmin at the enemies’ backs, cringing as they yelped in pain as the force of the pikmin crushed them. He let out a sigh, following the spirits that rose from the bodies with his eyes. The pikmin instinctively began to haul their prizes back to the ship, who gasped dramatically as they came closer, “Oh no you are NOT bringing THAT here! That’s not treasure, that’s disgusting!” he scolded, leaving the pikmin looking confused. Olimar ushered the poor reds to his side, not being able to help but give the machine an angry look. He froze as he returned to Louie and the rest of his team. The rookie employee had taken out a knife and was cutting slices off the corpse and putting them into airlock tight bags. “Louie...what are you doing.” he tried not to reveal the disgust in his voice. The blonde looked over, his expression blank, “taking samples.” he said simply. He looked back at his work, tucking the knife and the bag into his pocket before standing up again. To say Olimar was uncomfortable was an understatement, “riiighhhhtttt…” he murmured through clenched teeth. Trying to forget the whole situation he hurried over to an orange sphere that was emerging from the snowy earth. His chest swelled with pride as the pikmin instantly began to dig away at it, they were already learning new objectives. Soon they had freed the treasure, and swarmed it in an attempt to be one of the carriers. Olimar’s mouth watered, it looked just like a fresh fruit, “hey Louie, have you ever heard of Koppai?” Louie was eyeing up the treasure too as the pikmin walked past him, he nodded. “Heh, oh yeah I guess they teach that in school.” he commented, embarrassed that he forgot that even his tiny daughter had learned about the local planet. “They eat fruit.” Olimar’s ears perked, Louie had spoke! He smiled to himself, perhaps the man was finally beginning to feel comfortable around him. With the remaining pikmin Olimar picked up a bottle cap, a pang of sadness striking him as he recalled something similar he had meant to gift to his son.
The ship reported that the current level was now treasure free, and for the first time he noticed another hole on the floor. The crew had an easier time going down this one, knowing exactly what to expect. He heard Louie let out an “oof” as Hope fell on top of him, the pikmin hurriedly getting off and cooing his apologies. Olimar’s eyes bulged as looked at the scene in front of him. There was no snow here, a dim light shone like a spotlight on three vibrant violet flowers, “Candypop Buds!” he exclaimed aloud, racing over to examine them. Louie and the ship followed slowly, trying to get a closer look as the reds raced past them and made odd sounds at the buds. Olimar was in awe, stroking the dark petals delicately, “I’ve never seen purple ones before…” The ship floated in front of him, “Care to explain what Candypop Buds are?” The brunette let out an audible “oh!” before turning his attention to his colleague, “Candypop buds turn the pikmin into the same color as their petals, no matter the species. It’s so interesting, you can throw a yellow in a blue candypop bud and it’d come out a blue!” suddenly the realization hit him, “which means…” his gaze slid over to the flower, it’s leaves shimmering in the sunlight. He scanned his crowd of pikmin, some looked terrified and others looked pumped to be thrown into them. Hope squeaked, nudging the little red leaf forward. Olimar lowered himself to the pikmin, “do you want to go in?” he asked, knowing full well the pikmin couldn't understand him but hoping he had gotten the point across. The red leaf poked it’s finger together, looking sheepish as it nodded slowly. Olimar gave him a warm look, stroking his head before tossing him into the candypop bud. He squealed and was cut off by the petals folding in around him. Olimar’s throat felt dry and he could practically hear his heart pounding, had he made a mistake? Relief washed over him as the bud spit up a tiny purple seed. It squirmed in the warm soil until its stem pierced through the surface and swayed, waiting for it’s captain to pluck it. Suddenly Olimar’s palms felt sweaty with anticipation, this was a color he had never encountered before. He tugged at the sprout, falling backwards as it sprang free. He gawked as it landed on the ground with a thud. It was bigger than any other pikmin he had seen before, and plumper too. Feelers grew from each side of his head, and his dark red eyes and red splotches were the only things left from his previous body. Hope let out a high pitched chirp, greeting his younger brother with open arms. The other pikmin began to do the same, circling him and examining him. “I can’t believe it, it’s an entirely new species…” Olimar breathed. Louie gazed at the happy looking purple, his face emotionless, “should we make more?” he asked without even looking in his friend’s direction. Olimar stood up, brushing himself off, “Yes, good idea. I’m excited to research these little guys as soon as possible.”
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rxg1nald · 8 months
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🌱 BREAKING: holding baby therapeutic
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rxg1nald · 7 months
🌱 funny colony comics part 2 of page 1🪴
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rxg1nald · 9 months
🌱 hi, me and my twin are hosting a [16+] SFW literate/semi lit pikmin RP server
it’s mostly bulborb centered, but we ofc offer canon characters and are open to submissions for ocs and any other creatures as well
you are welcome to spectate / chill with us if you’re not interested in rp
there is a channel for server lore and info for you to read, though as i am currently writing this, we are still debating as to when this rp takes place
here is the server description if you’d like to read that too
“P:WFTC is centered on a colony of grub-dogs dealing with a Bulbmin that has entered their territory and attempting to live with it. P:WFTC will contain moments of those in the colony doing their jobs, entering battle and defending their colony.
Grimgaze, a Frosty Bulborb, is one who does not approve of the Bulbmin being in the colony and seems to have a plan. The Colony's Warden, a Fiery Bulblax named Emberheart, will guide and watch-over the Bulbmin.”
Hello! We are a 16+ literate / semi-literate Pikmin RP server! The server is mainly centered around grub-dogs (bulborbs) but we will, of course, have canon characters from the game available! Ocs are allowed, and you may even RP as a Pikmin or any other creatures in the game! If you aren’t one to RP, don’t worry! You’re welcome to hang out with us! We have an art / writing channel for you to share your work. (WE DO NOT TOLERATE ANY USE OF AI IN THIS SERVER.)
thank you, please rb to share this around i love pikmin
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