bluebellhairpin · 9 months
Now I'm thinking about Arthur Morgan and his big hairy chest and tummy. How soft it is. How the hair of his happy trail is a little darker and thicker. How the fuzz on his thigh feels pressed against your crotch when there's nothing between them. How his beard tickles your cheeks and throat, and how his hair feels when you run your fingers through it.
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crowsent · 3 months
bioware made mass effect female turians the way they did dragon age female qunari and i am still not over it (derogatory)
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ohimsummer · 5 months
I came across a proshipper’s acc the other day (going on a block spree) and that shit was so funny bc they were going tf off in their pinned post. like you’d think someone anti-proship had personally came to their house and kïlled their entire family lmao
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velvtcherie · 10 months
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someone sedate me now before i say the most outta pocket shit
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torao-chan · 9 months
g... google... google docs....
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google docs......... what?!
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bi-lil-guy · 11 months
Genderfluid, Biromantic, Reciprosexual Lucio Has My Entire Heart Tbh
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lmao? okay ii guezz ii can zpiill. the guy gettiing all the zhiiz done iiz a lowblood whiich iiz rlly funny to me. doiin hiighly iillegal treazon ztuff whiile beiing liike one angry viiolet from beiing culled at all tiimez. iitz liike a power thiing. pumpiin iillegal hiighbloodz iinto iimzelf to feel ztronger. zaiid he wanted to iignore the cazte zyztem and rule hiimzelf. ziigh. iif only ii could report thiiz guy wiithout gettiing otherz iin trouble. the zciientiizt behiind thiiz iiz a geniiuz who dezervez to further theiir ztudiiez. worzt part iiz that ii would be culled liike eiight tiimez over becauze ii helped them iin such a way that the world blazphemy can’t even cover. even wiith all the blood criimez iid be the mozt fucked. not even wiilliing to detaiil iit wiith all my cyber zecuriity becauze iitz that fuckiin bad. unlezz ii got liike a phone not made by a Troll and chiilled iin zpace to zubmiit iit maybe.
lmao iit all feelz zo comiical of courze iim The dramatiic hiighblood makiing thiiz about me. anywayz lowblood iillegal blood miixiing criimez okay? thaz juzt an affront agaiinzt nature. ii
ok briiefly iithought iiwaz piitch for them becauze of that but iitwaz baziic moraliity they triied to pazz off az me beiing a cazteiizt azzhole. ii get iit man The cazte diiferencez and all but YOUR BLOOD MAN YOU DONT RUIIN IIT LIIKE THAT OH MY GOG II DONT CARE THAT YOURE A LOWBLOOD THATZ YOUR NATURAL HATCHED BLOOD BROTHER THE MEZZIAHZ DONT WANT NO FAKE ZHIIT PLEAZE JUZT LET IIT BE II KNOW THIIZ ZYZTEM IIZ FUCKED BUT PLAYIIN IIN IITZ FAVOR WONT FIIX IIT. YOURE JUZT A WIIGGLER PLEAZE
zorry lol anywayz uhhh niice weather huh
Question: lmao? okay i guess i can spill. the guy getting all the shit done is a lowblood which is rlly funny to me. doing highly illegal treason stuff while being like one angry violet from being culled at all times. its like a power thing. pumping illegal highbloods into himself to feel stronger. said he wanted to ignore the caste system and rule himself. sigh. if only i could report this guy without getting others in trouble. the scientist behind this is a genius who deserves to further their studies. worst part is that i would be culled like eight times over because i helped them in such a way that the world blasphemy can’t even cover. even with all the blood crimes id be the most fucked. not even willing to detail it with all my cyber security because its that fucking bad. unless i got like a phone not made by a Troll and chilled in space to submit it maybe.
lmao it all feels so comical of course im The dramatic highblood making thiz about me. anyways lowblood illegal blood mixing crimes okay? thats just an affront against nature. i
ok briefly i thought i was pitch for them becaue of that but it was basic morality they tried to pass off as me being a casteist asshole. i get it man The caste differences and all but YOUR BLOOD MAN YOU DONT RUIN IT LIKE THAT OH MY GOG I DONT CARE THAT YOURE A LOWBLOOD THATS YOUR NATURAL HATCHED BLOOD BROTHER THE MESSIAHS DONT WANT NO FAKE SHIT PLEASE JUST LET IT BE I KNOW THIS SYSTEM IS FUCKED BUT PLAYING IN ITS FAVOR WONT FIX IT. YOURE JUST A WIGGLER PLEASE
sorry lol anyways uhhh nice weather huh
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lovevalley45 · 1 year
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i’m lookin at the arrowverse wiki pages for the CoEX bc. i’m not going back to watch more of that shit than necessary. and truly what a bullshit move
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daydreamdoodles · 2 months
Guys what if I get this job and I show up first day with bangs. What then.
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mspbandj · 3 months
Americans are fuckin wild with their attitude towards marriage tbh you go to America and some guys like "Hi, this is my 26yo wife, we met four months ago at a mutual friends grandmas wake and hit it off immediately, we've been married for two months now and have just put a $120 000 deposit down on a two bedroom flat almost within the city limits of Detroit" but then you go to Europe and some other guy is like "Hello, this is my 43yo boyfriend, we've been together for 28 years, have three adult children, and own and operate a small family bee ranch on the coast of Valencia that we inherited from his great grandma (technically it was willed to me because Edna and I were thick as thieves and also doing it that way was better for tax purposes, but we all share everything in this family) yeah we've thought about marriage before but honestly whats the rush? we just dont want to move too fast, you understand." its fuckin incredible
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ella-ashmore · 5 months
6 9 14 for lex foster!!
6. If not cis, when did they realize this?
(binary trans man or masc presenting nonbinary) i think it definitely took him a while to figure out his identity tbh. even just living with his mother and making sure hannah was safe took up a lot of energy so if he'd had little moments of "man i wish i were a boy" before he just shrugged them off until further notice. to me he wouldve fully realized when he and hannah had finally moved out with ethan and he wasnt in fight-or-flight mode 24/7 maybe. i dont think it would be a huge moment of realization or anything but i do think it was like . very emotional for him. on the other side of the coin (binary trans woman or fem presenting nonbinary) it definitely doesn't take as long. maybe they see the way hannahs being raised with things that were "for girls" (also lexs handmedowns but like. pamela super isnt the type of mother to put a baby girl in "boy" clothes) and it kinda clicks in their mind that like. oh. okay. im not a boy. and everything just kinda falls into place from there
9. Who did they come out to first?
either hannah or ethan. going for the very obvious answer here but like.... auagahg its the Right one.......... it definitely couldnt be pamela (they dont trust that woman whatsoever) and . um. idk. i just think its really cute if she goes out of her way to make hannah call her her sister when shes a baby. or if he sits the both of them down for dinner and just talks them through his new name and pronouns. they take up so much of my thoughts could u tell
14. Do they have an LGBTQ+ role model? (could either be a celeb or a person they know personally that they look up to)
mmm. i dont think so tbh?? i would say tom but he doesnt really talk about being queer so i dont think lex would. know. does it count if he doesnt know the guy is queer........
heres the ask game! send me something for it maybe?
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crowsent · 1 month
was no one gonna tell me these two bitches sang together???????? i was supposed to figure it out myself???????
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irl · 8 months
pls let me leave wrk i hve so much music 2 listn 2
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shoezuki · 10 months
I literally got notifs on for dream rn so I can see when he says more shit. I'm invested
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torao-chan · 1 month
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vilesworn · 1 year
toxic romance tropes i fuck with immensely
person A has an abusive ex they're trying to get away from -- but they won't talk about it, as they're trying to handle it on their own. eventually, person A has to tell person B, and person B immediately takes matters into their own hands. they threaten the ex (if not outright remove them from the picture)
PINING -- i'm talking long looks across the room at one another, person A and person B avoid being alone together but when they do, it's always these tense, drawn-out moments of speaking around the interest in one another
person A catches sight of person B; person B has some one-night stand they're with just because it's easy and they're not that fickle with partners. person B kisses their date while making eye contact with person A, and person A makes it a point to find someone before the end of the night to get back at them
person A and person B are fighting. person A goes to leave so person B grabs their wrist, but then person A slaps person B and there's that moment of silence because person B is in shock (bonus points if person B is stronger than person A and it's the emotional impact rather than the physical)
possessive sex to prove a point, bonus points for doing it somewhere in public with the express purpose of getting caught because they're jealous
firecracker, short person A who isn't afraid to speak their mind and their shit-stirring, protective person B who isn't used to people talking back to them
second chance couples that have a big blowout fight then spend months trying to get over one another but they end up getting back together
the big confession moment when person A and person B are fighting -- person B admits they might be sleeping around but they can't stop thinking about person A; that it's always been about person A
ignoring issues and just fucking instead of actually talking about what's going on, but you can tell it's only making things worse between them
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