Found a Kane chronicles Easter egg or reference on the last Olympian’s
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webslingingspidergirl · 2 months
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This appeared when I was about to play hogwarts legacy
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webslingingspidergirl · 3 months
I made this playlist because I watched the ballad of songbirds and snakes two times since I’m a huge fan of the hunger games
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webslingingspidergirl · 6 months
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What I got for my birthday
Today is my birthday
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webslingingspidergirl · 7 months
Here is my new playlist which features my fav glee song covers
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webslingingspidergirl · 7 months
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Updated profile and yes glee is one of my favourite tv shows of all time.
My next post is coming in a few minutes
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webslingingspidergirl · 9 months
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I just got this today by using my Hanukkah money
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webslingingspidergirl · 11 months
I went to a op shop(thrift store) two hours ago before I went home and I bought this :
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(It is the American version of mark of Athena)(I’m from Australia and I think some American person might have donated it also I bought it)
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Making a edit
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here is a preview to the next chapter in between worlds Anakin Skywalker x reader(i'm sorry for not posting for weeks and i had school)
a few hours later after meeting the x-men and your brother
'so where is this genosha" Anakin questioned because you are going to finally met your dad "it is somewhere in long island here in new york and it is far from where human's live" you answered as you walk to the ship and anakin follows "but what if your father does not listen to you" Anakin said sitting on a seat in the ship "Charles said he going communicate my dad telepathically and i found out i have a half sister named Lorna Dane" you said turning on the ship Anakin nods
at genosha
You and Anakin are out of the ship and you see sniping containment sheds as houses and you see your father walking around and he see you and anakin then Charles speaks to him telepathically “Erik that girl that you are seeing near that ship and she is your daughter” Charles said Erik(dad) look closely realised you has resemblance to your mother. i walk to erik "my daughter" erik says
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Just started writing the sixth chapter on between two worlds Anakin Skywalker x reader
I might post the chapter in a week or two weeks or a few days
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Between two worlds Anakin Skywalker x reader chapter five learn about your father and a half brother?!!
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a few hours later
You we’re heading to training room and your eyes turn blue "F.R.I.D.A.Y play Voulez-Vou by Abba and activate Training mode in the training room" You said while the training bots activate and you use telekinesis to make all float the robots(droid) , you blast all the training robots with your own hands then practice targets appears on the celling and the ground you fly(you have flight up to where the practice target on ceiling , you blast the practice target on ceiling and you flew down to the ground and blasted the last practice target "Training complete" F.R.I.D.A.Y said deactivating training mode and turns off the music you were listening to "i better head to the living
mean while
"where is y/n" Anakin questions the avengers suddenly you walk in sweaty “GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE Sam and Bucky said at the same. You roll your eyes and sat on the couch , changed the channel on the tv to bbc America “are you alright y/n”anakin said wondering why Sam and Bucky make fun of you randomly “I’m alright Ani” you said then suddenly a voice speaks in your head telepathically “y/n my name is Charles Xavier I know who your father is and I can help you find him” ??? Said to you telepathically you sit up from the couch “ok where I can find you “ you said not being aware that the others think your talking to yourself”open a portal to Xavier’s School for the gifted youngsters” Charles said telepathically “ok “ you said quietly everyone looks at you worriedly. Your eyes turn blue and you open a portal to Xavier’s school for gifted youngsters “I’m coming with you y/n” anakin said. You nodded in a agreement “are you sure about this kid “ Steve said concerned.”I have to do this Steve I’m not a child anymore and ”you said trying to get everyone not being worried you Steve nods . You and Anakin walk through the portal.
At the school
“This is not what I expected” you said as walk to the school “I just hope Obi wan is not going to think that I might avoided the mission” Anakin said while walking to the school”I can relate to that a lot “ you said remember a few years ago you helped Peter avoid and escape that competition between schools from every state at Washington DC you open the door, you and Anakin walked in “oh my gods why are they are staring at me” you said quietly seeing the students looking at you and not knowing they look up to you because you were the first mutant that was part of avengers and proved that not all mutants are dangerous and evil. Suddenly a man that is on a wheelchair walks in(walk out of his office)(Charles) (also this is set right after apocalypse and the dark phoenix never happened and Alex is Alive)”they all look up to you y/n”Charles said. Your eyes widen and realised that was the person that was speaking to you telepathically in your head “so your Charles Xavier and how do you know my father who I never met “ you said and questioned Charles “I was his friend until he start some rebellion against humans, me and the rest of the x men and the reason I spoke to you telepathically is because you can make him stop all the madness and who is this with you” Charles said as he revealed about your father(Erik) “I’m Anakin I’m a friend of y/n “ Anakin said while trying to hide his feeling for you and not wanting to be friend zoned “where in the school are we talk about my dad so your telling me that I’m not human and one more question what was my fathers name“ You said not wanting anyone hearing “your a mutant just like everyone in this school including me and also your father , and your fathers name is Erik Lehnsherr, let’s where the other members of x-men are at” Charles said heading to where the x jet is suddenly a guy with silver hair speeds up to you and says “hey Charles is this my long lost little sister” ??? (Peter Maximoff)Said excitedly. you give a confused look “y/n this is your half brother Peter you might have to call him your brother for other reasons he has super speed and can freeze time” Charles said calmly “ I never knew that I had a long lost sibling I guess he was also abandoned by dad“ you said as you look at your half brother or brother Peter “I’m so happy to have a sister that is an avenger” Peter (maximoff) said.
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Just started writing the fifth chapter to between two worlds Anakin Skywalker x reader
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Between two worlds Anakin Skywalker x reader chapter four the future
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an hour after meeting up with Peter and Harry at a cafe
you and anakin head back to your car "your friends were uh nice" Anakin said as he tried to not sound jealous.”what Peter and Harry said when we arrived they were being overprotective and I think they both think we are dating” you said while you were trying not to show you blushed (face turned red) and grabbing your car keys. Suddenly a portal open “what is that” Anakin Questioned as he never seen a portal before “it is one of strange’s portals and why is it at the sanctum Santorum?”you said as you walk through the portal to the sanctum santorum and Anakin Follows you.
At the Sanctum Santorum
“y/n I’m glad that you are here and we need to talk and also who is this”Doctor Strange said as he saw the now possible future (Order 66) (A new hope,emperor strikes back, return of the Jedi and the sequel trilogy)”ok and this is anakin skywalker he is not from earth “ you said. Strange’s eyes widen “I know about the visions and those visions made me see one possible future where in three years where a huge threat to this whole universe is gonna effect the future fracture any timeline, you and your friend Anakin are gonna be part of it”Doctor Strange said as he tried to not mention that you and anakin has two kids named Luke and Leia (the twins) and Anakin becoming darth Vader “how do you know I had dreams or visions about Anakin” you said confusingly “those dreams or visions you had about were real and your the only who destroy some one who manipulate your friend into a dark path and cause a war between everyone in every planet and empire”Doctor Strange explained knowing that Anakin is gonna become Vader and emperor palpatine is gonna try take over the universe.”why is it has do with me going to the dark side“ Anakin questioned as his future with you could be ruined by the chancellor palpatine in three years“ listen kid you have to control your fear and don’t go on that dark path trust me if you did it horrible thing will happen to you “Doctor Strange explained to Anakin “I will try my best to prevent what going to happen in three years and can you open to where I parked my own car “you said. Doctor Strange nods and opens a portal where your own car is “good luck kid” Doctor strange said. You walk through the portal and Anakin also walk though the portal with you
At where your car was parked
“ let’s head back to the compound and explain to the others what doctor strange told you and Anakin “ you said as you unlock your car and went in, sat on the drivers seat and Anakin sits on the passenger seat “uh who is he and how does he know my own future “ Anakin questioned.you look at him”he has the time stone and it makes him see any possible future “ you said
At the compound
you and Anakin walk out of your car and you stopped for a second "lets head to the dock near the lake that is very close to the lake (the same location where the avenger were grieving Natasha in endgame and it is the dock)"you said as you put your car keys in your pocket" ok sure" Anakin said.
at the lake (dock)
"the lake is my quiet place , i usually hang here when i feel a bit moody and at least the lake is not a beach and a beach is a place where there is sand near the ocean "you said while staring at the lake and being unaware there are secret security camera hidden in the dock " i don't like sand it is just ruff and irritating" Anakin commented. you felt Anakin staring at you with those blue eye like he was thinking that you were an angel. you look at him quietly suddenly Anakin kisses you, you did not want pull away and Anakin has stolen your first ever kiss but you pulled away quietly and you blushed really hard (In your mind: i just had my fist kiss stolen and i really like Anakin and now it is true that Anakin is in love with me) and looked at the lake quietly "are you ok" Anakin said while sensing that you are have stopping talking for a minute "I'm ok it is just just i need to calm my mind lets h- h-head inside the c-c-compound you said while stuttering
in the compound
you and Anakin walk in the rest avengers explain the attacks on earth to Obi wan "were back" you said while heading to sit on the couch "so how was hanging with peter and harry after what happened in empire state university and what did Peter and Harry think of Anakin "Steve questioned as he and the rest of the avenger were wondering what happened "they thought Anakin was my boyfriend and Harry complained about his father and I wish I could find my father" you said you tried to not tell every one that Anakin kissed you and you secretly liked it "Anakin I'm going to kamino because it got erased from Jedi archives and you stay in earth make there are no accidents that would harm earth's relationship with the galaxy we don't separatists attacking earth and I'm leaving the jedi training equipment here for you and y/n" Obi wan asks Anakin "ok master" Anakin said. Obi wan heads back to his ship and goes to kamino.
in your bedroom
you are sitting on your bed , reading pjo(Percy Jackson) while doctor who(your favourite tv series)(in your room you have a doctor who memorabilia on bookshelf and doctor who merch is on every shelf even though your desk has a bookshelf filled with your books attached)(bookshelf that is not attached to your desk is where you put your doctor who memorabilia on) that on your tv playing a random episode "that was a very strange day for me and Anakin has become the first boy that kissed ,I'm trying hard to hide my feelings for Anakin" you said while reading someone knocks your door and you close your book , you open the door and you see Anakin "hi y/n I'm sorry for what happened at the lake I could not control myself Anakin said apologizing "its ok Anakin and do you wanna watch my favourite tv series (doctor who) with me" you said as you did not want to be only one watch doctor who "ok" Anakin said.
meanwhile somewhere in the compound
the avengers were checking the security footage and they found security camera video of Anakin Kissing and this is their reaction "Y/N'S FIRST KISS IS FINALLY STOLEN BY SOMEONE THAT IS NOT PETER" Sam and Bucky said at the same time "i do not know why you two gang up on Peter" Steve sighs as the rest of avengers chuckle "ok this is very personal for y/n, metal arm and birdy calm down I'm trying to eat my cheeseburger" Tony said jokingly.
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Currently working on the fourth chapter of between two worlds Anakin Skywalker x reader (marvel and Star Wars crossover fanfiction)
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Just posted the third chapter to Between two worlds Anakin skywalker x reader marvel and Star Wars crossover
Also in this fanfiction since I confirmed that x men is gonna be in this fanfiction
I’m also Make both the x men version quicksilver(Peter Maximoff) and the mcu version of quicksilver(Pietro Maximoff) not same the characters and I’m gonna make them two different people and Peters last name won’t be Maximoff
Peter Maximoff is gonna be y/n’s(you/reader’s)half older brother,
Wanda and Pietro are y/n(you/readet)half siblings and they will find their parent who died are not the their real parent and I’m gonna introduce Lorna Dane (magneto’s daughter)as y/n’s (you/reader)half sister
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