#fruits basket volume 8
| Your Salaryman Husband | (Vol 5)
Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3 Vol 4 (Not Required) Vol 6 Vol 7 Vol 8 Vol 9
Salaryman!Kento x Housewife!Reader
Visiting Nanami at work...
Word Count: 1.5k
CW: SFW, domestic fluff, fem!Reader, slightly slightly suggestive, office things
A/n: The pacing is a bit off in this, I'll do Gojo in the next volume (which will hopefully be better).
Within your last three months of marriage, it had become even more clear to you just how organized your husband Nanami was. 
The talented Jujutsu Sorcerer, and current salaryman, was always on time to wake up, go to work, and come home, never varying more than a couple of minutes. It was easy to plan things that way, knowing exactly when to greet him and have dinner ready. 
He kept to the usual schedule, drinking his morning coffee on the living room table while looking over some documents on his computer. It was a simple part of his routine, and while rather mundane, it somehow produced some much needed peace before heading to work. 
He had gotten used to the banging of pots and pans, and the subtle hums that came out of your mouth as you cooked, having finished making breakfast and packing his lunch box for the day. You carefully balanced his plate and the basket of bread in your arms, safely setting them on the table next to his coffee cup, and made the second trip to grab your own, while he packed up his things. 
Sitting down, you couldn’t help but smile watching Nanami eat the food you made. He had a long day of work to go, various meetings to attend and many papers to read. To give him the gift of a good breakfast every morning was one of the greatest joys you had, knowing that he would need it in the hours to come, along with his lunch of course. 
There wasn’t much left for Nanami to do that morning. His clothes had been picked out by you and placed neatly in a pile, his breakfast was made, also by you, and his briefcase and shoes were set by the door for when he left. Despite your husband’s usual organized manner, he seemed to have forgotten one important thing as he stepped out the door, another boring work day ahead of him. 
You had already moved on to get the morning chores done, scrubbing down the bathroom tiles and sink, and throwing the dirty clothes into the laundry. You watched out the window while wiping the dishes with soapy water, taking a deep sigh of relief knowing you were almost done. The sky was blue and the sun was shining brightly throughout the house, and while the weather was lovely, rain hadn’t fallen on your plants in quite a while. So you took a watering can and went outside, tending to the fruits and vegetables and harvesting the ripe ones. 
Time really does fly when you’re having fun, which you were, seeing the variety of colors fill the basket, a testament of your hard work and care. When you got back into the house, fully prepared to relax on the couch and read, you noticed something peculiar on the kitchen counter.
A lunch box. It was none other than your husband, Kento Nanami’s, lunch box.
The clock read 11:12, meaning less than an hour until his lunch break. Of course this was not a regular occurrence, so the thoughts that went through your head were a bit past rational. “What if he doesn’t have money with him… or doesn’t have time to go to a store?” you mumbled to yourself, pacing around the kitchen. 
There was only one thing to do, in your mind. You could just bring the lunchbox to Nanami, right? So you quickly grabbed a bag and placed the box into it, as well as your wallet, and got out the door. It was about a 20 minute walk to the station at your speed, and a 15 minute ride to get to his building. 
Stepping out of the station, you gazed widely at the imposing building that Nanami worked in. Though you had seen it before, then it wasn’t surrounded by large crowds of people walking around the city.
You dashed inside the building, the lobby filled with salarymen grabbing coffee from the shop on the first floor. To that you had to facepalm, seeing the menu had sandwiches and other savory items. Of course he would have the opportunity to get lunch, all the other workers did it.
Turning back was an option, in your dress and flats you looked quite out of place, but it was 11:55, and Nanami would be on break in 5 minutes. It would be a waste of money to buy a sandwich, when you had an even better lunchbox waiting for him. 
When the clock struck 12:00, you started to find your way throughout the massive building, to the secretary’s desk. Nanami and the rest of his department would be on break, so you could visit him in his office. 
The secretary buzzed you up to his floor, and you wandered around past the mass of people heading to the elevator. Peaking around each doorway you looked for Nanami’s blonde hair and dark gray suit, having not seem him leave. The striking figure of your husband was hard to miss. 
Nanami sat hunched over in his chair, rummaging through his things in search of something. He was the only one who hadn’t left the room yet, letting out a grunt when his hands came up empty. You silently walked over to him, happy that you were able to find him so quickly. 
“Kento, darling,” you stated meekly, smiling to greet Nanami. He looked over his shoulder in surprise, you had never been to his office before. “Y/n, what are you doing here?”  He inquired, eyeing you. It couldn’t have been easy, figuring out where everything was and making the journey here. 
He smoothed his hand over his neck, leaning to the side. “I appear to have forgotten my lunch, could that be it?” he asked, not waiting for your response. You nodded, reaching into your bag to hand him the box. “Right on time, thank you, my love,” he reciprocated your smile, the shyness knocked off your face. “While you’re always welcome to come visit me, you really don’t have to come all this way for something like this…” he started clearing the papers off his desk. “I didn’t realize you had a cafe downstairs,” you laughed, “and that the streets here are so busy during the day.” 
“Their sandwiches are fine, but I’d still rather have this - it certainly has more nutritional value,” Nanami relaxed, setting his lunchbox on the desk. “I don’t know what slipped my mind, I’m sorry you had to come deliver this, Y/n,” he stood up, adjusting his tie with his hand. 
“I should probably be getting back now, Kento,” you frowned, not having much of any reason to stay. Your own lunch was at home, and the train would only get busier. Nanami gently gripped your shoulder, leading you to sit down in the chair in front of his desk.
“It tends to settle down a little while people are eating, why don’t you stay a bit longer? Only a few minutes - I enjoy your company, afterall,” he smirked as you took in the office around you. “The view is beautiful,” you looked out the window, your hand mindlessly fiddling with your other one as you avoided his gaze, towering over you until he sat down. It was the same sky and weather that was at home, but you were with him, and that made it so much better.  
“Though it makes getting around a bit longer, this office has the best view, and is quite secluded,” he picked up his fork and took a bite of food. “For the many meetings with clients I have, it works out well as a background, and for soundproofing,” you nodded, listening intently. “My other coworkers are on this floor, and the one below it,” he mentioned, eating more. You continued your conversation a short while longer. 
“It’s already 12:20, I’ll let you leave now,” he stared at his watch, slightly annoyed that the second hand kept ticking. You stood up, feeling the lack of weight on your shoulder as your bag was nearly empty. A reminder of your purpose for being in the office in the first place.
“Do other wives visit often?” you asked, curious, as Nanami joined you. “A few, but mostly at the end of the day,” he took your hand, as the two of you walked out into the rest of the floor. “Most of my coworkers are single,” he sighed, as you looked a bit surprised. 
“Maybe I should start forgetting my lunch more often,” Nanami met your flustered gaze, you didn’t want to say goodbye and wait for hours for him to come home. “You could see more of the work we do here,” he smiled, pulling you into a hug, “and all those dull trainees could see what a beautiful wife I have,” you blushed red. 
“Goodbye, Kento, I love you,” you started walking out the building, cheeks flushed and a smile not leaving your face. “Stay safe, Y/n, I love you too,” he replied, watching you leave. “Only a few more hours…” he mumbled in his head, “a few more hours…”
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vixvaporub · 2 years
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Fruits Basket | Furuba by Natsuki Takaya – Volume 8, Official Art
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festivalofthe12 · 3 months
No but it really is starting to settle on me just how much MORE popular Yuki/Kakeru is since the new anime came out.
Like: I recently regained access to my old livejournal from the late 00s!!!! And unfortunately I made that after the height of my Fruits Basket phase, but I still did make some mention of Yuki/Kakeru... And, well.
18) A pairing that is woefully unappreciated! YUKI/FRICKINGKAKERU. I swear, there's less than a PAGE of this on fanfic.net. Less than a PAGE. Geez, it's implied SO MUCH in so many scenes, even WITHOUT the whole 'I'll brake up with you' thing. Bloody fandom, don't appreciate good characters and pairings when they see them... (8/3/2008)
And as I implied in an earlier post, while I was trawling through the Ao3 tag (still on-going!!) I decided to give myself a blast from the past and re-read through the Yuki S. and Kakeru M. filter on ff.net, which I remember checking religiously. Today? Three pages.
Ao3 has 10 pages and 200 works!!!
And even then, like, lately I've been going through my old bookmarks (sadly I've only found one Yuki/Kakeru, which I'd already remembered anyway), with a current focus on Zuko/Aang. Well, even just by googling I can immediately summon up whole rec lists of livejournal snippets and fic memes and the like, so I was excited to see what I could dig out for Yukeru, since I certainly remember Fruits Basket having a big presence on that site!
Nothing. Literally, I haven't found anything yet. Save a livejournal comm with exactly three posts, long-dead.
Of course, it makes sense that the new anime brought in new fans: Kakeru famously never showed up in the old anime, so people would only have ever even met him if they read through to, what? Volume 8? Later? of the manga. And I do recall the fandom being far less... Yuki-positive, back then. Yuki/Kyou was a popular ship, of course, and Yuki/Haru was around, but those ships had Kyou and Haru fans behind them; you'd only ship Yukeru if you were really invested in Yuki himself.
But it's still just boggling me. I did find Yuki/Kakeru rec lists, but they're all from the last few years. They alone have as much fanfic as ff.net had of Yukeru total back in 2008, when Kakeru had surely existed for a good half a decade at least, even in English.
Is there something about the current fanfiction landscape that is far more amenable to Yuki/Kakeru? Probably, yeah, I think: it's a pairing very situated for queer coming-of-age found family type stories, which are much more popular now. (Not that they never existed before! But fandom was much less... consciously activist-y. Maybe I'm just betraying my age back then, but it was much more common to ship boys simply because they were ~smexy~ together, as I think I myself cringefully wrote about Yuki/Kyou in my very first livejournal post...)
And it's. Such a strange feeling. I remember when I realised that season 2 of the anime had come out, and on a whim deciding to check the Yuki/Kakeru fanfic tag on ao3. And I thought I found only a small number! And I read one, and went 'oh cool, my old ship has Plural New Works!' and moved on!!! I truly had no IDEA there were so MANY... or that they were so GOOD.
Yuki/Kakeru was one of the first ships I ever wrote. The fic was very long and I'm sure very bad, though unfortunately this is from the period of my writings lost to time, so I'll sadly never be able to check it out for my (current) self. I think it was the first lemon I ever wrote; on a Pirates of the Caribbean fic I exclaimed that this second lemon was much better than my first, and I have a sneaking suspicion Yuki/Kakeru is who my 14-or-so old self had written like that.
I made a friend on ff.net because they were one of the very few Yuki/Kakeru writers. I have a visceral memory of coming upon the 'I'll break up with you' scene while reading the manga at school during lunch, and how I immediately exclaimed it aloud in great excitement, startling a poor teacher who had been talking to one of my friends and no doubt knew me as being very quiet. I'm sure I must have drawn it in all sorts of little doodles; I saved a lot of my old high school arts, so maybe I should try going through those as well?
I don't know. I'm just feeling a great sense of awe, I guess, haha. That ship was *so important to me*, and it was *so hard* to find anyone else who felt as strongly as me! (My friends all liked Fruits Basket with me, of course, but we've always tended to have divergent ship tastes.) And right beneath my nose, it has had a renaissance! It sprouted and bloomed and then went dormant again while I twiddled my thumbs, vaguely promising myself that I'd get back to the new anime at some point or other!
God I just. REALLY wish I'd been paying attention while the anime was airing, hahaha. :') My inner child has been so thoroughly validated by this all, that this ship I cared so much about really IS as great and important and meaningful as I'd always thought it was! But how must it have been to be in the thick of it all, when the ship tags were thriving? When I could've seen the new viewer's reactions to famous scenes? When everyone else was thinking about Yukeru as much as I have been, this last month or so?
But I'm not only unhappy. i can't not be grateful that these people have come and made works which I can still now and enjoy, and that there are still certainly people around to like my silly little Yukeru posts and even maybe make new ones. Things are so much better now than they were back then.
It's just. Incredible. Why didn't any of this happen back then?! Why did this Understanding take so long to spread and percolate?!? I don't know. But I'm happy. My younger self... is so, so happy. :'DDD
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debbielouocean · 3 months
I’ve been on a mission as a librarian (and a nerd) this summer to read a Bunch of manga. Like as much as I can. Here’s what I’ve read so far in the last two weeks:
Assassination classroom (6/10, I like the plot but not the characters, I don’t find the humor very funny 🤷‍♀️) I read the first two volumes
Attack on Titan (7/10, was surprised I liked this one as much as I did, curious about the plot and might continue) I read one volume
Food wars (4/10, I read it but didn’t like the weird sexual food stuff and I didn’t like the characters and I didn’t really care about the plot) I read one volume
Ayashimon (3/10, I don’t care about organized crime and it was kind of hard to follow, the monster lore was hard to understand) I read one volume
Full metal alchemist (6/10, I like how it was set up kinda just like little vignettes, the characters seem fun) I read three volumes
My next life as a villainess (8/10, i like the plot and the characters are fun. Katarina is a very cute character, will be reading more) I read two volumes
The promised neverland (9/10, my favorite one, I like the plot and the characters and the world that’s been created) I’ve read seven volumes
Chainsaw man (8/10, I like denji and the humor is nice and the lore isn’t hard to understand) I’ve read three volumes
Soloist in a cage (3/10, I had high expectations here, the plot seemed interesting but it ended up being a bust)
Komi can’t communicate (4/10, repetitive and I didnt like how Komi was presented) I read one volume
Kaiju no. 8 (6/10, not my cup of tea but I can see why people would like it. Neat 🤷‍♀️) I read one volume
The summer hiraku died (5/10, I didn’t like the accent the author used and the plot was a little slow but it gets points for gay) I read one volume
Witch hat atelier (8/10, very cute, I’ll continue, didn’t expect it to be as heavy as it seems like it’s going to be) I’ve read two volumes
Another (9/10, well paced and engaging, very good ghost murder story) I read all of it
Frienen (7/10, very cute, would continue, I like the characters)
So I’m a spider, so what (7/10, i think it’s interesting but I don’t really care about books about animals and that’s what it is)
Tokyo ghoul (4/10, didn’t like it, the characters were eh and it was a little gory)
Orange (8/10, I’m halfway through the whole thing and can’t wait to finish, it’s very cute)
Fruits basket (2/10, boring and hard to follow, didn’t finish, didn’t like the art style)
Ouran high school host club (3/10, I’ve seen the anime a bunch and knew I didnt care for it so I couldn’t get into this one, I just didn’t like it)
One punch man (2/10, I didn’t like the comedy and I don’t really love fight scenes and that’s most of this)
Anyone got any other Must Reads? I’ve read my hero academia, spy x family, Naruto, and death note. I know what goes on in one piece and am not interested. I’ve got some plans to read demon slayer and some sports manga. I think I’m leaving some stuff out lmao it’s been a crazy two weeks
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fandomfourever · 1 year
Thanks for tagging me @lalaurelia ^_^
Last song: Lay All Your Love On Me – specifically the version from the Mamma Mia! movie lol
Currently watching: Several things, tbh. Tonight it will be catching up on the recent ep of Only Murders In The Building. Then I also have to get caught up on American Gods and Fruits Basket. I also just saw the first ep of Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies and am considering continuing with it.
Currently reading: I just got into Spy x Family and read through all the volumes I have currently, so I’m re-reading the first volume rn. Hopefully I’ll be getting volume 8 soon-ish, otherwise I’ll be hoping my local library can order at least one of the books I’ve been looking into.
Current obsession: Um, it’s still Stranger Things/Steddie right now, if we’re talking fandoms, though that doesn't stop me from bouncing around the others I've always been obsessed with lol. If we’re talking anything else, it’d be Clue: On Stage since I just got cast in that, so that’s a priority currently.
And, if they feel like it, I'll tag: @butterfliesandresistance , @delicatelyserved , @nynynightmare , @marquisedemasque
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ninjakk · 2 years
Tag 9 people to get to know better
Thank you to @sienne-k and @kimalysong for my tags 🥰
1. Three ships: WangXian from MDZS is my number one ship by far. They are like the ultimate power couple! KyoHru - Kyo x Tohru from Fruits Basket is probably my number two ship because those two are adorable together. Ahh this is hard! I have a few as well 😂 Ooh I'm going to go with SenGen - Senku Ishigami and Gen Asagiri from the Dr. Stone 😳
But I'm cheating and adding SherLiam - Sherlock Holmes and William James Moriarty from Moriarty the Patriot oh and Loid Forger and Yor Forger from the Spy x Family (I'm not sure what their ship name is but I hope it's YoLo! 😂) as an honourable mentions 🤭
2. First ever ship: Hmm, I guess it was probably IchiRuki - Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki from Bleach. I quite like Rukia and Renji but I can't stand Ichigo with Orihime together 😬
3. Last Song: Somebody Else by The 1975 - I just love the tempo of this song. I find it quite haunting in a way!
4. Last Movie: I watched Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery. I'm not really sure how I felt about it tbh. I quite liked the first KO film, but this one just had a totally different tone to it, I thought so anyway. A bit too gimmicky.
5. Currently Reading: MDZS vol 4 as well! I was starting to read TGCF, but I got tempted to continue reading the 7S translation of volume 4 out of curiosity 👀
I'm also working my way through Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi (Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits) as I've become quite intrigued!
6. Currently Watching: The new series of Bleach - I've been waiting 10 years for this! I needed a Byakuya Kuchiki fix 😍 And I've just finished Bad Sisters on Apple TV - which was very good!
7. Currently Consuming: A camomile tea🤘🏻 while I wait for my homemade tomato soup to cook for tea 😋
8. Currently craving: Something with peanut butter!
Tagging: As usual, I'm late to answer and most people have been tagged! So I'm just tagging again, have some extra love from me guys 🥰 @chai-chahiye-yr  @ladypfenix @miixz @side-salami @vergoftowels @scribbet @xinyuenii @ayanaacorn @withthewindinherfootsteps
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Hope it's not a bother but what are the manga you are currently into(not bnha)? I see some of ur reblogs about others manga and u seems really interested on them and I wanna try reading something new!
It’s not a bother!
I talk about manga I have already completed AND manga I’m currently working on, and that’s a big list. So I’ll link you to my updated series list here (which is also on my pinned post 😊)
Technically there are several manga I’m “reading” but….my brain is not good at managing a lot of series LOL.
So really if I had to pick the manga I am actively reading, it’s these three:
Blue Exorcist (I read this in spurts but I’m almost caught up on it)
Land of the Lustrous (am caught up on it, waiting for next chapter to come out)
Durarara!! Re: Dollars (am caught up on it, I read this by volumes so I’m waiting for volume 8 to come out in English to be caught up on it)
But I mention things from lots of other manga that I’ve already completed (mostly FMA and Fruits Basket tbh)
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hadesforpresident · 2 years
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fruits basket collector’s edition, volume 8 by natsuki takaya finished: 19 october 2022 rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj6Nuw3vZ9f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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carolap53 · 23 hours
God is the God of Success
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2 by Os Hillman
If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth (Deut 28:1-2). Our God is a god of success. You are created to be a success. Success is rooted in our relationship with God, not in our abilities. When our abilities are separated from our relationship with God, success is short-lived.
All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God: You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.
The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks. Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed. You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. The LORD will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven. The LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The LORD your God will bless you in the land he is giving you (Deut 28:2-8).
Sometimes God allows you to fail in order for you to succeed. Each of us must first experience our own death and resurrection from our old nature. This is for you to learn Who the source of true success is. You will be amazed how easy success will come when your life is in proper alignment with the purposes of God. Today, reaffirm your commitment to follow His ways in all that you do. This will ensure God’s purposes will be fulfilled in you.
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mawarimichicafe · 4 months
mawarimichi cafe masterlist
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hi everyone, i'm sou!! you might know me from my main @kimbapisnotsushi where i primarly post about hq!!. there's a whole lot of other series i want to talk about and recommend though, so welcome to the cafe! come on in, have a seat, and i'll be with you shortly :)
below you'll find a masterlist of everything i've read so far! keep in mind that this is constantly in progress and will always be edited and updated. there are plenty of series on here that are stuck on my TBR or are still ongoing, and i'm always doing my best to keep up with them. i have yet to place all the emojis where i want, too, but feel free to send me asks about anything you want to know about any of them!
key 💔- shattered my heart like a brick through a window 🌈- bonus points for being queer 🚩- occasional nsfw scenes of any kind (including sex/nudity, gore, heavy violence, assault, etc) 1️⃣- single-volume work ✅ - completed series/read all of it O_O - "what the fuck. what the fuck was that" 💖 - faves of all time, constantly reread
high school shenanigans (coming-of-age, romance, etc):
ah! itoshi no banchou-sama
ao haru ride (✅)
ao no flag (🌈✅)
boys run the riot (🌈,💖,✅)
fruits basket (✅)
gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun (💖)
given (🌈)
hana ni arashi (🌈)
haru matsu bokura (💖✅)
hibi chouchou (💖✅)
hirano to kagiura (💖, 🌈)
hirunaka no ryuusei (O_O✅)
hiyokoi (✅)
honey lemon soda (✅)
horimiya (✅)
i fell in love after school (✅)
ikoku nikki (💖)
kami-sama kiss (✅)
kieta hatsukoi (🌈💖✅)
kimi ni todoke (✅)
koimonogatari (💖🌈💔)
love so life (✅)
megane tokidoki yankee-kun
monotone blue (🌈✅1️⃣)
omoi, omoware, furi, furare
sasaki to miyano (🌈)
senpai is an otokonoko (🌈💖💔)
soushi souai
the guy she was interested in wasn't a guy at all! (🌈,💖)
contemporary adult/college romances & shenanigans:
blue sky complex (💖,🌈, 🚩)
dysfunctional family therapy (💖🌈💔)
escape journey (🌈,🚩)
i hear the sunspot (🌈)
koi saku potager (🌈🚩)
my tsun-sweet boyfriend
net generation teacher
our not-so-lonely planet travel guide (💖,🌈)
saenai boku wa kimi no hero (🌈)
still sick (🌈)
tonari no metaller-san
tsuki to suppin
she loves to cook, she loves to eat (🌈) let's eat together, aki & haru (🌈)
historical/fantasy/supernatural/sci-fi/action (w/ occasional romance):
akagami no shirayukihime (💖)
ao no exorcist
bungou stray dogs
gakuen alice
gokurakugai (💖)
golden kamuy (🚩💔💖)
himitsu: the top secret (🚩,🌈,O_O,💖,✅)
go with the cloud, north by northwest (🚩,💖)
jujutsu kaisen
kaiju no. 8 (🚩)
natsume yuujinchou (💖)
promised neverland (✅)
sakamoto days (💖💔)
silver diamond (✅)
the night beyond the tricornered window (🚩,💖,🌈💔✅)
witch hat atelier
a beast's love is like the moon (🌈🚩💖)
funny/fluffy/healing slice-of-life:
cool doji danshi (💖)
flat (✅)
gakuen babysitters (💖)
hyakunichikan!! (💖✅)
the yakuza's guide to babysitting (💖)
one-point advice yankee
haikyuu!! (💖💔✅)
honorary manwha and manhua mentions include: park hanhoo's manager, dallae, green apple paradise, salad days
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same-png · 7 months
did you ever like fruits basket
i watched the first anime years ago, the 2001 one, and loved it so much! i've never seen the remake, but i'm definitely gonna watch it someday, there's just too many anime on my list hahah. also i own 8 volumes of the manga that i bought like 10 years ago at a convention and never completed the series but i've always wanted to buy the other volumes and read it all from the start. i remember really loving the characters 💗
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Year in Review
I’m feeling nostalgic, so I thought I’d reflect on the past year.  To be honest, 2022 has left me with a bit of whiplash.  I had some high highs, and some low lows.  I lost my job, went broke, moved back home, and spent a lot of time struggling with my mental health.  But I also did some of my best writing ever this year.  I traveled to parts of the country I’ve never seen before.  I started working with the Boys and Girls Club, and learned what it feels like to love my job.  I made new memories with my friends and family.  And for the first time, I committed to making changes for the sake of my mental health.
I am looking forward to the fresh start that 2023 brings.  I will try to carry the good parts of 2022 with me, and try to leave the bad parts behind.  But enough about my personal life!  Let’s talk about my obsessive media consumption habits!
~ Books Read in 2022 ~
1.  One Hundred Years of Solitude 2.  Howl’s Moving Castle 3.  Giovanni’s Room 4.  A Marvelous Light 5.  Less 6.  Little Women 7.  Cloud Cuckoo Land 8.  The Sonnets of William Shakespeare 9- 28.  Fruits Basket Volumes 1- 20 (I still have three volumes left).
~ Games Played in 2022 ~
I didn’t have time to play any video games this year, but I did start my first long-term Dungeons and Dragons campaign!
~ Music Listened to in 2022 ~
Obviously I can’t list all the music I listened to this year, but here are my top five artists according to Spotify wrapped.
1.  Encanto 2.  The Beatles 3.  Queen 4.  The Adventure Zone 5.  Today’s Top Hits
~ Movies Watched in 2022 ~
Again, I can’t list all the movies I watched this year, but here are some of my favorites.
1.  Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 2.  Glass Onion 3.  The Batman 4.  Tons of Studio Ghibli films 5.  Tons of Wes Anderson films
~ TV Shows Watched in 2022 ~
1. Thirty Rock (seasons 1-7) 2.  Arcane (season 1) 3.  The Legend of Vox Machina (season 1) 4.  Abbott Elementary (season 1) 5.  Our Flag Means Death (season 1) 6.  The Handmaid’s Tale (seasons 1-3) 7.  This is Us (season 6) 8.  Heartstopper (season 1) 9.  Stranger Things (season 4) 10.  The Umbrella Academy (season 3) 11.  What We Do in the Shadows (season 4) 12.  The Bear (season 1) 13.  Obi Wan (season 1) 14.  Moon Knight (season 1) 15.  Only Murders in the Building (seasons 1-2) 16.  Derry Girls (seasons 1-3) 17.  Freaks and Geeks (season 1)
2022 was filled with wonderful stories, some in books, some in movies, some in real life.  I can’t wait to see what stories 2023 will bring!  Happy new year!
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vixvaporub · 2 years
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Fruits Basket | Furuba by Natsuki Takaya – Volume 8, Official Art
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imagine-fight-write · 2 years
So, Things Happened, & I will post my Banana Fish Review Part 8 tomorrow, because I will actually have time. And good internet for gorgeous gifs!
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I'll also try to post other stuff but the Banana Fish post comes first because I am terrible & keep stalling.
I am determined (to finish) however. I carry it around with me everywhere so I don't forget.
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Although phroahsparklefists is very distracting.
#this is a AMV of Season 0 of YuGiOh!
#if you haven't seen it or read the manga before Duel Monsters, please do!
And Levi from Attack on Titan is distracting
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(I am almost done! # 4 more volumes)
#I am very concerned
Yes, I read /watch several things at once (this isn't a complete list)
Don't know how I keep it all straight #but I do #it's my only skill
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But here's a short preview of Part 8, Banana Fish:
We learn about gang warfare! #it's tragic #surprise
#I also don't trust adults
#despite technically being one
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I have no idea what this (gif) is from
#but I always associate gangs w/ fedoras
#or Fruits Basket
I still love Ash's coat #it looks so comfy
I relate so much to Eiji it hurts (I too suffer from being undermined by looking younger & naïve)
(the difference is I am not naïve & am actually closer to Ash when it comes to fighting #not that skilled, tho #but vicious
Dino & Ash have a fun conversation battle of wits
Dino is the murdering worst
#no one is surprised
Ash is very cat like
Stupid enemies plan things
You find out why I giggle every time "Arthur" is mentioned
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newsintheshell · 2 years
CRUNCHYROLL: altre novità confermate per questo autunno
La nuova stagione è già iniziata, ma gli annunci non sono ancora finiti!
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Nel post con il reveal ufficiale del palinsesto autunnale 2022 ve lo avevo anticipato, ma ormai si sa come funziona con Crunchyroll, no? Un po’ di annunci arrivano mesi prima, il grosso viene confermato a qualche giorno dall’inizio della nuova stagione e poi in corsa si aggiunge qualche altro titolo, tanto perché avere più di 30 serie in simulcast non è abbastanza, a quanto pare! xD
Più precisamente, ci eravamo lasciati con alcune incognite: la quarta stagione di GOLDEN KAMUY e la terza stagione di THE DAILY LIFE OF THE IMMORTAL KING sono state confermate in stealth e sono già partite, ieri poi è stata aggiunta, a sorpresa, la serie completa di THE MILLIONAIRE DETECTIVE - BALANCE: UNLIMITED.
Per i prossimi giorni, però, sono state annunciate altre novità, ecco quali.
Nuova serie animata originale, nata dalla nuova collaborazione fra Cygames e P.A.WORKS (Umamusume: Pretty Derby, Ya Boy Kongming!), diretta da Soichi Masui (Sakura Quest, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai).
Prequel che copre una parte del 16° volume del celebre shojo manga di Natsuki Takaya, non riportata nella serie televisiva. Il lungometraggio contiene anche una breve compilation delle tre stagioni dell’anime (per le quali speriamo quindi arrivino i sottotitoli in italiano prima o poi) e alcune nuove scene scritte dall'autrice, ambientate dopo il finale della storia originale.
Quinta stagione della serie animata di casa TMS ENTERTAINMENT (Lupin The 3rd, Dr. Stone) , basata sul popolare manga sportivo sul ciclismo giovanile di Wataru Watanabe.
Commedia sentimentale tratta dal manga di Yuki Kanamaru, prodotta presso STUDIO MOTHER (Arifureta: From a Detour to the World’s Strongest - Stagione 2) e diretta da Junichi Yamamoto (Armor Shop for Ladies & Gentlemen).
Commedia scolastica ispirata al manga di Madoka Kashihara, con protagoniste quattro studentesse, ognuna con un insospettabile segreto. 
L’adattamento è diretto da Makoto Hoshino (KIing’s Raid: Successors of the Will, Banished From The Hero’s Party I Decided To Live A Quiet Life In The Countryside) e sta venendo realizzato presso STUDIO FLAD (Banished From The Hero’s Party I Decided To Live A Quiet Life In The Countryside).
La lungamente attesa seconda stagione di “Kantai Collection” (abbreviato comunemente in KanColle), la serie animata del popolare franchise nato con l’omonimo videogioco di C2 Kikan. 
La nova stagione sarà diretta da Kazuya Miura (Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs,Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!) presso lo studio ENGI (Kemono Michi: Rise Up, Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!) e, ahimè, sarà composta solo da 8 episodi (*sob* T_T).
Ormai di donghua (gli anime cinesi, per intenderci) ce ne sono diversi sulla piattaforma e, pur essendo spesso molto piacevoli e abbastanza originali di per sé, lo scoglio maggiore per molti rimane quello della lingua: siamo così abituati alla cadenza suadente del giapponese, che il mandarino ci risulta totalmente straniante. 
Se questo è il vostro caso, per fortuna, questa stagione ci viene in aiuto un progetto di ridoppiaggio. Questa serie di corti, tratta dalla commedia slice of life firmata da Lingzi, approderà in streaming nella lingua del Paese del Sol Levante.
Per concludere, è stata fissata la data di debutto per il terzo ed ultimo episodio dell’OAV, che farà da ponte per la seconda stagione della serie animata, in arrivo da aprile 2023, tratta dal popolare manga fantasy di Kore Yamazaki, edito in Italia da Star Comics.  
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Autore: SilenziO)))
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer
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spice-bun · 3 years
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Emerald’s screen-shot redraw! I LOVED her this volume <3 
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