xinthesewallsx · 1 year
@frxgmcnts || continued from here [X]
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it really was an accidental discovery. something rafe had stumbled upon with no intention of it but he can't say he's mad about it. he's kind of intrigued about it. he wondered why jj hadn't told his friends. well, maybe he had but by the way jj way reacting? rafe is taking a guess that this is a little secret. so the words were said with honesty. he wasn't going to go blabbing something like that and it wasn't like jj hadn't kept some secrets about his actions too. at least from anyone who mattered. the threat has a smirk pulling at his lips, rubbing his chin. "don't think that's much of a theat, maybank."
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lcstinfantasy · 7 months
sharing a kiss in a heavy downpour of rain . (eric/evan)
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↪     𝑲𝑰𝑺𝑺  ﹠ ᵀᴱᴸᴸ .    (  a  collection  of  50+ kiss prompts .   feel  free  to  specify  the  initiating  muse .  potentially  nsfw  content  within .   will  be  updated .)
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they had been arguing and honestly, eric can't even tell you what it was about at this point. all he knows is he wants it to end. to hold the blond in his arms and forget about it. he's afraid that he might lose him again. as evan storms out of the apartment, eric is hot on his heels. the rain falls hard to the pavement as he yells out to evan, taking him in his arms and kissing him. "don't leave. i'm sorry."
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r3dblccd · 5 months
❛  i can buy you some time. go, now!  ❜ nick (@favcritecriime) to any muse you're feeling
🐝  *  ―  𝑺𝑨𝑪𝑹𝑰𝑭𝑰𝑪𝑬𝑺 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺. @favcritecriime
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"Are you out of your damn mind? I'm not leaving you behind!" Yes, maybe they were caught by surprise. But there were always solutions to problems. Solutions that wouldn't require one of them to get themselves eaten by zombies. There were quite a lot of zombies in the area, there was no possible way to kill them all. But they didn't need to kill them to get out of here alive. All they needed was a good enough distraction that would keep the zombies busy until they ran away. "I can get rid of the zombies that are in our way. I saw a TV shop across the street. If there's still electricity there the noise from the TVs should attract their attention."
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byronlc · 4 months
@frxgmcnts asked
“No, I’m okay, I just… I hit my head. Really hard. I’ll be okay, just give me a second.” (junior from chessie, she’s a clutz so she most likely tripped over her own feet ^^)
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“That's not okay!” His voice sounded harsh while his face showed pain and concern. Gently James held Chessie by the elbow and helped her sit down on the log. He crouched down in front of her. Gingerly his fingers brushed away the hair falling into her forehead as he examined her wound.
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dozenrozez · 4 months
"Do you just like to watch, or would you like to join me?" Leigh to Scarlet
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"Do you realize how dirty that sounds?" she asked, or maybe she was spending to much time with Fawn and Valerie. She shook her head sitting next to Leigh. "depends on what you're doing."
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brknghrts · 5 months
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bestie said, let me love you!!! @frxgmcnts
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redemptivexheroics · 7 months
@frxgmcnts Continued From Here
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"Well, thank you, Evan; I appreciate the compliment. I bet you weren't expecting that text. I was kind of nervous sending it, but one of the girls I work with stole my phone and sent it. I wasn't sure you would react positively to it," Emma said as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.
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alwayslcyal · 8 months
josh & evan 🤭 (for that ship meme)
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
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i think it's safe to say that josh and evan are the cutest boys in this whole world. like the fact that i made evan in josh's story canon. their friendship blossoming into something more. like evan is josh's first love 🥹 and nobody could take that. ughs i love these two and the ship we created pls!! 💖
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entangledmuses · 1 year
@frxgmcnts​ asked:  [ NIBBLE ] ― your muse gently nibbles on my muse’s earlobe. (evan to heather)
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Heather was feeling a little stressed. Maybe thats why she came to see Evan, maybe that was the reason she escaped here often, to find a way to release her stress.
She was tense, but the moment his moved close, the moment he nibbled her earlobe, she instantly felt the tension leave her body, and she relaxed against his form, letting out a soft hum.
“You always know just the right spot to make me relax.” She breathed softly. 
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salvatcrechild · 1 year
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     ❛  i  ––  uhh.   ❜   he  looked  at  max  before  finally  getting  the  courage  to  say  what  he  wanted  to  say.    ❛   i’m  glad  we  have  been  spending  time  together.   i’ve  been  so––  lost  lately  but.   i  really  like  you.   like  a  lot.  you’re  kinda  my  F A V O R I T E  person.   ❜   //  @frxgmcnts​
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lungsandlips · 2 years
"Well, color me surprised, if it isn't the most interesting man here that isn't me." Kade seemed to appear out of nowhere, two drinks in hand, and offered one in Skyler's direction. In all reality he had been perusing around as usual watching familiar faces filling familiar obligations. He'd just finished taking a selfie with a previous co-star when he spotted Skyler. He considered only briefly how to approach. This was what he was good at, making connections and putting his name out there. "What's it going to take to get you to be the designer for my next awards show look, huh? Surely it's about time we collaborated.
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xinthesewallsx · 1 year
starter for @frxgmcnts || muse: sarah cameron
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sarah had no where to go. rafe was at tanny hill making that completely off limits. she wanted to avoid rafe as much as she could after her last run ins with him. john b was off doing god knows what with his father. something off there and she could feel it in the pit of her stomach. she had tried kie's place but her parents didn't seem to keen on having any of them around her daughter. she understood, at least kie had parents that worried about her -- even if they went about it the wrong way. pope had been a thought but she wasn't as close to him and cleo was already crashing at the heywards. so her last stop was jj's. she doesn't really know when the other boy has become just as important to her comfort to her. maybe in the time on poguelandia or before, but here she was.
tossing the bike to the ground, sarah let out a gentle sign. "jj!" she called out, not seeing too much movement around the empty house. she remembers vaguely kie mentioning something about how luke had disappeared. it made the blond female's heart clench at the thought of jj being all alone. as much as rose and ward were still alive, they were as good as dead to sarah. the pogues were her family. where john b, pope and kie had their parents, or at least one in john b's case, jj and sarah were left with only themselves. no family, just drifters in a way. walking up to the door, eviction notice clear. what the hell? "jj? you here?" she asked, looking around and seeing the pillow and sheets on the couch outside.
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lcstinfantasy · 4 months
“Umf” - to tate from evan (i'm sorry he went 👀 lol)
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Send me “Umf” If your muse thinks my muse is hot.
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"you have looked in a mirror right? you can do a lot better than me."
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r3dblccd · 4 months
Evan is waking up Yongsun with lots and lots of sweet valentine's birthday kisses this morning.
give the birthday boy some kisses @frxgmcnts
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Yongsun was still lazying about in bed, wanting to sleep a little longer when he felt the mattress deep dip slightly followed by his boyfriend's soft lips on his face. That had the blonde automatically wrap his hands around his neck, letting out a soft giggle because of all the kisses. "Good morning to you, too." He smiled and kissed Evan on the lips, pulling him closer. "Can I persuade you stay a little longer in bed with me or would that result in me being pulled out of it?"
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dozenrozez · 7 months
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Wolf was getting frustrated, there were only so many stores he can go to before he’d go inside. “Should we just get her the damn puppy?” he asked. Scarlet was never one big on gifts, the most she accepted was if there was sentimental value, flowers, and food. “Do you think she was planning this? Say no to every present that way we have no choice but to get her a puppy?”
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apurekindness · 5 months
@frxgmcnts sent send  “ What the hell are you doing? “  for Ben to find Kiara just standing in the rain, seeming lost in their own thoughts, and to pull them under nearby shelter.
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All she can think about is that poor mother's face when Kiara had to be the one to tell her that her son did not survive the surgery. It was worse because she knew she could have saved him, had she been brave enough to use her powers in the room full of doctors. But she'd chosen her own life over his, and it was not a decision she would be quick to forget.
A faint gasp escaped the doctor as a hand grabbed at her arm and pulled her under a nearby tree. Oh, it was just Ben. Blinking back into the present, she realised she was absolutely soaked.
"How long has it been raining for?" she queried, surprised.
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