#𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 answered ask
lcstinfantasy · 4 months
[ pool ] our muses have sex in a swimming pool ( public or private ) - rafe / junie he's feeening
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it's really no surprise that the two can't keep their hands off each other. both absolute feens for each other at all moments. affection was not something that either shied away from. especially when they are alone. like now. the sun is setting and the two are swimming out in his pool. the house isn't completely empty but they have their privacy. most had gone in to sleep since being out in the sun all day. the two of them took the chance to continue to have time for themselves. rafe backing her up agains tthe wall in the more shallow end of the pool. his waist still covered while the water comes up just below her chest. her arms go to wrap around his neck as her legs wrap around his waist. she smiles gently at him, lovingly. "someone has been behaving all day." she teased as she presses deep kisses against his mouth. rocking her hips against his fingers as he pushes her bikini to the side. "rafe...." she moans softly. "please."
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finelinepie · 4 months
"On The Field"
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Footballrry / Reader
Plot: Dating the football star is not what you pictured happening your sophomore year of college, but it's happening, and you have to keep calm...how does one keep calm when he looks like...that?
Word count: 3.51K
Warnings: a swift kick in the ass. JK, just a punch or two.
“I cannot believe we are even having this discussion right now. You promised you would be there.” Isla whined at me.
“Isla, I am still going. I am just going to be late.” I tried to reason with her. 
“Y/N, I can’t go out there without you?!” She yelled, throwing herself on her dorm bed, I rolled my eyes sitting on my bed across the room.
“Isla, you won’t be on the field for the first 20 minutes anyways, I am going to be there for you. I just need to turn in these essays to my professor so I can get this class over with, and since she has meetings tonight in the class room with other students, she is allowing me to drop them off. Also, it is dead ass across the street, please stop being dramatic.” I chuckle, watching my best friend throw her arms down on the bed. 
“Okay, the dramatics are done. But I am letting you know that if I embarrass myself in those 20 minutes that my good luck charm isn’t there, that’s on you, Y/N!” She sighed loudly.
“I will take the fall, you have my word. I love you, I’ll see you soon.” I promised and grabbed my bag before racing out. Hurrying down the two sets of stairs and out the door, I make my way across the street to the vehicle that puts a smile on my face everytime I see it. 
My 1967 Chevy Camaro. My parents were tuners growing up. They met at an illegal street race back when they were both 18, the grand prize? A dark teal 1967 Chevy Camaro Z28, but not just any ‘67 Chevy. MY ‘67 Chevy. They tied that race and agreed to split the time between them and the car.. That is not how races go, but my parents wouldn’t take no for an answer and the rest was history for them. She is a thing of beauty. With the bold, blacked out grille that has a Z28 badge in the middle, she stands alone in a crowd so beautiful as the white pin stripes make her stand out wherever she goes. She has 15-inch Rally wheels, which are iconic to the Z28, wrapped in Goodyear Wide Tread GT tires. She is perfect and I wouldn’t trade her for anything. 
Hopping into the driver seat I push the key into the ignition and listen to my girl come to life. The smooth revving of her engine fills my ears as I pull out of the parking spot I am in. I slowly released the accelerator as I came up to a stop sign, I texted my professor on the group forum that we have that I was on my way and quickly set my phone down. Looking both ways before driving, I pressed on the gas to get to campus. 
Pulling into a parking spot, I swiftly turn my car off before grabbing my bag from the backseat, hauling ass inside the building my professor's room is in. I have time. I shouldn’t be rushing, but Isla’s dramatic ass has me worried she’ll purposefully fall just to spite me. She is dramatic AND petty like that. The hallway is quiet and nearly empty as I walk towards her Office. I gently knock on her door, not wanting to interrupt the study session she is currently in. “Come in!” I hear her soft voice speak up. Opening the door, I see the students all sitting in their usual lecture hall spots as she has a powerpoint pulled up on the board. I walked down the steps at a leisurely pace and smiled at her as I made eye contact.
“OH! Y/N! Welcome in, do you have the essays for me?” Mrs. Portello asked with a smile.
“Yes, thank you again for allowing me to barge in here and hand them in. I also want to say thank you for allowing me time on that last essay.You are the best, seriously.” I smiled back while handing her my folder with both essays inside.
“Oh nonsense! Things happen, no need to dwell on it. I am glad you were able to go home for the week and be with your family. I will read these over tonight and your last official grade will be posted tomorrow before noon.” She patted my shoulder before setting my folder on her keyboard. Front and center so she doesn’t forget. “Now, Go enjoy the game, and tell Isla I am rooting for her.” She winked. I laughed loudly before nodding. She must have told the professor something dramatic.
Zipping up my bag I walk up the step towards the door. Opening the door as quietly as I can I am just as gentle closing it, careful to not disturb the students and Professor Portello once more. Making my way out of the building across to the parking lot, I climb into my Camero. Glancing at my phone, I see I have a text from Isla.
Isla ☼ : Hurry up, we have 10 minutes until Kick off!
Y/N: On my way, see you soon drama queen.
I fire up the engine again, listening in pure bliss over the purr she gives me and as the sound fills the air, I am making my way to the stadium.
Pulling into the stadium parking lot, I can already see the lights of the field glowling brightly against the night sky. I find a spot before making my way inside, showing them my photographer badge, I make my way in front of the bleachers next to the cheerleaders. Isla is front and center, giving her team guidance and confidence boosts like she does every game.
The excitement of the game, seeing everything come together for both the cheerleaders, and the footballers and also the prospect of seeing all the students and fans fill the stands lifting my spirits, making me quickly forget about the essays I handed in to Portello that decide my fate.
Isla spots me immediately and waves at me and motions me towards her.
“You made it!” She exclaims, throwing her arms around me.
“Ofcourse I did. I told you it would be quick. Now get out there and show them what you got.” I winked and swatted her leg. She squealed out a giggle and hopped over to her team and then quickly made her way out to the track to cheer for our college.
“You are the best, Y/N!” She yelled to me, but quickly let the smile leave her lips as she got ready to count the girls in. I watch as she stands with the rest of the cheer squad, feeling a sense a pride and anticipation. Grabbing my camera out of the camera back, I am quick to capture her stance, before moving to the left and then the right to capture the other girls in their ready stances.
Isla puts her poms together over her head before shouting loud to the crowd,
“R-O-W-D-I-E, that’s the way we get rowdie, ROWDIE. let’s get rowdie.” and claps three times. This time her teams joins in before they yell for the Badgers. “LET’S GO BADGERS!”
The crowd does as they say and starts stomping lowdly, smiling at the enthusiasm, I lift my camera one more time and capture the crowd in their moment of pure choas.
Co cheer captain Danielle waves her palms before starting the wisconsin cheer.
“U, RA RA, U RA RA.” She shouts and the stadium is quick to shout back. “WIIIISCONSIN.”
Isla is next, “U, RA RA, U RA RA.” And ofcourse we all follow suit. “WISCONSIN.” Everyone joins in for the 3rd and 4th round and says it quickly.
“Alright Wisconsin!” The announcers voice comes. “Let’s give it up to the team that brings us to victory everytime, the WIIIISCONSINN BAAADGERRRRS.” He exclaims, and I am quick to capture the crowd before swiftly turning around and getting the star player smasking through the paper banner.
Harry Styles. Star player, golden boy, most beloved, and smart as a wip. He closes his fists together pumping them outward and roars for the crowd as he runs to the center of the field. *click* What a man.
He puts his arms in the air and screams. “Let’s fucking go!” *click* With his arms still up he makes eye contact with me before forming the goal post with his arms, eyes squeezing closed with his tongue sticking out. *click* What that tongue do. wtf is wrong with me.
With a wink to my lense, and a finally *click* I am quick to pan to over to where the once put together banner was and got flicker shots of the rest of the team coming out. The chilly-ness in the air tonight making it look cool as you can see their breath as they shout and run out towards their captain on the field.
“Tonight, we play Idiana University, The Purdue Boilmakers!” The annoucer says, and that moment the opposing team, Purdue is quick to make their exit under the tunnel and the loud crowd on the opposite side of the field is shouting for them as well.
Looking up at the scores never gets old, even almost two years in I get excited to see our team kick the opposing teams ass and it is a rush everytime. Hearing the cheers of the squad and the crowds, I am quick to continue flicker shots of my camera.
With time counting down, We are all in suspense as the Center, Ryder, snaps the ball to Harry, who immediately drops back to pass. The offensive line holds their blocks well, creating a solid pocket.
Harry has three choices for this pass, the wide reciever, the slot reciever, or the outside reciever. After seeing his options, he notices the linebackers biting on the drag, and the cornerback on the outside reciever giving him a bit of cushion. Harry reads the defense with precision, he delivers a high pass over the line backers and just ahead of the safeties.
Our teams tight end makes and athletic leap, catching the ball at its highest point, securing it with both hands. He lands in the endzone, securing the touchdown. The crowd erupts as the Badgers take the lead.
Harry shakes his tight ends shoulders with pride before getting bumped by Purdue’s captain, the surprise attack coming out of nowhere has harry knocking into his team mate. The visible anger is enough for the other Badgers to step in to help hold harry back.
“What the hell dude?” Harry’s deep voice snaps at the captain.
“Oh, my apologies, I didnt know my opposing captain was such a pussy.” The footballer snickered. I rolled my eyes. What a comeback dude.
“Harry!” The Badgers coach shouted across the field. “He ain’t worth it son.” He shouted once more. Harry’s team grabs him by the shoulders and pulls him toward their bench.
“I might not be worth it, but you know who is?” He patronizes. “Your cheer team. They look like a fun time.” He digs deep.
Our football team shake their heads in unison, still walking away without confronting the situation any longer. The announcer noticed the tention on the field before saying you cut it with a knife. I picked my camera up and pressed the capture button. Proud of our boys for taking the high road, documenting the moment, the click was like a pin dropping.
“Or maybe your little photographer. She looks like fun.” He chuckled. Um, ew?
“In your dreams, dude.” I scoffed, but my luck has never been the best, because what I thought was under my breath actually wasn’t.
“What the fuck did you just say?” He snapped. Choosing to ignore him, I am staring down at my camera, looking at him through the screen that is angled up at me. I pretend to click the non touch screen, trying not to add to the attention I have created for myself. He has angled his body my way before making his way towards me. Having the inkling to press record, I do, and my god this next part is cinema. “That’s what I thought, stupid bit-” He is cut off by a flying fist hitting him square in the jaw. Moving my camera quickly you can see Harry’s arm before he is on top of the rival captain and punching him once more in the jaw before getting up. Please god tell me I got that all on camera. Looking down and playing back the video, I see I did infact get it and cannot wait to show Harry later.
“Don’t EVER talk about a lady like that.” Harry barked. Officially walking away, and straight to the coach to get repremanded. My legs are metaphorically spread.
The crowd roared to life as the final touchdown was played. The Wisconsin Badgers beat the Purdue Boilmakers for the second time this season and with how halftime went, no one on our side is complaining. Infact, they are cheering and chanting the only four words that matter whenever we win a game.
“EAT SHIT. FUCK YOU.” Over and over until the last fan of the rival team is off benches and off our field. I have just captured the last photo of the night and while I am putting my camera down to hang around my neck I am looking every which way for my trusty hero.
I won’t pretend that Harry and I are friends, because that is not the case. He is nice and stands apart from the typical college guys who are either rude or just looking for a hookup. Harry parties hard, but he’s also incredibly smart and priorities his grades and football over being the campus’ biggest jerk. It’s this balance that make him Intriguing.
Our paths crossed often enough- shared classes, mutual friends, the occasional study group- but we’ve never had a deep conversation. Still, there’s a mutual respect there. He is the kind of guy who will hold the door open for you, offer a polite nod in the hallway, and never push boundaries.
So when Isla dragged me to yet another party at the frat house where Harry lives, I didn’t mind as much. The house was loud and choatic, filled with music and mingling voices. Isla was immediately swallowed by the crowd and I found a nice quiet corner to people watch and sip on my jack and coke.
As the night went on, I noticed Harry moving around the crowd, talking to everyone, yet never staying in one place for too long. He had this effortless way of making people feel at ease, and it was clear why he was well-liked. When our eyes met, he gave me a small knowing smile and raised his cup in acknowledgement.
I smiled back, feeling a strange mix of comfort and curiosity. It was clear that Harry had layers, and while I wasn’t looking to peel them back, it was nice to know that not everyone at this college fit into the same mold. Maybe, just maybe, there was more to him than meets the eye. And maybe, just maybe, i’d find out some day.
But until then, Let’s find him so we can watch this video in slow motion and watch the football captain of Purdue get his shit rocked.
“Hey, Y/N!” I hear my name get called. Turning around I see Isla walking over with the one I was looking for. He has an iceback on his fist and he is looking straight at me. I smile at them both and wave.
“Isla!” I screamed, “I got that whole thing on video and I need you both to watch it ASAP.” I giggled. Isla squeeled and agreed while Harry groaned.
“I can’t believe I let my anger get the best of me.” He sighed loudly.
“But it made for great cinema Harry.” I winked. Pulling my camera up I went to the video and played it. “I’ll send you a copy. BAM. Bitch went down.” I rewind and played it one more time in slow motion.
“You did not just quote Tatum from Scream because I punched someone?” Harry laughed loudly.
“OFCOURSE I qouted the second queen of scream. Thank you for doing that by the way, it means alot.” I smiled. He shook his head and waved me off. Lowering my camera, I looked down to the screen. I felt Isla put her arm around my shoulder.
“Well, I am off. I really do want a copy of that. Our own personal superhero, I want a keepsake.” Isla giggled when Harry rolled his eyes and shook his head.
When Isla walked away Harry kept his gaze on her, not once looking down, still focused on her head. When she turned left at the field gate to walk to the parking lot, Harry looked down at his cleats before inhaling a deep breath
“So, you’re a Scream fan, huh?” I can just hear the smirk in his voice, and when I looked up I was right, tucking some hair behind my ear I nodded. Stop smirking at me, I’m feeling things.
“It is a guilty pleasure for sure.” I blushed. Keeping my eyes locked on his I could see a glint of adoration in his eyes, why? I couldn’t tell you. I felt the shyness creeping up and I quickly dropped my head to look at my camera.
I heard is quiet laughter and then soon after felt his knuckle under my chin. Making eye contact once more, He smiles softly at me. “Maybe we could watch them together.” He whispered.
My eyes widen, “Like a date?” I whispered back. abort abort abort abort.
“Woah woah woah, take me out to dinner first.” He pulled away and smirked, resulting in me slapping him lightly on the arm and giggling causing him to howl out a cackle.
“I would love to have a scream marathon with you, Harry.” I smiled up at him.
After a few minutes of just staring at eachother, we quietly exchanged phone numbers and headed our seperate ways for the night. This is fine. I’m fine.
Taglist: @namoreno
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
can you do Nikolai and fyodor separately with a reader who’s fluent in their mother language? and reader didn’t tell them just so they could mess with them? thanks!
Thanks for the request!
I'm gonna do Ukrainian for Nikolai since he is Ukrainian although it is possible that he spoke Russian but idc.
Also I don't know Russian or Ukrainian so I'm sorry for any mistakes, I will put the translation in there so dw! :)
'•.¸♡Mother tongue♡¸.•'
Feat. Nikolai, Fyodor
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Nikolai often talked or sung to himself in Ukrainian thinking you never understood him.
He might tell you random words in Ukrainian and ask you to guess what they mean or just to piss you off.
He was always filled by your sarcastic answers and replies.
When he found out you could also talk Ukrainian he would talk to you in Ukrainian more often and might switch from the languages from time to time.
(I'm gonna use Google translate, sorry. Also idk if Ukrainian uses male/female version of words as frequently as it is in Polish (I'm translating from Polish to Ukrainian) so I'm gonna use the female one because... I actually don't know)
'dobryy vechir, kokhana, yak proyshov tviy denʹ' (good evening my love, how was your day?) Nikolai asked in his usual enthusiastic voice. 'vysnazhlyvo, vony daly meni tak bahato roboty.' (exhausting, they gave me so much work) you replied exasperated.
Nikolai's smile turning into a shock before morphing into a smirk. 'You never told me you could speak ukrayinsʹka!' Nikolai shouted playfully. 'You never asked.' You replied simply struggling to repress the smile you're hiding.
You fucking know Fyodor would find out one way or another but let's pretend he doesn't know, just for now atleast.
Fyodor didn't speak Russian as he had no use for it in Japan, he did forget some words here and there as everyone does but he just replaced it with a synonym and didn't bother with thinking of the word.
He does write in Russian whenever he writes, be it on his computers or into a note book.
(Just read what I said at the beginning of the Nikolai scenario but replace Ukrainian with Russian)
You heard the door open and in came Fyodor, he had just gotten back from a long day of working and what better way to cheer him up than to make him some borscht!
Fyodor's mind was too tired to think in a different language so he subconsciously started to talk to you in Russian. 'vkusno pakhnet, moy myshonok.' (smells delicious, my little mouse). Fyodor yawned as his arms entangled themselves around your waist as he placed his head on you shoulder. 'Spasibo.' (Thank you) you thanked.
Your reply was different somehow, when Fyodor realised what you had said his head perked up and he only looked at you silently. 'You never told me you knew Russian.' He whispered in your ear. 'It never really came up, and technically you never told me either.' You replied.
Fyodor only shrugged and placed his head back where it was wanting to fall asleep there and then.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Idk if you can tell but I'm a bit tired.
Have a wonderful day/night
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eletricheart · 5 months
Hii i wanted to ask if you could do Donna Beneviento with a fem! s/o whos like Alastor from Hazbin Hotel? You dont have to do this request if you dont want to, no pressure!
Me and the Devil
(Donna Beneviento x fem!reader)
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*pic from pinterest
Word count: 757
So, I've never seen this show so this was a bit hard to write, sorry for the short lenght. I hope it's good, i tried to make some research on the character but wiki only goes so far😭
ps: sorry for the long wait too😔✌
ps2: its fluff btw, i promise
ps3: not proofread pls lmk any mistakes
Donna met…well…noticed your presence at her workshop every week when she worked with human subjects. The dollmaker was afraid at first but chose to remain calm, silently working and observing your moves. It went on for months, making Donna even used to your hidden company.
You met her after three months of stalking, finally deciding to ask the purpose of her actions, which she didn't answer. So you kept returning, week after week, slowly getting closer and asking more questions.
Angie met you once she noticed the dollmaker taking longer to leave the workshop. The doll was distrustful at first but soon enough you won her over by playing with her shadow. You regretted that decision after her chasing you around demanding you played with her.
You found yourself following the directions of a doll into the village.
Earlier on the day Donna had expressed her wish for new tolls to which you responded by saying why she didn't buy it before it ended, to which started an argument on responsibility.
Now, you pride yourself in being the strongest being alive and dead, taking orders from no one. Therefore, your current predicament was completely your choice.
You had easily found the man named Duke, his carriage surrounded by commoners who quickly made way once seeing Angie. You didn't like the people around you, in fact was close enough to hating them.
You were watching Angie speaking to the Duke when a villager touched your shoulder. You weren't impulsive, of course not, he just dropped dead, on his own.
With the noise of the body falling followed by the townsfolk screaming and running off. Angie turned to look at your smiling face. “What the hell did you?!”
You smiled looking from the body to the doll. “Well…I sucked the soul out of his body, obviously. Touching someone without their consent is very impolite.”
After this occurrence the doll loved going out with you, getting more excited every time you killed someone, by accident of course.
Rainy day
You were sitting on Donna’s couch fixing the radio while the dollmaker knitted on a nearby armchair.
Donna turned to stare at you shaking the radio. “Why don't you sing yourself? It’ll sound the same.”
You looked up with furrowed eyebrows, blinking slowly while staring back at her. “No. Unless you’d give me something in return.” You said, turning your confused face into a smile.
Donna rolled her eyes behind her veil. “No.”
You shrugged and returned to your task, successfully fixing the radio.
Angie’s birthday
After questioning Donna on how a doll has a birthday, you fell into an easy silence while baking a cake and some sweets for the dolls.
The dollmaker noticed your apparent skills, slowly trusting you more with her kitchen. “I didn't think demons had baking lessons in hell.”
You turned to her with a sly smile. “Making jokes, huh. Well, I didn't learn it in hell.”
Donna smiled and threw some flour at you. “How did you learn it then?”
You chuckled, cleaning your face from the attack. “My mother taught me, you would've liked her.”
The Lady nodded. “I’m sure I would've.”
Something new
You were standing in front of her workshop, holding a pot with a single flower in your hands. You stayed still for a few minutes before having the courage to knock.
It didn't take long for you to hear the ‘come in’ and make your way around the hanging wood pieces.
You stood in front of her, holding the flower to her face. “I made it.”
Donna stared back and forth between your face and the floor before speaking. “I don't recognize it.”
You scuffed. “Because I made it, it’s mine.”
The dollmaker gently took the pot from your hands, holding it dearly. “You made me a flower.”
You tilted your head at her. “Yes, I’ve said it twice.”
Donna nodded. “Wait outside, please.”
And so you did, walking around in circles in the hall waiting for her to open the door again. You weren't nervous, you didn't have a reason to be since not fully understood why you felt the need to make her a flower. You were bored, and so you walked.
The dollmaker opened the door after an hour, holding a wooden flower. “I could've made you a normal flower too, but you’ve already seen all of the ones I can do. So…here’s something new.”
You carefully took the flower from her hands and smiled sincerely. “It’s mine now.”
Donna laughed. “It’s yours.”
requests are open: masterlist
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a3risbaby · 1 year
patience is a virtue [m]
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 seventeen : lee seokmin x afab!reader (fem!pronouns)
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Seokmin considers himself a patient person, but lately, your busy work schedule has him wondering how long he can hold out. The answer, it seems, is not that long.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 smut (minors dni), fluff, established relationship, a brief moment of embarrassment, pillow humping/male masturbation, video mention, no plot (sorry), leaving everyone involved on a cliffhanger/abrupt ending, cross-posted on ao3 | 1.4k words
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 the way this idea has been weighing on my mind lately...something about seokmin's surprised reactions makes me want to tease him, and y/n got caught in the crossfire
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The apartment is empty. That's the first thing you notice as you kick your shoes off at the door. Seokmin is still home, though—his shoes are all accounted for, and his keys still rest in the bowl by the door. You toss your keys in beside his, the metal loud against ceramic.
You trod inside. The living room TV is paused on some Netflix show, probably the one he was talking about yesterday, and in the center of the room, a pile of unfolded laundry sits next to an upturned basket. You pick up a fallen throw pillow and toss it back onto the couch before calling out Seokmin's name hesitantly. He's not in the kitchen either. Your home feels strangely frozen in time.
You rummage around the pantry for a snack, noting that everything's been restocked and put away nicely, and you should really thank Seokmin for taking care of your home while you've been busy. You've done your share of the chores, of course: taking out the trash, sweeping every other day, doing the dishes after he cooks. But with you going all-in on your latest team project, you can confidently say that your boyfriend is the only reason your home still feels like a home and not somewhere you rest your eyes for a few hours a day. Case in point, you open the fridge to find a wrapped sandwich with your name and a heart on a note.
Cute, you smile to yourself and put the sandwich on the kitchen counter for later. Comfortable pajamas come first. In fact, it's all you've been thinking about since you started driving home—comfy clothes, warm food, and a funny show to wrap up your afternoon. Hopefully snuggled into Seokmin's side all the while.
You perk up when you notice the cracked bedroom door.
"Hey, Seok, did you want to watch—"
You can't help the gasp that escapes you, hand flying from the handle to cover your mouth. Seokmin's head whips around to look at you over his shoulder, expression a mix of surprise, embarrassment, and horror.
"What are you doing home right now?" he screeches, scrambling to cover himself with the blanket. Your eyes fly around the room, taking in the pants on the floor, the boxers pooled around his exposed ankles, and the stack of pillows on the bed. You're still reeling from the after-image of him humping them, lip caught between his teeth. "I thought you were working until dinnertime!"
"I got off work early! I texted you," you say, gesturing to the nightstand where his phone sits charging, "but I guess you were, um, busy?"
You stare at him, and he stares back. The silence is mortifying, but now that the blood rushing in your ears has subsided, you finally hear the faint noise coming from his phone.
"Is that...me?" you ask, gaping at the whimpering gasps that sound familiar. It's the video you recorded for him to use on a business trip last month. While you thought the file was a sexy gift when you sent it, hearing you chase your orgasm in the middle of the afternoon has you wanting to sink into the ground.
"Yeah, it is. I mean, I'm allowed to use it, right?" he squeaks, face still flushed. "I thought I could. I've been using it since I got it. M'sorry if I wasn't supposed to?"
"No, no, you're definitely allowed to. I'm just..." You bark a laugh, fanning yourself with a hand. "Sorry! I don't know why I'm like this right now. We do this sort of thing all the time. It just caught me off guard. Did you want me to leave so you can finish?" you ask, choking on the last word.
"You can, if you want, but if you're free, um," he hesitates, fingers picking at the blanket over his bulge, "it'd be nice if you could stay?"
Right then, the video approaches its end, and you hear yourself cum with a loud, breathy moan that has your ears burning. If you weren't watching Seokmin with rapt attention, you would've missed the shiver that he tries to tamper down.
You swallow, and he traces that action down the column of your throat, gaze flicking down the rest of your body with appreciation. You could drown in his wide-blown pupils.
You find yourself saying, "I'll stay."
Seokmin considers himself very lucky to have such an attractive partner, even if you get shy and swat his arm whenever he reminds himself of it aloud, but these days, with your busy work schedule, it feels like a curse in disguise. He's been patient for a long time now, knowing that you come home exhausted every evening and that you spend all your free time trying to get ahead with work. Just a little more, you murmur to your reflection as you get ready in the morning, and he wishes that he could do something to take the load off your shoulders.
So in addition to taking up more of the housework, he tries not to bother you with his needs, making do with cold showers and his hand and that blessed video...until today.
He spent all morning working himself up, thinking that he'd have the whole afternoon to get himself off, but the universe must be tired of giving him lucky breaks because the day he caves and decides to try something new is the same day you come home early.
Or maybe this is a favorable turn of events?
He cards a hand through his hair. Now that the jump scare is over and his heart is beating properly again, he remembers the predicament he's in, dick still hard. You walk closer and perch on the edge of the bed, keeping your eyes firmly on his face.
"Can you show me what you were doing earlier?" you ask lowly, unbuttoning the top of your dress shirt.
Oh, when you ask like that, he'll do anything you want. As you reach over to silence his phone—no need for the video when the real thing is right here—he settle back over the pillows. Bracing himself on his forearms, he lightly drags his tip across the wet stain he left earlier, hissing at the friction of a few shallow thrusts.
"Look at the mess you're making," you murmur, gaze heavy. His cock is throbbing. "Baby, is that enough for you?"
"No," he whimpers. He folds the pillow over, tightening it with one hand as he thrusts deeper. He draws his lip between his teeth. "S'not tight enough. A-ah, want it to be you."
Seokmin keeps going, eyes focused on the way the pillow swallows him whole, heart stuttering as he thinks of burying himself in you. You're always so receptive to his pace, always so sensitive to his touch. He loves the way your legs would curl around his waist as he pushes into you, your insides fluttering as you adjusted to his size. The pillow is plush, but it's not you.
His thoughts splinter when you sigh, and when he looks up, he can't help the guttural Fuck that tumbles from his mouth. Your shirt is completely unbuttoned, your pencil skirt is bunched around your hips, and your panties—the baby blue lace set, he feels like he's won the lottery—barely conceal anything. He can't believe you wore those in public.
His hands come up to grab your thighs, but you tsk, pushing your toes into his shoulders, and he freezes in place.
"You asked me to stay," you remind him. "You didn't ask to touch."
This is pure torture. Your hold on him is feather light, but he's straining against the ropes of self control.
"Please. Just a taste, baby, I'll make you feel good," he says, words coming out in a rush. He's on the verge of whining, but he doesn't care. He can see your arousal, can smell it heavy in the air, and his cock twitches in anticipation despite the shake of your head. "I promise, I promise it'll feel so good. Let me use my tongue on you."
He tilts his head and rests a cheek on your ankle, trying to implore you with warm eyes. You pretend to consider it, drawing out your thoughtful hum until seconds feel like hours. Then you shimmy out of your underwear, and that's all the confirmation he needs.
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fairy-verse · 1 year
Are there certain ships you’d prefer we didn’t bring up for this story? Or is any pairing fair game for speculating about?
No judgment will be passed here. You may ask for any ship you’d like, though I might not always have a long answer for it; depending on whether I personally ship it or not.
Fairyverse is a place of folklore, whimsical tales, heart-breaking love stories, mighty and terrible legends, gruesome myths… but most important of all; fairies who don’t live by the rules of the Big Folk. Here, they have a lot of warmth and love to share, and I embrace every headcanon and speculation you all can come up with.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊✧*。𓆏𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓆏 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
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nightyslibrary · 1 year
Pizza Means Family
Another separated au, where Mikey is the only turtle Splinter saves. While he finds April accidentally and wastes no time to call her his sister, his siblings are raised by two of the famous bad guys. This get out of control when six of them end up at the same place, and each sibling has to decide what to do with what they learn. aka where you belong au because I'm either too good with titles or too bad haha
🐢 Click here to read on AO3 | 1,693 words | for WYB AU stuff click here 🐢
Chapter 1: Just a Few Hours Ago, When Everything was Normal
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Mikey grinned as he read April's message. Tonight they had made a plan, a late celebration for Mikey's birthday. Since she and Mikey couldn't celebrate it outside as they had planned because of her school, they had postponed it to today. Which Mikey had been hardly able to wait.
They would go eat pizza, have some fun at the roofs, hang out in several places, jump into a pool... so many activities that Mikey was ready for. He and April would meet in the back alley of her apartment. The text was a reminder, in case Mikey got too lost into hobbies- again. The box turtle was grateful for his sister's thoughtfulness, but she should've known there was no way he was forgetting about this.
Maybe he should start getting ready though.
Mikey leaned to get his pouch, wristbands, socks, kneepads and lastly bandana. The bandana was April's gift for his birthday (along with another gift). He and April had learned how to make their own accessories, sew their own clothes, and such stuff from various sources over the years (like her mother's magazines, internet, and Splinter teaching them). This bandana was a result of that, a symbol made with their mutual knowledge over the craft and friendship.
It was nice to have a big sister who would always know how to give the best gifts.
He wondered if his brothers would be good at giving gifts too.
Mikey looked at the table, a few drawings of his ideas and imagination based on the information he accidentally found out on his thirteenth birthday. He still could remember the shock of hearing his dad talking to himself, mourn the turtles he never was able to save. How he wished to be able to find them, and how he hoped they weren't with Draxum. Mikey wondered who that Draxum guy was. But what he currently cared about was how he had siblings.
Dad had said three names.
Raphael, Leonardo, and Donatello.
That day Mikey had gotten so excited that he had texted April to meet, and without waiting an answer had run to her place. He had some lost brothers to find, and he had to share his plan with her. April had agreed to help, but she had told him that they should plan this with more care.
They had tried their best on their search, April joining whenever she had free time. They had found nothing.
This didn't stop Mikey from wondering who they were. How did they look? What food did they like? Did they grow up in sewers too? Were they a fan of Lou Jitsu or Jupiter Jim as well?
Did they know about him and Dad?
Another message ping distracted him from his thoughts.
🏵 April🏵:
You better be ready and heading out.
Mikey winced, noticing how much time had passed. If he didn't move, he'd be late.
As he walked out of his room, he glanced at the drawings of his dad, himself, and the other three turtles.
Once again, he wondered if they were really out there.
Once again he told himself he'll find them.
Red had a bad feeling.
Yes, Red was anxious often and felt bad about some stuff more than the yokai who raised them or the gargoyles that took care of them as kids… but this was different.
Something was wrong, and he wasn't sure if it was Draxum's plan or Purple's behavior.
Whenever Draxum would ask Purple to take care of stuff in the back, he'd get grumpy. He'd do his job, better than everyone else Red has ever met in his life, but he'd still be bitter. Red had an idea why.
Today he was bitter too, except there was something else along it. He had made that face he'd do when working on his ninpo, creating "something useful", as he would say. Determined, perhaps. Red was worried. Whenever Purple tried something for the first time, there was a risk of failure. Red was not a fan of those risks. Not with how many times he almost hurt himself. So Red hoped his senses were wrong.
Meanwhile, Red was asked to assist Draxum. He would be by his side, in case any of his test subjects tried to run away or anything went wrong- just like how it did thirteen years ago. So Red had worn his armor as always, and quietly waited for orders.
As he watched Draxum work and control things Red never quite understood, he started thinking about his origin. The story about their creation always fascinated him, but not because of what Draxum had managed to create (as he would say with pride). No, what fascinated Red was the others. The man who gave them their DNA and the siblings he was never able to meet again. At least he had Purple, Draxum, Hummin and Mummin.
Still, he wondered if the slider, the loggerhead, and the box turtle were okay.
He wished to know more about them. Had they survived? Was the box turtle with Lou Jitsu? Were the slider and loggerhead what the big lady wanted them to be?
Would he ever see them again?
"Red," Draxum called the snapper.
"Yes, Draxum?"
"Come here."
Red did as Draxum asked, pushing away the thoughts regarding his lost family and focusing on what he had now.
Purple wished that for once that Draxum would take the risk and put him on the field. He knew that he was aware of Purple's strong ninpo and his genius brain, but Draxum refused to forget that one of his powerful mutant warriors had a flaw that almost cost his life twice.
A flaw that Purple hated passionately.
He knew well that Draxum had the knowledge of his softshell and his weak points, and honestly Purple was surprised that the yokai had chosen him as one of his warriors. Yet, one would expect that he'd have something in his mind for the battlefield if he chose him on purpose.
(The possibility of Draxum adding him into the mix just because of curiosity made Purple feel sick. It couldn't be true anyway. It was Draxum.)
So what if his laboratory once got demolished and he almost died? Who cares if when he and Red played roughly as tots he almost got hurt very very badly? He could protect himself now! He even had made himself a shell out of his ninpo to prove it!
Why had he had to stay back and control everything from outside of the main area?
The worst part was he knew that Red agreed with him, but his brother always would follow what Draxum said.
This wasn't fair at all.
Okay, so maybe he did follow Draxum's words too. But not like Red. Purple was different from him. It was just that he wanted Draxum to be happy and proud of him. So that nobody would ever forget him and get rid of him. Exactly what everyone would want.
But he could never prove himself from the back.
Which was why after today it would be different. At the moment of importance, he'd step in and prove he is much more capable than what Draxum thinks!
He looked through the windows. He was already almost finished with his job here, so all he had to do was to climb up to the higher levels and wait.
Perfect plan, Purple. He praised himself as he smiled. Perfect .
"Come on Veeeeeen! I can't stay inside here anymore!"
Leon's was whining for a while now, half dramatic, half genuine, begging for his sister to take him to her simple mission. So far it was going well.
"Leon shut up, someone will hear you! Do you want us to get into trouble?" Venus glared at him.
"No, I thought I made my request oblivious." Leon said.
"You can't come with me, you know the rules." She reminded him, for a millionth time.
"But Mama doesn't have to know. It will be a simple trip. You get to do your shopping, I'll tag along and see some people, and we will be back before anyone knows." Leon knew he couldn't do much and risk it all, he guessed Venus would know too. So why not give him a chance?
Venus looked at him with softer eyes this time, "I know you're bored of Nexus Hotel and want something different, but you've been to Hidden City. Why don't you save your chance for something else?"
Leon looked away from her, instead focusing on a wall. A wall he had been seeing for the past fourteen years of his life and getting sick of it. Hidden City though? That was a rare feat. "It's been so long, Vee." He sighed. "I know Mama doesn't want any of us out without permission, but I think I'll go insane if I spend another day here."
She rolled her eyes, "You're exaggerating." Still, she came and sat by his side on the enormous bed. "But I can consider it…"
Leon's eyes immediately brightened up. "Thank you Ve-"
"...Only if you wear your guard costume too."
Ah. Of course. The itchy guard costume. "Can't I wear another disguise?" Leon whined.
"No." Venus answered, a sly smile on her face.
"You know, I had heard sea turtles are kind. Unlike you. Are you sure you're not mixing up your species?"
He met with a pillow on his face. "Either be ready when I come back or stay here. You got fifteen minutes."
"Okay okay, fine." Leon huffed. Then smirked, "Good to know you still know to not miss the right offers."
She grinned, "You keep forgetting who taught you first." She said as she left the room.
"Keep believing that!" Leon shouted after her, grinning as well.
As the door closed, he felt his grin get wider. It had been so long since he was able to get out of this building. He was sure Venus wouldn't mind having some extra fun in Hidden City, too.
Somewhere far, far away, a teenage mutant girl smiled and laughed with her father. Unaware of the world, dangers, and fate that awaited her.
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bugs-that-bite · 8 months
Get your buggy Fanfiction Now ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ till the new cycle were I come back and I hyper fixate one someone else's bugs ocs
Welcome to the Bog, you can find any other blog for these anthro related works of fiction, But you've seemingly continued reading my blog. For intrest for or in hopes I might write a fic for you in time.
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Things you will and you might get: ✎ bad writing with Not less than 200 words single line doodle/bug gif/Pintrest png! Or an image you've given me Oc creation, oc inclusion of your own character, or my ocs from this blog. List of Head-canon's
: ̗̀➛ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
I have been known to write one-shots but to leave a request for years, due to loss of hyper-fixation!
So get your buggy Fanfiction Now ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ till the new cycle were I come back and I hyper fixate one someone else's bugs ocs
Teenager and up audience & a General audience. No NSFW request
You can give me a random image and lead me to interpretative, with random tags .
Having me write in Y/N is great, I am well versed in Y/N indulgents
Choosing to ignore some bug biology (Their anthro) and make them whatever aesthetic colour pallate you want is fine by me. CREATIVE FREEDOM IN DESIGN! Even if most of my ocs aer going to fallow close to bug designs, you know how colourful some bugs are, demon mantis are cool. They do come an edgy colors, so you can have the edgy or cutie OC of your dreams.
Or we could have an arc relating to that and change their fashion sense as the plot or wardrobe. It's Your Request's and my jar of words.
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(How to take care of your exotic pets website) Demon Mantis ・❥・
Hyper-specific of things you don't want me to include or things youd like for to include or have to include. I might add some things from trope trends, or take inspiration from other things in writing, this is totally normal to ask me.
You can rearrange the order of introduction, and if not It will be in consistent formatting.
If I don't answer just know, I love looking at my inbox and I adore any interaction with my blog.
I will be including my own ideas or anything related, so include angst with a happy ending or fluff with implied canniblism, because bugs you know… Sentience and same species type cannibilsm.
Remember to note any topics you want me to include, I am well versed and know a few people on a discord to be beta-reader's if your worried about any topics I might mishandle. And if their are any topics i mishandled than id like you to dm me or place it in my ask box
✎Writing related✎ Giving you a lower expectation to not make me anxiously overwhelmed... Oh yeah but if you were the one who requested it than you can give me critism yourself, or on the other hand specify scene change's or adding small details or something about pacing which yeah, it all goes by so fast.
Now you can add a fun fact you want me to explore, like what their culture could be. Now heres a list on what sentient character
*+:。.。 Insecta (Insects) Except for lice
*+:。.。 Entognatha (Springtails)
*+:。.。 Myriapada (Millipedes and centipedes)
*+:。.。 Archnida (Arachanids) No tick's
Basically any Subphylum Uniramia and Class Arachnida with some other inclusions.
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asktheherbalist · 2 years
The herbalist has arrived in the manor!
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✿ଓ•́︿•̀)ଓ > "Wait...Am i supposed to...Stand here? I don't know..."
The woman says, a little nervous, looking around: A mail box?...Was she expected to wait for letters?...
✿ଓ•́︿•̀)ଓ > "Well...I suppose i'll...Wait here a bit? Just hope someone actually sends something..."
Name: Hilda Klein
Age: 22yo (When she died)
Nationality: German
Faction: Hunter
Likes: Helping people, books
Dislikes: Hot temperatures
No nsfw! Some jokes are ok, but if i feel like it's too much, i'll ignore!
Canon x Oc, AU's, crossovers and others are all allowed! I would love to interact with you all!
Obviously no prejudice or anything disrespectful
If i feel weirded by something, i'll not answer the ask, sorry!
I'll try to answer most stuff with drawing, but some i'll also just write
Other ask blog: @askthepianist
Drawing in this post by my amazing friend! Check her out!
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lcstinfantasy · 7 months
Umf from Damon to sage
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Send me “Umf” If your muse thinks my muse is hot.
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sarah giggled. "what do you want me to wear now?" the blonde teased.
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lcstinfantasy · 7 months
Fuck... she fights a bashful smile and fails miserably. " Fine. You can have me all of Saturday. " She pauses, that sounded dirtier than she meant it to. " But I expect you to be on your best behavior Cameron otherwise it's never happening again. " She puts a hand on his chest and curls her fingers into his shirt. " You got it? " She asks looking up at him.
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unprompted ask
the smirk only grows wider at the comment. it does sound dirty and he can't be faulted for the images that passed through his mind. his eyes drop to the hand clutching at his shirt before they drag back up to look at her eyes. "be careful there. you said i had to be on my best saturday. you never said anything about right now."
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lcstinfantasy · 4 months
“Umf” Steve / Jonathan
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Send me “Umf” If your muse thinks my muse is hot.
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"are you messing with me, byers?" although there is a smile breaking at the corner of his lips.
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lcstinfantasy · 3 months
( clipped ) - your muse handcuffs my muse ( sam carpenter / nate! )
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🌶️ smutty starter prompts
nate can’t help but admire the scene splayed out in front of him. sam is handcuffed to the bed, loosely cause he’s not sure just how tight she wants them. he’s settled between her legs, hands soothingly running up and down her thighs as he peers at her. she’s truly a beautiful sight to be seen. “how you feeling?” he’s going to check in on her. he might be rough and demanding but he’s not going to hurt her or cause a triggering aspect for her. he’s there to keep her safe. though this is more fun than anything. his fingers just teasingly brush over the lips of her cunt. just enough for her to feel but not enough to be really touching her.
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lcstinfantasy · 4 months
Lexi squeezes the hell out of matt while hugging him ( for when you're feeling wolfie mehehehe )
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unprompted ask
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a grunt of surprise leaves him as lexi wraps her arms around him and gives him a squeeze. "there is my girl. where have you been?" he asks as he pulls her close in his arm, pressing a kiss to her lips.
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lcstinfantasy · 4 months
[ dressing room ] our muses have sex in a dressing room at a store - Sebastian / Dallas
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"come on, be adventurous." dallas cooed. she might be from a small town, yet, she was anything but innocent. she was there trying on some dresses for the upcoming heat wave and had pulled him inside with her. she let the dress hit the floor, standing bare infront of him when she leaned in and kissed him. "fuck me?"
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lcstinfantasy · 5 months
"Is this real, or some strange and twisted dream?" ( jj maybank / anyone! )
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"not exactly the welcome i was expecting." madi looked at the other blond. "guess you didn't miss me, jj?"
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