#fsjy spoilers
cyan0corax · 2 days
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Riz gets sworn in to The Council of Chosen :-)
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andie-platonically · 4 days
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applebees campaign staff meeting
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tiffanyachings · 2 months
still thinking about the look on brennan’s face when ally casts death ward on aelwyn. after everything adaine and aelwyn have been through, this man was really going to let adaine abernant, oracle for all, fulfil what she said in season 1: i’m gonna fucking kill my sister
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Alright, just to write down my thoughts on this, because I knew it was gonna happen but I looked anyway and now I'm kinda mad-
1. Killing the Rat Grinders is not unprecedented for the show, or even that remarkable. This has always been a very violent show, and it takes place in a high school. Stuff happens. Stuff has been happening since literally day one
2. This show is primarily a comedy. Not everything that is messed up will be addressed right away, and sometimes they won't ever be addressed, because they are pieces of improv and people forget details they made up on the fly. This isn't a show about perfectly heroic characters making morally just choices, it's a show about a bunch of messy teenagers in a fun setting doing messed up shit in an attempt to do some good.
3. Death does not mean the same thing in this world. You can't swing a cat in Elmville without hitting a random 16 year old with resurrection magic. It's very very common in this setting. Kristen alone has fully died twice, and Gorgug fully died once. In their first ever conflict!! The Bad Kids fully murdered Ragh, pretty brutally, and now he's one of their best friends. Zayn Darkshadow fully died, but he became a ghost and seems to be living his best unlife.
The thing that made the Rat Grinders so scary in the first place was that they managed to block resurrection magic. Once Ankarna and Cassandra are back and Porter and Jace are dead, there's no reason to believe that the sigil that stopped revivify will still hold. Literally nothing indicates that these deaths will be permanent. Not even Ruben's, Fig is literally in charge of the place where his soul is hanging out, she can pull him out no sweat. And if she can't Arthur Aguefort certainly can (and can probably get his body back too). You really think being dead with the capacity to be revivified excuses you from mandatory attendance??? Besides, anything is possible with chronomancy!!!
Anyways, if the angry reactions to this episode made you feel upset and confused like they made me... I mean you can think on it and consider why you disagree and re-evaluate your opinion, which is cool and good. But you can also just go outside and remember that it's a TV show and it doesn't really matter all that much that some strangers on the internet say it's bad. Which is also cool and good I think
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kifkay · 16 days
god blind the saint Kristen Two Applebees, for she has risen
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barnabyboppins · 1 month
Bro Riz has managed to doubly ace his entire school year in the span of like 2 weeks maybe these other kids really just need to think more like Aguefort and less like regular school
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volstruckerz · 1 month
had a little thought about the implication that lucy and kipperlily were close but in the end, lucy refused to give up worshiping ruvina even just for kipperlily's sake vs. how fig became cassandra's paladin because "kristen needed a little help" and about the president and her security detail and "kipperlily was especially fond of lucy." i just...they are so similar but so tragically different
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sprak-lefevres-wife · 10 days
please understand that I fully cried at Lucy and Ruben being brought back
we're so back
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to-to-karamba · 2 months
The exam is scarier than the actual horror season
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donnetellotheturtle · 2 months
I just read something that was mad about Lydia not being disabled after ep 13?
Did you guys watch the same episode?
Also yall know that some wheelchair bound people can choose to learn how to walk right? And that doesn't make them any less disabled?
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systemic-dreams · 4 months
hello, my name is connor and im about to cast a counterspell that will save your life
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andie-platonically · 9 days
finally caught up with junior year!! ngl,, i was kind of disappointed that we didn’t get much resolution of baron being back—im not necessarily saying riz needs a coming out scene, but i feel like he needs something, especially since he never really clarified what Baron really is to his friends—but at the same time, things did get really busy plotwise after that scene so i can understand that the intrepid heroes just didnt have much time to devote to it.
the season finale really seemed to be setting things up for a senior year, so maybe we’ll get more then. baron is a really compelling villain & given that he is afaik still in Riz’s briefcase, i dont think this is the last we’ve seen of them. not to mention, with cassandra being back, baron’s connection to her as a creation of the nightmare king could be an interesting thread to follow. 🧐
anyway i loved this season and im excited to see what my favorite aroace detective does next!
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crunchmoonjones · 3 months
Fuck it season 1 fig was right I'm a porter big bad truther
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barnabyboppins · 1 month
The Shrimp Dragon reminds me much of the Mizutsune from Monster Hunter
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