#ft mike warren
virgosjukebox · 1 year
Starter for @ncvelty
Kaylin had been bumped up from her spot after several attempts at telling her father his number two was a weak link. To her, if he was caught, he would spill everything and then their empire would crumble. It only took three close calls with the local police before her father finally agreed, and even got the local police to join them. Some leaving the force altogether to become a part of their empire. When most saw her, they didn’t think that she would even know what her father was up to when it wasn’t his normal 9-to-5 working as a lawyer, winning cases for his fellow cronies and their partners so they didn’t face prison. Even if their prison was a white collar high security prison. She was always in the courtroom with him, acting as a junior assistant for now, until he deemed it time for her to advance. With that, she felt she might have to take charge on her own again, like with the gambling and everything else. 
Sometimes she felt he despised her because he only had a daughter, instead of a son and daughter. She was the sole heiress to the entire empire and fortune that came with it. She felt that he didn’t think that she had enough to run it all, when in reality, it’s what she did best. Which was why she was at one of the clubs owned by the now number three.
She was looking for more recruits, more workers. They needed more drug mules to carry their supply from the suppliers to the dealers. But they had to be just inconspicuous enough in order to not lift off any sort of red flags. But so help her if another man brushed up against her as a means to get past her. Those were a few of the things that annoyed her about being how she was. She followed rules when she went recruiting. Two real drinks, the rest were mocktails. She needed to be able to focus enough to weed out the choices that wouldn’t serve them long term.
She tilted her head as she noticed a few newcomers walking in from where she sat at her table and arched a brow. She wondered who, if they worked for anyone, worked for. Or, if they were there just for a good time. She’d finished off her drink before deciding to walk towards them, giving those who were sitting with her, her friends, a signal to stay. She needed to get them alone and away from their friends to talk to them. In order to do so, it just needed to be her. If she brought anyone else, it might give what she was doing away.
"I’ve not seen you here, and I know most people who come by here often.” She said, slyly looking at the one who seemed to be the leader, up and down a few times. She was sizing him up. “Can I get you a drink? What’s your favorite?” Kaylin cocked her head to the side slightly.
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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Part 13
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Series Masterlist
Part 12 🟣 Part 14
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A reverse harem vampire AU ft. Mikey, Marshall, August and Sherlock
Series summary: Somehow, you've managed to live with your boyfriend and his roommates for months before finding out they're vampires, but the real shock first comes when they find out you have a special quality. A quality the guys would love to make use of...
Warnings: Ongoing vampire shenanigans, mentions of blood, biting, angst, a kiss, slightly inappropriate fang-examinations.
Word count: 2.7k
A/N: All I have to say is.... I'm sorry?
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@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @summersong69 @teamfan7asy @mis-lil-red @ellethespaceunicorn @sillyrabbit81 @peyton-warren @livisss @itsrubberbisquit @ktficworld
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Waking up next to Mikey in cold sweat, hoping he wasn’t snooping around in your brain wasn’t a new thing for you at this point. In fact, you’d been doing it for weeks now, growing increasingly exasperated with every new dream. When you had negotiated the arrangement, you had promised yourself you wouldn’t let anything come between you and Mike, but these dreams were rapidly shitting all over your fantastic plan. Feeding the guys had somehow simultaneously become more casual and more intimate; you no longer insisted on the formality of relocating to the couch in the living room, but instead just crawled into their beds if that happened to be the most practical option. Also, you had already found yourself shouting (according to them) through the house whether ‘anyone needed to suck on you because you were planning on getting hammered’, which was hardly a dignified way of ‘offering your services’ – you still hated that phrase; it made you feel like a hooker.
Your relationship with the guys had definitely changed over the past weeks: the crazy spike of protectiveness after feeding had begun to settle, and all of it left you in a situation where you were extremely well cared for. Mike kept you hydrated by bringing you water or tea whenever he felt you wanted a drink, Sherlock was on top of your vitamin intake, and August had expressed a particular preference for the way your blood tasted after eating certain foods, so you got a whole lot of fantastic meals without ever even having to ask. Marshall, despite being grumpy and tired all the time, gave the absolute best hugs in the whole world, and you spent many a movie night snuggled into his side with your feet in Mike’s lap. You’d talked about that, and he was okay with it. He had been really okay with a lot of things.
Despite your changing relationships, and getting closer to the guys, you always slept next to Mike, and not once had you entertained the thought of leaving him for one of the others – which is exactly why these dreams weren’t fucking helping. There was no doubt in your mind that you never wanted to lose Mike; you simply loved him way too much to ever let him go. Then why were you dreaming about his roommates? His friends? His brothers?  The bond between the four of them was undeniably strong, and you regularly cursed yourself for getting into this mess and wiggling your way in between them, while at the same time ‘in between them’ was exactly where you wanted to be. Now, these were things you should probably – definitely – discuss with Mike, before it started to completely eat you up inside, but you just… no matter how much you really wanted to, you just couldn’t.
“Is this the first time you actively wish I’d snoop around in your brain and swoop in?” Mike asked softly as he wrapped his arms around you tightly and pulled you into his chest. You let out a sarcastic chuckle. Smug bastard.
“Yes,” you answered truthfully. That would really make things so much easier, even though it didn’t make the conversation any less scary.
“I know they all love you, in their own way,” he sighed. “Things have been changing. Can’t say I like it, but I can’t say I want to stand in your way, either.”
Was he saying what you thought he was saying?
“I guess what I’m trying to say is…” He let out a deep sigh and kissed your neck, grazing his teeth over your skin for a brief moment. “Let it happen.”
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“Sherlock?” you asked carefully as you opened the door. The room was completely dark.
“Come in,” you heard from where you knew his desk to be, “feel free to turn on the light.” The words were followed by a low chuckle. By now, you knew that sound so well. You had dreamt about it. That, and… never mind. “Can I help you?” He smiled at you – the same heartwarming smile that also appeared in your dreams quite often.
“Were you working? Am I interrupting something?” You quickly glanced at the paper he had in front of him. It looked like a letter.
“Just writing to an old friend,” he said. You had to admit he looked exhausted – and even in that state he was still such a beautiful man… “Why are you here, darling? It has to be past midnight.” It was, and you should be asleep right now, but you weren’t. You had spent the whole time working on a paper that was due tomorrow night, and things had been flowing, so you hadn’t been able to stop. Now, at two in the morning, you had somehow convinced yourself that Sherlock had to take a look at that paper…
“Can’t sleep,” you said, “I finished my paper, but it won’t get out of my head. Would you maybe take a look at it? Doesn’t have to be now, of course, you can do it in the morning…” He already held out a hand to you.
“You know we don’t technically need sleep, don’t you?” he said as he took your tablet from you. “It’s just a convenient way to conserve energy.” He stayed quiet for a few moments, reading your paper much quicker than you ever could. “This is good. I can make a few notes in the morning, but please stop worrying about it now.”
As he handed the tablet back to you, his fingers brushed against yours. He was cold. He was…
“You’re starving,” you whispered. His embarrassed smile told you all you needed to know.
“Yes,” he admitted. He shouldn’t have to feed for a few more days, and even then he certainly shouldn’t be this hungry… “There was a plagiarism case… the department got permission for me to compel students to tell the truth. It’s a whole ordeal. Witnesses, cameras, written consent. They weren’t the perpetrators, but that makes the interrogation no less exhausting.”
“Sherlock…” You stepped closer to him, reaching for his cheek. “I don’t want you to wait this long before coming to me.” As you stroked the side of his face, he gently hooked his hands behind your knees and pulled you in until you were straddling his legs.
“What is it like for you?” he asked suddenly, taking you by surprise. “Feeding us, I mean.” His hands moved from your knees to your thighs as you sat down in his lap.
“I can smell you,” he whispered against the skin of your neck. “Nine hundred years of practicing restraint, and now that it’s you…”
“What do you mean?”
He smiled at you apologetically as he frantically tried to control his breath. “I can’t seem to control my teeth… Answer my question, please; what does it feel like for you?”
“To feel that you’re this cold and hungry?” you asked. “I feel like a failure for not keeping you happy and fed.” Your words seemed to shock him – hurt him, even. “I crave the feeling of your lips on my skin,” you continued without thinking, “and the moment of the bite. That warm feeling afterwards…” Three months had been plenty to draw a conclusion about your hypothesis that the feeling differed depending on who it was that fed on you, although you still needed more experience with it to really explain it.
“Do you think that’s what she felt, too?” he asked then, referring to the woman with whom he’d had his previous agreement. There was a sadness in his eyes.
“You never asked?” you said quietly.
“I was just given enough time to feed, never for lengthy conversation,” he admitted.
“It sounds like… Charles Brandon, was it? Sounds like he was a bit of a dick.”
“Charles isn’t a bad man at all! Impulsive, perhaps. But you have to understand how incredibly dangerous it was for him to even share her with me. If he had been found out…”
“But they didn’t catch you two?”
“Darling, neither of us would have been alive today if they had,” Sherlock said in earnest, shuddering at the thought of what could have happened.
He smiled at you again, his fangs threatening to puncture his lower lip. Carefully, you reached a finger out to touch one – and he let you, chuckling as you examined his teeth.
“What happens if you lose one?” you wondered, suddenly pulling your hand back as you realized it was a bit weird to sit there with your fingers in his mouth.
“They grow back,” he laughed. “It takes a rather unusual amount of force to remove them…”
“Torture technique?” you blurted out. To your surprise, Sherlock shook his head.
“Filing them down was more common,” he said with a strangled look on his face. You didn’t need to ask if it had ever happened to him.
“Sherlock, will you please feed?” You had finally grown tired of these games, no matter how fun it was to learn new things about vampires. He needed to eat, and he needed to do so right now. To your surprise, he didn’t protest.
“I don’t feel like moving,” he muttered so softly that no one in the house would have been able to hear him. It should have occurred to you then and there that there was something not right about this – whatever this was – and you loved to believe that you would have realized it… if you hadn’t agreed with him so thoroughly.
“Me neither.” The words that slipped from your lips seemed so simple, so straightforward, but in reality, they were everything – including the permission Sherlock had been looking for to sink his teeth into your neck as he wrapped you in his arms and drew you closer to him, leaving you to fight down strangled moans and whines that – although muffled – reflected every shred of ecstasy you felt.
He drank quickly, taking a little too much time to pass his tongue over the wounds when he was done, but you didn’t care. When you looked down, you saw him licking a drop of your blood off his lips in an almost criminally sensual way… and then he kissed you. Either that, or you kissed him. Not that it mattered, because one way or another, it was your mouth on his now. It was his tongue sliding along your bottom lip, and your lips parting for him. It was hushed groans of pleasure and – as much as you hated to admit it – it was your hips grinding into his. And it was Mike, standing in the doorway with his mouth hanging open and tears in his eyes. It was his panicked, ragged breath out of sync with your own, the shock on his face, and the quietly whispered ‘what the fuck’. It was your broken heart and so, so very clearly his, too. In fact, it was all clear as day. Despite the conversation you had had with Mike, this felt wrong.
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“What the fuck do you mean ‘he’s gone’?” Marshall yelled, absolutely beside himself with anger. August leaned back in his chair, and didn’t seem at all prepared to do anything about this situation. “What happened?” All it took was one glance between you and Sherlock that you never intended Marshall to catch, and he knew exactly what had caused this.
“You?” He sneered. In one motion your eyes didn’t catch, he pinned Sherlock against the wall, a hand firmly on his throat. “I expected bullshit like this from him!” He gestured at August, who didn’t take offense to his words. Instead, Marshall seemed to calm down unnaturally fast. 
“I would very much like to remind you that trying to kill him would be extremely stupid,” August noted calmly. Marshall’s grip on Sherlock’s throat relaxed, until finally his arm dropped to his side again. Sherlock hadn’t moved throughout all of this – not voluntarily, at least – and he continued to stand there, very still… almost as if he had completely resigned to Marshall’s anger.
“Mike said he was okay with it,” you sobbed quietly, staring at the floor to keep the guys from seeing your tears. It was hopeless; they could easily hear them.
“Clearly he isn’t! And now he’s run off!” Marshall snapped.
“Walter!” Everyone’s eyes drifted to Sherlock immediately. No one ever used Marshall’s first name. “I don’t believe he was lying. I think he just wasn’t quite prepared for what he saw.”
“He’s testing his bonds, Sherlock,” Marshall said, his voice breaking as he spoke. “And not just ours, the one with me, too.” When he said it, the room went eerily quiet. Clearly this was something serious – something very serious you had absolutely no context on.
“What’s going on?” you asked in a small voice.
“You two handle this,” Marshall growled as he pushed his way past Sherlock, into the hallway. “I’m not in the mood for another vampire lesson.”
Without saying a word, August put the kettle on. He didn’t drink tea, so you assumed it was for you. August impatiently gestured at you to sit down.
“So, what happened between you two?” August asked, an eyebrow raised. It was easy to see that he was both curious and extremely worried.
“We… kissed,” you muttered. It was loud enough for him to hear you, of course. Looking around the kitchen, you noticed that Sherlock had left, too.
“He’ll be back,” August said. “So a kiss is what has Mike… Oh, well. Here.” He held a cup of tea out to you before the sound of the kettle had even registered in your brain.
“Thanks,” you said, sitting down. Suddenly, Sherlock appeared in the chair next to you.
“He’s not at the pier,” he said, “I figured I’d give it a shot.”
“I think we may just need to let him cool off,” August said calmly, though still with a worried frown on his face. “If he’s really trying his ties, we don’t want to piss him off.”
Sherlock didn’t respond, and neither did you – it was usually easier to just wait for August or Marshall – or Mike – to pick up on your confusion than to keep asking for explanations. Lo and behold: August’s soft chuckle indicated that he’d noticed your silent distress: “Vampires are coven-bound.”
“That doesn’t explain anything,” you chuckled softly. You were used to this by now; the rest of the information would follow, you were sure of it.
“It’s barely any different than family ties or friendships,” Sherlock said, “with the exception that we can… feel them.”
“To a point where they’re almost tangible,” August added. “It’s tough to explain, but it feels different, trust me. It also means I don’t have to be near these guys to know what they’re feeling. Sherlock could compel him to come home.”
You immediately turned to Sherlock. “Why don’t you do that?”
“Can you calm him down?” you asked. Mike wasn’t the only one who was extremely upset, for fuck’s sake! You were pretty damn torn up about this, too!
“Because that would force him to make a choice immediately,” Marshall’s voice sounded from behind you. “The bonds are strong, especially after several decades, but they’re not unbreakable.”
“I don’t think he’d decide in our favor. He’s extremely upset,” August added.
“Princess, I have a stronger bond with you than I do with him,” August snorted.
“That’s a lie and you know it,” Marshall replied. “Either way… We have a similar but more… detailed bond with the vampire who turned us. Right now, he’s pulling on that string, too, and it hurts…”
You noticed the tears in his eyes as he said it, and without thinking you made your way over to him, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him tight. “I’m sorry for the trouble I’m causing.”
“He’s the one causing trouble, Princess,” August growled, “not you.”
“That’s not fair, August,” you replied. “We’re the ones who drove him away.” Sherlock didn’t look at you as you said it. Instead, he stared at his hands in his lap.
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gingerpeachtea · 1 year
yesterday was my four year anniversary of posting on ao3, so here’s a fun lil list of my works from most to least recent as a mini celebration :)
somewhere in the haze — 3.1k
graceland • mike warren sickfic ft. childhood trauma
your hands are gravity (while my hands are tied) — 1.5k
braindead • laurel has a panic attack ft. laureth
pillow — 0.5k
graceland • mikejohnny fluff
wrap it in gauze and light the way home — 0.9k
graceland • mike whump ft. a stab wound to the leg & mikejohnny
lose your faith in me — 4.3k
agents of shield • exploration of daisy’s trauma post-hive ft. staticquake ; lincoln lives au
sweet words and fevers — 1.7k
agents of shield • daisy whump ; daisy working w shield again after lincoln’s death ft. quakerider
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goalhofer · 5 months
2024 Pittsburgh Pirates Roster
#23 Mitch Keller (Cedar Rapids, Iowa)
#26 Bailey Falter (Chino Hills, California)
#27 Marco Gonzales (Ft. Collins, Colorado)*
#28 Josh Fleming (Columbia, Illinois)*
#35 Colin Holderman (Bourbonnais Township, Illinois)
#36 Dauri Moreta (Comendador, Dominican Republic)
#37 Jared Jones (La Mirada, California)**
#43 Ryan Borucki (Fremont Township, Illinois)
#45 Albertín Chapman (San Isidro De Holguin, Cuba)*
#48 Luis Ortiz (San Pedro De Macorís, Dominican Republic)
#51 David Bednar (Mars, Pennsylvania)
#54 Martín Pérez (Guanare, Venezuela)*
#59 Roansy Contreras (Peralvillo, Dominican Republic)
#61 José Hernández (San Felipe De Puerto Plata, Dom Rep)
#63 Hunter Stratton (Bluff City, Tennessee)
#6 Yasmani Grandal (Miami Springs, Florida)*
#14 Joey Bart (Buford, Georgia)*
#32 Henry Davis (Bedford, New York)
#55 Jason Delay (Johns Creek, Georgia)
#2 Connor Joe (San Diego, California)
#3 Ji-Hwan Bae (Daegu, South Korea)
#13 Ke'Bryan Hayes (Tomball, Texas)
#15 Oneil Cruz (Nizao, Dominican Republic)
#19 Jared Triolo (Austin, Texas)
#25 Alexander Williams (San Diego, California)
#44 Ryan Tellez (Elk Grove, California)*
#10 Bryan Reynolds (Brentwood, Tennessee)
#18 Michael Taylor (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida)*
#22 Andrew McCutchen (Ft. Meade, Florida)
#38 Edward Olivares (Santiago De León De Caracas, Venezuela)*
#65 Jack Suwinski (Chicago, Illinois)
Manager Derek Shelton (Warren Township, Illinois)
Bench coach Don Kelly (Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania)
Hitting coach Andy Haines (Louisville Township, Illinois)
Assistant hitting coach Christian Marrero (Miami, Florida)
Bullpen coach Justin Meccage (Billings, Montana)
Bullpen catcher Jordan Comadena (Normal, Illinois)
Bullpen catcher Raúl Hernández (Maturín, Venezuela)
Pitching coach Oscar Marin (Los Angeles, California)
1B coach Tarrik Brock (Goleta, California)
3B coach Mike Rabelo (New Port Richey, Florida)
Infield coach Mendy López (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
Strategy coach Radley Haddad (Carmel, Indiana)
Assistant coach Stephen Morales (Mayagüez, Puerto Rico)
Assistant coach Jonny Tucker (Oakland, California)
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hiddenticket · 1 year
Essential Instrumentals [Mix] I’ve chosen some of my favorite hip-hop producers and instrumentals for this mix. I hope you enjoy it! -- Tracklist 1. Amel Larrieux - Sweet Misery (instrumental) / Produced by Laru Larrieux & Amel Larrieux. 2. J -Dilla - Flowers / Produced by J-Dilla 3. Luchini AKA This Is It (instrumental) / Produced by Ski 4. Atmosphere - God's Bathroom Floor (instrumental) / Produced by Brent Sayers 5. Drake - going in for life (instrumental) / Produced by Exchange student and TJ Garner 6. OutKast ATLiens - Elevators (Me & You) (instrumental) / Produced by Outkast 7. D'Angelo - Lady (instrumental) / Produced by D'Angelo and Ali Shaheed Muhammad 8. AZ - gimme yours (instrumental) / Produced by Pete Rock 9. 702 - I still love you (instrumental) / Produced by Neptunes 10. The Notorious B.I.G - Ten Crack Commandments (instrumental) / Produced by DJ Premier 11. Little Brother - Lovin' It (instrumental / Produced by 9th wonder 12. Eazy- E - Boyz N The Hood (instrumental) / Produced by Dr Dre and DJ Yella 13. Dead Prez - Mind sex (instrumental) / Produced by stic.man and M-1 14. Amy Winehouse - He Can Only Hold Her (instrumental) / Produced by John Harrison 15. LL Cool J - I Need A Beat (instrumental) / Produced by Rick Rubin 16. Pete Rock - Take the d train / Produced by Pete Rock 17. Kanye West - Last call / Produced by Kanye West and Evidence 18. 9th Wonder- December 4th (instrumental) / Produced by 9th wonder 19. Fugees - Fu-Gee-La (instrumental) / Produced by Wyclef Productions and Refugee Camp Inc 20. Craig Mack - Flava In Ya Ear (instrumental) / Produced by Easy Mo Bee 21. Nujabes - Feather (instrumental) / Produced by Nujabes 22. Musiq Soulchild - Soulstar (instrumental Remake) / Produced by Jerome Hipps, Michael McArthur, Musiq 23. Raekwon - Sneakers (instrumentals) / Produced by Pete Rock 24. Wu-Tang - C.R.E.A.M (instrumental) / Produced by RZA 25. Atmosphere airlines - Long life (instrumental) / Produced by Dela 26. Nas - It Ain't Hard To Tell (instrumental) / Produced by Large Professor 27. Common - I Used To Love H.e.r. (instrumental) / Produced by No ID 28. Ludacris - Pimpin' All Over The World (instrumental) / Produced by Donnie Scantz & Polow da Don 29. The Roots - What they do / Produced by Grand Wizzards, ?uestlove & Raphael Saadiq 30. Dr Dre - Still Dre (instrumental) / Produced by Melvin Bradford (Mel-Man), Scott Storch, and Andre Young (Dr. Dre) 31. Talib Kweli & HiTek - The Blast (instrumental) / Produced for Hi-Tek Productions Inc. 32. Mobb Deep - Shook Ones, Pt II (instrumental) / Produced by Havoc 33. Queen Latifah - U.N.I.T.Y. (instrumental) / Produced by Kay Gee and Mufi 34. Warren G - Regulate ft. Nate Dogg (instrumental) / Produced by Warren G 35. Kanye West - I Wonder (instrumental) / Produced by Kanye West 36. A Tribe Called Quest - Award Tour (instrumental) / Produced by Q-Tip, Jay Dee and DJ Scratch 37. Digable Planets – Rebirth Of Slick (instrumental) / Produced by Mike "Hank" Mangini, Shane Faber & Digable Planets 38. Pete Rock & CL Smooth - They Reminisce Over You (instrumental) / produced by Pete Rock & CL Smooth 39. Souls of Mischief - 93 'Til Infinity (instrumental) / Produced by A-Plus 40. Main source - looking out the front door (instrumental) / Produced by Large Professor -- Photo captured by Hannah Faith / Joshua Tree (girls trip) -- NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED. I DO NOT OWN OR CLAIM ANY RIGHTS TO THESE TRACKS. Uploaded by Eden Hagos https://ift.tt/P1a9ZwE via SoundCloud https://ift.tt/SrEWiaC August 07, 2023 at 11:59AM
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theeverlastingshade · 3 years
Favorite Songs of 2021
100. Don’t Forget Your Neighborhood- Cola Boyy ft. The Avalanches
99. The Wishing Well- Ovlov
98. Year of the Horse Pt. 1- Fucked Up
97. Followed the ocean- Grouper
96. BNR- Crumb
95. Fantasy Island- Clinic
94. From the Back of a Cab- Rostam
93. Put It Down- Jazmine Sullivan
92. Yoshi’s Island (World 7x7 Mix)- glass beach (Clover & Sealife Remix)
91. Okay- Porches
90. Like I Used To- Sharon Van Etten & Angel Olsen
89. Burner Account- Open Mike Eagle ft. Armand Hammer
88. A Lament- The Body
87. Signal from the Noise- BADBADNOTGOOD
86. Embryo- Jlin
85. Thirstier- Torres
84. redguard snipers- R.A.P. Ferreira
83. Erased- Ty Segall
82. Chad- Isaiah Rashad ft. YGTUT
81. Hide Another Round- Dinosaur Jr.
80. Dark But Just a Game- Lana Del Ray
79. Meteor Man- Your Old Droog ft. billy woods & Lil Ugly Mane
78. Everything is Different (To Me)- quickly quickly
77. Give Up Your Life- Spirit of the Beehive
76. VBS- Lucy Dacus
75. Instrumental- Black Country New Road
74. Law of Averages- Vince Staples
73. Loss- The Weather Station
72. Pretty Boi- Hey, ILLY!
71. Dope Game Stupid- Brui$er Wolf
70. hold yourself- tUnE-yArDs
69. Snow White- Casper Clausen
68. It’s You- Strange Ranger
67. Czarwyn's Theory of People Getting Loose- MF DOOM & Czarface ft. Kendra Morris
66. Yellow Fever- Really From
65. Walker- Animal Collective
64. the rot- Dean Blunt
63. Hardline- Julian Baker
62. Roscoe!- Pink Siifu ft. Ted Kamal
61. Walking at a Downtown Pace- Parquet Courts
60. Buzzcut- Brockhampton ft. Danny Brown
59. Queen- Aeon Station
58. The New Normal- Madlib
57. Dear Saint Cecilia- Iceage
56. More- Low
55. Pain and Blood- Flying Lotus
54. Sekwar- Liars
52. Invading the World of the Guilty as a Spirit of Vengeance- The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die
51. Harmonia’s Dream- The War on Drugs
50. Surviving a Smile- Sweet Trip
49. Tabula Rasa- Earl Sweatshirt ft. Armand Hammer
48. Joy- Hovvdy
47. Tuned Out- Black Dice
46. Swarovski- Porches
45. New Long Leg- Dry Cleaning
44. Chicken- Parannoul
43. Massa- Tyler, the Creator
42. New Romance- Beach House
41. An Iteration- The Armed
40. Diamond Stuff- black midi
39. Fiera- Arca
38. Time Escaping- Big Thief
37. Bad Son- Spirit of the Beehive
36. The Stellar Ray Theory- Mach-Hommy
35. Dark Gethsemane- Burial
34. Thumbs- Lucy Dacus
33. Vendetta- Iceage
32. I Don’t Live Here Anymore- The War on Drugs ft. Lucius
31. Narrator- Squid
30. The Way I Feel- Alien Boy
29. Polar Equals- Sweet Trip
28. True Love- Hovvdy
27. John L- black midi
26. Never Ending Game- Angel Du$t (Panda Bear Remix)
25. Love, Lovers- Lost Girls
24. White Ceiling- Parannoul
23. Crushed Velvet- Yves Tumor
22. Song in E- Julian Baker
21. Rapid and Complete Discovery- Spirit of the Beehive
20. Trash- Fuckin Whatever
19. 2010- Earl Sweatshirt
18. Slow- black midi
17. Prester John- Animal Collective
16. Control- Mannequin Pussy
15. Pink Funeral- Beach House
14. Manifesto- Tyler, the Creator ft. Domo Genesis
13. All Night- Low
12. The Door Is Closing- Spirit of the Beehive
11. Spud Infinity- Big Thief
10. Long Distance Conjoined Twins- Home Is Where
9. White Elephant- Nick Cave & Warren Ellis
8. movies for guys- dltzk
7. The 26th Letter- Mach Hommy
6. Infinite Josh- The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die
5. White Horses- Low
4. Sewn Together From the Membrane of the Great Sea Cumber- Home Is Where
3. There’s Nothing You Can’t Do- Spirit of the Beehive
2. Fewer Afraid- The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die
1. Wilshire- Tyler, the Creator
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apod · 4 years
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2021 January 2
21st Century Wet Collodion Moon Image Credit & Copyright: Mike Smolinsky
Explanation: In the mid 19th century, one of the first photographic technologies used to record the lunar surface was the wet-plate collodion process, notably employed by British astronomer Warren De la Rue. To capture an image, a thick, transparent mixture was used to coat a glass plate, sensitized with silver nitrate, exposed at the telescope, and then developed to create a negative image on the plate. To maintain photographic sensitivity, the entire process, from coating to exposure to developing, had to be completed before the plate dried, in a span of about 10 to 15 minutes. This modern version of a wet-plate collodion image celebrates lunar photography's early days, reproducing the process using modern chemicals to coat a glass plate from a 21st century hardware store. Captured last November 28 with an 8x10 view camera and backyard telescope, it faithfully records large craters, bright rays, and dark, smooth mare of the waxing gibbous Moon. Subsequently digitized, the image on the plate was 8.5 centimeters in diameter and exposed while tracking for 2 minutes. The wet plate's effective photographic sensitivity was about ISO 1. In your smart phone, the camera sensor probably has a photographic sensitivity range of ISO 100 to 6400 (and needs to be kept dry ...).
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap210102.html
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dragonsofwyrmroost · 4 years
Fablehaven Characters' Mini Playlists
- Somebody to Love by Queen
- Lost Boy by Ruth B
- The Fighter by Gym Class Heroes ft. Ryan Tedder
- I Hope by Gabby Barrett
- Can't Help Falling in Love by Haley Rhienhart
Newel & Doren:
- Who Do You Want to Be by Onigo Bonigo
- House of Gold by Twenty One Pilots
- Float On by Modest Mouse
- American Pie by Don McLean
- We Are the Champions by Queen
- She's So Mean by Matchbox Twenty
- Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes
- Electric Love by BORNS
- Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer
- Never Be The Same by Camila Cabello
- Life is a Highway by Tom Cochrane
- This City by Sam Fischer
- Leave a Light On by Tom Walker (acoustic)
- Brother by Kodaline
- The Cave by Mumford and Sons
- Complicated by Avril Lavigne
- All These Things I've Done by The Killers
- Geronimo by Shepherd
- Kings of Summer by Ayokay ft. Quinn XCII
- Monster by Imagine Dragons
- This is What it Feels Like by Armin van Buren
- I Just Wanna Shine by Fitz and the Tantrums
- Bad Day by Daniel Power
- Second Chance by Shinedown
- I Want It That Way by The Backstreet Boys (just picture that scene from Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
- Cool by The Jonas Brothers
- I Wanna Get Better by The Bleachers
- Weak by AJR
- Ain't It Fun by Paramore
- I Love It by Icona Pop
- Back in Black by ACDC
- The Walker by Fitz and the Tantrums
- Ain't No Rest for the Wicked by Cage the Elephant
- Prayer of the Refugee by Rise Against
- My House by Flo Rida
- To Show You My Love by Mike Schmid
- Stone's Throw by the National Parks
- Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash
- Best I Ever Had by Gavin DeGraw
- 99 Red Balloons by Lenka
- No One Lives Forever by Onigo Bonigo
- Forever Young by Alphaville
- Renegade by Styx
- Human by Ragnbone Man
- Mad World by Tears for Fears
- Trojans by Atlas Genius
- Hello My Old Heart by The Oh Hellos
- Beautiful Day by U2
- From Now On by Hugh Jackman
- Hold Back the River by James Bay
- Have You Ever Seen The Rain? By CCR
- One Day by Matisyahu
- I Lived by One Republic
- Hopeless Wanderer by Mumford and Sons
- Try Everything by Shakira
- Rockstar by A Great Big World
- Holding out for a Hero by Bonnie Tyler
- People Like Us by Kelly Clarkson
- New Soul by Yael Naim
- The Show by Lenka
Stan & Ruth:
- Safe and Sound by Capital Cities
- Enemy by Days of the New
- Broken Ones by Día Frampton
- Home by Machine Gun Kelly
- That's Life by Frank Sinatra
- Wild Child by Enya
- Ocean Eyes by Billie Ellish
- The Scientist by Coldplay
- Between the Raindrops by Lifehouse
- Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men
- My Heart So Blue by Erasure
- Hurt by Johny Cash
- The Catalyst by Lincoln Park
- Swing Life Away by Rise Against
- Come Along by Titiyo
- We Could Be Heroes by Alesso
- High Hopes by Panic at the Disco
- When I'm Gone by Three Doors Down
- Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye
- Titanium by David Guetta
- There Goes My Hero by Foo Fighters
- Best I Can by Queensryche
- Hey There Delilah by Plain White Tees
- Keep Your Head Up by Andy Grammer
- Anna Sun by Walk The Moon
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la-paritalienne · 5 years
playlist title: lost at sea🚣
siren – kailee morgue
capsize – frienship & emily warren
what the water gave me – florence + the machine 
luna – fabri fibra ft mahmood
santa monica – evalyn
liability – lorde
l’eternità – giorgia 
ultraviolet – au/ra
the ocean – mike perry ft shy martin
transatlantique – thérapie taxi
spero ti piaccianoo 🌊🌙♡✨
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chikaraspecial · 6 years
Podcast-A-Go-Go #556 ft. Officer Warren Barksdale, Mike Quackenbush, Solo Darling & Green Ant vs. Hallowicked, Frantik, Sonny Defarge & Merlok from “It Came From Beneath The Sink! (9.22.2018)” in its entirety.
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Saturday,  6  August, 2022...... Warmup.......Power Cleans..... “The Battle Of The Bee’s”.
No complaints about the weather today.  None.  You’ll wish you could have this weather come next February.
Warmup #1:
Coach Paul led the thorough mobility/flexibility session for us.
Warmup #2:
Tabata:        4 Rounds     
Alternate PLANK SHOULDER TAPS  &  RUSSIAN TWISTS.  Sweet Dana did the modeling of the exercises.
Strength WOD:
2  Power Cleans   EMOM  X   12 Minutes 
Start light and progress heavier.  Last 3 sets the same weight.
Shane=225      Aiden=215      Bernie=205     Robert=185     Ed/Tim/Nathan=175     Zac=165     Smoothie=155     Scott=145     Dana=135     Paul/Mike=125  Tom/Rodney=115      Coach=110      LSU= 105     Warren A=100     Linda/Cheri/Sue=85     Joe/Alicia/Angel=75     Will=45
Metabolic Conditioner:
              “THE BATTLE OF THE BEE’S”
Partnering Highly Recommended
I Go,  You Go.
25 Minute Time Cap.
50 Reps Each Exercise.  
Bench Press’s          ( 135 / 95 / 65 )
Box Jumps          ( 24 / 20 )
Barbell Biceps Curls          ( 65 / 45 / 22 )
Broad Jumps          ( 4 ft / 3 ft )
Back Squats          ( 135 / 95 / 65 )
Ball Over Your Shoulder     ( 50 / 30 / 20 )
Aiden/Nathan=21:46 Elite/Partner Shared     Dana Elite 25:14/Sue scaled=23:44 Both did all 50      Robert RX/ Shane Elite=27:17 All 50 Each     Warren A=29  All 50  Sc      Ed/Tim=32:00 All 50 each RX     Rodney=25:10/Tom=27:00  40 Reps Each scaled     Zac=33:40 40 Reps
Smoothie/Bernie=14:25      Will SC/Scott RX=17:55      Paul/Mike=21:08
Old Joe/LSU Dave=16:38     Alicia/Angel/Cheri=18:36     Miss Linda/Coach=19:15
What a confusing mess.  Everybody just picked what they wanted to do, how they wanted to do it, partner/no partner.  Some partitioned, some did 25 reps, or 40 reps, or 50 reps.  If the results don’t reflect what you thought you did, that’s just too bad.
Paul and Mike make a good pair, with Paul being the patient careful coach, and Big Mike reluctantly paying attention.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Surgeon take direction from an Anesthesiologist.  Perhaps surprising to you non-medical people, that rarely happens in the OR, and certainly never at the Barn.  At least at the Barn I can control the Big Ass Fans and the music.  Never-the-less, Paul is doing a great coaching Job and Mike is listening for now.   Keep showing up, Big Mike.
Ed somehow delivered a TON of canned electrolyte H2O to the Barn yesterday.  You must see it to believe.  There are 2 horse troughs, big enough for us to use as hot-tubs at the wine tastings, and they have probably 1000 cans in them.  Ed promises that there is more to come.  
I will be keeping post-it pads at the Barn so you can leave a note on a vehicle if you crash into it while at the Barn.  You’ll be sorry if you leave it to Robert to track you down. 
Sunday at 0730 for the Medicare, the halt, and the lame.  Included in this group will be some fitter youngsters whose ego’s prefer the competition of the elderly.  Also we will be hosting the usual 1 PM session.  We are a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive CrossFit gym.   
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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Part 11
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Series Masterlist
Part 10 🟣 Part 12
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A reverse harem vampire AU ft. Mikey, Marshall, August and Sherlock
Series summary: Somehow, you've managed to live with your boyfriend and his roommates for months before finding out they're vampires, but the real shock first comes when they find out you have a special quality. A quality the guys would love to make use of...
Warnings: Ongoing vampire shenanigans, mentions of blood, biting, throwing up. SMUT, NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI, fingering, light Dom!Mikey but the right way this time, vague mention of p-in-v sex.
Word count: 5.2k
A/N: Alright! There you have it! We're finally getting somewhere... It's a surprisingly long chapter. Took a little turn I wasn't initially planning on XD
@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @summersong69 @teamfan7asy @mis-lil-red @ellethespaceunicorn @sillyrabbit81 @peyton-warren @livisss
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Now you had to break the news to Mike. This was going to be fun. He was still in the bathroom, dry heaving so violently you immediately realized there was no way he could get up right now, much less keep anything new down. August was next to him, now slumped against the wall, looking paler and more exhausted than you had ever seen him before, but at least he didn’t look and/or sound like he was actively dying, so that was great.
“There’s nothing I can do for him right now,” he said when you leaned against the doorframe – it was finally your turn to lean against the doorframe! You doubted you looked as hot doing it as they all did. August’s voice was hoarse and he yawned as soon as the sentence was out.
“You’re coming with me, August.” Not a question. You weren’t going to give Mike any room for protest here. Luckily, August didn’t ask any questions – and Mike was too busy, still.
“I’m cooking dinner again, right?” August said when you stormed to the couch, pulling him along behind you.
“Depends,” you replied. “If you feed now, can you settle Mike’s stomach enough so that he can feed?”
“Shouldn’t be a problem. You’ve made up your mind, then?” He seemed awfully pleased with the news – then again, so did you, probably.
“What about Marshall?” you asked, ignoring his question. You had different priorities right now. August and Sherlock exchanged looks while August practically shoved you onto the couch, squeezing your shoulder with way too much force.
“Sorry,” he sighed, “I usually go off what I feel that you’re feeling whenever I touch you. I’m running on empty here. Did I hurt you?”
“Not irreparably, can we get on with it? I can’t listen to another minute of Mike being this miserable, to be honest.” Both Sherlock and August seemed to find that a reasonable excuse to skip the pleasantries.
“I probably won’t be able to bite you as gently as last time, I’m sorry.” You assured August it was fine, and prepared yourself for a little more pain than the amount you were slowly beginning to get used to from the guys.
“Christ on a fucking bike, August, you… Fuck.” He wasn’t exaggerrating when he said he wouldn’t be as careful as before, but damn, you had underestimated what that meant. Nearly four hundred years of reading feelings had really hurt his ability to act normal without it... Luckily, the pain subsided quickly, and was replaced by the lovely feeling of warmth and comfort that was slowly becoming very familiar to you.
As soon as you relaxed, Sherlock asked you about the plan.
“I was hoping you could help me with that,” you said. “What’s the smart thing to do here?”
“Mike feeds first, after August gets him back on his feet – or at least on his bed. He’ll probably be about as hungry as Marshall was a few weeks ago.” That wasn’t reassuring; you still remembered the terrible shape Marshall had been in.
“And Marshall?”
“If August agrees, he can try to keep Marshall from going in Mike’s direction,” Sherlock said hesitantly, signaling you that there was a preferable option. “Or he feeds, too.”
You felt August’s teeth come out of your arm, and the nice feeling slowly disappeared. It was almost addictive how good it felt to feed the guys.
“Let him feed, please,” August said, “now that I can feel how miserable he is… I’d spend all night making him comfortable, and I’d need to feed again by morning.”
“Sounds like a plan.” You tried to get up from the couch by yourself, but August insisted you take his arm. “Thanks, August.”
“We notice, and we appreciate it,” Sherlock said next to you, his voice suspiciously close to your ear. “The thank yous. Please keep doing that, even if you get used to our antics over time.”
“I will,” you replied. It struck you as strange for a minute that he’d bring something like that up so relatively out of the blue, but then the implication hit you. Don’t take them for granted, even if they’re compelled to do things for you. It shouldn’t be difficult, but it was a good thing that Sherlock had pointed out that it was something to look out for.
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“Hey baby.” Mike didn’t respond – not really. You got a soft grunt, but that was it. He was curled up in bed, facing away from you, clearly still miserable. “Want some breakfast in bed?”
“’S evening,” he murmured, his words slurred and his voice hoarse.
“Dinner in bed, then.” You sat next to him and stroked his back.
“Don’t wanna go back,” Mike groaned as he carefully looked over his shoulder.
“Come here, handsome,” you said as you slid under the covers and wrapped an arm around him. He was shivering and ice cold to the touch.
“Lea’me’lone,” he hummed into his pillow when you pulled on him to get him to turn around. “I’jus’need… nap.” His eyes threatened to fall shut. Even though he did manage to roll back onto his side, it was clear to you that he was in really rough shape…
“You need food, baby,” you tried. “Come here. I thought you loved to eat me?” That did get him to turn around, with a hint of his normal grin on his face. He was pale as a sheet, his lips a sickly bluish gray.
“We don’t eat people, babe,” Mike said softly. “Are you sure?”
“You look like you’re an inch away from death,” you muttered as you gently stroked the side of his ice cold face. “Please feed on me.” You turned your head demonstratively, exposing your neck to Mike.
“Your neck? You sure?” Apparently, there was more to it than Sherlock had led on when he had so casually mentioned it…
“Sherlock said you have a preference.” You shrugged – as well as you could while lying in bed and on your side.
“I do, but… Ba-,” he didn’t manage to finish his sentence. His reaching for your arm surprised you, though. It didn’t work, the angle was horrible, and you could tell Mike grew more restless with every passing second, making the most adorable frustrated noises you’d ever heard. Eventually, he turned around again and let you put an arm around him. He settled for your wrist, seeming happy to just be in your arms. After about a minute, when you were on the verge of falling asleep from the soothing feeling, he let go.
“Huh?” That wasn’t feeding. That was barely a snack… What was he up to?
“Sorry, needed a snack to finish that conversation.” There was definitely more color in his face now, although his lips were still pale. “Sherlock gave you that tip, huh? Guess we found his little vampire kink…” You thought about it for a second. The only thing you could say was that maybe Sherlock had hinted that he, too, preferred to feed from someones neck, but other than that…
“What do you mean?” Maybe Mike had more insight than you did. Scratch the ‘maybe’: Mike was one hundred percent bound to have more insight in the matter than you did…
“It’s the similar to mine,” he said. So something along the lines of erotic feeding… Either Mike read the confusion off your face, or he sensed your need for more information. Either way, he continued: “Babe, I can’t even get to your neck without manoevring us into some pretty intimate position. It’s not the fact that it’s someones neck that makes it preferable, it’s… everything surrounding that. Intimacy, proximity… At least that’s what I’ve been told. God, I’ve never even really experienced the real thing. Always just… little bites.”
“You got a pretty decent snack the other night,” you laughed as you remembered the boob-incident.
“That was fucking amazing, though,” Mike said, joining your laughter. “Seriously. Can I try that out for real sometime?” Would you effectively be breastfeeding your grown-ass boyfriend? Yeah. But he hit you with the grin, and the puppy eyes, and that was the end of your already non-intimidating resolve to tell him ‘no’. Besides, did it really matter wherehe bit you?
“Today? Or?” You might as well give him what he wanted straight away, right? As soon as the words were out of your mouth, you noticed that some of the old spark was back in his eyes. Briefly, but definitely present. You had to fight the urge to shake your head. He was such a goof…
“I can live off my snack from just now until tonight,” he said innocently. “You feed Marshall in a bit, then dinner, movies and cuddling – Marshall will want some attention – and then when we get to bed it’s my turn?” His attitude surprised you. Weeks ago – and days ago, probably – he’d still been opposed to all of this.
“Why the change of heart?”
“I told you I needed time to get used to the idea. Well… I’m used to it. As long as I get to play with my favorite titties…” Of course he groped them for good measure, as if he wanted to dispel any confusion as to whose boobs he meant, exactly. “I think I’m good with it now.” He got up without saying another word, and returned with a glass of water.
“I should have asked, sorry. The whole ‘ask for confirmation’ thing isn’t exactly second nature yet.” Now, the water was something you didn’t complain about. You were notoriously bad at keeping yourself hydrated, and Mike just handing you cups of tea and glasses of water throughout the day really helped to solve that little problem for you.
“I’m starting dinner, if you don’t mind. Can you get to Marshall? He’s in better shape than this one was.” August suddenly poked his head around the corner and looked at you, taking in Mike as he sat back on the bed. “Why is he still hungry?”
“Agreement,” Mike said before you could open your mouth.
“Alright, let me not get involved in whatever kinky shit you have planned! Me, dinner. You, Marshall. Goodbye.” August’s voice remained surprisingly neutral, even though his eyes clearly gave away that he found it at least somewhat funny.
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“Hey, girl, hey!” Marshall snorted when you barged into his room with those words. “Dinner is served. Not the one August is making, the one I’m making.” Without thinking, you flopped onto his bed beside him. August was right; Marshall was in better shape than he had been a few weeks ago, but he was still not doing very well. He was well enough to pull your arm over his body with a little too much force, though
“Oof! Careful,” you said as you slammed tit-first into his solid back. It didn’t take much to curl up comfortably behind him, and you barely noticed his teeth sinking into you.
“We’re negotiating tomorrow, aren’t we?” Marshall’s voice echoed in your head after only a couple of seconds – way sooner than the last time you’d spent with him like this. It was a good thing he’d grabbed your arm firmly before ‘talking’, otherwise you might have found yourself in need of a few more stitches…
“We are. When you’re all out of the chemical compulsion phase of the program.”
“Thank you. So incredibly much.” He squeezed your arm a little tighter when he said it, as a sign of his gratitude. You could tell how happy he was that you were – finally – ready to fulfill their request.
“Hey, how does this projection thing work, when you’re this weak?” You knew the guys got stronger real fast after they started feeding, but using their gifts beyond their passive abilities was supposed to be really heavy-duty stuff on their energy levels, right?
“It gets easier as we get closer. There’s a chance it might persist beyond feeding sessions after some time.” So, not as intense and tiring as you thought it would. You considered the things Marshall had just said for a moment, and what that actually meant.
“So I’d get to snoop around in your brain full time?” You found that way more exciting than you probably should, especially considering how much you hated it when they did it to you.
“Yes. Unfortunately for me.” There was something of a chuckle in his voice, although you were still getting used to reading his intonation properly through the echoing and distance and generally strange situation.
“You admit it’s annoying?”
“I never said it wasn’t,” Marshall said before lifting his mouth off your arm. This time, you made sure to take note of how he gently and briefly licked the wounds before letting go of your arm.
“I still have to ask Sherlock about that,” you reminded yourself out loud as you looked at the tiny holes in your arm. There were six of them now, all on the same wrist. As you looked at them, the thought occurred to you that these six lovely puncture marks really should hurt, but they didn’t bother you at all.
“They normally do hurt,” Marshall said softly. “Even people who do this for money, the ones who aren’t naturals, are constantly in at least some pain, especially after the drugs they get wear off. It’s because of what you are that you barely feel them. August got you good today though, didn’t he?”
“How do you know that?” It surprised you that he’d heard anything over his music while feeling the way he had been feeling.
“Without his ability, the man is a brute. He always was.” Why did that sound so… good?
“You've known him for a long time, then?”
“Yes, but I won’t discuss his past. That’s up to him.” That seemed fair. You wouldn’t take kindly to one of your childhood friends spilling the beans on everything you had done when you were younger.
“Hey! August just told me to tell you that dinner is almost ready!” Mike didn’t knock, or anything, he just stormed into the room and jumped on Marshall’s bed behind you, snuggling up to you in the process.
“Mike, mate. I love you, but get the fuck out of my bed.”
“Bro, you’re literally cuddled up to my girl right now. If I get out of your bed, I’m taking her with me!” It was probably a good thing that he announced that, because judging from the look you caught briefly in Marshall’s eyes as he turned around, he would have ripped Mike to shreds if he hadn’t said anything. A low growl rumbled in his throat and there was a strange twitch in his upper lip.
“Like I said. Territorial issues,” Sherlock mused from the doorway, where there was – yet again – too much leaning going on for your tastes. “Can we try to get along, gentlemen?” Both Mike and Marshall grumbled a barely audible – to you, Sherlock probably heard them perfectly – ‘fine’ as they got up.
“Mike suggested movie night,” you said sternly, staring both guys down when they fought over who got to drag you to the kitchen for dinner. You could tell Mike wasn’t as on board with his idea right now as he had been when he had first suggested it.
“Get moving, before we have August to deal with as well,” Sherlock sighed as he walked away. You followed him, and Mike and Marshall followed you. Very closely.
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Sherlock gave stern instructions on the seating arrangements at the table, which you were grateful for, but it didn’t stop the guys from bickering over who got to take care of you the most.
“Little boys!” you shouted after the so-manieth spat before dinner was even served. “Your behavior right now is: a) exactly what I would expect from a bunch of five year olds and b) upsetting me.” That last part got them to settle down really quickly: the last thing they wanted to be doing right now was upset you. In fact, they were more or less chemically compelled to do the exact opposite. All three of them mumbled apologies while still glaring at each other. On the plus side; you took Sherlock’s warning about spacing those feeding sessions out a lot more seriously now that you’d seen with your own eyes what ignoring his suggestion would result in.
“Thanks for cooking, August, it’s really good,” you said before even swallowing the last of your bite. August nodded gratefully in reply to your compliment, but Marshall and Mike just glared at you, causing Sherlock to sigh deeply before burying his head in his hands. The rest of dinner followed a similar pattern: you said something – anything, really – to one of the guys, and the other two were frowning and pouting like a couple of little children. Sherlock reassured you several times that things would settle down with time, especially if you kept an eye on the timing. You had to admit to yourself that if it hadn’t been for Sherlock keeping your head level, you probably would have changed your mind about negotiating an arrangement by now.
After dinner, the guys cleared the table. It was nice to not have to help, so you quietly enjoyed that while keeping Sherlock company in the living room. When everything was done in the kitchen, Mike and Marshall got snacks and drinks ready to watch a movie. August sat next to you on the couch for a moment, and for a split second, you wondered if he was sitting maybe a little bit too close.
“I’m off to bed,” he said softly. The words seemed to hurt him – maybe they did, considering the fact that the guys still had their little caregiver-competition running. On top of that, August sounded pretty much exhausted. “Seeing those two like that, dealing with all of it, while being so… depleted, really took a toll. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course not! Thanks again for dinner, go get some rest!” Some of the tension in his shoulders seemed to disappear when he heard you give him ‘permission’ to go to bed. Was it permission? Did he actually need you to tell him it was okay? “You never have to feel uncomfortable about taking care of yourself, August.”
When he got up to leave, he briefly stroked your cheekbone as you told each other good night. His touch left a strangely hot trace on your face – a feeling you decided not to linger on for too long. What on earth was wrong with you?
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“Dinner?” Mike snuggled up to you, his eyes hopeful. You sighed, not because of what he was asking – you made him a promise, after all, even though you were certain it wouldn’t be a problem if you changed your mind – but because it was so typical.
“Yeah, go ahead,” you said casually. Something about it seemed to rub Mike the wrong way, because he pulled back.
“Hey, I need you to really be okay with this,” he said softly, “there’s no fun in this if you’re not totally on board.” You laughed without thinking, not because what he said was funny or anything, but because you didn’t know what else to do.
“You know what I want, Mikey,” you whispered, a smile spreading slowly across your face when he pushed his face into the crook of your neck and chuckled. A gasp escaped you when you felt Mike’s tongue against your skin, and you shivered. Yes. That was exactly what you needed after today. He kissed your neck, the touch of his lips so soft you suspected the only reason you felt it at all was because he was still hungry – thus: freezing.
“Hm, a little cold for you?” he teased. You couldn’t help but laugh again – a sound that turned into a sharp hiss when Mike’s fingers snuck into your t-shirt unexpectedly.
Strong hands pinned you in place when you wriggled to get away from the cold – something you did instinctively even though you were well aware of the fact that there was only one way to get it to disappear.
“Shh, baby. Let me take care of you,” Mike whispered softly in your ear, “I know exactly what you want.” Oh. That voice. The confidence. It was the polar fucking opposite of his – failed – experiment from a few weeks prior, and the best part was that you knew he wasn’t bluffing this time.
“Please, Mikey, you have to eat something.” Alright, ‘something’ was ‘you’, but still. It felt weird to just openly beg him to feed on you like this. Then again, it wasn’t the first thing you’d ever begged him for. The strangest, maybe, but definitely not the first.
“I will,” he said, his voice soft in your ear as his teeth gently grazed your earlobe, “but I’m going to enjoy this.” His voice was an intense mix between hunger and lust, so dark you almost didn’t recognize it, but damn… It turned you on to no end.
“I have no idea what you taste like when you’re not minutes away from cumming all over my cock,” he growled, “and I’m sure as fuck not going to find out today.”
Oh. It was like that, then? You weren’t complaining, just… making some – very minor – adjustments to your expectations. What surprised you most was the fact that you wanted him to bite you as much as you wanted him to fuck you. And he knew that. ‘I know what I’m doing’-Mikey was hot. This time, he wasn’t trying to do some bit, pretending to be someone he clearly wasn’t. It was just your Mike, acting on one of his silly whims, and this time, that meant he was going to lean into his gift all the way, not even leaving any room for protest – not that you wanted to. He knew you didn’t, and he’d know it if he was about to go too far, and that simple fact made you trust him more than you’d ever trusted anyone before.
It was precisely that trust that made you so desperate for him. Well, maybe it did help that he’d managed to take most of his clothes off in a moment when you weren’t paying attention. Now that you were paying attention… You were also suddenly mostly undressed.
“You’re impatient today,” you teased, thinking you saw an opportunity to get the upper hand in this situation. Big mistake.
“Oh, it would have been so mean of me to leave you hanging when you’re this fucking needy, baby.” Damn him. One of his hands wandered, making its way down your body until it slipped into your panties, while he teased your neck by kissing, licking and gently grazing his teeth over your skin. Every time his mouth touched you, you found yourself squirming and whimpering, your body begging him to bite you. At some point, you realized you wanted him to feed on you more than you wanted anything else from him right now. The problem was… He knew that.
“You’re gonna cum for me first, Sweetcheeks,” he said. Under normal circumstances, that wouldn’t have been a problem, but now, you were so consumed by the thought of him biting you that you seriously wondered how you were ever going to focus on anything else. You’d even missed how Mike had pushed two fingers into your pussy. How did you miss something like that? “Come on, focus.”
Had he always been this good with his hands? You didn’t exactly remember… And now was really not the time to think about it, anyway, because Mike was doing his absolute worst (read: best) trying to drive you wild – and it was working. Oh, Jesus fucking Christ, it was working. His touch had you writhing and moaning, swearing so loud he used his free hand to cover your mouth. You knew for sure it wasn’t the other guys he was worried about, so it had to be the neighbors. His fingers never stopped moving inside you, he steadily wound you up until he had you right at the edge… and then he kept you there. For what felt like a really long time, when in reality it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes.
“Please,” you begged, “Mikey – f-fuck – please.” It didn’t help one bit. He just chuckled, with that stupid grin on his face, and watched you as you wondered why – in the name of everything that was good and holy, goddammit – what he was doing wasn’t enough. It should have been enough, it always was. And you were trying so hard.
“Come on, baby,” Mike said softly, “I know you can do it.” His voice was what finally broke you – that and the fact that Mike suddenly rolled his thumb over your clit in exactly the right way, giving you that tiny little bit of stimulation you’d been missing. You were glad he put his hand over your mouth again as you came, because they would have heard you scream three doors down if he hadn’t.
“Good girl.” That gravelly voice, and that chuckle… Absolutely divine – but somehow nowhere near as good as the feeling you got when Mike’s teeth finally sank into your neck. He hadn’t been kidding when he said he was going to enjoy this: he sure as hell was taking his sweet time now. That’s why it was all the more surprising when he let go again, leaving you to stare up at him with a look of utter bewilderment. There was something strange in his eyes. Not just the caring, worried look that you were used to, but something feral and dangerous that probably should have scared you, but didn’t.
When he smiled, you noticed that his teeth didn’t retract the way they normally did. It made the devilish, posessive smile all the more intimidating. Then how was it still so sweet? You laughed when Mike made a beeline for your chest. Idiot. Your idiot. At first, you just felt his tongue and lips as he inspected every inch of skin very closely, as if he hadn’t done it a hundred times before, but soon you felt his teeth grazing your chest, sharp fangs threatening to puncture your skin, leaving red scratches now and again, in particularly careless moments. When he looked up at you, his eyes held a question, though it was unnecessary, since he already knew the answer to it: yes.
“Mine,” he said before biting down on your boob the same way he had last time. Now that you saw it coming, and weren’t overthinking the sensation, you were able to enjoy it much sooner than before. The view was fun, too: Mike had the most content look on his face – especially when you ran your fingers through his hair – and he let out a happy little hum. It wasn’t until he opened his eyes and looked at you, however, that you felt it. An overwhelming desire for… you. The feeling disappeared when you closed your eyes and groaned as Mike bit down on your boob harder than he had been – and definitely harder than he had to.
“Mikey!” you hissed at him angrily when he let go of you again. He still wasn’t fully fed. He’d be going in for at least one more bite.
“What?” he asked innocently as he crawled back up and snuggled up to you. “What’s the point of having a girlfriend if you can’t mark her up a little?”
“You’re having a little too much fun with this,” you said. Mike just laughed. When he looked at you, the feeling from before returned. It was such a strange thing to feel about yourself, that it took you a while to realize you weren’t feeling it about yourself. They weren’t your desires at all: they were his.
“So that’s what it feels like,” you muttered under your breath. It had the same kind of ‘echo’ to it as Marshall’s thoughts when he had been feeding this afternoon. Before you could analyze the feeling any further, however, it disappeared.
“Oh? My gift? What did I want?” Mike asked eagerly. Of course he’d heard you perfectly! When were you going to get used to the fact that no matter how softly you spoke, they were always going to hear you?
“Me,” you said. There was something in your voice that resembled teasing. You couldn’t help it, even though it really wasn’t your intention.
“Correct,” Mike said as he kissed your neck, making you giggle. “And I’m not done with you yet.” His playful tone was a far cry from the – for lack of a better word – Daddy-vibes from before, and you laughed at the immense contrast. It was in his eyes, too: They were hopeful instead of fierce and demanding.
“What happened, tough guy?” you teased. Mike frowned at you.
“Didn’t think this all the way through,” he answered. It was typical, to say the least. “The compulsion to take care of you is kinda weighing me down here. Can’t bring myself to growl at you, even though I know you loved it.” Instead of growling, he tickled you lightly, and you squirmed in his arms.
You didn’t realize he had moved until he was at the foot of the bed, holding a box of condoms you knew for a fact came out of your bedside table.
“I know you want to cuddle,” he said as he let himself fall on top of you again, immediately pressing his lips to your neck. “It’s really hard to ignore that right now, and I really want to, too, but I also really want to have sex with you.” The way he said it made you laugh. As if this was some life-or-death dilemma where it was impossible to pick the right thing, when the solution was absolutely dead simple.
“I’m sure we can compromise,” you said as you gently stroked his hair out of his face and looked at him.
“Cuddlefuck?” he suggested while biting his lip in that way you found completely irresistible. Before you could even answer – not that you had to, you knew that by now – he was already behind you. Naked.
“Human. Speed. Michael.” You were really starting to lose your patience with this nonsense.
“Well, excuse me, I have urgent matters to attend to,” Mike replied, acting as if your words were the gravest offense. “Making you feel good, for instance.”
He made good on that promise like you wouldn’t believe. For the better part of an hour, too, until you had to beg him to stop for fear you weren’t going to be able to walk straight in the morning. And he was being gentle – as gentle as his immense enthusiasm allowed, anyway. He only really slowed down when he bit your neck again – on the other side, thank god, because the first site was suspiciously sore.
“Are you finally done?” you laughed when he nuzzled your neck afterwards.
“Yeah,” he sighed contently, making you laugh even louder. “Thanks for the… special treatment.”
“I would have liked to tell you about that,” you said while stroking his hair.
“You can, tomorrow,” he replied – much to your surprise. You’d never even considered the fact that those ‘boyfriend privileges’, as you’d called them before, would have to be part of the negotiations you were about to go into with the others. “I drank enough to get me through at least two or three weeks, just in case.”
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goalhofer · 5 months
2024 San Francisco Giants Roster
#7 Blake Snell (Shoreline, Washington)*
#12 Jordan Hicks (Houston, Texas)*
#23 Robbie Ray (Brentwood, Tennessee)*
#33 Taylor Rogers (Littleton, Colorado)
#38 Alex Cobb (Vero Beach, Florida)
#43 Tristan Beck (Corona, California)
#45 Kyle Harrison (Danville, California)
#57 Austin Warren (Fayetteville, North Carolina)*
#58 Nick Avila (Turlock, California)**
#62 Logan Webb (Rocklin, California)
#63 Ethan Small (Lexington, Tennessee)*
#64 Sean Hjelle (Mahtomedi, Minnesota)
#65 Landen Roupp (Rocky Mount, North Carolina)**
#67 Keaton Winn (Jefferson County, Iowa)
#68 Erik Miller (Creve Coeur, Missouri)**
#70 Kai-Wei Teng (Taichung Shi, Taiwan)**
#71 Tyler Rogers (Littleton, Colorado)
#74 Ryan Walker (Arlington, Washington)
#75 Camilo Doval (Yamasá, Dominican Republic)
#77 Luke Jackson (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida)
#14 Patrick Bailey (High Point, North Carolina)
#19 Tom Murphy; Jr. (Hastings, New York)
#16 Nick Ahmed (East Longmeadow, Massachusetts)*
#26 Matt Chapman (Lake Forest, California)*
#31 LaMonte Wade; Jr. (Baltimore County, Maryland)
#39 Thairo Estrada (Bejuma, Venezuela)
#41 Wilmer Flores (Valencia, Venezuela)
#49 Tyler Fitzgerald (Rochester Township, Illinois)
#2 Jorge Soler (Havana, Cuba)*
#5 Mike Yastrzemski (Danvers, Massachusetts)
#8 Michael Conforto (Redmond, Washington)
#13 Austin Slater (Jacksonville, Florida)
#51 Jung-Hoo Lee (Nagoya, Japan)**
Manager Bob Melvin (Menlo Park, California)
Bench coach Ryan Christenson (Redlands, California)
Hitting coach Pat Burrell (Eureka Springs, Arkansas)
Assistant hitting coach Pedro Guerrero (San Pedro De Macorís, DR)
Assistant hitting coach Justin Viele (Anaheim, California)
Pitching coach Bryan Price (Mill Valley, California)
Assistant pitching coach J.P. Martínez (Baracoa, Cuba)
Bullpen coach Garvin Alston (Mt. Vernon, New York)
1B coach Mark Hallberg (Barron, Wisconsin)
3B coach Matt Williams (Carson City, Nevada)
Assistant coach Alyssa Nakken (Woodland, California)
Assistant coach Fernando Perez (West Windsor Township, NJ)
Assistant coach Uematsu Taira (Tateyama, Japan)
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Download Aly & Fila - Future Sound of Egypt 702 for free now!
Artist: Aly & Fila Show: Aly & Fila – Future Sound of Egypt 702 (UV Special Live From Casa Tulum, Miami) Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Trance Source: RSS
As hot as the Sahara and standing every bit as tall as the pyramids, Aly & Fila are one of the worlds most in demand Trance & Progressive artists. Tune into Future Sound of Egypt Radio – Every Wednesday, direct from Cairo. Tune in to Future Sound of Egypt 702 with Aly & Fila (UV Special Live From Casa Tulum, Miami) now!
Discover more Aly & Fila live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more Future Sound of Egypt episodes HERE
Aly & Fila – Future Sound of Egypt 702Future Sound of Egypt 702 (UV Special Live From Casa Tulum, Miami) Tracklist
UV Special Live From Casa Tulum, Miami
[0:51] Guy Mantzur – My Wild Flower [LOST & FOUND] [9:10] Makanan – Ride The Storm (Nick Warren & Nicolas Rada Remix) [MONDAY SOCIAL MUSIC] [14:05] Budakid – Silent Summer [LOST & FOUND] [19:03] Sebastian Sellares – Dunes At Dawn [MEANWHILE] [24:15] ID – ID [28:26] Mike Griego – Solaris (Cid Inc Remix) [REPLUG] [33:25] ID – ID [39:55] ID – ID [43:50] ID – ID [50:28] Golan Zocher & Choopie – Sayonara (Analog Jungs Remix) [MANGO ALLEY] [55:24] Ucros – Nebula [FSOE UV] [1:00:22] Forty Cats – Ledokol (Matter & GMJ Remix) [MANGO ALLEY] [1:06:25] Nicolas Leonelli & Luciano Rego – Orion [FSOE UV] [1:10:15] ID – ID [1:16:35] WO-CORE – Sonic [AREA VERDE] [1:20:15] Boxer & Jody Wisternoff & James Grant – Sun Kissed [ANJUNADEEP] [1:25:53] ID – ID [1:30:20] ID – ID [1:36:05] Aly & Fila – It’s All About The Melody (gardenstate Remix) [FSOE] [1:41:00] ID – ID [1:47:25] ID – ID [1:52:10] ID – ID [1:57:40] Faithless ft. Nathan Ball & Caleb Femi – I Need Someone (Yotto Remix) [BMG] [2:02:45] ID – ID [2:08:20] ID – ID [2:14:40] ID – ID [2:19:40] Aly & Fila with Plumb – Somebody Loves You (Paul Thomas Remix) [FSOE] [2:24:10] ID – ID [2:28:50] ID – ID
The podcast Aly & Fila – Future Sound of Egypt is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 3 years
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Listen or download Aly & Fila - Future Sound of Egypt 702 for free now!
Artist: Aly & Fila Show: Aly & Fila – Future Sound of Egypt 702 (UV Special Live From Casa Tulum, Miami) Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Trance Source: RSS
As hot as the Sahara and standing every bit as tall as the pyramids, Aly & Fila are one of the worlds most in demand Trance & Progressive artists. Tune into Future Sound of Egypt Radio – Every Wednesday, direct from Cairo. Tune in to Future Sound of Egypt 702 with Aly & Fila (UV Special Live From Casa Tulum, Miami) now!
Discover more Aly & Fila live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more Future Sound of Egypt episodes HERE
Aly & Fila – Future Sound of Egypt 702Future Sound of Egypt 702 (UV Special Live From Casa Tulum, Miami) Tracklist
UV Special Live From Casa Tulum, Miami
[0:51] Guy Mantzur – My Wild Flower [LOST & FOUND] [9:10] Makanan – Ride The Storm (Nick Warren & Nicolas Rada Remix) [MONDAY SOCIAL MUSIC] [14:05] Budakid – Silent Summer [LOST & FOUND] [19:03] Sebastian Sellares – Dunes At Dawn [MEANWHILE] [24:15] ID – ID [28:26] Mike Griego – Solaris (Cid Inc Remix) [REPLUG] [33:25] ID – ID [39:55] ID – ID [43:50] ID – ID [50:28] Golan Zocher & Choopie – Sayonara (Analog Jungs Remix) [MANGO ALLEY] [55:24] Ucros – Nebula [FSOE UV] [1:00:22] Forty Cats – Ledokol (Matter & GMJ Remix) [MANGO ALLEY] [1:06:25] Nicolas Leonelli & Luciano Rego – Orion [FSOE UV] [1:10:15] ID – ID [1:16:35] WO-CORE – Sonic [AREA VERDE] [1:20:15] Boxer & Jody Wisternoff & James Grant – Sun Kissed [ANJUNADEEP] [1:25:53] ID – ID [1:30:20] ID – ID [1:36:05] Aly & Fila – It’s All About The Melody (gardenstate Remix) [FSOE] [1:41:00] ID – ID [1:47:25] ID – ID [1:52:10] ID – ID [1:57:40] Faithless ft. Nathan Ball & Caleb Femi – I Need Someone (Yotto Remix) [BMG] [2:02:45] ID – ID [2:08:20] ID – ID [2:14:40] ID – ID [2:19:40] Aly & Fila with Plumb – Somebody Loves You (Paul Thomas Remix) [FSOE] [2:24:10] ID – ID [2:28:50] ID – ID
The podcast Aly & Fila – Future Sound of Egypt is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
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mitchbeck · 3 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT -The offseason has begun for the Hartford Wolf Pack and the rest of the AHL, except for the Pacific division, which has a playoff. Teams are very busy planning and signing players and coaches for the upcoming 2021-22 season.
All of the AHL teams not in the Pacific Division have begun to send players to their respective ECHL teams for some post-season experience. The Toronto Marlies sent four players, Bobby McMann, Jeremy McKenna, Noel Hoefenmayer, and Gordie Green, to the Wichita Thunder. The Colorado Eagles sent Sasha Matala to the Utah Grizzlies. The Ontario Reign sent Nick Boka to the Ft. Wayne Komets while Josh Ingham and Jack Sadek packed their bags for the Greenville Swamp Rabbits. Doyle Somerby of the Tucson Roadrunners heads to the South Carolina Stingrays. The Manitoba Moose sent Peter Kreiger to the Indy Fuel, while the Rochester Americans sent Brendan Warren to the Jacksonville Icemen. Nelson Nogier, Cole Kehler, and C.J. Suess were sent to the Tulsa Oilers.
Henderson heading to the Pacific Division after eliminating  San Jose on the strength of a two-goal and three-point effort from ex-Pack Danny O’ Regan has sent three players to the Vegas taxi squad in Dylan Sikura and Cody Glass. Henderson will play with the Bakersfield Condors for the Pacific Division post-season title and the John Chick Trophy. The Condors eliminated the San Diego Gulls in OT Monday. Brad Malone, the nephew of former Hartford Whaler, Greg Malone, and the cousin of ex-Pack, Ryan Malone, scored the game-winner. The first AHL player to Europe, David Kase of the Lehigh Valley Phantoms, signs with HC Sparta Prague (Czech Republic-CEL). A former Quinnipiac Bobcat, Karlis Cukste, who played with the San Jose Barracuda (AHL) and the Orlando Solar Bears (ECHL) this past year, heads home to Dynamo Riga (Latvia-KHL). According to the Swedish hockey website, SportsExpressen.se, ex-Pack Dale Weise has signed a deal to be announced shortly with IK Oskarshamn (Sweden-Allsvenskan). Ex-Pack/New York Ranger, Tim Erixon, goes from Växjö HC to  Timrå IK (Sweden-SHL) for next season. Ryan McKiernan (Brunswick School), fresh off winning the  German DEL championship, leaves Eisbaren Berlin to Rogle BK (Sweden-SHL).
Former UCONN Husky, Ruslan Iskhakov, moved from TPS Turku (Finland-FEL) to Adler Mannheim (Germany-DEL). Also, in UCONN news, the University announced a new five-year extension for its head coach Mike Cavanaugh and had the groundbreaking for the new 2,600 seats $70 million arena-ready between September 2022-January 2023. The Maine Black Bears selected Ben Barr, the assistant coach from the national champion, UMASS-Amherst, to replace the late Dennis “Red” Gendron over the ex-Bridgeport Sound Tiger (now Islanders) and Maine associate coach for the last six years, Ben Guite. Replacing Barr at UMASS-Amherst is Penn State's assistant coach for the last 10 years, Matt Lindsay. Previously, he was an assistant at Princeton and was a volunteer assistant at Colorado College. He started at Division-III at Hobart College (SUNYAC) and Utica College. Lake Superior St. (NCHC) Damon Whitten’s contract was extended six years. Former Sound Tiger, Peter Mannino, gives up his head coaching job with the Des Moines Buccaneers (USHL) and signs on as an assistant coach with Colorado College (NCHC).
Jamie Arniel, the nephew of former New Haven Nighthawk player and Rangers Assistant Coach,  Scott Arniel, leaves EC Bad Nauheim (Germany-DEL-2) and heads to HC Bratislava (Slovakia-IceHL). A trio of ex-Sound Tigers finds themselves on the move. Joey Martin departs Stavanger (Norway-NEL) and will skate next season for EC Graz (Austria-IceHL). Matt Mangene leaves ESV Villacher SV (Austria-iceHL) for EHC Wolfsburg (Germany-DEL). The new head coach there is a former Rangers draft pick, Mike Stewart. Sebastian Collberg exits Löwen Frankfurt (Germany-DEL-2) and returns home to BIK Karlskoga (Sweden-Allsvenskan). Former Wolf Pack and Ranger Steven Kampfer heads from the Boston Bruins to AK Bars Kazan (Russia-KHL). Former QU Bobcat goalie Michael Garteig leaves ERC Ingolstadt (Germany-DEL) and returns to HIFK Helsinki (Finland-FEL). Ex-Wolf Pack, Ville Meskanen, departs Illves Tampere (Finland-FEL) to go to KooKoo (Finland-FEL) next season. Ex-Wolf Pack and Sound Tiger Chris Bourque signs with ERC Ingolstadt (Germany-DEL) for next season, leaving EHC Munich.
Nick Dineen (Selects Academy at South Kent Prep), who played with the Amarillo Bulls (NAHL), commits to Stevenson University (UCHC) for next fall. In the fall, the return of the CCHA conference names its regular season and playoff trophy names they will be handing out to the winners in the spring. The playoff title will honor the late CCHA great coach of Michigan State, Ron Mason, with the Mason Cup. The regular season title winner will be awarded the McNaughton Cup. USA Hockey let several coaches go, including Kenny Rausch (Danbury/Immaculate High), the Director of USA Youth Hockey.
Goaltender Evan Fear departs Quinnipiac University (ECACHL) and transfers to Northeastern (HE), making 57 school transfers this collegiate off-season and 47 grad transfers. Tobias Fladeby finishes at AIC (AHA) and signs with Tingryds AIF (Sweden-Allsvenskan), making 80 college players sign pro deals in North America and Europe. Emil Öhrvall departs Sacred Heart University (AHA) for BIK Karlskoga (Sweden-Allsvenskan). The Pioneers were his third school in three separate conferences in his collegiate career. Nick Rheaume, the son of ex-Pack/Ranger, Pascal Rhéaume, has committed to UMASS-Lowell (HE) for 2022-23. Rhéaume played with the Prince George Spruce Kings (BCHL) this year. His cousin is Quinnipiac University (ECACHL) transfer goalie Dylan St. Cyr, the son of former New Haven Senators player Gerry. St. Cyr.
Two CT Division-III commits as William Pond (Wilton/CT Roughriders-EHL) heads to Western New England College (CCC). Ponds' Roughrider teammate Connor Sullivan (Brunswick School/CT Jr. Rangers - NCDC) heads to Lake Forest College (NCHA). Joining him at Lake Forest is Mattias Derraugh (Danbury-NAHL), who committed to the Illinois-based school.
The IIHF World Championships are underway in Latvia. There are many familiar names dotting the roster landscape. In Group A, the 3-0 Slovakian team has current Wolf Pack goalie Adam Huska and ex-Pack/Ranger Marek Hrivik. Huska has yet to play, and Hrivik has four points in three games. Slovakia engineered an early upset beating Russia 3-1 on Monday. Denmark has ex-Pack Niklas Jensen, who scored a hat trick in their first game and had a goal and two assists against Great Britain in a 3-2 overtime win Tuesday. Sweden had ex-Pack/Ranger player Oscar Lindberg and ex-Wolf Pack Carl Klingberg. The Czech Republic has ex-Pack and current Rangers defenseman Libor Hajek. They also have Adam, and David Musil, the nephews of former Whalers and Rangers player Bobby Holik. Ex-Pack and current Ranger Filip Chytil and former Beast of New Haven Jaroslav Spacek are the assistant coaches, plus former UCONN Husky recruit Matej Blumel. Belarus has an ex-Sound Tiger, Shane Prince, who has citizenship. Switzerland has a pair of ex-Wolf Pack players in Andres Ambuhl and Raphael Diaz; Great Britain has goalie Jackson Whistle, nephew of former New Haven Nighthawk, Rob Whistle, plus Ben Lake (Sacred Heart University-AHA).
In Group B, the US squad features Ryan Donato, the son of ex-Wolf Pack/Sound Tiger, Ted Donato. They also have a  current Ranger, Kevin Rooney, and the nephew of former New Haven Nighthawk, Steve Rooney. Current Ranger, Zac Jones and Tage Thompson (Milford/UCONN), a son of the current Bridgeport Islanders head coach, Brent Thompson. The head coach is former Sound Tigers bench boss Jack Capuano. The team General Manager is current Rangers President/GM, Hartford GM Chris Drury (Trumbull/Fairfield Prep). Canada has shockingly lost its first three games to Latvia, Germany, and the US. Canada has a current Wolf Pack, Braden Schneider, and former Sacred Heart University (AHA)/Sound Tiger product Justin Danforth. Germany has Tom Kuhnhackl of Bridgeport, and Italy has former Ranger Peter Andersson as one of the assistant coaches, and he is the father of ex-Pack, Calle Andersson. HARTFORD WOLF PACK HOME Read the full article
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