#ft. anastasia
deirdresart · 2 years
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Alectamene early days where Aiglamene is Anastasia and something’s wrong with her but she’s God’s creation and so and so...
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cpyclopse · 1 year
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Shrek the third princesses but with their Disney dresses?
[My art]
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spellbcok · 5 months
a closed starter for cheshire ( @ofxscavengcrs )
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"this is absolutely terrible," anastasia said with a shake of her head. a person, in broad daylight, just stabbed someone next to her. "their blood is all over me." donned in red, as she often was, it was just a shame the shade didn't quite match. "do you think the dry cleaner's will be able to get this out?"
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lleccmte · 2 months
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QUÃO ADORÁVEL - ser algo que o universo quer matar. em todas as chances, em todos os tempos, sem qualquer aviso ; algo viria para tentar acabar consigo & as vezes, o que arthur queria fazer era ceder. abrir ele mesmo o espaço da caixa torácica onde se escondia o coração & dizer : ' vamos, peguem um pedaço e me deixem para morrer ' , talvez existisse paz na morte pois na vida só há reconstrução, e em reconstrução só há violência.
❛ foi só uma queda, não precisa fazer isso, de verdade. ❜ murmurou enquanto a outra limpava os cortes nos nós dos dedos. ❛ eu 'tô bem, annya. ❜ a verdade era clara : não estava . apesar da face estóica e do comportamento irredutível , tinha tido pouco tempo para processar aquela ilusão & quando finalmente teve tempo, depois de assegurar que todos estavam salvos - ou ao menos , que tinham sobrevivido aquilo - , o filho de ares se pegou sozinho com seus pensamentos , o levando a quase quebrar a mão na parede do banheiro enquanto a água fria caia sobre seu corpo. ❛ eu não mereço tudo isso. ❜ disse calmamente, tentando fitar o trabalho com as bandagens e não a garota ao seu lado.
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ela tinha sido a primeira em que pensou quando viu o estrago que tinha deixado , e podia esperar , fazer um trabalho sujo de se remendar ele mesmo, mas em toda a honestidade - não queria estar sozinho & esperava que ela não quisesse também. ❛ como você 'tá? depois de .. ❜ procurou uma palavra adequada - não achou nenhuma, terminou em um sussuro : ❛ tudo. ❜ 
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moonethecate · 1 year
he squints mid-conversation, looking past the moving mouth from one of his friends, gaze landing on her dark shiny hair– “ana?” he asks with a smile curling at the edges of his lips. daniel stands from his seat, entirely missing the sigh from his company as they’re delegated to background noise. “what are you doing here?” ( @conscientes​ )
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dxllfaces · 8 months
{ closed for @achings0ul }
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"god i wish you'd have thought this through, before i went and fell in love with you."
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likesiren · 1 year
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seeing anastasia in a public setting and in the arms of her partner wouldn't stop javier from wanting to tease her , from sneaking out to an empty room and finally showing how much he missed his lover . taking advantage of any distraction from the guests to touch her , whisper in her ear . the thrill of being caught making him reckless . ❛ you look so hot in this dress , ❜ said against her lips , enjoying the first moment alone they had that night . @malboraslihan
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ashfordana · 10 months
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full name: anastasia rebecca norton nicknames: ana, stasi gender: cis woman age: 32 birthday: march 15 zodiac sign: pisces hometown: ashford, ma time in ashford: lifelong occupation: vet nurse @ ashford pet hospital relationship status: single romantic & sexual orientation: panromantic & pansexual positive traits (+): compassionate, intelligent, hardworking negative traits (-): guarded, withdrawn, aloof
anastasia rebecca norton was born march 15 in ashford to her parents gregory and irena. she is the youngest child in the family, having three older brothers. growing up, the norton home was full of love and laughter. irene and gregory loved their children fiercely and supported them in any endeavor they ever wished to adopt. every event, every function, every game, every concert the entire family was present. family dinners were always a huge deal, and as long as ana can remember they have had a dedicated family game night as well as a family movie night.
academics always came easily to anastasia, and by sixth grade she tested well enough to skip seventh and go directly to eight. despite her proclivity for academics, her intelligence worked against her amidst her peers, leaving her without ever having a ton of friends, or party invites. though those she did have she cherished, and remained as close with as possible. great grades and a mile-long list of extracurriculars afforded ana entry into virtually any college she could have desired, though she chose to attend the local community college to obtain her degree in Veterinary Technology.
after graduation anastasia did the only thing she'd ever planned to do- got herself a small and affordable apartment downtown, and began her life. after landing a job at the local pet hospital, she took on a new schedule and began to allow the pieces of her adult life to fall together. she is still close with her family, and visits with them every sunday for dinner and family gossip.
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coconvtfm · 1 year
a day off for anastasia was rare at best. correction - a day off where she could just relax and not have a laundry list of errands to run. today was turning out to be one of those days, where the brunette could sleep in, maybe sit at the cafe around the corner from her apartment, focus on the things that made her happy. she was just shrugging her cardigan on when she heard the bell, eyebrows furrowed when she heard it and only deepening when the door open and tam was on the other side. it had been years since seeing her former lover, at least in person and not in some shitty local newspaper, and the mixed emotions swirling in her chest had her gripping the doorknob so hard that her fingers were going numb.
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"uh-" she stammered out after a second, remembering how to speak, "what...what are you doing here?"
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it was magical to see the other woman again. since she was taken into custody, she hadn't seen much of her. who could blame her, she had been a convicted murderer. "i... i came to tell you that i got exonerated. there's... a guy in prison for that murder i was blamed for. i'm out. i'm... i'm rebuilding my life." she said and shrugged, "and i wanted to... see whether or not you'd... still want me around or whatever." she added, not even sure if that made sense. what she really wanted to say was that she loved her, wanted her back, wished to have a life together... but that was probably a bit much.
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virtuousouls · 2 years
continued from here | @galaxydrcaming​
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yelena didn’t even respond to the other words at first, completely shocked by what had come from anya’s mouth. “did you just say that in perfect russian?” she questioned. she knew anya could understand her sometimes when she spoke in russian, but yelena had just figured that had come from being around her so much. considering it was usually the same phrases yelena said. but this was completely new. “to do with the dreams again?” she asked, knowing her friend was troubled by them sometimes.
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lilaxwinemoved · 2 years
ship tags.
( ft henry. the book of love ) ( ft vasco. there's very little i wouldn't do for you ) ( kurt & vasco ) ( ft vasco. are you afraid of sinking ) ( leon & vasco ) ( ft addy. both hands – please use both hands ) ( ft henry. the book of love ) ( ft anastasia. your laughter vines through my hair – roots growing into my heart ) ( ft david. the only living boy in new york ) ( ft harry. battle tested relationshit ) ( ft fitz. cigarettes and chocolate milk ) ( ft kim. no other word makes my mouth as tender as your name ) ( ft rust. can i waste all your time here on this sidewalk? ) ( ft roy. i broke my rules for you ) ( ft lucas. now you're singing in dutch to me ) ( ft bryan. the only time we've held hands is when i threw a punch and you caught it ) ( kieran & bryan ) ( ft hannibal. you and i have begun to blur ) ( ft bryan. give me a few days of peace in your arms ) ( will & bryan ) ( ft miller. these first few desperate hours )
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aishathevar · 7 months
who: aisha & @anastasiamontgomeryhq
where: the mirage, downtown merrock
when: march, 2024
Aisha had only seen Anastasia a few times since she'd taken up residence in the beach house. Unlike the few times she'd visited her in the city, or whenever she visited her during the summer, things felt a bit different. But she just chalked it up to seeing her in a new light, the more casual moments spent around town different from the more lively weekends they spent whenever she could spare time to see her. But nevertheless, she was glad to have her in town for however long she decided to stay. Which is why she invited her for drinks at the Mirage, a bit of a nicer spot that she was sure she would appreciate. As she stepped into the speakeasy, she glanced around before catching the other's eye, a smile as she approached her. "Come here often?" she teasingly asked, eyes sparkling slightly at the sight of her. "Sorry, that was a bit cheesy of me, but it's great to see you!"
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spellbcok · 2 months
a closed starter for rhysand ( @rcvcrics )
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"when i was younger, the witch in fairytales was always the one that was pretty to me."
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eriksvn · 11 months
CLOSED  —  two kings casino ‎‏‏‎ ❛ fire and ice gala ❜‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎/‏‏‎ ‎@anyapetrovv
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And in the blink of an eye, a night of fun twisted into a nightmare. Nikolai used his handkerchief as a improvised mouth scarf after the grenades were thrown - red smoke quickly extending throughout the room. Finding Alina was his only goal, leading the man to venture into the crowd, the sounds of gunfire being overlaid by screams of unadulterated horror.
His green eyes burned intensely, the compromised vision prevented him from advancing on his path, being pulled by the flow of people hurrying towards the emergency exits. The hitman dragged himself to a nearby area, leaning against the wall and checking the inside pocket of his suit for his pistol. Nik managed to get back to his feet, now facing the long hallway - the soft lights were the only thing identifiable through his blurred vision.
That was when he felt the cold touch of metal against the back of his neck. The man turned around with a quick movement, his hand gripping the pistol under the barrel, pushing upwards towards the stranger. Upon hearing the heavy noise of the weapon hitting the ground, Nikolai kicked it away, turning towards the figure that had attacked him, close enough to identify some features. Big green eyes, arched eyebrows, plump rosy lips, dark brown hair. And there was also that perfume - a characteristic fragrance that constantly haunted his memories.
"Ana?" he asked in disbelief. The man couldn't help but lower his own weapon, his entire body weakened due to the heavy feeling of betrayal.
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dxllfaces · 8 months
{ closed for @scarletsxnss }
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keys jangle, fiddled with the lock against the front door, she's quiet, almost wanting to surprise the male with her presence, sixteen hours away from the secluded home, sixteen hours away from him. trust earned over the past few weeks, or was it months? blonde had forgotten herself, but at least she didn't have to worry if he was planning on escaping, running away, ruining what they had built. "baby," sweet voice echoes through wood panelled home, before her keys are safely tucked away, door locked, sealed. still couldn't take the chances. takes her time in getting herself comfy, scrubs removed, bag thrown to her couch in her living room, "baby boy," carries on with her words until she finds him, same spot she'd left him in that morning. "you miss me?" of course he did, she'd leached her way into pliable mind, planted herself there.
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wcmensworld · 1 year
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thomas + ana
'sit down, you're distracting me' @traegics
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