#ft. godfather Oogway
dracocheesecake · 5 months
He Who Picks Up His Son When He Falls
A One-Shot from an AU where Kai and Oogway were never ambushed and Kai actually had time to settle down and have a family. Oogway realizes what kind of a father Kai is, and more importantly, why young children are called 'toddlers'.
It was a gorgeous Spring afternoon, the perfect afternoon to have tea out in one of the courtyards of your brother-in-arms and co-warlord's vast estate, Oogway thought; Kai, on the other hand, saw it as a nice opportunity to sharpen his skills with a bo staff, and a secondary one to take a short reprieve from the rowdy bunch of calves he had spawned- demons, Oogway liked to call them, though affectionately, for all of them were as dear to him as if they were his own; Still, there was no doubt that their mother and the nannies would have their hands full with them today.
It had been a fine afternoon well spent. Now it was winding down. Kai and Oogway were just talking, Kai holding his staff on his shoulders with his wrists. Oogway took a sip of his tea- and then noticed a flash of movement in the corner of his eye. He glanced over and saw one of Kai's calves- an escapee- toddling clumsily along, little hooves stumbling on the courtyard stones. Inevitably the little one tripped and landed on his chin.
The calf's chubby face flushed, eyes welling with tears. Tiny sobs started breaking and building. Oogway spat out his tea and prepared to get up to help him. Kai saw Oogway start, paused, and then turned, catching sight of his son on the ground.
But instead of helping, as anyone would expect of a half-way decent father, Kai tossed his head back and laughed boisterously at his son's misfortune. Oogway wanted to scold Kai for it, and was indeed about to- but then Kai put down his staff, went over, chuckling to himself, and stood the calf back up on his hooves. The calf sniffled, and Kai bent down to his level, wiping his eyes clean with his thumbs.
"Shh, shh," Kai murmured, "it's ok. No crying. You're not hurt. It's ok. You're tough."
He turned his son around and gently nudged him away. "Walk it off, back to your mother. There you go. Atta boy."
The calf continued to sniffle, but was already walking again with a more steady gait than before, little chin held just a little higher, and the tears had stopped. Kai nodded with an approving grunt and picked up his staff again along with the tail end of their conversation. Oogway's anger vanished in an instant. He poured himself another cup of tea, smiling.
"You'd think the son of the Maker of Widows would have learned to walk by now," Oogway said. "He has big hoofprints to fill, after all."
Kai snorted in amusement. "He does, but that won't be happening anytime soon, if he keeps tripping and landing on his face." Kai chuckled. "That's just the third time today."
"Well, at least he'll have the assurance that his father will always pick him up when he falls."
The edges of Kai's ears flushed, and his muzzle turned a slightly darker shade. He looked away.
"For now, until he learns to stand and walk on his own."
"And he will," Oogway said.
Kai smiled again, chest swelling with pride. "And then, maybe, he'll be able to fill in these hoofprints and collecting names for himself, like his father."
Oogway laughed. "Here's a start: Chaoxiang, Who Falls Flat On His Face."
"Hey, that's my son you're talking about. Only I'm allowed to make fun of him."
"And only I'm allowed to make fun of you, Cleaner of Snotty Noses."
"That's it: go pick up another staff. I'm going to beat your ass."
Oogway smiled and placed his cup down. "You can certainly try, He Who Laughs When His Son Falls."
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