missmxrtian · 4 years
“Keep it. It suits you.” @mistressofmagic​
“Are you sure? I feel like pink never looks good on me with my skin tone. Like I’m one second away from shapeshifting into a platter of watermelon.” M’gann held the pink sweater up to herself, “Hm. Okay. I like fuzzy things. Thanks, Zee.” She smiles at the woman who she had all but considering her sister. (Maybe one day she’d admit out loud that the form she had taken was because of her—to look like she could be her sister.) 
She had J’onn, she’d always have J’onn, but she had found her family on Earth. There wasn’t a day that went by that M’gann didn’t miss her parents. She’d think about what the government had done to them and fear with what was happening with Agent Liberty meant it’d happen to her too. She missed her mother’s hugs and her father’s smile. She knew Zatanna felt similarly with her own father and that time each year that came around, boiled down to one hour that she deserved so much more. M’gann hoped she could be as much of a family to Zatanna as she was to her. 
“I didn’t come just to raid your closet, I just wanted to check on you.” M’gann told her as she sat on the edge of Zatanna’s bed. “That you can talk to me,” a pause before M’gann said in the other woman’s mind, ‘even if it’s telepathically. That way no one can hear. You know I prefer this way anyway. It’s what I’m used to.’ 
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aegist · 6 years
misstressofmagic started following you
hey, whats up? tony stark, friendly local mechanic.
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pyrogenetic · 6 years
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sometimes you just gotta carry your cute bird @misstressofmagic around 🔥
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psyprick · 7 years
@hugchecks @misstressofmagic @starcraftlover9000 @onceapunchatime @mistxrpig @issuedgod @dethcok
hello. we’ve amassed a crowd. who are all of you?
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umbralabraxant · 6 years
misstressofmagic > denouemxnted
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betterthan777 · 7 years
Okay so listen up 8itches-
--So there are a few people coming to my 8anging Party tomorrow @eridracnis (are you still coming? you still bringing your d8m8?) @pyrogenetic @misstressofmagic @doppelfucker
While the Invit8tion is open and any8ody can come, I need to know who’s showing up! This is so I can ensure you all get a VIP Charge Card and an Open Registr8tion to wander a8out L8dy’s Mansion and, 8y extension, L8dy’s Country without any kind of pro8lems!
When you arrive you’ll 8e in the Travel Room. It’s decor8ted up now, 8ut there will 8e a 8arred window in the wall with a8out 4 or 5 dudes in sequined tuxedos 8ehind it. They will have weapons and radios. They are the Staff of L8dy’s Country and they’re there to check in your weapons!
You can totally 8ring them, they wont 8e t8ken from you, they’re just going to 8e registered and signed for and ‘Peace 8onded’ with little 8lue plastic strips. This is just in case they get lost or stolen so we can reloc8te them for you and get them 8ack to you as soon as possi8le!
There’s a semi-strict ‘No shooting the fuck out of any8ody’ in L8dy’s Country, 8ut Duels are allowed if someone pisses you off, and we do have a shooting gallery that you can go 8oast and show off your 8ang-8ang-8a8ies if your trigger finger gets itchy~
I’ll have more inform8tion on the Activities and Locale 8y tomorrow morning, 8ut I just wanted to kind of drop a general ‘What’s Accepta8le 8ehaviour’ thing 8efore I roll up my sleeves and type out more <3
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loveonearth-blog · 8 years
CHARACTER FLAWS & STRENGTHS ↳ bold what applies to your muse! – repost, don’t reblog.
TAGGED BY: @iwastheultimatequartz TAGGING: @waterboreding @misstressofmagic @justcrystallizedcarbon
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny manipulative | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | predatory | selfish | ruthless greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive     vengeful | apathetic | sadistic | petty | unlucky
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | theatrical | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
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caligoascendant · 8 years
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@misstressofmagic liked your post:Hrmm… Where could everyone be this fine day of...
Raven! What a delight to see you on my dash as well.
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specterebus · 8 years
What do you like to do in your spare time?  
             ((What are you talking about this is my spare time
I draw, mostly for the blog because I’m an uncreative shit and can’t draw anything else right now, I binge Youtube, and I have feelings jams with my moirail))
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pyrogenetic · 7 years
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okay so the bird’s alive and as gay as ever
thanks to @misstressofmagic for these good good gays
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psyprick · 7 years
mistxrpig replied to your post “@hugchecks @misstressofmagic @starcraftlover9000 @onceapunchatime...”
Roadhog 👍
hello, roadhog.
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umbralabraxant · 7 years
betterthan777 mentioned you in a post: Okay so listen up 8itches-
…still bringing your d8m8?)@pyrogenetic@ misstressofmagic @doppelfuckerWhile the Invit8tion is…
Oh... yeah. If Saro still wants to go we’ll be there.
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alphamxther-blog · 9 years
I feel like @corvuskin and @misstressofmagic might like my queue over the next few days.
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specterebus · 8 years
misstressofmagic started following you
Oh hello there
How are you?
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imadouchetrustme · 9 years
misstressofmagic replied to your post
i hate this
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pyrogenetic · 7 years
misstressofmagic replied to your post: oh man i hope rae doesn’t find the cucumb
I have found the cucumber.
fucking god
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