#ftfo prism
Ftfo chapter 34 and others hehe
First the doodles!
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I think Ink will just make himself an ink leg until he discovers that he can just paint it back SOMEONE PLEASE TELL HIM
Also, when he gets Broomie he’ll be so confused if it speaks and no one but him can hear it lmaooooo
We also have Nightmare having the time of his life with uncle Corrupted, look at how happy he is!! I decided to draw him as young Nightmare because he’s a poor little meow meow
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Doodle as Toriel because yes, although Doodle won’t be getting a body I think if they did it would be a Toriel…
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Also I decided to design human Healer and Prism. And Geno xDDDD
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I think human Healer would want to have a braid like Prism so he would ask every day if his hair is long enough for a braid, it obviously isn’t so they just tell him it’s almost long enough xDDDDDDD Killer would be honest though xDDDDD
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Your names makes so much sense now TvT
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Meme from chapter 32? I think it was 32… yes 32
Let him knit! >:/
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Prism the moment he manages to get in Healer’s universe again xDDDDDDD
Oh Dr Fell, Fell Alphys and XGaster are gonna be in so much trouble huhu
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ask-fgod · 1 year
A look at a self worse/better than you.
Ink, the God of Creation, was selfish although he refused to admit it to anyone. Prism, is the complete opposite. Let's see what happens when these two are allowed to interact. Kinda a gift to Im_Sorry_Buddy, kinda just me messing around with two blorbos. A crossover between the tumblr blog @/ask-fgod and the fic For the Forgotten Ones.
One-shot under the cut.
Ink had always noticed that mirror. Never interacted with it surprisingly enough, even though he's usually a curious kind of guy. 
And a kind of guy who wasn't really scared of anything, but something about it made him uneasy, even though it's just a mirror. Literally just a plain old mirror. 
Looking at it made him feel watched. Like someone was observing him, even though like he said, it's an object. He doesn't like repeating himself, but it's a stupid old mirror.
But that's the thing. It's a mirror that's been floating there for who knows how long. It was there when he first came to this place, which was when he was only a few days old.
And he's… uh… 
He doesn't know how old he is now, but it's a lot. A lot a lot. Tons. Hundreds. Thousands. He would even say it's like a millena or two. 
The mirror was there though. Throughout all of time. He didn't even remember creating it. Whichever being who brought him into existence might've left it for him as a gift or whatnot.
Well, it's not a good gift, that's for sure. It's just a mirror. A creepy old mirror. Curse whoever made him, that's the worst gift he ever could've gotten.
But it's been long enough avoiding it, he supposes. Might as well take a closer look at it.
Ink walks from universe to universe, taking his sweet precious time making his way over to it. The universes are close enough to where he can just walk from each to each, so he might as well.
With each step, the anticipation fills Ink's lack of a soul. It feels like someone is waiting for him, even though the mirror is just an inanimate object. 
Despite the mirror's lack of a brain or soul, that someone Ink feels seems like they've been waiting for quite a long time to speak with him. About what, he doesn't really know.
He's read stories about reflections leading to other universes. Hell, he's even made universes that have plotlines revolving around that. 
Hey! Speaking of that, he's on one of 'em right now! Hi mirror universe he forgot the name of! Ink waves at the door leading to the universe's inside. How ya doin'?
Maybe he should take a visit and see how everyone's doing there! Do a lil' check-up. 
But he was doing something, wasn't he? What was it…?
Oh, right! That mirror. He's pretty close to it now, enough to where he can see his reflection in it. He also waves at his reflection. The reflection doesn't wave back.
Huh. Maybe the mirror is like, a cursed item. If so, pretty uncool of his creator to give him that. He's just a little silly guy, he doesn't deserve cursed items. 
The guy in the mirror (that looks a lot like him but a tad different) is probably gonna come out and deck him in the face. Or try to. He isn't gonna give him the chance. 
Ink pulls out Broomie from his back. He has to be prepared for some evil doppelganger tryna steal his place. Or whatever the guy in the mirror is. 
Might be some evil clone of him that's like Roro and Berror that destroys stuff. His beautiful creations, his beautiful stuff.
"Hey, you!"
"Get over here, you greyed-out idiot!!!"
"You hear me, don't you!? I have alotta things to say to you!!!"
Ohhhh… That voice must be his evil mirror doppelganger ganger. 
Makes sense, it sounds so much like him but less silly and full of joy.
Also why did he call him greyed-out. He's been called an idiot before, but not greyed-out.
Maybe evil doppelgangers like him have their own weird insults. Doesn't make sense, but it's something.
…Oooh! Maybe he could use that for a new AU idea!!!
Ink approaches the mirror, waving one hand up in a greeting, and another hand wrapped around his dear Broomie, with a big ol' smile on his face.
"Heya there my evil mirror reflection doppelganger that I have just only checked out today! How ya doin'?" He asks his alternate.
The said alternate bangs on the mirror, a small paint figure walking out of it and kicking Ink's leg as hard as it can. Which isn't hard. 
"Are you insane???" The Ink in the mirror responds angrily. "How can you be like this when your whole world is falling apart!!!"
Ink leans on the mirror casually. "Doppel, bud, Doppel short for Doppelganger… I have no idea what ya mean."
"Of course." The other Ink, now dubbed Doppel by the Ink outside the mirror, "You would act like you don't know, because you're the one causing it!!!"
Ink just stares at him like an idiot, like he doesn't know what he's talking about. He does, though. "Who told ya that, buddy? Error? Blueberror? Nightmare? They're all wrong, ya know. Covering their own butts for what they're actually causing."
Doppel points a finger at the mirror, right at Ink. "Monochrome, you know exactly what I mean! I've seen your universe, I've been observing it for I don't know how long! You're making too much, and abusing that power most Inks don't have, and your place is going to die from it!"
Ink looks from the left to right and sits down next to the mirror, leaning on it still. "Whaddya just call me?"
"Monochrome, because that's what your universe looks like, and that's what you deserve to be called. You're an embarrassment to all Inks throughout the multiverse!" He responds.
"Ohhh…" Ink looks on with a thoughtful expression. "Wait, there's other Inks? That's cool! So this thingys like a communication device?"
"Yes, but-"
"Can I talk to an Ink other than you?"
"You're avoiding the topic, aren't you!" Doppel raises his arms up in frustration, exasperated. "Just admit it! It's not like there's anyone else here that's going to hear you!"
Hmm… Should he? Doppel is right, there isn't anyone here. And there never will be anyone else here, due to him being the only one that has access to this place.
Still, his pride though…
'What about his pride?' He thinks back to himself. If anything, he would have even more pride by showing Doppel how powerful he is.
It's only the other's fault that he doesn't see it the same way.
"Fineeee…" He says childishly. "Ya got me, Doppel bud. But 't's not really like you can do anything about it, can ya?"
Doppel sighs. "You're right, Monochrome. I can't. But I can at least warn you. Which you clearly aren't listening to, but at least I tried!"
"Warn me about wha?"
"Y- You-" He groans, exasperated. "Warn you about your whole multiverse dying! Your Error and Blueberror can't keep on going forever, y'know."
"Uh." Ink stares at him, looking behind from where he's sitting. "Ya they can. They're immortal. If I can create this much, then the two of them combined can surely keep up, you get me?"
"No Monochrome, I do not get you. I do not get you at all. I have to ask you a question, do you think they enjoy destruction as much as your creation?" He asks.
"Tell the truth."
"Tell. The truth."
"I said it, I think they do!"
"Monochrome, so stars help me." Doppel tiredly looks at Ink, an expression emoting his frustration clear on his face.
Ink makes a face similar to a cat, his ovalike eyes round with faux-innocence. "Trust me, I realllllly do think they like it!"
"You're me, Monochrome. I'm you." He pauses. "I think I'd know well enough when you aren't being honest. I think even you can tell that your Error and Blueberror are unhappy about what they're being forced to do."
"But Berror is pretty murder-happy i'nt he? He's killed me on multiple occasions." The other proudly proclaims. "So why wouldn't he be happy killing people other than me?"
"Because you suck. Next."
"I don't suck!"
"Yes, you do."
"No, I don't! I'm a cool little silly guy who has never done anything wrong or immoral in his life! Trust me!" Ink insists.
"I do not trust you." Doppel strikes back. "Anyways, how about Error? He rarely lays a finger on your smug little body."
"You're small too!"
"You're avoiding the question again. Answer it." He commands Ink.
"Well…" He pauses, thoughtful. Thinking with that little small brain of his. "Roro just likes me more, I guess!"
"I doubt that. Error's just more of a pacifist than anything."
"Then why does he-"
"He only kills because you force him to. I thought we already established this, Monochrome."
"Well… Hmm… How do I know that?" Ink laughs. It's hard to tell if he's laughing at the situation he's in, laughing at Doppel, or just laughing in general. It doesn't really matter, he's laughing anyways.
Doppel, meanwhile, isn't amused by this. 
"Hey, you greyscale little liar! This isn't a laughing matter! You wanna know how you know that?"
"Hm… hehehe… bet, I guess." He giggles.
Doppel inhales, then exhales, calming himself. He has to, or he will find a way to strangle this little self-serving… self-serving… stars, he can't even think of an insult.
Well, it's not like he deserves one.
He begins his question. "You know how Error fell into the void? Like, on purpose?"
"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything? He's back now, right?" He unseriously remarks.
"Well, I've looked at other multiverses… and some are very similar to yours. So similar, like they stem from the same concept."
"Your point being…?"
Doppel hovers over him, trying to look as threatening as possible. He has to get this through the other's thick skull that he could've had it worse. "Error could've dragged you in there with him if he was a quote on quote 'worse' person. You'd both be gone if that was the case. And I don't think in your multiverse a magical deity would be willing to save someone like you."
Ink stares, silent. He looks up at all the universes jam-packed together, stares behind him at Doppel through the mirror, stares at Broomie who is sitting right beside him. A thought crosses his mind. 
A thought of if that really could've happened.
But before he even has the chance to read through what Doppels statement implied, he laughs.
"You really think I'm gonna believe that?!" He giggles. "You gotta be joking me. I would never leave myself open to an attack like that, even if that ever were to happen!" Ink snorts, falling onto his back in laughter. "People love me, they'd protect me from getting dragged into there. And Error knows not to do that to me, cuz he knows that I'm the one in charge, y'know?"
Doppel just stares at him incredulously.
Ink continues. "Dream would defend me, all my creations would defend me, everyone other than Nightmare, his gang, Error, and Blueberror would protect me! It's like… uh… five? Six? Four? Against tons! I'm not gonna fall into the void, even if I did I know whoever made me would get me out, you do realize that, right?"
Doppel still stares.
"Are ya… huff puff… Wow that's a lot… Yeesh you gotta be… puff huff… More threatening and real than that to make me doubt myself!" Ink rolls over on the floor, onto his side, grabbing his non-existent stomach. 
"You're insane." Doppel states. "What are you even doing this for, anyways?"
"Cuz I like it, Dop-Dop! It's not gonna go downhill anytime soon, so why should I stop when I have all the support on this side of the multiverse!?"
"Because it's hurting people???" He says, incredulous yet again. Yet again? He's been incredulous for almost this whole conversation. "Is that all you care about? Fun? Attention? Being the hero?"
Ink sits up, finally gotten all the laughs and giggles out of his system. "I don't wanna say you're right, but I don't really wanna say you're wrong, either. Just leave, you aren't gonna change my mind."
Doppel glares at him. "At least I tried. It's your own fault if this backfires on you, one way or another. I hope I never see you again."
With that, Doppel disappears from the mirrors reflection, leaving Ink only to stare at himself.
Like he always is. Focused on himself.
Never even thinking of consequences.
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salamiimommy · 1 year
just realized I never made a proper post
ftfo nation
we should character tag our stuff
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manosaldibujo · 1 year
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“Prism would not be a performer in the circus but he had gained a love for acrobatics, especially Muffet’s aerial routine.”
“Seeing her perform within the ribbons reminded Ink of when he’d climb through Error’s strings, laughing and dancing far above the ground.”
“Slowly, light shimmered around Ink, shifting from a soothing black to the hypnotic prismatic shades of a rainbow. The magic’s form slowly morphed into ribbons, joining Ink and wrapping around him as he danced and swayed through the air.”
For the forgotten ones Prism story.
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leapdayowo · 1 year
Talk about current chapters of ftfo below!
So uh, I had a thought that with what happened to Dream getting really weak suddenly. What if the scientist from the Omega timeline try to do something similar to Dream like what they did to Prism in Prism’s multiverse..? Like obviously really concerned about Ink’s fate, but uh… Dream could be seen as the weaker guardian right now that could use some experimenting on to be able to continue to fight against Nightmare… idk just throwing angst potential out there
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sunnybunnybabs · 1 year
FTFO Chapter 34, spoilers
OhhhhhHhh I LOVE THE DOODLE SPHERE SM. It's doing it's damned best since it had such bad influence from the multiverse's inhabitants
Look at that, Ink was right, stop resorting to murder and hostility Cus now we got a very hostile Doodle Sphere
Doodle Sphere got the "Ive only had Ink for a day and a half but if anyone hurts him I'll kill everyone in the multiverse and then myself" ...except the DS likes both Healer and Prism lmao I love it
The amount of times I've called shit like I KNEW Fell Gaster was working with XGaster godDAMNIT
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A bit of my live reaction ramblings (Most of it was cursing Fell Gaster don't worry)
I'm calling it that Ink will lose a leg I'm sorry there's just no way he isn't with how much it's talked about
Also the bit about Stretch saying XGaster going out into the Omega Timeline with a disguise I feel like...the disguise is the Undertale Gaster but don't quote me on that
I'm also very excited for Healer getting Broomie I CANNOT WAIT something did always feel off about Healer n it's Cus he's missing BROOMIE
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painpict · 1 year
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sketchingstars03 · 6 months
sorry for rambling but uhrrmmm ig continuation of the mirror room ask: if ink re-entered i think the many soulless "him"s would just reinforce his hopeless worldview even more tbh. that he's doomed to end up tgis way always. oh yeah on an unrelated note on his backstory yk that 1 tidbit ab how he initially tried to "make his world a better place" but no one answered and like he did try everything in the book before resorting to destroying his soul. the other inhabitants of _____tale just went numb and accepted their fate and he grew hateful other those other sketches bc of that iirc. i think about that a lot. something something _____'s undoing is caring too much and Ink's flaw is not caring enough. something something he became the thing he hated the most, and how it's implied he's not so happy w/ who he is ig this ties in with the reason FTFO!Ink (Healer) and Prism being more good-aligned is because *somebody came* so he still retains that urge to help and to change yk.
I always love getting rambly asks like this Anon never apologize (even though I take a while to answer them abkskskskjjk)
That’s literally SO interesting. I’ve thought about the irony of Ink going from being the only being in his world with a soul to one of the only ones without it, but I never quite made the connection between that and the whole “ink probably doesn’t like who he is” thing (which I really need to think about more in general aughhh).
It makes sense though! Though Ink obviously doesn’t remember anything from his life before he ripped out his soul, so I think that “”self loathing”” so to speak (though I don’t think Ink HATES themselves) would be subconscious. They just, feel unsatisfied for some reason, not quite being able to put their finger on exactly WHY but it’s just a gut feeling. Like the feeling that no creation should be abandoned he probably gets that I’ve discussed before, not knowing why he feels this way just that he feels it’s innately wrong.
Though even still, even if Ink doesn’t like the way he is, he can’t exactly easily change the part of him that, well, doesn’t change the world around him too much. They don’t really see anything wrong with how the multiverse currently is (as long as nothing is being tampered with) because, well, it’s all just stories right? And even if they did, it would interfere with the scripts far too much to even TRY and change things, making him fail at his job. Kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place in a way.
Doesn't mean Ink is incapable of personal change (I’m tackling that subject myself 👀), but still! Becoming the very thing you used to hate the most, not liking yourself for it deep down (though also probably trying to suppress that dislike cuz it gets in the way of other things), and yet not exactly able to change that part easily so you’re kinda stuck like that one way or another.
God Ink has so many problems what a great character. Who put all this illness in your mental sir? Oh right your creator
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meimeikyu · 1 year
ftfo 43 omggg!!
everything is finally going okay,,,, n yet i completely feel like ink here
it doesnt *feel* over (i mean the entire fic isnt yet but u get my point) like. i still feel like something awful is gonna happen out of the blue,,, but maybe im jsut used to traumatizing them even more- also ink when u get a chance u should reallyyy go see if u can connect to prism with the mirror thing he is probably so fucking scared for u man-
some1 should probably check in with ccino too actually that seems like a good idea
i still feel so bad for color :(((( i wanna hug him but hes DEAD TnT
also dust n paps my beloveds <333
im so glad everything is slowly healing,,,,
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ghostinthepepper · 1 year
ftfo ch 32 spoilers
man, the way nightmare said "But you can find the Protector of Creation if you tried, can’t you?"
like idk if the real nightmare knew about the whole 'find the protector of creation' thing but i'm starting to think the corruption not just in nightmare but also the whole multiverse is sort of sapient
and probably shares a consciousness or a single being controls it all sort of like the whole asriel thing in prism's multiverse where he took over people's minds and stuff
so of course the corruption that is controlling nightmare would know about error's corruption. because they are one and the same so corruption was probably using that to push error further.
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There will be spoilers. You have been warned.
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I had almost finished when I remembered non corrupted nightmare was adult like so… have a sassy murderous child Nightmare! I think… I think Nightmare is my third favorite character, after Ink and Prism. I really like him. Despite his corruption he still really cares about his gang and would totally kill and/or die for them. I like him. I like his determination to not hurt the people he cares about. (Where does the light come from? Who knows?)
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And since we’re going to Ccino’s cafe… the BAD CAT GANG! I put two images, one with blur and one without it. (I have never drawn cats. I think it shows. I kinda just. Drew over cat images xD)
For those who don’t know, Ccino is a Sans that owns a cafe with cat versions of different important sanses. I don’t know if he’s aware of the representation .
I should mention that I did not work especially hard on the cats xD
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everydaygremlin · 1 year
ok i am going to ramble abt ftfo for a moment here
in chapter 16 we learn that there’s also yet another multiverse, which was unexpected. with a story like this, you usually except only 1 more. but the second one, Prism’s, is revealed not to be from the multiverse we’re used to, instead from an altered version of ftfo’s. its unclear if prism has a soul, but based onto descriptors, in can be gathered that he has his unique pupils, therefore drinks paints, therefore likely destroyed his soul, which means nightmare could have been all of… five seconds later. and of course series that don’t just acknowledge the multiverse but the omega verse i love very much, as well, i am so so very normal abt this. the multiverse trying to fix itself never occurred in this timeline, as prism is closer to the Ink from the multiverse we are used to (canon ink) and did end up losing his soul and discovering the creators, however the relationship prism has with nightmare and his gang, shows that prism may have also joined nightmares gang, similar to ftfo’s ink. therefore the most noticeable change in Prism’s multiverse was nightmare being slightly later. he could have been 5 seconds, or 5 years. we may never know. there is of course the possibility that Prism had his soul taken, which is why he tells Ink to not let them take his soul. either are possible.
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salamiimommy · 1 year
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manosaldibujo · 1 year
Heeey after reading FTFO chapter 23 here.
I love every single thing about it, it’s my favorite chapter of not only the fanfic but almost every story I have consumed like omg-
I just wanna say that one of the reason I love it so much is the multiverse we’re prism comes from. I wrote the prism theory like …2 years ago ? Less or more I don’t know but holy… thank you thank you to every one who supports and enjoy my stupid thing I’m forever grateful.
I love to see the concept of Prism!Tale in any kind of media and it’s amazing how a lot of people take it as a headcanon, inspiration for their own project or even as totally posible to be canon. Thank you endlessly.
Never stop creating ! Be the one who makes rainbows out of nothing! Be a prism !.
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enbyhyena · 10 months
Hi this is me opening up an opportunity to ask our system questions! You can either submit an ask or post something to our Tellonym, which we would then respond to here!
Here is the link to our Tellonym.
Below is a list of headmates comfortable with receiving/answering direct questions, in groups of five to try and improve readability, as well as mentioning their sources (in case anyone wants to ask questions relating to their memories):
• Anduin (World of Warcraft), Beta (Underlust Sans), Bleedingfrost (Warriors, reincarnation of Scourge), Canvas (UTMV Ink), Ccino (Fluffytale)
• Crane (UTMV, Paper Crane), Crona (Soul Eater), Cross (Xtale/Underverse), Dave (Homestuck), AJ (Davesprite, Homestuck)
• Fuego (Underfell Papyrus), Gold (Malltale Dream), Grovyle (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon), Helios (Eclipsetale Dream), Icarus (Dreamswap Dream)
• Jackal (Underfell Sans), Jaina (World of Warcraft), Jamie (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody), Jasmine (Swapfell Purple(?), I think? Not very canon-compliant), Jay (Underswap Sans)
• JJ (Malltale Ink), Kankri (Homestuck), Killer (Something New), Lua (Error Sans), Midas (UTMV, Molten Dreams AU)
• Midnight (Leviathantale/Eclipsetale Nightmare), Mint (Malltale Nightmare), Moondrop (FNAFSB), Morgue (Dusttale Sans, not canon-compliant), N (Pokémon)
• Nil (Eclipsetale Cross), Owl (For the Forgotten Ones/FTFO Ink), Prism (Underfresh Sans), Rabbit (Eclipsetale Bunny), Red (Pokémon)
• Siren (UTMV, Idol AU Dream), Sol (Original and unpublished Dreamtale AU, "Renegade/Vagabond" Dream), Sterling (Eclipsetale Killer), Sundrop (FNAFSB), Swiftheart (Warriors Swiftpaw)
• Sylvanas (World of Warcraft), Talltail (Warriors Tallstar), Tien (UTMV, Amalgamated subsystem of deceased Dreams/Nightmares, brainmade), Touya (Pokémon), Tunabee (Mituna, Homestuck)
• Vaati (The Legend of Zelda), Vogue (UTMV, Bridal AU Ink), Wolfgang (Swapfell Papyrus), Ysera (World of Warcraft)
Boundaries: Everyone is generally okay with being asked questions related to their source, and some even appreciate them. However, please be mindful not to intentionally ask questions that are geared to make a headmate uncomfortable, or accuse them of something they might have done in canon. Many of the people in our system come from AUs or are otherwise not source-compliant. We're choosing to open up about the inner machinations of our System on a platform other than Discord; if we feel like that vulnerability is being regularly abused, we will take that away. So please be respectful!
Disclaimer: We are a mixed-origins, polyfragmented system diagnosed with DID in 2018. We have known we were on the plural spectrum since 2016. We are pro-endogenic. This is not a discourse blog and we will not answer bigoted or hateful questions. They will be deleted, so don't waste your time interacting. Thank you.
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sunnybunnybabs · 1 year
FTFO chapter 39, spoilers
I’m being so regular about this
Ignited’s POV was so hard to read it was just so painful I had to stop so many times especially the last POV when he got saved I was so close to cryi mg ofucyhfhfhjgjgkgkv
On another note I love the bickering between Ink, Error and Broomie it is a fucking DELIGHT they’re already so silly together- ANF THE SURPRISE APPEARANCE OF FRESH WAS ODCURYF VERY WELCOME OMG YESSSSSS
ON another another note the scene of Horror, Fell bros and Killer was ODYFHHFH and the fake out part where we all thought he was boutta kill Red YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME I WAS FULLY EXPECTING ONE OF THE FELL BROS TO DIE GOING INTO THIS AFTER WHAT HAPPENED TO COLOR
We r so close to winning oufhhfhg we jus needa save Nightmare, save Cross, kill the gasters n fell alphys, save Aster, get rid of the corrupted and uhhh fix the multiverse
Also checkup on Prism I miss him
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